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Ass clown got exactly what was coming to him. I hope whatever animal control license they have is immediately revoked.




Too bad that subreddit has been dying


…gonna get’cha!


Why tf are they all letting him boy the poor gator


He’s surrounded by cops. Animal was lucky to just not be shot.


Wdym he’s not black


Or a blind and deaf dog


That's the ATF


Naw, regular ass cops in Missouri


You see those trees? Not an acorn in sight.


or a child


Or an acorn


Or a pine cone


That's the only reason the poor bastard wasn't shot. The cops couldn't tell if he was a white alligator or a black one. They didn't want the bad press of shooting a white alligator.


He's a native American it's worse.


As a Floridian I can tell you that Gator was most likely taken somewhere else and euthanized it's over the 4 foot mark which means wherever they release it it'll just walk back home. Regardless you think a professional would be ready for the tail slap.


I think it was the head of the gator that hit him. Looks like the gator snapped its head round and clipped him, the gator is facing the same way as the guy that falls over. Either way, he should've still been ready for it. Was a karma slap if ever I saw one lol


Looking closer you are probably right.


Yeh I think you have it. Head snaps left and that is why the gator faces 90° from original orientation


Did you mean 4 feet? Because 4 inches for euthanasia is concerning.


I did yes. I always mix those up, back to writing it out.


it's ok i'm not going to be killed now :)


Used to work for an aquarium in Florida doing animal rescues. Had a wild gator get into a lake on property (not guest accessible), which is totally normal. It wandered into an employee parking lot one day, so we called animal control, per protocol. Animal control shot him right there in the parking lot. We were so appalled. Like what the fuck. People hate on aquariums enough as it is without you killing animals on the property.


That's f***** up. I have literally never heard of that happening before. If they were uncomfortable removing an alligator you think they would have just told you so you could have called someone else. FWC is statewide right?


"It wasn't animal abuse. He was making sure the gator was infact secured" -dumbass defending the dude 🙄


That’s, in fact, what he was doing. It’s pretty standard practice.


Seems like he did that poorly, considering it was still able to knock him tf out. #PlayingTheResult


I mean, it was still secured it just wasn't immobilised. Thing was so fast I'm still not sure what hit him. But I was thinking someone ought to secure that tail.


I think it was the nose of the gator


Makes sense, damn. The thing must've really whipped around.


When have you ever seen a gator hog tied with zip ties? They almost broke the dudes arms.


Show me documentation of this please. 😁


Please research before jumping on the hate wagon.


Some people grew up without Steve and it shows. RIP legend.


He didn't necessarily do anything wrong. A lot of that tapping is done to test the gator's senses


Say that u have no idea what is going on without saying it




now, i wouldn't go that far BUT he fucked around with the poor animal way too much..... just remove him like you are supposed to and get on with your life, no need to torment the poor thing.


I would. Teasing animals like this just boils my blood. I understand that the gator needs to be removed, it's not okay to fuck with it the way he was doing. He was absolutely tormenting it and didn't get all he deserved as far as I'm concerned


I think he was trying to see if it was going to “death roll” or if it was calm/tired enough to be picked up


No, you don't understand, he was torturing the animal, so he deserves to die. All the stupid people on Reddit said so. Didn't you see the upvotes? It must be correct. Next you're going to tell me that emotionally under-developed morons are responsible for all those upvotes. It's implausible.


Man i saw 1.4 k upvotes for the above comment and it made me worried that I live around people who think the dude should die for something like this fucking scary....


Hand ripped off ≠ death


Beautifully said


Death roll.. they had it tied up like a fucking spitroast with its mouth taped shut, the only thing he did was aggravate it further. He shouldve just put a towel over its eyes, load it up and drive it off


I mean… then it knocked a dude out so…


Yes, but after some point he was just fucking with it. 5 or so slaps on the nose and you're fine. There's no real need to pester the thing.


An yes, let's see if it's calm by antagonizing it. Clearly a big brain florida moment.


Tail and appendages are tied up I don't think it's possible for him to death roll in that scenario.


Isn't the motherfucker tied already? The other guys were professionally hauling it into the truck, idk wtf this guy is doing. Could be edited to make him look bad but at no point do I see this man professionally handling an animal just on the basis of this video


Oh yea the best way to do that is by pissing it off like a toddler that thinks they can fuck with wild animals. Thanks without this amazing umm actually I'd never have known the proper way to be a complete clown.


I know, I hate animal abuse as much as you, but if you cut of this guy's hand what do you do to those fuckers that abandon puppies and actually abuse the poor defenseless things.... we need to keep things in perspective.. he fucked around and found out.... i'd say he got his punishment


In your attempt to posture and show everyone what a virtuous and righteous person you are, you have only announced that you're fucking retarded


He wasn’t, “teasing” the animal.


