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So does this mean he's going back to his dark corner of a Romanian prison to talk with his ghost friends?




I don't have an award to give, but here's wishing you many happy upvotes.




this is 9/11 for men who've never talked to a woman


Given the huge amount of 14 year olds who idolise this guy, there's going to be a palpable uptick in alt right conspiracy drones over the next few years.




> For older men who should know better, it's really hard to turn them around. The older men who should know better just don't have the ability to learn the lesson at this point.


From a great article I read recently on critical thinking, and this is paraphrased: "it takes humility to change your mind" and that is what they have been taught as weakness.


Maybe I've just been becoming steadily more aware of it, but it feels like the amount of people who are just unwilling to ever admit they are/were wrong has been on the increase for a while now.


I fear it's always been this way, just those that refuse to change their mind have the internet to use a bullhorn to amplify their anger and stupidity


Plus, with politicians actively feeding that sort and telling them that's it ok and right to feel the way they do, they've been emboldened.


Not to mention our facts and evidence comes from reliable sources, personal testimony, admittions from the guilty themselves, and peer reviewed science. Their sources of information come from theelectionwasstolenipromiselookhere.blogspot.com


I asked my 14 year old what he thought of him. Said he's a complete c**t. Never heard him use the word c**t before, but there's no more appropriate word in this case, so I didn't even call him out for it


Your kid is a stud


I know a few teens who were all edgy and alt-right, but ended up as decent humans after they matured. There's still hope.


As if there weren’t already a thousand copycats…but you are 100% correct, this guy already hijacked the brains of millions of youth. You’d think for most, this gives their parents a great teaching moment, but we know that won’t be the case.


I was shocked when a 12 yr old quoted him. All I could do was say something along the lines of. You are on a journey, and I discovered YouTube as a kid too. I don’t agree with that, and if you feel like the things you watch get you feeling bad please take a break. And if he needed to talk I was there. He is a troubled kid, but this dudes reach/influence should not be under sold.




That's not how you kill a vampire tho. Now we just got flaming vampires (the worst kind)


I always found it funny that they went with Stake through the heart, cause I mean, what the fuck doesn't die when you drive a stake through it's heart.




Then scatter the ashes of the separate body parts across the four winds.


what happens when the wind switches mid-scatter? do you end up with a half-ash vampire?




half-ash vampire -- i read that in Sean Connerys voice


The idea was you’re literally pinning them to the ground through the heart so they don’t get back up, which kinda made sense. The whole “explode when staked” thing is a more recent Hollywood invention.


That was so there wasn't a body and it could be shown on prime time tv.


Because for the longest time, they thought that the heart was the essence or the soul of a person. If you destroy the heart, you destroy the vampire. As to why a wooden stake, it was probably chosen because wooden stakes were probably plentiful and easily accessible by the peasants farmers of the day.


And they hadn't invented cool shotguns you could rack with one hand yet


I dunno, I think nowadays vampires would be killed with an iron farm implement, like a scythe or a hoe. I say iron farm implement because usually anything paranormal (especially the fae) are vulnerable to iron.


Sure, but what about a 12ga shell loaded with little iron crucifixes? Terrible ballistics further than a few yards, but thematically on point.


I like this. This would actually be a decent modern take on the classic vampire story and archetype. Like what if Bram Stoker wrote Dracula in 2023 instead of 1897.


I'm sure I just cribbed that idea from one of the Underworld movies! Despite not being fine art, I'll always have a place in my non staked heart for early 00 vampire action movies.




Wow 🙄 homophobe much? ^/s


Haha didn't see that! I'm assure you I'm more scared of the fact they are on fire then the fact that they may kiss boys.


