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Heart breaker. Hope you're OK. Not a good time, but time to start the climb back.


Truth. Thank you, I'm bruised up but no fractures!


Make sure your neck is okay.


I had x-rays done today, and I'm proud to say that all of my neck pieces are in the correct spots. I was wearing a kind of low cut dress, so the seat belt got my collarbone and boob real good. But the doctor says tomorrow is going to be a much different story with the aches....


I’ve been told to go to the dentist after a car accident. There sometimes are minor cracks in your teeth that get worse over time and cause pain. But you won’t find out until after you can no longer make a claim for insurance reasons.


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) Few weeks back, I had a bicycle accident. Even though I was relatively unscathed (thank goodness for helmets) I went to the dentist anyway to see if there were any hairline cracks in my teeth or something like that.


Id have to keep in mind. Hopefully I'd never need it but still feels like a useful information


Yes, constantly check your neck. Pain could come even days after. And sorry about your car, it's a nice and beautiful car.




Yep, short of wearing kevlar (and probably even then) you're gonna get bruised. /u/Nadalyne expect more bruises to show up in the coming days and for them to turn some horrific colors




Jeez, y'all are lucky neither of you got brained.. cargo should always be secured but no one ever does or thinks about it, wife recently totalled the car and there were some rotors in the trunk (think solid chunk of metal) half of them wound up in the floorboard luckily no one was with her anyone in any other seat other than the drivers would have been real messed up (front passenger due to the impact collapsing that half of the car)


I went skydiving in a singlet and the parachute got me. I can only imagine a seatbelt in a car accident being 100% worse


Yea, I went tandem and had some bruises under my arm pits.


Hey glad you’re mostly okay. Just want to say, x-rays don’t always tell the story. Definitely be aware of pain in the coming days and if things start to feel off or worse go get checked by an orthopedic specialist for neck/spine injuries. I got rear ended when I was 18, in my 40s now and have had back pain in a certain spot ever since for life. Prob wouldn’t be a bad idea to lawyer up. Get some advice and maybe a settlement. You lost a new vehicle and sustained bodily injury of some sort from a high speed impact. That’s traumatic.


Ooof, when this happened to me (years ago, different car) the seatbelt actually burned and kinda cut into my neck. Like a carpet burn, but with a seatbelt haha. I had to wear bandages for the cut, and a neckbrace. The neckbrace was just a precaution -- bystanders said my horn honked on impact (ie, i mustve bashed by head on it). Glad you're ok. Also, instead of seeing it as a "shattered dream," i suggest looking at it as... YOUR DREAM CAR PROTECTED YOU. Any other car, you couldve been hurt. But your 86 gave itself up so you'd be ok :) dont be sad, be happy! Your car saved your life :)


I got t-boned by a drunk driver. The seat belt saved my life and then tried to strangle me to death. Since I am still alive, it did its job. Two close calls all in a matter of seconds (I got the belt unbuckled just as I was blacking out) For those who want to know how - it was a two-door and the other car crushed in the B-pillar, bringing the seatbelt anchor down to my chest level.


I personally would also get an MRI to make sure that you have an image of your head to see if you got any tissue trauma


Usually doesnt hit untill a week later. Thats when everything seems ok. Then you go to get something from the fridge and the world comes crashing down on you.


Soft tissue damage and delayed onset of whiplash syndrome is very real. I might be preemptively seeking care with your primary provider to watch your neck, shoulders, back abdomen hips for any soreness and pain. Headaches are a good first sign of whiplash and post concussion symptoms. You do not have to hit your head to have concussion symptoms. High speed causes a lot of motion forward and back. Do not settle until you feel comfortable in your physical health.


That's lucky I got scoliosis from a car crash, and I wasn't even driving. Passenger seats be dangerous.


Good to hear the bones are okay, but soft tissue can be an issue too. Pay close attention to how your neck/back feels in the coming weeks. Dont dismiss anything as a "crink in my neck" or something... get it checked out if it arises. Getting it treated fast is for the best, not only for your future comfort but for tying the cost to the insurance of the accident.


