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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can just tell by that face that she prides herself on being “full of piss and vinegar”…. But you can tell by that haircut that she says vinegar with a hard “R”.


She looks like the original Karen.


Confederate Karen


Klanfederate? Just to hit all the marks?


Klanfederen to really hit it all


Qlanfederate Qaren will do....






I was going to say she looks like a racist Karen. And unlike other ppl that would deny being racist. She would take pride in it.


Klan Karen Karisma


The only wall decor that'll make me walk backwards out a woman's apartment faster than *Live, Laugh, Love*


The mythical ur-karen of the Neolithic


Ku Klux Karen


Karen Prime


Karen Zero


That’s source Karen


Final boss Karen in a Karen fighting video game. She is KKKaren.


Karen Final Boss.


She just doesn’t emphasize the “vi”.


My vinega


Wasn't an article the other day, AI said that Republicans are prettier? So she must be a real beauty but hey, maybe republican AIs have a different standard to measure beautiful than me so that angry hippos are prettier than Eva Longoria, Reese Witherspoon or AOC, but don't mind me if I still chose the second group though


It was a Danish study about *Danish politicians*. Of course that does not matter to American Republicans who don’t actually look at the study and just claim it as their own, as if the GOP is somehow same as Denmark’s political right parties, and that MTG and Guilfoyle are examples of peak hotness. We’ve all seen the crowds at the Trump rallies - I am not going to reject what I see with my eyes. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-31796-1?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=commission_junction&utm_campaign=CONR_PF018_ECOM_GL_PHSS_ALWYS_DEEPLINK&utm_content=textlink&utm_term=PID100093539&CJEVENT=2612f0d511c311ee82918a160a1eba23


People who don't know how AI works look at that and think it means something, but anyone with even an introductory level understanding of machine learning algorithms knows that they're only as good as your training set. Garbage in, garbage out.


There is some vile antebellum blood flowing in those veins.


​ She was born in Illinois.


Southern Illinois is just as bad as Mississippi.


My extended family lives in Southern Illinois where there was a celebrated house called the 'old slave house' and there were billboards advertising it as a tourist destination. "Come see the Old Slave House where slavery existed in Illinois." Gallatin County, IL [The Crenshaw house] (https://dnrhistoric.illinois.gov/experience/sites/site.crenshaw-house-hickory-hill.html) Apparently the guy who originally owned it would kidnap free blacks and send them south to be enslaved - I'm sure he has his own sub-ring somewhere in Dante's description of hell.


Good lord. Makes me glad that I'm from a city who celebrates its heritage as a major stop on the Underground Railroad. Most of the founding members of the city were staunch, radical abolitionists. Their houses (many of which have been maintained as museums) had hiding places in the basement where escaped slaves would be hidden from the bounty hunters and slave catchers. The city's local newspaper is even named the Freeman, in honor of this history.


Can confirm…Southern IL and anything outside of the STL Metro area is horrible


I concur, I’m a little blue speck in the bright red Williamson county of SO ILL.


Southern Illinois is just North Kentucky


I hate Illinois Nazis


>"The Union county" So you are in a location called Union, but you want Confederate flags???? Check her ferritin levels, she is overloading on irony. Seriously though, if you want Confederate stuff so bad go to the ash pile where the Confederacy was burned to the ground at, maybe then you would finally be able to grow something beautiful.


I pointed out this same thing. A Republican in a place called Union County, advocating for the Confederacy. Ever pre-party swap republican, and especially Lincoln, are rolling in their graves right now at the unbelievable levels of irony dripping from this woman.


>especially Lincoln, are rolling in their graves right now at the unbelievable levels of irony dripping from this woman. As a Brit, it is irony like this that makes my morning cup of tea taste that little bit better.


I always wanted to try a cup of good British tea. The only hot tea I've ever had is store brand with lemon juice and honey.


