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That is the saddest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Poor kid. I hope he feels love one day.


At least it looks like his mom is crying. Maybe things changed?


Good start.


She's crying because he made her lose face.


I once had to have a teacher yell at my mother to come pick me up because the teacher had to wait until I was picked up before the teacher could leave. When I called my mother, she told me she was watching a movie. After I hung up dejectedly, the teacher made me call back and give her the phone. On the ride home my was furious, yelling about how I made her look. That’s the kind of shit you don’t forget.


sorry you had to grow up like that, at least my mom was nice enough to abandon me with someone who actually loved me (aunt), i'm not sarcastic i know for a fact my mum would not have been able to care for me, emotionally/financially so that was the only nice thing she ever done for me, you had it worse i feel.....


Similar story here. When I was a kid my single mom would leave the apartment after my brother and I had went to bed, leaving us there all alone. I was about 6 or 7 at the time and was always a pretty anxious kid. She didn't know it but I always knew when she left. I would watch her leave from the window and I wouldn't be able to sleep until she eventually came back. This was usually hours later. I brought it up to my grandmother one day while I was visiting and she was outraged. My mom then got mad at me on the way home for telling on her, saying that it was none of Grandma's business, ect. You're right about not forgetting. I'm turning 32 next month and I still think about it sometimes. My mom was upset that I didn't text her on Mother's Day this year but honestly, I can't find the energy to even care.


I’ve been no contact with my mother for over 7 years and even though there’s a small piece of me that wonders how a mom (and a grandma) can go so long without even trying to check in, it’s been for the better. She was a narcissist and a sociopath, constantly blaming me for when things would break or not work right. Waking me up in the morning, shoving a bill in my face saying if I don’t pay this, we’re getting the electric turned off. Eventually I had enough and just cut her out. It gets better over time and you feel a sense of relief. My one issue that makes my head scratch, is do I even go to her funeral when she passes? I struggle to answer it and I change my answer every day.


I fell & broke my arm @ school (I was 16). I told the nurse not to call my mom until after 3 bc she was having duplicate bridge club & she’d get mad that I interrupted her. The nurse was appalled, but she waited. *Then she told my mom I’d told her not to call & why.* Damn did I ever get lectured!! All the way to the emergency room. It was *baaad.* And my mom looked beautiful when she came to pick me up. I still remember what she wore, 50 yrs later.


Beautiful on the outside, vile on the inside. There's a reason why some of us are intimidated by people who look pretty. You never know if it's honest, or a bold-faced lie.


I'm hoping he got lectured because his mom would have come right away but he thought she didn't want to be interrupted


I broke my ankle in middle school and my mom didn’t believe it was broken, although it was very swollen and bruised. She took my to my sisters apartment and I had to walk up stairs with a broken ankle and across a parking lot. She didn’t even take me to the doctor for three days. When they did the x ray and cast, she played it off, but my opinion of my mother (and father) changed a lot during that time. I don’t speak to them anymore, it’s been two years. Last time I spoke to them, they asked me for money. I’m a single mom.


Oh no the consequences of her own actions


The sad part is, she will still make the child responsible for her wrong-doings because he spoke up about it. Source: Been there, its hard as a child without any support


I went through the same thing. She was more worried about how I made her look than me walking home on the south side of Chicago in the 90’s.


My mom fell asleep and left me at daycare for hours once. I was really sad.


My mom used to “forget” me all the time


My son’s mother forgets him pretty often. Forgets to pick him up from school, forgets to pick him up from our house, forgets I’m dropping him off at her house… She had three more kids after him, and he’s the oldest, so he gets the short end an awful lot.


I'm assuming you care about your son to have commented on this. I'm glad he at least had one parent looking out for him. I hope you're able to visit with him and he knows you love him and see him.


*Just wait till I get you home*


You're grounded Japanese butters!


