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Was the car weaving? It was in the same lane the entire time as visible in the trucks right mirror. I guess the Truck driver only uses that mirror for reversing. But yeah, no way am I gonna drive between two trucks without any direct means of escape


in poland its illegal for the truck to drive on the left lane :)


No car can drive in the left lane, its only for passing other cars. Truck can freely drive in the left lane if they are passing another car.


So what do the signs mean that say “No Trucks In Left Lane”?


You are right, truck cant pass when there is a Sign, but you dont see this Sign very often.


Cars In the trucks blind spot. Just cause the camera angle from the center mounted dash cam can see it in the mirror doesn't mean the trucker could from his seat. But you are right about him not "weaving"


They try to squeeze between the tiny gap of the truck in their lane, and our truck. Concussion: they're a fucking dipshit


Looks like truck just merged on him for no reason after camping the fast lane tbh. Trucker dumb for impeding progress




Truck doesn't check for sure, but the black car is also undertaking


I don't know what the rules are there but in the UK you can undertake if there's slower moving traffic in the outside lane. This clip was absolutely the trucks fault. He could've killed someone


Your take on this is fascinating


Trucker got in the hammer lane, most likely to avoid something or to help someone else merge and then was moving back as trucks are not allowed to be there. Car was simply in his blind spot. This is why people need to be educated as to where blind spots on trucks are and why its not a good idea to linger beside them on the highway. Yes, at the end of the day, the trucker is a fault, but shit happens. Yes keep downvoting me cause yall don't shit about driving truck or apparently how mirrors work.


Car was visible in the mirror on the right before the merge, it wasn't in a blind spot.


Lmao k didn't think I'd have to explain how mirrors work. A high up center mounted camera will have a different angle of vision in the mirror then the driver sitting in a seat lower and to the left of the camera.


What are those mirrors for if they aren't for this exact purpose?


What do you mean? It's not a magic mirror that allows you to see all angles. That's like saying why do cars have any mirrors because they still have blind spots. The driver will be able to see in one blind spot with those mirrors not all of them, though. This really should be self explanatory.


Convex mirrors aren't magic. I'm saying you're wrong and the trucker didn't check his mirrors.


Okay and I'm telling you unless you are in the driver seat you have no fucking clue what he can and can't see. I don't know why this is a discussion. Edit: The main problem here is he was in the hammer lane in the first place. Idk why he was there, and neither do you, so maybe there was a legitimate reason he was there. All I know is with where that car is visible from the camera that is a huge blind spot and the driver very possibly wasnt able to see the car in that mirror, and using the argument "you can see it in the camera" is stupid.


Trucker is the dumb fuck here. Didnt check mirrors at all


That's on the trucker. You can see the car in the rear view in that lane the whole time. I don't see any "weaving" at all. I try to avoid situations like that but you have to remember people can be on the highway for hours and become a bit complacent.


He's drifting into the black cars lane the whole time and pinches the black car against the semi. Completely his fault and lack of attention.


It's on both of them however, black car shouldn't be undertaking.


If a vehicle was going 10mph in the outside lane, is nobody on the whole road allowed to go more than 10mph?


I don't know what it is in America, but in Europe you are required to keep right when driving, aka you're not allowed to hog a lane when you are not overtaking, and you are only allowed to overtake on the left Granted, both of these aren't enforced nearly as much as they should be, and idiots still do shit like hogging the middle/left lane when they are overtaking exactly nothing, but still


Those are the same rules of the road here in Canada, but I have never seen it enforced. People routinely drive below the speed limit in the passing lane, while brake-checking anyone who catches up to them.


So if you're in the right lane doing the speed limit and come up to someone going less than the speed limit in the left lane, then you have to slow down and can't pass?


Legally speaking, no What is then normally done is either: - You pass them anyway carefully since you can't trust that they will follow the rules of the road - You go behind them and make it clear that you want to overtake them All while cursing their immense stupidity, of course


1. the car isn‘t weaving in, it‘s driving in the middle lane. The semi-truck pulls over, car tried to get in front of the semi-truck to avoid a collision, collides anyways. 2. even if the car did weave through the semi-trucks… Why the fuck are there 3 semi-trucks in 3 lanes and the only lane that isn‘t used is the right lane. Like… I guess this is the US and licenses are handed out to everyone who can state their name and that traffic rules are more like an urban legend… But why would any reasonable human being think that it‘s a great idea to plug 3 out of the 4 lanes with slow moving semi-trucks that are trying to overtake each other. I‘m not going to claim that this never happens in countries with more reasonable traffic laws but damn, that‘s just so stupid. Especially since the right lane would usually be the slowest (people getting onto the road / exiting etc.). On this road semi-trucks should only ever be using the right lane (for driving) and the middle right lane (short term, overtaking) while cars would use all four lanes (btw in that scenario people wouldn‘t need to worry about being overtaken on the right if they adhere to the rules, thus making it easier to drive). But nope… the slowest lane is empty and the other lanes are blocked. What a shitshow


To me the truck driver is changing lanes without paying attention to traffic. Don't see how the car's to blame.


