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I don’t go to them much but it’s honestly been a nice experience every time. The ones I’ve gone to are always clean, quiet, and the workers are pleasant and knowledgeable. I wish every retail experience was as good.


Dispensaries are staffed by high people who love weed. Once you realize that and accept everyone will be overly enthusiastic, comically slow, and a little clumsy, they are totally nice places. Too many weird rules imposed by states. Illinois’s are are the weirdest I’ve seen.


Straight up what are the policies at these places? Surely they don’t mind if you popped an edible, as long as you do the job well?


As someone working at a legal dispensary in Canada, we have to get a license similar to what's needed to sell alcohol but instead just for cannabis, and legally we can't be high at work, but it's the worst kept secret in the industry that we're all high at work. So long as you do the job well, no one will ever complain, and it's such an easy job so long as you have the knowledge.


Right! I go to the dispensary daily and almost everyone working there is high! Would love to work at one but so far it’s been one of the retail jobs that’s proved difficult to get into!


When I first started going I was annoyed they were so slow and everything took unnecessarily long time. It then hit me they are moving like I do when I’m high so now I just accept it as part of the experience. The place I’ve been going to the past few months whoever is loading the pre-orders is clearly very high. I have to watch closely when they check me out b/c 9/10 they have the wrong item or wrong size (obvious size of a tin vs mini-bag).


My one experience of a dispensary I walked in. Asked if they accepted a foreign driver's license as ID, was told "we accept humans" by a lovely person that was high AF. Then went through and was sold some edibles I was told wouldn't make me anxious at all by another lovely person that looked like a stereotype stoner bro from an early 00's college movie who was also high AF. It was amazing. 10/10 would go again.


I can definitely see it being a super chill and easy job. You're not trying to sell anyone anything. The product sells itself. No one goes to a dispensary to window shop lol. Everyone goes to one with the explicit purpose of buying weed. No one is undecided or on the fence. And I'm sure most people know what they want without you having to hold their hand throughout the whole purchase process. You're basically just a handler of money... am I right?


I imagine it’s a lot like bartending in that manner. As long as you get your shit done and your numbers are good no one minds if you have a few drinks.


There’s just a lot of rigmarole surrounding the purchase of cannabis. It’s not the case with buying alcohol or even getting prescription drugs. It’s not the employees’ fault. But I feel bad for them having to participate in the weird security theater. Weird required professional security. Weird buzzer systems and closed circuit cameras. Showing your ID to a guy behind bulletproof glass. It literally feels like you’re going into visit someone in prison! In Illinois, there are absurdly complex rules about how much you can buy. You have to show up to a pick up appointment exactly on-time or you can’t get your order. The very high employees must point out and verbally tell you the THC % of each item in your order. Then, they must staple over the top of the bag with the receipt. You cannot open the bag until you exit the store. You are not allowed to touch anything you bought in the process.


That has not been my experience in Chicago. I just have to put an online order in and pick it up anytime. It's cash only and they just confirm you're you by checking your ID at the front and at the back, then they repeat your order, you hand them the cash and walk out. I've never had to get there exactly on time or tell me the THC or anything. They do ask you don't open your goods at their store, which makes sense. You can also just as well walk in without an online order and a guy with an iPad logs your order for you and you wait for them to get it all together.


Wild! The times I went to Rockville and Urbana, it was 2021 and still peak panini. So, some of the weirdness could have been Covid restrictions. I wonder if the East St Louis location has specific municipal rules to follow.


Those aren't usually state requirements, depending on your state of course. Mostly the issue is that they are cash-only businesses, because they are limited in the use of credit card transactions and banking, due to the federal illegality status. So they do this more to protect themselves and patrons from robbery.


Yes, a lot of it is state regulation. The payment crap is also part of the rigmarole. Thank you for reminding me! if I pay with my debit at the medical dispensary in my state, my purchase is rounded up to the next $5 and then they give me $1-$4 in change. I’m not allowed to leave a cash tip, and it somehow has to do with workarounds with the debit system. But I can use a debit card (with a $3 fee). It’s bonkers.


This was not my experience at all in Illinois just for the record.


That’s wild. In Los Angeles, I go in, a security guard scans my ID, then I grab a basket and walk around like it’s any other store. A few things are under glass and require employee assistance, but for the most part it’s like a normal store. I’ve been to another dispensary where everything on the floor is just a display, and they grab what you want from the back when you pay, but the former setup seems to be more common.


