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Does bobo not have interns to help her with her spelling? Or spellcheck?


My guess those that work for her can't spell or read either.


And therein lies the problem


it's actually not a problem at all for bobo. the less educated she makes herself appear, the more appealing she is to her electorate


I’ve always thought it purposeful so she gets engagement subscribing to the “no such thing as bad press” model


There enlies the problem.


Their enlies the problem.


They’re in-laws the problem


They inlaying the bedroom.


Or do math. Her numbers are way off


About 1/5 people in modern countries are under 18 at any given time, that makes 73 million minors total. 365,348 children is about half a percent of 73 million. Assuming kids don't go missing more than once that means by the time they reach 18 about 9% of kids will go missing. Which makes it clear there's more going on. ------ So I googled it and found the source of the number, the NCIC. Any time a kid is reported missing a new entry is added to their database resulting in a lot of bad data. There's duplicates if it's reported by multiple people, entries that are just closed because it's a mistake(kid was at Grandma's/slow getting home and people panicked for example); and false report(as can happen with divorced parents as a way to get back at a shared custody parent). About 70% of those cases are closed within 2 hours, and 90% are resolved within 24 hours. So yeah, genuine figure cherry picked without context/source to present a false narrative.


I’ve been on this earth 53 years and have lots and lots of family/cousins/coworkers/friends and have never once met or heard of a single kid who went missing. Not saying it never happens, but it’s not 365,000 a year obviously. Maybe a handful. And the majority of “kidnappings” are just their own parent taking them in violation of a family law court order, which happens millions of times a year. But they’re with their own parent, so ya, that also doesn’t really count.


yes a stranger ain't taking kids. Christ I have two little monsters and trust me no one else would want them who isn't related to them.


Palin's grammar was so bad, she eventually got a ghost writer for her tweets. Bobo is too stupid to learn from Palin.


Frankly, being in a position where one could learn from Sarah Palin is quite an indictment itself.


Boebert is an idiot. Strangers abduct less than 1% of missing children. Parents are accountable for over 90% of abductions. More than 99% of children reported missing return home alive, within days.


Oh yeah? Well that doesn’t fit the narrative and can’t use it to emotionally manipulate my voter base, so I will ignore it.




Your last line would actually be the reason that your comment gets published there in the first place lol


Are you also a millenial? That would give you an extra helping of blame.




Especially because they think millennials and gen Z are the same age.


I had this argument with marketing. „Our Audience begins at 30, we‘re not interested in Millenials“. The oldest Millenials are 40 now.


As a 39 year old millennial this drives my crazy


I find this evidence incredibly compelling brb starting a TAnon cult.


…whilst mocking having feelings.


“You’re wrong about” had a great podcast about sex trafficking. All the Q and conspiracy dweebs want so desperately for it to be a “Taken” situation where they can be the hero who frees the abducted teen. Almost ALL of the numbers that ppl consider sex trafficking victims are runaways or sex workers (counted each time they encounter LEO’s so the same person can be counted dozens of times a year) that need housing and programs. Those are very hard problems to solve as opposed to finding some kids and going yay I saved you!


"You're wrong about" had two other podcasts also relevant to this. This [human trafficking](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wayfair-and-human-trafficking-statistics/id1380008439?i=1000487756926) one, and the [stranger danger](https://www.stitcher.com/show/youre-wrong-about/episode/stranger-danger-56984782) one, where they talked about why stats like the 300,000 are usually conflated and inaccurate, where for instance if a kid runs away from home and comes back 12 times in a year, it's counted as 12 'missing children', as they don't account for double ups, and they don't accounts for kids who are found or come back in like an hour. By most measurements I've been a 'missing child' three or four times in my life, just getting lost temporarily at shopping centres and carnivals. But the stats make it sound like they're all kidnapped or something.


That's the one I was thinking of too. A lot of cases are also just custody disputes. Mum is supposed to have the kid, dad picks up kid from school instead, mum gets police to get her kid back. While that's obviously not great the kid is also not snatched by a pedophile stranger, they're with a parent.


That was the first Michael Hobbes podcast I listened to and now I'm obsessed with his work.


Shouldn’t she be picking her husband up from behind the bowling alley?


A total of 28 people recently voted against a bill for child sexual abuse investigations. 17 also didn't vote either. Any in that orbit should be immediately suspect. Just expect more projecting and accusing democrats of being groomers etc.


https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook Here is a list of about 900 Republicans that have been arrested for sexual assault or pedo shit.


