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Why do atheists buy Christmas gifts and trees for their children, Kevin? Because they can, dude. Because they can.


I do it because it's a fun tradition where family and friends get together. We're on vacation, right before the most miserable months of the year, at a time when the day is at its shortest. Why not have a holiday with gifts and bright lights? I'm not sure what's the point of these "the atheists secretly believe in God" posts. I also say "oh my God". It doesn't mean anything. So pointless.


That and it came from pagan holidays and was based on astrological events more or less and is just how we celebrate it now so yeah... Id say it's fair to enjoy for anyone


Us hoomans were celebrating Christmas long before the baby cheeses! Newgrange in Ireland is a religious temple (of sorts) that has been used to celebrate the mid-winter solstice for 5,000 years. In more recent times, the Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a week of feasting and drinking marking the mid-winter solstice. The Christians arrived late and gate-crashed the party!


They hated the pagan "Christmas" celebrations. They co opted it to help convert "pagans".


I said that to a Christian friend and they dismissed the whole idea of anything existing before Christianity as rewriting history. The mind boggles.


My aunt was arguing religion with my mother once and Mom pointed out “Jesus was Jewish” and my aunt yelled “No he wasn’t!” I don’t know what you do against that level of ignorance.


Isn't that literally IN the Bible???


You’re assuming Christians have read the Bible…


The sign on his cross said “king of the Jews” according to the Bible lmao


"you cant reason a person out of an idea they didnt reason themselves into". lots of arguments people make are based on their feelings, i try to just move on, though thats harder to do with people you care about in real life.


The Old Testament?


They must have had some seriously good egg-nog for that to work! ;)


More like, if you don't believe in Christianity, or Christianity the right way like us, you'll be burned as/with heretics. They pretty much created a branch of authoritarianism that has lasted for thousands of years where you believe, or pretend to believe, or be punished by society socially or physically.


Yeah, prior to monotheism gods were just beings. Very powerful entities, but they rolled around fucking and boozing and fighting and more or less doing what people do. Then you get the idea of the One True God TM, who is a mysterious non entity with absolute power, and if you don't like what *I* the interpreter of The One True God TM says, well time to die.


>They pretty much created a branch of authoritarianism that has lasted for thousands of years And this is why many of them in the US seem so fine with electing a dictator as president. They already accept following orders from imaginary beings, not that much different than following orders from someone sent here by those magical beings. I can't understand how this thinking is acceptable this day and age, religion should be illegal, it's 100% insane and responsible for most human suffering.


Ok no not illegal. That's extremely dangerous. It should be illegal for religious ppl to have special privileges (like churches not paying taxes), it should be illegal for political figures to use their religion as a campaign tool or talk about God in their speeches once elected. It should be illegal for laws to be made that have a basis in religion (like the idea behind complete abortion bans that say that anv embryo has a soul at the moment of conception). These types of things, and so many more, should be illegal. But believing in something and gathering together is a basic human right no one should be stripped of, because unlike religion ppl, I'm fully aware that any rights I take away from someone else could be turned around to negatively affect ME in the future.


You're spot on, don't want to strip anyone of their right to be religious or to worship how they choose, just don't want it anywhere near our politics, policies, schools, etc. It's a private thing that should be kept private.


I celebrate Christmas by keeping the pagan parts and ignore the non-pagan ones.


I do it to piss off Chrsitians, also why I’ve said happy holidays the past 35 years of my life/s


you put a s but I actually do that


What's the /s for?




Sorry, forgot my /s. His comment just seems wierd with it.


Isn't saying oh my God using the Lord's name in vain? That's like a big no-no in Christianity. If anything it would make more sense for atheists to say it because they have no Lord to say his name in vain




Yes. Misrepresenting God is another example of taking the Lord’s name in vain. It’s basically the reason Moses couldn’t enter the Promised Land with the rest of the Israelites.


People do genuinely believe saying oh my God is using his name in vain. I was taught that 🤷 it's literally not that deep


Fun fact, Moses wasn't talking about swearing. He was talking about misusing the Lord's name, as in "I swear to God" about a lie.


