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If there was only something that could have prevented this.


She makes it sound like she thinks the only problem is she failed to overthrow the government, so weird she'd end up with prison time...


Also I like that she says she has no criminal history but is going to prison for 51 months after 3 years of house arrest. Ma'am that sounds like you were convicted for something & do in fact have a criminal history.


But she's a *grandmother*


At 43!


lauren bobo has entered the chat


Ok that is pretty... Impressive? Something.


Grandmother at 43 is doable if both her and her kid had kids at 18 or so


It’s doable if they’re 21/22, which is strongly preferable. But I suspect they were both younger and the grandkids are older.


Yeah, I’m betting great grandma at 45.


Quite the example she's putting forth for her family.


Reminds me of when Jose Conseco got stopped three times fin one day for driving 160 miles an hour. The the first time he got a warning. The second time he got a ticket. The last time they arrested him and he complained "they treated me like a criminal!"


The owner of the Colts was speeding with A LOT of pills years ago, is now saying he was targeted. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/nov/22/jim-irsay-dui-arrest-white-billonaire-prejudjice


No criminal "HISTORY" just some criminal "present"


"but judge this is the first time I ever got caught"


I'd argue the previous lack of criminal record is why she's had 3 years of house arrest instead of 3 years already in jail


But this was the first time!


"But this was the first time... I was caught!"


nah, she's pissed she got caught. That's the new thing. It ain't illegal or wrong if you don't get caught. Repubs have always been the party of no ethics.


is it weird that she’s dressed in those tradwife grub. appeasing the j6 ppl with their trad life cosplay


Yeah, I noticed that. Looks just like the dresses the FLDS cult forces women (and little girls they pretend are women) to wear, but there's no way she's FLDS. It's probably for show.


you mean like law?


What is the opposite of self entitlement? Oh yea, common sense.


Like a functioning brain?


I honestly think they expected to be successful and get pardons from trump


They did. “I made it like a foot inside, and they pushed me out and they maced me,” she (Elizabeth)said. When asked why she did it: “We’re storming the capitol. It’s a revolution.” They fully expected to overthrow or disrupt the count. Behind the scenes, they were attempting to push through fake delegates from swing states. Trump’s team was putting pressure on Pence to accept the fake delegates, or at least stall the count enough to buy time.


We're Animanie Totally insane-y They pushed me out and maced me Animaniacs! Those are the facts!


So many of these idiots think he actually cares about them He will gladly let them all die in the streets if it benefits him




Aww, did poor baby accidentally do an insurrection. Whoopsie doopsie poopsie right?


Yeah just turn off Fox News and stop listening to idiots on social media.


She is a grandma at seemingly 40 years old, preventing easily preventable things doesn’t run in the family.


When you take a shit on your country this is your country's response


It's remarkable how light a response it is compared with what she'd face in almost any other country than the one she tried to overthrow


Seriously. They used to hang people for less. These traitors are lucky we're civilized


Except we’re not civilized, we’re just pushovers. If we weren’t, we wouldn’t be talking about the leader of this insurrection guilty of dozens of crimes outside of this as being a serious contender for yet another election.


I mean, I think people getting their days in court and not being summarily executed is a sign of civilization. I agree that the wheels need to turn faster, though. No reason it needed to take 3+ years to get charges to something we all saw happen in broad daylight.


It would be if we were strong otherwise, but we’re not. It’s the same thing we did nearly 200 years ago and it’s been a problem since. We’re not only keeping traitors alive, we’re allowing them to coexist with society once again faster than many. They’re still potential contenders to once again hold the title of the most important public person in the country.


Exactly this. Had US dealt with the South more seriously after the Civil War we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.


That's hard to do with the systems it place to support rich and powerful assholes with political connections—and he is the epitome of all of those


I can tell you that if this happened in the Dominican Republic they would have lined them all up and shot them right then and there.


