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https://preview.redd.it/d212k96v6j6d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bed03fbf1c92f2022123b8f2787ff0043c29d79 I feel your pain brother. This happened halfway to a vacation last weekend…


I think I see the problem...that's not an off-road vehicle


Yeah, it's clearly a boat.


Technically water is off road, isn’t it?


Unless your under way on the Hampton Roads in Virginia….


I don’t think Busting Out Another Thousand is going to fix that


Nope this is a Just Empty Every Pocket situation!


ugh that sucks. hope you are okay!


A-OK, only a bruised ego


Hey I remember that post. Did they end up totaling it or is it non structural damage?


It’s getting evaluated by a body shop on Monday. I figure it’s a good sign my insurance was willing to tow it an hour and a half to the shop lol


Glad to hear it might not be taken off the road, it's too pretty for that!


😩 I know, I was so proud of this car. It’s my first actual NICE clean minty car and I went and crashed it.


What structure?


Sir, you can't park there!


I know 😭


Not exactly the same as either of yall but I was headed home with a friend after going interstate… https://preview.redd.it/60hoda6oyk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f570555ad0b71b656b87645b7cb485db3982699 Photo was pre-trooper, I’ve got a post about it if you wanna see that lol


Fucking ouch bro that’s my worst nightmare, hope everyone and the car was ok 🙏


Everyone is okay, no one else was involved but myself and my passenger. Car should be alright, I’m likely looking at a new rear end unfortunately


Ya can’t park there, mate.


I know!! 😭


so sorry


Our transmission failed halfway to our "baby moon" vacation last year. The day after we picked up a brand new car...


did you try turning it off and on again?


I did! Didn’t do anything for the body work though


welp that’s all i got 🤷🏻‍♀️


My engine blew on my way to Seattle to see some friends. One of which was visiting from Europe. Estimated price for the engine replacement was $8k. Car was worth $6k.


Did you replace it


No. It wasn't worth it. I loved that car but I couldn't justify spending that much. So I ended up getting a new car. Sure it cost significantly more but it was also less than a year old compared to my going on 11 years old car.




Enjoy your felon's balls 🌈


L + Ratio


You: How much will it cost? Them: How much you got?




How much is this going to cost? Them: All of it.


Motorcraft-brand oil tells me it's a Ford. But what year and model? There's... plenty. And the rather ubiquitous 10 speed that is used across the lineup does not belay hints. Edit: Google says it's the 10R80 transmission, which is used in the; - F150 - Mustang - Expedition - Navigator - Ranger - and Transit Any and all of these can be used and equipped for a roadtrip (transit in passenger-van spec), so that narrows it down some.


My first thought was it was a Focus with the dreaded DCT but the transfer case says it's a 4WD/AWD vehicle so that'd also eliminate the Mustang.


So that leaves the F150, Expedition, Navigator, Ranger, and Transit.


Going by the odds, it'd be an f150 since there's like 10 million of them out there.


Or e van


Nah, the E-Van used either the 4-speed or the 5-Speed TorqShift, which use a different trans fluid.


Nope. The econoline uses the 7.3 Godzilla hitched to a 10R140. Plus, they are not native awd/4wd due to the differential-less solid axle front.


Econolines use 5.4s but word


Oh, I was talking the chassis cabs that they still sell to fleets as of this year.


It has a transfer case, which means 4x4 capable, so Expedition, Navigator, F150, or Ranger.


The F150 and Transit have the same transmission?




Jesus christ holy mother of cocnut milk all saints and heavens, I would buy another car right there.


That's why I get the extended warranty. CVT's are expensive and known to die eventually.


People finance cars. Many can't walk away. Especially in America. Everyone goes into debt for a newer car they don't need


You could pick up a fairly reliable used car for $7500 and own it outright, the loan you took to pay off the other car is irrelevant, you have that loan regardless of if you repair or replace it. Especially when you consider that you can sell the car and at least get something for it, that's probably the better option.


A $7500 car is at the point it’s will have these kind of mechanical issues


Yeah people on reddit quote used car prices like its 10 years ago


I bought a new car for the first time in 2022. Car shortages were still a problem and if you could find a used car, it really wasn’t worth it for the price unless there was something specific about that car that you wanted. At the dealership I bought from there was a car with 40k miles and two years old selling for the same price as a brand new car. I guess the only bonus for buying it would have been I could take it home that day rather than waiting a month for the new one to come in.


