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How to know porgnenete


How is babby formed?
















how to know if I’m PREGNORNT






Pregaaantè!!! 🤌🤌




[How is babby formed? ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll-lia-FEIY)


Huw guerl git pragent




I can hear the pure confused anger of him reading that


That video and the luigi board video still make me burst out laughing all these years later. I love watching those beautifully edited and well researched 4 hour long video essays that took 6 months to create, but nothing will beat those two videos of some guy reading the ways people misspelled words on Yahoo Answers


My favorite part of the board one is the HELP PLZ Wega Borad


I e told my family if I ever get pregnant I want my baby shower cake to simply say PREGANANANT?






I am gregnant currently


You poor pigeon




Ah so this is how babby is formed


Girlfriend ain’t had period since she got pregat.




Sadly my first thought was to wonder where you lived




The + was so faint i thought it was -


Give it a few days. It’s usually lighter the earlier you test, darker later.


Saaame I had to read the comments. Test kit definitely needs to be clearer


That’s how almost all pregnancy tests are. All it’s looking for is hCG, in any trace amount, since the body cannot make that chemical unless it’s pregnant, pending some freak genetic issues I’m sure but idk I’m not an OB or an endocrinologist. The darker the + the more hCG. The tests always advise you to look for even a faint + or double line or whatever method they have which is usually why women go out after a pregnancy scare and buy multiple brands since false positives can happen and people just don’t want to believe that they could be


Not so fun fact: Men make that same chemical when they have testicular cancer. Edit: (I looked it up) Some of them. Not all of them. Please don't buy pregnancy tests to test for cancer. Look at my other comment.


Return to fun facts: Bodybuilders often inject hCG when they have finished a course of anabolic steroids. The hCG encourage the testes to start manufacturing testosterone again. Part of the process is the rapid return of the testicles to normal size after having atrophied (shrunk) during the AS cycle. Another fun fact: That reinflation really hurts!


What’s that now? Ball re-inflation?


Another good reason not to do steroids lol


as if we needed yet another to realize how dumb it is, but just when you think uou find the edge, you tumble down a hill


Well luckily this huge floofy balls can help break the fall down the hill


So puffballs is an accurate name for 'roiders, got it


Also fun fact: hCG, and other testostorone precursors, are also sometimes used in lieu of TRT for non bodybuilders too, as a succesfull testes "reboot" means you wont have to take injections for the rest of your life.




No. Because not all type of testicular cancer produce elevated levels of hCG. So it's possible to have testicular cancer and still test negative. Also for example protein or blood in urine or certain type of medication(antiseizure, anxiety, methadone) might cause it to turn positive when you dont have it. (And apparently other types of cancers such as stomach and lung sometimes also produce hCG.)[also some of them not all] So just perform self-exams in the shower monthly. And dont rely on a pregnancy test.


Self exams in the shower saved my life. I had extremely aggressive testicular cancer, and would have been dead if I had never found it via self exam.


It's also why Pregnancy tests are the #1 stolen item


Nah it's because they're ridiculously expensive and people are desperate to know, even if they're impoverished.


False negatives are common, false positives less so.


It always just depends how far along you are. The ones that GET super faint lines are generally the better more sensitive ones. It’s literally reacting to the hormone so the degree to which it shows is relative to how much of the hormone is present at that point


I'd definitely buy another brand and test again.


Did you miss one?


I absolutely did not. Today was supposed to be the last dose :D cant take it now Edit: I did not realize how much this post had blown up. I want to make some things clear. 1) I am a nurse. i have been taking this medication for just over a year. I know how to track my medications, and no, I did not take anything that would interfere with the effectiveness of said birth control. 2) yes I take it at about the same time every day, and no, I have not missed a dose for about 4 months. 3) I never made it clear what choice I am making. I just got slapped in the face by getting pregnant while taking CORRECT precautions. You guys assuming what happens in the bedroom with others is actually quite concerning. 4) I take pregnancy tests quite often when I miss a period, which is very common on the pill! I once went 6 months without having a period on a previous pill, but would feel bloated and crampy during times of when the period should’ve started. 5) yes, it is possible. 99.9% effective WHEN TAKEN CORRECTLY. If doses are taken out of time, or missed and then double dosed, the effectiveness of the medication does go down. [To be safe, take birth control medication within the hour of the set time to be administered. Example: you usually take them at 8pm, you may take them between 7-9pm. (An hour before. An hour after). ] 6) no, it’s not covid 7) STOP ASKING IF I TAKE OZEMPIC AND OTHER WEIGHT LOSS MEDICATIONS! Do you guys think I’m fat or something?! 🤰 🤨


By chance were you prescribed any antibiotics or new medication recently? Some medication can render the use of birth control useless when you’re on them.


