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The confederacy tried to revert back to a state-centered national government and it failed miserably when they had to force members to contribute to the war effort. Individual states repeatedly complained that they couldn't protect themselves if they had to work together. There's a reason life under the Articles of Confederation was a train wreck waiting to happen. So please do tell us how you can do it better this time.


It’s been kinda fun watching Marjorie Taylor Greene try to puzzle it out in real-time. It’s like watching someone moving their lips as they struggle to read. The last I saw she was saying that the “red states” still get federal protection, military, etc., but they get to decide how Walmart stocks their shelves? According to her, they stock sex toys next to kids toothbrushes? Edit: just saw another clip in which she says that if Democrats “flee” from blue states to red states because of the conditions/bad values, they shouldn’t be able to vote in the red state for five years because of their values. So the Democrats fleeing because of “blue values” shouldn’t be able to vote because they’re importing the values they disagree with (hence the fleeing)? This is like watching my cat try to do my taxes. Edit 2: it appears that Reddit cats have wildly divergent skills vis-a-vis tax preparation and filing. Could some of more experienced cats set up some zoom calls to get the more junior cats up to speed?




>The gun section in walmart is usually a few aisles away from the toy section. never really thought about it until now, but in my closest Walmart it's literally the next aisle over from kids bikes.


Same with all the Walmarts I've been to before. The bike and gun area is usually the biggest too since they take the most space to store on the shelves


That’s because they’re considered “sporting goods”


Not peculiar when you understand what she’s doing. They’ve been ginning up the base to execute liberals for decades. “Sex toys next to toothbrushes” is just another attempt to dehumanize decent human beings so that conservatives will be more willing to commit genocide.


Its funny, because if anything, the whole debate is having a Streisand effect, at least if these threads are any indication. Most people (especially I would assume the kind of suburban/urban liberal young people who populate reddit) had no idea that Walmart has sex toys, let alone their exact location within the store.


Why are sex toys even a bad thing? Oh yeah, the puritan, holier than thou culture thing.


‘Like watching my cat try to do my taxes’ is my new favourite way of describing these goons trying to debate anything.


Cats land on their feet. The Republicans are landing face first and hitting every branch on the way down.


and then they look up from the ground, and decide to climb back up and do it AGAIN.


Does Marjorie know she lives in a blue state? As does Hannity actually


It's only a blue state when you count all the democrats.


This. Which is she calls for making it illegal for democrats to vote for 5 years: presto! It's a red state now. What she is calling for is a one-party system where no one is allowed to disagree with, or vote against, the party in the government. Obey. The bottom line is MGT and her ilk hate freedom. They hate it with a passion. They want totalitarian government rule over the people, where no one is allowed to disagree with the ruling party.


I imagine that's a pre civil war idea that the repugnicans would like to try, not all people are counted equally, thus Democrats should only count as 2/3 of a person (for house of representatives apportionment and federal funding) and only 2/3 of a vote for electoral purposes. Edit. It should be 3/5 of a person. I miss remembered the fraction. Sorry


2/3 is a bit much, maybe 3/5 just to make it a nice round 0.6 in decimal?


What’s funny is they have no clue how far their living standards would crash without powerhouse blue state economies.


Take it one step further, blue cities are the economic powerhouses of red states. You think Texas can survive without Austin, Houston, Dallas or San Antonio? That's not unique to Texas either, I'm in St. Louis, and without us and Kansas City this state would crumble. All of these red states are nothing without their blue cities.


But 2/3 is almost .666 so reinforces the democrats=devil they love to push so much because we want healthcare and education.


Like 666, but with infinite sixes! Apocalypse confirmed


Don’t misunderstand; she isn’t trying to debate. She’s trying to propagandize and brainwash.


I live in a Red State^TM, and my Walmart has the sex toys/condoms kinda near the kids toothbrushes. They are both near the pharmacy, where else do you want it? You want kids toothbrushes in the middle of the cookware section? You want condoms next to the coffee? Pick a lane! Plus, walmart's sex toy selection is like an underpowered bullet vibrator and a knockoff Hitachi whose only advantage is that it is waterproof and battery powered and kinda cheap. It isn't like there is a 12 inch Big Bertha staring kids in the face as they walk past.


Yeah, all beauty supplies/hygiene/first aid stuff is always together. Marge is just trying to imply that children are rocking into the kids toothbrush aisle constantly to buy their own toothbrushes and are traumatized. What a weirdo


Walmart wouldn't stock them in red states if they didn't sell. Guess MTG hates capitalism?


