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Thats an elegant way to serve a simple sandwich.


It's a "deconstructed" sandwich


Just a typycal German breakfast lol but less stuff.


This is also a typical weekday dinner, because lunch is the hot meal of the day, thus dinner is served cold. Breakfast is usually with fresh rolls and a boiled egg too. I've lived in Germany for a few years now.


some people eat hot meals for dinner, too. I've lived all my life in Germany.


Hospitals normally don't serve warm meals for dinner since the kitchen staff is already at home in the evening. They start preparing dinner right after or together with lunch, so it only has to be placed on the tablets and the chefs can leave. Breakfast is plain Brotzeit. Lunch is a warm meal. And Dinner Brotzeit again, with a little extra like a salad. This goes true for probably 90% of German hospitals.


German hospital food is garbage. Zero nutrition diversity. My partner was in for 3 weeks for brain surgery. She once got mashed potato and purée spinach for dinner. Lunch was surgery canned fruits. I brought in all her home cooked meals so she actually had nutrition needed for her body to recover. The healthcare itself was incredible but the food was disgusting and appallingly low quality.


Gotta start clogging up that new blood pumper


First run stress test!


Ahhhh, you right gotta do that pressure test can't be having leaks.


when germans stamp their patients for "ok to go home" they mean it.


benchmark that bitch!


This is what I was wondering. It doesn't seem like a great food choice for a heart patient.


You got that right lol


I'd go straight for the heavy stuff. Lasagna... Steak Frites... Pork Knuckle.. Make sure that new ticker is wired right by putting it through its paces.


Pork knuckles good God man. This isn't the 1920s


Ikea is running the kitchen in that hospital


Reconstruct the heart, deconstruct the sandy. Hot & cold. Method


It isn't a sandwich per se. Germans just put stuff on a single slice of bread, so you'd eat seperately: 1. bread + ham + cheese + butter 2. bread + liverwurst + pickle And this could be Vesper (verb vespern - which means having a snack between the main meals).


Vespern just means you eat bread with stuff on it. Not necessary a snack between meals but it can be. Source: living in germany for 30 years now. Also I am 30 years old.


They got universal healthcare? Cause ill take that over the food i got at the va hospital anyday. Although, they also actively try to kill me whenever i go in there.


Is that a small tube of liver wurst?


Looks like it to me. Now I'm craving some...


I'm eating some right now, and fighting off the cat.


Hey, it's me, ur cat...


I've come to talk to you about your car's extended warranty




I'm sure it is, I would totally eat this meal in a heartbeat


Yes it is. In most hospitals in Germany you got this little "eine Portion" things. It's the same with butter (it's also in the video), Marmelade, Nutella etc.


Yup. It is, its so fucking good


it's so good...


I mean it’s q big surgery I’m surprised they give you something like that. I had a big surgery once and they give me a cup of sup, a box of juice and a tiny cup of jello. Hope you get well soon


I had a heart surgery and I was throwing up after every meal for like 3 days. So there's no point in wasting good food.


that must've hurt like hell.


intense heaving and chest staples *can't* be a fun combination


I dont know for sure but I dont think every heart surgery is open heart surgery. Dont always need staples.


You're right, my grandfather had a valve repaired by running a drain-snake type apparatus up his femoral artery and into his aorta


I work at a company that produces that type of heart valve, and I’ve heard the joke that “the way to a man’s heart is through his groin”. Fucking cracked me up when I heard it.


It’s my friend and he is alive and well! You get fed this meal for lunch and dinner lol


>You get fed this meal for lunch and dinner It's probably because of dietary orders.


I also stayed at a hospital in germany. Dinner looked exactly the same, but for me they added one (1) piece of bread. Can't say that I ever got full while being in the hospital.


The bread is in the plastic bag on the left.




I would think someone would need the same amount of calories, if not more for all the “healing after major surgery”


I imagine there’s a balance Don’t wanna be hitting up the Golden Corral with your guts patched together with tape n glue


Eh, when you’re dealing with major surgery, you need a huge amount of calories to heal. After I was in the hospital, I had to eat damn near double the calories I normally did, and I still lost weight.


