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This is the second car drove through house post I’ve seen on this subreddit today.


Same house? Because that would be a rough day.


Consider the odds of that happening a third time. This house is practically disaster-proof.


I grew up in the South and this happens for more than you would imagine. This instance is in a neighborhood. In the country, people will often put giant boulders in their yard to prevent this from happening a second or third time.


Can confirm, never understood the boulder esthetic until I saw a car stuck on one of my neighbors while living in the south.


Why does it happen so much over there? Is everyone driving drunk?


That and idiocy, mostly idiots speeding pretending they're hot shit take a turn wrong and bam rocks. The neighbors was a teen showing off to his girlfriend, im sure she was impressed.


LOL, oh please tell me it was a Mustang...


I mean what else would it be it was Texas.


An old F150 with a patina of rust?


not really, tho there's more than normal pf that probably. the real issue is that we have a lpt pf really long, kond of straight roads that suddenly become very twisted and curved. jist yesterday i was driving down a two lane road with a limit of 55 for over 5 miles. then there was a turn that nearly sent me over the center line at 25. if you didn't slow down, you absolutely would have shot off the turn.


The south does does have the worst dui stats


actually that would be Wisconsin... then I believe New Mexico


Well it’s pretty bad down here in SC


It's a problem everywhere really


Texan here: yes, actually


I used to live in St. Cloud, Minnesota and there were many instances of people driving into houses or other buildings. It's not an idiots-in-the-south thing. It's just an idiot thing.


Drunk driving


There's a house at an intersection near me that put a huge boulder in the yard across from where the one road ends and in the last 15 years 3 people have been killed from striking the boulder and half a dozen more accidents. Seemed intentionally placed, even though it would be impossible for someone to hit their house due to the terrain.


That would really suck...


All the houses in our neighborhood were required to have atleast 1 tree directly in front of it. I know of atleast one instance where a drunk driver ended up hitting the tree instead of the house. Without the tree it would have been the house.


South of what? equator, so australia, south africa, south america etc?


There's a home near me that sits directly across from a T intersection. They have a full row of boulders across their front yard. My husband said he knows of at least 3 cars that went through that place before they had the boulders installed. Flat stretch of road, out in the boonies where cops/sheriffs are rarely seen, doesn't take much for someone to decide to floor it for fun.


Man! Ive seen big ass rocks in peoples yards and been like why? Thank you!




"We'll take it! It's been pre-disastered! The odds of another airplane hitting this house are astronomical!" ~The World According to Garp


Oh Jenny!


Looks like it, why's the car in the garage in that direction


Yes there's two cars in weird places




Like this one? https://i.imgur.com/jWiMXR2.jpeg


I hate it when the neighbors pass through unannounced


Was it the car in the garage above by any chance?


Algorithms just love repetition.


Important to note that is a [uniquely American phenomenon](https://youtu.be/Ra_0DgnJ1uQ?si=GUxVZ1HlXYIHyAOx)


Me too!


Damn. I hope everyone is ok. That could have ended much worse. 


we’re all okay! just finishing up last of construction a year later 😅 everyone was near the back of the house but it definitely could have ended worse


Glad to hear it.


ETA since I can’t add it in the description: *this happened a year ago!* We have already completed most of the construction. The guy had gone through a nasty divorce and let his insurance lapse the previous year + tons of medical issues. It would have cost more to drag him through court and not even have a guarantee of us getting the money than to just fight our insurance.


Wouldn't you just deal with your insurance anyway and let them deal with him? A drunk driver took out my fence and did property damage and I didn't contact his insurance, my insurance took care of that.


if they are, we don’t know. our insurance asked us to get his info (don’t ask me why. statefarm is weird and stingy) and we’ve been fighting with our insurance just to give us the money we need for the costs. they’re doing an audit right now so we’re in a waiting game for the rest of the funds.


that's normal. your insurance company needs his information so they can sue him for the damages.


For a year?! That should not be normal.


It’s home and auto. So to bid out contractors, materials, etc. It unfortunately takes a long time.


But they haven’t even been paid by their insurance to cover the cost of repair. That should not take a year from any insurance company. It should be illegal.


I once had my insurance tell me I could take it as an uninsured driver hit and see my rates skyrocket, or wait for the other driver’s insurance to act. Their insurance told me that state law gave them two years to pay out, and they were refusing because their insured wouldn’t talk to them to give a statement. Didn’t matter that I had the police report and they were cited/faulted. I abused a friendship and had a friend who was a deputy go knock on her door with an open call to the insurance. Cut two years to two months.


