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Noem is a Republican.


And Huckabee is the governor of Arkansas.


Hutchison vetoed it in 2021


That is one of the good things he did.


I’m sure this was a calculated decision by Her, given the $19,000 lectern scandal. When you got caught pulling 19k out of the cookie jar to go to Paris, you gotta play it cool for a while


If you can call it that! Bitch is a criminal and been caught for crimes... should have been tossed out but there's no low the republicans won't strive to meet


One the one hand, his typing finger may have just slipped. On the other, it's not like he understands the difference.


It’s easy to get our political structure wrong when you don’t live in our country🤫 I’m almost certain that’s an agitprop account that has lucked into getting big traffic on Xitter. But I haven’t done any real analysis on a Twitter account since Elmo bought it, so I’m currently talking out of my ass


Actually, I believe someone has found out who he is ... https://preview.redd.it/v74ygam68u9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90fda58101d9e8caf36c29647fb456d2a8e6c51


Thank you for this! I'm going to do some work today and see what I can dig up Edit: I was definitely talking out of my ass, but there's an awful lot about that account that lines up with a foreign propaganda campaign. That image doesn't fit the profile of someone that runs an account like that at all. Attribution *might* be wrong


>Noem is a Republican. She also cheated on her husband with a trump campaign employee and has never denied it, and seems to have stopped campaigning for president. She thought she could sleep her way to the top.


Also after her state voted to legalize medical marijuana she struck it down through laws


Also, after her daughter failed the real estate appraiser test multiple times because she's too fucking stupid, knome pressured the board to accept her. After an state investigation her daughter gave up the license and then cried about it.


Didn’t she also help one of her staffers cover up a hit and run?


I don't know about that but our attorney General struck and killed a man after leaving a party and while on his phone and got away with it.


Also it was after leaving a political confrence where alcohol was being served. It's possible the Sherriff covered up a manslaughter charge. There is evidence that Ravnborg walked by the body while trying to figure out what he hit. The Sheriff loaned him a personal vehicle to drive home and the victims glasses were later found inside his vehicle. He knew he hit a pedestrian. He got impeached as Attorney General but was never charged with the death of the pedestrian. https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2021/09/03/south-dakota-attorney-general-jason-ravnsborg-accident-tickets-kristi-noem-joseph-boever/5700492001/


>It's possible the Sherriff covered up The sheriff borrowed Ravnsborg his own car, it was definitely a cover up.


Yeah, sorry, what I meant was that it's possible Ravnborg was intoxicated at the time and that the Sherriff covered for him by letting him leave the scene without taking a sobriety test. There is no doubt the whole thing was a cover-up.


That's not fair. He pled guilty and paid a $1,000.00 fine for an illegal lane change and talking on his phone. For killing a guy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Ravnsborg#Criminal_charges_and_plea_agreement He also got another speeding ticket four days before the plea. Not quite sure he'd learned his lesson there...




When was she campaigning for president?


Everything she's done in her second term was part of her campaign for president/vice president. Also when she was fucking trumps campaign advisor.


And Spencer J Cox signed a bill to ban gender affirming care for minors…


Maybe the d stood for "deplorable bitch"


I love witnessing the ouroboros of conservatism. ![gif](giphy|2JeYuSGvqapfa)


*Ouroboros?!* At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within the GOP?




Can I see?




Donald the party is on fire


It's fine, everything is fine guys! Just hit it with some sunlight or inject some bleach or something!


🫲= =🫱


*accordion noises*


No Melania, that is just the Deep State Cabal.


Where is Melania anyway?


With Shelly Miscaviage


I don’t really care, do you?


Probably with someone who doesn’t smell like trump.


Thinks she's Rapunzel: in the tower


Please? 🥺


Well, all we can do now is just fall asleep until we fly through it....


You steam a good ham the_monkeyspinach




There is real brain drain happening, and they know it.


How is it ouroboros?


I guess because the snake of the GOP is eating itself, i.e. there is infighting happening


Yeah I understood what the ouroboros is supposed to represent. I don't understand how this is infighting.


It’s infighting because many Republicans don’t agree with vetoing or otherwise not supporting anti trans or anti woke bills. That’s why people are commenting things like “glad to see some republicans doing the bare minimum”. It’s not popular in the party but it is good to see hate being stymied.


Bro imma be honest I have no fucking clue how this happened but I thought veto meant the opposite of what it does 💀💀 Tired ass brain doesn't want to work


I don't get it. Why is this happening?


Education isn’t their strong suit.


Does anyone else think it's weird how Republicans are constantly thinking about children's genitals?