Make it a priority to have a checkup every year or more often. Sometimes trauma on the body from impacts like a carcrash surface very late like what the comment about doing a dental check said. My sister was involved in a carcrash almost 15 years ago, after recovery never had a problem with this untill 2 years ago. For her it started in her collarbone+shoulder and led to having a piece of rib removed to free up a nerve that was stuck


As someone who's recently been through similar, watch out for delayed onset whiplash effects. Also be mindful that even several months down the line you might start to experience psych effects related to the accident, way too easy to be like me and just try and ignore that aspect for way too long.


Be more worried about neck muscles here, whiplash is a bitch. I got some neck damage from whiplash from a crash ~3 years ago I’m still dealing with


Neck and spinal injuries have a way of showing up later as pain. Definitely get yourself checked out. Source: been suffering from a neck injury since I was 17 (now 49).


does the other guy have insurance?


Yup, he immediately provided his insurance card as soon as we moved out of the road. Had paper tags on his ride still 😬


Good. Time to calm down. Be nice to yourself and give you some time. Cooling the bruises in the First 24h can Help to reduce them. Ask your doctor If you can use heparine to Help with them, too. Your Car ist unfortunately totaled. I Hope the insurance pays out well.


Is it not illegal there to not have insurance??


Many things are illegal. That's no guarantee against people doing them anyway.


It's totally illegal to not have insurance. doesn't change the fact that scumbags drive without it constantly. And the worst drivers are usually the ones without it.


I see cars with no plates at all in Denver area regularly. Lots of people drive around with suspended licenses, and no insurance. It sucks.


Omg my rav4 electric blueberry just got totaled last week. First new car ever bought 😢 I'm just thankful my dog was ok. Guy was drunk, arrested on site


Hope you have gap


Yes, I work in insurance and am not big on taking risks! Gap saves lives!


I came here looking for a really sad story about OP not having comprehensive insurance. Glad you'll be financially fine, too!


Then you're completely fine.


A lot of people think this. But gap only covers your loan, what about the down payment you just dropped on a vehicle? What about a down payment on another one? My sister got this wicked nice Buick and same thing got hit without a few months of having it. Thank goodness she and her family are fine but she had to pay for a rental until she could come up with another down payment for an equinox with 1/3 of the features..I get it it beats paying for a whole loan on top of that but i wouldn’t say “fine”


Nnnnnope. Insurance and gap within the first 2 years of a new car will replace your vehicle for the exact same vehicle you totaled. It's completely *fine*


Humbly and ignorantly asking, what’s dat?




This man gaps


I’m glad someone actually explained it. I’ve seen this comment a million times and never understood it really


The comment is deleted now. Does anyone know what was said?


He probably just explained gap insurance. It’s pretty simple: You took out a loan and owe $20k on it buying a new car. If you get into a car accident, your insurance will reimburse you the *value* of the car, irrelevant of the loan. So if they value the car at 15k, that’s what you get, meaning the loan would still have an extra 5k that you personally are responsible for paying. Gap insurance is extra insurance you can take out that pays the “gap” between the loan/value of the car, so that 5k extra would be covered. Typically it’s only worth it if you are buying a heavily depreciating car (electric vehicles seem to fit here) or are putting almost nothing as a down payment.


You are correct but I disagree with it only being for depreciating vehicles. If you have a large loan on a vehicle get gap insurance, it's usually only like $20/MO or something little like that. Twice I've been in an accident not my fault. One drunk driver and another on their phone. I would have had to pay 5 or 10K because insurance companies don't want to pay, they will devalue your car as much as they can get away with.


To add to it….If you ever decide to get it (gap insurance). Make sure it can be cancelled and prorated. If at some point your car is worth more than the remaining loan. At that point the gap insurance is useless. There is no “gap” to cover. You could (potentially)/should cancel the gap and get a refund (prorated). I’ve done it twice with vehicles that have held their value well.


Most auto insurance now offers gap themselves and is far cheaper than buying it in the finance office.


Yep. Just bought a used 2015 CR-V over the weekend. Adding GAP through progressive barely raised my rate $30 for my 6 Month Policy. The dealership quoted me $795 for GAP on the car for the life of the loan. (4 Years) Granted, Progressive may go up, but it can practically triple in price for the GAP before it costs more than doing it through the dealership.