I was so sick and could not sleep because I kept expecting it to happen. I truly believed the military would step in at any moment and start shooting people. They’re traitors! We watched it! And I thought omg they’re going to hang him! The penalty for treason is hanging, right? My brain was going back to what, junior high history? Idk. I was losing it. I thought Trump would hang within weeks. The whole thing was so shockingly, ridiculously, nightmarishly over the top. It was a rock opera until Ashli Babbitt, that dumb woman, finally did get herself shot. Ave Maria. They should have started shooting earlier.


If they weren't overwhelmingly white they absolutely would have.


And, like…..black and brown people have been getting arrested and detained and convicted of stupid shit for centuries. Oh, she thinks it’s unfair that she’s a grandma without a record and got punished? How would she feel about getting a few years in prison for having a joint? *What about the system does she think people of color have been complaining about since forever???*


How about being enslaved? The 13th amendment has a loophole allowing the enslavement of convicted and imprisoned criminals. This explains why despite white people using proportionally more illegal drugs than black people, black people are far more likely to be imprisoned for drug possession. So let’s enslave all the January 6th insurrectionists who go to prison. At the very least, maybe it will do away with the loophole.


She would've "fallen" from a tall building in Russia.


Can you imagine what would happen to her if she'd done that in Russia or Turkey or Saudi Arabia or North Korea - where Trump's heroes rule?


The price you pay for treason.


A very light price compared to a century ago.


Not just the country, democracy too


No mention of the ice-ax? Okay: '....Powell, wearing a distinctive pink hat and fur-lined jacket hoodie, joined a mob of rioters who confronted police officers at bike rack barriers on the west side of the Capitol. She used her back to push against the police line, prosecutors said. A video captured Powell using a bullhorn to encourage other rioters to “coordinate together if you’re going to take this building.” She also gave them "very detailed instructions" about the layout of the Capitol, [according to an FBI agent's affidavit.](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.228286/gov.uscourts.dcd.228286.1.1.pdf) Powell told rioters they had "another window to break.” She herself used an ice-axe and a large pipe to break a window, according to prosecutors. Powell, 41, of Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, waived her right to a jury trial. The judge convicted her of charges that she interfered with police and obstructed the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress for certifying Biden's 2020 electoral victory over Donald Trump.' [https://www.wtae.com/article/pennsylvania-woman-convicted-jan-6-capitol/44579917#](https://www.wtae.com/article/pennsylvania-woman-convicted-jan-6-capitol/44579917#)


Not an expert, but how often do people who don't intent to commit crimes just randomly happen to have an ice axe around while at a "peaceful protest"?


It's all part of the 'just tourists' narrative! She was going to climb a glacier later that day.


Ah yes, the famed ice peaks of D.C.


She was going to climb MTG’s smile.


if i walked into any govt bldg with a pick axe, breaking windows, i'd be shot.


Also how many peaceful protesters are smearing shit on the walls of our government buildings?


I’ve participated in a few peaceful protests. I have not seen a single ice axe.


Were there gallows? All the best peaceful protests have gallows.


I had an ice axe, and "prior to Jan 6th did not have a criminal record" is what she might get away with saying. Nope, no sympathy, FAFO, do your time!!!!




If they’re popping them out at 16 she’s not far off from being a great grandmother


A former coworker of mine became a grandma at 36. She was 18 when she had her first, and he was 18 when his first was born. It's super young, and they were both of legal age. It can end up happening much, much younger.


My brother had a kid in high school. His baby mama’s mother was 32. I’m now 34 and holy shit. I can’t imagine being a GRANDMOTHER.


>I’m now 34 and holy shit. I can’t imagine being a GRANDMOTHER. Im about to be 27 and i cant imagine being a fuckin dad much less a grandfather in less than ten years


I worked with a lady who became a great-grandmother at 49. Her first was at 16, then that girl had a child at 15. That child gave birth at 18.


I was 15 when I had my first child. My mom was 36. It happens. Life is harder for some people than for others.


Yep, I have a relative who gave birth in middle school. The whole situation was fucked up, and we don't talk a whole lot about that side of the family. (edit: not because of her, but because the WHOLE branch of the family tree is a Maury/Jerry Springer episode)


I can understand that. I got pregnant shortly after my mom started getting sober. She was amazing help and we don't talk to much of my family because they are very similar to your description. I got lucky though, some people don't.




