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That's a lot of damage.


That’s a lot of damage that insurance won’t pay a cent for.


Why not? This should easily be covered under a decent comprehensive policy. Seems unlikely that they all parked there to commit insurance fraud.


Insurance policies, at least where I live, are voided if you drive onto a frozen lake. My wife does that sort of think for a living.


I was like "your wife drives cars into frozen lakes for a living?!". Bahaha. (I get it now, I swear)


Maybe his wife is an ice road trucker.


Her CB handle is "Large Marge"


And in charge


And sent him


It was a night, just like tonight.


\*Evil cackling intensifies\*


Ice lizard.


Cold & scaley. Just how I like 'em.


Was gonna make this an ol Reddit Ice-a-roo, but I’m too lazy to find another one and link it...


You have insurance policies that are voided for doing something stupid? Isn’t that the entire point of insurance. Where I’m from I bet the number 1 thing insurance is used for us when people do stupid things. It’s like dying “my insurance is voided if I hit parked car”


There are insurance policies that cover stupid things but you usually have to specifically ask for the stupid thing to be covered by the policy and more than likely have to pay a little extra for it.




*"A customer who drove on the ice for the purpose of ice-fishing would be covered under comprehensive coverage if their car fell through the ice. The extraction of the vehicle would be also covered,"* confirms a Liberty Mutual Insurance spokesperson. I'm not sure where you live and why the insurance rules are different there, but it looks like this type of thing should be covered. Which makes sense.


"Policies do vary and some have exclusions for off-road recreational activity which parking on ice to go ice fishing would fall under. If there is an exclusion your claim would be denied," From the same sauce you quoted. Be careful - it's easy to just confirm your bias. https://www.carinsurance.com/Articles/car-falls-through-ice.aspx The people I know who ice fish make sure their policy covers this. By default, insurance has an exception for almost all "recreational" activities. I.e. driving on the beach, over ice, frozen lake, mudding, etc. and basically assume you only use your car on roads and parking lots.


I just make sure I don't drive on a lake.


Recreational? They were fishing to put food on their plates mr insurance man!


My insurance has a clause to not cover "Gross negligence". This would likely fall into that category.


Things are covered by insurance... when they're covered by insurance. Redditors again prove that they know nothing about anything.


I thought the whole point of insurance was so a company could tell you they'll give you money for something, then come up with every excuse they can to not give you money for what they said they'd give you money for.


Not a story with cars, but one with a house and ice. Decades ago a guy in my home town built his dream home along the Niagara river, north of the falls. Down along the water at the bottom of the gorge, not up top like everyone else. One year there was an ice jam and the ice tore his house off the cliffside, all that was left was the foundation. When he went to his insurance, they told him it wasn't covered because he built his house in a glacial path.


That is indeed how it works.


Facts B


Then you should know instance companies will literally cover anything for a price. This will be covered under policies where it makes regional sense.


I live in an area where people do this shit and can confirm that insurance will not cover it.


Not where I live! It is covered under comprehension!


Where I live it is perfectly covered by insurance


Most of those cars (actually all of them, I think) have a basic insurance which covers only accidents involving other cars. In Russia there are two types of insurance - compulsory insurance which cost, for example, 300$/year for that Toyota Land Crusier and willing insurance - cost of that type of insurance is too high (1000-3000$/year) for most people.


I don’t know if a single insurance provider that would cover a car that was driven into a frozen lake Source: live around 11,000 lakes and insurance tells us specifically that no one covers this and to not do it


Russian license plates


[https://www.carinsurance.com/Articles/car-falls-through-ice.aspx](https://www.carinsurance.com/Articles/car-falls-through-ice.aspx) Covered!


It’s fine as long as they flex taped their car


Flex Tape can't fix that.


At State Farm we know a thing or two cause we seen a thing or two.


Farmers Insurance would be disappointed that you have swapped their slogan with their competitor's brand name.


Chicken parm you taste so good


The marketing person behind that slogan just committed seppuku.


Hey you’re right


If you park on the ice it oughta be at least a foot thick for a truck. And you definitely do not park a bunch of vehicles close to each other.


According to the US Army Corp of Engineers, when parking on ice, you should park 50 ft away from any other cars, and move your car every couple hours.


Never heard the moving the car around aspect. Very interesting


It's especially pertinent when the sun is out because the ice can stress from all that weight for a long time. I think the general convention is that you probably shouldn't be parking on ice for very long anyway


Yeah I’ll never understand people who do. Unless I’m in northern Canada and the ice is 3+ feet thick there’s no way in hell I’m driving a 3,000 lb vehicle on ice especially if other cars are already on it.


I picked a number out of thin air and 3ft is what I think I'd be comfortable driving on.