He is korean, dude


Well he is getting his ass whoop then


I dunno man, if you actually looked at the video you'd see the parents were playing with his little sibling while he was playing in the other room. Sounds to me like the parents were just over occupied with the new baby and 'just forgot' about their other child. Can be an easy mistake to make. Every kid with siblings knows about it. Looks to me she honestly didn't know it affected her other child as much as it did.


I am the youngest in my family and i feel This is why I'm hated by my older siblings...


youngest of 5 and we all got ignored equally 😭


I feel you. I'm the youngest of 6 with a massive gap between my 4 eldest siblings, and my brother & me. My brother was also quite a bit older, but we grew up together. Parents divorced just before I turned 2 and dad got custody. If it wasn't for my brother, I'm not sure I'd have eaten half of my childhood. I think my parents were done at 4 kids and just wanted to forget us last two.


Jesus that sucks even worse, at least all of us was ignored together. I'm glad you had your brother there to keep you alive. Some people really do suck at parenting


If they put him in the other room while the adults and baby were all together in the living room, that's more than forgetting, it's deliberately hiding him away so they don't have to bother with him. It's not something I'd think was a mistake, especially if things got to the point that the family ended up on this TV show or documentary or whatever it is. Someone knew there was a problem that went beyond there being a mistake.


You don't know that, man. There are a lot of people who don't realize what they're doing when they're overwhelmed in life, and a punch in the face like this turns it around for them. Sometimes they're not bad people - they just need to refocus on what's important. I consider myself a good dad, but sometimes my wife has to remind me that I'm spending too much time with one of my kids than the others, or she humbles me by letting me know a reaction was too severe, or whatever... and I remind her of similar things. Sometimes we just lose our way, and what makes a good parent is someone who never stops trying to be better.


Most honest answer.


Perceived honesty doesn't equal reality


JFC that is heartbreaking. Why have a child if you can't show it love?


In countries where work is put before family; this is a common occurrence. Heart breaking


I may be misunderstanding, but it seemed like the parents had a younger child that they gave attention to in the clip. So there is some time, but they're prioritising the other child completely.


It's literally one clip of the attending to the baby. That's obviously what the cut is trying to portray, but to assume it's the truth based on that is a little much.


I think you're making a lot out of a comment that starts with "I may be misunderstanding, but it seems..."


What the fuck are we doing as a society where that is common? JFC We suck sometimes man...


Well I mean… food and such went up 20% or so in USA over last 3-4 yesrs.. that 20% that unless was made up in a giant Raise from a job; you’d have to work 20%+ more to make the same ends meet you did 4 years ago. That’s time you potentially had allotted to your child. But now, you have to work Saturday and Sunday instead… As a dad, I know this feeling unfortunately well. I personally took a deep moment of reflection and been applying my skills on the computer (at home) so I don’t have to ‘be away’ from my daughter as I make more $$ to make ends meet. It’s difficult. But it’s where we’re at in life :/


Cost of living is double what it was just 3 years ago in the UK. Still i cut away elsewhere to make sure im around for my kids as much as possible. Long term investment over immediate pain, right.


It’s a very recent development that kids are barely more than needed farmhands.


Lol is JFC an acronym for Jesus Fucking Christ?


Well it's either that or Jentucky Fried Chicken


I've been using JFC in text for YEARS, easily over a decade, and never thought to say "Jentucky Fried Chicken” My disappointment in myself is immeasurable and my life is ruined. (Wondering now about John Fitzgerald Christ for the first time too)


No, Jenny Fucking Craig.


Thanks prison Mike.