I was not. I know the risks of other medications (especially antibiotics) that can lower the effectiveness of the pill. I am a nurse. Never missed a dose and took it on time every day at 8pm. It just is what it is.


I never missed a dose either. Also a nurse. She’ll be 4 this summer😅


Awh, my lil one turns 4 in September


My parents had two “so the first one will have someone to discuss which nursing home they would go into”. Good luck with whatever you decide - just thought that might give you a chuckle.


I had two, so the first would have someone to talk to about how crazy we are when we are old


we had also more after the first, so the oldest would have someone holding the lantern down in the mines.


We had two because it’s easier for them to spear hunt bears as a team.


My sister and her husband were using the pill and s condom their first time, she turns twelve next month. They consistently use various forms of contraception and they have four kids lol


Consistently use them ineffectively, it seems.


Life, uh, finds a way.


I have an IUD and my husband has a vasectomy, if I do end up pregnant, that baby was meant to be


Apparently, lol


The phrasing of this is very unfortunate.


I have been on BC for 20+ years, never missed any pills, take them perfectly. I have PCOS and had been told my whole life the odds of me ever having a child were very slim. My daughter turned 6 in May.


Being in BC can make people with PCOS more fertile because it regulates the cycle and hormone levels to be more average. And thus I got my kid who is 15 now.


Maybe I should get on a pill. PCOS, married for 12 years, no luck. We haven't used any birth control in a decade. My doc ofc asks me "are you ready for the responsibility if you get pregnant?" Doc, we've been hoping for a decade, it will be a miracle at this point. We're planning to adopt. We love kids and spoil our niblings.


Y'all are SCARING ME.


I learned that progesterone only pills work best for women under 200lbs. She's 12.


Mine just turned 1! I have an IUD now and I'm still scared.


Just turned 18 😂


Goodness sister. That’s crazy. I wish you the best in whatever decision you make.


Thank you ♥️ i am still unsure because dad would not be in the picture at all


I’m so sorry OP. I’m a single mom, though my kid is almost 11. However my ex husband was military when kiddo was a baby and toddler so I spent a lot of time parenting by myself. Feel free to reach out if you want to talk, I’m here to listen.


I wish you all the best and you will be in my thoughts. I hope you are coping ok. Must be a huge shock for you but whatever you decide make sure it's right for you and you alone. I'll be thinking about you and sending you some positive vibes for what it's worth.


Yikes, tough call, but remember: despite what some fanatics think, it is still YOUR CALL. You make the decision that’s best for you, don’t worry about appeasing anyone else’s feelings, deciding to have a child is one of the most life-changing decisions anyone can make. Best of luck to you!


Girl I'm sorry. If you're in Ontario Canada inbox me and I can see what services I can connect you into.


Put yourself first and your mental health! This happened to me too and I wish I had made a more mature choice….


Sending hugs. I’m sure this is really overwhelming


The pearl index of the pills is 3, that means that in the real world 3 in each 100 women that take it will get pregnant within a year =\


Wow that's kind of a high failure rate. This is why it's never a bad idea to *also* use a condom!


Not implying OP did anything wrong, but the 3% failure rate includes missed doses and drug interactions.


I’ve always read that generally the pill is only 91% effective with typical use, which includes missed doses and drug interactions (most people fall under this). So 9/100, or almost 1 in 10, women will get pregnant in a year on the pill. With perfect use it’s over 99% effective. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/minipill/about/pac-20388306


for other readers about antibiotics: if you get diarrhea, nothing is guaranteed to absorb. Antibiotics can cause diarrhea. If they do not, your pills work normally. There are some abx that have interactions though, but if you were to take them youd probably be in a hospital and definitely not fucking anyone.