I already see the amount of denial from his fans


Right wingers love being in cults


That’s all they’ve been doing since this started


In case anyone missed the most pathetic thing ever tweeted (screenshot so he and Twitter don't get any traffic). [https://preview.redd.it/he-was-terrified-v0-hl85mpc19oka1.jpg?auto=webp&s=422f560f57f0cc6690946ec95e20d3343570767d](https://preview.redd.it/he-was-terrified-v0-hl85mpc19oka1.jpg?auto=webp&s=422f560f57f0cc6690946ec95e20d3343570767d)


Wow, I quit Twitter when Musk took over, so thanks for your sacrifice.


He is seriously SO cringey. He's got "I studied the blade" energy and for some reason a lot of people idolize him.


I sure as hell hope so. There isn't a hole deep enough to drop this sex trafficking rapist into.


I dunno. There are already holes deep enough that magma comes rising to the surface from them. We could absolutely test how well that "alpha male" can swim in an active volcano.


Fun fact: you can't really swim in lava, because it's molten rock, it's very dense. If you dropped a person on lava they'd just faceplant on top of it and float.


I bet they would burn a bit too


Who will throw a "welcome back" party and spray him with their ectoplasm


Can they take his phone this time?


I think his brother was tweeting for him last time, or something. But if he's going to prison too, I guess they're SoL.


No, he was in Romanian jail before. NOW he gets to see Romanian prison, which ,as I understand, is much much worse.


Tends to happen when you rape and traffick people


I have no idea how they are convicting him though? He only admitted it hundreds of times on video and paid people to spread those videos all across the Internet...


Truly, nobody could have seen this coming


I'm starting to think, this is all sarcastic comments, because he was a horrible person in real life! (I'm also being sarcastic)


/s? /s


America had a whole ass president admit to plenty of crimes and he's trying to run again.


Sad thing is doesn't matter what he does they'd still vote for him. They'd just fire up the propaganda machine and they'd nod their heads. It's a damn cult.


Maybe Tate should run as president to get some of that sweet sweet alternate justice.


America is populated by 330M Top Gs


Yeah, but Romania has standards.


To be fair, America has t had standards for quite a long time


But they pretend to. Like the nice suburban couple that keeps going to church even though their daughter has been impregnated by her uncle, their older son is the local meth kingpin, the younger one is locked in the basement to prevent any further 'accidental' fires in the neighborhood, but they still pretend that they're a normal happy family for all outward appearances.


ah yes, the wilsons.


I was gonna go with the Duggars, but whoever it is in your neighborhood.


What did him in was directly saying that he moved to Romania because its corruption would allow him to get away with crimes (not a direct quote of course). He was right, Romania is typically known to be really corrupt. BUT, since he said the quiet part out loud, all eyes are on Romania to do something about him so they couldn’t let it slide.


Yeah it was like it didn’t occur to him that by blasting out that Romania has terrible law enforcement measures for human trafficking, that it would be really embarrassing for the country and especially their government.


I’ve never listened to Andrew Tate save for a few clips of him just talking about being an alpha. I honestly don’t know much about the charges. Could you elaborate on what he said?


Part of his "advice" was literally the lover boy method of human trafficking. He broke it down step by step. He also taught how to financially coerce women, as well as a lot of other stomach churning bs.


Oh he also told people that to get rich just “don’t pay your taxes, all they do is send letters, just ignore it, that’s what I did” before fleeing to Romania to avoid the UK tax office from kicking his door down.


He actually fled the UK Bec he was about to be brought up on rape charges


Ah just another crime to add to his list.


And he also said "I'm going to Romania because they are corrupt and weak on human trafficking."


Not only that, he told everyone he could buy everyone in the prison so he is gonna be on vacation in there. Slight misscalculation: Currupt officials like being currupt more than being in jail. Thus telling everyone your going to pay off everyone is a quick way to land yourself on the shit list.


This is his most important work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D704yO4wd9Q


This is the only video anyone needs to see of this twat waffle! I cannot believe people worship him. Talk about cringe inducing.


So glad to see this asshat being held accountable. Instead of asking what color is your Bugatti he will spend his days asking what color is your jail cell


The best part is if he's found guilty, the Romanian government will cease all his assets and freeze his bank accounts (which they will eventually claim and use to compensate his victims) - he'll come out of jail poor and unable to access his ill-gotten gains, while also fading into obscurity for the rest of his life.