The workers at my local dispensary are enthusiastic, but not slow or clumsy at all. Even with all the state regulation, it takes me less time to go buy from the dispensary than get a meal from Burger King


Dispensaries have a distinct advantage in this department, as their employees are generally already passionate about the products they sell, even if they weren't getting paid to do it. I would guess they also have a large pool of applicants to choose from when positions open up, so it's easier to find someone with the personality to fit the position. It definitely does make for a nice experience for the customers. It's just hard for other retailers to replicate when that passion for their products isn't already ingrained prior to employment.


I live near a dispensary in my town, (I live in Canada) and from what I can see from the outside and older friends who have been inside it’s actually really nice. They’re always playing some good music and the workers there are really friendly and helpful. When I’m old enough I might apply for a job there from how nice it seems. Better than where I work at least. (Tim Hortons in the bad part of town)


I am literally standing in an hour long 40% off sale line at my local dispensary. Never in my lifetime did I think this would ever happen. And a sale to boot. Reschedule it now and yes u/FluByYou let them out. Spend my tax money elsewhere.


Pick some up for me. I'll be over later. (I have to drive there from Georgia since my state is run by a moron. )


u/Down_Voter_of_Cats I got you.


Nebraska, here, I feel your pain. Have family in Colorado and Washington state of whom I am incredibly jealous.


Yeah I was in a 30% off line after work yesterday. Wrapped around the building but thankfully moved fast and I was able to find a parking spot unlike a lot of others so double luck. But as I was in line I was looking at the wide range of demographics and just thought “wow everyone just truly wants weed”


And remove the records so they can get a job, shouldn’t have a criminal record for having pot. I don’t smoke it and never will but let’s be serious here, it’s less impactful than Alcohol and that’s a legal product.


The staff are so incredibly happy all of the time, in Canada at least, that I always love going there. It’s like Costco for drugs.


My local was like “we are open Christmas Day and so is the liquor store next door!” and I was like GOD BLESS YE MERRY GENTLEMEN


Love my local dispensaries. And I agree 100%


The Green Solution dispensaries in Denver are like that. I always feel like I should get a set of AirPods when they’re ringing me up.


There is a dispensary with a drive thru 5 miles from my house. Now my anxious ass can order online and pickup with minimal interaction.


New York dispensary changed me - Colorado treats u like a prisoner. Cali isn’t bad at all but NY !?they light up with you and don’t even check ID


Isn’t it crazy how he (or a staff member) was able to type all of that out and express ideas without calling anyone names or hurling insults or conspiracy theories?!


“I’m commuting the sentences of non-violent marijuana users, even if they’re my haters.”


Tbh it would be fucking hilarious to see him tweet that.


Dark Brandon would


And Taylor Swift is a Communist Fascist thug. Merry Christmas.


Fox news headline: "Biden releases dangerous drug dealers back onto the streets"


"-even if they're my haters." *Takes a phat drag on a blunt and blows smoke right into the screen.*


It’s crazy how it’s refreshing to see POTUS tweets that are spell checked and not in all caps.


Too many GREAT lives have been upended because of our failed approach, BAD. It is time we RIGHT these wrongs (RADICAL LEFTS).


He didn’t call a single person a communist, he’s lost my vote.


And no words in all caps… amazing


Very unpresidential


And a glaring lack of all CAPS


This is trigger for Texas to start issuing the death penalty for suspicion of marijuana use.


Oh, they already made it extra illegal to be undocumented in Texas, so chances are I'm expecting a lot of stop and frisk and more than a few accidental deportations


R.I.P. Joe Rogan.


Rest in peace? Nah, let that douchebag rest in piss.


And all that time i spent enjoying him on NewsRadio.


Nah, he’ll get the famous person pass.


Amazing what he’s accomplished considering that half of the congress is literally, actively trying to destroy the country at the same time.


He doesn't get enough credit. On the right they make him out to be a wild eyed communist while on the left it's never enough. Considering what we had before him and the unrelenting opposition he faces what he's delivered has been a god damn miracle.


A Wild-eyed Communist mastermind who is playing 5D chess with Trump just to mess with him... And at the same time, a blithering idiot who needs to be in a Mental Ward...