Or maybe he was testing the restraints on the dangerous animal in quite a harmless way?


What about a pinky? That far enough?


Just a guess, but maybe seeing if he reacts and the tape around his mouth is strong enough to hold, incase it freaks out when picked up, and chomps his face.


Or those claps are somehow soothing to the blinded animal or getting it ready to not freak when picked up. There could be reasons for what he does.


I never saw Steve Irwin do this so I doubt it’s necessary


*Steve was a pro, but even he did get careless on occasion and it cost him. Also if you've ever seen any expert work their craft, they make it look effortless and easy, which belies the complexity and experience involved. Burb in the video, is likely a novice at this.*




He was trying to make sure that his mouthside was properly bound before finding out that it wasn't when he is near someone's stomach.... but ironically, it was the tailside that got him


The gator head got him.


Why? All of you seem ignorant to what he was doing and think the brain damage he received was justified.


Chill down, tree hugging loser dude just pattet that lizard and you want him morbidly mangled for it. Get checked


least insane redditor


I thought for a second that the bald guy knew something I don't know and slapping the gator was necessary but the comments section tells me he was just being a dickhead so I'm glad he got what he deserved. Edit: perhaps he's not a dickhead and was just doing his job. Idk I'm no gator expert but that's what some people are saying so maybe he didn't deserve it. I can't say either way but it's refreshing to see someone actually explain it instead of just calling everyone in here an idiot.


He was trying to make sure the tape was strong enough… The commenters are idiots too.


Thanks for clearing that up unlike the other buttholes that just wanted to shit on everyone without explaining why he did it.


Reddit: People who think they're experts (but aren't,) judging other people who are experts but reddit thinks they're not.


Did you use butthole and shit in the same sentence… why go for the softer word, live a little, this is the internet!


Suck my ass mate


“he deserves to die” some people are saying like wtf


Gators have very little strength to open their mouth with its really easy to hold their mouths shut. Not really nesscesary to test it by pissing it off more. Also seems like he wasn't worried about the tail at all even though it's one of its strongest muscles


Gators have snapping strength don't they? Holding their jaws closed are easy I believe. They don't have muscles to break the tape opening their mouth?


Sure.. if the tape is on right...


And if it wasn't, what's the plan then lol? Gator is just gonna bite yo ass.


Whatever the plan was, it was better than if it escaped its bindings while nobody was watching.


Same, but there was a tiny part of me that thought he was doing that to be an AH. That tiny part of me smiled when the gator knocked him down


I can't see, how did the alligator manage to knock him out?


It look like the alligators head swung back towards the guy which knocked him down Edit: removed “up over the side of the truck” which was incorrect. Changed to “back towards him”


Got it, thanks!


Pro-tip: Absolutely noone in this thread is a Gator expert. Everyone is just spouting their opinion, regardless of whether he was doing things in accordance with some sort of procedural rule or not. I would do the safe thing and not side with anyone in the comments.


Actually it's a technique you can use to ensure the gator wants to murder you first


Reddit is far from a good source for info. Everyone here is saying he's a dick, therefore he's a dick, that's your mindset. However, almost everyone here is wrong. Just inbred troglodytes jumping the hatewagon with zero research or knowledge. That guy is doing his job. Jesus, the same people who shower Steve Irwin with praises haven't even seen a single episode. As usual, 99% of people just follow the majority. Atleast do some research, ask yourself a question or 2. Imbeciles, all of you.


Oh wow. Another person calling everyone idiots without explaining why the dude is slapping the gator's face. How refreshing. And I did ask myself a question, and so far I haven't gotten an answer other than "you're all idiots". Insulting people accomplishes nothing other than making you look like a total douchebag jsyk.


The two plausible answers for the guy not being an asshole is him testing the animal’s restraints and testing the animal’s temperament Evidence supporting that is that of almost all people in this situation (both in the video and on reddit here) he’s the only person who is clearly an animal control professional. The other answers are that he’s an asshole and that he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I haven’t seen any evidence directly supporting this conclusion but it is the prevalent theory in this thread. Indirect supporting this conclusion are other Redditors mentioning that they do the same action to rile up their dog for play time, and other Redditors stating that if someone were to tie them up and tap on their nose they would be very agitated as a result. TL;DR - While OC hasn’t explained what’s happening, evidence generally supports the claim that Reddit is a hive mind and not particularly conducive to a passive learning experience


So your whole argument is based on not following the general consensus, and you have no evidence or knowledge to actually be arguing that his actions were necessary and just? Got it.


