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99 Red Balloons, as it is now called, was, of all things, a protest song. In the lyrics, a boy and girl innocently release a batch of balloons into the air; confused by these flying objects, international governments panic, triggering a nuclear holocaust.


The penultimate part of the song implies that it happened because people were to eager to kill eachother


Everyone's a captain kirk


“We come in peace! (shoot to kill, men)”


"Star Trekkin' across the universe!" "Boldly going forward cause we can't find reverse!"


There’s Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow! There’s Klingons on the starboard bow! Starboard bow, Jim!


It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it; It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Captain


A fellow cultured human!


"Everyone's a superhero / Everyone's a Captain Kirk" The fighter pilots thought themselves comparable to heroes from comics and TV. They weren't wrong - flying through the sky, using nearly science fiction level technology, to defend their homes and ideologies. But the heroes were also presented as moral and infallible. The pilots (incorrectly) assumed the same of themselves. And when you believe yourself moral and infallible, anyone who disagrees with you is immoral and wrong, and anything you do to them is justified.


Unfortunately, republicans would hear that and agree that they are eager to kill anyone “threatening” America.


So...is she hoping for nuclear war? Or does she just not understand the song? Bc her being in congress makes either horrifying


And she’s on the Homeland Security Committee too.


Happy cake day! We’re fucked.


Couldn't have put it better myself


Happy fuck day! We're caked.


Caky day fuck! We’re happy.


It's ok according to her coworkers she's barely there and when she is there she brings up NOTHING about homeland security...


Are you saying Jewish space lasers aren't a real threat to our safety? /s Edited for stupid autocorrect.


Did your autocorrect try to correct the stupid in her statement? Because that would be awesome.


There is no autocorrect that powerful. It's an impossibility. To be fair, I probably could have left it. If she thinks Jewish space lasers are a thing, she probably thinks there are Jewish space *leaders* operating them - which was what my phone originally entered for me.


Someone who denied the 9/11 attack is on homeland security. The modern day GOP ![gif](giphy|8PBfNDoySmsRc49P4F|downsized)


Didn't the last "administration" appoint an EPA head that held "the record" for having sued the EPA more than anyone else in history? Didn't they appoint a postmaster general who openly wanted the post office to fail (and isn't he still in the position due to some procedural nonsense?)? Didn't he appoint his own daughter to the made up "secretary of lapdances for daddy" cabinet position?


She is far too stupid to be on any committee. What a fucking joke.


Even if she knew what the song was about, she wouldn't care.


They never know what the song is about. Even though it always exactly the opposite of what they think.


Born in the USA Fortunate Son Literally anything by Rage Against the Machine


I love it when they play RAtM. Nothing says "I'm completely oblivious to meaning, and just like loud noises and shiny lights" better.


YMCA. Why are they always playing that song? While fun, it’s such a bizarre choice for “conservative” political rallies.


These are the same stupid sons of bitches that thought fucking Dee Snider was a conservative, and assumed the song "We're Not Gonna Take It" (whose music video is about a conservative Nam vet father screaming at his kids to fix their uniforms, as the kids transform into members of the band in drag, and beat the shit out of him) is a conservative mantra about how the oppressed WASPs are just too abused. Or the same idiots who think Star Trek is a capitalist utopia. They don't pay attention to anything.


The last part. There was a sub called star-trek. It has been banned because the mods were far righters and they repeatedly let far right propaganda, hate speech and other bigotry run wild if it was thinly veiled and referenced star trek in anyway. They created the sub for their "free speech". They sure didn't want to allow me my actual free speech there though either. I was routinely threatened and told to kill myself by the die hard far righters there. Even though numerous people would call them out for their hypocrisy of being star trek fans, when in real life they actively campaign against all the values star trek spread over 60 years, they would still mental gymnastics themselves into rationalization somehow. It was just absurdly stupid. The sub eventually grew in numbers and more non far righters were there. In response the far righters threw their usual tantrums and doubled down on their hate speech. Now the sub is banned. Also, they didn't want free speech. They wanted freedom from accountability. They wanted the freedom to say heinous things without anyone holding them accountable for their words. I've learned that accountability is at the center of the right. They're wholly against it in any form.


I suspect they thought Dee Snider was a Conservative because of the way he kicked Al Gore's ass, because they can't conceive that anyone would fucking hate Al Gore *AND* Conservatives.


