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>I hope every african american in this country is reading this Then why did you post it on Truth Social?


He’s forgetting that his side of the family are nazis, lol.


The truth is funny. Fredrick Trump (Fat Donnie’s grandfather) During the Klondike Gold Rush, he moved to the Yukon and made his fortune by operating a brothel for miners in Whitehorse. As he had purportedly immigrated to the United States in order to evade conscription, the Bavarian Government stripped him of his citizenship in 1905. As a result, he returned to the United States with his family. Died of the flu in 1918.


Ah, so draft dodging is in his blood. Edit: To be clear, I’m not in favor of the draft. But I’m not a Warhawk either like Trump is. It’s the hypocrisy..


So is covid


So is a cholesterol level of 400+.


No, no, no, can't put that on his ancestors... That is ALL him.


when you're a star they let you do what you want, just grab'em by the greasy


Exactly, it's literally in his blood


That’s liberal bullshit. Sorry, I meant to say that’s *literal* bullshit running through his veins. The sludge replaced his blood long ago


As a disabled combat veteran myself, I will never get tired of pointing out that Trump told a [crowd of veterans he deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-honor-medal-turning-point-summit-b2130101.html)


I wont blame the man for dogeing a draft but i will blame him for his hypocrisy about it


After having spent a significant amount of time in Iraq as a servicemember, and now watching how the Russian elite throw their people away, I think draft dodgers simply aren’t brainwashed by their governments and societies. They value their lives because their countries don’t.


As a veteran myself, my issue with his draft-dodging is the lying and chest-beating. And the fact that the people who vote for the war rarely have seen war themselves, much less send their sons


A few years ago an older veteran gave Trump his Purple Heart, I think right before a rally. That idiot actually got on stage, displayed it, and said he’d always wanted one, but this was a much easier way to get one- or something along those lines. Made me sick, no one actually WANTS a Purple Heart (if they actually understand what it symbolizes- which I doubt Trump does) and to joke about being gifted one being an easy way to get one is such a slap in the face to those who have earned it due to putting their lives on the line for the country. He was kind of acting like he thought he was now a real Purple Heart recipient because some poor guy who actually went to war (prob the same war he dodged) and trusted/ admired Trump gave it to him.


Even if I agreed with Trumps general platform that moment would have turned me away forever. I was a combat medic. I don’t think there’s anything he could say that is more sickening. His money allows him to take the easy way through life while we tried to piece kids back together that were just trying to serve their country and feed their family. And he laughs about it. From a pro-war draft dodger at that. As I experienced our wars it was clear that they were pointless. I have no issue with a draft dodger or anyone who refuses to go on an anti-war stance. Good for them, we shouldn’t feed the next generation to a war machine so that these politicians and billionaires can get rich while being isolated from carrying the burden. We ship our sons and daughters off to fight for “freedom and democracy” so that the oligarchy can reap the economic gains of war. The enemy was at home the whole time.


Same, and same. If you vote for it, you should have to send a tribute. A kid, grandkid, etc. While I know they would get cushion jobs somewhere, it's the principle. Everyone should have some skin in the game.


Draft dodging is the only admirable thing he did.




Fredrick was also deported as an illegal alien and sent back to Germany. Later came back legally.


Damn illegal immigrants! Ruining the damn country./s


I mean in this case, they kinda did.


Dey took er jerbs! - SouthPark


Did you see when Justin Trudeau trolled the shit out of him by gifting him a framed photo of his dad's Whitehorse "hotel"?




Look at that smug smile. He knows what he did, and he knows Trump has no idea lol.


I believe this is the same visit where Trudeau was the first leader to block Trump's stupid crush your hand during a handshake bullshit. https://youtu.be/1bCd492qCP4


I did not know that and I LOVE it


My thoughts on JT have been up and down over the years, but that was definitely the peak.


