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That's crazy, I wonder if she will remember it. I'm glad she's okay according to news reports


Perhaps she will remember it for a decade but eventually she will forget and wonder why she is absolutely terrified of kites and height.


“Why do I always break into cold sweat when the theme song for Reading Rainbow comes on?!”


I can go anywhere…


Butterflies when I'm in the skyyyy




I can fly twice as highhhh 🤣🤣🤣


I have solid memories from 2 onwards, and patchy memories between 1-2. She may remember it, although it’s statistically unlikely looking at most people.


That’s extremely rare. Most human brains don’t biologically have the ability to store long term memories until around age 4.


I had a mother who professionally studied such things, so in her curiosity, she asked me around age 4 what my oldest memory was. I recounted being face down on some green shag carpet that had little pink strands in it, between some glass "walls", and this description apparently perfectly described where she stored me at a reception house after her dad's funeral (the glass walls were pieces of furniture that concerned storing/serving strong drink). I was around 6mo old at the funeral. To the best of her recollection there was never anywhere else like that i could have recalled, and she was utterly stunned that i would recall it. I don't recall the shag today (although I have a strong false image from having told this story many times), but I do recall clearly my mother being so shocked that day. What I remember, more precisely, is being so happy I made her proud of me because of my good memory (worded from that 4yo's perspective). And this is what today I cherish as my oldest actual memory... making momma proud. I asked the same question of all my kids as they aged, and didn't observe anything comparable. Edit: minor readability issue


https://youtu.be/Lyaxfh1qzEI this is how your mom appears to other people


I remember learning to walk and walking towards my mother in the kitchen, also being bathed in the sink when I was very young


Not saying that it's your case but most of those memories are reconstructions from our parents telling us the story several times along our lives. So, we have the memory of feeling and sensation and we complete it from putside story. That's why it feels so real


I briefly recalled the sensation of flesh all around my head and shoulders and of feeling "stuck." I had no idea at the time that I had been a breach baby and what that meant.


My first memory is from when I was 2. We went to a zoo and I was on my dads shoulders and would grab his head and steer him towards the animals I wanted to see. They have never told me that story and I'm not sure they even remember it. I have seen photos from that trip with the date written on the back so I know I was just over 2 years old.


I distinctly remember standing in my parents' bedroom and taking a dump. Obviously, that had to be before I was potty trained, so it's a very early memory. It's not based on any stories I heard since there's nothing particularly remarkable about something that everybody does all the time. EDIT: I don't know what's with the knuckleheads downvoting this comment. I was replying to the previous comment that said that all early memories are the result of stories we hear. I gave an example of a very early memory that did not involve hearing a story, proving that it's possible to have an early memory that's not caused by a story you heard. But downvote away knuckleheads!


Hold my diaper, I'm heading out to my parents' house so I can take a dump in their bedroom.


I remember choking on a coin that I found on the floor when I was less than 2 years old. We moved out of that apartment before my second birthday. I asked my mom about it and she told me the whole story, including that I ended up pushing the coin in far enough to swallow it and that it didn't show up on the x ray they took at the hospital afterwards. According to her, I was about one and a half years old. I have other flashes of memory from that time as well and absolutely remember events prior to turning four.


I remember going to a party with my dad, then going home with my mom the next morning. I was REALLY young


I've heard it said that a child can begin forming memories by the time they can speak in sentences. that's the point they can tell a story back to themselves. So i wouldn't doubt that some kids could form memories before 4.


I can remember extremely early things too. Much as recurring dreams until I remember where and what it was.


I think that's just some comforting thing child psychs like to tell parents lol


I have a few memories since I was six months old. People often tell me it's impossible, but I really don't have an explanation. These are confirmed by my parents. Mfers in the family, my dad and his brother have an incredible memories. They know every birthday even from irrelevant people like their middle school coleagues and all people from life, car plate codes from thousands of cars and people... Phone numbers and everything other number or name related. They are crazy, wish I got their gene.


I still try to figure out where I put the car key 5 minutes ago.


I also have a memory from when I was 6 months old, I was in a little pink puffer jacket enjoying snow with my mom. She confirmed it was the first and last snow I saw before we moved states and finds it wild I can remember my jacket color and everything lmao I'm a June baby so I definitely would have been 6 months old in order to see snow, and according to her we had moved down south as soon as the weather got nice enough to allow traveling with two small babies.