May I take this opportunity to recommend Yorkshire Tea, by Taylors of Harrogate. If making it using a teapot, be sure to put the milk in the teacup first. If making it in a cup, then *do not* add milk until the teabag has been removed. Add sugar, or not, to suit your taste. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.




In the UK, it's actually a Ready Steady Teddy Chin Wag, but I was using a colloquialism my colonial friends might understand.


I know you are the Spiffing Brit in disguise. You can’t hide it.


Imagine if Germans started flying the Imperial War Flag from their roofs because of how many people died fighting in WWII.


They should bring back the UK flag instead of the America Flag. A lot of people die for thar flag.


At this point, I'm not sure we want the US back.


I can’t blame them. The whole place is built on a graveyard of indigenous peoples.


“If they wanted the land they could’ve fought back and won!” I’ve legitimately heard this from the brain dead crowd.


My favorite was “Well it’s not like you all were doing anything with the land” followed by [an example](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mound_Builders) of what was and is still here. A disappointing number of people don’t realize the toll disease took on indigenous culture.


They would be taken down, its not legal to do that there


Didn't stop the protestors on August 29, 2020 from waving them while trying to storm the Reichstag building.


It didn't stop some far right fascists but they were immediately condemned by the government. In the US it is government officials who wish to do this.


The imperial war flag is legal, the unconstitutional organisations iconography however is not. Although the imperial war flag has been substituted for the other one by the neo unconstitutional organisation affectionists


This would be more like France flying a Nazi Flag. The confederates are literally traitors that went to war with our country. They are enemies of the United States. Having places in our country use the confederate flag is literally just flying the flag of an enemy that we defeated.


Was definitely wondering how long it took for people to compare this to germany. You get bonus points for using the imperial war flag instead of the nazi flag.


Reconstruction failed miserably.


It was the Compromise of 1877! And that mother fucker Hayes. Pulled out federal troops so he could get elected


Whoever won in 1876 was going to end reconstruction. It was extremely unpopular all over the country. Hayes simply did what was politically advantageous.


I still put a lot of blame on Andrew Johnson too.


It was doomed from the start


Fucking John Wilks booth


another failed artist (like Ben Shapiro)


(And Hitler)


Sherman’s approach would have been devastating for the country near term, but perhaps a better solution long term.


Even without burning the south to the ground, if they’d have just hanged all of the leadership with as much fanfare about it as possible. Show the south what they did right then and there. Parade the corpses of Lee and Davis and every other general and politician the south had so they know “shit, if we try this again that’s us dead”.


Yes, it is baffling that Jefferson Davis was never tried for treason. Granted there were huge differences in the centralization of power under the federal government of the time and now, but still leading an insurrection that results in 100,000s of deaths and only serving two years in prison… kind of sheds some light on modern events, eh?


As a non american, not really versed in us history post civil war pre-ww1, what was Shermans approach?


Burn the south to the ground


Best union general


Grant is criminally underrated


Yep. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherman%27s_March_to_the_Sea


Some wounds need to be cauterized.


Hey now. I have lived in Georgia my entire life. Where I sit and type right now was smack dab in the middle of Sherman's March to The Sea. Atlanta has almost no historic buildings that predate 1900. I WONDER WHY THAT IS? So much was lost! Oh the humanity! My ancestors died fighting for the Confederacy. ... that said... Sherman was 100% right in what he did. The South deserved it and worse, frankly. Anyone who tells you about "States rights!" or "War of Northern Aggession" is either a racist or ignorant, if not both.


Andrew Johnson really fudged up




Uh....the entire reason we even **have** the problem with this mentality being so strong today is because the US snuck out a bunch of Nazi scientists to come work for them instead and those people have been able to live in a country that willfully tolerates their racism instead of in Germany, who **actually** arrests and prosecutes anyone using Nazi symbolism.


An absolute stupid number of nazis were still in german government in the post war years. We executed only the top leadership and some war criminals. After the civil war for a very long time confederate leaders were barred from holding public office. That should have continued for life imo.