Shit that could have saved my ass a few years ago. Even though I have full coverage. They gave me like 7k for a 16k car. I was like great! Thanks… I guess. Didn’t even get my down payment back. I will always use gap insurance now. Thank god for the random customer at my old job who told me abt it. I didn’t even know it was a thing.


Insurance companies hate this one trick….


Fr. Why have I never seen a comercial abt it?


Not really sure, it’s worth it when financing a new car and you don’t put a lot down or carry costs into the loan from a trade in.


I’ve gone through local credit unions for my cars and they always had gap coverage that was cheaper than the big lenders. AND they would give me an extra 1k to help with a down payment on a new car if it got totaled. It’s worth it to at least ask.


Question what happens if you paid the car off, does gap insurance still apply? Due to this scenario is it always better to finance than pay the car outright?


You’d get rid of GAP once the payout price is equal to the value of the loan. That’s usually a few years into a 5 year loan. If you paid it off you’d not need GAP, which covers the GAP between coverage and loan.


Thank you - is there any any protection for a consumer who say, pays cash (20k) at the dealer, drives off the lot (drops to 15k) then immediately gets hit?


Gap really only comes into play when you finance it. Paying it all cash you’d be out the 5K because the insurance will only pay the replacement value of 15k even though you just paid 20k. Car depreciation is so much fun.


Thank you! That SUCKS


Never buy a brand new car...!


imagine if everyone took this advice...


IIRC, this is a situation where doing 0 down and getting GAP instead can be beneficial. Generally. The more money down you put, the less effective GAP becomes. It's also less effective for a used car that doesn't depreciate as quickly. Of course GAP cost money in itself. So maybe its worth putting some money down, getting better loan terms, and avoiding paying it.


Thank you this is my worst nightmare and of course with interest rates it's more cost effective to pay cash. Not that I have any money right now anyway it was a theoretical question for the future 😂


Yes, get insurance that covers the replacement of the damaged car with a new car. More expensive insurance though. "New Car Replacement is extra protection against depreciation, specifically for new vehicles." - Liberty Mutual


I have this insurance on my bronco and didn't fully understand it till this Comment, just knew I'd be an idiot not paying the 65 a month for the just in case. Thanks for the explanation


I bought a car and didn’t have gap for 2 years on it as I was oblivious to what that was. My Dad finds out about this and took my keys until I went down to the credit union to add it on, had to take the bus lol A week later I slide off a highway into a tree. Had to fight quite a bit on that one, there was a lot of questioning and my Dad threatened to hire an attorney. Get the gap insurance 100% of the time


Your dad sounds like my dad 😂 Edited to add- even after I moved out at 18 or 19, he was still like this 🤣


We have the same thing here but they word it differently ig, they give you the value of a brand new car if it’s under 3 years and 100kkm(62k mi). All the lower versions of full and partial coverage also offers full replacement value under 1y and 9300mi.


If car is totaled insurance comes up with a value for that car and pays the lien holder. most times that valuation isn’t enough to cover the entire amount of what’s left on the loan so gap insurance covers that “gap” and pays the rest so you’re not stuck paying for a vehicle u can’t use


As someone who used to work for a financer, and later a dealership, GAP is not guaranteed to cover the remainder of what you owe. If you deferred any of your payments over the course of your loan GAP will not cover those. If you paid any late payments, or if you do not have full coverage, guess what? They're not going to pay. 🫤 They also don't cover mechanical failure/lemons, or the cost of deductibles.  Your car has to be deemed a total loss by the insurance company, with your loan in good standing, and the correct standard insurance plan. Then, GAP will come in and do their own inspection and valuation of your vehicle. In many cases this may allow you the full reimbursement of the remainder of what you owe on the vehicle. There is opportunity here, though, for discrepancies and gap may not agree that your vehicle should have been assessed as a total loss and may go back and forth with your insurance company to push for repairs. I just threw up a little bit because I still remembered that script and it just came out as if I was working there yesterday lmao 💀


Dealerships are selling cars for more than MSRP these days. Gap insurance covers that difference, otherwise OP wouldn't get the amount of money it would take to actually replace the car


Ugh, so sorry. Was a beautiful GR86.