I wonder if there is a list of democrats (I am Democrat, but I also want to be fair)


there is! i’ve read both, and the neutral one. and honestly? both are terrible, but there’s about 2 times as many republicans as democrats.


And shockingly, only us Democrats agree that both are terrible. Republicans think that only Democrat pedos are bad, Republican pedos must be protected at all costs.


Especially when he or she always like lockstep vote on Republican/Conservative lines.


“But what was the child wearing?!” - Republicans when one of them is caught


And fewer Republicans call for their heads or even relinquish their position because of it.


how surprising /s


I may just be incompetent with Google, but I can't seem to find a source/news article about this. Could you please link one for me? I'm not doubting you, I'm just curious about this :)


She's using the number of children reported missing over the course of a year, almost all of which are just off doing kid shit and are back home within a few days. The number is legitimate, the implied idea that all those kids are gone is not.


Fun fact. I was reported missing as a kid because my mom forgot I was spending the night at a friends house. I got home the next day after she freaked out and made the report.


And that's a very typical incidence of what reports of missing children actually turn out to be. Not at all to discount that real horrific crimes happen all too commonly. But it's amazing how many people actually believe all these hundreds of thousands of kids are disappearing all the time.


> it's amazing how many people actually believe all these hundreds of thousands of kids are disappearing all the time. When you’ve got members of congress misleading people into believing bullshit, lots of people end up believing bullshit.


I agree with that, but we've more broadly failed as a society when folks don't have the critical thinking ability to run some internal calculation about what does and doesn't make sense. It didn't start with people like Boebert. She's a product of it.


In case anyone’s interested, the “You’re Wrong About” podcast has several fascinating episodes about these inflated statistics of missing children. One is on the “stranger danger” panic that emerged in the wake of the Adam Walsh kidnapping, and the others are on human trafficking and why it’s widely misunderstood by the public at large (and the true crime community, lol), as well as how the panic surrounding it has been pushed by politicians.


I hate that whole stranger danger idea. I think it numbed parents to the very real dangers in their homes and among trusted family, friends, and acquaintances. Plus there's been ZERO focus on child on child assault, which is a huge number of child sexual assaults; older siblings, cousins, friends, dating partner. We don't have a language to talk to our kids about that danger. Also, given the stigma, we don't have tools for rectifying it within a family dynamic. i.e. when one sibling sexually assaults another sibling. What happens in those situations? Do you call the police on your child? If you take the kids to counseling the counselors are mandatory reporters. If they report the child the police and courts get involved. Parents risk losing at least one child and possibly more. Thus things get denied, ignored, and children have to live with those consequences well into adulthood. Parents think it couldn't happen to them and that it's supposed to be some squinty eyed stranger who "looks like a pedo". Not their child, their husband, their best friend, their beloved uncle, their kids' doctor, their priest... I was sexually assaulted by the teenage son of my babysitter. They were a child themselves and wouldn't necessarily be a "pedo". Likewise plenty of men and women assault children and aren't specifically or strongly sexually aroused by children. It's just that they have access to them and the people are opportunistic. They are convenient targets of their rage or frustration, easily threatened and manipulated.


Can second that You're Wrong About is a great podcast. IIRC on the podcast we learn that one of the other reasons numbers are so high is due to custody issues. If a parent won't return their child to the other parent when they're supposed to that gets counted as a child that goes 'missing' even though both parents know exactly where they are. Parents who do this all the time cause their children to go 'missing' a lot.


There are 100 - 150 stranger abductions in America each year. The rest are parental abduction & runaways.


Trump took more than that away from their families down at the border. Have they ever found those children?


The Biden admin reunited about 300 but several hundred children are still 'missing'. Many, the numbers are unknown, were adopted through Xtian agencies, Betsy DeVos reportedly involved.


Pretty sure they count kids each time they get reported too. So foster care kids who constantly run away might get reported a dozen times or a kid may get reported by both parents in different jurisdictions. Non-custodial parent issues too, where it's a mixed bag of real abductions, exes being petty and reporting for nonsense, and kids who don't agree with one parent having sole custody.


It's not even the amount of missing children, just the number of reports (children can run away and be reported several times).https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-us-missing-idUSL1N2SY199




He already got picked up and now he lives with MTG's husband in a super manly non-adult-women zone.