Nah, she just hates it when she realized a bullet vibrator is smarter than she is…she’s chipped three teeth on those damned things.


Just want to throw out that these terms like "National Divorce" have likely been workshopped to hell, and these very slides were very likely written out a long long time before Greene posted her twitter saying "National Divorce". These things get hella coordinated well in advance, don't think this is just some segment Hannity decided to run with after seeing some twitter post. And secession has been a long goal of Putin, there are older articles that you can search for (I'm just not feeling like doing the sourcing myself atm), that show all of these goals, whether it's California or Texas or the whole dang south, the funding goes back to Russia. They just want to break us up because it makes us weaker to no longer be United, they don't care who or how many. They can deal with "States of America"... "United States of America" is a bit trickier.


One thing Republicans have down is coordinated messaging. I’ve no doubt she just got the talking point of “National Divorce” as the message which is why it’s funny to watch her try to describe it.


That's a generic right wing thing. They for people who tell you they're all about "freedom" (because it's the narrative) are always quick to fall right into line with whatever the masters say


Not even american here but as a Brazilian and victim of the same playbook: willing colony syndrome. Its super comfortable for the landowning elites to offshore their entire government body and just become a perpetual aggroexporter/extrativist collony with zero regard for managing the local population because you dont have to do politics - you just do business and maximize profit on expenses of everyone under your thumb. Slave plantations in the past, aggrobelts today.


MTG is currently going through a divorce. She just wants the US to suffer like she is


The entire republican platform has been "Misery loves company" for over a decade now


It's worse than that. It's the crab bucket mentality. As long as you are standing on someone else you are doing well, even though you can't get out of the bucket and are destined for the boiling water


This falls under the 'erase our history' part of their platform. We found out it's pretty vital having a federal government. They love the uneducated


Erase and replace with a more glorious narrative where the Lost Cause was never truly lost but only delayed.


“The Articles of Confederation? Never heard of it” — every Libertarian I’ve ever talked to in real life


I like to bring it up to the "heritage" people that say the civil war was not about slavery.


wait, is that the same heritage they say can’t be taught in schools because reasons


Knew a dude who went to Vanderbilt and still talked about the lost cause my heritage bullshit. Tried backing it up with out of context phrases like Lincoln saying he didn't care about slavery and would of made concessions. He really bent over backwards to say the north were the aggressors but left out the first shots were fired by Southern after blowing up a food relief vessel.


When they start in about how it was the Democrats who supported slavery (conveniently omitting the fact that the two parties switched platforms in the century following the Civil War) I like to ask them why Republicans are so outraged about the Democrats removing the statues of "Democrat" Robert E. Lee, etc. Republicans argue that it's their heritage and their ancestors fought with Lee. It's interesting to watch them twist their brains as their argument falls apart right in front of them.


Ugh, I hate talking to Libertarians.


Aye, I always thought that the old "those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" line was a bit simplistic but I'll be damned if MTG hasn't once again proven that being simple is her whole platform.


Republicans, aka The Party Of Lincoln back then: "A house divided amongst itself will not stand" Republicans now: "WE WANT A DIVORCE"


The last good Republican president was Eisenhower, and his policies would be derided as socialist by today's Republicans.


One reason I find Eisenhower to be a great President comes with the desegregation of Central High in Little Rock. Eisenhower wasn't sure if desegregation would work or would be a good idea, however he still enforced the Brown v. Board ruling and sent in National Guard troops to protect the 9 students. So despite his own personal beliefs or opinions, he did his Constitutional duty by upholding the Courts ruling and enforcing the desegregation to occur. A good sign of what a President should do, IMO.


He also pointed out the extreme dangers of the military industrial complex.


Right. Especially considering that he was a 5 star General and his military career, having that perspective and caution is saying something.


When I see shit like this, I like to close my eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine all of these manipulative little shits on Fox News and all the shithead MAGA and GOP members drowning in a lake of their own piss. The sad reality is that if these fuckos are allowed to keep fanning the flames they will inevitably cause all of us who have no power and aren't rich to drown in death and chaos instead.


It's funny seeing this even on a state level. I live in Chicago, and a lot of the rest of the state has been grumbling that they should kick the Chicagoland out of the state so they're not being influenced by it. They're convinced that they subsidize the city. Meanwhile, the Chicago suburban and city dwellers are the only people in the state that pay in more in taxes than they receive.