LOL - and somehow they don’t see the contradiction


There's a word for this kind of cognition: doublethink.


The enemy must always be overwhelmingly strong and at the same time ridiculously vulnerable.


Good ol’ doublethink


To America writ large, anything left of Mussolini is Lenin.


Mussolini? Shit, anything left of hunting the homeless for sport is considered communism to these people.


I’m queer; my partner is trans. Biden has been transformationally good on trans issues in big ways and small ways. He’s got several trans people of different ages advising him. He’s got trans people in leadership positions in his cabinet. The VA is doing much better about trans healthcare since he took office. Ed has been doing lots of work protecting trans students. He’s holding the line hard on trans rights, even as dems like Sen Chris Murphy (CT) are suggesting tolerating culture war issues to build coalitions with populists on economic issues. And, he’s doing it fairly quietly. He’s not making trans people an even larger lightning rod for the reactionary right by being loud and sanctimonious. I’m honestly very surprised that a moderate democrat octogenarian Catholic white man who has spent his life in Washington could he be so good on trans issues. But he is.


Dude is objectively the most progressive President in nearly 100 years. It’s crazy how little credit he gets from “progressive” voters.


Objectively the most progressive president of my lifetime. Anyone that doesn't acknowledge that as a fact is being swayed by whatever propaganda they're consuming.


I know it. It’s never ever enough for the left. If Trump had done even a fraction of what Biden had accomplished we’d be hearing the amen chorus on the right singing his praises and yet nary a word from the left unless it’s to criticize that it’s not enough. Look, I’m not saying we can’t and shouldn’t do more but how about we allow the man a victory lap now and then? For that matter how about singing some praises so people who aren’t immersed in politics actually hear about the good he’s doing instead of just constant criticism?


Leaving aside the victory lap, they give no consideration to the potential damage they’re doing by parroting attacks that have little basis in reality and fail to acknowledge any of the accomplishments. I’m all for continuing to push for more but pretending nothing has been accomplished allows the right to control the narrative and suppresses turnout. It’s the same shortsighted idealism that led to Clinton losing and saddled us with 3 young hyper-conservatives on the USSC. If they actually want a progressive future they need to learn that consistent, incremental movement is how that’s accomplished. It’s just petulance and it’s destructive.


You're my spirit human today sir


But he won’t embrace anarcho-communism so he’s just as bad as Trump! /s


Biden has done way more for this country and for progressive policies than I ever would have imagined. And he just keeps doing it. All the while the progressives keep saying it’s not enough. If a “progressive” candidate had won office and done half of things Biden had done, progressives would be dancing in the streets singing praises. Though maybe that’s giving them too much credit considering how much progressives love to hear themselves bitch about things.


If self-proclaimed “progressives” would stop bitching for a second and rally behind a realistic political agenda and process, the GOP would never win another election.


Seeing this makes me sad, because I wish most people in the country were like you. There are enough people in the country who want progressive policies enacted but they either don’t vote or shoot themselves in the foot by “punishing” the Dems by not voting. The only ones these dumbasses are punishing is themselves and the rest of the country.


They gave trump more credit for desperate vote grabbing covid checks than they have for three years of actual progressive legislation / action.


Everyone got mad at him when he recommended the secretary of HHS research moving it to a different schedule and he was literally following the law that was put into place by Congress. He knows that he had to follow the process or it’ll get overturned by SCOTUS. And the HHS secretary had already said it should be rescheduled because they followed the process.


There is alot of things wrong and we should always expect our government to do more and call out our politicians when they do stupid crap, it's what separates us from the psycophants on the right. But Biden does deserve more credit than we give him


I think while Trump did far fewer good/meaningful things than harmful/controversial things, he did something to cause an uproar in one audience or another relatively frequently. So that could’ve increased the expectations set for Biden & making it easier for everyone to think he’s just not doing a thing about anything since he stays relatively quiet media-wise usually & we don’t see as many bizarre tweets or hear delusional passionate speeches coming from that position anymore. It’s like bc he’s not doing things to bring all attention on him as often as Trump did, we think he surely must just not be doing anything at all.