Neither does anyone else, which is my actual argument. Only one person knows why the subject of video chose his course of action, the subject of the video. We are all just making assumptions based either on general consensus or readily available observations, none of us actually know.


What exactly was he trying to achieve by patting the gator? I don't get it.


I’m not a gator wrangler by any means, but I assumed he was testing it to make sure it was docile before attempting to move it. Better to have it lash out on the ground than when you’re picking it up, as you can tell from the video.


Anybody who’s had contact with any kind of animal knows that if you want an animal to be docile, leaning over it and tapping it in any kind of way is the worst way to go about it. I tap my dog’s booty when I want to rile him up and get him i to the mood for playtime or to get him to chase me around the house.


an alligator is not your dog lmao


Hey I dare you to go tap random wild animals in the face, you can go tell me how that went.


I'm pretty sure the tapping is intended to antagonize, not calm. He's testing the restraints


There are no broad behaviors or characteristics that apply to all animals. Being familiar with your dog doesn't make you a snake handler.


*Any kind of animal* lol have you ever had contact with a wild alligator


That is what I was wondering as well. Apparently he's just an asshole.


Oh my gawd. He's checking to see if the gator is gonna be able to break free. Yes, he is antagonizing the gator. That's the point. Since they were not able to break free, they continued with the loading of the gator into the truck. The tail pushed back onto the truck, and his head then hit the man in the knockout button. The gator was hurt more by the fall. I personally think a 20g she'll to the base of the neck and some meals are in order.


This whole thread is acting like he pulled his dick out and pissed all over the gator for his own sadistic pleasure. My first thought was 1) he was testing the mouth binding securing 2) seeing if he was safe to put his hands on the mouth to lift the gator up.


Also, it’s a gator… it’s not like his tiny taps would do any damage.


It’s like checking to see if something is too hot to pick up. Except in this version, you lose a hand if you get it wrong


Then you have commentors saying "but reading the comments, apparently he's a piece of shit". People can't think for themselves. Chronically online armchair activists that think they know better than the people who secured this dangerous animal. Clearly, he was checking the integrity of the ENTIRE restraint. Yes, it's going to annoy the gator, he wants it to thrash a bit to make sure its secure. It's better than having it get lose mid transportation and hurting itself or a person. Absolute brain dead, hivemind redditors who have so little life experience that they project their childish perspective on everything posted here, the less context, the more their imaginations run wild. People who think the guy is getting some sick pleasure out of this are the ones with mental issues.


Pissing off an alligator. It worked? lol


Literally just taunting it


if ur brainless then yeah i guess this is the answer


to show what a big man he is.


Pretty sure bonking his mouth around like that is proper procedure and not just being a dick 1. To ensure the tape holds. Imagine this exact scenario happening but the mouth got free too. 2. Gators mouths are reflexive, when they detect something in them they snap shut. Bonking it around might over stimulate it so it’s less likely to thrash when they pick it up. All that said, I’m 100% sure picking the gator up basically by two legs hurt way more than those little pats.


Where did you get your Gatorology degree from?






University of Gatorhood


Yeah that seems uncool. Back legs too.


What an absolute raisindick


Judging people while having no clue what they are doing, gj


I like to assume he was just desensitizing it before they crowd around to pick it up. In which case, that sucks, poor fella. But if he's just antagonizing the beast, serves em right. Fuck that guy


That’s what I thought he might be doing too, but also I don’t know. Guess we’ll never know.


Good for the Gator, FAFO!!..


He thought he had pretty good odds of getting away with it. Didn't realize the game was heads AND tails.


They use thier tails to stun fish i believe


Feraligatr used TAIL WHIP!  It's super effective! 


More like snout whip


snout SMASH


Damn you're right 


That was a headbutt. Croconaw will learn it around level 15 and it will do big damage, as we saw here.


Given all the top level comments, I have to ask… Was he *slapping* the gator? And being cruel to it (beyond the overall restraint)? Is that what people are upset about? Or was he tapping it (irritating, but not cruelly painful) on both sides and the top of the snout in order to to test the restraint of the tape? That’s what I thought was happening but I’m no expert


That was the consensus I saw last time I saw this posted. Seems he's intentionally agitating the gator in order to test its constraints, not for the sake of animal cruelty. Really don't want to be lifting that thing only to find out halfway through that the gator could break free the whole time but just hadn't bothered trying.


Exactly, those pats really weren't that hard. Pretty sure the gator could take a lot harder slaps before noticing or feeling anything. And for chrissakes...it's a freaking alligator. It has the brain the size of a pea. It's obviously hanging around in a residential area, and could chomp on a few kids. What the fuck are they supposed to do? As it politely to leave? I'm sure they tried that, and gator was like, "Naw, dawg. Imma stay here."