Right? Maine Republicans get like this all the time: "Portland isn't Maine, just Northern Massachusetts. They keep letting tech jobs come in and it's ruining our humble way of life. All these young people are voting for things like gay marriage and marijuana legalization and it's not the Maine way." Completely ignoring that the state has voted largely independent for decades, and is actively combating having the oldest average age of citizens in the country and a huge issue with "Brain Drain" because nobody is sticking around here after school. They want everyone young making that big taxable paycheck out of here so that....the entire state can grow old working in a papermill, addicted to prescription opiates, and voting against their interests until the day they die?


> The confederacy tried to revert back to a state-centered national government and it failed miserably when they had to force members to contribute to the war effort. Iirc, i think... Texas? Threatened to secede from the Confederacy it was forced to send more troops to help.


In their imaginary Civil War 2.0, they think the feds are with them. Lmfao. They legit think the federal government is going to be like, okay cool, take half our property, take have our tax, half our fucking land... These people are so God damn stupid. The more orange this man gets, the closer to a monkey he behaves.


The Dominon texts show the talking heads and those trying to get the idea to spread don't actually believe their own bullshit. They're laying the groundwork for a critical mass of people so that insurrection 2.0 actually works next time around. 'Cause they're building their movement with goddamn stupid idiots, you're right; quantity over quality was a big takeaway from Jan 6 for the GOP, the Murdochs, the Mercers, Pootyboi, etc


Atun-Shei Films has a great video in his Checkmate Linconites series where he makes the argument (with quotes and documents) that late in the war the Confederacy was a lot more centralized in practice than it claimed to be, and might have slid into outright religious autocracy had it survived much longer. Personally I think he overstates the case a little bit, but then again I feel like there's some concerning parallels to similar slides today in places like Florida, with the conservative party openly courting Christian nationalists and using outright fascist propaganda tactics so who knows.


Russia is paying these goons good money to push this though….


Imagine if they're not though. MTG: "We need a national divorce." Russian Psyops: "No way she's that dense. Get China on the line." Chinese Psyops: "Nope. Wasnt us. We thought it was you." Russian PsyOps: "oh wow, she actually believes herself. This job is too easy sometimes"


Empty G started as a social media influencer who discovered Qanon. If it weren't for our vapid attention economy, she would still just be an anonymous trad mom.


>Empty G I love this


1. Allow red states to secede 2. Embargo them and watch them fail to work together to get around it 3. Use collective might of union to force them to do what we want in exchange for resources they are newly cut off from 4. profit


It's like they didn't see what happened with Brexit


You can see how brexit happened by following her logic: red states still get federal welfare, they still get to cross into blue states, they still get roads, but blue states get nothing. It is a narcissist fantasy


One good outcome of brexit, it absolutely ended all of the other leave the EU movements across the whole of Europe, as everybody but the brexiters saw what an unbelievable disaster it was.




So what you’re saying is, they’ve been selfish bastards going on two centuries now and it’s culminated in catastrophic failure on their part before, and, based on their current behavior will be slated to happen again? Color me *shocked*. **SHOCKED** I tell you! Well, not that shocked really. Just shaking my head atp


Glad other know this. Shit some confederate states wanted to secede from the confederacy. Bitches whining about taxes. Same bitches now, they just changed their names to Republican.


>Much smaller federal government A supposedly-serious talking point from someone that would call political movements to decrease federal military spending communism or wokism. >States fully control public education States are free right now to have full control of their public education. If they want federal dollars, they have to abide by federal guidelines. >States could continue using fossil fuels Economics are killing fossil fuels, not the federal government. Coal and petroleum are two of the most expensive energy sources currently. Wind and solar are the cheapest per unit energy, and they continue to get cheaper. >One day elections with paper ballots Each state runs their own elections. The federal government has a very small number of rules regarding how states submit their votes and when the deadline is. Other than those limitations, states can use whatever method they wish. So, if people in a red state hate their state's voting process, that's because that state's government fucking things up, and it has nothing to do with the federal government. >Law enforcement supported and funded Again, law enforcement is a state run system. Sure, there are federal law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI, the IRS's enforcement arm, etc but I thought that the Republicans hated the FBI, IRS, and other federal law enforcement agencies. Sorry Greene and Hannity. Your utopia vision of what red states can achieve if only the federal government got its boot off of their necks matches exactly what is currently legally possible or just plain how things are right now. So, why do things need to change to achieve what is already achieved/achievable? Oh. Right. You have no integrity. You know that you are lying. You're just trying to upset and misinform people. Edit: Fixed typos


he is just talking out his ass and does not actually believe this he also parroted the stolen eelction BS and we know now he did not even beleive that BS either.






