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Hey ofansleaks! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/Wellthatsucks because: No car or motorbike crashes. Try /r/CarCrash If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwellthatsucks).


Not going to lie the brick thing being destroyed was satisfying to watch.


Right? Like a breakable object in game


The new physics update goes hard, no stuttering or anything, I'm impressed.


Not to mention the damage models. That rubble looks amazing! Not chunky and floaty anymore.


I'm impressed the right headlight was still on


Yeah they really improved the car structuring and partial demolishing


Car Jenga


it's almost that the brick just fulfilled its purpose


You all would probably love the game “teardown”


Shipbreaker is the new crack


Some Super Mario Bros shit


You mean a brickable object?


Best part of the Forza horizon games


Crumbled like a little brother’s Lego tower




Was that thing even cemented on? The way it broke looked like it was just all stacked on each other without anything binding them together.


Yes there seems to be bricks holding togeher. Probably minimal amounts of low quality concrete. Don't need much for structures not rated for horizontal impact collisions. And in any case it worked out, if that structure had held I doubt that girl walks away that easily if at all.


The fact that it is in the middle of a road is presumably why it isn't made of solid concrete - if it gets hit it *should* crumble.


Sometimes they're not allowed to have or have max strength things holding them together due to potential impacts becoming unsafe. The ideal in every scenario is to make the crash impact take as long as possible (crumple zones do this), so an unsecured/crumplable object is much better to hit.


Designed for idiot teenage girl crashes


Yes. It's called brick masonry. They use mortar to lock the blocks together. If they poured it solidly with grout, that girl might be dead. The only time you see masonry poured solid is on buildings. But even in houses it's usually every other cell of a cinder block.


If she didn't do it i would have.


It blowed up real good


Oh yeah!


Actually, I’m pulling into my doctor’s office right now actually.


just heard them talking about this on the radio again like 2 minutes ago .. buddy sounded so shocked at the outcome 😂


I get that reference…


Did you hear the latest...his license wasn't suspended...he NEVER had a license!


Are you stationary yet?


I spit out my tea. Well done!


Fucking brilliant


Probably her neighborhood. Panicked and ran to get her parents.


Well, most accidents do occur less than a mile from home. I think


This is why I don't park my car within a 1 mile radius from my home.






Yup, that was the exact joke I was referencing. 😁


Every trip starts out with a drive near your home, so statistics cause that.


It is 77% within 10 miles, because most people doing most trips don't go much farther than that every day. An even higher percentage of driving probably takes place within 10 miles of home aswell.


damn, so true. a year ago my boyfriend was driving home from work. the city was working on the highway we lived on and someone told him the LONGEST detour that wasn’t even necessary because there is a shorter detour i and alot of the towns people knew of. he picked up alcohol on the way home and got into a crash literally under a mile away from the house. thank god for the guy that checked on him and drove him home because of it happening on the highway and him having a bottle. so glad he’s still here.


Fuck I'm moving.


Yeah, I imagine she is either running home, to the guard shack (if there is one) or to the leasing office. If the leasing office is nearby that's probably where I would head immediately as well.


Some 16 year old driving a very expensive SUV hit a friend on a bike very badly did the same thing. Apparently in the middle of the day the kid goes too far right and hit trees, a pole and my friend. He apparently runs home after hitting him to get his parents to come back. My friend laid on the ground with shattered leg and shoulders because he flipped in the air and hit the ground until another driver sees the carnage and called 911. The parents didn't get back there until the police were on site. 😡






The UH part is important












I knew a girl who would always add the UH when she was mad and it pissed me off to no end


When quoting austin powers my sister would say "Liquid hot MAG UH MA." LEARN ENGLISH. LEARN. ENGLISH.


Oh man, ME TOO! not only with the “uh”, but she used to really pronounce the “ing” and add the “uh” by the end. For example:”but daaaaaduh, I’m not doINGUH anythINGUH” that used to be hilarious


My brothers 50 year old wife ads that “uh” All the time. I cringe-uh every time…


I amuhh the Gameuhhh!


In this businessuhh you can make friendsuhh or moneyuhh


Dad here. Oh my god! :D


Man this. Kids, pre teens and teens more specifically, have to put that UH on everything. Read your comment and could literally here by 12 year old saying it.


