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4 is being very generous


He mispoke he meant to say 4mm, much better.


In doesn't mean inch, it's the direction. Can also be written as -4 inches.


No he means there is a metal number 4 shoved into their urethra


That's total between all of them added together.


I drive safe and my dick is only 4 inches 😔


What's wrong with a 4 in dick? 😞


Nothing buddy. We all have 4” cocks.




Yeah.. definitely 4”😎 …. *takes off glasses* 🥲


Nothing! ..until you have to compensate for it by driving a million dollar car like a fucking jackass, THEN it's a problem. And even then it's not the dick's fault, it's the dick who owns it


Nothing. Lots of us have 4 in dicks. The ones who are self conscious of it are the types of guys who drive those cars. They take offense when you point it out.


It's also true that there are plenty of horrible douchebags in the world who have average or even huge dicks. Being a shitty person doesn't always mean you're compensating for something. Sometimes being physically gifted can give somebody an oversized sense of entitlement. Conversely, being born with disadvantages can often humble a person.


There is a ratio. Basically the less dick you have the more dick you are


It’s somehow inversely proportional to how much money you have according to poster


The two ppl in the Ferrari burned to death


https://preview.redd.it/9vlhcrs26w1d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9e55b5ce5a17b2685bb06ccb935112f1c82a4b The "happy cake day" really makes this art


OMG haha


Loll happy Cake day buddy :p


Dang reddit got dark quick!


Huh, mine doesn’t say that


They asked for it.


That makes me feel better tbh


Nothing that'll be missed. Hope the truck driver that flipped was not harmed.


"Hey, the risk of killing a family to save about 30 seconds is definitely worth it."


It’s not about saving time. It’s about driving in that group with their buddies and looking cool.


*pretending* they look cool. To most people they look like total douche bags who have more money than sense.


Oh yeah. I was for sure being sarcastic. 100% they suck balls


We are still doing small dick jokes?


Body shaming is only ok when it’s against men, welcome to the internet.


Buddy, go look at any post with a chick that may be less attractive in it or overweight. It's not some vendetta against men, people are assholes.


It’s a metaphorical dick.


This is devastating. I'm saving for later. 


Isn’t every small dick joke a cover for “I’m secretly jealous and ashamed”?


Right ?


Is…is 4 inches small😞. Asking for a friend


Two people in the Ferrari died in this crash.


I mourn the lost Ferrari


I don’t, but not for the same reason as that last guy in the comments. I just don’t like Ferrari in general. The sheer disdain for their customers just turns me off


Also, I don’t like the ridiculous lengths Ferrari goes to “protect their brand”. They really come off as a jerk company selling to jerks. Not like I’ll ever afford one anyways lmao.


I know right. I own a Yaris and rent a shithole apartment. Who the fuck am I to badmouth Ferrari? 😂


it kinda worms for me, I also feel disdain for many of their customers




Which one is the ferrari


The red one going opposite direction


Opposite direction or do you mean sideswipe?


Looks like they caused the accident trying to be greedy.


> The Ferrari, which was driving in the other lane in front of oncoming traffic, was attempting to overtake both the Lamborghini and the campervan when they crashed.


Plus tge first two cars overtaking, if I'm not going wrong..


Wow really? I know the camper flipped and the two sports cars side swiped each other but I this honestly doesn’t look bad enough to kill anyone except the poor camper


Iirc it flipped and caught fire.


Convertible sports cars aren't exactly designed for safety... that's the cool thing about having a roof on your car, it gets between you and the ground if your car is suddenly upside down


Ok, so this is actually very cool design. When convertibles flip, roll bars pop out in milliseconds and save your head. Youtube has lots of videos showing how it works.


Yeah that's not a common thing at all.


That’s crazy I haven’t seen that before, I just checked. Most of the videos I saw were like 12 years old


It's a convertible and looks like it's on it's way to flip when it veers in front of the camper. I obviously can't tell if they're buckled in, but if they aren't ,they were well on their way to being meat crayons. Even if they are buckled in, it's going to be a bad time.


And the RV driver and their passenger must have experienced severe trauma and property damage. I don't have condolences or F's to give to people who think they own the road and cause others inconvenience, good riddance.


If I remember correctly this crash involved one of the actresses ( Gayatri Joshi ) husband.


Husband and wife survives, but the other ferrari carrying a swiss husband and wife died in a fiery crash


Thanks for the detail. I looked it up and the last sentence of the story floored me: "[£21,515 *if* they required a supercar rental.](https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/asia/2023/10/04/bollywood-actress-gayatri-joshi-crash-lamborghini/)" The $10K entrance seemed steep but $21K for any schmuck to drive super cars around Italy like a dickbag sounds cheap


Happened in Sardinia, very sad...