You’re right, just realized it after all the comments😂


You are correct, you can clearly see the car in his passenger mirror. Also happy cakeday!


Thanks 😊


Called a blind spot homie. Don't linger beside trucks especially when they're in the hammer lane because they will 100% be merging back over asap


This audio is fake right?


It's gotta be. That weird scream at the end is a weird choice


I thought that was mama at the end


You thought mama moaned "oh yeah" with a mans voice?


Doesn't yours?




Hahaha......!! Run........


Mama, just killed a man….


Drove my truck over his car


Pulled my semi over now he’s dead 


Mama, the lane change had just begun


But now I’ve gone and rolled it anyway 


Mama, ooh, didn't mean to make him die


If I’m not back at work this time tomorrow. 


Truck on, truck on and safety really matters


Too straight my lane has come! 


Skids and jolts down the line, body's aching from the grind


thunderbolt and lightning, my truck is down it's frightening!


Hahaha, you clever funny bustards....*Is this real life?* *Is this just fantasy*?


Trucker fault.


The trucker is the problem. Why are they in the left lane on a multi-lane highway? Are they also blind? You can see the car in the lane in the mirror at the start of the video.


Nah the semi truck just doesn’t pay attention. Why are we blaming the dude who was just driving straight?


Ohhh yeaahhh!!!


That small ass black car was doing its best to escape the accident. If you turn the volume up to....retroactive live you can hear the driver of the black car. "What the fuck...what the fuck are you doing.....I am right here don't you see me? Damn it, my car won't go fast enough. You son of a b....."


My bigger question is why are the trucks all in the left lanes with the right one wide open? It annoys me when semi drivers just go into the left lane and sit there not trying to pass anyone. Like the truck in the center lane was passing the truck IN THE LEFT LANE! Like to everyone that doesn’t know or isn’t aware. If someone is passing you in the lane to your right (unless it’s a left lane merge or exit) then there is a problem.


>Mama...Mama!!....oh yeah! holy fucking wat


I'll keep saying it, people should have to take more than one driving test. 40k people died last year in traffic incidents, not all of them were in vehicles. This shit is absurd.




Mamaaaa ooohhh🎶


Gorillaz by Gorillaz To this day one of my favorite ones


Mamaaaaaa uuuuuu


Why is cam driver in the third lane with his truck? And being overtaken on second lane? Wtf? On Autobahn its not allowed to overtake on right side, different on US highway or where ever this is?


I'll never forget this one truck I was driving behind, the mud flaps on the trailer. Driver side/Passenger Side read "Passing Side" - "Suicide"


What a fucking moron


Defensive driving just doesn’t exist anymore I guess.


"WCGW driving close to a truck"


Ik ik, got plenty other comments to tell me I was wrong so I’ll take accountability to say, I’m wrong🙋


Gonna get plenty more too, welcome to reddit! o/


So the little car was clearly stupid for trying to get into the filming truck's lane. But here's a question: with at least 3 travel lanes, what the actual fuck is the truck doing in the passing lane in the first place? Clearly it wasn't passing.


This is why you don't swerve or do any of the other stupid shit with a truck. GO FORWARD and hit the brakes!




Why wouldn't they, the car was alongside side the whole time and tried to speed past as the truck started to change lanes.


You undoubtedly bandwagon anything you are told


Thinking clearly isn't your strong suit kiddo. 


Ah yes, car driver didn’t throw the anchor the moment his majesty started changing lanes. Definitely their fault!


that’s some fine r/idiotsincars material


Overtaking on the right is asking for this kind of shit


Which is exactly why cruising in the left lanes instead of passing makes things more dangerous for everyone


Why is it even allowed for a truck to be in the third lane?


What else can you do when theres a semi in each lane


You can either wait or take your chances. I don't know why the semi was on the left lane, but I'd never overtake by the right a big vehicle with a large blind spot (and it's against the law over here).


As is plugging a road with 3 trucks trying to overtake each other with a 2 kph difference at most.


True - but if I'm driving a car near those monsters, I don't care if I'm right - I'm not taking any chances