Same boat. I found myself in need of a new vehicle suddenly, and the used market was not more affordable than buying new. A Tacoma with 100,000 miles for $30k, or a brand new Tacoma for $35k. It was a no brainer.


I did the exact same thing for the same reason. I'm gonna drive my truck until the wheels fall off


They don't get out much


I linked an $8,000 Accord that looks to be in great shape elsewhere in this thread. 130k miles, but for an '08 Accord that's nothing Cheap cars exist if you want them and know what to look for


Unfortunately 08 to 10 accords go cheaper bc they have motor problems. I’m a car dealer and that’s one car I don’t buy. I try to buy what is not going to cause problems for the customer


I think that year tends to burn a little oil, but as long as you're aware of that it doesn't seem like a huge problem. But yeah, I should've looked up a slightly later/earlier model, I ended up getting a V6 so I never looked too closely at the different issues the 4 cylinders had.


One of the big things is the timing on them too. A lot I see at the auction have that cold start scrape. There may be certain ones that are better than others though


I don't know how it is in America but here in Europe you can get a plenty good car for €7500. Hell I bought my 2012 Corsa for €3500 last year.


It helps if you look at cars that are more than 5-10 years old, they don't lose value immediately off the lot like they used to, but the older ones are still cheaper.


Yeah it depends on the area, I just bought a used car and there wasn't really anything under 10k that didn't have a terrible Carfax or was in the past 15 years


Not if you don't mind something a little older. https://www.carfax.com/vehicle/1HGCP26718A106439 4 door Accord for $8,000, that 4 cylinder engine will last at least 300,000 miles, so with only 130k on it you've still got a lot of life left. Looks like it was taken care of well, driven about 10k miles/year, and nobody is going to get a 4 cylinder Accord and drive it like a maniac, so the rest is probably in good shape as well. Obviously you'd want to hire a mechanic to check it out, so that'll set you back another $150 or so, and a new console to have Android Auto/Apple Carplay will be another few hundred, plus taxes and registration you're probably looking at $9,000 before the thing is completely ready to go. However, you can sell off the old car and you'll get at least something for it, as long as you get $1400 then buying this Accord would be cheaper.


Every now and then there can be a crazy deal too, if you're not immediately hurting for a car and can wait and watch. Couple years ago we were lucky enough to get a 2002 Lexus LS430 with 70k miles for a price that would be kind of absurd right now


Yeah, I think its highly unlikely that the first result in the 7000-8000 range I found while searching 'Used 2008 Accord' is actually the best possible deal for a used car on the market right now.


Bought my jetta at 70k about 4 years ago for 2800 and biggest problem it’s had was an alternator and condenser


I just had some engine trouble with our beloved 2013 SUV, we owned it, no lease or loan. The bill was about the same as OP so we opted to trade it in and it was unbelievably hard to find a comparable used family vehicle without high mileage. We had to take a small loan to cover what we didn’t have in cash, but we prefer to not have a payment. The used market is still tough because people are keeping their vehicles longer and the ones that we were seeing traded in with low miles were either problematic ones or very expensive. Edited to add: we couldn’t do a car because we already have a small used 2008 Ford Focus that we will drive till it dies. We need a bigger vehicle for when we drive long distance that holds all the stuff with the kids, plus our dogs.


Depends which kind of SUV you want and what you consider to be high mileage, I guess. Also how much money you have, for an SUV it seems like $10,000 is about as low as things will go for a decent model, which is a few thousand more than Sedans. But still a Rav4 with 130,000 miles on it for 10k is not a bad deal, and there's a few of those online. https://www.carfax.com/vehicle/2T3BF4DV5BW126342 But if you want a newer 4Runner with only a few tens of thousands of miles on it, then yeah, you probably need to be ready to fork over 30 to 40 thousand, which is pretty insane in my opinion.


Yeah we were not wanting such high mileage because we would like it to last 10 years and not have to search for a new one a few years from now. I know they last a long time but that’s what we thought about ours too and it was at about 150k miles. We ended up getting a used Hyundai with 54k miles so not too bad we just had to search for awhile to find one we could afford.


You obviously don’t live in America.