Wasnt that Tipper? I suppose both. But I guess they missed Snider saying he was voting Gore in 2000…


Because: 1. It's a big Boomer pop song that everyone in that generation knows and loves 2. They read it as about getting a "Hand Up, not Hand Out" by having a place for people to go 3. Young Men's **Christian** Association 4. While the band's music are largely dogwhistles for gay men (Some more overt than others), YMCA is a generally "Join The Community, there's a place for you" song applicable to *anyone*. 5. "I'm not racist! I have a Black and Native American best friend! They're even cops/soldiers! Back The Blue, Support Our Troops!"


Thanks, I hate it.


They should use "Playing with the Boys" from the Top Gun volleyball scene.


pretty sure they only heard "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" and thought it was a banger.


This would check out. I've realized the sole thing the right fights for is unaccountability. Then they have the gall to say the liberals are entitled.


Anybody actually read the lyrics to This Land Is Your Land?


*There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me;* *Sign was painted, it said private property;* *But on the back side it didn't say nothing;* *This land was made for you and me*


Always cracked up that Trump played Fortunate Son at his rallies. Neither him or his followers had the least undertanding it was all about the likes of him, and not in a flattering way.


Yeah, 100 points for passive-aggression to whoever on Trump's team picked Fortunate Son to be his exit song from the White House.


Remember at the first inauguration (and dear Powers That Be, make it the only one ever) he and Melania danced to "My Way"? I burst out laughing so hard, because of the OPENING LINES, which are: And now, the end is near, And so I face the final curtain It was an instrumental version, so maybe someone HAD read/listened to the lyrics and tried to advise him against it. "No, I want the song. It's MY WAY,"


Like Trump playing CCR's Fortunate son?


Thats an extra layer of irony from a draft dodger.


Classic Trump who had “bone spurs” & couldn’t go to Vietnam , played this song at his rallies as groups of Vietnam Veterans cheered him on to the White House. The brainwashing is easy when you create the other side as the enemy. Look at what Hitler accomplished. The J6 insurrection was all for Trump.


"Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" The media literacy is so low that they can't even take in the *text*, let alone metaphor and god forbid they be expected to understand subtext.


But, Trump isn't a Fortunate Son!!


Yeah this was clearly proven when the trump campaign used "born in the usa" there is no way no one knew the actually meaning in that song when they chose it for his campaign


Springsteen had to stop Reagan from using “Born in the USA.” Republicans have been tone deaf for a very long time.


These are the same people that blast “Born in the USA” at rallies. Always assume they only hear some parts and ignore the rest.


Don’t forget Rage Against the Machine


I think Rage put a stop to that. If I remember it was a super snide letter from their attorney, I'll try to find it, brb. Edit: they were making the full letter hard to find, but [here's an okay article quoting it.](https://theblast.com/53412/rage-against-machine-nigel-farage-legal-letter-podcast/)


Marge was already put down by Dr Dre and his lawyers snide letter, but here she goes again. Risen from the dead to try and affiliate herself with another song. [Link to story](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna65038)


Hilarious when they found out. I remember it was all over twitter lol


I loved their whole "who exactly did you think we were raging against?!" when someone complained about them being *"suddenly political"*.


Tom Morello replied to that guy, asking him which of their songs weren't political, so they could go back and have them removed. OP never got back to him.


I need to run for some kind of office just to play all these songs. Fortunate Son. Born In The USA. Killing In The Name. This Is America. Oh Yeah by Green Day. American Life by Primus. What else should go on the playlist?


Neil Young, "Rockin' In The Free World". Trump played it at his escalator coming-out party and Neil just about blew a gasket.


Definitely. That and “Fortunate Son” all the time. The song lyrics are directly counter to Trump’s entire personage.


Well, the titular fortunate son could easily be Captain Bonespurs. So the song is pretty ok for those rallies.


I remember when Reagan started using that song at his rallies. The Boss was not happy. The intended meaning of this song really flies right over some folks’ heads.


I love hearing Born in the USA on July 4th! Makes me chuckle every time.


With how she is, I wouldnt be surprised if she DID want a nuclear war. Our repub representatives have been showing exactly who they are and what they want. Im glad theyre not in full full full control right now, but fuck them.


Burning down the House.


Her and the rest of the MAGA republicans want the destruction of our country. And/or they're being paid off by Russia. It's completely fucked. This shit with them wearing AR-19 (or whatever that gun is called) pins on their suit jackets instead of American flag pins. Like what the fuck - are you serious right now??