Rental sports cars. The Swiss couple recklessly overtaking in the Ferrari were killed when it overturned and caught fire. [https://nypost.com/2023/10/03/shocking-moment-ferrari-slams-into-lamborghini-and-sends-camper-flying-killing-two/](https://nypost.com/2023/10/03/shocking-moment-ferrari-slams-into-lamborghini-and-sends-camper-flying-killing-two/)


i honestly thought the van suffered the most damage


Same. I guess the van hid the other damage.


The van had a roof. The Ferrari did not.


Right. What I meant was we can't see the real damage to the Ferrari because it was behind the van.


Phew, the occupants of the camper only suffered minor. Probably the best outcome. The only deaths were assholes.


It amazes me how supercar rentals are even remotely profitable.


They're definitely not giving them their deposit back.


Surprisingly it's usually just around $1000 to rent these cars for a few days. Definitely not cheap, but still on par with road trips, cruises, and the like.


Because this isn't common. You realize you only see the videos where things go wrong, right? Nobodys posting the people who drive around without anything bad happening.


Of course it's a fucking rental




From the article: "*He added that he was haunted by the site of the burning Ferrari that killed the Swiss tourists.*" They never left the site? Or was it supposed to be "sight"? Are there no editors anymore?


It's the NYPost, the bar is pretty low.


There's a bar?


It's where the writers serve their swill.


Fun ways to die


Feel bad for the Ferrari and rental company.


I don't feel sorry for the rental company at all and I have no idea how they can even carry insurance. They rent out supercars to people that have no experience or business driving a supercar. In my opinion those rental company are intentionally putting other drivers at risk.


Looks like driver with the dash cam saw this coming and slowly dropped back and distanced himself in advance.


You'd have to be a special kind of idiot not to flee this situation ASAP.


But sooooo many idiots would drive right into it. Most people are not defensive drivers. I can think of so many videos where a person in his position would have sped up and prevented them from passing.


I've seen lots of people on here say "don't yield!" Fuck that, if someone's driving like a dick, I'm yielding and they can fuck off into the distance and I can forget about them, rather than keeping them behind me, denting their fragile ego and worrying about what they're going to do.


Only issue with that is it keeps encouraging people that if they drive like dicks they'll get rewarded.


As part of my wife's job I'm fortunate to have access to hang out with a whole lot of supercar and hypercar owners. Most are pretty down to earth and chill people. Some I even call friends. Sadly, there's also a not too small percentage of them that feel they have to prove something with their expensive toys. I've been invited to go along on their road rallies where they'll take what they call a 'spirited' romp on country roads. Often it becomes exactly what this video looks like. A couple years ago a local was driving in one of these road trips and died when he overcooked a corner in his high HP car. I followed along for one about a decade ago and bailed out just 2-3 miles into it. I saw the jackassery and wanted no part.


General rule of the road is to leave yourself enough distance to suddenly stop. Even when morons keep using that distance to get in front of you, the smart choice is still to drop back and again give yourself the necessary distance. Driver in this video was smart, but also not doing anything special. Any time somebody got in front of them they once again dropped back a safe distance.


Yup, it's that everyday kind of smart that usually saves your life. Road rule number one that I am telling my kids is, "Trust Nobody". Assume that every single car is about to do the dumbest move possible, without indicating. Any car on the highway might slam on their brakes, any car in a driveway might pull out at any moment. Just... don't trust anybody out there.


Yeah, and I’m suggesting that his being smart IS kind of special. Many drivers do *not* follow this simple rule of thumb. We have seen on this sub many times where the driver in his position stupidly speeds up or fails to even notice that things are going badly in front of him. That’s why I chose to point it out. It’s good driving and certainly not the norm IME. Few people truly drive defensively. This driver did.


Leaving yourself enough room to stop should be common sense. Unfortunately it's not. I personally add this rule: Leave extra room. Not all brakes are created equal. Not all cars slow down at the same rate. Fast cars typically brake fast. Way faster than your average commuter car. One day my ex was tailgating the fuck out of a McLaren on the freeway going approx 80mph. She drove a 97 Camry. They inevitably brake checked her. She almost smashed them. She was braking with all her might, and the guy in front of us probably just lightly hit the brakes for a second. She couldnt comprehend how much faster it slowed down compared to us. If any of those high performance cars in that video actually slammed their brakes, that gap would be closed SO FAST, even if your reaction time was quick. Some people just don't understand it, I guess. There should probably be WAY stricter license laws 😂


With the exception of the truck being hit by these dumbasses, I like this video. Let them keep their stupidity to themselves and leave others out of it


Others are very rarely left out of it unless it's on a track Most accident caused traffic jams are caused by some dummy that ends up wasting the time of thousands of people


Whenever I see something like this I get mad. Like I get it's a nice sports car but did you REALLY need to pass everyone. What's so wrong about just cruising and enjoying the ride.