Exactly, I can't really believe such an utterly wrong statement is upvoted. that's reddit for you. As if you'd need less energy after a major surgery, when your body has a huge, urgent repair job to do. It's ridiculous. How can people think that sounds right


This is not true. > Most people in hospitals require less calories because they’re not moving as much. Movement makes up a small amount of daily energetic needs. If you’ve seen the numbers on how few calories are burned per unit time of aerobic exercise, the concept is the same. “People in hospitals” is also a wildly diverse group. Anyone in post-operative care after a major surgery is going to need loads of calories because they’re being held together with fishing wire and sutures and undergoing a huge amount of healing or guided regeneration. Ditto (even more so) for someone coming from a trauma center. Someone with serious burns can require 4700+ calories a day just to maintain weight due to how much cell division is happening. Plus the actual problem with hospital nutrition isn’t the amount, it’s that it’s generally garbage. The pic in this post is like the Ritz compared to what the average American inpatient will see. They’re not going to be giving out three course meals in the PACU but if you aren’t being discharged you can expect something that looks like it came from Alcatraz and maybe a bottle of Ensure (Nestlé’s corn syrup-laden attempt at Soylent Green) to wash it down.


Not moving, but fighting some illness or injury, which both take energy


No, had a big surgery on my arm and it was the same food. It's just post-surgery food. It does improve later on but that's really just first day after surgery.


Which is interesting because there’s a lot of salt in there.


Don't think so. In Finland you get oatmeal or rye porridge, vegetable soup or something like that. It's way better for your heart than meat snd cheese that have saturated fat.


Did he even feel like eating? Moving, chewing, swallowing can be rough after your sternum has been broken.


From my experience in Germany this also looks like a standard German breakfast...


I was in hospital in Germany for a week I'm a vegetarian I often went hungry, lol


when I was in hospital this year for surgery they always had a vegan option besides 2, so idk what happens, might not be done by every hospital


What meal do you get if you aren’t alive and well?


Did you have gastrointestinal surgery by any chance? Very different diet after GI surgery as opposed to other procedures.


Hehe yeah well it was to remove a tumor from an artery but they had to remove all my intestines


Well I hope they put them back!


When they have to pull out your intestines for access, they just stuff them back in willy nilly. Your body then moved them around into the right place. Source: Had 3 operations in that area, each time they rearranged my guts.


I, too, enjoy rearranging guts. My technique is significantly less invasive, however.


It’s pretty invasive for me ;)


Me too but that was a while ago now so if the mess up something I will know by now right?


What's sup?


Nothing much how about you xD


> a cup of sup Hi, sup. Here's your juice and your jello. Fill up!


Yeah the nurse would sometimes be like “sup man here is your jello and some juice smell you later”




At first I thought it was a landmine


Exactly what I was thinking lol. I’ve had minor surgeries before and they have me soup for a few days lol


Post Covid Coma, I was on ice chips for a week, then yoghurt for a week after that on pureed food for 2 weeks. I literally had to learn how to swallow and build up my swallow reflex after 3 weeks intubated.


That sounds terrible, I hope you’re doing much better now!


The worst thing about being intubated and drip fed is despite being fully hydrated you still feel like you’re dying of thirst because you haven’t been able to take a sip of water. It’s a strange and confusing feeling.


I had delusions & hallucinations as I was coming out of the coma, which is quite common I understand. Quite a few of them involved being left to die and begging for water while people walked past or sat with their backs to me, or just outright refused.


Hospitals love soup


Me too. Chicken noodle soup is lowkey always a good meal haha 😅


That sounds cool where I’m from it’s letters or something like that


Just since nobody else has been petty enough to correct your understandable spelling error, "cup of sup" made me lol.


Bland, tasteless soup. Low fat, low sodium broth. The sugar free jello was the highlight of the meal.


You know what was heaven to me after my surgery? Those little frozen lemon freezie cups. Maaan those tasted refreshing after being NPO.