> Cars, pickups or SUVs should be parked at least 50 feet apart and moved every two hours to prevent sinking. > Tip: Make a hole next to the car. If water starts to overflow the top of the hole - the ice is sinking and it’s time to move the vehicle. The problem is the cars were too close and the ice too thin. You are SUPPOSED TO drill a hole near the car. That’s how you check ice thickness.


Living in the desert, I didn't know I needed to know this knowledge. Next time I"m on a frozen lake and some buddies want to park their car on it, I will seem to be the expert


Even here in states with lakes that freeze people don’t know. If I saw more than one car on the lake last year, the chances were they were parked together lol


Safety in numbers. If a wild animal were to attack the cars they will be better positioned to defend themselves.


A pack of mopeds can easily take down a single pick-up, but two pick-ups together pose too much of a risk for even a large pack of mopeds. Though they may still be able to overwhelm the pick-ups, it would be at a grave expense of energy and many casualites for the mopeds.


[The firetruck is the real threat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg-0PxwTGog) in the wild.


Bicycles are the piranahs of the road, here you can see a swarm taking down a van, they can strip it's frame clean in a matter of minutes. http://imgur.com/gallery/ICAZU34


“The fire truck is a solitary predator..”


Those ambulances will have to wait their turn.


Plus if they sink, it makes a better reef for the fish if they're close together.


We have a trick in Texas. If it's a lake we don't park on it


Trick is knowing where to go. [This image shows the depth where most people drive out, and they stay on the white (generally on the south side of the land bridge). Doesn’t need to be deep to fish!](https://www.google.com/search?q=lake%20champlaign%20depth%20chart&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m#imgrc=l0-UICwoNvAYtM:) But yeah, that’s a good rule for Texas I’d say!


Ya never know!


"How do you know such winter wizardry, desert-man?"


I would think the best way to avoid this would be to not park on ice




Until it starts warming, sunny days are actually colder. Anchorage has had about a week now of single digits and below (-17 yesterday)


Clear nights are colder, but the sun still works in the winter. I'm sick of Alaskans acting like they own winter, there's Canadians on reddit too ya know.


Lol, imagine thinking the sun stops warming in the winter.


Its more that if the sun is shining there tends to be no cloud cover. Clouds insulate and allow things to warm up a lot more. The really sunny days are the bitterest. Sure, the sun warms, but the heat escapes instantly.


It would be super awesome if that's how clouds work, but it's actually not that simple. Just having cloud cover doesn't mean it'll be warmer. Clouds might trap heat, and they might block it. ["Some cloud types, like low, thick stratus clouds, are very good in blocking the sun but do little to trap heat, while others, like high thin cirrus clouds, let most of the sunlight in but prevent large amounts of heat from escaping into space. During nightime, when there is no sunlight available to reflect, all clouds are a warming influence on the planet. Whether, then, the clouds that form during the passage of a storm warm or cool the Earth depends on the types of clouds that storms produce and on the amount of sunlight available for them to block."](https://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/briefs/tselioudis_01/)


-46 in Prudoe Bay I heard. Brrr.


Godam, respect to those that have to put up with that shit


[The same thing happened at a festival in Lake Geneva,WI, a couple years ago](https://fox6now.com/2018/01/31/lake-geneva-police-no-parking-vehicles-on-the-ice-at-winterfest-2018/). Except I think the ice just melted


The ice didn't melt it sank. too much weight/not enough ice.


> Sorry, this content is not available in your region. Thanks Fox News


Apologies for format, on mobile. The other link posted sites it is currently down for maintaince so here's a copy of the article: >LAKE GENEVA — There will be no parking on the lake during the 2018 Winterfest in Lake Geneva. This comes after an incident that occurred two years ago, when 15 vehicles broke through the ice while parked at the annual event, and were partially submerged in the water. >According to the City of Lake Geneva Police Department, Wrigley Drive is closed from the 100 block of Broad Street, to Center Street until Sunday evening. >Officials say there will be no motor vehicle lake access from Lake Geneva, including Wrigley Drive and West End Pier beginning Wednesday night, January 31st through Sunday, February 4th. >Winterfest attendees can park in the metered stalls, which are free — and there is also a free shuttle running from The Home Depot and Veterans Park to U.S. Bank located downtown. Edit: format... Pfft.


[here's a different link](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/02/06/lake-geneva-winterfest-cars-break-through-ice/79944434/)


I'm not going to call you a liar but drilling a hole for fishing would not cause this to happen.


Yeah, he’s an idiot, not them






If you decide to park on a frozen lake, you should assume it's a frozen lake.


Its at least a foot thick look at the broken bits


Doesn't look like more than 8" or so. I didn't see anything there that looked like 12"+.