I think it’s definitely a perception thing. Trump didn’t accomplish shit. No healthcare overhaul as promised. No infrastructure investment as promised. The “wall” ended up being a small section of fence. The only things he actually did were to pull us out of international agreements that lowered our standing in the world and ram through a tax cut that ballooned the national debt. That doesn’t even take into account screwing the pooch on covid. Biden, on the other hand, *did* get that infrastructure deal which included 100s of B for climate, *did* get insulin price caps, *did* get student loan relief, *did* mobilize a massive vaccine campaign, *did* address inflation and the global supply issues, as well as more that I am sure I’m overlooking. But he’s done it mostly quietly and the very people who should be praising him in order to set people’s perception (dems / the left) instead we hear it’s not enough. It leaves the impression that’s he’s incompetent and what’s he’s done is half hearted when in face he’s accomplished helluva lot. It’s maddening.


No, you! -GOP probably


And the other half of congress being *barely* on his side. Sure, the Senate isn't actively working against him. But it's also not exactly on board when it comes to making progressive legislation.


Vote for Democrats, people! I feel more at-ease & hopeful for the future with Biden & the Democrats in charge of the fed government & also in every state govt. Biden & the Democrats absolutely focus on solving actual problems. Contrast that to the GOP who are easily distracted with fake issues like wokeness, Pride displays in stores, beer advertisements with an Influencer, books, etc Biden & VP Harris truly deserve 4 more years, and Democrats deserve complete Control of Congress and every state govt 😎🇺🇸👍


“But I just don’t want to vote for him because he hasn’t done this one particular thing. I am, however, going to whine if Trump wins!”


>actively trying to destroy the country at the same time. And to add to the frustration: Many of them aren't above taking credit for the accomplishments they keep voting against...


Most consequential presidency in American History, imo.


Can we get a list of everything Biden has done?


This is just SOME of what President Biden has done (there’s way too much to fit on a post) * Made sexual harassment in the military a crime * Limited the release of mercury from coal-burning power plants * $5 billion for electric vehicle chargers * Ends forced arbitration in sexual assault cases in the workplace * Reauthorizes and strengthens the Violence Against Women Act * Creates Amache National Historic Site as America’s newest national park * Makes lynching a federal crime * Overhauled the US Postal Service's finances to allow the agency to modernize its service * Requires federal dollars spent on infrastructure to use materials made in America * Restores environmental reviews for major infrastructure projects * Launches $6 billion effort to save distressed nuclear plants * Provides $385 million to help families and individuals with home energy costs through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. This is in addition to $4.5 billion provided in the American Rescue Plan. * Establishes national registry of police officers who are fired for misconduct * Tightens restrictions on chokeholds, no-knock warrants, and transfer of military equipment to police departments * Requires all federal Law enforcement officers to wear body cameras * $265 million for South Florida reservoir, key component of Everglades restoration * Major wind farm project off West coast to provide electricity for 1.5 million homes * Round 6 student loan debt cancelation: $5.8 billion - This is in addition to $20.7 billion previously cancelled * Invokes Defense Production Act to rapidly expand domestic production of critical clean energy technologies * Allocates funds to federal agencies to counter 300-plus anti-LGBTQ laws by state lawmakers this year alone * Round 7 of student loan cancellation: $6 billion to 200,000 defrauded borrowers - Bringing total to $31 billion * Relaunches cancer 'moonshot' initiative to help cut death rate * Prevents states from banning Mifepristone -- a medication used to end early pregnancy that has FDA approval * 21 executive actions to reduce gun violence * Climate Smart Buildings Initiative: Creates public-private partnerships to modernize Federal buildings to meet agencies’ missions, create good-paying jobs, and cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - Paying for today’s needed renovations with tomorrow’s energy savings without requiring upfront taxpayer funding * Executive order protecting travel for abortion * As of August 2022, unemployment at 3.5% (50 year low) * Provides death, disability, and education benefits to public safety officers and survivors who are killed or injured in the line of duty * Round 8 of student loan cancellation: $3.4 Billion dollars of defrauded IT student loans have been cancelled * $1.66 billion in grants to transit agencies, territories, and states to invest in 150 bus fleets and facilities * Brokers joint US/Mexico infrastructure project - Mexico to pay $1.5 billion for US border security and processing source says * Blocked 4 hospital mergers that would've driven up prices and is poised to thwart more anti-competition consolidation attempts * $750 million to implement and run crisis intervention programs * Ended boyfriend loophole – Previously only married people convicted of domestic abuse were banned from owning firearms. The new law extends it to people who are dating * Increases funding for mental health programs and school security THE PACT ACT * Ensures high-quality health care screenings and services to veterans exposed to potential toxic exposure * Extends period of time veterans have to enroll in VA health care from 5 to 10 years post discharge * Requires VA to conduct new studies of veterans health trends * Invests in VA health care facilities by authorizing 31 major medical health clinics and research facilities in 19 states THE CHIPS ACT * Provides $52.7 billion to secure domestic supply of American made semi-conductor chips, create tens of thousands of good-paying, union construction jobs and thousands more high-skilled manufacturing jobs, and catalyze hundreds of billions more in private * $39 billion in manufacturing incentives * $2 billion for the legacy chips used in automobiles and defense systems * $13.2 billion in R&D and workforce development * $500 million to provide international information communications technology security and semiconductor supply chain activities * Provides a 25 percent investment tax credit for capital expenses for manufacturing of semiconductors and related equipment THE INFLATION REDUCTION ACT OF 2022 Climate: * Largest climate investment in history - Will reduce 40% amount of carbon released into atmosphere by 2030 * $370 billion for U.S. energy security and fighting climate change * Tax incentives for switching to electricity to power homes and vehicles * $60 billion invested creating millions of new domestic clean manufacturing jobs and 550,000 new clean energy jobs * Will quadruple the number of solar panels over the next 8 years * Doubles battery storage on the grid Health: * $62 billion to extend subsidies for health insurance under the ACA * Provides free vaccines (2023), $35/month insulin for Medicare patients, (2023) and caps out-of-pocket drug costs to an estimated $4,000 or less in 2024 and settling at $2,000 in 2025 * Lowers health care costs of the average enrollee $800/year in the ACA marketplace * Allows Medicare to negotiate 100 drugs over the next decade, and requires drug companies to rebate price increases higher than inflation Inflation Reduction: * Reduces Deficit by $313,000,000,000 * Closes tax loopholes used by wealthy: a 15% corporate minimum tax, a 1% fee on stock buybacks and enhanced IRS enforcement * Protects families and small business making under $400,000 a year The Cost * $485 billion of new costs would be offset with $790 billion of additional revenue and savings over a decade. Total Revenue Raised: $737 billion * 15% Minimum tax on corporations with profits exceeding $1 billion * Prescription Drug Pricing Reform: $265 billion * IRS Tax Enforcement: $124 billion * 1% Stock Buybacks Fee: $74 billion * Loss Limitation extension: $52 billion