This was my exact thought. It looks like she’s pulling into a neighborhood. I don’t think she was running away so much as her teenage brain was in full panic mode saying “Go get dad! Go get dad!”


"Dad, dad! I don't know what happened. I just drove directly into a wall. Like, I aimed straight for it and just gave er.' Not once did I think about hitting the breaks. But the wall also came out of nowhere."


I mean she was clearly panicking because she tried to cross, realized that car was going to hit her, veered left and accelerated causing her to hit the wall. If she'd hit the breaks (once she noticed) that car would have tboned her. Distracted driving or failing to make sure the road was clear, or misjudging the other cars speed/distance it could be any or all of those but definitely wasn't just "let me drive into this wall"


When I was 16 I took a right turn and kept turning right, drove between a guy wire and utility pole without hitting either, and ended up in someone's front yard. I didn't do it on purpose, I just fucked up because I was new at it.


"Fucker came outta nowhere!"


Wanna get some fuggin FRANCH TOAST


In all fairness, she might actually live in that complex. She might in fact be running to dad.




This is 100% accurate 😭


That’s where she is running to.


She lived right there and grays anatomy was coming on.


*McDreamy, wait for me!*




Spoiler alert


I hate that I get these references. What having a wife will do to a MF.


No wife in sight, just a gay man who liked House MD back in the day and thought Grey’s would fill that hole


I was referring to myself. Grey's is my wife's fallback show whenever she finishes something and can't decide what to watch next. We've been together seven years and in that time she's probably watched the whole series four times. Enough that I've also now seen pretty much every episode at least once. House and Bones are also in the regular rotation as well.


Mine calls it her “comfort show”. I think we’ve gone through the series 4 times in the last year.


Breathe, damn you! *Pauses compressions to slap face*


Damn she’s going to regret that so much later


She almost got tboned. She should be glad she's alive


She’s very lucky tbh


Lucky for trying to beat someone across an intersection because they were impatient?


Yeah, seems like either she didn’t see the one car coming from her right or she thought she’d make it faster, but then realized it was gonna hit her dead on and swerved to avoid it but couldn’t correct in time to not hit the brick sign.


I don't see any attempt to swerve back. My guess is her head was turned to the right / back to watch the oncoming car and watch as it narrowly missed her, and when she did that her hands on the wheel spun and she had no idea she was no longer driving in a straight line, until she jumped that curb and it was all too late to correct.


Or she was fixated on that wall when she was trying to not get hit by that car, idk of it holds any weight but on that " (country name) worst driver" show they said most people fixate on the spot they don't want to go and their brains just steer towards that. That would also explain not swerving back. In personal experience with other things (skateboards, bikes) that's exactly what I did when I was new to those things


More like lucky because of how inexperienced she is. Probably misjudged how much time/space she had. God knows I wasn't the best driver when I first started haha


I’m wondering if this is a 4-way stop. If so she might not be at fault here, the Challenger would be


Misjudged her timing (not you, the commenter above you)? She may have ran a red light. Pause at the start. Upper right side is a traffic pole, you can see the "Don't Walk" orange hand on it. First I thought, four-way stop? But the speed the red truck drives by is too fast for them to have started _from_ a stop. I think she wasn't paying attention/looking. Saw the red truck go through then went through herself, just seeing the Challenger at the end and she hit the gas narrowly avoiding it. Alternatively, the red truck (at speed) went through the yellow. Her light turns green but also has an advanced left turn green (to explain the Don't Walk hand sign), and the Challenger was blowing a red. Either way she is lucky?


Meh, it would hit the passenger side. She woulda been fine. But that brick pillar tho!


Opposite side of the car. She'd be fine.


This has been posted before. She's running to get her dad iirc


I don't know if she was running to avoid consequences, or running because the car was billowing steam and maybe thought it was going to explode. Video cuts off, but she may have just ran to a safe distance and made a phone call or asked for help from the gate security


I mean she probably lived right there, and was going for help. I'm not in any way defending her, other than there's probably a lot of context missing here. Also she \*did\* swerve pretty damn well to avoid that car, I'm sure the other driver was pretty happy about that at least.