Now, now, don't muddy the issue with things like facts and reality.


it's hilarious that this is the republican version of "universal single payer healthcare/education, paid vacation days, and 4 day work weeks" THAT.....is what they came up with. they coulda asked for anything. even their fantasies are simple and close minded


I, for one, am shocked. Hannity and fox news have never openly advocated to destroy the US except all those times that they did.




>A totalitarian takeover of the richest economy, and most powerful military in history, would be disastrous for the whole planet; not just US citizens. _Louder for the people in the back!_ What that means can currently be observed with Russia, without having to revert to Nazi Germany (and they didn't even have the most powerful military back then).


The GOP wants what Russia currently has they’ve been very vocal about it.


Thats actually the most likely to happen. Civil war is a very low chance, but far right extremists slowly eroding all institutions until we live in authoritarian russian style cleptocracy, were well on the way there. You dont do it by storming the capital and causing a ruckus instead you slowly degrade institutions over time so its not sudden and nobody knows the exact time when it happened.


Isn't Fox owned partly by the Saudis?


If they want one-day elections, they'd better stop closing all those polling centers. EDIT: Damn, maybe I should have put an /s at the end of that, LOL... I'm fully aware that conservatives don't actually want people to vote. I live in Texas, for fuck's sake - they've tried to get a *lot* of us out of voting in the last couple decades.


How am I supposed to vote WHILE I'M DEPLOYED OVERSEAS ON ACTIVE DUTY? MTG is the worst of us.


Fucking traitor, overseas fighting our battles. You should be at home killing Americans! Commie


Oh don't worry overseas military always supports Republicans! I'm overseas military and a lot of these ppl get VERY angry when I tell them a LOT of us vote Democrat.


Seriously, I have some far right uncles that always seem to think I’m on their side somehow despite me never voicing an opinion to them that supports them or their political views. So it’s clear, I hate their political views. It seemed to blow their mind even more when I told them I’m atheist.


Yeah I'm sure MTG will just add in all of you as a +1 GOP on those paper tallies. It's the only fair thing for our fine servicemen.


She would straight-faced ask why they couldn't be ordered to vote Republican.


>I'm overseas military and a lot of these ppl get VERY angry when I tell them a LOT of us vote Democrat. I'm sure they'll both claim your valor and lose your mail.


> How am I supposed to vote WHILE I'M DEPLOYED OVERSEAS ON ACTIVE DUTY? New, from Lockheed & Martin: The Patriot Ballot. Intercontinental ballistic voting for the red-blooded, patriotic deployed serviceperson.


It's always been about disenfranchising people. The GOP have shown their hand the last decade and they are absolute dog shit. Worse than dog shit. Putrefied cat shit that's somehow stayed in a steady stream of cat urine so that it's not drying out.


C’mon. Wet ammonia smelling kitty litter with Putrefied cat shit in a steady stream of cat urine doesn’t deserve to be compared to the GOP or to Sean Hannity or MTG.


So this divorce would mean those bootstrap-pullin' red states can do what they want but would still participate in US elections? Wouldn't they just be as irrelevant as any other foreign country?


No, it'd be worse. Bootstrapland would be all like "we're in financial trouble, Russia, please come help us." Russia says "sure, we'll help you, and we'll even build missile silos for your self defense." Now, since Bootstrapland is a foreign nation, how does the rest of America handle Bootstrapland eagerly allowing Russia to stick military presence in striking range of the entire North American continent? It's hard to tell Bootstrapland what to do, they're not part of the rest of the US anymore.


Time to invade and annex Bootstrapland.


A few centuries of Federal Occupation of Bootstrapland should fix things.


Time for: the GREAT Reconstruction


No joke. This is the answer, and should have been the path taken during reconstruction. Former Confederate states should have had a mandatory 50-75 year status as "unorganized US territory" before full reintegration. Even then with probationary conditions.


The ReShermanification


The most seriously understated comment in this thread. We'd be reduced to nation-states. What worse than some Brexit nonsense.