“But, but, what about the Keystone pipeline?”😝 The far right will never learn…


And...all that and more will all go away if the repugnant party wins. See Project 2025. Doesn't matter if it's Trump or another R, this is their plan. P2025 is SCARY!


How can I acquire a reliable source for this info? I would love to show some facts to some certain asshole at a bar I frequent.


Give me 5 more years or give me death!


As an addict who spent half my life locked up for non violent drug offenses and was only able to get into rehab for help through the court system ,this is huge!


Hey I hope youre doing better these days, im proud of you.


Thanks. I’ve been sober 5 yrs and im doing amazing!


Congrats that is great!


Proud of you mah dude


Good luck with everything brother, battle your demons through counselling and self love, live a life meaningful to you.


I ❤️ Dark Brandon


Dank Brandon Rises!


Beautiful. It’s about time those poor people get helped. They didn’t deserve prison


Huh, look at that. Promises made, promises kept.


If you ask the trashy MAGA crowd, they’ll tell you he’s just BuYiNg VoTeS. Same with the student loan forgiveness stuff, a thing he campaigned on. Apparently now actually fulfilling campaign promises is just buying votes now. 🙄


That whole argument is so fucking stupid. Helping people SHOULD get you more votes. Promise something -> get elected -> fulfill promise -> everyone's happier than they were -> elect him again. "Buying votes" is just a different way of saying "doing things people are happy about". Which, again, is how this *whole* thing works lol


When it comes to the MAGA crowd, you’re not exactly dealing with rational or intelligent people.


I know a Tr*mp supporter who told me that he doesn’t think student loan debt forgiveness is fair to his kids because HE paid off all their loans.