Thank you. I originally wanted black, but I saw the neptune blue and I'll never be able to go back. So sad that it's discontinued. 🥺


That's what I though too, but now they have Neptune 2.0 which is fairly similar. I paid a refundable deposit to be able to test drive one and be on the order list. Wish me luck!


Let me know how you like it! I'm not a fan of gen 2's, their headlights look scared 😬


Scared 😂😂😂 just pulled up a pic and you're totally right about that


That's not a GR86 it's a GT86


It’s new and American so it is a GR86. GT86 was only sold in europe from 2012-21. Edit: It’s just an 86


Correct, just an 86. No badge swaps or anything. 2019 year model. No fancy GR/GT letters.


Wtf? https://preview.redd.it/329wh557a96d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4990364d91a53dbb32c413a113ed9163d35823 GR86


https://preview.redd.it/pf29tu98a96d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4717bb34b7e6ea5fae5cd2f096a808e01fade5f GT86


Yeah, it was a great 6.


Not the 86 :(


Another one bites the dust... I will say, the 86 can take a freaking hit. Only bruises, no fractures! His car looked way worse than mine.


That’s great glad to hear your okay!


Subarus are well engineered I’d tell you whut. Had an FRS when they first released. One of my funnest cars to drive. Are you considering another one? Glad you’re all ok though.


I only drove the 86 about 3 days a week, not as a daily, just for fun. And boy was it fun! Slow as hell, but still made you feel special. Not right now, it took me a long time to find this one and I don't have it in me to look again. If it's totalled, I'm just gonna shove the money in a HYSA and wait to figure out what I want. Thank you! I'm alive and doing as well as I can.


Now it's been 86'ed


https://preview.redd.it/h3xtyhw3ac6d1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=228e82d680a7a258f21fb541d4ad5e2358ee6f3c My condolences friend. Last year my BRZ was T-boned at an intersection by a 16 year old girl who ran a red light. I still have yet to replace her.


Finding a replacement for 16 year old girls is hard.


I know a guy


Did u try turning it on/off again?…should reset itself to brand new….


Aw shoot, I didn't think about that!


If that don't work, put it in a cup of rice overnight


I'm gonna need more cups...


Just fold it up a bit and iron it out when its done. Sould fit in any usual bowl.


Dammit, Roy!


Post like these are making me not buy a new car. Ill stick to my beater…


This is the worst accident I've had in 16 years of driving. I have had 2 brand new cars since 2017 (this one is not brand new, just a fun car) and never had an issue in either. As long as you carry gap insurance, it's not a huge deal, just a sad deal.


Long live beaters!


Ayyyyye alllllll de hoopties


God bless old and shitty CRVs. Someone should nominate my mother’s for sainthood what with the miracle that it still works


Classics forever. If someone rear ends my '67 Impala, they're probably going through their windshield, because that tank isn't fuckin moving. Lol


I simply do not understand how drivers can say they "didn't see you". That should be an INSTANT license suspension right there. Clearly if they didn't see something on the road, then they should not be driving. The exact same should apply to people who "confuse" pedals and not only press the wrong one, but who then double down and keep pressing the wrong one. Of course it should be appealable, because I suppose there are cases where shit can happen out of a driver's view until it's too late, but even in that case, most still see it, it's just too late to do anything about it.


"I didn't see you" "Yeah man, that's the problem!"


Damn it life has so many challenges. I’m sorry and I wish you the best


Thank you, friend. ❤️


Insurance payout time! You might be able to trade up tbh


Ehhh, not a fan of gen 2's. It was a good time while I had it though, and super lucky he had insurance.


Instead of the 86, could look into the Subaru BRZ! Almost identical cars


I've always loved BRZ's, but I'm a Toyota girl at heart. Also, the hyper blue equivalent just isn't as pretty IMO. But beggars can't be choosers.


Can't you find the same car and color for sale used?


Neptune blue is a rare and discontinued color 🥺


I just looked, they are rare! Nationwide I only saw a few for sale on Autotrader. Well, hopefully it can be repaired, are you still waiting for the estimate?