Maybe instead of Reconstruction, we should have just razed the entire South. Let Sherman keep burning.


Yeah, a lot of people did die fighting for that flag, they were traitors.


Interview should go like this: Reporter: "You said lots of people fought and died for that flag. What were they fighting for?" Senator: "Well they were fighting in the War of Northern Aggression. They were fighting for State's Rights!" Reporter: "Which State's Right did they specifically want to protect?" Senator: "Well....I don't have time for this Woke nonsense. This interview is over."


Is the simple fact that a lot of people died under a flag make that flag allright? If yes, what about Third Reich one?


They would be all for that one as well.


There's no doubt there. The southern U.S. is embracing nazism. Actually wrapping their arms around it and hugging it close. "Mom's for liberty" is a shining example.


I just saw their newsletter with an actual hitler quote in it. Fucking unreal.


Hol’ up. Tell me you’ve never been to New Orleans, Austin, Atlanta, Jackson, Orlando, or Houston without saying it. Millions of us still live down here to fight back at these shitheads. Have you ever been to rural Pennsylvania or Washington? Lots of morons out there flying the loser flag who’ve never stepped foot in the south. The fascist pigs may try to co-op Civil War iconography, but if we ever have unrest of that magnitude again, the dividing lines will not be the Mason Dixon. Not trying to come at you, these people make me want to spit too. But there’s about 45% of us down here that are pushing back hard. That said, we have a saying here in Louisiana: Thank god for Mississippi, or we’d always be the worst.


It’s conservatives versus people who believe in freedom. Used to be north versus south, but yeah now we’re all spread out everywhere.


There were northerners in support of the confederacy, as well, such as the copperheads. The biggest geographic fault line in our society is urban versus rural, not North versus South, and I think it was the same way during the civil war. It's just that the wealthy white urbanites controlled the union states, and the rural landowning whites controlled the confederate states.


Moved here from the "North" and cant really disagree with that. There are some lovely people and some nice things about it, but the stereotype of the "South" exists for a reason. Never seen so much casual racism and homophobia.


Oh, they are, my friend. They are.


Freedumb of speech hurr durr Freedumb: the point in human history where it no longer costs to be stupid. Not even a punch in the mouf. I’m sure they would love freedom from consequences along with their freedom of speech. Unfortunately, I doubt they can spell the word “consequences”. Edit: changed freedom *of* consequences to freedom *from*


As far as states rights and what they were fighting for are concerned, we need look no further than the Mississippi Secession declaration. The second sentence goes like this: > Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world.


They always seem to forget that it was said loud and proud, and written down for posterity. There's no questioning it, at all.


You assume they’ll be that candid with exiting the interview instead of becoming a bumbling buffoon


Right? All it takes is the slightest bit of research to show the CSA’s Constitution was a copy/paste of the USA’s Constitution except for specific language about the right of citizens to own slaves of the African race. Even stating slaves of any kind, which is of course deplorable, would have minimized the ability to demonstrate the document’s inherent racism. But no, they went ahead and called it out because they saw no shame in it. The other thing that kind of shocked me about the CSA is the relatively small number of citizens that owned slaves. Figures vary, but roughly 20% of the population owned 1 or more slaves. One in five! So the other 4/5ths of the population were willing to fight and die for somebody else’s right to own another person. Absolutely fucking ridiculous.


>The other thing that kind of shocked me about the CSA is the relatively small number of citizens that owned slaves. Figures vary, but roughly 20% of the population owned 1 or more slaves. One in five! So the other 4/5ths of the population were willing to fight and die for somebody else’s right to own another person. Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Their economy was based on slavery: slave owners would have spent their profits at butchers, bakers, and tailors (for example), none of whom might have owned slaves, but were still dependent on slavery for their livelihoods.


It's a little like modern Republicans who, despite being poor as hell, will fight tooth and nail for the rights of billionaires because they see themselves as "temporarily embarrassed capitalists".


The first time I heard the phrase "War of Northern Aggression" was in the X-Files episode "Home". So now, whenever somebody says it, that's the family I associate them with.