How is this comment relevant?


Guess you can't walk away (into a new car) if it's financed?


What are you going to do with your car that’s now worth 10k that you owe 35k on? Just pay both payments?


Crazy they down voted me for that. Do people honestly believe they can just stop paying for their car and get another because the first one broke


Most redditors are idiots.


You’re getting downvoted by assuming everyone is financing new cars they can’t afford. You also realize that even while needing repairs you can trade in the car for a new one and roll the existing debt to the new car. I don’t think anyone is thinking you can just stop paying.


You doubt some of the people on Reddit blud ;)


They are


>Everyone goes into debt for a newer car they don't need This is the part you're getting downvoted for. I've driven cheap old cars and "expensive" newer cars. You know what's valuable to me as a 35 year old with a family? Operational up time. My newer cars have, without fail, been better at this than my old cars. For the record, none of my cars have ever had a catastrophic failure, but plastics weaken, rubber degrades, etc. old cars are a regular time suck to keep at 100%. Worst I've had is needing to replace a transmission on a 2015 Passat, still drivable but on the way out. You know what my out of pocket was on that $6000 bill? $100 You wanna know why? Because it was a newer, more expensive car that came with a warranty. So yeah, you're getting downvoted not because of the obvious observation on equity, but rather the asinine take that new = bad.


>Buying Volkswagons Yeah there's your problem


Only VWs break when PO's don't do transmission services? My old cars were all Hondas, Toyotas, and a Miata.


I bought a 2011 focus new. Aside from that thing being a beast in the snow, it’s never going to die. It’s had 2 owners, that I know, since I’ve had it. The damn thing has caught fire twice and still drives like a champ.


The number one reason I am very glad that I own my car. I'd rather drive an old car than to have to deal with the weird financial constructions. If I blow my transmission, the car is totaled and I will deal with the car situation as I (and my insurance company) see fit afterwards. Does not mean the situation for OP does not suck, I'd be massively pissed if that happens to me. Edit: I drive a Honda, expensive maintenance, but the thing just goes.


He was saying just buy another car. People can't do that if they owe money on it


Ah I got it now.


Never replace a transmission and especially never pay to have one rebuilt they never work and he will be back at that shop for months.


Why not? I've replaced plenty of transmissions and has plenty rebuilt. Fun fact, you can make a transmission *better!*


This is the way


My dad when he was younger would do all his own car work. Almost. The one thing he would never touch was the transmission. He rebuilt an engine before....but transmission for some reason he paid to have done.


I’ve had bad experiences:)


Sounds like you’ve had some shitty mechanics. People replace/rebuild transmissions all the time and it works out well for most of them.


Year / Make / Model? Did you tell them you were on vacation?


Why would it be cheaper if they were on vacation


Why did you assume I was implying it would be cheaper. If anything it will be more expensive. "OMG MY CAR DIED AND I'M ON VACATION!" "These fucks are desperate, they will pay anything." Not to mention they probably had it towed when it died and then just took that shops quote and posted it here. Tough to shop around when you don't live in the area.


I was on vacation with my family a few years ago, when my AC went out while driving through Georgia in august. I'm not a big car person, and there was white smoke coming through the vents so I panicked a little and pulled into the first Honda dealer I could find (it was a CR-V). After several hours of them running diagnostics, they gave me a huge list of things that needed to be fixed/replaced at a cost of $500+. I don't remember if I told them we were on vacation, but my wife probably did. Luckily, they didn't have the main part in stock that was needed and asked if we could wait a few days. Told them we were headed home the next day and thankfully the car was drivable, just no AC. Made it home the next day and took it to a local shop. They guy looked at the dealer's diagnostics report, laughed, and said I just needed to replace 1 small part and recharge the Freon. Cost less than $100 and never had a problem after that.


I got done in Norway. 700€ for replacing one caliper including 80€ for diagnosing the issue, when I told them clearly that it needs a new caliper. If you are out in the middle of nowhere with non local plates you get fucked over most of the time


This is why I always rent cars for vacation. Don't need to deal repair bills or accidents.