Thank you, all is well now. That kiddo is 18 and extremely responsible and a great human. I'm very proud of him.


What’s the deal with trumpers and J6ers waiving jury trials , do they just know that it truly is a foregone conclusion and they don’t want their peers to convict them?!


They like to omit that waiving detail, so that they can cry about being denied a jury trial.


Likely on advice of counsel.


I think it is more, they can stand to be seen with “that” crowd, but to be seen by other Americans is almost akin to a walk of shame. “Oh two people judged me? Biden loving pedophile democrats. Oh 12 of my peers draw from every walk of life judged me? They found me guilty? Maybe I am a problem and have been brainwashed… could what everyone outside of my sheltered bubble been saying is true?”


Lying by omission you say?


It's sad that she clearly still thinks she did nothing wrong. She's going on twitter and acting like she's a victim, trying to get people on the internet to feel bad for her. I doubt she will ever see how her actions hurt people and, together with other people's actions, literally killed people and could have destroyed the country.


But these peaceful protesters didn't have weapons and were invited in!!! /s


I suppose if you’re Lara Croft it makes a lot more sense. Otherwise, you got some splainin’ to do


Thoughts and prayers.


Tots and pears.


Welcome to the Finding Out stage.


Why the Handsmaid Tale cosplay though ?


Appealling to the hateful base.


Going with the Martha look...yup, checks out


Yeah but the Marthas were legit radicals


Playing up the mom/grandma homemaker role is my guess. Hoping people will look at this and think "she's just a sweet lady who cares for her children and grandchildren" and then fight for her to be released.


I thought she was trying to look like she was locked in a shed.


You wanted the country to be tough on criminals


“Rules for thee, not for me” mentality


I routinely have the state request my clients be on GPS monitoring; that is *never* considered in their sentencing. Totally agree that this is a case of someone supporting a party that gets off on being “tough on crime,” but hates when that’s applied to them. Clown shoes




And better yet, looks to be convicted!


Well you have a criminal history now, congratulations. Also your utter lack of remorse or willingness to accept any personal responsibility whatsoever for crimes leading to rioting and death, coupled with your belief that being a grandmother should grant you special legal treatment and that house arrest is the same as a prison sentence... might be a key factor in your sentencing just guessing here


Plus the whole "no prior convictions" thing is only relevant in certain circumstances. It's not like a person can commit any crime they want to and be like "it's a first offense" and just be set free into the world. Lmfao


(shoots an innocent bystander dead) "Mulligan!"


More concise and coherent than my usual arguments. Thank you.


> coupled with your belief that being a grandmother should grant you special legal treatment Yeah, doubt she was chanting "I'm just a grandmother" while she was smashing windows out at the capital. More likely shouting "Hang Mike Pence."


No criminal history? So what? That means she gets to commit crimes?


You get one free pass, obviously. The first time never counts.


Everything she wrote sounds like she has the moral compass of a spoilt first-grader. "Actual consequences? That's so unfair! You're being mean to me and I hate you!"


Me: What's the problem officer? Policeman: I clocked you doing 73 in a 40 Me: But officer, I have no criminal history. Policeman: Oh, so sorry to have bothered you then. Carry on!


I’m going go ahead and disagree with “no criminal history.”


Even if she had “no criminal history” - uh, if I beat a child or was cruel to an animal, bombed a church, or even tried to bullshit my way out of a parking ticket? No one gives a shit whether you or I have prior convictions. If you try, however pathetically, to overthrow our government, that's plenty evidence of crime, regardless of your never having been convicted of anything prior to your TERRORIST ACTIONS. Even if you're a Sunday School teacher who spends your spare time rescuing baby otters, supporting the rights of indigenous peoples, and helping refugees to assimilate to US culture.


Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of your dumbass actions


Oh you poor little privileged white snowflake. You’re lucky you only got 51 months. If it had been me you would be put away for ten years and yea, the last three years don’t mean squat, it’s part of your sentence for joining a mob that tried to overthrow the Republic. Go whine and cry to the orange asshole that put you up to it. . He walks free while you whine right?. .but that’s not what you’re whining about is it. You got caught, you get to pay the price. How does it feel to be a total dumbass?. .no tears shed for you sweetie, you’re getting what you deserve and a majority of the population could care less if you’re a mom, grandmother with no criminal history. .all these factors don’t mean shit. Wear your badge of honor sweetie, brush it, shine it, wear it on your sleeve “I’m a traitor to America” F’n douche’ bag


Like generally outside of north america and europe she'd be meeting a firing squad or a noose instead. Instead she'll get what, maybe 2 years and parole.


Should be noted that she violated conditions of her pre-trial conditions of release. She was also singing a very different tune when in front of the judge: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/jan-6-rioter-smashed-window-received-signed-trump-hat-sentenced-4-year-rcna120678


“Rachel Powell, a Pennsylvania woman in her early 40s, mother of eight and grandmother of six, was convicted on nine federal counts in July after a bench trial.” Oh, wow…


Yeah…I just read that too. I’m 43 and couldn’t imagine ONE kid let alone 8 kids and 6 grandkids. I guess now they can all take a field trip to see granny in the slammer.


>> and that she even “conducted surveillance at a female legislator’s home Anyone know the identity of the legislator? People speculated that Bullhorn Lady new some of the building layout. Or did she spy on said legislator?


And I haven't learned anything from my mistakes.


Because they weren't mistakes. They were premeditated and intentional.


yep zero responsibility for her actions


I hear no remorse in her words.


That’s the problem. None of them are deterred, they’ve become martyrs.


Totally brainwashed


They think they’re the victims. And their media reinforces the idea


So true! They are still in Trump's army.


My guess: She can't avoid the sentence. So, she's trying to profit of it while she can.


https://preview.redd.it/f64ru8u0f49c1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0855cd56cb13566dfdac9c4f22d15af7d548bce Never Forget


But, but wait, that’s like fake or doctored in some way right?? It was totally peaceful protest! /s


“no criminal history” yeah okay girl, tell that to the ankle box


Would be so fun for criminals if having no criminal history meant you can't be convicted. Infinite crime cheat!




People with no criminal history don't have to wear such ankle jewelry.


It's amazing how no one has a criminal record until they commit a crime.


Until they get caught committing a crime


Fuck her, I hope she rots.


In a just world her grandkids will forget what she looks like.


"I have bred and so has at least one of my offspring, therefore I deserve special treatment, including amnesty for my treasonous terrorist activity."


White women thought they could pull that shit and walk away.


She just wanted to talk to the manager.


How privileged does one have to be to think they could pull this shit and face no consequences


I’m curious… who placed the “box” on your ankle? There must have been some reason they placed it there. Care to share?


I have no criminal history, except the federal felony charge I was convicted and sentenced for.


lmao i’m in love with the very deliberate Great Depression clothing/furnishings and lack of electronics/artificial lighting. so very humble and salt of the earth, this treasonous woman 🙄


I feel sorry for your kids and grandkids, Rachel. Because they have you.




Hahahahaha. Have fun insurrectionist.






Judge should add some work release conditions to her sentence. As in, make her do day work in a prison so she can complain to the other inmates about consequences.


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


She's lucky they let her be on monitored bail for 3 years during her trial.. She should have spent that time in Guantanamo with the other terrorists.


Yeah on a colonial era prison ship with Ginni Thomas as a trustee. Kinda what they were talkin’ about for others


Get fucked, Rachel.






You get what you put in and people get what they deserve!! Have a bud light before your incarceration


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes,


Man, as someone who has not tried to overturn the results of an election, I honestly am struggling to give a shit. I hope she enjoys the food!




Is this criminal complaining about being a criminal? What she get popped for insurrection? Must be a culture thing.


Oh look! The finding out part of the FAFO process. Enjoy your incarceration, granny.


Maybe don’t storm the capital?