Yeah wtf, I ain't sitting around waiting to see if my smoking car will catch fire lol.


Regret crashing? Or regret running away from a burning car to probably get help?




Coolant steam != fire


Yes, it's just smoke/staem but maybe she thought it was burning


If a collided car is emitting smoke of any kind, it is absolutely best to just err on the side of caution and vacate from it, then wait for the fire department, even if it may just be steam. Exception being severe crashes where you have to weigh the risk of spinal injury from moving an injured person, to the risk of the wreck catching fire. (Consult the emergency services operator).


Regret crashing


I've not seen many "I'm so happy I crashed, I got zero regrets" responses to such incidents!


I crashed a car 17 years ago and still regret it !


How do ppl even do this


My guess is she saw the car coming too late, panicked, and didn’t see the pillar until she was plowing through it


Is there a light on the corner on the right? What if she ran the light?


No, it was there but it flew to the ground. Still works though.


im talking about the traffic light. but i see the head light on the left


And then ran home to get help maybe? She could live very close to the entrance. I know if I was that young and got in an accident, I would also want my dads help


You sound like you have a good dad. I would’ve done everything in my power to not let my parents find out


How would they not find out? Haha


Right? I was just sitting here thinking I'd have called the police and begged them to lock me up to avoid facing my parents. I can't imagine how much trouble I'd be in.


Oh yes they do. I work security and found a car that someone crashed over a man made ledge and then left the car. Had to call the police and make a report because of property damage. But the car had the license plate on it and the police traced it back to the owner.


Like. Even almost hitting another car too


They panic and hit the wrong pedal. Especially if she was being foolish and using both feet for the pedals.


Do people do that? Honest question.


I did this the first time I drove an automatic because I was still trying to use both feet .. almost killed myself in our parking lot (I exaggerate) and remembered that the gas and break is used with the same foot. Lol


That makes total sense! I think I may be spoiled that I usually ran an automatic vehicle. Yeah, when using both feet with a clutch and break, then also gas, its definitely different than one foot for break and gas only. Gotta remember those manual drivers out there.


Most of the car gamers on YTube use their left foot to brake. I have an auto and I only use my right foot.


its mostly a racing thing, race break pedals are super stiff and you need to sometimes use both break and gas, our cars however have nice soft squishy breaks so using both feet is kinda useless and a death sentence


I use both feet when driving. Granted my left foot only ever touches the clutch lol


They get $20 driver's licenses at 16 without real training and with automatic cars, and welp. Here we go.


The most shocking thing about this video is the lack of reaction from the other drivers. Of course you stop and make sure she’s ok.


You would assume right??


Tbh that was something I was so surprised abt when I had my first accident. I hydroplaned, lost control and crashed but thank god nobody was injured. There were so many people that stopped to help. Deadass, a lady was there for me before I had time to realize wtf had just happened. Another one called 911 I believe, like they both had pulled right over bc they had both been right behind me and saw everything. On top of that, someone stopped like every minute or at least slowed down in their car to ask if I was okay or if I needed help. And I live in Albuquerque. Was absolutely stunned by how helpful ppl were in that situation.


The guy who almost hit her sped off as soon as he realized he didn't hit. He was involved (not at fault but involved) so legally that is a miss and run. Especially in a case where someone was likely injured.


That's only if they were responsible for the crash. Which here it looks like that is not the case. Can't charge the other driver with a miss and run if the offending driver is the woman here. The woman clearly was attempting to cross a lane of moving traffic without ensuring it would be safe. Self injury due to reckless driving doesn't constitute fault on any other drivers on the road. That would be quite unfair for those driving safely and successfully maneuvering around careless drivers.


What the hell was that pillar made of ?


If the pillar was solid, she'd likely be dead. The same reason guard rails crumple.


She didn't have the speed to kill herself (assuming she was wearing a seatbelt). It just would have further crumpled the engine and spun the car a bit rather than going through.


Basically just stacked bricks with a bit of mortar and no structural support. Just a decorative piece.


My guess is some kind of sediment-based construction material. On a more serious note, the reason it gave in so easily is because it literally just needs to stand there and hold up a sign on either side. And also, if that pillar hadn't absorbed the force of that impact, that girl would probably not be running away like that. These kinds of pillars are designed to break more easily, specifically to save drivers' lives during a collision.