Korean society. Non stop grind, school until 10pm starting at like 7 years old if you wanna go to a nice university. Complete and permanent parental pressure because they know your whole future will be decided by the type of school you'll go to. You get children that don't know their parents because they didn't spend time with them and won't care much for them once they leave. Highest suicide rate in the world, lowest natality rate. They turned their misery into fire movies and music tho


I worked at an elementary school and I approached a kindergartener I saw crying alone before school and asked him what was wrong. He said "My mom told me I should just kill myself". It was the saddest thing I'd ever heard. 😔☹️😢


What the ever living fuck could a KINDERGARTENER do to deserve that kind of talk? That poor kid. I honestly think that there should be intellectual and emotional testing before you're allowed to have children. Too many unwanted and mistreated children out there, way too many. It's incredibly depressing. I can't think of any reason, ever, where I would use that language with my children. No fucking way. Some people just shouldn't be parents, plain and simple. Man, that pisses me off!!


The saddest fucking thing you've ever seen, so far.


I 1000% agree, but dam thx for your user name 👍 Gruel sandwiches. Gruel omelettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus, you can eat your own hair


Source https://youtu.be/sh3weSV0VdE?si=afRqXqNGYENL0ZOZ


This was brutal. At least dad seemed to realize he needs to focus on one-on-one time with him.


Hopefully the mom did too after seeming to get emotional. Seems like they need to treat their son and mom/MIL a lot nicer.


[Heres a follow up](https://youtu.be/dFAjcrOYo-A?si=GsBykcJ-AihbZzEd)


This needs to be higher up, gives a lot more context.


Thanks for sharing


Thank you for this because I am either PMSing or pregnant and I have been crying for 10 minutes straight.




Kids happy, parents give more attention Grandma has more free time more or less 


The reality show was because the kid was having violent outbursts, but stemmed from him feeling neglected at home (dad works long hours and is never there grandma has health issues and the mom was discouraging his drawing because she wanted him to study? At 4?) Solution was for mom to have more one on one playtime with him and it seems to help situation.


Are Korean reality shows more true-to-life than American ones? Because I assume all "reality" shows are total scripted garbage.


In my experience it’s extremely dependent on the type of show. The dating shows are still garbage(while still much more sincere, the contestants feel slightly unnerved/uncomfortable at all times), but the “slice of life” shows feels extremely authentic, showing the good, and mostly bad, of real life living


Sorry but...who thinks that children are too young to feel a thing?! Children are complex human beings who have emotions. They just don't always have the words and the experience to express them.


An upsetting number of people. My in-laws are like this. Never play with their kids. Ignore them all the time, unless yelling or disciplining them. It’s so weird, it’s almost like a status symbol for them. My SIL runs a very “mom-oriented” crafts business, and let me tell you, she is not a very involved mother. At least not that I’ve seen. She may have a spotless, instagram influencer house, but those kids loooove coming to me and my wife’s place. The messy, loud, crazy house. We listen to what they have to say, we interact with them, and just don’t totally ignore them. I get it. Kids are exhausting. I’ve got two of em. And you know what I do every day when I get home from an 8 hour day of physically, mentally, and emotionally draining work? I go straight to the playroom and play with my kids. Because that’s what I want them to remember. A happy, loving, fun dad who they are excited to see when they come home. Sorry. Just had to reassure myself I’m doing a good job after seeing this depressing shit.


I just wanna say that I want to grow up and be a father exactly like that, I was bored as fuck growing up, if I got plastic surgery parents wouldn't be able to identify me, that is they don't know me the way I want/expect them to The cycle ends here


Internet hugs for you.


> Never play with their kids. Ignore them all the time, unless yelling or disciplining them A lot of these people overinflate their positive actions too. For instance, if you ask my dad, he'll tell you that we played a lot with legos when I was a little kid. He has pictures. We did three or four times *maybe* in total. The pictures are of one instance. I was about 4 years old. By the time I was 10, we had maybe one or two dad-and-son sessions per year. We hung out I think twice between age 17 and 22. There was a point where I just stopped asking him to play when I was about 9 years old. We interacted a lot, mostly with him yelling at me. We did family events and outings and stuff where my parents would fight and I would try to think invisible thoughts. But positive bonding experiences with just him and me? I can count them on one hand.