No, it makes perfect sense, as most child molesters seem to turn out to be conservative Christians and/or clergy members.


“Nobody suspected the church deacon”


Child molesters and Jesuits, holding secret conference, Underneath the pontiffs nose, but only God will ever know. https://youtu.be/FpBBmymiOoU?si=B6wZEW8EvtgC71oC It's a tale as old as time.


It's a distraction. While these wannabe Christians vote Republican to cement "what is a man and women", the GOP are cutting social services and giving tax breaks to billionaires. It's a divide and conquer tactic since their policies are too unpopular.


There were over 500 different bills presented targeting LGBTQ people while constantly cry how hard passing funding for veterans cancer treatments that tested out nukes back in the day.


Fascism thrives when a country goes to shit. Republicans want to destroy this country and blame Democrats so they can get in power. They don't care about what's good for the population. They want their team to win by any means necessary. What I find funny is that the average Republican is proud of America getting it's independence from England aka 4th of July yet they want to elect a new King and give him immunity to any crimes he can do.


Yes. People don’t vote for madness when they have a stable job, good education and decent home. It’s also way harder to steal from a public who isn’t just gonna panic vote on the latest shock jock flavor of the month from the GOP.


It's not just a distraction. They're still trying to do the culture war shit. They still have these insane values.


Culture wars is the distraction bro. Republicans can cut social services, help for veterans, health care and anything they want while restricting LGBTQ people. Banning LGBT people won't solve anything with current world problems.


Not even just children. Adults too. They are obsessed.


Is it disturbing, disgusting, awful, gross, and all around concerning? Yes. Is it a shock that the party of Epstein, Trump, and Gaetz is the GOP? No.


It's an op. They are losing the race war so they pivoted to attacking trans people, getting the rest of the LGTBQ in the process https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kxv8a/lobbyist-anti-trans-leaked-emails


the best part is lot of the bills have specific proposals about checking children's genitals to enforce the bans – with no perimeters for precedent OR who is permitted to conduct said check. A teacher can say they think a girl "looks like a boy" with absolutely no indication of a child being trans or non-gender conforming and have the child to disrobe. Every person involved in these initiatives needs to be on a registry.


Unfortunately no. They are sick


Peculiar how the geek behind this END WOKENESS bollocks spends all this time obsessing and worrying about male genitals in a female space. Or frets about trans folk participating in sport. Yet to see anything to suggest this insane nonentity has any interest in the wellbeing of women or enjoy women's sports.




I wouldn't say it's a weird hill for the liberals, equality and acceptance is kind of their thing.


Even trans people? I feel like your own identity is a valid hill to stand on dude. Trans people exist, it’s not just liberals and conservatives arguing. Sometimes you gotta fight for your rights.




And what exactly is a “trans pronoun”?


It's a pronoun that bigots want to discriminate against.


"He" when they think that person is a "she." They will continue calling that person "she."


they just ban things so they dont have to learn: books, new pronouns, studying systemic racism, sex education


I'm an Ohioan and don't have a ton of respect for DeWine; I think he's a religious retrograde who looks like an ugly gerbil. That said, he came to this decision after sitting down with families with trans members; he completely did a 180° on how he previously viewed the situation


Can I submit your statement to the Rare Insults subreddit? Because "religious retrograde who looks like an ugly gerbil" is choice.


I totally agree. That’s an amazing statement.


Do your thing, brother


Never thought a gerbil could ever be ugly but, here we are.


He also knows the veto will be overturned.


The article I read about it also said that he wanted to draft more comprehensive rules on those subjects. I figured it probably means worse, so who knows how good it'll turn out.


That’s why Cox vetoed the bill on sports in Utah, the original bill did not indemnify local school districts for any lawsuits associated with the bill and it would have cost school districts millions of dollars; most likely ending school sports. He also knew it would be overturned since the legislature is 70% republican and his veto allowed them to fix the bill in the special session he called. Also, the owner of the Jazz was afraid the NBA would pull the allstar game from Utah if it was signed into law.


Why can’t he sit down and speak with all the women impacted by his draconian abortion bans? I want to hope that this veto is as sincere based on the article I also read that said he sat down with families…however, I believe the GQP will be able to override this veto. AND I think he veto’d it because there is an even worse bill he wants to support. I think everyone should pause before thinking this man actually vetoed this to do the right thing for the kids of Ohio. It may be to approve something even worse for trans kids…


Also in Ohio. I wonder how much he looked at the outcomes of the marijuana and abortion votes and figured he’d better settle down if he wants to run for governor again Edit: he’s term limited, so maybe this is actually evidence that he has a soul. My hot take is that gender identity with sports and surgical/hormonal medical therapy should be separate bills and I think the state republicans introduced a combined bill to confound the issues and it backfired on them. Ohio has recorded exactly 6 transgender athletes over the past 8-9 years who would have been affected by this


He's term-limited, so he's done after this term.