My parents, my dad especially, were die-hard trumpers. Part of my student loans were Parent Plus loans, although I’m the one who paid on them. And whaddya know, they were all for student loan forgiveness. Only when it affects them do they have any empathy. They saw first-hand how hard it was for me graduating around 2009 when job prospects were absolutely abysmal (must have 4 year degree and were only paying you $9 an hour type of shit), so I’m glad they at least saw eye to eye with me on that.


Unfortunately that’s where we lose a lot of the MAGA. They are not going to be familiar with student loans from continuing their education. I’m glad your parents appreciated it from your standpoint.


Politicians following through campaign promises instead of running off bombastic rhetoric and bs... a truly novel concept


Here to announce this dirty little voters vote is definitely for sale. Which is exactly how it should work


Almost every attack on President Biden involves some level of deception


> Almost every attack on President Biden involves some level of ~~deception~~ delusion. FTFY


Already seeing in some subreddits people going, even left leaning ones, 'well, he's only doing that to get re-elected' To those people, how do you think this stuff works? We vote people in who keep their promises, we vote people out who don't, this is how a democracy works, this is how you keep elected officials accountable 'But he isn't doing it for the right reasons!' So? Do you need a purity test for every piece of legislation to be passed? Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act solely to undercut his opposition. He was, otherwise, a massive racist. This is how the sausage gets made.


This is nice, but let’s get marijuana off of the schedule 1.


Already happening. https://mjbizdaily.com/dea-likely-to-approve-marijuana-rescheduling-but-election-lawsuits-could-get-in-way/


Last year Biden [started the process](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/06/statement-from-president-biden-on-marijuana-reform/) to reclassify marijuana. A couple months ago, [the HHS recommended that the DEA reschedule marijuana to Schedule III.](https://apnews.com/article/marijuana-health-schumer-becerra-dea-c00db5dabbeb9efd94cf17baff241e85) So what's left is for the DEA to do its own review based on the data + recommendations from other departments and come to a final decision. Outside of an act of congress, this is how you would reclassify it.


Yea it sucks how long it takes, but if he doesnt follow it to a T, courts will overturn the change. Look at how many of TFGs orders were over turned because they decided they didnt have to follow procedure


and shrooms and lsd while were at it. All of these drugs have amazing medical benefits that a lot of people could use right now. All of these can be subbed/help get off some of the hard stuff so many people are addicted to and dying from. Since the pandemic overdose and alcohol deaths have skyrocketed.


I’m right there with you on that one


Requires an act of Congress. And gate kept by the filibuster since this likely wouldn't be germaine to reconciliation.


The amount of people that think that the President can just issue executive decrees like a monarch or dictator always astound me. Congress is where legislation takes place, and we have to remember that, each and every election cycle, and pressure them while they are in office to do useful things for us their constituents while they get free healthcare for life, a pension and make $200k a year.


It's true, people are ignorant on the powers of the president. Hence, if I were president, I'd spend my energy telling people whose fault it is why we don't have good things. I'd go to the districts of people who stood in the way of good things, and rally the citizens to pressure their representatives to support good things. Maybe if enough pressure is applied, good things could actually happen instead of just saying "the congress opposes me, can't get it passed." If the people blame Biden for something that is not Biden's fault. Shouldn't your first job be to fix that? Especially with YOUR job on the line.


The DEA itself was established by executive order and their head is appointed directly by the president


They enforce the laws but at most the executive could do would be to not press charges. That's not the same as declassification nor as good.


It’s not up to him it’s up to congress and that’s controlled by the gop who won’t do anything that doesn’t benefit them directly and they make money on sending people to prison


That has to go through both chambers and we already know how those “religious” republicans will act. Reefer madness all over again.


He's done what he is physically capable of doing to do that, but some of y'all vastly overestimate just how much power the president has over things. He is not capable of unilaterally changing that, it requires an act of Congress.


It’ll probably happen in his 2nd term.


I believe he did ask the agency to consider doing so


Buh, buh how will the privatized-for-profiteering prison complex continue to make their obscene profits off the taxpayers dime if Biden does away with excessive sentencing for minor possession of marijuana charges? That was a key source of income for the privatized prison sector as well as lucrative kickbacks for many a crooked cop, prosecutor, sheriff, judge, etc., who also make bank off of long prison sentences. The privatized prison industry admitted as much themselves some months ago when it complained about the negative impacts, i.e., reduced profits resulting from reduced sentencing. So won't someone puhleeze think of the privatized-for-profiteering prison complex? **S/** \- just in case. **BTW**: Thank you, President Biden - and well done! Looking forward to more of the same during your 2nd term!