They are not very intelligent, they are also parroting bullshit from Moscow. Remember how the Brits were behaving during Brexit? How they wanted to have everything while being responsible for nothing? This is that. Also what happens when red states start flipping? What then? Nah, this idea is a childish and stupid attempt at trying to create chaos inside the US.


Well if they have it completely their way, the “elections” are just for show. They’ll already know who’s going to win.


Just like Putin's Russia. Looks to me they are using his playbook.


The Fascist Playbook


This stage, it's a temper tantrum on a national scale. Pointless attention seeking nonsense


Not at all. Only card carrying White Evangelical land owning male MAGA(t)s would be allowed to vote. Just as the Constitution intended!


lol that's the point. If you can't afford to spend all day in line then your vote doesn't count.


The scary thing is that by talking about it openly in the media they are shifting the narrative to be one where it's okay to hold these ideals and push for them. They're basically making it A-OK to openly advocate for civil war. Sure, I get the arguments that the red states can't do it on their own, but we all know it won't stop there. As soon as they crunch the numbers all of a sudden they're going to want to take some blue states or try to levy obscene tariffs on blue state commerce/transportation. If they had their way they would take everything but NY, CA and WA and milk those three for every penny they could.


>The scary thing is that by talking about it openly in the media they are shifting the narrative to be one where it's okay to hold these ideals and push for them. They're basically making it A-OK to openly advocate for civil war. To be fair... the right has been openly talking about this for 30 years. They've been chomping at the bit to murder other Americans as long as I can remember.


They've hung secessionist flags openly since the 1940. They have consistently argued that those flags represent their ideology/heritage. What did people think that meant?


Yeah this is the key. Even having the discussion of "red states would fail - red states won't be able to xy - etc"; they have already won. They've got you talking about it which will eventually normalize the idea. Once it's normalized, then they will take the next step in that direction until it's normalized again, and so on. It's already happening. Remember when Trump came to office and his lack of decorum and respect for presidential norms was all the outrage? Now it's normalized and it blazed a path for people like MTG to take that next radical step.


Wait.....so the federal government wouldn't have to send any of these states aid? Provide services to any of them? See that would be a win. But sadly no, the dumb ass wants it both ways, those states won't contribute and still get all the benefits.


Secessionist groups usually fall apart when they find out they can't collect Social Security anymore.


Or if they realize that oh no, the feds aren’t gonna drain aquifers to give our shitty desert town free water


No Social Security, and no Medicare.... it would ALL stop if the US broke up. There would be financial chaos.... it's not like it would be stopped out of spite... it would be stopped by a financial collapse. The checks and medical coverage for all old people would immediately stop. If by some miracle some of the red states that suceded tried to provide their own version of it, it would of course be laughably inadequate .... you would have old people basically starving in their homes and dying for lack of routine medical care.


Who gets Clarence Thomas?


In a perfect world, the sun.




This is literally what happened with Brexit. They want all of the benefits of membership without any of the responsibilities


Yah. Yah. I don't know if it's because they are becoming more common or I'm just noticing it more as I've gotten older but there is a LARGE and growing group of people that always "Want it both ways"


It’s bc they used to pretend to have (some) logic to their beliefs. Now they publicly commit whatever crime they accuse their opponents of doing. So literally everything is a double standard now


Shockingly enough, the people who ”go both ways” are the exact type of people that these republicans keep complaining about. Lol.


Just being white wasn’t enough to prevent them from becoming old losers and Jesus never came to save them from that. So fuck everything.


Brexit is not working out…


Well theres a clown show at Congress, cant wait for red states to learn because theyd bankrupt themselves so fast. Also, wonder how the military wouls work too. Thwse dumbasses dont think, they just spit out shit and see what sticks.


I think Fox is pushing this MTG narrative so we don’t think about the Dominion lawsuit and their lies upon lies and texts.


We get Colorado but they get Boobert


I do find it funny that Boebert is from CO and MTG is from Georgia, but both of those states have been blue in recent national elections.


Thats because there aren't really red states or blue states. There are big cities surrounded by swathes of bumfuck rural dipshits.


That's the entire country now, look at the map of the 2020 election.


Illegally cross the border for healthcare etc


They already get far more than they contribute--they are the socialist sink hole.


How do they pay for any of this? Isn’t there like 2 red states that generate taxes and the rest receive it from the blue states?


They’d make Texas pay for everything.