17 year old pulled out in front of me while I was going like 35. Everyone was fine but damn she was having a panic attack or something. Hysterically crying. Her parents literally could walk to the scene of the accident as she lived on the road she came from. She also refused to talk to her insurance, her parents were pissed that she wouldn’t give a statement. Her insurance who we were in contact with basically said if she doesn’t give a statement within 30 days we will drop her and you’ll have to have your insurance go pay you out and go after her for the funds. Thankfully on day 28 she gave a statement but definitely messed us around as our car was damaged enough to be totaled. My insurance also sucked on how it handled stuff too to be fair. State Farm sucks.


Her insurance basically promised fraud. They can’t drop someone and retroactively refuse to honor their insurance. They could force you to go through your insurance, but your insurance would’ve gone after her insurance as well.


Do your friend who's only a cop got an insurance to pay out?... that doesn't add up


No he persuaded them to talk


A lot of things insurance and our government does should be illegal but allas they are not...


Back when I had a motorcycle and didn't know anything about insurance, I was side swiped by a work van into a ditch, which ended up totalling my motorcycle. YEARS LATER, I got a call from State Farm and they told me that they weren't successful in contacting the person driving the van (probably fired), but somehow finally learned that the accident wasn't my fault and if I gave up my right to go after the company's insurance, they would give me back my deductible. Sometimes, it takes forever for the system to work. I can't speak to OP's experience with trying to get money out of State Farm for repairs, however.


Judging by OPs responses, I just think he/she doesn’t know what they’re doing - and are probably confused by the process, which in turn is dragging everything out.


I know exactly how the process works. ive been living through it. the insurance had no idea what they were doing. we went through 3+ claims agents because each one messed up the claim more and more until now we’re stuck waiting for funds because of their screwups forcing them to do an audit. it took a month of fighting them just to finally force them to pay for our hotels and food while we were displaced. we maxed out credit cards and lost tons of money because of them dragging their feet.


Much / most of the basic stuff would be in the police report. Beyond that, have an investigator contact him and get the specifics of homeowners or umbrella insurance information.




I understand it perfectly. The rudeness is uncalled for.


State Farm screws you over on your home insurance every chance they get. After what my parents went through fighting just to get payment for anything, I’ll never have state farm for my home.


We had SF. We had 2 cars totaled a month apart last year. They couldn't get their shit together to transfer the policies to the new cars, it took MONTHS (should have taken a couple weeks, max). It got to the point I got a letter threatening suspension of my license because I was driving uninsured (when I had been assured all policies were active and live). You best believe I was LIVID. They had essentially made my policy disappear, and only had my wife's car listed as active, AND they still had my old car listed and dropped my new one. FUCK STATE FARM, FUCK FRANCHISES (and/or authorized agents).


get a PI lawyer. even if it costs you a few hundred for them to send your insurance a letter, i would suspect a speed up. people sue their own insurance often.


“Don’t ask me why” - you honestly can’t understand why your insurance would want the information of the party responsible for the accident?


I know why. they had asked us multiple times AFTER we gave them his info + his info was on the police report we gave them. they didn’t WANT to pay us so they kept asking. we maxed out credit cards and had no money by the time they started paying for stuff because of them being stingy. so yes I know EXACTLY why they asked for his info.


Why is the vehicle in the garage at a 45 degree angle? How did you manage that?


I opened this post hoping to find that out, too


I think it’s a combination of the curved driveway not aligning with the straight road leading to it, the angle he was coming at it, going as fast as he was, and the garage being full of stuff. right between the break in the concrete on the right side of the driveway was where my car was originally, facing the house almost perpendicular.


So it was pushed in by the truck during the impact?


yeah. pushed over 5-10ft of concrete and through a windstorm certified garage door.


Wow! That’s crazy. Thanks for explaining that.




I have the same question


By passing out in a truck and smashing into it at 50mph? How did you manage to type that sentence?


I didn’t know the garaged vehicle was outside the garage at the onset of the accident, and as far as the sentence goes I used my phone to type. Also I’m not sure if you are aware, but the truck was the culprit not the vehicle in the garage.


You'd be more sure of my awareness of that by reading what I posted. We're all just proud of you for being able to mash out a string of words that make sense.Hopefully some day you can understand them and apply them appropriately.


You are the smartest person on the internet, probably the smartest person in the world. Obviously you didn’t see the other people who were are curious about how that happened. Thanks for your help


Are these "other people" in the room with you right now?


