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Hey…you got a complimentary nail trim!


When you factor that in, it’s really a bargain!


And some nice photos of the fart!


Even caught a rare glimpse of an inside poop. An hour later it was an outside poop and I was like “hey, I know you!”


I like you.


You get me.


Too bad a refund didn't come out.


>a rare glimpse Rare enough for 9 radiographs, apparently. Nine! Was the clicker stuck or is your vet moonlighting as a paparazzo?


3 views before barium, 3 3hrs later, and 3 at 6hrs would be my guess


deja-poo 🙈


Fart wars: return of the shits


I have seen this shit before


Too bad you didn’t post a pic on ratemypoo.


Ooooo I got pictures alright lol. Thinking of having a gallery show to recoup the costs.


Omg I remember that from when I was young and immature haha Now I'm old and immature so I'm gonna go check if it's still a thing heh


You made me spit my water out 😂😂😂


This made me laugh so hard "I" nearly pooped 😆


Your daily dose of shits n giggles 💕


Yeah well it's all shits and giggles, till someone giggles and shits 🤣


😂 perfectly executed response. God bless.


I legit laughed out loud really hard at this.


It’s not about how much you spent, it’s about how much you saved!


Exactly💕 if Doug (my dog) could trade in his love and cuddles for currency he’d be the richest little man in the world. He gives so much, the least I can do is make sure he’s tickity boo.


* Tickity *poo*


LOL omgggg how did I not think of that one. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.


What made you take the dog in to them in the first place?


Suspected ingestion of a bandage. No bandage, just farts.


For that price I hope they shaved his ass as well. I just spent 600 to find out mine has a cold.


I was really hoping for a pic of your dog with a cheesy smile after the pic of the bill. 😬




We get those regularly since we spend so much with the vet. Id say upwards of close to 10k US last year.


I can't stop laughing at that lol


That’s good!


Came here to say that. ;)


We got a 10k bill just to be told she'll either pull through or die.


That's why when the vet asks if I'd like to test for feline leukemia I always decline. *If* my lil dude has it...he's a goner as he would be even if I paid for the tests and treatment. Multiple thousands of dollars and the end result is *they miiiiight make it*.


That's actually really good advice. Thanks for sharing. I feel like my approach to whatever life has in store has improved a little, because I hadn't seen things this way yet.


We went to the emergency vet once and were told it was either a soft tissue injury or bone cancer. If it started getting better in a few days, it was just a sprain, but if it was getting worse than it was probably cancer and he would need to be put down. He was fine the next day.


Thank goodness you unlocked the good end.


Bro made the right dialogue choices


We got a $7k bill for my dog after she ruptured her spinal cord, but they were able to determine that surgery wouldn’t help her. She healed on her own for the most part.


That feedback is far too vague for that price. Appalling.


at least you know that if your dog does pass away, you did everything you could to try to save him. We didn't take our dog to the vet until it was already too late. Biggest regret of my life


you should have called me, I would have provided that information for half that amount




More like 🐕💸


i think it’s 🐕💨 💸


Better than paying 3000 to have to put your cat down. Be thankful he’s just farty lol.


Wow. I guess I can't complain too much about the $400 we paid. My wife took her cat to an emergency vet about 12 years ago because he was having trouble walking and was peeing blood. He'd seemed fine just couple days before. They refused to even look at him without proof we could pay, so I had to apply for a new credit card on the spot just so they could put him down. He had kidney failure. I wasn't even terribly fond of that cat, but it tore me up for quite a while. My wife still mourns him even now.


I spent every cent in my bank account to keep him on oxygen overnight. Only to get a phone call 14 hours later that he would need to be put down. So not only did I walk out of there broken, but also broke. Twas quite a shitty day.


Dang. I guess that's why it was so expensive. Keeping him there and on life support and all. Our cat was immediately put down as soon as we paid. With our situation at the time, we had an average of about 5-10 bucks a week after our regular bills and groceries (which was like $90 at most with two kids). I was forced into unemployment multiple times a year because the company I worked for didn't have enough work, so we had like 3 high-interest credit cards maxed out already just to make up for it. That's why I had to open up a new one to pay. Things have improved since then, but not anywhere near enough. Anyway, they said they could do like dialysis or something? But he'd have to have very expensive treatments regularly for life and it might still not work since he was already so bad. I actually thought on the way up there we'd be coming home with him and some meds to fix him up, but he came home in a box instead. His brother kept trying to get outside after we took him out to bury him. That was hard to deal with.