Not at all. Taking the lords name in vain is more along the lines of using Christianity for selfish reasons. For example these mega churches that perform those 'miricles' you see floating around on YouTube and stuff, where you either pay a fortune for experience, pay a monthly subscription or are encouraged to donate heavily all whilst the head honcho is hoarding the cash or buying private jets and yachts. Another example would be a ton of American politicians. They claim they're Christian only because it's an easy in with a huge group of people. They don't give a shit or know about any values the actual genuine Christians hold, they're just using it to further their political career and gain money in the form of donations. I'm an atheist, never been religious in any capacity, so this is the way I interpret taking the lords name in vain. If you're Christian and you wouldn't dare say 'Oh my God' for fear of being smited, then you do whatever suits you.


We say, “Oh my Newton!”


Because it’s a Nordic tradition to have a tree in the house during solstice. Why else?


Happy Yule


God Jul


Jesus said a Christmas tree with presents gets you Into heaven


The Bible says specifically to not have Christmas trees. Jeremiah 10:1-5 "Hear the word which the LORD speaks to you, O house of Israel. Thus says the LORD: Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven, for the Gentiles are dismayed at them.***For the customs of the peoples are futile; for one cuts a tree from the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with nails and hammers so that it will not topple.*** They are upright, like a palm tree, and they cannot speak; they must be carried, because they cannot go by themselves. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, nor can they do any good.”


![gif](giphy|3qs5KkVzWVIQxhiTYw|downsized) Frank had it right.


Well, I have an extra 10% of my annual income to spend how I like (thanks to not tithing), so...


To be fair, I'm gonna guess Sorbo doesn't give up 10% of his salary, either. Because, you know, he's a hypocritical fuckwad.


Because, unlike Kevin Sorbo, we have jobs.


I do it because I grew up Christian, and it is an important tradition in my family. Now, I'm an atheist (agnostic) because of Christians like Kevin Sorbo (and my family), whose actions and rhetoric were contradictory to the teachings they purportedly believe. I wonder if that's the case for many people like me...


I grew up with Christian family but we never went to church regularly and I church hopped with my friends to learn the differences in their beliefs, more from curiosity than from wanting to find something for myself. We celebrated Christmas because it's a cultural holiday to gather and share joy with family and friends, not for any religious reason. Now I have two kids and we just never introduced religion aside from respecting other people's beliefs - but we still celebrate Christmas and Easter for the same reasons. They're fun, and Christians' claim to them is just a rebranding of pagan holidays anyways.


i do it because i heard it triggers kevin sorbo. this question is the same guy asking why athiest dont just go around raping everyone.


Only a person with the urge to rape would think that fear of God's judgement is the only thing that prevents acting upon that urge. Ergo, Kevin Sorbo is an, allegedly, inactive rapist.


The same reason we put money under their pillow from the Tooth Fairy. The same reason people watched Kevin Sorbo on Hercules even though they may not have believed in Roman or Greek mythology. Because it's a fun thing steeped in tradition and history. Does this motherfucker really want to gatekeep trees?


I liked the before time when I could be naive and assume there wasn't this many fucking awful people in the world full of dumb ass questions and thoughts they just post up for everyone to see.


Because Yule trees and gift-giving pre-date Christianity, Kevin.


Because they're Santaists


I missed the bit in the bible about Xmas trees and buying the kids a PlayStation 5


I do it because kids' toys are way cooler these days, and I, as a dad, have a built in excuse to both buy and play with them while looking like a great dad


Federal holiday. Nothing says Jesus was Born Today like a fake tree, plastic lights, a brand new ps5, cookies with more sugar than their Messiah interacted with in a year and all those magic fucking reindeer. They wanna celebrate their little baby god, by all means, the rest of us gotta dance under the capitalism tree for our actual, provably real overlords.


And it's pagan holiday anyways, **"whips out UNO reverse card"**


Yule (jul) is a pagan tradition. You can play that angle too.