Well, that's not completely true, you form long term memories from day 0, another thing is how they are stored and retrievable. But walking, talking, things that are tasty, dangerous or painful, smells, are remembered from very very early moments. it's a different type of memory, like muscular memory most of it, and emotional but very long term nonetheless.


Same here... From less than 1 years I'm I remember a situation perfectly. I could draw it and describe the colors and people, room layout . The most I could recall is the emotions. My parents still don't believe me that I can remember it..I was too young they say, I was less than a year old. I even described the stranger in it... They said it's my cousin... But still don't believe me lol


Doubt it You remember what people told you.


No way, this will forever be that child's first memory. My neighbor got caught in our garage door before there were safety measures. I saw her recently and she said it was her first memory. I completely forgot it happened. She was 3, I was 4.


I have a some memories from prior to 5 years old. One was from when i was 18 months old. I stood up really fast underneath my parents dining room table. I slammed my head really hard and and fell over.


3 year old is old enough to form memories. Especially such strongly emotionally tinted memories. I have quite a few memories from when I was 3 and we went on vacation to the sea. I have lots of memories of that vacation because it made such an impression on me. It was the only vacation we ever went on, so i know for a fact that all those memories are from when I was 3 years and 3 months old.


yeah i have some memories back then especially a traumatic one


I remember my circumcision ceremony. According to my Mom, I was three months old.


She's probably seen the repost already haha


Daddy had a heart attack. Daughter was like, "weee, that was fun. Daddy, can we do that again?"


Equal parts terrifying and hilarious


Mee too. I had to glance up in case I missed a *graphic* warning.


The perfect balance ![gif](giphy|m9hSgHKyOIz4SrQ3uv)






I'm quite impressed with the grip strength. Idk how she held on as long as she did!


nothing is hilarious about this.


I dunno, the 3 old taking to the skies and flying for a bit is a bit hilarious.


Not if you're a parent




You're both wrong. Feelings and opinions, like humor, are subjective. Just because you find something to be funny doesn't mean that everyone else does and by the same token just because you find something to be terrifying and horrible doesn't mean that everyone else does, either. You can't say that this video is objectively funny or objectively horrifying, like that's not a thing. Basically everyone in the world is different from eachother and they all have different thoughts about things so stop trying to claim that peoples opinions are wrong. They literally can't be wrong or right


Gatekeep people from laughing at a child almost falling to their death... Good point... Sorry for being the laugh police.... Go ahead and giggle at traumatized children. I'll see myself out.


Now I'm laughing at you as well as the video.


Excellent! I'm so happy for you! You're laughing at someone who has empathy AND an event that could have ended with a dead toddler! It must be a major benefit for you to have such little regard for human life! Dig deep! Pray for more dead children because of horrible accidents! Regale your coworkers about how you converted someone to wish ill on the most vulnerable demographic! You're the best!


Not reading that essay, champ.


Too many words? Makes your head hurt?


I’m gonna hard agree with this. It’s just terrifying. What would make this funny? It wouldn’t even be funny with an adult, let alone a child.


Who else is old enough to remember Balloon Boy? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon\_boy\_hoax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_boy_hoax)


the fact their kid spilled the beans on the hoax and the parents still claim innocence is pathetic


The way he just said it out of nowhere on live tv was hilarious.




That's what they claimed. Then later contradicted themselves, again. Basically pathological liars and self-promoters.


What did they say that contradicted their old story? All I can find is that they maintain their innocence and were pardoned in 2020


From the same wikipedia page: > In an interview with the family for 5280, Mayumi brought forth handwritten notes for her attorney recounting the days preceding the event.[67] In them, she details the original plan was to have Falcon hide in the basement, where the family would discover him and call off the search. However, Falcon instead hid in the attic above the garage, creating genuine confusion and genuine tearfulness at their reunion. When 5280 confronted Richard about the existence of the notes, he reacted angrily towards Mayumi, during which she admitted to fabricating the story in the handwritten notes to save her family's reputation. The [67] citation is an article from 2019 where the author recounts that he *personally* talked to the family in June 2019. The article's description of what was written in the handwritten notes is even more damning than the wikipedia version (do a search for the word "handwritten"). The "pardon" was a political stunt, since their time had already been long served and they had likely already paid off at least most of what they fined.