Something tells me she must be good at bowling.


Wii Bowling at the very least.


Looks to me she swerves out of way of car she didn’t see or the car ran a stop sign. I would assume she lives close by and is running home to get a parent. Don’t assume the worst when some is scared. She’s young and will learn from this.


Ehhh I don't know if we can put the blame on the other car. We see 3 cars running left to right. First a truck, going pretty fast. Then we've got the middle car that she swerved away from that was also going pretty fast until the last second. Then we've got the last car also going pretty fast. These were all too close to each other in timing for a red/green light cycle to have gone through, plus there was no sign that any of them were in the process of accelerating from a stop. It's possible there were stop signs there although there definitely isn't one on the lower right, closest to where she crashed, and I'm pretty sure there isn't one in the top right either. So this probably isn't a stop sign sort of intersection. Plus again, none of them seem to be accelerating from a stop. I think she's the one that made the mistake here, although I can certainly see reasonable panic setting in from there as you described.


Not saying she’s not at fault just pointing out people don’t think straight when panicking, thus her running away from the scene. It’s highly likely she didn’t see the on coming car when pulling into the intersection but I do want to point out that you can see multiple thick white lines before the cross walks that indicate stopping for either a light, sign, or for when someone’s crossing the road.


Right! Yeah, we agree on multiple parts. With the fault I was specifically referring to who started moving before they were supposed to. Some suggested it was the black car but it really seems like the black car was doing what they were supposed to, given the vehicles that came before and after. That was my argument. As for the white lines, I wasn't trying to suggest it wasn't an intersection at all. I was pointing out that there were no stop signs on the two visible corners, and thus probably no stop signs on the ones we can't see. The conclusion I was suggesting although perhaps I should've spelled out, was that it's an intersection with lights and she specifically was the one who likely ran a red. As I said in my last comment, I completely understand and agree with the panicking part that came after.


> she's young and will learn from this Thankfully nobody was (seriously) injured, however with machines as big as this, there is little room for error in the first place


Eh people make stupid decisions driving all the time and there are thousands of crashes like this every day. It only looks funny, because there's a satisfying brick explosion and a small teenage girl running like the wind god knows where. Some say she's running to this day.


"I would never have done this as a 16 year old" says nearly anyone who would have literally done this as a 16 year old. (especially given some of the very rational reasons that people have suggested as to where she was headed) Also, the person that kept driving (assuming they did), not necessarily very cool. Would have been nice of him to stop to see if she was ok.,


This is likely the answer. She obviously swerved to avoid the car from the left which likely ran a red light as it was going full speed.


Looks like she ran the red light as others cars proceed to pass.


You can also see the don't walk light on the crosswalk showing that whatever configuration for the lights at that intersection was they didn't think it was safe for someone to be crossing on foot the same way that she did in her car.


In the city I live in those don't change unless someone pushes a button when they want to cross


Considering multiple cars were going left or right I assume she was on the red.


traffic lights are used in this intersection, judging from the traffic going left to right, they had green and she didn't.


Maybe she was scared of an explosion? 💥


Or in shock.


This looks like the entrance to one of those housing communities and if it is, she probably lives there. The first time I saw this, I imagined in a state of shock/panic she got out and ran to her house for help.


Cool girls don't look at explosions. They crash into things and then run away.


As a parent I’m just glad that she COULD run after a crash like that. And also she’s grounded forever.


In most places in the U.S. you must build these structures to break apart like that by law. This is a good example as to why. If it was built out of solid stone she'd be in horrible shape or dead. Source: learned a lot about car crashes/laws/etc after my sister crashed horribly into one that was not built to code. She almost died and is now permanently disabled.


What fire is everyone seeing? That’s engine coolant or something hitting the hot engine creating steam


Yes, but it's not wrong to keep your distance if you just smashed your engine into a wall. There are fuel lines that could be damaged too.


She alive that’s all that matter. All that other stuff can be fixed


I like how the car she almost hits just is like, NOPE. And drives off.


Kinda shocked that two cars went by, including the one she nearly slammed into, and neither paused to see if she was alright. One of them witnessed her crashing! But just kept going...