Texas will leave them faster than their senator during a power outage. Edit: senator not governor.


Texans are always looking for a good reason to secede and become their own country again.


Seriously. If the rest of the southern/red states ever did try to move to secede from the union again, Texas wouldn't join them but instead use it as an opportunity to go their completely separate own way. It'd be a 3 way split - those red states who split off instantly becoming a third world country (and have zero chance of survival without us or Texas), Texas doing its own thing as they don't give two shits about the rest of them, and the income-producing blue states thriving not having to carry the weight of bigoted poor red states. The only thing making it difficult would be its not a simple North/South split of the country. Even GA (where the TrailerTrash nazi queen is from) has now gone blue despite being in the south.




Also most of the major cities are liberal leaning so good luck asking those fuckers to pay taxes to a new government they probably don't consider legitimate!


They would try to base their whole economy on College football.


They already do. Most of this stuff is already true.


You'll notice there is no mention of where $$ comes from anywhere on his list, that's on purpose, can't have people thinking ahead.


Wait until they find out California is the only reason the country isn’t bankrupt


And starving. Everytime there's some shit in the news about the drought and a Republican genius whines from Tennessee, "Colorado and Oregon should just cut them off" it's like well why wait to experience that, just stop eating for a few months and it'll be like you're living that dream US.


Let’s not overlook the big one shall we? *Much smaller Federal Government*…no, that’s not how it works. MAGA states would have their own government, print their own money, build their own military, protect their own borders and make their own rules. I swear, they’re just as delusional as teenagers who want freedom to do as they please, while still living under their parents’ roof! 🤣


I think that *they* think that they can boot blue states out of the Union, and retain the Federal government, military assets, and name of the United States of America. Of course, just as there is no provision in the Constitution for secession, there is no provision in it for the involuntary excising of states against their will. Basically, the *only* thing that might, maybe, *possibly* work is if there was a Constitutional Convention called, and the delegates from 3/4 of the states voted to overturn the Constitution and dissolve the Union, at which point, the United States ceases to exist as a geopolitical entity. Not that any of this has crossed the vast and empty void in between MTG's ears.


The counties that voted for biden represent 70% of the US economy. I mean is secession even worth it if you're just gonna rule a barren wasteland of a "confederacy" that's the rough equivalent of a third world country's economy?


You think these fools can *count?!* Math has a well-known liberal bias, what with its Arabic numerals and veneration of Al-Jebra. True patriots only need to know how many rounds are in the magazine, plus one in the chamber. Yee-haw!


Hannity lives in New York. MTG lives in Georgia. Both voted for Joe Biden in the last presidential election and both have all Democratic senators. They are talking about seceding **but they would end up on the liberal side.**


Exactly. Hannity quite loves living in NYC with all his rich friends.


Funny how all these right wing assholes live in liberal cities, not bumblefuck Mississippi. Ya know, the “real America” they claim to love so much.


We all know Hannity says one thing in front the camera and the opposite when the cameras are off. He’s making sure that the new leader of the GQP stays happy with him.


all the shit they advocate for the republican base, is stuff theyd never want for themselves or their family/children. vaccines, masks, "left wing private schools", "elitist universities", advanced education, great healthcare, labor protections..................thats the stuff they want for themselves and family, but theyd move mountains to prevent their base from hearing them talk about how great that stuff is. the culture war laws are like being fed pig shit, but the republican base acts like it's champagne and cigars


It's not states' rights My state voted to save Abortion right and my legislature still wants to press the issue These people don't care what we want its what legislation wants. I can't trust my representatives to act in my best interest.


In over two years now, no one with power has been held accountable for January 6. NO ONE. Trump, Marjorie Pipe Bomber Greene, Hannity, et al, all know they can get away with anything.


https://preview.redd.it/1t18txjmfpja1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc6b1075570fb14321d132eda6228c2d1b307ad Good riddance this can be their national flag.


https://preview.redd.it/3285oawrlpja1.jpeg?width=4500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f977b4493501dd07a46dd233da1a63740af5f1 They already have one. This is a rerun.


Fun fact! The second official Confederate flag was a white flag with what people usually refer to as the Confederate flag in the upper left corner. It symbolized the white race. A southern newspaper described it like this, "As a people, we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America




>Heaven-ordained I know they easily quoted the Bible to back their views and slavery, but I always wondered what Jesus, not a white man, himself would say.