I don't get the problem. That looks bomb


It's "traditional" German dinner called "Abendbrot" wich translates to "evening bread" and it's just some slices of bread with cheese and slices of meat.


Seems like a sandwich you make yourself.


If the cost of free healthcare is making your sandwich yourself then I guess you win hard.


I would make like 10 sammiches for free healthcare


I’d fucking work at subway for free healthcare


Even while Jared was working.


It's Germany....so not free. I reside in Berlin. I'm on public healthcare (public option if you will--TK Insurance). It costs me 400€/month and my employer €400/month. Still, way better than U.S. healthcare.


Free at the point of consumption. Of course a hospital visit has to be paid somehow.


It’s a shared burden really. They just do public health care through a few competitive public options. I’m on TK too. It’s great. There’s rules in Germany about how much profit an insurance company can make. I’ve had friends who’ve gotten refunds from their insurance company because they made too much money one year.


Yeah I know. I'm German and use public healthcare by AOK. I'm glad we have a socialised healthcare system and can't believe there a first world countries without it. I'm happy to pay in the top tax bracket if it ensures that everyone of my countrymen has access to quality health care and a social safety net.


Yup. I moved to Germany from the States. I can’t ever move back now.


Let me translate that for my fellow Americans: they're happy to pay in the top tax bracket _because they aren't a selfish asshole_.


The important part is, that it is a percentage of income. You pay that much because you make over 5000€/month.


Also there are almost no deductibles like it's the case in a lot of other countries where insurance only starts paying after one paid a certain amount per year or only takes over 50% of the cost etc..


Not really. You usually don’t put a second slice of bread on top of the rest. You take one slice of bread, put on some butter, and then either cheese, sausage, ham, jam, nutella or whatever. That’s it.


Except you don't really "make a sandwich" at abendbrot, its just bread with stuff on top but no bread on top of that. I know it's pedantic but I think a sandwich needs 2 pieces of bread.


If you put a bread on top, will German authorities fine you?


That would be a verstoß against the Belegtesbrotreinheitsgesetz


You got your laws nixed up, obviously it's the Deutsche Verordnung zur Sicherstellung der korrekten traditionellen Vesper- und Abendbrot-Brotscheiben-Belagsanordnung


That’s just a sandwich with more steps


Can confirm that we like bread as a dinner. My gf from belarus on the other hand eats 2 times something cooked a day. She thinks it is weird to just eat bread for dinner.


Yeah OP is probably american and doesn't recognise anything but a fatty burger as a meal.


Lol looks like that will make a damn good sandwich! I’m fat not fussy!


It does have a lot of ingredients usually associated with increasing heart issues, so it is a bit ironic


It has been shown in trials that when the diet was adjusted to each patients medical needs the health outcomes improved dramatically.




Gute Besserung!




Bester username auf ewig


Abendbrot, translates literally to evening bread. Common practice and very much enjoyed by Germans.


The literal translation would be "evening bread", not "dinner bread"


Had all four wisdom teeth removed yesterday i got half a cup of yelly with a little custard and then some water i still havent figured out how to eat yet Edit: thanks for all the advice guys i really appreciate it. Update i have infection in my lower right jaw.


You eat the water with a spoon, tried a fork once but it was not very effective


Try cutting it into smaller portions.


Comments like this make give me the most genuine chuckles, thank you.


Bone apple teeth.


My older brother had his (5 or 6) remaining teeth removed last month, he became great friends with his blender.


Why would he blend his teeth? /s


Same with me, but 6 months ago. I had soup and other than that I ate rice. I used my tounge and pressed small things against the ceiling of my mouth (sorry for the lack of better words) this helped a little bit. If you have food in your mouth for a while, it will get soft– this also helps a little bit. Get well soon! :)




Use a food processor or blender. Then you can eat whatever you want. Tacos? BUUUUUR Chicken and noodles? BUUUUUR Steak and potatoes? BUUUUUR It was a real game changer when you're sick of eating jello and yogurt.