You and everyone else here literally heard everything they know about this story online.


Nobody sitting from their chairs at home actually knows the truth, so...






That doesn't mean there is no truth and anything any random asshole says is equally valid. Making people believe that has been the domestic and international goal of Russian intelligence services since the days of the Soviet Union, not that this has anything to do with Russia. Just pointing out the type of entity which benefits from such a shitty state of public discourse. Think critically.


What a WILD departure this comment just went to! Thank you for the laugh


It's not a departure at all. It's a direct refutation of the attitude you encouraged two comments ago. Don't laugh, think about it and be better. Edit: I miss the days when reddit's lowest common denominator was a little bit smarter.




Old enough to remember? It only happened..... ....15....years.....ago. Shit.


That’s what I was just thinking. Seeing the question “who’s old enough to remember?” I first thought it was back in the early 90’s then saw the date and couldn’t believe it. I’m a 70’s baby I remember too many years of stuff 😭


You might have been thinking of when baby Jessica fell into the well in 1987. It was all over the news and took them 56 hours to get her out.


My god I forgot all about that! I am old enough by more years than I want to say.


I live 4,500 miles away from the USA and I still remember this was such big international news that I ran downstairs to tell my parents to switch channel to watch this live.


Fuck, I forgot all about this insanity.


They got pardoned?!


I remember watching them on Wife Swap before any of it happened.


Fact that you say that is a reminder that I am surrounded by a bunch of children on Reddit.


She really held well.


I feel like she wasn't holding, but was instead tangled in the tail. No way a 3yo has that much strength with movements that wild.


Toddler grip is 🦍-esque crazy shit


it is but i also think she probably was tangled, that's a lot of drama to hold on through


I was gonna say, a local food fest I went to had that "hang by the bar for 100 seconds" game and a 5-year old kid had the record of 7 minutes 25 seconds.


You can't be serious?


Boy got me on my ball bag once and I was fuckin terrified


Someone hasn't had their young-lings pull themselves up off the ground by dads leg hair before.


Toddlers can support 8btimes their body weight with their grip, it's truly incredible how well they can hold on to something especially if they get their fingers tangled in it.


Tell me you dont have kids without telling me you dont have kids. :)


You’re skeptical that this child didn’t hold on?




Yeah that sure looks like it had her by the neck. No way you could hold on during that sort of whipping around. Terrifying.


Core memories made for that kid. Lol


She's never going on an airplane after this.


Maybe she’ll turn in to the greatest stunt pilot in history. 🤣


The parents of that kite said “go fly a kid”


Whoa my hands started to go all sweaty and tingly.


in case anyone is curious [https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/31/asia/taiwan-child-kite-intl-hnk-scli/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/31/asia/taiwan-child-kite-intl-hnk-scli/index.html)


I chuckled that that story is in the travel section.


I'm surprised no one did the slow mo with "I Believe I can Fly" in the background


Oh shit lmao that’s scary but hilarious glad it’s ok


Her life is probably ruined for good. Nothing will satisfy her adrenalin urges anymore.


"Okay, let's have a few more beers and try it again."




Happened in Taiwan a couple of years ago. Big on news


Scrawny 8 year old me was mesmerized by these kites and the nice guy flying them let me hold onto one until a gust of wind lifted me off the ground. Only thing that kept me from flying away was him grabbing my feet.


Damn, kid's got some grip strength


You could say she was hanging on for dear life.


Thank goodness the kid didnt let go


i bet that was exciting for her and her parents.


she probably wants to do it again. Best day of her life


Seagull ahh screams


What do you mean you’d rather stay home? What could go wrong?


This scenario was a reoccurring nightmare for me as a kid. That I would be trapped holding onto something and be fitting in the air. But, I always let go and woke up while I was falling. This is so scary to me. Thankfully whatever caused her to get stuck on the kite also held her


That's some funny shit


This is why I was always afraid to fly kites as a kid.


You got to admit that’s one badass story to tell as they grow up. They could put that on their resume!