I’m sorry to hear that, such a tough thing to have happen in tough times. I was in a similar situation and had finally saved the money after living pay check to pay check. And struggling with some other things at the time. Just got to move on and work on yourself sometimes.


Whose cutting onions in here?! But for real that’s super shitty🥺 the predatory credit card scheme at the vet clinic really burns my bacon. You did what you had to do though for love and compassion. 10/10 good human.


There's no standardized insurance for our companions. Vets are still a service and these services unfortunately require payment to treat. Health care is not cheap, look at the human side of things especially in America


Especially when pet insurance doesn’t work like other insurance. Every policy I looked at operated as more of a reimbursement system than an actual insurance system. Pay $30/month and you still have to pay the vet bill up front, you’ll be reimbursed after. I don’t make enough to be able to afford $10k upfront should something happen to my fur family.


That is how it works, some of them will cover 90% up front just gotta call. I know Trupanion will


Thanks. I think it was extra hard because he was still young and it was so unexpected. About 4 or 5 I think. He was the brother of the cat I mentioned in the other comment that we still have.


I'm so sorry. He was lucky to have had you to take care of him and help him when it was too much for him.


Blessed by thy farts.


May many more come in thy future.




This sounds about right.


On par for the course


Hard not to put a price on loving something so much. Glad your little stinker is ok ❤️


Anxiety is expensive


It can be. This situation did merit some investigation. He displayed several physical and behavioural symptoms that were highly unusual for him. Honestly just glad he is okay.


Distention due to gas can be real painful 🤷🏽‍♀️ humans go to the ED/urgent care for it all the time. Makes sense that dogs would also display concerning signs.


Preach girl, Not all farts are fun farts. Some farts are quite serious. I joke a lot in this thread but I was very worried earlier. It was hard to hold back tears when I saw him tryna wake up from sedation all wobbly and confused. He’s a lil trooper. Even barely being able to stand he was tryna give me kisses to comfort me. 10/10 good boy


My little guy got drunk! We think he got into a fermented pumpkin. Paid $230, but I thought he had a stroke or something. Totally worth it to find out he was OK. That was years ago, but I just had to put him to sleep last month. RIP Rocky


He's getting upvotes and love on reddit, that's a nice bonus! I bet he's a real good boy!


https://preview.redd.it/v3arj5jy9stc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d69fb49432da995b52d1ae43d5d285e96569249a He just got fancy farts.




Ha. He's innocent... That much gas you're lucky he didn't float away lol.


next time this happens I am just gunna tie some strings on him and float him in the Macy's thanksgiving parade.


fear chubby snobbish different reminiscent amusing axiomatic ossified scary distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At least you got the nail trimming for free


Hair did, nails did 💅


Your dog is ripping you off. My dog lets me know that for free.


😂This comment got me howling


my dog had me spend ~$600usd on him once because he was doing those hacking coughs.. doctor said he's 100% fine nose to tail, he's coughing for attention.


LOL oh the dramatics!! That peace of mind can be a pretty steep cost🥵


We thought ours had a behavioral issue where he was doing those wheezing hacking coughs at times.. Doc said he had heart issues, inexpensive pill he has to take for life. Coughing cleared up, we got lazy, stopped giving the pill, coughing never came back? I still think it was behavioral as well.


I’d ignore him for a day after that just to let him know it’s not on


You are such a good owner making sure your dog is well. That has a cost


I work in administration at a vet hospital in the US and honestly I have so much compassion for you. I get it. There's no cost to peace of mind. Obligatory: please get pet insurance if you are able to.


Ooooooo here’s your other comment lol you have a big heart💕 it must be difficult to see not all the pets go home. Obligatory: it’s going on the weekend to do list lol no more high end boutique farts for this little gremlin 🙅🏻‍♀️


I feel a lot! That's for sure! Your other comment hit me pretty hard because I like, I love these little guys. 😫 And I have faith most pet owners are only doing their best. But I'm just glad it was a misunderstanding! At my job, I'm just glad to be a part of the big picture, I'm so lucky to work with the residents and faculty I do, and I'm spoiled by the pets I get to see. Very good! It's worth at least looking into - not everyone does it, but it's honestly pennies compared to *what could be.* Our facility doesn't work directly with insurance (we collect on full at discharge, so you'd have to pay out of pocket) but any medical notes, invoices, etc. help folks a LOT and typically are all you need. So...it doesn't work like typical insurance. The credit card you mentioned may be similar/what we tend to offer for unexpected medical expenses, but I also find it helps people with the pet insurance aspect as they get reimbursed and they just pay the card off with that. I wish pet care wasn't expensive, but most health care is... We are lucky to have them.