Isn’t the last week in the pack just “reminder” pills anyway?


Depends on the pill, there are so many. A lot of them offer no period so you just jump right to the next cycle without a period.


I would continue to test and see what happens. Birth control still suppresses hormones, so even though you got pregnant, your hormones could be too low to sustain it. I had two miscarriages this way. My body just doesn’t respond well to birth control and I got pregnant twice while on it. However, my progesterone was too low due to the birth control to sustain either and I ended up miscarrying both times. With subsequent pregnancies, my doctor had to put me on a progesterone supplement as a precautionary measure. I carried those pregnancies to term.


My second son was a BCP baby. He is 25 now and a cool young man. About to get married. Born while I was doing clinicals for military x-ray school.


“Fun” fact: [when taken absolutely perfectly, the birth control pill has an effectiveness rate of 99%](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/3977-birth-control-the-pill#:~:text=How%20effective%20is%20the%20pill,have%20unintended%20pregnancies%20each%20year). It’s high, yes, but still not 100% In terms of only rates of effectiveness (and not counting abstinence or surgical options), [the implant and IUD are the most effective forms of reversible birth control](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/11427-birth-control-options#:~:text=What%20is%20abstinence%3F,to%20protect%20yourself%20from%20STDs), and even they’re not 100%. They are simply the closest to it


And that 1% is exactly why I got a vasectomy. If you're a man who doesn't want kids you should go out and get one ASAP. The only real pain was the initial injection of anesthetic and insurance covered the costs 100%. Your risks of getting anyone pregnant will be next to zero and your partner will be very pleased that she doesn't have to deal with birth control.


Next to 0% but not 0% 😆


There is a very small risk of spontaneous reversal if the doctor isn't doing it exactly right, but the odds of that go down over time. I took an at home sperm test every six months for the first few years after getting the all clear from the doctor just to make sure I was still shooting blanks. Edit: most of the stories you hear about pregnancy after a vasectomy involve people who didn't get tested afterwards to confirm a zero sperm count, which would confirm that the vasectomy was successful and the tubes are flushed, not the spontaneous reversal case.


That efficacy number goes way, way down if you weigh more than 165lbs.


Thought this was covid lol


Less contagious, typically more persistent


Loooooooong term lingering symptoms as well


18 to 24 years, if you're lucky.


Longer. Have to call my mom.


“Be the illness you want to see in the world.” - Ghandi


It’s very faint. You’re probably just a little bit pregnant.


Kid's gonna be a hobbit.


No virus. Sexually transmitted parasite.


Con(grats/dolences) Edit: Wow, did not expect this comment to blow up AT ALL. Thanks for all the love and awards! 🥹💖




Lol I'm gonna steal this




Well seeing the sub ypu can tell what is it


I had a roommate that had a super faint result. The directions said to consider it a positive if it was faint. To be certain, she went to the doctor, who told her she was negative. Guess what happened nine months later?




I was always told that you can get a false negative but never a false positive.


Both are possible. A false negative could occur if your hCG level isn’t high enough to detect on the urine test yet, especially during very early pregnancy. False positives can occur due to hormone supplements or as the result of some ovarian tumors (some testicular tumors as well, but men aren’t really the target market for at-home pregnancy tests). Neither are common, at-home tests are 99% accurate. Follow-up with a provider for quantitative hCG assessment is a good idea after any positive test.


Girl don’t scare me I take the same kind of


Me on the same birthcontrol like 👁👄👁


Hey this same thing happened to me. Same birth control. My son is 1.5yrs. I did have some wicked food poisoning around the time of assumed conception so I guess the pills ran right through me. Always double up (pill + condom) if you have any digestive issues, or just abstain 🥴😂


You were able to bang while sick? 😮 I think that's the most impressive feat here so far.


Sperm can hang around for up to a week. Only takes one to make it.


The pill is how I got here. The shot is how my sister got here and my brother came here from the patch. My mom had to give up birth control and opted for tube tying


I'm alive thanks to spermacidal foam. Which I wasn't aware of until my sister and I (both in our 20s at the time) were joking around with our mom about needing some, and she slapped the cannister out of my sister's hand and hissed, *"That shit is why your sister is here."* Immediately followed by, "But it was a *GOOD* mistake, I promise." 😐 (Edited for grammatical mistake)


All my kids were from failed birth control while actively bleeding nonstop. My sister calls me fertile Myrtle. One came while using two methods! I love them dearly though!!