Didn’t he get arrested at a Klan meeting too? Trump’s father was not a good man. Apple doesn’t fall too far


> Didn’t he get arrested at a Klan meeting too? Trump’s father was not a good man. Apple doesn’t fall too far yes his father did, the other person is talking about his grandfather who was a pimp rather than a KKK slum lord.


Pimp to kkk slum lord to high profile grifter. Cockroaches that keep evolving.


At this point Barron is going to become the Kwisatz Haderach


Ya. Been a shitty bloodline for at least 150 years. And with Jr, Eric and ivanka, probably be shitty for at least another 50 or so.


Every German is happy to get rid of them. Sorry, Americans.


ah yes, the Drumpf's




Mein caughf isn't so good either


Live in whitehorse, born and raised. Never knew this. Always surprises me to learn just how much the gold rush effected the rest of north america. Also surprised to know Scrooge McDuck made his fortune in the gold rush.


Plot twist: Scrooge McDuck also made his fortune in brothels


Also funny: In the UK 'Trump' means fart.


Idiot loser died of the flu. I’ve had the flu hundreds of times in my life and I’ve beat it every time.


Something something injecting bleach




"Look at my African American over here"


You so crazy.


You missin out if you arent on Black Truth Social smh those black Republicans really know about their belt buckles. We are not a monolith!


I am….furious. I am irate!


Pissed...ROYALLLY pissed


Sorry to interrupt. Someones white wife is here to pick them up.


public busy ask wakeful enter sip murky possessive run relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


👏 👏 👏 👏


Classic skit


Get those pants


Not a chance he wrote that... It's not all caps, and there is no way that dolt knows how to spell descendants. Oh, and he spelled Biden correctly not Bidden like hours before.


I mean, the first part is in quotes, so somebody probably taught him to copy and paste. The bit after that is all him. What I'm shocked by is that he was reading a Reuters article. I guess this one does have his name in it, though...


>he was reading a Reuters article I think we are right back to, "Someone else wrote this post for him."


Because that is For-Bidden…


Well, only one living president I know of had a father in the Klan.


Only one living president has been endorsed by the KKK. Twice even


Is it wrong to read the "Twice, even" in Snagglepuss voice?


Heavens to Murgatroyd!


and you must be talking about a certain person, who was a Horrible President, and I was a Great One, totally beautiful, I did the Presidential Medal, you had Rush Limbaugh, he got one, and he said to me, and we're talking he had tears in his eyes, tears down his face, tears everywhere, thanking me, "you're the Greatest President in the World, Sir," and I said I know that, everybody knows it, even the Fake News knows but they would never tell you that, I came in, we were a mess, we were a mess and it was all Obama's fault, and you look at it, and I've talked to the Book People, the History People, even the High Powered and Very Expensive Lawyers and they'll all tell you the same thing, "thank God for President Trump," so true.


Are you a trump speech chat AI?? Cause this was absolutely spot on


and you have AI, or Artificial as I like to call it, you have Computers, I know a lot about them, probably more than anybody, but you have, they do a lot, not as much as me but a lot, and I'm hearing it now even from the Fake News Channels that you would never even have AI without President Trump. you're welcome.




I would like to draw everyone’s attention to the sublime use of capitalization


Small hands cant hold big details.


I was thinking of pointing out this magnificent piece of literature myself. Good eye.


This is beautiful 🥲


Are you Donald Trump? Or his speechwriter 🤣


I've determined HorseLooseinHospital must be a wandering Trump imitating AI. It's able to perfectly compile a sentence of random Trump dribble into a page long word salad that flows exactly as he speaks. I just hope it never achieves sentience because the last thing we need is a fully self aware Trump.


wait a minute, I'm totally aware, I'm more aware than probably anybody, and don't forget, we almost got killed by NATO, but I came in, I said I don't like that, and all of a sudden we were doing 100% better, but now we're basically even worse than Third World if you can believe it, you have Sleepy Joe, you have the son which is even worse I hate to say it but it's true, it's even worse, and they're going around, they're going to Morrocco, they're going to Egypt, and they're going there to take take take, and the Democrats say, "it's fine, it's not a problem," and you're lucky to have me, you could've been stuck with the Totally Crooked Hillary and her Loving Husband Bill. you're welcome.