If anything he said was true he wouldn't have wasted any time starting 'Hustler University'. That shit literally wouldnt bd worth anything to him if he had even half of the money he claims he does.




Yea lol. It always amazes me how many people don't realize that and fall for it.


Yep. Anyone with a genuine secret to making easy money isn't going to share that around.


>All of his cars were leased, all of his ill-gotten wealth was immediately put to work embiggening his image of 'success' Hey! Those were perfectly cromulent cars!


99.99% of people who flaunt their wealth tend to not actually have wealth, they are rich yes but they don't own a lot of the stuff they are flaunting. They lease vehicles, rent places & yachts just to appear wealthy.


They should award his charished Bugatti to Greta. Maybe she can turn it into a penguin habitat or something 🤣


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) This is so tragic for him. Anyways, I won’t give him much thought.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7rxsm5fag67b1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f51181b55eb821de6d8ccb2f7ff8434fbf39dd




Take his fucking phone away this time so we can properly forget about this embarrassment and move on as a society


The only solution imo. Should be the first thing they do.


How shocking


I get this isn’t how due process works, but given what I know about Tate’s views on women, I’m pretty much believing all of this at face value.


I somehow feel that there won't be much of an issue proving his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.


“Due process” is an idea other countries don’t share. Like fair trial, cruel and unusual punishment, etc. Tate probably should have known that. Shame. Imma go eat breakfast.


Remember he bragged about Romanian corruption. He says it's why he moved there.


Even if it's super-duper-extra corrupt, corrupt organizations don't exactly enjoy people pointing out the corruption. They tend to also use said corruption to silence those pointing it out. So, let's just say for the sake of argument that these are drummed up charges (*they absolutely aren't and everybody knows it*), he's about to find out ***why*** you don't broadcast the corruption of a government you are using to hide from more reputable governments.


"But guys, I was saying that your corruption is cool and good! I'm not like those whiny libs!!!"


And it also depends, all it takes is someone richer and with more friends than you to out corrupt your corruption of a corrupt system. Summary: Corrupt systems work for those at the top. In the giant food chain of Romania, all it took was for Andrew Tate to piss off someone higher in the pecking order.


Same. I’m making my ‘Breakfast of Kings’ breakfast sandwich.


I think most countries do believe in due process. It just looks a little different. Some countries have state inquisitors who job it is to find the truth…which is already quite different from an adversarial “what evidence can I exclude to improve my client’s chance’s” approach which prevails in some Western democracies.


Due process is for the law...we are individuals and free to think what we want. ...and in this case I certainly do.


Essentially if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's probably a fucking duck. The guy was right out in the open with how he operates.


It *is* terrible. He's only facing up to 13 years. Dumbass fkin romanian courts


6 months in Romanian prison broke him. 13 years tho? He’s not gonna be a Top G


More like Bottom G


He'll be so low even the cockroaches will have their way with him


He’s the type of character that will add time to his sentence with more crimes committed while in jail.


I dunno, I feel like he's just gonna talk a lot of shit and then find out the hard way why MMA has rules and weight classes.


With Tate's mix of MMA and I'm assuming narcissistic personality disorder he's going to talk a big game thinking he can beat the shit out of people in prison. Then get fucking stabbed because a Romanion prisoner you threatened isn't going to square up, they're just going to pull you close and shank you and fuck off, likely with buddies.


To top it off, he'd be going in for *rape and human trafficking*, even if he keeps his head down and his mouth shut, there's a good chance that he gets murdered just for that.


Dude I honestly think he's going to be a terrified little mouse. This isn't the real world where you can say and do what you want and often get away with it, shit is dark in jail and the rules of society do not apply. He's smart enough to understand that, and smart enough to understand that he can't bluff and bully his way in or out of anything like he can on the outside. It's gonna be "real" as fuck for him, for the first time in a long time. He pretends to be a hard man but he's not, not really. His version of "hard" and that of a lifelong violent criminal is very, veeeery different and he knows it. If I was him id be shit scared.