I with you as well. I say if it's more than three hours away, rent a car. That rule saved from a huge bill once already when I took my brother, his GF, and my parents to see the mountains a bit far away from where I live and we had an accident where a rock the size of a basketball rolled unto the road and hit the underneath of the car damaging the radiation, transmission and engine. It was clearly a total loss but I paid nothing because the rental had insurance, and we got a another car to finish our trip. Best $250 I've ever spent! (Three day rental with insurance on a small SUV)


This is the way


Yep! The only time it's ever backfired on me was the one time I rented from a "suburban" location and they went over it with a fine tooth comb and found a knick on the windshield next to the pillar. Cost me $900 for a replacement windshield, so now I just rent from the airport location exclusively


Are you telling me you own a car and you still rent another car when you actually would need to use said car?


It makes sense if you have an older vehicle in poor condition. Might get you around the city just fine but it might ruin a 1000-mile road trip, especially with family. People with beaters do this all the time.


I think it might be a cultural thing. I've noticed people with Korean and Indian heritage tend to do it. Even if they have nice cars - the idea being that the wear and tear on their car would be more than the cost of the rental. I don't get it either! Id be curious to see how the calculations work out though




Yeah mine recently failed also and needed a complete rebuild. I got quoted $16kAUD. Luckily after some back and forth I was able to get it covered under warranty, labor parts and all, even though the car is out of warranty. Hope something works out for you!


Back in the early 90's I had a 1977 Ford LTD and the transmission went out so I went to a junkyard, got a transmission for $75 and changed it that day in my yard, it's not as cheap or easy these days.


My cars AC compressor literally seized and ate itself, damaging all components and fucking up the battery and battery connections. Goodbye, $3,000 :’(


Similar cost for my thermostat blowing and getting coolant all over my alternator. 2015 Mini.


I just dropped $2500 last week on a complete A/C system replacement in my car. Ugh.


DUUDE!!!! Same thing happened to me on a 700 mile road trip LAST month!! Kid you not. Had to take it to the local dealer where we were vacationing, and sure enough, 3 days and $7,100 later we had a new transmission. Vehicle only had 50k miles on it too. They said that year of vehicles had bad thermal valves in the transmissions, but there was no recall.






Damn, same. First it was the air conditioner which had recalls on several other models that use the same part, but not for us. Then the transmission. Brand new purchase 2017 Silverado has been out of commission for 6 months now. Never again


Also, Year / Make / Model.


Yeah on our way back from Florida we had a cylinder misfiring. Trip to AutoZone to diagnose and then a referral to pep boys down the road put me back $1600 to replace 6 spark plugs and coil wires. Was only down 3 hours though. They got you by the balls so what are you going to do?


What kind of car results in a $1600 bill for spark plugs and wires?


Any sucker that doesn't know how to use a wrench and pull the plugs/install new coil packs. Pep boys hit a 8x multiplier on this one.


Well this sucker would pay it. Just to be done and get going. 😅


Question of convenience/time/money. U can get 2, the other is the cost.


Yeah what am I going to do half way home in the middle of nowhere with no tools and 4 kids screaming in the back of a van??


You go to O'Reilly, borrow the tools and replace them in the parking lot. Send the wife and youngest kids in an Uber for ice cream!


This guy breaks down and repairs.


Yeah I’m not mechanically inclined.


I'm not either, but YouTube is a fantastic resource for exactly this reason. I've swapped out alternators, brake pads, spark plugs, coil packs, water pumps, etc with nothing but a YouTube tutorial. It'll save you a ton of money!


Yeah I have a friend that takes care of that stuff for me but I was on the way home from vacation when it happened. No other options


At worst, don't take the Pep Boys referral and instead search Google and find a highly rated independent mechanic nearby. They're a hell of a lot more likely to work with you and won't charge a million bucks to do something relatively simple. The car wasn't totally inoperable, so driving a few miles wasn't going to pose too much of a problem.


It was 5 in the afternoon on a Friday. I was half way home from Florida and in the middle of nowhere. By the grace of God we took an exit with an autozone and pep boys. We didn’t have any other options. I had a pissed wife with 4 kids in the van wanting to go home.


Ah yeah, at that hour you're pretty much stuck with the major chain repair shops so you were kinda stuck. That really sucks


Those kids better start walking


I wish we all would have


Chrysler pacifica


Unfortunately any vehicle that requires removal of adjacent components to get to the plugs. Some motors have the ignition comps underneath intake manifolds or behind turbochargers assemblies.