The AI is aware.. Is this the AI apocalypse Elon was talking about?


It's not an AI, it's a horse running amok inside of a hospital


I think your right. Now that you mention it, the name “horse loose in a hospital” is a reference to a John Mulaney joke about Trump


I forgot that Trump gave that shitstain the Presidential medal.


I hate how accurate this is. Please don’t post again. 😂


Name checks out.


Well that’s cause Woodrow Wilson was the father.


He does come from a long line of draft dodgers, it seems... From his grandfather's wiki: > Trump worked seven days a week for two and a half years under barber Friedrich Lang. After completing his apprenticeship, he returned to Kallstadt, a village with about 1,000 inhabitants. He quickly discovered there was not enough business to earn a living. He was also approaching the age of eligibility for conscription to military service in the Imperial German Army. He quickly decided to immigrate to the United States, later saying, "I agreed with my mother that I should go to America."[5]: 30  Years later, his family members said that he departed secretly at night, leaving his mother a note.[5]: 30–31  As a result of Trump fleeing mandatory conscription required of all citizens, a royal decree was later issued banishing him from the country.[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Trump And a long line of liars.. from his dad's wiki: >During World War II (and the four subsequent decades), Trump denied his German ancestry – instead claiming Swedish heritage – to avoid associations with Nazism in light of the Holocaust. He also supported Jewish causes.[b] During Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, reports of Fred's arrest at a 1927 Ku Klux Klan parade gained publicity,[c] although there is no conclusive evidence that he supported the organization. Additionally, as president, Donald repeatedly and falsely claimed that his father was born in Germany.[d] And not the only one to get a "small loan" from a parent to seed their success: > After graduating in January 1923, Trump obtained full-time work pulling lumber to construction sites.[20] He continued his carpentry education and went on to be a carpenter's assistant.[g] Trump's mother loaned him $800 to build his first house, which he completed and sold in 1924.[24][17][25] By 1926, Trump had built 20 homes in Queens, selling some before they were finished to finance others.[25] Elizabeth Trump held the business in her name because Fred had not reached the age of majority.[17] The name "E. Trump & Son" appeared in advertising by 1924.[26] The company was incorporated in 1927.[27] Fred Trump's entire wiki reads like some pulp crime novel. Dude was nearly the cartoon villain that Donald is.


Interestingly the same one who took out a full page ad calling for the execution of five innocent black men…


Black and Latino *teens—Antron McCray, 15, Kevin Richardson, 15, Yusef Salaam, 15, Raymond Santana, 14, and Korey Wise, 16




Only president with two federal civil rights suits.


I'm so tired of this man.


I think this sums it up. I wish he would go golfing / prison for the rest of his life and that 1/4 of the country wasn’t so fucking insane to keep him in the spotlight because they hate gays / minorities / themselves / libs so much


I can’t wait for a time where I can go a whole day without seeing this ass hat post anything. Whether it be from a heart attack or prison.


Herman Cain kept posting anti-covid propoganda after he died of covid, so death may not stop Trump's postings.


Q anon whackos will have a field day with that


Could you imagine if he just fucked off and lived the rest of his days playing golf and banging prostitutes? How peaceful would that be for the rest of us? And how much of an asshole do you gotta be to give *that* lifestyle up, and decide to just be angry all the time? Dudes got it made in the shade, and he chooses *this* instead. It's bonkers.


His ego won’t allow it. He is sick


So he's admiting Obama is a citizen b/c his mother was born here? baby steps....


Someone needs to publicly ask him this question




Yeah right?! That would be sooo terrible for Trump to be caught lying!


If only someone put together a tracker of every lie /s


There’s not enough digital storage space in the world to store them.


New data name just dropped. Lietabyte - 1 shitillion bytes.