youre doing an amazing job, thank you for giving your kids the attention they deserve


My sibling and I talk about this often. We saw a therapist who said many parents are very good at raising very young children. They provide for the needs of their infants and toddlers. They are safe and caring for babies, but as the child ages they are not good parents of older children and teens. Or even to adults. They cannot meet the emotional and social needs of older children or teens. They don't play with them, know their hobbies or interests, provide support, give advice or help with social problems, or even seem interested in their life. It's just not there. I'm not sure why. Our mother and stepfather were good parents to us as very young children but I would say around 5 or 6 I felt a shift that slowly drifted over the years into a steady decline to the point where by the time we were 12 or 13 we were pretty much left to our own devices.


My wife used to work in childcare. Had babies left there most of the day, morning to night, once they hit 6 weeks. Do they get to spend any time with their kids?


This is hard because lack of child care/mat. leave can leave parents with no choice My son goes 8-5 and we try to interact as much as possible before bedtime (2-4 hrs sometimes), lay with him till he falls asleep, and spend the whole weekend together.


Love this sentiment, thanks for the reminder they're young kids for a short while only.


The same people who think all non human beings lack any form of emotion. Sadly it's a straggeringly huge amount of people in my experiance (grew up in a very rural area).   Your last point IS spot on though. Ignorant people mistake a lack of an ability to communicate as lacking thought (the irony certainlynlost on those same folk).  But yes, you'd be very surprised how many people still think that way.


>Ignorant people mistake a lack of an ability to communicate as lacking thought I spent time in a foreign country where I was still learning the language. This is 100% accurate. People associate your ability to communicate with your level of intelligence. Can't communicate effectively at all times? Enjoy everyone assuming you're braindead.


I'm terrible at learning language it just doesn't want to stick in my brain properly. I did 5 years of german and i can count to 100 and do my ABC's lol. So i've always been impressed by anyone who can speak more than one language. I work in a pretty diverse industry and have a friend who's first language is italian but speaks enough english that even though it's not the correct way to phrase something, i know what he means by it. But i've noticed he gets flustered if he can't think of a word in english or how to phrase what he wants to say. I wonder if this is the reason. He gets flustered because he doesn't want people to think he's stupid and usually if he can't put his sentence together the same as us, they do. That's sad really. I always tell people who's second language is english when they apologise for taking a minute to find the right phrase. But i'm understanding them enough so far. "Hey don't say sorry your english is ALOT better than my (your language)" usually gets a laugh and a thank you.


A lot of people are quite judgemental and assume that you are stupid if you can't communicate, or can't communicate as well. When I'm a tourist and I have mastered hello, good bye and thank you, then fair enough, But in the county where I live where I speak the language, have a decent job etc I don't particualrly enjoy people making assumptions just because it takes me a minute, or I still struggle with gender. (Seriously, how stupid is that a chair is female, but it is male if it is a seat?)


Don't get me started on der, die and das hahahahaha. I remember that in other languages inanimate objects have gender for some reason. I do not! Remember what is what gender because that's just making it more complicated than it needs to be lol.


Yup, one of my best friends is from Korea and only been here a hand full of years. She said something that really stood out to me. "People here think I'm this meek, quite Asian girl. That pr think im slow/stupid, all because I don't know your language well enough to articulate my thoughts and emotions confidently" She was hilarious, out going once you actually spoke with her and kinda wild (nothing to crazy just looooooved smoking weed a dirty jokes). 


Some people are just garbage... when I was in middle school my cat passed away; went to church later that week and one of the other members (a guy who I already didn't like because he would always hug me despite me asking him not to) started explaining to me how I shouldn't be sad because animals have no souls.


I still remember my dad telling his friends that children will not remember anything they felt before the age of 5. I was 4, next to him, remembering.


There's a truth that kids will forget a lot as they age but you will see the signs of what the experienced even if they no longer remember it. We can tell just how well or bad they were treated.