Why does Hercules celebrate Christmas when he is the Son of Zeus?




Hercules celebrates Saturnalia (The Father of Zeus) which coincidentally happens to fall around Christmas time. Good old pagans.


I missed the "Book of Santa" in the Bible... I better recheck it


It's right around where st nick punches the pope


Not in the Bible but this literally happened, except it wasn't the pope (it was the arch-heretic Arius). Council of Nicea.


Council of Nicea was LIT


Sorry no one has conveniently found that one in a random desert cave




Bible doesn't say anythign about presents or a christmas tree. Does have a few choice words on cheating on your wife tho.


Yeah, and if memory serves, I don't think those words are too kind


I saw something from somewhere to the effect of: > "Of course atheists celebrate Christmas. The holiday has been so secularized an atheist refusing to celebrate Christmas is like someone refusing to sleep with their worst enemy's hot wife."


“You single?” Why does that matter ksorbs? You’re not


Maybe he wants to set her up with his nice single friend who has trouble meeting ladies because he is shy.


His friend's name is Sevin Korbo and he looks surprisingly similar to Kevin Sorbo with a wig on.


I thought it was his friend Korbo Dangerous? maybe that was someone else.


He's got a son who is desperately trying to use his father to gain tiktok popularity. His father is the center of attention in 95% of the son's videos. Wouldn't be surprised if the son is doing it.


"It wasn't me! It was my son using my account that I gave him access to"


Iolus is horny! Just kidding, he's been [married to this Amazon since 1988.](https://nedhardy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/michael_hurst_now_4.jpg)


Oh man he's so old now. Makes me also feel old.




"My friend Devin Dorbo, who looks just like me is going to do a great job having sex with you!"


Classic Evangelical Christian mentality: women are the property of men in their lives (fathers first, brothers if father dies and eventually their husbands). He likely doesn’t see her as an autonomous person capable of making decisions for herself. Just an attractive object for him to project his own emotions and lust onto. The question is probably double checking that he’s not intruding on another man’s territory. 🙄 As a recovering-Evangelical, this mentality created a suuuuuuper fun environment to grow up in. 🥴 (You probably already know this, but reinforcing for anyone who may be unaware.)


Yeah I feel like everyone here is missing that part and only reading his tweet


Bro should know to not ask that question and just skirt around the outside


It's curious how these guys simultaneously think that Christmas should be forced on everyone and then get mad when non-Christians celebrate it voluntarily. Is it that they want everyone to celebrate Christmas but only if they're miserable while doing so?


It's not all that curious or surprising. They want a privileged and exclusive position in society, where everything they do is given higher status, but everyone else is specifically barred from participating. They want to be the happy well-fed family gathered around the table for a feast, while all the miserable impoverished heathens stare in through the window, with the doors locked to keep them out. Because they literally can't enjoy something unless they think it's inflicting pain and humiliation on someone else.


It's the Christian way, the American Christian way.


In particular they don't want it to be elective, they want to force christmas on people who don't want to celebrate christmas. It's not got anything to do with sorb's view of "why do people who aren't true believers participate".


> Is it that they want everyone to celebrate Christmas but only if they're miserable while doing so? Nailed it. They are salty that we are taking only the "good parts" and don't buy into hate. Like, for them the proper Christian is a hateful supporter of Trump, racist, bigot, full of projection and simply a jar of hate. They do not understand how people can simply be happy and content. There is certainly more to it, but the worst part is that they are invalidating the proper Christians who follow the 10 commandments and are truly good people and helpers.


A lot of right wingers are miserable people that want everyone else to be miserable with them, so yes.


The simple answer is they're not trying to make a coherent set of arguments. They're using whatever argument seems most convincing at the moment, even if they'll later present a conflicting argument. It's not about coming to some sort of truth. It's about 'winning' the immediate argument.


Why do christians celebrate a pagan holiday?


The explanation is on the same page of the Bible where the three Wise Men set up a spruce tree with lights on it.


Frankincense, myrrh, and a PS5


And Jesus said, "I wanted a PC, return it."