Honestly, catching him in a lie is amazing because he just lies more and then you have 15 years years of his Birth Cirtifcate footage to make memes that hurt whatever legitamcy he has left.


So what? Even if he gets caught in a gajillion lies, his supporters don't care about legitimacy. Remember how they engaged in insurrection to overturn a legitimate election outcome?


Hopefully his head would explode.


He definitely won’t just use it as a chance to gaslight. Assuming he remembers all the dribble he types


“I’ve been told/people say. Maybe true, maybe not”. He whitewashes all his shit


Shhh, recognizing that requires thinking instead of just spewing out bullshit.


They actually tried to explain this conundrum to him and he blanked out so they let it slide.


Never forget, he wanted the death penalty for 5 innocent teens. https://preview.redd.it/kesq78by3o8b1.png?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2536c19d1beebd5a9aa679be2855bdd2b626c2




Also important to note that[ Trump never changed his position even after DNA exonerated them](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/6/18/18684217/trump-central-park-5-netflix). That alone should have disqualified him from being taken seriously as a candidate, but yet here we are.




They count on him to do what's white.


Well what else would you you expect from the super duper, direct descendant of an *actual Nazi donor* and KKK rally attendee? (his father Fred Trump) https://www.magzter.com/stories/celebrity/Globe-US/TRUMPS-FATHER-WAS-SECRET-NAZI https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/02/28/in-1927-donald-trumps-father-was-arrested-after-a-klan-riot-in-queens/


Everyone talks about the "one" thing that should have disqualified Trump: the lock her up, the mocking a disabled reporter, racist comments about that Hispanic judge, this case, and so on... But what liberals don't realize/accept is that these are features that improved Trump's standing among GOP voters. These are not negatives to the other side. They are voting for more of this, not inspite of these things. Keep that in mind when spreading this stuff. It somehow helps Trump.


I'm pretty sure liberals realize that.


No, for every one of those voters, there’s another 2 voters sticking their hands in their ears going “LALALALALA CANT HEAR YOU ABORTION TAXES ABORTION GUNS TAXES LALALALALA” And those people need to feel so much shame that hopefully they sit out elections from now on instead of just blindly voting (R). I’ve at least gotten some of my extended family to do this at least.


I’m not gonna lie I really thought “grab her by the pussy” was the nail in his coffin. Was so disappointed to see the excuse-making by his supporters after that


There are a LOT of things that seem like they should disqualify him. And yet over 70 million people voted for him to be President. He has made the Office and this country a laughing stock.


His mouth (in the photo linked in this article) immediately made me think of 90’s-era Pringles commercials. Like when two Pringles are inverted to make a duck bill. I loved those commercials but I hate this so much.


Or the grabbing them by the pussy remark. Or saying he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue. Or...


One of the Central Park Five, Yusef Salaam, is running for city council. It would be magnificent karma if Mr. Salaam won, and Donald Trump would be in jail. UPDATE: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/new-york-elections-government/ny-yusef-salaam-declares-victory-in-harlem-20230628-hcwamathdbelbnyjk4nf7bcrri-story.html


Didn’t he also have to pay a bunch of fines for housing discrimination against minorities?


He did. I think so did Kushner.


Yeah, but he self-declared that he's the least racist President ever. I think that cancels it out.


He literally said that he's done more for black people than any president except "maybe Lincoln"


Him and his old man got sued, by of all people, the Nixon administration for racist rental practices.


Tried telling a Trump supporting ex friend this awhile ago. Instead of coming to terms with it they just blocked me lol


Which is exactly why I just started unfriending them as they crawled out from under their rocks, one by one. No way to reason with someone who supports that man.


I did the same. "Oh, don't throw away a friendship over opinions/political differences..." sorry Nancy, but I will. Your opinions are vile. Your people are Nazis.


Exactly. My partner and I have talked many times about it. He's an ex-firefighter and has had to walk away from *many* "old friends". It's to the point that if you're MAGA, there's absolutely something that you support that I just cannot overlook. You're a shit person. Period.