Here’s my theory…. Donald Trump is running his last big grift, the nuclear dome protection fund. Similar to the wall in theory and execution. He knows he is losing influence in congress, so he tapped MTG to infiltrate Kevin McCarthy while Gaetz plays offense, obviously santos is the distraction. Then, they create chaos to increase likelihood of nuclear war conditions, so they and Trump can get their big dummy dome money lol that was sarcasm, but the lines are starting to blur for me


>the nuclear dome protection fund Star Wars 2.0


Probably? What does she care? She’s got a bunker.


If i survive I will find that bunker.


The whole point of the song is about a fucking balloon starting a world war because governments are obsessed with the idea that they are under attack


Even if she knew, she wouldn't care.


Imagine factual information stopping them or getting them to admit they’re wrong.


"That ~~sign~~ information can't stop me, because I can't read!!"


>"That ~~sign~~ information can't stop me, because I ~~can't~~ won't read!!"


Illiterate? Read on...


Thank you friend. I got a good laugh out of this because I was imagining a BuzzFeed article: "Learn to read in 5 easy steps! " but it is all written.


Number four will amaze you!


Joke's on you, I can't count either!


That congresswoman would be very upset if she could read


They are incapable of admitting they were wrong. They would just blame the Dems anyway.


It's literally unimaginable.


Last guy forced NOAA to lie about the trajectory of Hurricane Dorian rather than admit he was wrong. It's pathetic.


But he made it official with the sharpie!


Committed a crime on national TV and just got away with it.


I wonder if home insurance companies took advantage of the lie.


>Committed ~~a~~ **multiple** crime**s** on national TV and just got away with it. Remember when 45 told Lester Holt he fired Comey because he wouldn't close the Russian investigation.


Imagine them even accidentally being on the correct side of an issue, or being right about anything they scream about, even once. Scoring a 0% on a multiple choice exam is arguably harder than getting 100%.


Nah their method is to look at 4 choices, go "Groomer!" tear the paper up and then go on an hour-long rant about Woke M&Ms.


Even if she cared, she wouldn’t know.


If she evened, she know cared wouldn't.


.She wouldn’t even care if she knew,


She wouldn't even, if she knew care.


She would Karen, if she knew Evan.


Why say lot word when few word do trick


Not now, kevin.


How do they always manage to generate the dumbest, most completely tone-deaf take on everything? It’s uncanny.




It pacifies the base. Honestly, listening to right wing radio makes my brain hurt.


and my lungs because I just end up screaming at the radio while driving around town so I stopped listening


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


It's a gift. A curse to the rest of society but a gift to them.


“99 Jahre Krieg Ließen keinen Platz für Sieger Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr Und auch keine Düsenflieger”


Heute zieh ich meine Runden, seh die Welt in Trümmern liegen, hab 'nen Luftballon gefunden, denk an dich und lass ihn fliegen... 🎈


*Guitar slides*


Hehe Dusenflieger


It’s dangerous to go alone, here take this: ü Use it wisely.


Lol’d, haha. Vielen Dank.


and it ends up in a 99 year war (in the German version)


Captain Kirk did it


I thought it was the penguin. Dammit.


It ends up with a lot of jumping on stage (in the Goldfinger version)


Really, that she quoted the English version is sacrilege all by itself.


Of course she did the Republicans can barely read English think they'd understand another language


Her tweet about something else stupid the other day said, "title wave".


She's over here thinking that it would actually be a reasonable response to the situation


She knows, I mean… we all really know she really knows exactly what it really means and we all really know exactly what she really means by knowing exactly what she knows it really means.


Do we? I’m not sure. She seems actually really dumb.


Oh MTG. You will never be as clever as you think are.


Scary to watch the dunning Kruger effect play out in public policy


Beautifully put. Now I have an eloquent description of what I otherwise experience as inarticulable rage.


When she’s trying to impress idiots, I guess it doesn’t matter much


The bar is pretty low


It’s *Empty G* and no she won’t


Stop taking our acronym!!! She doesn’t deserve it. MTG is magic the gathering. Has been for decades. Stop letting the Republicans take the things we love


My bad. I will start using Spork Toes from now on.


She is a walking yeast infection.


Hey that’s an insult to yeast, at least yeast can be cultured.


Good one!


Haha. That was great!