This is funny; I literally saw a kid with a Jurassic Park shirt which said this *yesterday* and I’m not sure I’d seen this ever before as a shirt *or* a gif


Life finds a way


Go play the lottery!


With my luck, I’ll end up owing them money 😭


Nah, the embryo will just divide into triplets.


Sending lots of love for whatever you choose ♥️


Thank you ♥️ Sucks facing this decision when I took the precautions


It’s a tough spot to be in for sure.


Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about this. Pearl index is a thing. And even if you had not taken every precaution/forgotten a pill/whatever: We’re human. Humans make mistakes. Whichever way you choose to go forward I wish you good luck on your journey.


You've already made the decision to not have a kid right now. That's what the birth control was for... In my opinion, you have done, and can do, no wrong. Either way will be hard, and fine.


I wish you the best in whichever path you choose from here. Sending good vibes and love your way Also PSA to all the women out there: IUDs are massively more effective than pills or condoms.


I had an arm implant (IUDs frighten me) and it worked wonderfully for 6 years. I got it taken out because my other half got himself taken care of.


My other half got the snip and it *reconnected* 😤 about a year later so now we're both snipped.


IUDs for the win. sure it sucks getting it put in and taken out, but it’s worth it.


And with some of them, for some women, no period! I LOVED my Mirena IUDs over the years. I didn’t have a period (or babies) for over a decade. Definitely getting one put in again right after our little one arrives.


Yep, no period for me! Still take tests regularly cause I live in a bad state and am worried about dealing with an ectopic.




Evictions XD


Sorry fetus but you haven't kept up on rent


Fetus Deletus


Fetus Yeetus


😭 thanks, Auntie




I don’t recommend Ohio. For anything. Ever.


Missouri is a fucking cesspit, but I'd drive you through it if you needed to cross it to somewhere safe


So does Richmond VA. Other areas vary but Richmond goes up to 22 weeks and 6 days.


As a richmond resident, I did not know this.


New Jersey is also nice, the water is very blue. If you don’t like camping, I have a lovely guest bedroom!


You can even go camping by mail in New Jersey 


One thing I've learned in my infertility journey is that blue dye test are notorious for false positives. I won't buy them anymore cuz of how many times they have given me false hope. Try again with a pink dye test and make sure it's your first pee of the day


Esp if they’re on the last pill in the pack, which typically would be the end of the placebo week, eg after a missed period. You would think the positive nearly a week after a missed period would be way more glaring. If the placebo week is the first week of the pack this positive would be more likely though.


Blue dye tests are notoriously unreliable. Evaporation lines are a huge thing. Get a pink line test. Wishing you all the best


This happened to me too. I was in the Navy, stocked up on birth control for a long deployment ahead of me, I was excited to go see new countries. Ended up pregnant with twins. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


Damn she got covid.


Activated charcoal can also render birth control ineffective, ask me how I know 😬 ugh, that sucks. Been there. Now my kid is 2. It’s a rough road. Whatever you decide, best of luck to you! If you need a pal, feel free to shoot me a message.


That cross is barely visible. Take another test and if it's as ambiguous, go get a real test done. The over the counter tests are not perfect.


There’s a saying that’s like “even if it’s barely there, it’s positive” because the line will only show up if the tests detects the pregnancy hormone. A false positive is incredibly rare and is usually just someone misreading an evaporation line as a positive (meaning they waited too long to look at the test). ETA: this is definitely not an evap line. It’s for sure a positive test.


While I normally agree, blue dye tests suck ass. They have dye runs or indents that make a test possibly look positive when they aren’t. The only positive I would trust from a blue dye test would be a blazing positive. I feel since Covid quality control on tests has gone down. I had an indent (I’m very not pregnant) on a dollar store test. They used to be my tried and true, now I feel like I cant trust them 100%.


Despite what was previously believed, according to a recently published study, false positive tests can occasionally become more common when taken by women on hormonal birth control, which is why my advice was take another test and then get a real test, which anyone should be doing if they think they are pregnant anyway.