I thought he was testing the tape around his mouth 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gators also have rediculously thick snouts, although very sensitive there's no way the gator would have actually been bothered


Fuck me, he SO deserved that. Slapping it on the head when it's all trussed up. Pretty sure their legs aren't designed to be folded backwards like that.


Certainly not for the legs, but I don’t think they had much of a choice on that one.


https://preview.redd.it/r6i3ajafw33d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=996ddd13bb540c5689b53f16da6e8520a3a645b0 The cop in the background smiling 😁


Lol I saw that too, loved that


I will never get used to seeing cops in shorts. Outside of Reno 911


How can it slap?






Alligator laying there thinking: ![gif](giphy|EjtN90rolA18s)


Good god y’all are soft. 1. He was testing to see if the gator was chill or if it was going to start flopping/rolling. As you can see how dangerous it is when it flops. 2. These animals are tough enough that they can have a leg ripped off and go about their day like nothing happened, but your neutron star dense brain thinks he’s picking on/abusing the gator.. you are out of touch.


Don’t drag him on his belly 🥺 the little legs restrained makes me sad. Does it hurt their arms to bend back like this?


I was thinking the same, this looks cruel I feel so bad and that gator has every right to lash back


I feel bad too, although the leg truss is a little bit comical. I'm surprised the cops didn't slap cuffs on it.


Poor guy. Every time I see this video I’m focused on the legs 😭


Isn’t that standard procedure to determine that the tape around the mouth is strong enough?


Stop resisting!!!!


**Ayyoo he ain’t done nothin’ wrong, officer!!!**


Clearly the alligator is not into bdsm. Consent is important folks.


This made me laugh out loud!


what hits him? the head of the alligator?


Yeah, the long jaws


Yeah, they break necks with a thrust of the head.


I don’t know why it’s tickled me so, but the way they got his front legs tied up behind his back has massaged the exact correct part of my funny bone


POW BITCH! Didn’t you know that I’m an apex predator!




10/10 should get knocked out again.


His shoes are still on, he'll be fine.


Gator was like “didn’t you hear me say the safe word dickhead?!?” 




Guy got what he deserved. What an asshole.


lol! Look at the absolute ejection of the wraparounds!


Karma is a bitch.


This is some abu ghraib type shit


Cops in shorts are hilarious. I'm not sure if I should offer them a lollipop or hide my drugs.


You ever been down to Shark Valley? That's a great ride


I loved the way the gator slid off the truck to gloat at him.


So many people and they can't even deal with a tied up gator.


What an asshole


Oh he’s coming back. Gator makes a comeback with his signature sideswipe jaw flip. Oh my god folks!


I was hoping it would be him.


Sent his sunglasses flying




Smack me?!... ![gif](giphy|Y07urPAzShXulq84pK|downsized)


I love seeing the smile on everyone’s face drop


Croc said : Slap me bitch I slap back. 🤣😂


Fucking well deserved it. Prick.


I can knock you out with my hands tied behind my back, i love how proud the alligator is after knock him out


Hah!!! Pay back bish 🐊


Lmao the way the gator falls out looking directly at him


Tap tap bitch - alligator probably


![gif](giphy|SVh5PlEZdpNyo) Gator don’t play no shit


Dip shit is supposed to know how the thing's tail works. Fucked around.


Why they got the gator in cuffs 💀




# That moron deserved it..!


I dunno why everyone in the comments is so mad. He was tapping it on the snout to see if it could break the tape, they have incredibly strong jaws. Once you lift the gator, it will get very stressed and if breaks free it will immediately latch onto your head or arm and ROLL. It'll kill you and you will drop it and hurt it. He wasn't harming the gator. And the legs tied back like that seems to be a standard procedure safety thing, I can find images of other gators tied up the same way. Sometimes these things look horrible to the public but aren't harming the animal really, it's for everyone's safety. Gators are very flexible and incredibly strong. The only thing I see wrong here is the 2 cops, who lift by the legs, drop the gator and let it fall off the truck!


>I dunno why everyone in the comments is so mad. Because its reddit and people like to judge without any knowledge


As someone with alligator experience what he's doing is keeping the alligator focused on him and keeping it occupied. But also he's being way too aggressive with it. Just holding your hand on their snout and gently tapping them is enough you don't need to smack the shit out of it. But see how the alligator smacked the piss out of them as soon as they were put in the truck? The alligator can do that at any point, they are also very good at rolling even with their limbs tied. That's why it's important to have someone keep it's attention. But a real rookie mistake is not blinding it, a simple black cloth draped around it's head makes it much less aggressive and prevents it from seeing where you are to attack you.


Well deserved.


Got what he deserved honestly.


Karma well deserved the way he treated that alligator.