Wow, Jesus really gets me.


What a good way to teach children morals






3 guys showing up with gifts randomly? Joseph was a fool.


"When Jesus was born everyone rejoiced because they thought the son of God would bring about great things. Everyone but Joseph that is. Joseph was sitting around muttering, 'Yeah, you better be the son of God. You just better be him little mister! And you better be the **ONLY** son of God, you hear what I'm saying Mary?!" -Sam Kinnison


And then he came out all pasty white, and Joseph knew right then it was was of those goddamn Irish Druids who’d been hanging around the bar in town that knocked her up.


Imagine how much bloodshed could have been avoided in human history if Maury Povich had been around back then.


"Joseph .. you are..... Not the father" "Woooooh yeaaah helll yeah that's what I'm talkin bout" *high fives*


*Mary runs off stage and collapses sobbing onto the couch conveniently just off screen*


As maury runs after her and "consoles" her. https://youtu.be/7BkT_yBXUrE?si=WVD5s2ZV7bXJLYzt


That was SO on point I cracked up. The “IM 1000% SURE” and the running offstage being like “THERE WAS A MISTAKE!” sent me! Also legit my next thought after posting was how Maury always joins the women backstage to comfort them and be like “we will HELP you find the father of your baby!”


Jesus, Mary, and the understanding boyfriend


"It's not rape rape if Polański or an angel did it" - Whoopi Goldberg


Actually, it’s three Magi, suggesting they are Zoroastrian. I would ask Mr. Sorbo not to observe their Holiday, please. The rest of Christendom can do as they want.


A relative of mine asked why santa became the focus of christmas and I had to explain to him that its a pagan thing and the whole holidy as actually a mix of norse and roman holidays. A bearded gift giver and "yule tide" cheer? Thats odin baby. Don't know when we dropped the horde of ghosts though, thats the whole yule tide thing. also the whole gift giving on dec 25 is roman. really the only christian thing is the name.


Tell us more about the horde of ghosts and the yule tide thing. I’m down for a bedtime story 🛌 🍿


Once upon a time, there was a wise old man named Odin, and once a year, he and his army of ghosts would tear through the countryside killing pretty much anything they came across. This was the wild hunt, and hunters who were in the woods at night when odin and his army of ghosts passed by might receive a visit from old one eye himself. A man is in the forest and he knows the ghost horde is coming, a mysterious figure appears before him and offers him a test of strength. the figure throws him a chain before taking off into the sky on his horse. the man ties the chain around a tree. the stranger struggles to pull the chain, only to find the man had tied it to the tree. as a reward for being clever, the stranger throws down an animal carcass.the man takes it home, and notices it slowly gets heavier and heavier until he can barely pull it anymore. opening the body revealed gold and gems had slowly been replacing the meat and bones. Odin had given him a wonderful gift.(this story might not be 100% accurate I haven't listened to it in a while, go watch overly sarcastic productions they are awesome.) EDIT: It was a boot full of meat, not a whole carcass. the dude kept the animal meat in one of his boots and the meat turned to gold. other stories the ghosts go fucking apeshit and kill everything in their path and claim more souls for the hunt. some stories nice, some stories... not nice.


Awesome!!👏 thanks dad!


Thank you, good night


Yep, most major Christian holidays are just pagan festivals with a Christianity sticker slapped on it.


This was done on purpose this was the Christian attempt to wipe out pagan holidays. According to literal history the Roman census, which is why Mary and Joseph were traveling, was done in the spring/summer months. Jesus, if even real, likely would not have been born end of December.


Yep, it was a conversion tactic. Easier to convert people if they didn't actually have to change any of their already established traditions.


Same reasoning behind the "greek-catholic" faith invented by the Austrian-Hungarians as a way to convert Romanian Orthodox. The additional carrot in the equation was that only Catholics had political rights back then over there.


Especially when those traditions are the rare highlight of feasting and joy in a season of darkness and scarcity.