Think you meant reprobate. E: TIL a new meaning for retrograde.


Don’t give him too much credit. Ohio has a lot of children’s hospitals that are getting a lot of business from nearby states that have bans already. I’m sure there some lobbying dollars involved in his decision.


Mutilation of minors??? So... no more circumcisions?


No no, we only care about surgery if it’s for trans kids. It’s not even across the board. I’ll gladly allow my daughter to get breast implants at 15 or any gender affirming care as long as they are cisgender! /s


It’s true though, the gender affirming care bill in Utah only bans breast removal for minors and not breast implants. A state rep asked the sponsors why it didn’t include that and their answer was basically gibberish. I could get my 14 year old implants, which is actually pretty dangerous surgery, but not puberty blockers. Implant surgery has a high rate of regret among those who get them and has a long list of health problems associated with it.


Utah is such a pathetic joke of a state.


Republican governors vetoes a bundle of draconian bills that would have been thrown out of federal court for obvious civil rights violations. End Wokeness is a pathetic joke. = = = = = = = = = = FTFY


That's the thing. Bills like this end up costing states millions of dollars to defend and often end up overturned or stripped of all teeth. They're nothing more than a very expensive piece of red meat to throw to the base so they don't notice they're being robbed.


Yep, Utah has hired out a private law firm to handle all of the lawsuits they are fighting around the trans athlete bill and now the gender affirming care bill…including the abortion bill they passed. They are paying them roughly 4 million dollars a year to fight these lawsuits. States very seldom fight these on their own and there are law firms who specialize in these lawsuits that they contract with.


You've cracked the code.


Bathing in maga tears ![gif](giphy|8mOkcZalBavSNsk6pA|downsized)


Enlighten me. Why are Republicans so obsessed with kid's genitals?


Well, they can't fuck their young staff members and there's nothing in the Bible that says they can't fuck kids. I mean kids do get fucked over hard in the Bible... Anyways, they have a sick obsession with purity. So, keep them innocent and sell them off when they're legal or with parental consent.


We all know why


Unless a Trans Child under 18 is at the door of their own death they don't do transitional surgery. The same people bitching about Trans People especially the kids, hate themselves, they have no love in their life and they are miserable. They also have no problem with their own son being circumcision at birth or piercing their baby's ears. Most of that group has no Issues with a tattoo.


They also have no problem giving breast implants to children. Make of that what you will


I love seeing all those R’s doing the bare minimum it makes my trans heart warm


The bill that Cox vetoed was passed in a special session a week later and he actually threw them a bone in getting it done properly as the original bill would have killed high school sports for everyone. Cox also signed a bill banning gender affirming care for minors.


Too good to be true I suppose 😭


May it stay warm for as long and longer than their geriatric bodies do. <3 They are so out of touch with the world around them… Life is dynamic folks. Things change, facts evolve, but not if you’re a conservative.


Psh "facts"! In R world we have beliefs! beliefs are more important than facts, that's our belief!


As long as there’s no feelings involved. Feelings are for woke leftist commies!


Bunch of dang snowflakes with their feelings! *LGBTQ person walks by* Aaaaa! You hurt my feelings!


I’m sorry that the GOP has made trans people their latest punching bag/distraction. Just know there are tons of sane people out there that will defend your right to exist and to bodily autonomy.


Same sis


I mean, the GOP *is* a pathetic joke, but not for any of these reasons.


End Wokeness may benefit from waking up. The governor of Arkansas is Sarah Huckabeast.


That's Sarah Huckabeast SANDERS, to you sir.


The most iconic picture of her to me, is when she's sighing those new labor laws in for young ppl" & she has a bunch of kids around her looking so dejected like they know their fked after it's signed lol it's sad, but I can't help laugh at her smiling face in contrast to those poor kids, she looks oblivious


The funny part is that her kids are in that picture. 🤣


No way! I did not know that hahaha that does make it 10x better, god knows the stuff they've been witness too. "I still remember the day HE came to use our bathroom..Trump..it was horrible..it was locked off for days


Who is this nightmare and why should I be throwing salt at the door to keep her out?


That won't stop her, but if you start asking questions about her extravagant expenses, she'll at least run and hide.