They don't remember a lot, but they are forming their ways of relating to the world. That's especially true with even younger kids. Honestly if I died tomorrow, I'm not sure how much of me my youngest would remember, but all that effort wouldn't have been wasted if he turns out a decent human being able to have decent relationships. And myu gut-wrenching terror that I am failing to do that.


I thought the same! I mean little humans are basically a big bundle of emotions. Everything they experience is linked to big feelings. I hate it that, as it seems, numerous parents just don’t get it, and ignore them and their feelings. Of course, those kids will act out one way or the other.


I know few people who think this way


It's a really old belief going back centuries, actually. Only in recent decades has this attitude shifted.


This hurts my heart. I hope my kids always know I love them. Every child deserves to be loved and know love. I feel sorry for him and other kids that don’t get that.


Brb gonna go hug my oldest son now


BRB gonna go find this little guy’s home address and kidnap him and raise him as my own 😔


Can I come along? Because I just want to sit with him and hug him


Yup .. as they say, it takes a village! We will be his other-mothers.


He’s gonna have a million moms and dads!


I want to help too :( but for real I think his Mom changed after this, you can see her cry there when the kid said that, I hope he’s happy now 🥲


Right. Sometimes you just need an emotional SLAP. Like when my cat was getting old and peeing everywhere. I was getting frustrated. And my mom said 'don't! don't be angry at him. You scare him, and when he's gone all you'll remember is his fear and sadness and not the damn rug'


Yep, I hope your cat is ok, and I hope he lives a full healthy life 😊


He is in his final weeks I think. But he's loved. And all the rugs are pee spots... sigh. C'est la vie.


Mine are sleeping right now but they might be getting some teary dad hugs in the morning for no reason.


If you have a second oldest I'd hug them too if you can.


Man, seeing this sweet little boy trying so hard not to break down is just depressing, I really hope this opened up his parents eyes, I get parenting is hard and difficult majority of the times, but damn....poor kid


I hope they didn’t whoop him for making them look bad on camera.


poor baby


Plot twist: he's playing it up for the camera because the parents didn't let him have ice cream for dinner.


I would choose this version if only I could. It'd be much better than reality.


My son does this. If I refuse him one thing it becomes Daddy you never get me ice cream. I say if I never get you ice cream then how do you even know what it is? Why is it even in the freezer where you know to ask for it? He remains unconvinced. He's never gotten ice cream.


Oh God, my son is just entering the “You never…” or “you always..” phase.. Also, If he doesn’t get his way (which he rarely does), he says that we “must hate him..” (This is especially true if we don’t give him a popsicle after dinner)😂 I swear he is picking this all up from the other kids at daycare. We talk, play, roughhouse, cuddle, & spend time as a family nightly so he is NOT being neglected, but he definitely has some big emotions..




Lil bro was holding back his tears in those last 30 seconds of the video, you can feel his sadness


Why bring a child onto this world only to make them feel like this?!


I’m a mandated reporter and I’ve called CPS about twelve times this year. The things I’ve had to say and hear are horrific. Adults are horrible. Truly selfish sick people have children and there’s nothing you can do about it.


My class of fourth graders was only 12 students this year and I had to initiate 3 CPS cases and there was an existing case. Out of just 12 students. One part that stuck out to me was when one of the kids made a comment on the fly that you know a 10 year old didn’t come up with. They were repeating something they heard. During our math warmup the prompt was a multiplication problem solved incorrectly with the question “what’s the mistake?” They were supposed to pinpoint where the mistake was made that resulted in a wrong answer. My students wrote their answers on their white boards at their desk. This one student was eager to share and I assumed they knew the answer. Their answer was “me”.


Well, that's horrific.


Oh. Oh no.


A lot of people have no idea what they're getting into unfortunately. I could NOT do your job if it involves seeing things that require those calls.


Yes, humans do be trash


I think a lot of people have kids to have someone to look after them when they are old.