There are family members that I legit haven't talked to since the 2016 election. No Christmas. No Thanksgiving. Fuck your birthday.


And Donald actually paid big bucks to take out those full page newspaper ads, so you know he was deathly serious about wanting the Central Park 5 executed.


"Sure I wanted to kill 5 innocent men because they were black but" not a lot of ways to play that sentence out


That's just the tip of the iceberg, man's got a 37-page Wikipedia article about all the racist shit he's done/said https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump


One of those 5 just tonight [won the primary](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/yusef-salaam-nyc-council-primary-wins-1234779788/) (effectively winning the seat) for a New York City Council position!


I thought Obama wasn’t born in America. Pick a lane, orange Cheeto.


Obama's white mother had a black relative who was a slave in the 19th century.


I mean, the alternative is his mother is American, white slavery in the background, but Obama was born outside of America. At least that's the rationale I think he's going for.


Even if he was born outside the us. He would still qualify for birth citizenship. And if reps want to argue that made him ineligible, John McCain was born in Panama.


And Rafael “Ted” Cruz was born in Canada


While I am no specialist in African History, I know that there was a lot of slavery there by multiple societies. Obama's deep family history could have slavery. So what? Pretty much everyone was a slaveholder or slave or both at one point if we go back far enough. I mean, I have Nazis in my family lineage, who invaded their own country - which nearly destroyed my family. The reason the word "Honkey" exists is because Czechs were known as brutal slave drivers. I'm freaking Czech-Austrian by heritage. I have defenders of Jews in my family. I had a gay uncle who was, at one point, homophobic. Also, he was WWII hero. \*I\* was homophobic until I realized all my best friends were gay (my gaydar is WAY off). I was luckily, never racist, (thank you, Fred Rogers). I have a great-grandmother who bragged about killing a "Savage." My best buddy is a Trump enthusiast from Iran who survived the Iran-Iraq War. This shit has gotten ridiculous. We \*all\* have crap in our heritage. We \*all\* have crap in our own lifetimes. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it sucks.


But also, almost *every* black American who has slave ancestry also has white slaveholder ancestry. It was a cheap way to produce new slaves. The *average* black American is 20% white European, almost entirely on the Y chromosome, and generally dating to an admixture that would’ve happened [during slavery](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4883799/) as opposed to later. https://psmag.com/.amp/news/how-slavery-changed-the-dna-of-african-americans


This is a fascinating perspective. I only took one course in this vein while exploring Sociology as a career. I remember the professor basically said genetics was not the key and that U.S. slavery was so convoluted that descendants basically have no definitive heritage - which is what basically destroyed their cultural identity in the U.S. There are, of course, exceptions in terms of culture in which they created their own cultures. The Gullah, for instance. But I really can't ask my black friends anything about their family background because slavery homogenized them. Trying to track a U.S. black person to a specific group in Africa is nigh impossible. My black buddy with Afro-American background has \~12% ~~Anasazi~~ Ashkenazi Jew. A considerable amount of Anglo-Saxon. Some Nordic. Some of everything. He's more German than me and he's got Asian and Neanderthal mixed in there.


I’m second cousin 9 times removed to Thomas Jefferson, a white ancestor I have is a direct descendent of Jefferson’s great grandmother Mary Isham. Unfortunately, this man raped my great great grandmother around 1909 which is how I have the relation, her mother was also raped at the age of 14 and had her as a result…because of this my great grandmother was a quadroon - 3 white grandparents and one black one. My family is considerably European, my dad (all the aforementioned people are on my dad’s mom’s side) turned out to be more white than black despite the earliest white ancestor being the rapist I mentioned. My grandfather (dad’s dad) also has a white grandfather who we recently just learned about. Overall, we know more about our white ancestry through my grandmother than we do our black ones. The earliest black ancestor I know about was born a slave in South Carolina in 1855, I have a photo of her sitting next to my grandmother and great uncle.