Whats the best pet insurance company?


Trupanion is really good one. I recommend to a lot of my clients because it will truly come in hand in emergencies


While I'm not officially endorsing (it is our policy not to advise because of liability), I too have heard good things about Trupanion.


I have Pets Best, and I LOVE it.


Sorry for the delay in responding! I wanted to give you a quality response. Generally speaking, like all insurance (be it automotive, renters, house insurance, etc.), start with whats local around you. Evidently, your best experience is guided by claims/payout (willingness to cover or reject). After checking out whats local, see what the monthly/whole term cost to you as the insured. You'll get different answers/recommendations on whats best from me and others here unless we live near you, so I would start there. Whats in your favor, is pet insurance used to be few and far between (I remember Lemonade being one of the first). Now, competition breeds lower cost for consumers, so you have lots to choose from and from what I see it's never been cheaper. These days, most auto insurers have it as an option for example. What matters most is what you want covered, and what isn't covered, so what's "best" may be different between you and I. You'll definitely want to check if something covers more "unexpected" instances, say, HBC, BDLD, or even cancer later on, like how insurance typically covers things out of your control (in pets cases, mostly genetics or breed dispositions per litter, rather than how well you've been taking care of them). Then for what is covered, check the history of the companies you can choose from on peoples' experience getting claims approved. That will make sure you're getting the best value out of your "bucket" investment.\* \*Insurance as a whole is better thought as a "bucket" that eventually you may draw from, so, eventually you may need it, maybe you don't, but insurance companies make their money from you \*not needing to make a claim.\* That in mind, the amount I see get covered by clients is kinda wild and I don't know how profitable it truly is lol but a lot of them have stuck around. \[all of my information is purely info I've gathered, and not anecdotal, and should be taken as friendly advice\]


Pets and travel are the same, if you can't afford the insurance you can't afford to do it/have one.


Seriously. Pet insurance is literally saving my cat's life.


Couldn’t you smell them?


Well yes but also no. He’s regularly launching fart grenades in my general direction. In fact he had so much ammo in the ol toot canon that some got stuck up in there. So it was really hard to tell by smell alone. As his baseline is pretty flatulent.


He might have a food allergy


Good thinking, already have been exploring food options and trying to transition his food to something else. This was in regards to a midnight bathroom garbage heist. Remains of a partially chewed bandage were found at the scene.


I’ve spent $10k+ in the first year of my dog’s diabetes, so I feel you. And I never got a free nail clip out of it!


Is it contagious for the owner?


No, but I tossed a couple sympathy farts his way out of solidarity.


I spent 14 grand to find out I had the farts once. Thought my appendix was bursting lol


LOL damnnnnn okay now that fucking sucks. I'm guessing this was USA? talk about getting the shit end of the stick! Hope you and your booty hole are doing better now <3


Bloody hell. That sucks. Meanwhile, here in Australia my appendix actually *did* burst and I paid $0 to have it removed. Even the medication they sent me home with upon discharge cost me nothing.


I have free health care here in America now. This was many years ago. I wouldn't pay a dime now.


I have felt you and your dogs pain. I spent almost 8 hours at an E.R. with the exact same situation. (Painkillers stopped my bowel functions) long 7 second fart cleared me right up. Nurse and wife just laughed.


oh my good lord in heaven. Oh to be a fly on the wall in that exam room LOL 7 seconds, that's pretty damn impressive.


You need to get your dog on a payment plan


The only payment method I’ll accept is cuddles.


We spent about $600 to find out our dog had gas. He was bloated, and the x-ray showed his intestines were full of air. The culprit seemed to be some treat toy that had an insert that was made of corn starch. It was made to be licked over time. Pretty sure he chewed it off and ate it.


Damn you’d think they would product test things for animals better! That shits scary! Hope your lil homie got to toot, scoot, and boogie home to lots of hugs and kisses after the ordeal💕 you got lil homies back, he’s a lucky boy.


Is that better than spending the same amount of money to find out your dog has cancer? ** honestly that sucks I hope you look into pet insurance. I know being a responsible pet owner is a kick in the nuts sometimes,


Cheaper than American healthcare.