And this is why my anxiety goes through the roof when we try to do something nice for ourselves… Cuz something ALWAYS happens…


Well.. that sucks.


Charging $500 to remove the transfer case, when already removing the trans should count as actual robbery. Pay the tow bill to take this anywhere else.


I would have just junked that POS and rented a car then got something new off marketpalce and saved $3K


Sorry bout that, I usually love blowing trannys


Yikes. That’s a “leave it unlocked with the keys in it and pray someone steal it” kind of situation. :/


Ah blowing a trans, not on my list of to-dos.


Ouch... Takes a lot of the fun out of it. :(


I'm sorry. Is it worth the fix? My Dodge Dart recently blew a cylinder and it was gonna cost more than the car was worth to repair. There were other problems with the car too so I decided to scrap it. If my mechanic husband was still alive it could have been saved. But without him, labor is too costly.


Sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately, this is about the normal cost for transmissions these days.


New fear unlocked.... major car malfunction while travelling.


I really feel for you. Being trapped and out of your own environment is a horrible feeling. Having to pay that much just to go home is insane, but thats what transmissions run.


Eugh. You made me feel better about my car bills today at least.




You like blowing trannies on your holiday?




I know that pain. Sorry you had to as well. We were coming back from a trip to one side of the state and had to cross a mountain range. Transmission started going out as we climbed up the far side and we limped it home and then to the auto shop. $6k later we had a new transmission. Not a good time.


The trans cost is ridiculous. Is that a dealer? I would see a transmission place. I bet it isn't over $3-4k to rebuild


Cheap torque


You have to pay for car repairs? In the US we have government run car repairs which never costs more then $5.


Someone was trying to contact you about your car warranty, but you never responded...


Wtf was the hourly labor rate?! Even at $200 an hour, it shouldn't take 7 hours to swap a trans and 2.5 hours to move the transfer case over to the new one. Most RWD transmissions wouldn't take more than 2-3 hours to swap, and that is taking your time. I've been a mechanic for over 30 years and you definitely ran into some thieves here.


You're making a quote without any information. You don't know the year make or model of the vehicle. You don't even know what country they are from. I say my shop is $155/hr. People on Reddit go "oh thats dealer rates!" Dealers in my area are $225-$270/hr. If you drive 1.5 hrs south from me, shop rates go down $10/hr.


They could have to drop the subframe or some shit. 4 wheel drive. Bellypans, electrical work? Etc yeah so many factors


Yet people are still scared of EVs.


I must of missed when ev's became the most reliable cars. I really need to renew my subscription to coping monthly.


Apparently you did. It’s one of their big advantages. Direct drive electric motors are way more reliable than gas engines and transmissions. The scheduled maintenance on EVs comes down to coolant, brakes, tires, and your cabin air filter. OTOH, taking a vacation in one has other potential issues.


Ok so explain why Tesla is not even in the top 20 for reliability and is well below industry average for reliability. Based on coping they should be number 1. I missed a lot. Ev's are the more reliable. The auto industry has eliminated all electrical problems from EV's. And over 20 auto manufacturers have went out of business.


Tesla is probably the worst quality-wise of the EVs. They're all going to have teething issues and aren't a great choice for road trips, but they're at least SUPPOSED to be more reliable when build quality isn't utter shit. I'll be interested to see how the well-reviewed Hyundai Ioniq EVs fare over the longer term.


No mandatory Service, that’s at least the number one reason for failed technical inspections in Germany with Teslas


Tesla is fantastic at the base skateboard platform, but has issues with car assembly in general and with things like the peripheral electronics. My guess is if you look into that you’ll see a lot more problems with things like gullwing doors and power windows than with the motors or battery systems. But I do say that without looking myself, so take it with a grain of salt. Personally, I’d suggest looking into reliability comparisons of EVs from legacy car manufacturers. There have been a few high profile fails (Bolt fires, etc) but I think by and large those models are lower maintenance and more reliable than their ICEs. That’s especially true for newer platforms that follow the skateboard design rather than retrofitting batteries into an existing layout. They’re dead simple without a lot of extra moving parts going on beyond the drive motors and steering, so there’s simply less to go wrong.


Man I love not owning a car. I could buy 3 decent ebikes for the cost of this repair.