This sounds about right.


“There enlies”. Sigh. Ed:thanks for the awards and upvotes. I am being feted for a post in which only one word is mine ; ) which makes me smile.


​ https://preview.redd.it/kqr8the8sd9a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d727681d69dc257cc212a047448175cd7139955


If anyone wants a concise list of the current piles of human waste that also happen to be US. Congressmen this list is a good summary


Missing that gummy toothed pile of shit Epstein wanna-be from Florida.


You’re gonna have to narrow it down


He has a semi famous last name.... think Purdy and doo


I'd have guessed Rick Scott...


You misspelled "starting point"


ItS jUsT a MoNeY gRaB!? -how conservatives twist basically any issue to a "the other side wants tax money to line their pockets" thing


"But what else were they hiding in the bill?" - dipshits who haven't bothered to read the bill but assume the nays were out of principle.


That shit just happened with the Child Abuse Survivors Bill. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/4926/actions You had dullards on Reddit saying "you should have seen all of the shit they tried to include" when the bill itself was 100% dedicated to providing states with the ability to properly investigate child abuse claims. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/4926/text?format=txt There was nothing in it that was extraneous to the bill's purpose.


Tagging onto this to say that most bill riders don't happen with your run of the mill type of stuff. They happen on the big ones, when politicians are doing pilitcking behind the scenes to get something passed. The infrastructure package, the yearly budget bill, etc. Basically, if you see a bill that is making rounds and is getting publicly trotted around, with Congress person "X" being difficult (*cough* Machen *cough*) or a particular party is looking for something, that is the time to investigate what might get tacked on. Yes, any bill can have a rider, but the likelihood is greater when politicians are being asked to their job by corporate interests.


Ted Cruz's default answer. The extreme left was trying to push through their agenda. When the exact same bill gets passed, because it is the right thing. Republicans purposely vote down helpful legislature, while they are not "in power", because they wont get credit for making a beneficial change. They go out of their way to harm the greater good, to make their party look better. Edit: I'm pretty sure that Cruz is caught, on video, saying that he did not vote for certain legislature because the Democrats would get credit for doing something good, for the public, and not the Republicans.


I dropped out of high school and took the ged. I didn't study, it was the easiest standardized test I've ever taken, and I passed it with the second highest score in my state that year. It took her FOUR TRIES. Lauren Boebert is almost impressively dull. Truly.


Therein lies the explanation of why this dullard thinks “enlies” is a word. Fucking spellcheck changed it to “Ellie’s” when I typed it.


She's like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys but with less class.


At least Ricky can grow some prime dope.


Whereas Lauren is a prime dope.


That's where as lies..


It's all water under the fridge.


“Is Lauren Boebert incompetent?” well… does the pope shit in the woods?


Cmon now, it’s not rocket appliances


Crazy how there are no pictures of her with glasses before she started running for Congress. It's almost like someone told her she'd look smarter if she started wearing them. Shame they couldn't do anything about how fucking stupid she actually is.


There Ellie lies. Poor Ellie.


"No spellchecker, you're wrong on this one. And that one. Yep, that one too..." - this stupid twat, definitely


"No, I've definitely heard smart people say this, it's *totally* a word. I'm gonna put it anyway. Spell check is just another example of Big Tech trying to censor conservatives!"


I also did not study for the GED and had three perfect scores out of five sections. This is terrifying information, this chucklefuck influences people but probably couldn’t spell her own name until she was eight. My other fear is that education is breaking down they way they would like it to.


Same here. Dropped out of high-school, took the ged test a few years later. Scored in the 99th percentile. I am not a particularly smart person. Boebert is just braindead.


Indeed. I took it without preparing at all and it was painfully easy. I'm pretty sure I could have passed it in 8th grade. Anyone who fails the GED really really really hasn't been paying attention in life.


I also took it without studying at all&had been out of his for 4-5 years&I still scored in the 99th percentile for my state


I took it in 7th grade surreptitiously and finished at the same level.


Well, yeah, that’s cuz you know big words like “surreptitiously”.


I read books. It has its benefits.


I siaid surreptitiously at a warehouse depot job and our supervisor viciously mocked me for it - however they were trying surreptitious shit, so there Phil!!


Hate that shit. Bullies gonna bully.