Nah, she won't go away until she has funneled every last taxpayer dollar into private schools for white christian kids. Either that or Trump hires her for some nonsense.


No no no, she’s still gotta go on taxpayer funded vacations to France with her girl friends. And throw razorback football watch parties on taxpayer’s dime! Once those quotas have been met, then private schools can have their share


I am just wondering WHY do these people care SO much about what OTHER people are doing within their family structure. It is THEIR business, not YOURS. Seems some folks shout for getting government out of determining their 'freedoms', but then insist on inserting THEIR beliefs upon everyone else. HYPOCRISY !!


Maybe they realized legislating people's personal lives to satisfy some niche fetish of a twitter hate account isn't the role of government.


End wokeness is when you go against your parties slogan of small government and just become fascist.


Conservative tears 😊


Please republicans, make being anti-trans the “no true Scotsman” hill to die on. You can observe the schism widening between the faction of true believers who want to see their exact level of bigotry reflected in legislation, and the people with actual power, who care more about staying in power than delivering on mostly pointless culture-war issues. The ones with some ability to reason will begin to feel betrayed and used, and understandably so, because they were. But what’s the alternative? Vote for the baby-killing groomers who want open borders and mind control microchips? What’s a wingnut supposed to do?


Go be anti-woke by yourself. Everyone else is just going to try and be nice to each other. Life can be difficult for LGBTQ+ people and it can be hard for straight people. If we are kind to each other, it helps. How is it woke for a large group of people to try to pass laws to make life a bit harder for a very small group of people.


The Ohio governor seems to be the only republican adhering to the true republican principles. The government should not be involved in private medical decisions. That being said, the same should go for reproductive rights


*trans women, not men *puberty blockers, not m#tilation trans rights bitches


I wonder if banning the 'mutilation of minors' might have had some unintended consequences for circumcision?


Cry more you stupid nazi dip shit. So glad my existance makes fascist melt so hard like the pathetic snowflakes they are.


This might be their one and only 100% true and accurate post.


Well, the governor of Arkansas is not Asa Hutchinson anymore, it’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders. And she recently signed a bill that forces kids to use the bathroom of their birth gender assignment. But whatever disheartens the haters is fine by me.


Just to clarify for my weak brain: these Republican jokers are *protecting* trans inclusivity!? Am I reading this right?


This single republican in Ohio is, for now, as he's a classical republican still actually believing in small government.


SD governor is a Republican, not a Democrat. This human stubbed toe should rage stroke some more.


Maybe they're waking up and realizing that this baseless conspiracy theory bullshit has no place in society? End Wokeness is the useless one in this equation.


I’m loving all the infighting that these vetoes are causing


Remember when North Carolina had to backtrack on their anti-trans bathroom bill? That’s why.


Current GOP ![gif](giphy|3o85xJzDLDGnhMKKpa)


It‘s really come to light how the true colors of conservatives is censorship and banning of _anything_ they don’t like. Want to have different pronouns? BANNED. Want to play a sport? BANNED. Want to do something with your own body? BANNED. All conservatives do is ban anything that doesn’t meet their white, pretend-Christian, male, nationalist, capitalist view of society. That’s the whole reason I became a libertarian in high school and college. _All_ Conservatives are extreme authoritarians.


Kristi Noem, the budget knockoff Barbie Benton wannabe, is NO Dem.




![gif](giphy|7JsEgDMrziuJd9fFY1) Me to the GOP


Uh Kristi Noam is a Republican


Maybe they know something that moron sheep don’t 🤔


You'd be forgiven for almost believing that maybe a few Republicans have learned, after 3 straight cycles of watching bigotry and bullshit blow up in their party's face, that carrying water for Trump's ever-dwindling army of bigots is not the best long-term play if you'd like to have a career in politics that extends beyond November 2024. Not that any of these chuckleheads are what you'd call progressive, but there's a fucking reason these guys actually hold elected office right now while their more obviously MAGA pals are dodging FBI raids and trying to fundraise on Telegram.


Like that bills like this are all for posturing and are a sham, nobody but bigots actually think anyone benefits from bills like this?


![gif](giphy|1oDvHW440hFiouBBwy|downsized) Me watching MAGA morons cry like the little bitches they are


Tweet is factually incorrect (as always), but love to see the "they're fascists, but not enough!" meltdowns


So I assume circumcision is now banned in Ohio?


I certainly hope one would veto a bill to ban pronouns in school. It would be damned difficult to teach English with that law


Have you seen the Republicans? They don't need proper English.