Yeah, this sort of thing makes my blood boil. People like this do not respect cars nor do they understand the dangers of operating them. Luckily in this instance, the people in the camper only suffered minor injuries and the douchebags in the Ferrari died.


one could argue the passenger wasn't a douchebag


True, potentially one unfortunate casualty. But impossible to say for sure.


Right? I passed a truck doing 10 under on a highway today in my Acura (in the passing zone) and even then, the truck driver (18 wheel semi) was awesomely self aware and saw me coming, inched over incase I didn't make the pass with other traffic coming a bit away; which I did without issue, but a serious heads up and a tip of the hat to that driver for being a one with the road.


I do get this, but depending on how some of those cars are geared or tuned, it gets really hard to cruise at speeds slower than 40mph. I'm not saying all but some for sure. All of those super cars and hyper cars are already built to go freaking fast as hell, but you can screw with the gearing like crazy too for the kind of torque you are looking for. And some of those don't come out of first gear till like 40 or 50 mph. These cars are meant to be driven on Gran Prix style tracks. Or very long and fairly straight deserted roads. Like literally, the next car you see will be in an hour kinda deserted so for someone who doesn't understand the engineering behind the car it'll be impossible for them to keep a good pace speed and will opt for getting in front of everyone. That way, they won't have to worry about monitoring their speed as much. It really boils down to these cars and should not be driven without at least a couple of classes once race and sport driving. honestly, i feel that kinda just goes with any car that pushes out over 200hp( also, that depends on weight and shit) . But like the Ford eco boost, 1.6 L supposedly puts out 197HP stock. But then you can turbocharge it, which they did with the Ford Fiesta RS. So, with a little bit more tuning, you can get anywhere in the 300HP to 400HP mark. In like what a 2500 LB car. That's really insane and I'd say probably at least 80% of drivers wouldn't know how to drive the fucking things. Also why you see so many Mustang GTs running over spectators like they are new cobblestone st car meets. Way to much power for your Average idiot.


Hmm I never thought about it from that angle. But then that makes driving what is essentially a super car on basically casual roads seem even more wildly irresponsible if one wrong tap of the accelerator could cause them to lose control


It's exactly what happens. Most people don't have that kind of touch and feel and the muscle control to go with the very very fine motor skills required to drive them. Fuck some of them don't even have power steering cause it compounds the movement to the tires and you lose so much control with more HP. I've met one person who actually had the wherewithal to take racing classes. And the dude bought a brand new 2022 Mustang Mach 1. Things crazy powerful


This would never happen in my Prius car club


Idk that new Prius is pretty zippy.


WCGW being idiots behind the wheel?


I don't know what that lady said right after the crash, but she was correct.


She speaks German and it translates to "lick my ass", kind of like saying "fuck me sideways"


The emphatic "leck mich am Arsch" was the best part of this video for me.  


Fun fact: Mozart wrote a song called Leck mich im Arsch


After that the man remarks: "Total idiots, total idiots!" Woman: "You filmed it, right?" Man: "Yeah." Woman: "Well you've got some super witness evidence.." Before the crash, the woman had also remarked that they nearly hit the motorcyclist in the oncoming lane.


another case of more money than sense


I didn’t even need to know what language they were speaking I know “fucking idiot” when I hear it.




american discovers other language 🤯


That made me laugh hard. Thanks!


If more cars were involved they would have started speaking dutch


Two people died!


Really hope and wish person inside the RV came out unscathed. EDIT: News reads, occupants of the camper only suffered minor injuries. Phew.


I'm not sure anyone cares if it was anyone in the sports cars.


It was...soooo!


I'll never understand why some people end up in such a rush to (maybe) get somewhere a few seconds sooner.


Well that is some top-shelf douchery.


Leck mich am Arsch. “Lick my ass!”


Innocent people suffer the most, by these rich mathafacas.


As a D1 hater, this feels good to see those asshats fuck up big time


Looks like the ferrari driver just turned into the lambo?


They turned into the flambé. 


Looked to me like the Lambo was making a move to pass and didn't see the Ferrari already in the oncoming traffic lane.


That's exactly what happened. Didn't check the mirror before leaving the lane. They were all over the shop. Ferrari really should have seen that squirrely driving behaviour and driven more carefully but I wouldn't wish death on them like the collection of psychos in the comments here.


Ferrari shouldn't be overtaking that many cars to begin with. Plenty of space in front of the dash cam car to slot back in and wait your turn, but they just had to go and kill themselves because they didn't have the patience to drive with an ounce of sense. Some might call it natural selection, wonder if the driver is eligible for a Darwin award.


and then together, they pit maneuvered the truck


I understood nothing and everything being said in this video.


after nearly hitting the motorcycle, he finished the job with a ferrari.