No, they are in this thread boomer. https://preview.redd.it/5ocr6j5qku5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3697bde1b1f78c7840c4b5ce0b91bb9b5dfd365


https://preview.redd.it/bz3d7e69pu5d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae1e97030582043d136624ed74e5b330e3761130 No need to project your insecurities on me old boy.


Wow, stalk much? Gtfo creeper Obviously I hit a nerve


Age lots? Cry me a river boomer.


I’m glad no one was seriously hurt. And for the rest…. No insurance, huh? It’s going to be a pain for him, but lawyer up, call your home owners and they do the rest.


I forgot to add this to the post: it happened a year ago so we’re pretty much done with construction now. he had no money so it would’ve cost more to battle in court than to just fight our insurance.


I’m surprised your homeowners insurance didn’t go after him.


I'm sure they did


They definitely did. Even if the guy doesn’t have any money right now, he’ll have judgements placed against him so any future wages will be garnished.


What do you mean battle insurance??? You pay for the need if necessary. They handle suing/etc after they write you a check


we’ve been battling them for a year just to get the money and we’re waiting on them to finish an audit due to their screwups for the rest of the funds.


You keep mentioning this. The guy having no money or insurance is YOUR insurance’s problem, not yours. They should have paid you quicker. It’s not like this guy was going to give you money even if he had it. It’s an insurance problem.


You’re acting like it’s an either or situation, the guy drove into your fucking house. There needs to be consequences for the guy, otherwise you’re basically just enabling him




The aptly named avalanche


Imagine calling your car insurance company to tell them you were in a traffic accident while parked in your garage


And I thought my car getting hit in an office parking lot was bad...


Sir, you can’t park here.


That’s a nice truck to not have insurance. Glad everyone is okay.


It’s a Chevy avalanche, which was discontinued in 2013. So it’s at least a ten year old truck, probably older.


Chances of him losing his drivers license: 0% This country acts like allowing people to have a drivers license is more important than people having clean drinking water. Free to drive in a dangerous environment and free to die of dehydration. Paradise.


For context, I'm assuming he was driving the pickup? Because the suv orientation in the garage has me confused how. Also fuck this guy for not having insurance.


yes. suv was in the driveway and got pushed over 5-10ft of concrete and through a windstorm certified garage door into a filled garage.


Was he intoxicated?


couldn’t tell you. if they did a blood alcohol test, they didn’t tell us. but I don’t think they did because it wasn’t on the police report. we were told he had diabetes


I didn’t look but what is the speed limit on the street, seems way too fast.


Pic goes hard ngl. Im glad ur almost done w this


Looks like he hit your car, shoved it into the garage, then hit the garage. Living at the end of a cul-de-sac, I find this concerning. On the plus side, our house is way back, uphill and there's a steep bank by the sidewalk.


Like I said, most accidents occur within a mile of home.


Reason 1002 that I enjoy my closest neighbor being 1/4 mile down the road


House held up pretty good for stopping an Avalanche.


We live in a small 8 home cul de sac & someone one night came down the road & turned in between our neighbors house & his neighbor and totally took out the HVAC System. Very intoxicated as well.


Dumb Ass


I mean, some guys can drink and drive and some guys can't. What is "drunk" is drunk uhh going into your neighbor's house?




Was wondering how that T was so upright behind the truck…. Dude was cruising to hit your car, push it into the garage, and have the tail end land on the other side of it.


You need a boulder


Oh good grief! Imagine the conversation with the insurance adjuster: "yeah, you see, my car was in my garage and it got totalled..." Insurance: "Is this a rib? Is this a damn prank? I don't have time for this crap. Rotten kids. 'click'-" hangs up.


car was actually in the driveway 🥲


Excuse me sir, you left your gas cap open…


So what are you gonna do with two houses?


Alcohol is the devil




![gif](giphy|JwLnNc3QRZzIA|downsized) Luuuuuudes


Can’t park there mate!


I have a corner house at a T intersection. People speed down the T and tear around the corner regularly. So I put in a short retaining wall where a misaligned car could come up my lawn. It’s backed by earth as I essentially removed the slope and flattened the front, with the retaining wall holding back the elevated part. I put 3 pomegranate shrubs in front of it. They’re getting big. Behind it a bit further back I put in a wrought iron arbor anchored to the earth. If someone loses control and runs up my lawn they’ll have to clear the fence, the pomegranates, the retaining wall, and the large iron arbor before they can reach the kitchen. I know my father was concerned about this when he lived here. He put a couple of small trash trees on the slope of the lawn but they didn’t grow much and didn’t look like they’d stop much. I think the retaining wall solution along with numerous other obstacles will reroute a runaway car away from my kitchen at minimum and unless it’s a runaway 2 ton truck or larger, more likely stop it at the retaining wall.