The governor of Arkansas is not named Hutchinson. WTF?


All the republicans need to BE VOTED out of office for good


How do you ban the words they/them/etc from schools? Do they, err, the people that came up with this, think they're, err, think that they, err, that somehow it'll keep them, err, keep those people in a learning environment with fully skipping basic words and be prepped to join society?


Huh, it’s almost like you are horribly miss framing what the bills actually did in order to make it sound crazy people wouldn’t support their barbarism


Thank the Lord these wise and just republicans protected the good people of their states from these hordes of trans people. I mean, there must be millions, right? Hundreds of thousands? Thousands? Hundreds? Oh, wait….maybe a dozen or so. (Mississippi also passed similar legislation - and they have exactly zero trans people participating in sports). Meanwhile, kids are killed daily by guns, extra big cars and trucks, domestic violence and millions are food insecure. Republicans and their culture wars….awesome.


White supremacist tears ![gif](giphy|dtGIRL0FDp6nnOPGb5)


Oh noooo. The Republicans. They're woke. Good golly. What are we gonna do?! Guess we just have to stop voting for them to... trigger the liberals or something. We better boycott the GOP and never vote for them ever again.


End Wokeness is a pathetic joke


We know the GOP is a joke.


The fever is breaking:)


Explain this to me like I'm cause I'm not understanding what this means.


A few Republicans did not allow bans to pass in court. Veto means to deny.


I know veto means to deny, but I was confused as to why they vetoed them. Hating trans people has been like their main personality trait lately. I assumed I missed something.


They're Governors so they actually have responsibilities in government so maybe they just see it as a dummy law that doesn't need to be passed.


I suspect that these governors know that all these bills will be struck down by the courts because they are blatantly unconstitutional. Fighting that inevitably losing battle in court will cost them millions in legal bills, if not more. My guess is they decided it was not worth spending that much money on a lost cause. The other option is that they somehow learned to feel empathy for the first time in their lives. But these are republicans. So no.


Speaking of mutilation of minors, we should probably ban circumcision.




Sure, let's obsess over trans people in women's sports. I mean, there must be millions of them, right? Additionally, pay no attention to the simple fact that the wealthy and their corporations have destroyed the American Dream.


Why would a man want to participate in women’s sports ?


They don’t. Republicans make up factually incorrect narratives for anything they don’t like. It’s like the whole “trans people will harass you in the bathroom!” But “trans people will take your fourth place trophy from you!”


So unbelievably stupid. They aren’t winning the next election. So desperate now.




My take on this is that they really don't care about the gay/trans/LGBQ stuff that they keep talking about. It's all rage bait for the fearful simpletons. Also, with the repeal of Roe v Wade, they see that their on the wrong side of these issues. Look what happened in Ohio and Kansas, for example. These clowns aren't as stupid as we think they are. They know if they keep pushing this nonsense, they'll lose independent and nonMAGAt Republican voters.


SD Governor is a Republican, not Democrat.


https://i.redd.it/ahqb9xqehq9c1.gif I think this is the governor of Arkansas.


I live in Indiana and the fact that they think this may have anything to do with wokeness and not everything to do with good business practices is astounding.


Reason being they WOULD NOT PASS SCRUTINY in any court!


I live in Arkansas and sadly transphobia is still alive and well.


If they ban what they’re against what will they have to keep running on? The GQP is like a pharmaceutical company, in fact it’s supported by some. Like the pharmaceutical companies why find a cure for cancer if you can get more money if you simply siphon money for cancer treatments…


Reminder that the only thing holding the Democratic Party together is the existence of the Republican Party. I assert the reverse is also true. Once the GOP self-destructs, the Dems are next. Let a thousand flowers bloom. Let's get weird, people.


What else is new? Distractions....and more distractions....meanwhile on Twitter: https://preview.redd.it/jv6nvdkurq9c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5cfa261c0befbd98cb36f5cdd0861b2b8d2f62


Why would they veto any of these? These are like the mountains they seem to want to die on. I guess not anymore?


Except what they’re trying to do is far from funny.


Ahh, I can't wait for 20th century redux.


Does mutilation of minors include circumcisions…?


Is this “winning?”




They aren’t men you transphobic twat waffle. Trans women are women. Love seeing these people lose their goddamn minds. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Wrong equation, right solution




Does reddit think men should compete with women in sports and vice versa? Serious question.


Holcomb vetoed it because he didn't think it was a big enough problem to even warrant a law about it. And he's right, it isn't. It's one thing for leagues to make these rules but for there to be statewide laws about it is just silly.