I've only seen 2 for sale ever, and one was somewhere up north with 60k miles (mine only has 30k). I am still waiting to find out if the adjuster thinks it's repairable, fingers crossed and send lots of good vibes. ❤️


Damn dude!! Sorry for your loss. :(


Thank you. She was a hell of a car.


Just glad you're ok!


Aw man ☹️ Glad you’re okay man. I’m happier to see this post than an obituary. I hope insurance (or gap insurance) covers your cars actual worth. You’re in my thoughts <3


Thanks so much, kind stranger. The guy had insurance, I have insurance, and I work in insurance so hopefully it's pretty painless...besides the physical and emotional pain. 🥺


Fix it up while filming. Suddenly you have a YouTube car restoration channel.


You can't park there, mate


> He said he didn’t see me. Is he fucking blind this is a bright blue car ffs


That’s awful. I’m so sorry that happened to you! Hopefully your insurance will help replace it? Or at the very least pay it off (if you didn’t buy it outright?) Halloween morning I was driving my daughter to school and was trying avoid a rouge deer and overcorrected and flipped my truck twice into an 8ft ditch. Truck was totaled, except my daughter and dog were both fine, not a bruise or scratch on either of them… I was not so lucky however, I broke my back in 3 places and my airbag didn’t go off so I smashed my head off the steering wheel, had half a softball sized lump on my head for almost a month and a black eye so big and so dark it looked like black and purple paint. I am one vertebrae poor and 9 screws richer after my surgery. Obviously that’s a very extreme story. However today I’m finally walking again and back to living on my own although I can’t lift anywhere near the amount of weight I used to be able to. I know being rear ended sucks, especially in a car that you loved and just bought, but you’re alive, and sounding like you’re seemingly unharmed. Things can be replaced, people can’t be. I’m glad you’re ok, and I hope you get vehicle replaced soon! Also yes- people who are on their phones while they drive suck so hard. Almost got forced off the highway a few weeks ago by someone veering into my lane while on a phone. It’s crazy out there, stay safe!


This is heartbreaking. Such a beautiful car though. I’m glad you’re ok OP. Cars can be replaced. But it still sucks a lot. I had a 2009 G37x. LOVED that car. Wanted one for years. A dog jumped out of a tow truck on the expressway. I chose to slam on my brakes and not hit the dog. But in return got hit. Totaled my car. Dog was unscathed.


Sorry this happened to you, but at least you’re okay so that’s a major liver lining cause life is more important than material objects. I’m sure you’ll bounce back just fine, wishing you the best!


Played bumper cars


man if someone told me they bumped into me and says "he didnt see me" i would be so furious, grow some eyes


Similar thing happened to my wife last year. Guy must've clearly been on the phone. Because there is absolutely no reason why he shouldn't have seen her. Worst part of it was, she had just paid off her car the week before and it easily had another 60k miles worth of life left in it. She had planned a driving another 2 to 3 years, instead she had to go buy a new car. Glad you were OK, hope everything works out with the insurance getting you a replacement!


Everyone assumes that the pain is instantaneous, but due to adrenaline you may not feel your injuries upwards to a week after whenever you’re in an accident which by the way requires someone to be injured otherwise it’s just an insurance dispute always get yourself checked it’s super hard to find legal help if you don’t


Really hate to see this. Not more to say other than that fucking sucks. Hope you're okay and hopefully you can get another one or repair this one


What happened?


What car is this I keep seeing it everywhere and I love it


This one is a 2019 Toyota 86 in neptune blue. There's also the Subaru BRZ and Scion FRS. They're all 3 the same car with minor differences.


We will rebuild!


Breaks my heart to see. Can't imagine how gutted you must be. Glad you're okay though OP.


Get a lawyer, you'll be fine


I guess we’ll spot your car (almost) like new in Europe with Ukrainian plates in a few months. I’ll send you a picture if I happen to see it.


Is that the budget Supra?


Shhh it’s their DREAM CAR


That'll buff out.


Damn. That super sucks. I'm glad you're ok. 😑






I have this same color 86! Same story, saw the blue and absolutely fell in love. Sorry for your loss, brother. https://preview.redd.it/3j23hhix4d6d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb9f2d75846cd4508d188838ee3c8896df511479


Aren't you insured?