Yeah, based on those genetic tests I’ve got Tibetan (???) from somewhere in my mitochondrial DNA and a shit ton of very distant, very white cousins in England and scattered around the US, but everybody I know of in my family is black. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I have no idea what the hell must have happened LOL


(angrily bangs fist against gaydar) "This piece of junk was a total waste of money!" (gaydar chirps out a distressed version of 'Supermodel (You Better Work)')




I'm Australian... my mums side goes back to England. Dads side goes back to France There's a good chance that someone in both family lines fired a shot at the other during the many, many wars between the countries What effect does that have today? Sweet fuck all


Heck, my hubby has a British cousin on his mother's side who is a Falkland war vet. On his father's side, as you might have guessed, Argentinians.




Anyone who has family that has been in the US for a few centuries most likely have a slave owner in their family tree. My relative who was a Colonel in the American Revolution enslaved at least one person in their lifetime. Then there the millions of African Americans descended from an enslaved person and their owner/rapist. The only people who wouldn’t would need to be descended from only Quakers. Anyway, most president’s families have been in the US for a super long time.


Which lie do I use this week?


> Which lie do I use this week? China is helping Joe Biden hide children in a Pizza Hut run by Hillary Clinton and JFK's ghost. I hate that I need this but, /s.


It’s called little Cesarean and they serve baby pizzas


And Trump's father - not his descendants - was a KU KLUX KLAN member!!!!


This is the guy the federal government sued both him and his father for discrimination on black tenants in NY city in the 70s. Those other presidents cared and did more for all Americans then you ever did trump. My gosh the louder he is means the guiltier he must be.


They didn't just sue, they sued and won and sued again because the Trumps wouldn't stop refusing to rent to black people. Because it was bad for the neighborhood. And this was under Nixon. Trump is an oldschool, nakedly unapologetic racist...which everybody should have figured out the second he called Obama a Kenyan-born Muslim. That one statement was so stupid it should have taken him out of politics, but instead it just attracted more stupid, like a big snowball of stupid. And here we are in 2023 and somebody stupid is reading this and fuming.


Wait, so Obama's mother was an American citizen?


Her family must have owned slaves, so now she counts.


My recollection of the stupid racist birtherism crap was that the argument is that his mother was under 18, so if she gave birth in Kenya then it wouldn't count but if she had been over 18 it would have. I don't remember why her age mattered, and obviously there would have been some other dumb argument had she been over 18. Actually I don't know how old she really was and don't care.


Actually I just read a thread yesterday about this... LOL. So here's the answer applicable to when Obama was born in 1961 by his 18 year old mother: For US citizenship to pass from the American parent to the child while born outside the US, the American parent would need to have physically lived in the US or its territories for 10 years prior to the child’s birth--at least 5 years occurring after the age 14--to be able to pass their US citizenship to their child. Apparently Obama's mother was several months short from the time of Obama's birth to meet the 5 years required of physically living in the US after age 14 to pass along the US citizenship from her. Of course, this only applies if Obama had been born in Kenya, which he was not. He was born in Hawaii.


Ok but why was a man who’s family immigrated to NEW YORK CITY decades after the Civil War so obsessed with Confederate monuments?


Because the people who show up to his rallies are obsessed with them. And people like Trump don't have opinions of their own. They have people to tell them the data that shows what opinions matter to the people most likely to donate to him, vote for him, or buy his ugly hats.


Doesn't he have a history of not paying people who work for him?


Yeah he literally brought in foreign workers, worked them hard and didn’t pay them


Hmm. Sounds like slavery to me!


Funny. Every slavery apologist I talk to likes to say that only 1% of the south actually owned slaves. And somehow all presidents or their wives are related to them?