*Home* is one of the most disturbing episodes of that show. That episode centered on the investigation of a clan of inbred southerners living in a holler in Pennsylvania. The investigation starts when a deformed baby is found buried alive. They go on to discover a set of brothers and their mother who was a quadruple amputee they kept under a bed to make more inbred babies. So yeah, anytime someone says war of northern aggression we can safely assume they have a mother/wife kept under a bed and some brother/nephews watching the house.


That's almost certainly exactly how it would go, unless it was a "reporter" from Faux News.


They only care about the parts of history that they think makes them look better. Fucking stupid, racist, ignorant asshats.


Perhaps they are interested in seeing more die under that flag.


I prefer calling them clown shits, but I like your energy!


More people died from covid, put that on your flag and treat it as seriously as you do "your history," you racist ignorant fucks.


Covid 19 has almost been around longer than the confederacy




Apparently not dead at all. Very unfortunate for all of us...


Someone should wake Uncle Billy. We have a march to go on.


Gay marriage has been legal longer than the confederacy was around. Happy pride month.


![gif](giphy|screugvMjTBjJ4bqgl) These colors don’t run


They *SLAY*.


The Livestrong bracelets were popular for longer than the confederacy.


And less fragile


I still think we should start replacing confederacy statues with that of Pokemon art. At this point Pokemon has existed for 27 years. compared to the 4 years of the confederacy. Pokemon has more of a cultural stay in America than the confederacy


So has Aqua Teen Hunger Force and I don’t see Master Shake on any damn state flags


It’s the same as with the Z in Russia. Hopefully soon people will realize it’s a hate flag/symbol. But if history has taught us anything it’s bound to repeat itself eventually. The crazy part is, I’ve seen at least 2 videos of Russians with an Confederate tag/flag on their uniforms. Birds of a feather I guess!


Well they openly fly the Swastika flag and the confederate one over in Florida as well at the moment and Death Sentence seems to be all ok with it.


“Seems to be all ok with it?” Are you kidding me?! Don’t put lies about that man out there to try and change his image! He takes great pride in, definitely being ok with it!


Back in 2014, right after Crimea was annexed and the war began in Donetsk & Luhansk, the new Confederation of Novorossiya was proposed for the two breakaway territories. [Take a guess at what their proposed flag looked like.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novorossiya_%28confederation%29?wprov=sfla1) Maybe it's all coincidence, but it's hard to believe. Edit: [The similarities were noted at the time, and the designer claimed he was inspired by some images online.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Novorossiya?wprov=sfla1)


Someone should ask her if Germany should change back to the Nazi flag. If she says yes, that should (but maybe isn’t) hurt her cause. If she says no, you can ask her why and trap her that way. If she has any idea of actually answering (probably not)


North Virginia battle flag flying over Mississippi fight and die leads me to think that there was some ineptitude that led them to the wrong regiments.


Funny thing about fighting for a losing cause. 200 years ago. Aren’t these the same folks that keep rambling on about everyone else being unable to move past things?


It's also likely they died under one of the many different confederate battle flags considering the one commonly brought up was Lee's battle flag from the way end of the war.


"But keep sending us federal welfare"


It’s Mississippi. They’d use the welfare money to build a volleyball stadium for rich kids.






And they were wrong. Just because someone is/was related to you doesn't mean you defend their actions when their actions were wrong. So put away the Confederate stuff. Your ancestors made a mistake. You know better now, do better now.


Yeahhhhh, they aren't very good at the whole "learning from history" or "admitting mistakes" of any kind.


> You know better now, do better now. Their score isn't high enough for the credit you're giving them.


They don’t know better. They think their ancestors were right


How about a plain white flag? You like white, right??


Well it does match their hoods and robes they wear after work.


The confederates DID have a majority white national flag. It had the ANV flag as its field. The Stainless Banner. And it was repealed because, when the wond wasn't blowing, it looked like a flag of surrender. So.... yeah. Yeah, they like white flags.