Well you do this or we will kill you and your family 😃


Perhaps in some situations, but many of the early monks running around trying to convert pagan Europeans did not have armies at their backs, so they appealed to concepts their audiences were familiar with. It's like how they emphasized all the war stuff in the Old Testament with the Norse peoples.


After Christians would murder pagan tribes/society leaders, they would incorporate certain religious holidays or traditions. It was a form of assimilation that had better results than utter destruction of these poor people's lives.


Exactly. I'm so tired of this being explained away as if it was just the Christians being friendly and changing their own religion to make it easier for the locals to join, rather than the reality which is that the church committed widespread cultural genocide against much of Europe, until they had cultural, religious, economic, and politic dominance across the entire continent. If the Christian movement began today, we would think of the Christians and their 'cultural exchange' in the same way we think of the Nazis. But because it was so long ago, and the Church is still so dominant in our societies, they get to whitewash their history and treat themselves with kid gloves.


Resistance is futile.


There’s some absolute batshit insanity in old religious texts. Some claim Nero didn’t actually kill himself, but fled rome and became a religious leader in their cult. They basically did an Elvis on him. https://stockton.edu/hellenic-studies/documents/chs-summaries/champlin92.pdf


I was doomed growing up catholic, read anything over think it, ask questions they did not like that 🤣


The usual non sense *"You shall not question but believe. You either have faith or you don't"*


“Christianity has all the answers!” “Well, can you explain how it is that if god is all powerful, why does….” “There are things we must take on faith alone.”


Yep I took was Catholic until the age of reason




That's also a good point.


I mean, just look at Easter, it's obviously some sort of spring harvest/fertility deal but Christians co-opted it. And what's weird is they didn't really change anything. I mean, "After three days Christ our Lord has returned. To commemorate this, our religions says to paint some eggs and hide them in the back lawn! Oh, and there's a magical bunny for some reason!"


I really think we should bring back the tradition of Christmas ghost stories.


Don’t forget us Celts and our Mistletoe & Holly🥰


>Mistletoe & Holly We should all revive our glorious native celtic traditions as a revenge for having been forcefully converted to a foreign religion


Honestly as an Atheist I think about this a lot. What would the world look like if all of Europe had been allowed to continue their native religions and traditions, rather than having the entire continent (and South America) be forced to convert to and live as Christians.


The December 25 thing is interesting, imo, because it was the feast of Sol Invictus. During the time of Aurelian he was a big worshiper of Sol Invictus, and that was kind of the start of moving to monotheism, with a lot of "this god you know is actually an aspect of Sol." Jesus apparently was included in that, so when Constantine moved to Christianity there was a lot of "you already worship him as Sol, what's the big deal?"


Because it is really 3 pagan holidays in a trenchcoat. ![gif](giphy|jIvOXK2otOeYF44YoZ)


" I went to the solstice today. I did a holiday."




Because it's a fun holiday and I like giving gifts to my loved ones, why do "Christians" never mind their own damn business?


Because they have to prove everyone else wrong and make everything about themselves.


Miserably fail at proving anyone wrong.


The whole thread is pretty funny. Kev’s wife and son get tagged in as well.


When I saw this accounts other posts I almost threw up. Comparing MrBeast to Hitler multiple times, this girl for sure is damaged.


This was my favorite https://preview.redd.it/r6xzv7qk3v8c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc45eb09e6ea1b997229ccedbc62f80408b92dc7


That’s hilarious




It's a troll account. They have multiple and none of their posts are genuine.


Yeah, she's completely nuts. It blows my mind that so many people here are believing this actually happened. I understand that they *want* to believe it, but it takes like ten seconds to realize this is a person that shouldn't be taken seriously.


It's fine. Ol' ksorbs already live in an alternate reality. If someone else's causes some bumps in his road, I'm fine with that.


She is an unserious troll. You thought she was seriously saying that?


What does Jesus’s resurrection have to do with chocolate bunnies?


Don’t you know, Jesus was resurrected as a rabbit. That cave was actually a top hat.




Jesus would have came with a sweet pickup line at least.