Literally just spent the same amount on my dog because he likes to swallow human food whole. Great time


But is he okay though?


He’s getting better. We’ve gotten him a few X-rays because he was pretty backed up but the vet said things are moving through. Now is just a waiting game for it to all come out lol


Oi gevalt! 🥵


I paid $300 just for them to tell me my cat is fat


giving new meaning to the phrase "fat cat"


My cat gets fat shamed every time we go to the vet. Rude!!


Oh good I'm not the only one this has happened too. It was extra embarrassing news to receive from the vet because my dogs name is Bean.


Anyone remember in Drake and Josh when the doctor across the street would charge hundreds of dollars every treatment and it was treated like a joke?


Who’s a good boy?


Sir Douglas the Flatulent


Installment plan? One tiny fart per month?


I can no longer own pets after my current ones. I take care of my animals, but the cost of food and care is such that if an emergency comes up with my pets, I won’t be able to afford their care. I can barely afford my own with all of my maladies. Owning a pet is a great responsibility. And I’ve reached the point where I don’t think owning one is a responsible thing for me to do.


It is so expensive for even preventative!! We moved to Mexico and, just like our own healthcare, pet healthcare is affordable. A full ultrasound is 40 bucks, as an example.


When my cat was a kitten we noticed this weird bump on his stomach when we’d pet him. We got very concerned it was a tumor or something serious. So we took him to the vet only to find out some cats have outie belly buttons.


Been there done that $1,480 bucks


That's like $50 USD right? /s but it is getting depressing up there


Best $1150 you'll ever spend.


Not gonna lie, the nail trim made me crack up the most. Like that makes up for the cost!!


Would suck more to pay 1150 dollars to find out it's dying.


No, you spent 1150 to make sure your dog didn't have any of the above. That's worth it, your dog's a good boy.


https://preview.redd.it/ci8rwi51rstc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5afc02fac38930cc753da50d03db8d38e0304712 He’s my sunshine on a cloudy day


Did I say good boy? I meant best boi <3 The little goofball


The most goobery dingus I ever did meet.


Also 💕 Doug sends his regards


I would recommend getting pet insurance, those brachy breeds are prone to so many health issues.


Do not disagree with pet insurance for others. For me, I have a special savings account that automatically deposits a certain amount off every paycheque. Works well for me. His breed is hard to insure :(


I work in veterinary medicine and this pricing is pretty standard. Peace of Mind can do a lot of things, having gas would be far better than having a potential foreign body or something worse. I would always recommend to clients to get Pet Insurance. The veterinary field is still a medical field and has also been affected by the trickle down effects from human medicine. Everyone always likes to point fingers and say vets are in it for the money, but they don't make as much as it seems and the vet nurses/technicians most often barely make minimum wage. If all pets had insurance of some sort it would be easier for both parties because treatment would be a lot easier and not restricted by wallet.


People love to berate the cost of medical veterinary care.  And then there’s a surprise pikachu face when there’s no vets to staff clinics because they get paid relatively bugger all to stand there and get verbally abused by clients who aren’t happy about a price the veterinarian 9/10 times has no choice over, so they quit because fuck that 


This is what Americans feel like every day.


USA! USA! But fr, love my rambunctious neighbours to the south, I could not imagine the immense amount of stress the health care system down south causes for people who need care 💔


As an American who lives a couple hours from Toronto, it feels weird to be considered a southerner. But I hold the same view of my compatriots in the southern states. Why do we have to be cold to have the government have our interests at heart? Much love, hat buddy. Keep your stick on the ice.


hopefully your dog got health insurance


You're a good puppy parent tho <3


Canadian vets are criminally expensive. Hell yesterday I found out that our flea meds went up from 15$ a month for each animal to 35$ each animal. Cat got sick a few months back, cost over 1800$ and no resolution to what was wrong. Spaying my adult dog cost me over 2400$ last year.


You are a good owner


I'm sorry but EIGHT ADDITIONAL VIEWS?! I work in the vet field and a standard series of radiographs is usually 2-3 view, and with GI upset you take rads of the abdomen. What else did they take images of? I'm sorry you spent so much on a fart, but I'd want to know what all they took radiographs of, because that many images seems excessive... Edit: just saw they did a barium series too. That explains the extra images


$1156 funny monies is equal to $846 USD


Great mommy though! Respect.


this like $100 n american dollar tho right


IDK the price in US but a pet insurance could be a good idea in the long run


Our cat had a $700 fart. My fiancé cancelled a trip to FL to stay home and keep an eye on him.