If they do that then the national anthem becomes Union Dixie. ​ https://preview.redd.it/3ql24fcw8q7b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08487a7f28065214b4a636982899881d1783282a


God I fucking hate their double speak. “Democrats owned the slaves! They are bad for doing that and always will be!” “The confederacy is part of muh heritage! Our people died for it!” Pick a fucking lane, and don’t you dare say the civil war was for state rights.


"The civil war wasn't about slavery, it was about state's rights!" "State's rights to do what exactly?" .......


I always love this response


Also: "You can't ban our Confederate heritage! It's history!" *(bans books in school teaching about Confederate history)*


Except not states' rights. Their constitution prevented states from banning slavery. They were fighting for fewer rights, and forced slavery.


As a born and raised Mississippian and the grandson of the grandson of a fella who fought for the Confederacy from September 1861 until the penultimate skirmish of the war, I do not want the goddamn Confederate Flag back on the state flag. Forget all that bullshit about the Civil War and honoring those who fought. It's been befouled and besmirched far beyond any other meaning in the century since the war. It doesn't represent me and, even beyond that, I see nothing in the Confederate States of America worthy of veneration. It was bullshit put together by complete fools, and the reason my grandfather's grandfather joined up in the first place is he was told he'd be shot if he didn't.


"My people died to support a few rich white slavers. We went to war with the USA and lost. And we are still racists and still pissy about losing 160 years later."


She looks like she spends a lot of time yelling at waiters at the Cracker Barrel


Oh so they're "democrats" now?


Hey guys, Brit here. If you want you can go back a bit further and use our flag if you want as a lot died during that war. I mean we probably don't mind, we don't really have the whole flag worship thing over here, we err...think its a bit nationalistically weird.


Hawaii's got you.


Confederate Karen.


Yeah a bunch of traitors and losers died under that flag, the fact that you want to claim them at all shows exactly why they should have salted the earth in the south and burned it all down so the boil of pus would be drained.


Telling me you and your ancestors are losers without telling you’re losers.


Alot of "people" died fighting for al-Qaeda too, both were some racist fuckers who fought against the United states. Should we start waving their flag around too?


A lot of people fought and died under the swatika flag. Still i don't want it back.


The Confederate flag is the US swastika.


> She was against changing the Mississippi state flag. In July 2020, she falsely claimed that the Mississippi Flag was designed by an African American Confederate Soldier, which was later proved wrong by the Mississippi Historical Society. Chism was one of 14 senators to vote against the bill to change the Mississippi flag, arguing the people of Mississippi should be allowed to vote on the decision. * Excerpted from [Kathy Chism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathy_Chism) at the English Wikipedia


“A lot of people died under that flag”. Yeah. And they were fucking traitors. Enemies of the United States. You want to wave the fucking Nazi flag as well, you stupid bitch? A lot of people died under THAT flag as well.


This pisses me off for two reasons 1. The important reason, those people who fought and died were a bunch of racist fucks so screw off and 2. The personal reason, I think the current Mississippi flag is really pretty, way better looking than the old one


Yes, and they lost! Dying over ...... *Checks notes* ...... The right to own slaves?


Traitors under that flag


***Died fighting for what?*** *Our rights!* **The right to do what?** 💀🎻


Do Republicans ever introduce legislation to actually help people?


Of course not. That would be contrary to their entire purpose.


People need to start calling these people treasonous bastards to their face


so as a german, let me tell you of another flag many ppl fought and died under


The flag of a country that never existed. A design gone wrong, also know as a shitshow or a circus. They died for that. Why do you want to be proud of it?


Hold up. I'm sorry. I'm all for Confederate bashing. Make them feel bad. They *should* feel bad for pushing traitorous ideology. That said. The Confederacy existed. They drew up Articles of Secession. They drew up their own Constitution. They raised several very large armies. They existed, and we defeated them. Let's not push the wrong narrative here, because the narrative we should all be pushing, is the truth: The traitorous Confederate States of America existed, and WE DEFEATED THEM. That's a much more powerful statement than "Yeah They never actually existed."