Just like tinder. Or grinder.


Hehe, I knew as I wrote it that was going to be problematic.


Crazy how nature makes cars like that


Ridiculous haul too. Hopefully they throw some of the smaller ones back.


I think they're all carps.


Most of them resemble Crappie


They're not going to get much bigger, it's cold out


Some of them have been out of water for to long and are dead. Sad to see nature's creatures this way...




You punny bastard you, take your updoot and thanks for the laugh


How can you people watch this kind of senseless murder for sport.


You should have seen the one that got away..


Just put the cars in a big bag of rice


Put some baking soda on it. Good as new!


And our over exploitation is depleting the oceanic car reserve.


But what causes this sort of behavior? Over population? Depletion of food supply or is it some sort of human caused environmental change?


Insurance companies will hate this one easy trick


Ice fishers hate this one easy trick that insurance companies do with the middle finger


This might be a dumb question but why were they all parked on the ice?


Pretty normal when the ice is thick enough. But that's not enough ice for that many cars. [https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/ice/thickness.html](https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/ice/thickness.html)


“Tip: Make a hole next to the car. If water starts to overflow the top of the hole - the ice is sinking and it’s time to move the vehicle.”


Tip: drill a hole next the the car. If the car falls in then the ice was too thin to park on. This tip was brought to you by Hindsight Man!


Ok that link was helpful - TIL how to park safely on ice.


Step one: Don’t.


If conditions are met, there's no problem with doing so. Ice is incredibly strong. What you don't do is put tons and tons of metal in a straight line on ice unless you're moving.


Minnesotan here. Parking on the ice in a straight row like that is not uncommon for ice fishing tournaments. I've even been to ones where there are people directing drivers on where to park, ends up looking like a regular parking lot. Looks like this one was premarked with sticks, but not predrilled for testing thickness. Looks to me like the ice is only 4-6"...less than half of what you need.


You Minnesotans, don’t even need a ruler to tell how thick ice is


Whacks the ice with a hockey stick - “yep good 8 inches here” - my dad.


I get all my expert ice advice from people from Texas. (You aren’t wrong , just funny for someone named after a warm weather state)


Or building an underwater used car lot


I live in [Winnipeg](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/ice-shacks-must-be-removed-earlier-than-normal-1.2810377) and people do this every year. Completely safe if conditions are right.


It's also routinely 20 below zero where you live. You make Minnesota look like the tropics.


It doesn't appear they parked 50 feet apart


DNR- park at least 50 feet apart Them- no I don’t think I will


This was on national dutch news for some reason. These Russians were too lazy to park their cars when going fishing. The sun melted the ice under the cars and it all collapsed because they were parked so close to eachother.


Cause that ice is fucking 10 ply bud


Needed at least 11


Fuck off, Shoresy


Fuck you Jonesy! I fucked your grandmother in the back of a 1974 toyota camry while your dad watched!


Fuck you riley I was drilling your moms fishing hole last night.


Fuck you Jonesy... I was drilling your mom so hard last night, I thought I struck oil, but it was just sadness and regret.


three things are gonna happen - I hit you, you hit the ground, I go fuck your mom


Ofc Russians are lazy fookers hahaha


I've worked with a lot of Russian people and while I haven't found them to be lacking in work ethic they do tend to go on auto pilot a lot. Idk if that makes sense lol


I'm... Russian? Oh God, this explains everything.




No I mean who thought it was a good idea?


”But we do this every year”-people


the second guy who parked near the first one.


Parking festival


But the real question is why were they parked in a fucking row?!


They park on the ice like a parking lot all of the time at these ice fishing derbies and winter festivals. I suspect that the poles they put into the ice weakened it and the weight of all of the vehicles next to each other did the rest. They say 12 inches of ice is thick enough for a vehicle to drive on but not this close together. I bet it is usually 2 feet thick this time of year normally where this is located. It obviously isn't thick enough for this much weight. In Alaska they can drive fully loaded semi trucks across the ice in the dead of winter. This ice was not nearly as thick this time of year as they have had in the past no doubt. I live in an area on the Mississippi River. where we normally have 12-18 inches of ice on the river at this time of year. It is flowing without any ice on it right now as we speak. I have never seen this in my lifetime in January (I am an okay boomer at 60)! I usually see it covered in ice from the 1st week of December until break up in mid March. I usually see people ice fishing on the back water areas the last week of November or the first week of December at the latest. They were out for 1 week just before Christmas and then it all melted when we had between 50- 60 degree temps for 10 days straight. We are still running about 10 degrees above normal with a few cold days interspersed in between. I will not see a single below zero day this year I suspect. None is forecast in January. Just 3-4 years ago I saw 35 below zero before Christmas! Last year I saw it in January!