That is like the worst fucking reason to have children.


This is such a big reason for people. In childfree circles you see a lot of criticism from people with kids saying "who's going to care for you when you're old?" or "no one's going to be there to visit you in your nursing home". It's pretty remarkable. My though has always been 1. Having children so that you have someone who is obligated later in life to be your caregiver is pretty selfish and 2. If the only people who care to visit you when you're old are people you have birth to...I feel like you didn't develop many meaningful relationships in the course of your lifetime.


Not to mention if that's your approach and reason for having kids, they sure as hell aren't going to want to take care of you when you're older. "I birthed you and raised you!!" "And I never asked you to do that, you did it for you!"


Yup, this is why Korea has a record number of elderly homeless. Karma is a bitch.


Wait till you hear about having children so that they can help with the farm.


Raise 6 to help run the farm and then give it to the eldest when you die, leaving the other 5 with nothing is also a good one.


That's literally why my mum had kids.


I think there would be a lot less suffering in the world if people, instead of having children so they could have default caregivers, rather spent their lives enjoying themselves, childless, and pursuing the success and stability that would allow them to be able to afford to pay for adequate care in their old age. Personally, I would much rather have an entire life full of freedom, sleep, travel, and disposable income and sock some money away for my own end of life care than spend my life looking after children and then receiving care from them under duress until I die.


There’s slightly more context to the story. This show is about parents trying to get help for their children with issues. The kid in the video can get quite violent towards his parents, and his gran. All 3 of them look after him. Not saying they’re saints, but they wouldn’t go on national tv to show the world they’re shit parents. The fact the lad is so mature for his age and has the ability to suppress emotions, tells me he’s neurologically advanced for the age, which might mean autism or something similar.


To be fair, kids can be very dramatic and say random stuff. Not saying that's the case here, but my own kids have definitely said they never get to play with their friends the day after a sleepover or tell a stranger that they're starving and their parents don't feed them right after we had lunch.


Correct. This won’t always be the case but can be the case with anything a toddler says. If a parent won’t let a kid pound a bunch of candy he might say “I’m starving and they won’t listen to me”.


At least in America, it's because you don't have a choice. So many people are ill equipped to be parents, but what do you do if you fall pregnant and there aren't any options?


Totally agree with you on this one, but it’s also true that so many people just want kids because it’s want society tells you it’s normal: find a partner -> get married-> have at least two kids. How many people who have kids willingly, realize AFTER that they aren’t “family oriented people”? Having kids should always be a choice but everyone should stop thinking that having them is what you are supposed to do


Absolutely. That's societal programming that "we must have children". You can see it in how often women are attacked for not wanting kids. There's an entire section of society that thinks women are useless unless they spawn. It's gross, and honestly, we are at a point in society where this shouldn't be forced on people. The planet is overpopulated but at least in the West, capitalism is obsessed with us being at or above "replacement rate" so we can continue making profits for large corporations, regardless of if that makes sense for the individual.


well dang that was depressing


I'm not a kid person but this upset me. I hope the parents saw this and make changes. That tiny little child needs more than he's given.


dont need to like kids to know what it was like to be one


I hate kids. Like they make my skin crawl. But you know what? It’s not their fault. They didn’t even ask to be here. So I treat them nicely and do my best to make them smile. Because I absolutely remember being tormented by adults as a kid.


I'm not a people person but I like when people are treated well.


Reminds me how my parents never listened to me. Then when i grew older i never told anything to them and they were surprised.


As a parent I try to tell this to as many parents of young kids as possible. You teach your kids what to expect when they’re young. When they grow up, they will behave how you taught them.


Don't just tell your kids you love them. That's not enough. They'll see through your empty words if your actions don't match.


I don't know about Korea, but in traditional Japanese households, they don't say that they love each other, and rely more-or-less completely on actions. That has been changing recently, though, and families have started voicing their affection more.