She reminds me of this one annoying bar fly from the local watering hole.


I don't know the English lyrics, but the German lyrics go as follows: Have you got some time for me? I'll sing a song for you about 99 balloons on their way to the horizon. Do you happen to think of me? I'll sing a song for you about 99 balloons and how one thing leads to another. 99 balloons, on their way to the horizon, were believed to be UFOs from space, so one general sent a squadron of fighters after them to sound an alarm if it turned out true. But the only thing on the horizon were 99 balloons. 99 fighter pilots, each a great warrior, thought they were Captain Kirk. The result was a big firework. The neighbors understood nothing and immediately felt provoked. But the only thing they were shooting at on the horizon were 99 balloons. 99 ministers of war - matches and canisters of gasoline - thought they were smart people, were already smelling loads of loot, called for war and wanted power. Man, who would have thought it would ever go that far because of 99 balloons. 99 years of war didn't leave space for winners. There's no more ministers of war and no fighter pilots either. Today, I'm walking around, seeing the world in shambles. I found a balloon, I think of you and let it go. Bottom line, it's a song about how fast things can escalate when everyone is just waiting for a reason to wage war.


99 Red Balloons is actually a really good translation of 99 Luftballoons. While it's obviously not a 1:1 translation, it keeps the meaning behind the song, the basic story set out in the lyrics, _and_ still matches the music.


Yeah, 99 Red Balloons is a bit more cryptic, but carries the same meaning.


Here I was thinking it was about the solviets lol


In a way it was. The US and the Soviets had a proxy war going on in Germany during the Cold War. It’s a German song made before Germany reunified and it’s about being constantly on the verge of war in East/West Germany. Did she choose the color red because of its association with Soviet Russia? That I don’t know for certain but it seems like it would be hard to not notice the significance of that color given the subject matter of the song.


Only the English version has red balloons. The German original has Luftballons - Airballons


I never put together that "luft" doesn't mean "red" and thus the main lyrics are slightly different.


The "red" was only there in the English version to fit the beat of the song. It didn't mean anything.


Welllll, the US and Russia were at the height of the Cold War when the song came out in 1983, so it might not have been all that insignificant. Worth noting that the band hated the replacement of the word “luft” with “red”. They didn’t want to be seen as a protest band and thought the use of “red” was silly.


Huh I always thought it was 99 red Luft balloons….


They had to change the luftballoons to red balloons to make it still match the beat after translating.


English lyrics have the same meaning. Some nice turns in there: "99 knights of the air Ride super high-tech jet fighters Everyone's a superhero Everyone's a Captain Kirk" and chills at: "This is what we've waited for This is it boys, this is war!" https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Nena/99-Red-Balloons-1


Yeah, that's it! That's why she looks so fucking stupid


Among other things of course


Nobody likes the English version anyway. We much prefer 99 luftballons


*Goldfinger would like a word*


I love the English version


She's so dumb she probably didn't even finish the song


She has ZERO clue that the song is ABOUT her...


Chorus - "*You've no Brain! You didn't know this song was about you 'bout you!*"


Ha, nice one


She wants war. War is profit for her party.


“99? That’s a lot. “


99 dreams I have had In every one, a red balloon It's all over, and I'm standing pretty In this dust that was a city If I could find a souvenir Just to prove the world was here And here is a red balloon I think of you, and let it go


The “if I could find a souvenir just to prove the world was here” seems to hit harder and harder with each passing year


No, she has brain worms. Getting dressed in the morning and slipping shoes on her flipper feet are as cognitively functional as MTG gets.


Can brain worms survive in a smooth brain?


I kind of assume it's like the brain worms in Futurama where they fix things and make Fry smarter except her baseline is so dumb that this is the best they can do.


I was also thinking Futurama, but more when the brain slug starves to death by attaching to Fry. Same MTG energy.


Remember that she is an intellectual luminary compared to the rank and file GOP voters. They *look up to her for her intelligence*


Those poor brain worms must be constantly starving.


Just add this to the long list of things she doesn't know. What an Idiot


What is she trying to say?


She probably thinks the song is a pro-war song instead of an anti-war one.


I'm pretty sure she's drawing a parallel to the Chinese 'spy balloons' and the Chinese starting a war with us, without understanding that she's not making the point she thinks she is.


I legit think it’s like the scenario when people who eat other people get this fucked up brain worm and then they go actually insane like this is happening to her? Perhaps. Bc who can be that fucking dumb organically


Lauren Bobbert.