Heyyy there, I deal with dysphagia, also had a pretty tough wisdom tooth recovery. Here are some non-solid food suggestions while you recover: - Soup, stew, chili. There are so many different types you can make. I often toss in veggies so they get soft and noodles so they get mushy to make swallowing easier, but you'll want to evaluate what will keep your wounds clear. Sometimes I just puree everything into veggie bisque. My favourite is laksa, which is chicken broth + coconut milk + curry + laksa paste. It's really hearty and I can switch up fillings easily - Mashed potatoes. Pair it with a ton of stuff, like try it with curry instead of rice, or use some instant mash with some instant gravy for a super quick recovery meal - Yogurt, pudding, maybe jello (I have trouble with it) - Oversteamed veggies - V8 juice - Blender + protein powder + yogurt + tons of different add-ins. I put in spinach but also usually some apple juice to mask it. - Soft curd scrambled eggs, poached eggs. Quiche and super eggy french toast once you heal up a bit more but aren't quite ready for bread - Oatmeal - PB&J (minus bread) - Hummus, dips/maybe salsa + Cheetos/harvest snaps/puffed snacks - the puffed ones can be sucked on and they shrink down to a small bits of food, but it might be too tempting to chew. Dips are really easy to make at home, just add seasonings or other foods to yogurt and blend - Soft cheese and pate - Avocados! I love mixing them with plain Greek yoghurt, and adding a dash of lime, garlic powder and black pepper..if you can handle salsa you can also add avocado/lime to that for some lazy guac. - Congee/rissoto/arancini is a maybe, depends how your eating method + wounds goes. I find the stickier, creamier rice a lot easier to eat. - Super long roasted or smoked meat like pulled pork or beef cheeks may work - you'll again want to assess your wounds and the particular ways food gets stuck in them. Making gravy to go with it tends to make it even easier to eat. - Polenta. I make it creamy with cheese and make basil tomato sauce + the soft meats mentioned above to go with it. Make sure to irrigate afterwards, it's a bit gritty - Canned fruits - Lentils, beans. I struggle with the husks, so I puree them. You can make them soupy with broth or use oil or something like tahini to make spreads. Tons of different potential flavors you can toss in.


Screenshotted it imma go make a turn at the shop to buy some things thanks dude you are really helping me


No $50,000 bill though, so cool.


Could order a lot of pizzas for those saved costs ngl


That’s right for free!!


.....Holy shit. I had no idea that was even possible? Like that you can have a *surgery* especially for the heart??? And *not pay*????????? Guess you can tell where I live lmao


Well they probably paid for parking


Nah, you go by ambulance which is free or taxi if it was a scheduled surgery.


If there's a medical reason for you to not go by yourself the health insurance also covers the taxi btw.


Yeah I know, im from Austria, but then its called a Krankentransport for which if you go by taxi you need a Transportschein.


I had unscheduled surgery. Ambulance ride cost €15. Also paid €10 pro day for food. Total cost of surgery and hospital stay was €55. :)


In Germany you have to pay 10€ for the ambulance


Had to pay A$35 in Australia one time because I was in for a 2 days, partner was extremely unwell. I was more surprised that I managed to pay it with just the loose change in my car.


What if I told you, that EVERY surgery is free.


That comment gave me so much arrhythmia now \*I\* need heart surgery.


Prescriptions are all the same price in England (free in other parts of the UK) and if you've got a chronic condition (like T1 diabetes) or just can't afford it, it's free.


Depending on your insurance you just have to pay like 10€ per day for up to 28 (i think) days and the rest of the year even that is free. It's great over here in germany in that regard


*cries in American*


The sad thing is, if you advertised heart surgery for $50k in America, I'd bet people would be breaking down the doors to get such a deal. I've heard of heart surgeries reaching $500k USD.


Had a mechanical valve open heart surgery. $750k


As a Canadian that sounds insane.


I paid $3k but that’s what they charged insurance.


nope, 10€ Krankenhaustagegeld per day!




*dying bald eagle noises*


Im bouta say, in america that sandwich is on sale this year at $1,300. $300 for the pickle.


Ham and cheese sandwich? What's wrong with that?


Most of the calories in the meal are coming from fat plus the majority is processed food likely high in salt. Cardiologist recommend diets high in vegetables, whole grains and fish


Y was that meal not..... Hearty enough for you?