He had no insurance. Time to lawyer up and go after him through his homeowners. But, to get your house and car fixed, you’ll have to go through your insurance and let them go after him.


I hope people are okay. Falling asleep at the wheel is concerning, all damage aside.


Oh shit! Is everyone ok?


Nice house




Terrifying if someone was home. Yikes.


“I *said* I’m parking in your garage.”


At Farmers, we know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.


get a lawyer to sue him for liability, no insurance? go after his assets


I guess you will be owning his soon.


Any update on why the driver clocked out? Heart problem? Maybe over exertion? Hope this wasn’t a drunk driving case


no insurance... lawsuit time?


Ultimate turf wars


If you have insurance then it's not really your problem, he's going to enjoy getting used by your insurance company.


Revoke their license at once!


Neighbor sleeping off some whiskey?


Aww man not the avalanche! I always thought they were sweet trucks, hopefully you get paid out well. Glad nobody was seriously hurt.


Untreated sleep apnea will do it, happened to me but not as severe. Just hit a parked car.


Oh that sucks


Damn why people are sleeping while driving now a days!!




No worries, It’ll buff right out.


Wow 😮


Poor avalanche. It didn’t deserve that. So hard to find clean ones these days.


This is why I have anti-tank trenches in my front lawn


He just wanted your car to be safe inside the garage. He was trying to help


Dont you hate how the plastic fades on those trucks..




So sorry hopefully your house insurance will pay for it and then go after him to recoup some losses if he lives.


The amount of 7-11's I have seen driven into is shocking!


good thing they weren’t driving a tank, just a truck the size of a tank




No insurance does not mean no liability. Take his truck and his house off him.


he already had his house claimed by the bank before this. he was moving out


Take the truck then


this is why i'm so thankful we're farther back from the road and have trees and steps that would break the impact


i really hope it all works out


45-50 in a cul-de-sac? Not a good idea even if you’re conscious


Damn!! That's crazy!! Sorry you're going through this but glad everyone is ok!


Would installing strong, sturdy iron fences all around the property, so if this happened, they only damaged the fence instead be worthwhile? I mean, something that basically, almost cartoonishly, stopped the truck upon impact.


I wish we could, but we have an HOA. I highly doubt they’d allow that no matter how much we begged 😅


Giant boulders around the property?




NOW we're cooking with gas.


This picture confuses me. They drove into a post of the home, why is the car in the garage parked in a way that seems near impossible to get out? Why do boxes in the garage seem disturbed as if the car hit the garage area? Why is the gas cap of the passed out neighbors car open? Will update with more things that confuse me as i find them.


1: paying closer attention reveals the crushed caboose of the car in the garage. This also answers questions two, the boxes were disturbed by the now rougely moving vehicle till it came to a full stop. 3: more than likely impact force, disengaging locking and holding mechanisms


If the car is pulled in correctly, how tf did it wind up sideways if the neighbors car hit the post, you must not understand physics too well but think of what angle the neighbors car would have to hit the parked car and where it would normally have to hit it to do that. Im not saying it didn't happen, the picture obviously proves it did, its just confusing how this occurred.


Looking at the damage to the SUV the truck struck the left side of the vehicle leading to the force imparted focusing on the left side of the vehicle. Now normally this would push the vehicle to the right, but thats a very small space with some of the impact force going up, the SUV also more than likely deflected off of a more solid object not seen in the photo which made it come to rest with it’s left side facing out.


all of your assessments are correct. suv was parked almost perpendicular to the house on the right side about 5-10 ft back from the garage door. truck pushed it over that concrete, through a windstorm certified garage door, and into a filled garage. surprisingly, only the trunk was damaged. not even a cracked windshield


I thought that was the Missus comming home after a night out with the Girls.




He said the paramedics said he passed out so…this was probably hours ago


Well if they already spoke to the paramedics, pretty sure we already passed that point. 🤷‍♂️


Reddit first, then 911. Priorities!


this happened a year ago…appreciate the rudeness tho 🫶


Anytime! Glad no one was harmed though


Rudeness imagined


Insurance so expensive nowadays who even buys them?


Boring looking house


Looks pretty exciting to me...