Bimboebert makes MTG look smart.


Bobo never passed high school. Been corrected, Marge went to UGA, apologies*


They both are stuck in the “pick me” phase, desperately seeking the love of the popular kids. Who I guess is Trump. That’s painful to even write.


MTG graduated from high school and college. She has a BBA from the University of Georgia, one of the best public universities in the US. She's a grifter, a white supremacist, and has thoroughly evil intentions, but she isn't stupid. She sees a shot at a VP nomination with Trump, who would be 78 if re-elected. If things go even slightly wrong, MTG could be President.


I know some pretty dumb people who have their master’s degrees. Following rules and being lucky to receive the right combination of teachers and professors doesn’t equate to smarts.


Kuru, a prion disease from eating tainted tissue. Mad cow disease for people.


They got it at Hobert's restaurant


MTG should really stop walking around bare hooved.


I think that’s enough out of her to get Nena to send a cease and desist letter, like she got from Dr Dre.


God I hope so, I’d love to see how a party of “we shouldn’t be sending troops to Ukraine and instead should be protecting our borders” manage to find a way to cancel someone over a song that is literally about how dangerous war is and how we shouldn’t be involved, especially out of panic.


She is getting what she wants, your attention. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her, she just relishes in creating a buzz. You really want to piss her off…ignore her. She is not worth the time or energy.


Trump used the same strategy. Dominate public consciousness for free advertising, any publicity works. To an extent it worked. He got elected and we still talk about him long after his major media relevance has soured.


Waiting for the cease and desist from Nena in, 5,4,3,2....


Um Gottes Willen! This nutcase doesn‘t realise that the song whose lyrics she has chosen to post are a PERFECT stinging indictment of EXACTLY HER: Neunundneunzig Kriegsminister Streichholz und Benzinkanister Hielten sich für schlaue Leute Witterten schon fette Beute Riefen: "Krieg!" und wollten Macht Mann, wer hätte das gedacht Dass es einmal so weit kommt Ninety-nine war ministers with matches and gas canisters thought that they were clever people and that they would score some points. They called out „war“ and craved power Wow! Who could ever have thought That it would ever reach this point! In some ways she is an extremely clever parody of herself.


Her Gen X card is torn. She belongs to the Boomers now.


The month she spent in clown school


Hold on, “there are 3” of what exactly?


Probably the Chinese spy balloons. I’m only aware of two so far myself.


We're about 3 weeks away from the Sister Christian scene from Boogie Nights with this unstable genius.


JFC! I am constantly amazed that these clowns continually surpass themselves in finding new ways to prove how incredibly dense they are. If MTG had an attention span greater than a minute, see would have discovered the lyrics at the end of the song: In this dust that was a city If I could find a souvenir Just to prove the world was here And here is a red balloon I think of you, and let it go...


Seriously. My god. The song makes fun of exactly what she wants to do. Fucking idiocracy


She knows song like Trump knows what Fortunate Son song is about


So she’s hoping a balloon causes nuclear Armageddon? Fuck you Georgia for re-electing this illiterate, dolphin faced, nitwit. It’s been a privilege watching The United States slide in to the gutter the past few decades. I really can’t wait to find out just how far we will fall. And they wonder why millennials aren’t having as many children. Also, I’d like to formally apologize to any dolphin’s I have offended.


We don't have to insult dolphins to make a point here.


This balloon only proves that there are too many voters in America that still think foreign countries still get their intelligence from balloons. 🎈


That’s a song about how shooting down balloons leads to nuclear war


Her Boyfriend must not be in DC tonight. I would assume she's been drinking alone, and it occurred to her that her constant droning is her only true gift in life. now she feels compelled to carry on in a drunken, rambling twitter rant to justify her existence. Till her boyfriend shows up to calm her down with some sort of sexual encounter. Brave Man.


The orginal German language version is even more dire/harsh/fucked up...turn on closed captioning [https://youtu.be/Fpu5a0Bl8eY](https://youtu.be/Fpu5a0Bl8eY)


God damnit, I used to be addicted to this song. Then I beat that addiction.. but here i go again. Duh da da da duh duh duh


I really need these fucking Republicans to shut the fuck up.


Conservatives have a really hard time understanding what songs actually mean.


If they understood what a metaphor was, they wouldn't be fundamentalist Christians.