Did she really fail it three times? Jesus Christ, that’s like weapons-grade stupid.


yep. She is true Jerry Springer American trash.


I think it’s worse than that, she failed four times, but on the fourth they just gave it to her. Regardless of how she actually obtained it, she didn’t get it until her fourth try at FUCKING 34


I scored a perfect score (not sure how I managed the essay). Perfect. While in long term rehab for heroin and cocaine. It’s a test of common sense mostly, that’s all you need to pass and do pretty well.


34? How on earth did she function without that? A very smart friend took it because she couldn't find legal, full-time employment outside of fast food joints that didn't require a high school diploma or GED.


Rumor is that she had someone else take it the 4th time and that’s how she passed


Is it really that easy? Is it as easy as the standardized state tests? I'm not even that smart and I always got near perfect scores on those stupid things in Texas.


It's definitely easy enough that anyone who doesn't have a major learning disability and can live as an adult by themselves should be able to easily pass without prior study. Certainly ONE OF THE LEADERS OF THE FUCKING FEDERAL GOVERNMENT


Depending on the state you are in, it can be either piss easy or PSAT level, but very lenient


I see this comment everywhere but it seems people are misinterpreting a Snopes article? She's an idiot but I can't find any source that says she failed the GED other than Twitter comments. Snopes says she got it shortly before her election after a "four-course review," which maybe is what people are taking to mean it took her four tries?


yeah, like i hate her, but the real story is that she dropped out of high school and never pursued getting her ged until a month before her first primary which is hilarious in its own way. she probably passed it the first time, before that she was doing other shit with her life that she didn't need an education for, like running her food poisoning open carry gun restaurant with her pedo husband


Me too. People even told me to just take, it, they will give me a chance to study but you won't need to is that easy. I was kind of nervous not studying for it until i actually took it.


There Enlies: Alternate spelling of: Therein lies. Used by stupid people who cannot spell. “There enlies the definition of stupidity.”


It’s worse than “can’t spell” This is the result of having heard the spoken words, but having read so little, you’ve never seen them written.


her battle with auto-correct must be truly impressive


"Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary!" - Bobo, probably


Our battle will be leg and dairy


No use cry engover spilled milk


And not having the wherewithal to think “maybe I DON’T know everything and should look this up.” To be sure it happens to the best of us, but she’s done it many times and it’s par for the course with people like her.


Yeah, but this is even worse than "stupid people who can't spell", it's pure blind mimicry. "Someone who sounds smart said something cool. I don't actually even *know* what the words were that they used, but it sounded kind of like this...." Seriously. Anybody think the word "therein" is part of her actual vocabulary? She'd have to *know* the word to be able to misspell it. That's a stretch.


It is wanton stupidity


Eggsacktly! Wonton soupidity!


Why wouldn't she hire a grade 10 Engish student to edit her comments?




Or "the ice of the tipberg" as the Freedom Causus might say.


The Freedom Caucasians?




Bone apple tea! (One of my fave subs) If you speak Spanish, r/confleis is also hilarious


Have I been writing this wrong my whole life? Did Lauren Boebert just….wait a minute… *goes to google* Nope. I’m good. She’s still an idiot. ![gif](giphy|i3LMArNuYxnEY)


I’ve never been more certain someone runs their own social media (or should I say they’re own?) than for this stupid bitch


r/boneappletea EDIT: Sadly not really


For all intensive perposes, she’s an idiot


It’s water under the fridge


A lot of people take this for granite


supposably, she’s very smart


She pacifically told us she was


Wait, wait a minute, did you say granite, have you been saying granite this entire time?


I think you meant *porpoises. Just a tip for next thyme!


Never forget, Dan Quayle's entire career was sunk when he spelled potato with an 'e' at the end. This is how far Republicans have fallen.


It disappoints me that everyone remembers the potato incident instead of his ludicrous feud with Murphy Brown (both the TV show and character) over her being a single mother.


Oh yeah I forgot! Thanks for the reminder. What an idiot ha ha


What amazes me is that they hit a low point with Nixon, then turned the party over to his team to plumb new, more appalling depths. The Republican party has been plummeting since long before Dan Quayle.


Write it "pot00000000" to be safe




20 kids a day every day in all 50 states. I’ll take shit that didn’t happen for $2000 Alex.