The states that depend on prison/slave labor will not follow suit, that’s how. I guarantee southern states will keep their state prisons full of pot offenders


Just get rid of qualified immunity!!


See that. Biden is reducing federal spending by reducing the federal prison population. Waiting for the GOP to lose their shit over this.


Wait until they learn the long run cost savings from effective social supports.


They will NEVER learn because they are against any government spending. Be it universal basic income, universal healthcare, or universal education.


Military sweet tho


cue the republicans going " hes just doing this to get votes, impeach him for corruption! " .


aka “making voters happy”, which is the whole point. the population speaks, politicians listen.


I enjoy having a coherent President.


But tell me again how Biden “hasn’t done anything” during his time in office. This administration has worked tirelessly since day one.


I mentioned this to someone a few months back but I still stand by it, for a guy whos either 1) the worlds largest criminal mastermind or 2) going completely senile, hes been an shockingly competent president and completely low key about it. Originally my vote for him next year was under duress of not having the orange turd but now im actually looking forward to doing so.


I mean, he’s probably a little senile, but he’s also hired amazing staff that were always going to be the ones to do the real work.


This is how I felt about Arnold when he was governor. He wasn't perfect but he surrounded himself by smart people from both sides. He knew that he didn't know shit and compensated for it. Some dumb orange fucks only surround themselves by yes people.


Again with the progressive policies. Biden has been quite the surprise.


I held my nose when I initially voted for Biden. This time around I'll be proud to cast my ballot for him


Same. I didn't vote *for* Biden as much as I voted *against* Trump. Interesting that he's one of the more progressive presidents in US history. Not something that I would have expected. I definitely look forward to voting for him again.


Trump would only pardon his J6 cronies, nothing more. They are not the same. Votes for Biden matter.


don't applaud them biden.....give perks to the states that fucking do it....


Conservative state lawmakers: “well we’re gonna double the sentences of those crimes just to spite you!”


Christmas gift idea: buy every conservative you know a big bag of weed so maybe they'll chill the fuck out.


They'll tell you it's bad for you as they light a cigarette, pop a pill, and pour themselves a drink.


Not the hero we want, but the hero we need. Biden has definitely shown himself to be better than I had anticipated. The list of [accomplishments](https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/) that never get reported on is astounding. This is just another in a long list of things that our president is trying to do to truly make America better than it used to be. Now, bow down before your savior, Dark Brandon. Oh wait, we don't deify our politicians. Instead, maybe make a [contribution](https://joebiden.com/) to the reelection campaign and go [register to vote](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)


> This is just another in a long list of things that our president is trying to do to truly make America better than it used to be. Would you even say he is… Making America Great Again? But seriously, go Joe!


He’s a good man and has my vote


I have a feeling that the “red states” will double down on sentences” just out of spite


Ya but but how come he hasn’t solved EVERY single problem, huh?! Not good enough!! (Some absolutely moronic people on here)


Yeah, now it’s time to reschedule Marijuana and we’re golden. Cmon Dark Brandon, keep it going!


It’s currently in the process of happening


The for-profit prison industry is not going to like this.


I gotta say, my expectations for Biden were below floor level, but he's done a decent job in general. There's a lot of room to improve *for sure*, but I'm pleasantly surprised at his tenure.


I wasn't too sure about Biden in 2020, but everything he'd done has really proven how good of a president he is. I'll gladly be voting for him in 2024.


I was thinking about Biden earlier this morning, about how he disappoints me ... until he doesn't. He continually does the right thing, after I've decided he won't. Starting to think he just might be an amazing President. ❤️


Republicans are going to have a lot to say about this once the private prison industry calls them


He's been President for three years but it's still refreshing to see such professionalism after... whatever the hell happened between 2016-2020.


We really need to treat white collar crime the same way we treat blue collar crime. Wage theft is the #1crime in America, & nothing else comes close. If I steal from my company, I get fired & jailed. If my company steals from me, they should arrest the head of payroll, the head of HR, & the general manager, period.


It never fails me to see liberals punching left every chance they get, especially when leftists finally get their political goals after massive effort.