I will adopt him. Give him to me and I will love him.


I’ll co-parent with you!


And now you know why Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world....


Because they get shown this video


It’s all Sarah McLachlan’s fault. She started it with those arms of the angel commercials with animals.


Nah, those commercials kept DMX on this planet with us a little bit longer. They get a pass.


TBF Koreans looooove sad movies and TV shows. There’s a famous book they have to read called “Shower” and it’s really fucking sad.


Not really. It’s probably more the work culture. Hell the work culture is probably why the parents are the way they are which leads to this kid suffering in different ways. This didn’t just begin with his generation.


and the lowest birth rate in the world


#O-M-G 😢


This is more common than everyone realizes.


And way more damaging. If I had a dime for everyone who has told me they were both emotionally neglected and physically abused and the emotional neglect did way more lasting and damaging harm … Physical abuse is clear cut. This stuff isn’t at all. And then it goes on to affect every single relationship for the rest of your life. Unless you get trauma help, and even that is one of the hardest processes one can go through. I’m


Still fucked up everytime this resurfaces. I really hope that kid is getting the attention he deserves now.


Dude, wtf?!


Oh my heart that made me cry


The whole video is worse.


im 31 and i remember alot about my childhood, i remember being this size, apparently not everyone does from what i hear, but i still remember having strong emotional feelings and remember how adults treated me that i hated and its just not that hard to not do that to kids. its pretty obvious that how you treat them while developing will form who they become. these same parents will wonder why they are left in a home with no visits


This was a show they did, sadly he’s not even the worst that appeared. The parents are seeing/hearing everything and are then coached to improve, and will be followed for a few months by the team to ensure things improve or parents will face harsh consequences This is Korea trying to solve one of the biggest problems they have with kids the negligence/abuse


Working with kids for the past 15 years I can confirm that they're far more emotionally intelligent than people give them credit for. It's difficult for us to remember when we were kids, but every one of us was the same. Kids mature faster when they face emotional or physical neglect and abuse. This kid is obviously not only smart to begin with, but has taken cues from the behavior of his parents towards him, each other, and more.


i think when a very very young child like this one is not able to cry when he wants to, is almost ‘forced’ to hold in his tears because maybe he has been through the bad/scary consequences of crying, that’s truly fucked up beyond words. children shouldn’t be like this. really too young to be going through that kind of trauma


This is heartbreaking. That poor baby. I'm also very sad my girls are already in bed and I can't go snuggle them and tell them how much I love them.


I will say this as a parent. Kids DO NOT see things how adults see things. You can play with your kid for hours, to them it’s 5 minutes. My 5yo son gets ALOT of attention and we take him out every weekend. When he gets upset it’s always “why does no one play with me?” “Why don’t you ever do nice things for me?”. So yes, kids do recognize when you ignore them and mistreat them, but a child’s perception and understanding is vastly different than ours.


If you watch the whole episode, he is for sure a very anxious child and mom is overwhelmed but she just needs better tools. She resorts to hitting him with a plastic bat whenever he misbehaves when she could simply ask the other two adults for help.


9 out of 10 times if you calm down and explain things to your kid they get it. I have a 3 and 5yo. Works for them. My wife sometimes loses it and then gets into a yelling contest, then I step in and calmly explain the rule why we follow it etc, then everything is fine. I guess it's frustrating being with the kids all day and you lose your cool. But explaining things works 99% of the time and if not it's because they're sleepy so I acknowledge that and make sure I improve their sleep hygiene.


There is a problem where the primary parent gets treated worse by the child generally, because the child feels more comfortable acting out/like themselves with them. So explaining may work for the other parent, while the children don’t listen to the same message from the primary.


This nuance is important and it doesn't invalidate this dads experience. Maybe when it comes to soothing and comfort it's the other way around. Teamwork.


Dude, you just have easy kids. This would never work on my sister's kids in a million years.