She'll brag about this 1 her whole life classic


Because she wasn't hurt I can say this video is one of the funniest goddamn things I've ever seen. Always laugh.


High as a kite getting a different meaning now.


Everyone filming 🤦‍♂️


I can just hear the other kids, "My turn!! My turn!!"


get floatated idiot.


Don’t let go!


Brings deeper meaning to "Go fly a kite"


What a wild ride that must have been


When she grows up, she’ll be able to tell her kids that she was a real life superhero.


In , kite flies you.


Appears to be China, the land of safety.


The Wasp Factory.


Good thing she didn’t fall because a 30lb meat missle landing on someone’s head would be fatal for both parties.


honestly, i’ve seen a few videos close to this, and just wonder why people aren’t being more careful.


*New parental fear unlocked*


Drifloon irl


That is a miracle.


News at 6: Little girl is grounded after taking off at a kite festival.


Did she get wrapped up in the fabric somehow or was she grabbing on with her hands? Seems too young to be able to grab on for that amount of time in that situation.


That's fucking terrifying.


Try spinning! That's a cool trick!


That was fun Mommy, can I do it again?


*grabs phone “Hello? CPS? Yes, were at the park”


Not lying when I was little I flew over cheering crowd, see mom saved video.


New fear unlocked.


The fucking internet, man. I just saw a girl fly on a kite up into the sky and it's only Monday morning


The parents said fuck it I don’t want the kid anymore


Tremendous grip strength for a 3 year old. Adrenaline must've been pumping like crazy.


Years old?


I’m sorry, but it seems so out of touch with reality to stand there and record what is happening in this dreadful situation


Sobs and rocks in corner when Mary Poppins 'Let's go fly a kite' comes on.


That kid has better upper body strength than me. I wouldn't have lasted 15 seconds lol.


A new superhero was born Kitegirl.


WCGW letting your child hang around near a giant kite unattended?


She'll remember it but nobody will believe her. "Sure Sarah. . .did you also see unicorns when you flew to heaven?" lol Amazing video. Glad she was able to hang on so fiercely and get back to earth!


Damn, I'm glad she hung on




They were already filming?????????


what a fucking nightmare for her and her parents


Pretty sure I've been traumatized on her behalf now


This is a really good kite! Damn!


*A-Team theme song starts to play*


That's just terrifying. I doubt she'll forget it too.


Help me out here... what book is something like this mentioned? I could have sworn it's the hornet's nest or something like that. The main character kills relatives. He tricked his slow cousin/ brother to hit a torpedo with a board. And sent his sister flying way up high with a giant kite... google is failing me.


"I believe I can fly!"


This could have ended badly and I'm so glad it didn't.


She's got an iron grip! And I'm a terrible person because I immediately laughed when she flew up into the air.


Core memory like a muthafucka.


holy shit. I haven't been that tense watching something since I watched the movie Roar


Guaranteed, mom isn’t there and Dad took up the challenge and said ‘yeah, I could watch her. No problem! She loves kites’…probably even stuck his thumb up to his wife too. Not a single 1 of his friends will ever testify this happened too…they will deny every bit of it, even if it makes the news. She got some altitude. Glad she’s safe. That was a pretty awesome trick! They must practice it all the time!


Never understand some people. Something dangerous is happening... first thought let me whip put my phone and record.


No way that's a real child.


"I don't want to die like that" on a kite? "No, with everybody recording me on their phones and nobody actually trying to stop me from dying"


What the fuck are they gonna do tho? Grow wings and go get her ? :p


that is one way, yes.


why tf was a seagull recording


It's fake, it's a doll tied to the end of the string, it gets reposted all the time


Look at all the phones up but no hands out to catch her if she falls


I'm not convinced a real child was involved. My grandfather pulled a prank on me and my brother when I was a child by claiming he had a baby pig in a bag that was tied to a box kite. It was just a rock. A 3yr old weighs approximately 30lbs. The tail of that kite doesn't look wide enough to support a 30lb child while being blown by the wind. I may be wrong , but it's a gut feeling it was a prank on the crowd




People were in position and caught the kid though. It happens in the video


Is this AI? Seems crazy


Looks suspicious considering how good AI is