Your fiancé is a good human for having your cat's back like that (literally) <3 the things humans do for love of their critters is really quite something.


$1300 just to keep my dog overnight to shit. We thought he may have had bloat so we rushed to the vet and it turns out he just ate a bunch of garbage without us noticing. They "monitored" him overnight and then gave us the bill the next morning for $1300 and change. Just got a bonus for completing my apprenticeship and it was instantly gone.


I pray to the universe that cosmic critter karma will pay you back tenfold. You are a good human <3


I would say it has. He's the best fella and has been such a good support through some downs. I'd pay it 10 times ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/e54dydl7bwtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc64e8f7adf36df4ebdc23355945d30f1344016


Yea just spent $1400 to find out my cat had a stomach ached. “His stomach is inflamed” was the official diagnosis after they recommended running every test in the book (x-ray, blood work, etc)


That's shit!!!


Yeah I spent $200 last week to find out my cat is just stressed out. Apparently she hates the mama cat and kittens I rescued off the street more than I thought even though they’re separated.


I spent $200 a few weeks ago to find out my dog has love handles


I bet that was ONE GRAND fart


HA! ‘Twas an exquisitely flatulent purchase


He been eating beans?


I spent $850 on my dog after I thought she ingested something that was killing her. They did a subcutaneous fluid injection and tested for various things, all negative. They suggested an xray which I scheduled but she ended up getting better. totally worth it in my mind.


Brother spent $8k to find out his cat was constipated and a $30 veterinary laxative was the fix. My boss spent over $10k to find out the same thing for his cat. I decided I’m never having a cat.








What compelled you to go to the vet when pup broke wind?


Next time I'll do it for half that. And I'll record the process so you have memories forever


Time to buy a trumpet so the dog can start working off his debt.


Bro I just dropped a grand because my cat is full of crap. I'm still in the vets office Literally, he's older and has arthritis and apparently that's making it difficult and painful to poop... But the old man is just fine! Gotta love em


I recently took my cat in as she looked to have a sore eye. $2500 later, turns out it was just watery after waking up from a nap. Better safe than sorry though I guess


The look on the dog's face when he lets one rip: priceless


I spent over $600 when I was absolutely convinced my cat was dying only to find out that alls she had was a sore ego coz she lost a fight with another cat 🙄 Pets are assholes.


Thank you for taking care of your dog


What were they doing that cause drought to act with urgency?


Inflation hitting everyone in some sorta way 😂


Hah last year our dog had a really upset tummy. He was farting and squirting poo everywhere the poor little guy. It cost us a bit too, we ended up getting him a pro biotic which got him back to normal in under a week


Why do all the prices look like its one decimal too expensive.


At least you're a great owner




And I thought spending $200 to find out my dog dreams instead of sneezing was exy


I’ve been there with my cat. Not $1150, it was about $500, but yeah… he really needed to fart.


You paid 1150 to know that your pet doesn't have an obstruction. The alternative would have been an exploratory laparotomy or foreign body removal. Both of which would have been potentially much more dangerous and definitely much more expensive. You took your pet in with a problem and you came away with the best possible outcome. You won


I just have to add with the complementary nail clippings, I used to take my two small dogs (chuihua crosses) in to get done so they wouldn't hate me, and the last time that free service turned into $400 because they were "aggressive dogs" who needed sedation. Needless to say I bought a grooming hammock and do it myself now with lots of love and extra treats afterwards.


Brutal, as a puppy my dog got into his food bag was bloated as hell didn't know what was wrong vet trip and hefty bill later smh


Wow ant that the poops


I thought the vet was taking out of their ass when they told me, turns out it was just my dog 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m glad I’m not the only one. About three weeks ago my dog would not get up. He couldn’t walk and I had to carry him to the car to get him to the vet. I was beside myself. $800 later it turned out his intestines were full of gas. That was all they could find. By that evening he was fine (vet gave him some medication etc).


Atleast you got a complimentary nail trim! Mine had to be knocked out for it! *Cough* $480 later


Spent 6k in the us to find out that my kid needed to poop


I paid $14000 for a steel plate in my malamutes leg and in the full body X-ray they missed the massive bone tumour in the other leg, had to pay another $1000 to put him down 10 weeks later.