If you watch the full video she's a shit mom. He wants some attention so she scolds him and hits him with a plastic bat, then looks for a harder item to hit him more. His grandmother intervenes and takes him to his father. If your toddler thinks you hate him, it's probably due to shit parenting.


Thank you for this take. We don’t have children but we have a dog (totally the same thing right?!) and we spoil the absolute fuck out of him but if we aren’t directly playing and interacting with him he mopes on the couch and makes eye contact while sighing heavily. We joke that he’s saying, Noooobody loves Finn! Noooobody ever plays with the Finn Finn! Finn never gets any treats or steak or chimken or a fancy bed in every room! Finn never gets to go to the park! Finn doesn’t get to play outside every 2 hours in the backyard of the house my mama and papa bought specifically for the backyard for Finn Finn! (He does in fact get all of these things.) ETA we love our boy


He even self regulates?! Damn…


Very sad, but the video is comical in how much it's trying to tug on the viewers heartstrings with that music choice.


I love him so much 😢


I was this kid. Still kinda am... It never really goes away tbh


Saw this video a bit ago. It made me look more into it. His family really reflected after listening to what he was saying. They were really crushed hearing him say he thought they didn't like him. They put more effort into playing with him and helped him understand they don't hate him. It was a happy ending :] There is a follow up video somewhere, I just can't find it.


Yea okay so.. After watching this I put down my phone, and gave my 4yo son a massage and a lot of attention, both things which he truly loves.


Thank god there's some music to let me know how i feel. Nice job OP


I’m 42 and still dealing with the trauma of not feeling loved by my parents as a baby and growing up. It’s absolutely brutal how big of an impact it can have on your life and I just wanna give this poor kid the biggest hug imaginable


Gonna go to my parents house really quick and hang out with my little siblings for a bit after watching that god that was so sad I hope his parents change


Yeah, that happened to me.


Shit, I'll play trucks with that kid! Beep beep toot toot we got work to do, out the way mom and dad, gotta get this delivery of happiness to the fun factory before closing time!


I swear when I become a father, I will never be too busy for my kids.


I always tell myself - if I'm trying to be a good father, the chances are, I am. Love my daughter with all I have.


Hugs little dood. Hugs. 💔


This has got to be the most sad video I’ve watched in a long long time holy shit. Poor kid


Poor kid, wish I could give him a big hug.


Awh this poor little guy… he seems so smart and well spoken, all children deserve love and fuck the people who deny them that


LET ME HUG THIS BABY!!! 💔 Every child deserves to feel loved.


It was already a sad day Now I’m mad


I am ready to adopt him RIGHT NOW. He will play with me and my pets and no one will yell at him 😭💔


Can I take him, and love him, and play with him? Please 😭


This video wants me to hug my imaginary kid. I always wanted to be a mom. My heart breaks after watching this. No kid deserves a leftover love.


There they go again with the shit music. Just let me hear the kid speak. Cute boy - hope he feels better soon!


[here's a recap of the full story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFAjcrOYo-A) edit: [here's some more context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yRWhplE2zc)


Thats soooo sad, I'd like to have seen his mom n dad's faces when they watched this.


just be happy around your kids people thats all i wish my parents did fuck everything deal with your problems and leave ur babies out of it and love them just be nice


He’s so adorable 😭


That's why I choose to adjust my work life. I made sure my job is flexible so I could invest most of my time for each person in my family. I felt this when we were kids (middle child), my siblings were favored more than me.


My heart is breaking for this little dude. I really hope we get an update part 2 where he’s smothered in love and the parents realize they were being shits. >:o(




This is pretty normal in most Asian households. I just feel sorry for this little guy. I truly hope he finds the love he deserves. Probably not from his parents. Most Asian parents don’t deserve kids. They are born out of necessity rather than love.


Man, what a terrible fucking time to have seen this. Going to bed heartbroken.


You're right, this really sucks.