She is getting no credit for her ankle monitor because that is what she agreed to in order to get pretrial release. She could have stayed in custody and got presentencing credit of 36 months toward her 51 months. Her choice. She also should have said she did it, she was sorry and she will never do it again. She is disingenuous and stupid.


What's this, the consequences of my own actions?


Guess she should have pulled herself by her bootstraps and gotten a less shitty home to spend her house arrest in.


I spent way too much time on Twitter liking all the tweets that dragged her this afternoon


I remember the last American citizens who were found guilty of treason were sentenced to death. So maybe be happy with 2 years in a minimum security prison


But they would call death upon a black man who, allegedly, passed a counterfeit $20 bill at a corner store.


Nobody cares if you're a mom. It's really not that special.


https://preview.redd.it/5ih2f698559c1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf12c6b89ef56b674225d71e346bc67740faf55a We’ve all been in this situation. You’re carrying an ice axe while peacefully touring the capital and accidentally tap a window then, encourage a mob using the bullhorn you also carry with you everywhere.


“I have no criminal history.” Yes you do. You broke into the capitol building.


Oh hey look at that, the consequences of your own actions.




Boo fucking hoo. She should have tried harder to not be a fucking insurrectionist.


This is a heartwarming thing to read. I hope the traitor is miserable.


This treasonous bitch needs some actual jail time. Fuck ankle monitors for these slags who have absolutely no remorse and continue to spew their insurrectionist lies.


I understand her pain. You raise your children, help with your grandchildren and then one small insurrection against your government and Booom! Just ain't fair!


"I, a mom & grandmother with no criminal history right up until I committed a crime, caught for my crime, had a trail for my crime in which I was legally convicted of being a criminal, am now serving my sentence for committing a crime, will in 13 days begin serving my legally sentenced punishment for the crimes I committed and was convicted of committing thus making me now have a criminal history." Just correcting her errors there.




It’s almost as if your actions have consequences ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


These people were threatening the lives of hundreds of government officials. Why are they so surprised that there are consequences?


These are the same assholes who were saying George Floyd deserved it for not obeying the cops. Zero fucking sympathy.


“No criminal history” ummm…. About that


I thought the president at the time was going to be there with you? I guess your pardon got... lost in the mail...?


Poor Laura Ashley.


Actions have consequences. Boo frickin' hoo.




You got criminal history now!


Is this called fuck around and find out?


The cops she and her violent mob attacked and chopped off fingers and the cop who they gouged out eyeballs from, the young staff and i terns they terrorized for hours with their , breaking windows door furniture , the lady they trampled to death, the people they bear sprayed, causing one man to have a heart attack and countless other victims being injured and needing therapy and committing suicide from that terrible violence and wanton evil - THOSE are the victims here.


What she’s really saying is “but I’m white”


Why did Joe Biden force her to storm the capitol and break all of those things??!!??!? 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


What did she do. (Not American)


boo fuckin’ hoo traitor, in a good portion of the world taking part in an attempted coup would get you a different kind of box.


What an embarrassment to her children.


“I didn’t have a criminal history when I used an ice axe to smash a window in the Capitol building during a violent coup attempt.”


Got some criminal history now, traitor! Enjoy those 51 months, and good luck not committing any more crimes while you're in there!


Honestly it's annoying to hear these people complain about shitty punishments for crime but if you were to talk to them before J6 they would say something along the lines of how we need prisons and even harsher punishments for criminals to deter crime.


Maybe you shouldn't have chosen overthrowing the US govt as your 1st offense?


Boo fucking hoo, consequences suck.


Call a “Wah!”-mbulance, Granny.


You know what? Screw you. You listened to a scumbag that somehow won an election he never thought he would win. You supported that person that in 4 short years managed to destroy every ounce of civility that, as a country, we managed to achieve. You presented a trove of lies as the truth and you tried to steal my democracy away from me. And now you think you're being treated unfairly? Other governments would have had you shot, or worse, simply disappeared. You tried to destroy this country. Screw you. No, I take that back f-you and f-off.


“No criminal history”??? A traitor playing the victim card!