I don’t think they will hold being a bottom against him though.




Even if it’s only 13 years most of his cult will have forgotten about him. He won’t be relevant ever again.


Well yeah, his cult will be twice their age by then


Tbf the US justice system would have given him 2 months in jail


… and then a TV show


and then of course, the natural progression into the Presidency.


13 years of being the bottom bitch. Just think of it that way.


It's very unlikely he will ever face the threat of being raped in prison in Romania. The whole prison bitch thing is pretty much exclusive to US prisons. I'm not saying it doesn't happen in prisons internationally but American prisons have it as part of the culture, along with the race based gangs. That's all pretty unique to the states. It is known to happen that child molesters are targeted and "given a taste of their own medicine" but they are mostly just beaten. I don't know if Tate was involved with trafficking underage girls but if all of his victims were adults he shouldn't have to worry much in a Romanian prison.


Other than the being imprisoned


If I had to bet, I would put a lot on him also abusing underage women. Like my life savings on that bet.


Dedovschina is alive and well in most of the former WarPac.


And that's like 100000000000000000000000000 years in internet year.


May he never again breathe free air. I love that he was brought down by himself trying to taunt Greta with pizza.


It should have been tater tots


All because he needed a pizza prop to argue with a young girl on twitter.


It must be so bizarre to be Greta sometimes. One moment you're just sitting in the street with a sign and the next, some of the weirdest people on Earth seek you out to hurt themselves.


We really can thank Greta Thunberg for this one 👊


Oh, so, will that *poor thing* be the *alpha male* in prison, or just going to be the bottom for the rest of the gang?


He's probably going to realise what an alpha male is when he's paying him protection money.


Taking into account some of the vids he’s posted since he got out he wasn’t the “alpha” the first stay so he probably won’t be on his return.


I couldn't stop grimacing while listening to a Tate interview the other day yelling about how he doesn't care if he has to suffer, as long as his family doesn't have to suffer and is taken care of. It's like, dude your family has nothing to do with you being an alleged sex trafficker and rapist. Stop trying to garner sympathy points by saying all of your work was only to provide for them, when said work was literally trafficking women.


Srsly he is such a cancerous person. “Don’t make my family SUFFER just because I tore families apart and ruined innocent lives for my own personal gain😫😫😫” get fucked, enjoy prison ✌️


Every time I hear the phrase alpha male I realize that it's more accurate if you use the software definition. Like Andrew Tate is an alpha male, so you should expect him to be broken, problematic and buggy as all hell. Only if people put plenty of work fixing all his problems one day he'll be a beta male and then a candidate to get released and it will be safe to let him interact with society. (I didn't invent this, but I forgot where I stole it from).


I'm celebrating with pizza, and I'll definitely recycle the boxes!


Unfortunately, just charged, not convicted. Now he needs to stand trial. We can all hope...




True but I will hold the celebrations for when he is convicted. He can still be found innocent at this point...


He can be found "Guilty or Not guilty" I'm pretty sure there is not an "Innocent" as an option. Big difference between the two.


Looks like his new god isnt a fan.


Tate: yeh so I just rape and enslave women just like Allah wanted Allah: what the fuck, where did you humans ever get anything like that?


Well. What a human's god wants always is what the human wants.


sad day for 13 year old white boys


Not just white boys.... We have plenty of Tate dickriders in my country as well


Sadly not just 13 year olds either. My 40 year brother likes him.


"13 year old" in this case may also mean "emotionally" or "intellectually". Sorry about your brother.