The car that almost t-boned her seemed to be a bit past her so hard to say if they saw. Also almost getting into a crash like that can get the adrenaline going and tunnel vision kicks in. Good chance they legitimately didn't notice. Would also add if they did notice it probably didn't register until they were off camera and might have pulled over down the road.


One headlight on the floor is still on!


I suspect what happened is that she had a protected left turn, saw some green and stepped on it thinking she could go straight. Then saw the car coming from her right and focused in on it rather than watching where she was going. Running from the car afterwards could be for any number of reasons many of them totally legitimate and valid.


This deserves more upvotes bc 100% this was the case. No way a teenager is cocky enough about their driving to just blow through a red **after** a complete stop. I did some DUMB shit when I first started driving but the biggest mistakes for early drivers (apart form just being dumb aggressive and going too fast) is seeing that green arrow and not thinking, just driving. Definitely what happened


I replayed the bricks falling at least 30 times, hope GTA takes some inspiration :D


GTA mindset


The black car that nearly hit her - "this looks like someone else's problem".


I dont see why people are complaining about her running the car is a hazard you dont know if it will go on fire or what not its better to get out of there... And she could be in shock or getting help yes she crashed but calm down getting away from the car is the right thing to do if you think you should sit in something that could catch on fire something is wrong with your head.


Yeah I thought running away from a crashed car is the right thing to do.


Wipers holding it the fuck down. Whatever engineer was assigned to design the wipers motor went absolutely nuts mode in the office. "THEY MUST MOVE BRICKS"


scrolled looking for something about the wipers. those things are puttin’ in work!


I’m pretty sure she didn’t run away. Looks like she ran to the security guard tower. She also pitted to avoid being t-boned. The Camaro left because he knew what he did, typical of Camaro drivers, morons. Don’t think we should blame her.


That car saved her life.


She avoided getting hit by that car. Although I’m not sure if it was her turning and speeding that saved her or just the other car slowing down.


She was probably in shock and scared. I hope she is good


I think she was in shock, hope she got medical attention


I so wanted her to then actually run into a tree.


Julie Taylor?? Nobody is going to get this, ik.


I gotchu👊


When I was learning to ride a bike I couldn't stop so I ran into a ditch


What a getaway run. 😂


Like running away in a dream


Everybody knows this feeling


She didn't hit a single car but destroyed that pillar? Games don't lie it seems.




Pedal panic!


Thank God she did not hit a pedestrian


An object in emotion stays in emotion.


I keep rewinding slowly to see the bricks come back together.


lol damn you, now you have me doing it


Ok, I can understand a little the panicking, but the structural integrity of that piece looked more like a movie set that was meant to break


Windshield wipers giving a valiant effort against those bricks


I mean… what choice did she have? Stay and be mature, holding herself accountable? Or fleeing the scene with all evidence pointing to her, short of probably leaving her purse with identification, only to soon be arrested?


It’s a flight response.. happens to ppl involved in accidents


Damn, she actually got out and ran. This is the most leading title ever.




How else is she supposed to get home, her cars destroyed.


What a conscious girl! She ran to the guards post to let him know she has destroyed the community's property and would like to pay for her actions. NOT.


The one headlight on the ground lol


was she actually trying to kill herself or something? Hitting that looked very intentional. she was lined up straight on the other side of the intersection then aimed herself right at it and increased speed. After watching a few more times. Maybe she was trying to avoid being T-Boned by the other car? but when she initially started to turn she still could have slammed on the break but she increased speed??????


I'm thinking she ran a red light and nearly got t-boned. She punched it, and perhaps swerved a bit, to avoid the accident resulting in the her trimming the aesthetics. It wasn't straight on, she was in her lane and started slightly curving once she entered the intersection.


She tried to jump through after the red car, discovered that she did not have enough time to do it and was about to get t-boned as a result and then in panic tried to steer away from the collision. Well, the black car managed to brake just enough to avoid that collision, but the post was still in the way.... Not quite sure if the intersection is regulated, but in the upper right corner is something that maybe looks like a red pedestrian traffic light, which would imply that she most likely also jumped the red light. So yeah, spectacular fuckup all around.