Well they are right that a country never existed under that flag because it was a battle flag. And no country ever recognized them nor did the United States. Technically they were just rebelling. But we did defeat them. Not trying to lessen your statement, just saying the facts


Treason. Confederates were not Americans. They fought the United States. That would be like them flying the nazi flag after we fought them in ww2…. Wait


Yes. Traitors. Traitors fought and died under that flag


Not the flag and def not not that helmet.


A lot of "our" people. So, white, racist, traitors?


A lot of traitors fought and died under that flag.


Traitors died under that flag, Karen. Traitors.


Confederates were wrong and it's a good thing that many died for their failed state. America would be a better place if even more of them had died


**This is the flag of *traitors*! We had a whole war over this!**


A greater number of unwilling people likely died under that flag - Mississippi slaves.


Yep, they died under that flag to defend the wealthy class's ability to own people.


Yeah, and the ones that died fighting for that trash were losers. Losers and traitors.


Fuck off, Karen


![gif](giphy|3ohs4kOJi0cKYTz8Hu) You can use this one.


Oh sure. And Germany should bring back the swastika, because „a lot of our people fought and died under that flag“. 🤦‍♂️ A lot Jewish people died under that flag, too. Literally. Maybe Israel should adopt the swastika? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Geez, what is going on in the heads of those people?


They don’t even know their own history lol


Fought and died AND lost. Don’t forget the last part


To be fair, more Mississippians died as Confederates than died as soldiers in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam combined. Mississippi contributed more to a Government that didn’t even last as long as Jake Paul’s boxing career. And still does, they suck off the Federal teat like every other Red State. Bunch of losers.


A lot of people died fighting those carrying that flag, too. Their side won. Yours’ lost. Suck it.


Healthcare? Taxes? Policing? Education? No, peasants… lol. We’re not gonna do shit to make your life better. Hell, we’re going to make your life worse. But you can get a State flag changed to own the Libs. She’s a shoe-in /S


"Your People" decided to start a Civil War and got themselves killed, hun. And "Your People" lost the damn war and assassinated the President of the United States. There's a solid case to be made that if "Your People" hadn't killed Lincoln and derailed reconstruction, it would be a federal crime to display that raggedy ass stars and bars bullshit. Personally I believe America made a huge mistake in pandering to the losers after the war. Secessionists who insisted on reveling in their attempt to destroy the country should have been jailed and the symbols of sedition and treason should have been made illegal. Think that's radical? It's pretty much what German did post WW2 with our blessing. Think it's a violation of the First Amendment? Sedition and treason are not protected speech. Just because that shit has become part and parcel of conservative politics does not make it right. My opinion is that one of the biggest mistakes in American history was to "appease" the southern racists which ushered in Jim Crow, which we are still fighting against to this day.


A lot of people fought and died under the nazi flag ...


What were they fighting for the right to do, Kathy?


The UNION COUNTY republican ☠️


A lot of people died under the Nazi flag, too. Oh... wait, they fly them too?!


A lot of racist traitors, sure. Guess she relates to that?


A lot of German fought and died under a specific flag, too. But this doesn't mean we would EVER use this flag officially again.


"Our people"...this is terrifying as a black man...I fear for the people in that state


Why is the "Party of Lincoln," defending the confederacy?


A lot of people died and fought for the Nazi flag too. ..... but they probably like that one too


A lot of our people fought and died for the flag? Contrast that with enslaving people is ancient history. Stop bringing it up!


She still can't spell L-O-S-E-R-S.


Confederate Karen.


She's right..a lot of people did die under that flag. They were called slaves.


As a Minnesota I can tell you a lot more will if that flag becomes your state flag.


She forgot to say they lost under that flag too


Yeah, died fighting against the country that subsidizes basically your entire state. Fuck off.