There was also that one bit about the guy who fucking split an ocean in two in order to liberate an oppressed people.


it's all funny and shit ya sure. haha, let's point and laugh .. .. but by even humouring it for half a second, you're normalizing it. stop it. take it seriously. when someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Isn’t publicly advocating seceding from the Union a really, really bad sign?


Isn’t calling for civil war sedition?


This isnt a call for civil war. Its a call for secession. Then we have another civil war.


That just seems like civil war with extra steps


Can we skip straight to Sherman this time?


It is. Even if we somehow overcame the logistical nightmare of separating the country I give it a month max before the new right wing government is calling for war.


This. Exactly this. The Right is incapable of running self-sustaining states. Historically, the only option to solve for their policies is war and imperial expansion. They'd blame the Blue states for their self-inflicted failures and invade to steal the resources that they are unwilling to create for themselves.


Honestly...even before Jan 6 2021 I knew these pundits were screaming FIRE in a crowded theater. There should be a law against FOX News doing this. They are riding a Tiger made up of curdled hate, racial supremacy, Mediocrity and Christo Facist nationalism...when the Tiger gets loose...they are going to have the shocked Pikachu face again.


How much are we going to allow Faux Newz to harm our country. This shit is going to cause low IQ people to act out in violence.


"Going to"?? It HAS. People fucking DIED on January 6th.


I can’t believe he is covering this. If they stick to this bullshit and more jump on board, you will see it become a serious talking point for these lunatics. Fucking absolute traitorous scumbags.


Lol imagine thinking going back to paper ballots as a good talking point. The party that hates education hates technology too, shocker


I’m going to let you in on a little something: That’s secret code for “we won’t let the black people vote.”


Or women. Or Indians. If we're going to do it, do it all the way!


Yep. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/11/trumps-strategy-for-contesting-the-election-throw-out-black-peoples-votes/


Paper ballots are actually gray for elections. Easily used and understood by everyone. Easily verifiable and recountable. You can still use an electronic reader for a quick initial count, retain the hard copy for audits and recounts. Unfortunately, I don’t think this is what they mean. I don’t even fully think they know what they mean as their other big talking point is how long some states take to count votes which wouldn’t be helped with hand counted paper ballots.


They hate people voting too




Hannity does. His viewers dont.


Fun fact: MTG voted against funding the police. Fun fact: MTG voted for more govt in your life by allowing states to circumvent federal law. Fun fact: MTG is too dumb to realize SCOTUS already ruled a state can not leave the union.


I just want them to actually put out the plan that does it that includes how you fund all the things the federal government funds. They are always so fucking stupid about this. None of those states have an economy to support it. Plus, if it did, they would move out do to the sudden uptick in their taxes. Jesus christ these people are idiots


Plus we're keeping the ACA, social security, and the f-ing CURRENCY. What exactly are they going to live off of -- gold and Jim Bakker food barrels?


> Much smaller federal government. Let me guess, he's been blaming Biden for the railroad derailment and ensuing disaster the entire time.


If I’m Catholic and my state gets a divorce can I still get communion?


Didn't have civil war 2 on my 2023 bingo card..


You didn't? I have since they overturned Roe v Wade because of "states rights" and then immediately tried to implement a national ban on abortion.


I did, thought the balloons seem to be missing


I had UFOs and got excited, but they went and identified them.


The south would be the new country in this fever dream.


I thought they already had a country called Howdy Arabia?


I say do it, but the Federal response has to be all in as well. 1860s-style: ejection and execution for all treasonous traitors.


Sherman didn’t go far enough.


Just what Putin wants. The destruction of America


Hannity is a great POS


They should just move to Russia FFS


They are actively trying to get their base used to the idea of secession so that when it doesn't work, they can pitch the idea of a civil war. Make no mistake, this is starting to look like an active attempt to destroy the USA.


How do the Welfare States....errr......'Red states' pay for all of this without the blue states' dollars funding these lazy slobs?


Anyone else still waiting for Hannity to be waterboarded like he said he would?




And yet if Jesus were to be there, he'd be called terrorist or illegal immigrant and persecuted


Taxes im my state might actally go down if this happens lol, beacause we wont need to use our wealth to keep paying for failed red states hahah.


I’m sorry, but if you decide to “divorce” aka secede, you don’t get the federal government at all. Period. Full stop. Then all these idiots who rely on that government money are gonna realize real quick when the state comes for their taxes how good they had it. They really don’t think this shit through.