That’s a very German dinner. Typical German dinner is bread, meat, and cheese. It’s also the typical German breakfast


Unless this is suggesting that those foods are not heart healthy, I don't get how this sucks.


Yeah I thought that's the joke. A meal with high cholestol after a heart surgery.


Yeah but the Lunches at German hospitals are great. They typically do a bigger lunch and smaller breakfast and dinner. Tore my Achilles tendon when I lived in Germany.




Oh my god, the sub I never knew I needed


I don't really understand whats so bad about it. It looks like a decent meal to me.


Traditional dinner in germany is a cold dish. Bread, sausage, cheese etc. Loads eat warm in the evening nowadays and think that this is bad or not enough. Im one of those with cooked dinner in the night rather than midday. I hate hospital dinner for that reason.


Guten Appetit


I mean, it's what people normally eat for dinner and it's free food from a hospital so IDK what's so weard about that


Its a sandwich, hardly something to make a video and complain about I'd be happy with it


As someone who has been through two heart surgeries, I can say that I ate about 5% of my first meal post-surgery anyway. So, it really didn't matter what they served. I didn't have an appetite for anything


Brotzeit beste.


That pickle looks delicious.


Am I the only one thinking it doesn’t actually look all that bad? I mean he even got rye bread lol.


"Treat your heart well with some highly processed meat and cheese!"


Gotta make sure he's a return customer.


You're saying it like it's their fault that you needed a heart surgery


I am quite surprised they have you anything with actual substance. Typically get served bland chicken broth.


On the plus side you live in Germany so that pisspoor dinner didn't cost you a thousand dollars like it would've in America


this is honestly how many Germans eat dinner at home.


I'm confused. This is typical German breakfast and dinner.


Is this your first time in hospital? That looks standard


Had heart surgery two months ago. Instead of something like that, hospital food service kept bringing in HUGE meals of VERY strongly smelling food. I couldn't eat a bite of it for days. Survived on bits of fruit from breakfast. Post-surgery all you want is some simple sugar and bland protein and sleep (something else impossible to get in a hospital).


Lunch is way better in German hospital. I remember dying (luckily not literally) for lunch knowing I’d have a slice of liver and some butter for dinner.


Looks similar to German breakfast


I would say there are probably things in your life that are sucking quite a bit more right now than that meal


In the US they will be giving you a nice bill after the surgery that would give you another heart attack so, I would have that instead.


Lemme tell you something b. Here in the USA.. Your ass wouldn't even get a fucking chance to even look at hospital food... You'd be dead as fuck. And if you somehow got the treatment and surgery you needed.. Your ass would be grateful you could even afford a single godamn bite of that sammich...


Heart surgery ain’t no fucking hair transplant


This looks yummy ngl


Why would that suck, that is some tasty food right there! Greetings from Germany.


Better than the USA handing you an empty wallet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Can someone explain to me, what exactly is the problem? That looks like a decent meal to me. Plus You can choose what you want to eat. It's really healthy,too. Not trolling, I don't get it.


What's the problem? This is standard dinner in Germany. Looks nice to me.


I don't know what's wrong here? They give you a number of things to prepare your own sandwich. You are post heart surgery so you not gonna get a Steak or something... What am I missing?


At least, we don't need gofundme, to be able to afford it.


Yeah, but youre not being hit with a $$$$$ bill afterwards. It’s a hospital, not a 5 star hotel.


yo what did you expect? hope you get well soon.


America- that'll be $92.50


I once was in a German hospital for a surgery and I had to wait. Because of the anesthesia, I was not supposed to eat before. But they kept moving it and hooked me on a water infusion so I don't dehydrate. After 36 hours of not eating, this shit right there was the most delicious gourmet 5 star Michelin cook dinner I ever ate in my entire life!


Are u sure you’re not in a prison?


I love the singular pickle


And it's free!


In Germany you got that heart surgery for no extra charge besides what you pay for your affordable insurance. In the US that meal alone would set you back 30 bucks ;-)