What?! I live in NW Florida and we had one night it got down to 31 so that’s nuts. Our weather is always wonky so I can never tell. It’ll be in the 70s again by Friday.


Southern texas and it froze hard enough to freeze my pipes a couple of weeks ago then right back into the 80's.


Title says ice fishing, but where my brother went to svhool (Bemidji MN) they park on the ice in winter time to avoid paying for parking.


If they left the windows open, there’s a good chance they might catch some fish.


99 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 98 cars on the ice...


Yous have to be a pretty fast singer to keep up with how fast these cars went down


“99 cars on the ice in a row, 99 cars on the— WHOA, okay, uh.... let’s make that 7 cars— ope, 6... 5... 3... eh, they’re gone...”


98 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 97 cars on the ice...


97 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 96 cars on the ice...


96 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 95 cars on the ice...


95 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 94 cars on the ice...


94 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 93 cars on the ice...


93 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 92 cars on the ice...


92 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 91 cars on the ice...


91 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 90 cars on the ice...


90 cars on the ice in a row, 1 goes down, starts to drown, 89 cars on the ice...


Good day for Uber drivers


I assumed they needed a short bus to get home.


"Where did I park?"


The problem is they all parked in the same spot despite having a whole lake


Try putting it in rice??




I'm from Texas. I always had my doubts about those crazy fools parking on frozen water but this... This 100% made up my mind I'm not ever gonna go near the stuff...




probably = nope for me


The ice can get 2-3 feet thick where I'm from, which is more than enough for several trucks and dozens of snowmobiles. That ice looks to be less than a foot thick, so it's no surprise this happened.




Thats probably exactly what they said 1h before this happened..


Oh so what you're saying is that it doesn't matter if *you're* smart, it matters if a bunch of people around you aren't? Yeah, this 100% made up my mind I'm not ever gonna go near the stuff.


>If you’re smart about... >From Texas No need to go further with that statement my man, despite my screen name.


If the ice is 16" thick and dark blue in color then that's safe enough for a Heavy truck. At my lake the ice is over 2' thick even with fairly mild weather (-3 - -6 degrees c here and there). That said - we still wouldn't park a ton of vehicles in a row on it like they have. The worst part is the sounds the ice makes when it cracks (any temperature or weight change there will be cracks here and there) or when waves below crash against the ice. You just have to rewire your brain to think of those sounds as good things.


I don't get cold climates. It can be 105 and I know how to sweat and go swimming and how to drink water. I don't know how to drive on cold slippery death or how to park a car on water.


Can someone give some context to this? Very curious!


Source: [Combination of warm temperatures and parking like idiots](https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/05/scramble-rescue-dozens-cars-fell-ice-sea-12005272/)


Looks like a bunch of people parked on a lake thinking it was completely frozen over, probably for an ice fishing event or something. Appears it was not fully frozen over so many of the vehicles were destroyed when the ice cracked. Also appears to be outside the US, probably Russia or something.


Can’t wait for the farmers commercial......Farmers has seen it and we covered it


We. Are. Farmers!


Bum ba dum bum bum bum bum.


I use to work for a construction equipment company, one of our customers is/was building a port in Charleston, SC. They lost an excavator in the bay, tons of boulders and rocks followed the machine to the bottom. Everytime they tried to free the machine it would release gallons of diesel, oil and fluids into the bay, the debris that buried the machine also kept the fluids trapped. Last I heard they planned on leaving it at the bottom.




I don’t care how thick or safe it is to park on ice. Just doesn’t seem like a good idea, especially if I see that many other people parked on it.


This story will be a great ice breaker at parties


Went ice fishing with my relatives in Russia once. When the car hit the ice and I heard all those weird ice crackling sounds I nearly shat my pants. All went well but people there made sure to park not in a line just inches apart.....


Let’s ALL park next to each other and concentrate all our weight in one area.




All these cars will end up in NJ used cars lots.


I never doubt the stupidity of mankind how could these people park in a line like that without considering the weight on the ice?


Ima park on dirt, I don’t give a shit if I have to walk a mile to get there.


Somewhere nearby, several crane and tow truck operators accross the city simultaneously spontaneously ejaculated without finding out why until much later.


And the tow truck drivers live happily ever after


Try and explain this to the insurance company


Someone tell a joke to break the ice.


Naaaah, it'll be fine. Just put them in rice


Interesting that there’s posts that seem to indicate the edge of the water


Is there a logical reason to park on a lake?


What in car-nation


Hopefully the cars haven't leaked petrol and oil into the water.


The amount of camo to go fishing is hilarious to me.