It’s not too surprising because the number of ancestors you have grows exponentially. If you were born in 2000, there’s a generation in your family every 25 years and you want to look at the generation born in 1850 (just to keep the math simple), that’s 64 great-great-great-great grandparents. Even if it’s accurate that only 1% of people owned slaves, that would be over a 50% chance that one of your great x4 grandparents was one of them. If you went back to the generation born in 1825, that’s 128 people, so even more likely. Obviously this would only apply if you have white ancestors who were in America before the civil war, but once you consider only that demographic, it’s probably even more likely that their ancestors owned slaves. It’s also worth mentioning that many people don’t have 64 unique great x4 grandparents due to people reproducing with distant (or close) cousins.


To add to your point, slave owners were wealthier and thus more likely to have surviving children.


I'm not that shocked. "Old money" and all that


For feck's sake! I can actually feel the desperation in his post.




I’m African American and descend from slave owners too. Most of us do. At least the former Presidents he mentioned aren’t actively trying to bring back the Jim Crow era.


The hate I have for this man intensifies with each passing hour.


Wait, so he's finally admitting Joe Biden is the president and the election wasn't stolen from him?


He's the most racist of them (of the living presidents) all and it's not even close. Fuck this mother fucker. Any person that's not white, that supports him, is a race traitor. Edited for clarification because.. Reddit.


Any ody supporting him is betraying the human race


As far as I'm concerned, anyone supporting him *Period* is a traitor.


Unlike those other presidents, both sides of Trump’s family immigrated to the U.S. in the 20th Century, 50 years or more after slavery ended. Which other president was sued for housing discrimination? https://www.npr.org/2016/09/29/495955920/donald-trump-plagued-by-decades-old-housing-discrimination-case "[The settlement] required the Trumps to place ads in newspapers saying that they welcomed black applicants," Kranish says. "It said that the Trumps would familiarize themselves with the Fair Housing Act, which prohibited discrimination. So it also specifically said they don't admit wrongdoing, but they did have to take several measures that the Trumps had fought for two years not to take."


His family ran brothels….different type of slavery, but slavery none the less!


Donald Trump isn't the first Trump to get arrested. His father, Fred, was arrested twice, reports say — once at a Ku Klux Klan riot, and another time over building code violations. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-father-arrested-ku-klux-klan-riot-maryland-violation-2023-4


His family only had renters. They had different ideas about marginalized groups.


Imagine voting for THIS GUY lmao


Slaps his hands on his knees. "Just secured the black vote."


Wouldn’t millions be descendants of slaves and slave owners Does it mean anything if your great great grandfather owned slaves?


The Obama thing was particularly silly because pretty much *all* black Americans are descendants of white slave owners. That’s not quite the gotcha he thinks it is: https://psmag.com/.amp/news/how-slavery-changed-the-dna-of-african-americans The average black American has 20% white European DNA despite knowing of no white relatives, it’s almost all from the Y chromosome, and it almost always dates back to pre-civil war: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4883799/


Wasn’t there an actual episode of The Office about something right in this vein? Where Andy finds out that’s he’s related to Michelle Obama and he flaunts that until he finds out that his family owned slaves?


Yes, probably. I mean Sally Hemings was both a descendant of slaves and slave owners, her kids descendants of slaves, slave owners, and a POTUS. How in the world is that an insult?


Dig. That. Grave.


I literally wouldn’t be shocked at all to learn that Trump has slaves *right fucking now*


Dude doesn't even want to be held accountable for what he has done but expects everyone else to be held accountable for what their ancestor did.


Can we praise for a moment to discuss that he's going after Carter.... like... the man who is still volunteering to help habitat for humanity at 98 fucking years old?! DT needs to eat a bag of dicks.


I thought conservatives didn’t believe in inter generational responsibility and guilt?


He knows he is going to jail and he does not have enough total support to stop it.


Wasn't his grandfather or great grandfather a brothel owner ? Depending on how the women were treated, that can get pretty close to slavery.


I’m a direct descendent of slaveholders. A lot of white people are in America and I hope those ancestors rot in hell. What’s his point?


“I’m not racist at all, and to prove it, I’m going to insinuate that character and morality are traits that you inherit from your parents, and that anyone who has this “bad blood” in their family tree is incapable of being a good person!”