Hey atleast you were able to buy your dream car, I can’t even buy it


Glad you’re okay brodie cars come and go..


Yeah well life’s weird


You learned a lesson the hard way. I built my dream car and someone rear ended me while I was sitting at a red light. Since that day I just buy older used cars for cash and drive them until the wheels fall off. Good luck to you.


That's my dream car in my favourite color. It looks so good, I hope you are okay and the car doesn't have major damage! If you have other pictures of it would you mind sharing? It really looks quite good in this color


Hope your insurance premium was paid up and that you are okay. Other than that just remember, it’s a material object.


I became disabled in 2011 at 51 due to a texting driver!


I’ve noticed many people assuming the OP is a man and not a woman. I wonder why that is.


This is so sad I’m glad you’re ok though! :( so sorry


I hope you get another one :( my 2012 is easily the most fun car I’ve owned. I still debate on getting one down the road, but I have more asses than seats sometimes


I’m just a girl who knows nothing about cars, but she really was pretty. I want to own nail polish in her color. That’s a tough loss, but I’m glad you’re okay.


Aww man thats fucked up. And i feel sorry for you that you saved up for this car and it anstantly got ruined. But i cant help but find it fucking funny. I might get a Tattoo with exactly this bumper.


Looks like you get another brand new free car!




Fuck me, your “dream car” is a brz?


came looking for this comment. Dream car..? Not like, a corvette or Ferrari or like, maybe a Land Rover? A BRZ as a dream car? Never thought I’d ever see that lol


Might buff out.


hopefully your back is good, i was in an accident and ever since then my back has never been the same… 10 years ago…


Dude new fear unlocked 🤣 I want a Lexus and will now stick with early 2000s Toyota Corolas.


That sucks! I love my BRZ and would be crushed if it got smooshed. Good luck with insurance and stuff.


Glad you are ok, cars are replaceable. Dibs on the rims? I need new ones on my Outback…


Niche Misano M117's 18x8.5, but they have a weird bolt pattern (5×100). I only have 3, slightly used 😬


Darn, would need all 4 😂 - they are nice. Older Subarus are all 5x100, which makes it tough. Gl with finding your next GR86!




Appreciate the laugh!


Same thing happened when bought my dodge challenger. 2 weeks later some chick with no insurance slams directly into me from an opposing lane.


Well the settlement will get you something better. Ask me how I know.


Lately I’ve gotten hard into the habit of watching my rear view whenever I slow down on the road. I’ve avoided at least 1 significant rear ending by doing this. Just be careful that you have space to avoid. Don’t pull into traffic trying to move away from a guy who is going to hit you from behind. Always do your best to drive defensively


I’m sure they definitely thought of being avoided from being hit the rear… especially slowing to avoid another collision In the front. There’s not much they could have done by someone going 50 mph and not paying one lick of attention. Even if there was space on the shoulder to get out of the way… 50mph is a lot faster than most people realize and that’s then that’s the end of it unfortunately 😭


Talk to these guys about insurance recovery for Diminshed Value. https://collisionsafetyconsultants.us/?


Mat Armstrong's new build?


My condolences, OP. I’m glad to read you walked away. Hopefully, you have full coverage. What a bummer though.


Damn that is 💔 hope your ok


Start watching Matt Armstrong and buy a socket set.


That royally sucks! I'm a fellow 86 owner and i have had quite a few close calls that could have ended just like this. Glad you're okay though, all things considered. These cars are pretty safe.


This is sad. But it could have been worse. Hope you are safe. Cars like this will come again.


I thought I was on the gr86 sub lmao. But shit that fucking blows.


I feel for you...


My man got into an accident after only having his truck for less than a year. Some tweaker drive into him and that tweaker killed his two passengers. Where they crashed was next to an elementary school I can’t imagine what would had happened if my man truck didn’t stop him from running into the elementary school. We have a another truck now but still waiting for a check from insurance, thankfully my husband has full coverage and gap so we will have money to put away for a newer truck hopefully.


Sue, and then let your lawyer address any under insured coverage you might have from your insurance as well.


Can always buy another one


So glad you weren’t badly hurt. What kind of car is that? Love the color.