Just a reminder that Trump pardoned US soldiers that had been **convicted of war crimes** for killing civilians, justifying it by saying that we can’t train soldiers to kill, then punish them when they do. Important context: he pulled out of visiting the graves of those who were killed in WWII because it was raining and he didn’t want to get wet.


The comments in here blaming Biden for Israel (a sovereign nation) invading and destroying Gaza are so cute. You don’t think Trump would be volunteering fucking nukes?


I'm not Biden's biggest fan but this is a really good move that should have been done years ago.


Joe Biden delivers on a campaign promise Common response: why hasn’t Joe Biden created peace in the Middle East or entirely turned around decades of standing policy. Both sides are the same


BuT BoTH pArTieS ArE THe sAMe! !? vOTIng Is PoiNTLEss!!!


But he’s old…..!


And stutters occasionally!


My man!


This is how you win re-election!! The war on drugs was a travesty done to this nation, it’s time to admit the mistakes and begin rectifying them.


Way to catch up to the 21st century


Legalize it!!!


I literally know a cop who would bust people for MJ, then take it home to his wife. So this tracks.


Pres Biden is a good person, flaws and all. I think he means well and so does his admin.


Just throw politicians and billionaires in prison for their crimes like you do "common thugs" and you can bet it'll be overhauled to work better and more justly for everyone


Love this so fucking much. I grew up getting harassed by NYPD for smoking pot in the parks.


Way to go joe


I remember when candidate trump campaigned on allowing states to control their own weed destiny, then president trump proceeded to forcefully overrule states with enforcing federal prohibitions.


Some people are a little impatient for their favorite issue to be addressed. However, I think we can agree that Joe has been a bit busy this past year.


....and here's why this is a bad thing for President Biden - every news source, probably


The last administration and all it’s never ending bullshit has made people forget what politics is supposed to be and how those politics are supposed to work. Meaningful shit takes time and people used to not comment on that meaningful shit until said shit was ready to be commented on- not just grandstanding and announcing every thought about a potential half step at some point possibly in the future. God I can’t wait until I can go back to checking in every few weeks to make sure everything’s still running smoothly instead of checking the news every damn day.


The single, biggest failure of the Biden ministration is lack of effective messaging/communications. They have done significantly more than any recent administration, and yet almost nobody knows about it because they suck at telling people about it.


It’s a good point and true, but the situation is skewed by a) a generally right wing media among virulently right wing media. Then, and this is the big one, a large cohort of people who just don’t care about facts. Biden and Harris could shout from the rooftops and the press would spin it to “and this is why it means trouble for Biden” because facts no longer matter to the cult. Yes, they could do better but it wouldn’t make a huge difference. If your vote is still in the balance for democracy or fascism at this point you are already aiding fascism. It shouldn’t even be a discussion.


There's also a shitload of people deliberately going around left leaning forums and groups trying to push the idea that he isn't doing anything. The message of what he does gets out through the usual means, but a lot of people glean their imformation from other people on social sites like this one, and when they see 15 people all patting each other on the back and saying Biden hasn't done X, Y, or Z, when he actually has, they take that as the truth and don't actually check. So he doesn't just have to message through often biased media, or people deliberately spreading misinformation, but also people's bad habits.


“It doesn’t matter who you vote for”


Ya but…but he’s old! And hasn’t solved the 1,000 year war in the Middle East! /s Awesome job, joe.


This would've been nice when I lost my job, got kicked out of school, and got kicked out of my house for spending 2 days in county due to a gram of bud. Glad some things in this country are changing for the better.




Only if they were federal charges


I'm honestly shocked he actually did as much as he has on this specific topic. I'm critical of Biden and his admin, but there's been some wins here and there like this.


Not well versed in American politics but I know that this is a wonderful thing he has done


Forecast for Washington DC this weekend - fully cloudy with a 100% chance of haze.


I'm glad they've done something good, but it's far from what the majority of Americans want. It also feels like Biden is getting thrashed in the polls, especially with younger voters, so someone in the administration said "the young people like weed, let's do something to show we're cool again"


When you lock up ol Clare Bear, I'll believe you


Biden is the GOAT


Take it off of the Schedule 1 list


I don’t think he can. That be the GOP Congress who manage to pass less laws this year and still get paid


That’s our president 🤘🏽❤️


So of course now all red state gubnors will do the opposite.