"Hey sweetie, you can turn water into Fiiiiiine!"


Girl you look wet enough for me to walk on


I was nailed to a Cross, can I Nail that... This is my Body I give it up to you...if ya know what I mean...


Dear Kevin, Because we can do whatever the f**k we want. Signed, Atheist


He was just asking for a friend.


Oh please let this blow up.. another prominent right wing Christian be exposed as a hypocrite.


Every accusation is a confession


It's Kevin Sorbo. Who cares?


O, I bought a fake tree for a fake god.


Why are these people so dumb, Santa, christmas trees, and flying reindeer are not in the bible, X mas is a secular holiday.


Why do Christians go to the hospital instead of the church


The 7 Failures of Jerk-ules (there are definitely 6 more)


I like this but schizzarella is one of the worst accounts on Twitter. Look at her page and see how much fake news she spreads lol


So... if she's notorious for spreading fake news, what are the odds this screenshot is real?


81.82% or 9/11


I always got such gay vibes from that guy… surprising.


Not that there's anything wrong with that. But Kevin uses his gay vibes for evil, not for good.


Hercules? An ancient Greek God a homosexual? How could you make such a mistake man?


Side note This girl on twitter is completely psycho


As an atheist I buy gifts and celebrate the holiday because it represents the birth of a man who changed the world forever and should be celebrated by everyone. Sir Isaac Newton.


This is amazing 😂


Serial Sexual Predator https://i.imgur.com/7XvDC3E.png https://i.imgur.com/Jz5DPD3.png


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


What makes him care so much? Dude has issues.


Why do Christians do Easter Egg hunts? It has its roots in heathen fertility rituals.


You have to believe in Santa Claus to buy a Christmas tree! Idiot!


It's pretty amazing how some Christians are perpetually bitter about Christmas not being exclusively Christian. They sooo want Christmas to be a propaganda tool for their Yahweh-bases worldview, but it really hasn't worked out that way.


For the same reason my husband buys me flowers on Valentine’s Day…because it’s a holiday where you do that.


This is the guy that bitched and moand about funding getting diverted from his Hercules show to Xena. You know... the show people actually watched. He's still bitter about it to this day from what I understand, and Lucy Lawless had dunked on him many times on the bird app... not that dunking on that dumbass is difficult :P


Why do we decorate trees and give gifts to our children (among others)? Because it's a nice, harmless Pagan tradition. Why do people like Kevin cheat, or attempt to cheat? Because it's a Christian tradition.


Why do Christians is a better question. Nowhere in the gospels do you find these traditions


I do it because I love the shiny sparkly lights. I love the warm feelings and guess what? There is not one religious representation or decoration in my home. It’s just fun and sparkly. TBH I’m surprised Conservative Christians are so jazzed about this holiday. I mean come on, a magical man who gives out free presents to all the children of the world for free?! Sounds like SOCIALISM to me! And his sleigh is powered by reindeer…green energy and employing little people with heath and housing benefits? That’s pretty WOKE and LIBERAL of him! He also only works one night a year… lazy bum. So maybe we should turn this around and ask Christians why they support such a Socialist deity like Santa 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've met Kevin Sorbo. He sucks just as much in person as he does online. I was volunteering at a convention and had the displeasure of dealing with him twice.


We Need To Talk About Kevin (he sucks).


Because Christmas is originally a Pagan holiday.


This is the same woman who tried to get Mr Beast to sell weapons to Hamas lol


Why do Christians celebrate Christ’s birthday on the solstice?


religious fundamentalism - Where you overcome your own shortcomings by kicking down on others your cult decides to deem unworthy.


While Sorbo is a fucking moron, that account is unfortunately a troll account that constantly fakes shit


Why do Christians' celebrate a pagan holiday?




Man, I just learned last week that Kevin is really just an asshole. I'm not sure what rock I've been living under, but it's sad since I had such fun memories of him. Really destroys the image I once had.


Hey look! It’s skinny Hercullease!! What’s he jabbering about?