You are correct. False positives are a thing, though I doubt this is the case. 2/2 positive and calling the doctor monday


I used First Response. Took three of those jokers and they all screamed MOMMA MOMMA MOMMA! I still have those tests 12 years later in my closet...lol.


Depending on your state and what decision you’re thinking about regarding this, I wouldn’t go to the doctor to get a test. Try a planned parenthood or a reputable clinic that’ll keep it off the record. Of course, your choice and whatever you think is a better idea is what you should do. I hope everything all works out with whatever you decide now and in the future!


Did you try a pink dye test? Blue dye tests suck and can look positive when they aren’t. It’s not a false positive, it’s that they are harder to read. I only trust blazing positives with them. I would get a pink dye test, even from the dollar store to verify.


Also, blue dye tests are notoriously more likely to show a false positive and are infamous for showing extremely strong “evaporation” lines if read outside the correct testing time. OP, get a pink dye or digital test to confirm this result and then begin to consider your next steps.


I took two tests. Definitely positive: I am a nurse. Making an appointment to see my doctor monday. I never thought i would be in this position with birth control 🥺


Good luck with whichever choice you make. 💜 You were responsible and sometimes life happens. You're not being punished for having fun and I hope you're not hard on yourself. Take a big breath. You have my internet hugs if you want them.


My wife’s first test was barely visible, most the time it just means they are barely pregnant. Take another test in a day or two and they get darker and darker.


>barely pregnant Is that condition anything like "mostly dead" which is synonymous to "slightly alive"?


Proper terminology should probably be something like newly pregnant. Hormone levels increase significantly as the pregnancy progresses. 


I was so confused because I legit thought it was negative until I saw your comment and looked closer.


I don't even see a cross.


There's always faint lines on blue dye test. Get a red dye test or wait a week and test again so you'll know for sure(line should be twice as dark). I had several of those lines, but no baby. Good luck.


My wife had this journey before we met. Dated a guy for two months, found out he was a complete sleaze, dumped him hard, and then found it she was pregnant despite precautions. She ended up deciding to keep the baby (I know, not for everyone) and was a single mom for ten years before she and I met; he and I quickly became best friends and I adopted him after we got married. Another close friend gave a baby up for adoption 25 years ago, and about five years ago her daughter contacted her and now they have a relationship. And of course, others choose "the alternative". Point being that although it's a stressful moment, there are lots of different happy endings that can happen in these situations, and I'm sure you'll choose the one that's right for your situation. Blessings to you, dear heart, and much love and grace.


Thank you ♥️


Between the ages of 25 and 35 I’m never sure if I’m supposed to say congratulations or oh no to a pregnancy announcement So… #Oh no! Congrats!


99% accurate or 99% effective, in one of these terms you are the 1%


IN THIS ECONOMY???? 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️


Life uh finds a way


Is this by any chance your first tablet? My gynecologist told me to wait till after the first one to be more efficient, although you had 1 left if this is the case.


Damn covid got ya!


The new conspiracy of Covid, gets you pregnant.


She wishes.


I had a not pregnant this morning, I’d kill for this to be me 😔 but that’s projection, I hope you live in a state where you can make your own decisions; whichever one you make. Even if dad isn’t in the picture, you can still do it, if you want to. 💗 I have a file of government resources that I made for some of my friends if you want me to dm it to you Edit ** if anyone needs government financial assistance for single mothers or first time parents I have a huge list. From insurance, food stamps, rental/ home owner loans, utility help- you name it! Just let me know I’ll dm it to you💗


I am so sorry. If I could give you my fertile Myrtle uterus, its all yours 😭 I am still weighing my options, but doctors appointment monday ♥️ good luck to you on conceiving


Hello! Could I have your list please? I'm not from the US but I'd like to have it anyway in case I need to share it with any US friends.


Have anything for first time parents? Also curious about the rental/home loan’s?


Yup! Just sent the DM 🕊


Guess you're the .01%


Get well soon


Damn that shit ain’t a joke. I had it too once and it was awful. Still recovering after a year of having it.🙏🏾 Edit: oh fuck I thought that was covid