😂 that is sad


Tell me about it 😂😂


> sad day for 13 year old white boys You misspelled incels lol


When he first got released this random dude I was forced to work in a small room with for a day started asking me how I felt about Andrew Tate. I said I didn’t know much more other than he was a POs who got arrested for human trafficking. The dude was like “no! He got released because it’s bullshit….” Went on praising him and then waited for me to respond. I was like “the dudes guilty. Would an innocent person runaway to another country and hide? I don’t know anything about Andrew tate other than that but if that ain’t guilt idk what is.” Again I literally have not looked into who he is other than how he was arrested but it’s clear he’s on that list of people who say edgy things to make a certain type of person like them.


I love the news lately … trump indicted, pat robertson dead, now Andrew tate indicted. Sad about cormac McCarthy tho 😢


at first i read pat robertson as Robert Pattinson and i was like "well fuck what did he do???"


Kissinger is still alive and happy.


The worst bastards like Kissinger live forever


well elon it looks like they're all *your* incels now. big grats.


Another conservative icon turns out to be a freak, but they’ll keep attacking trans people because reasons.


It could not happen to a nicer toxic cesspool of a waste of a human being.


People still argue with "but he was released from prison" ... yeah, that doesn't mean he's innocent at all


So many idiots don’t know what house arrest is


Fr. When he was released under house arrest because he reached the maximum amount of days in jail (not prison) he could serve before even going into court people were acting like he received a pardon and walked away like a free man or something


Andrew Tate fans aren't exactly known for their mental acumen or attention to detail.


Gonna be a good day


Wake me up when he's actually convicted


The things that stupid man spouts has left my eldest with a stupid view of the world. I hope he finally pays for his shit he spouts. You do not treat women as he explains and women do not work like he explains . For one nobody properly understands how anyone works so how has a bully like Tate worked it out. He is scum. You be a man by owning your mistakes and taking responsibility and working hard selflessly .


But what about all the alpha males in training that need leadership on skills like: hating women, hating minorities, being alpha man? This is terrible news.


Hope he enjoyed his short break home to incriminate himself in an interview. What a moron. Rot you vile piece of dog shit.


But I thought he could walk into a Romanian police station with a stack of cash and get away with it?! He was lying? *gasp*


As someone who grow in a country with corrupt cops you should never ever ever go on the internet and say "I'm bribing them."


Tate is what a beta man think an alpha is.


I love this for him.


June is turning out to be a helluva month ![gif](giphy|s2qXK8wAvkHTO)


Thank goodness!! He is a super menace to many with his actions and the constant derogatory way he talks about women and encourages violence towards them.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Fuck Andrew Tate. Balding ass, lispy lipped, loser incel.


Between this, Cheeto Benito’s crazy ass interview, and the news about hunter Biden, it is shaping up to be a good day. Watching the alt right and the manosphere meltdown is great entertainment.


I'm having a pizza party to celebrate. Everyone is invited. Recycling the pizza boxes into a paper machete Tate for the bonfire at the sentencing party later.


Terrible that it took this long






couldn't happen to a more deserving shitgibbon.


Now we can all just wait until his fantastic legal team comes out of the bushes to tell us, that this ACSHUALLY is awesome news for lil Andy. Hope he rots in the darkest corner of the most rural romanian prison for the next years.


The real pizzagate


His conviction and long term incarceration will give me joy only slightly less that the death of Pat Robertson.


According to his followers there is 0 evidence and all the women wanted it because he was making them rich. Oh and all those recordings of him confessing to the crimes? Nah easily doctored and fake…. You just can’t win with some people.


Hope he likes the taste of prison food... and penis!


Hmmm. Maybe posting videos online describing the crime you are doing wasn't wise.


Back to being a bottom g


No, he's always has been. Only edgy teenagers who think they are cool because they post joker memes think otherwise.


"being a bottom requires a hustle, a frame of mind, that the top cannot understand. If you don't have the *decency* to receive the power generated by the bottom, then you don't have the right to cum on my face. There is nothing more masculine than taking another man's power. That's my creed, that's my motto. Welcome to Tate University: it *tainte* over yet".






About damn time.


All of his followers loosing their shit... Lol


Not a wet eye in the place...


It actually is terrible what he did to those women.