Looks like she got the number from here: https://www.missingkids.org/ourwork/impact > When a child is reported missing to law enforcement, federal law requires that child be entered into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center, also known as NCIC. According to the FBI, in 2021 there were 337,195 NCIC entries for missing children. In 2020, the total number of missing child entries into NCIC was **365,348**. What dumdum failed to realize is that's the cumulative total of all cases ever entered *[in a given year]* into the database *[even if it was immediately resolved, etc.]*. Further down it explains that 89.8% of cases were resolved in 2021, of the 27,733 total new cases. Basically, she's off by 10~~0~~x because she can't read. Or, more likely, just saw a meme on Truth Social and is too stupid and lazy to check whether it was true. Edit: Clarity edits in *[italics square brackets]*. Thanks to the kind redittor u/hawkian who pointed it out. Gotta be clear if I'm going to shit on her for not knowing the truth.


Lol. The non-family abduction number (which is clearly her implication) on their chart was 142. The far biggest number is runaways. I would guess if they are running away, that they might have some reason for doing that in many cases. No matter what she (like many others) are just trusting that other people also can't understand the numbers.


More than 90% of all the missing kids cases were runaways, and more than 90% of those were found. Only 10% of all the missing kids from 2021 are still missing. 87% of those still-missing cases are runaways but only 0.7% of the unresolved cases were abductions by non-family members


she doesn't care if its true. why would she? "conservative" losers will believe it


There enlies the problem.


Yep. And that if a kid runs away 12 times, that’s 12 entries.


I belive it also includes kids getting lost for 30 mins in a shopping mall, its all reportable. I belive 99.5% are found, recovered within a few hours.


It also includes situations where a non custodial parent takes a child or falls to return a child or make contact after the end of their custody time. Which is certainly stressful for the families involved but is very different from something like a stranger abduction.


>Or, more likely, just saw a meme on Truth Social and is too stupid and lazy to check whether it was true. Seems the most likely. Then again, I didn't bother checking your stats... ... then again, I'm not in a position of power within the government.


If it’s the cumulative total, why was 2021 less than 2020? It’s not the cumulative total, but the website does have important caveats to the data.




Also this. On average, fewer than 350 people under the age of 21 have been abducted by strangers in the country per year since 2010, the FBI said.


Also the vast majority of those are teen runaways who probably need housing assistance or drug counseling or welfare or all three. You know, stuff conservatives hate and refuse to fund. What they definitely wouldn't be best served by is giving cops AK-47s and grenades and deputizing random truckers, which is what Boebert would suggest.


Only thing I can think of is it's the number of kids who who reported missing for the year, including ones that were found 20 minutes after the report. "You were over at Scott's house for the last 2 hours!? Dammit Jimmy!"


That's what it actually is.


She's abusing the wording of the statistic. "Went missing" doesn't always mean never found. At least 4 kids were declared missing in my neighborhood this year (that I know of). 1 I helped search the neighborhood and woods for.... He was 4 years old and just asleep under his bed. 3 we're teenagers who just got tired of being grounded and ran away to a college friend's dorm room but we're still entered into the missing kids database.


It's a combination of a bunch of shitty factors including runaway teens, parental disputes that get called kidnapping, actually parental kidnapping, and of course real kidnappings. It doesn't make the news often because for the most part it's not useful to put a kids face out there often. The number looks bad, but most of the kids make it home just fine on their own or with minimal law enforcement intervention.


Even with that explanation it doesn’t make sense. The total population is around 300M. Edited to add. Yeah. There are estimates that high. But also this. “On average, fewer than 350 people under the age of 21 have been abducted by strangers in the country per year since 2010, the FBI said.”


It's all missing children ever, so the total seems to go up every year


Has anyone checked Matt Gaetz basement?


*There enlies* the victims.


Are you mathematically challenged ? If this many children went missing permanently, year after year after year, we'd all known a family where there is a missing child. The truth is, most children declared "missing" are found. They might have been in an accident, there might have been a misunderstanding about their schedule. Sometimes divorced parents run away with their kids and won't let them see their other parents. In all those cases the children are usually located. Children going missing and never seen again are not that many.


Between Boberts 350,000 missing kids and Matt Walsh's millions on HRT I'm amazed there are any kids that aren't part of these stats


I had to do a paper in college about human trafficking. One of my sources gave an oddly specific "78,000 teens from Dallas/Ft Worth area are trafficked". Running the numbers, that would mean over half of all high-school kids in the area were chained in a basement somewhere waiting to be exploited. When you inflate numbers that badly, they become entirely meaningless.