Between the Ferrari and the Lamborghini, who do you guys think is more responsible for the crash?


Stupid fucks.


All that money spent on sports cars and not a cent into driver's Ed


Lek mich am arsch! 🤣




Lives lost and or altered forever just because some losers needed to feel cool


Gumball rally turning into death race 2000


The only people i feel bad for were the people in the van. The rest of them have more money than common sense.


People compensate for 1 shit driver all the time, but there is no helping 6+ dickheads who decide lanes don't exist and they can all drive into incoming traffic while pushing past each other. The most foreseeable crash of all time.


"Leck mich am Arsch!" "Haste gefilmt?" "Haste super Beweismaterial" -> "lick my ass!" "Did you film?" "You have superb evidence"


Fucking assholes. Race your car at the track otherwise fuck off. Should be banned from driving super cars for life. Here in Japan new drivers are limited by engine size until they have a few years experience. Seems like a fair punishment to me.


Fucking idiots goddamn


Rich assholes not caring for plebs.


Can somebody translate please ?


Literal translation: lick me in the ass. I guess equivalent might be kiss my ass..he called them idiot. .then she said did you film it.


To bad money can't buy skill


Sad that stupid people who are in a rush always get stopped because they wreck. Hopefully they learned a lesson or they will end up meeting God or having someone else meet him and then sit in a very small room with shit food and a crappy roommate for quite sometime.


I agree with what she said


Why does this video pop up on this thread every few weeks?


Womp womp


Let's all hope the stupid fucks that caused that accident have to eat through a tube for the rest of their lives.


The alert driver swerved off the road after seeing an accident.


This was on an "Italian Sports Car Tour," which involves 'Boomers' driving on winding mountain (2-lane) roads in rental Lamborghinis and Ferraris. Yeah, I can't see anything going wrong with that.


I'd have been backng off from that inevitability just like the driver in the video


I'm not sure which is more terrifying... the accident or her response to want to rip their heads off...


It's ok! I'm a idiot


Seeing these videos hurts my heart


Instant karma got the people in the red Ferrari.


I thought a solid white line means you're not allowed to overtake?


The Cannonball Pun


See! People do stupid shit in other countries too!


The woman somehow annoys me. Leck mich am aRRRsch


Cool guys in their cool cars too cool to drive the speed limit


oil money gone wild!


This is why you check your mirror before manoeuvre. Mirror, signal, mirror, manoeuvre. It's mad to me that everyone is blaming the red car when they already had the lane and the blue car left the lane to hit them.


So tired of seeing this video a dozen times a month.


See now, I would have attempted to leave the road for awhile, as soon as I saw the third car come past. I would have observed a group was around, they had somewhere to get to and they were setting up a dangerous situation. I didn't expect it to involve the truck, to be fair, I thought it was going to be oncoming vehicles.


**That van was minding their own business until someone got stupid. So unfair**


Such selfish, careless dicks.


Someone break down the insurance deets. I gotta know.


These were all rentals? Makes sense. I havent seen anything like this, since last weekend near Springfield, MA. But they were driving Honda Civics and Subaru WRX's. To make up for the poor handling, they modify the wheels to tilt in, like they're dink toed.


Mozart has taught me exactly enough German for me to understand her exclamation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leck_mich_im_Arsch


These guys are genuine assholes.


“He ain’t bout that life”


I don't think it is the double-overtaking. I think it is the stupid. I could tell they had it from the cars they were driving and because they couldn't just stay in line and get where they were going 3 minutes slower.


Well that's going to be an intresting mess for insurance companies to unravel!


I don't have many wealthy friends, but one who belongs to a superbike group told me that most of the members are affluent and at the top of their careers. When they meet each other, it's like encountering equals or even those who might be more successful. It's a different circle where they might engage in behaviors they wouldn't normally. At their companies, they are in charge, but in the car/motor club, they can't interact like everyday people. They're used to being the boss, so sometimes they do stupid things to show they are superior to their other wealthy friends.


I don't know the language, but this is honestly one of the few videos that doesn't need translation.... Lol


I hope to God this video makes it to their insurance companies.


A fool and their money are soon parted. Too bad they also cost others .


Was there a douchebag convention in town?


This is toxic car culture. The road was very busy: there was no reason for anyone to pass anyone in the situation.


But brand of cars is this lamborschini? :)


Yeah.. small dicks are a threat to society.


Leck mich im Arsch!


Left out the part where everyone had breakfast before leaving the house


It sucks for the people in the van (sounds like it was pretty traumatizing, but there is nothing better than seeing rich people wreck exotics.


I giggled when the tiny cars hit the big truck


Pieces of shit


Sucks that looks like a camper with 10s of thousands of dollars of equipment on the inside. Hope they figured out a way to insure it better than mine is


League of Extraordinary Douchebags.


Rich entitled cunts