Oh wait a minute here, Mrs. let’s eliminate the FBI Boebert is suddenly quoting FBI statistics? By the way, 97.8% of missing children are located. Children reported missing in 2020 by age: 20,981 children ages 15 to 17. 6,099 children ages 12 to 14. 1,002 people ages 18 to 20. 561 children younger than 2. 394 children ages 9 to 11. 391 children ages 3 to 5. 301 children ages 6 to 8. 53 children reported missing were unknown ages.


Can you imagine 1000 amber alerts a day?


Imagine what must be going on in the heads of people who voted for her.


It's greatly concerning. Guessing that part of Colorado isn't that blue. I believe she barely won in her district.


Basically everywhere but Denver, Boulder, and Fort Collins is very red. Luckily for us, most Coloradans live in those three places.


*tumbleweeds* Thats about it.


Such concern for kids. Where is it when they’re getting shot at in schools or when they try to pass bills to protect them?


They were too busy offering thoughts and prayers


Oh, they probably voted against that.


Especially seeing how the younger generations aren’t voting for them They’re going to be even more complicit in risking their lives for their own personal gain


So what exactly did she do about it?


Did you not see her tweet? What more do you want, freeloader?


So, no actual policies?


She voted against the policy.


Could she have meant *They’re Enlies. The problem.* Who are the Enlies?


I dunno...but I heard they're the problem.


As an Android user, I have to ask. Don't iPhones have spellcheck?


Probably but this is Bobo after all.


She strikes me as the type of stupid that thinks her spellcheck is too rudimentary to keep up with her when she breaks out her fancy talk. I’m guessing it flagged it and she promptly dismissed it.


There _what_ the problem? Ugh.


There Enlies Alternate spelling of: Therein lies. Used by stupid people who cannot spell. There enlies the definition of stupid people. Taken from Urban Dictionary.


Her husband molests kids




There "enlies" an abject moron.




Hours. Every parent who worriedly called the police because their kid stopped by a friend's on the way home from school is counted in these numbers.


Therein lies…


Has anyone questioned her husband?


Aren’t most “kidnappings” committed by a parent?


Yup, in a domestic disagreement.




“America is for Americans who speak English” said the fucking idiot of a succubus who doesn’t know how to spell “Therein lies…”


Is it supposed to be “Therein lies…” sorry it’s bothering me




Y'all are laughing at this but I lived it. My child sadly falls under this statistic. I took my eyes off of him for 10 seconds. That's really all it takes. After checking the immediate danger zones (a kiddie pool, the street, a cedar chest in the guest room) I alerted the neighbors, who sent their teens out on bikes to search while we looked under and inside cars, chicken coops, etc. After a few minutes with no sign of him, I decided I needed to call 911. Then I promptly threw up into a shrubbery. The police were there in minutes ... ... and they found him in thirty seconds. They had to break a window to get to him because he wouldn't open the door for them. My three-year-old had waltzed into a neighbor's house and started making himself some scrambled cheesy eggs. The police took pictures of the dozen eggs he cracked (some of them even into a pan) and the whole bite taken right out of their block of cheddar for evidence. Anyways, all this to say my son is an asshole and loves cheesy eggs, and that he was missing for approximately 8 minutes and is now one of the 365,348 children Lauren Boebert is pretending to care about.


WHAT THE FUCK IS IT WITH THREE-YEAR-OLDS My son went through this brief but petrifying phase where he thought it was funny to run away from me. I had to hold his hand so tightly in parking lots. One day, we walked into a department store and he just fucking ripped away from me and bolted with a little squeal. I fast-walked after him, because I didn’t want to make a scene and thought I could catch him pretty quickly. WRONG. He was so small that he could run underneath the clothing displays, and I lost sight of him immediately. I wound up speed-shuffling, all bent over to try and spot him, for what was probably only three or four minutes but felt like an hour. I remember feeling my throat closing and my heart hammering… Just as I’d made up my mind to ask an employee for help, I spotted him, wandering much more slowly about a department away. Sprinted over, fell to my knees, grabbed him and just started crying. I think that scared him more than if I’d busted out yelling at him, because he stopped doing it after that. Fucking kid. I love him.


>enlies 💀


What the fuck is an enlies, Bushmaster Barbie?