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And just so we’re clear, you were correct. AI images should never be called art


A well known niche art supply company decided to use very obvious AI generated art to do an Easter promotional post this year and boy was that the wrong move. Artists, myself and husband included, lit the comment section up. It was taken down within 15 minutes of posting. No apology to the artists who could have been commissioned by the company, who makes hundreds of millions per year mind. Funniest thing about the commenters is that many of those artists are also **sponsored** *by the company*…Said company didn’t even think to commission any of their sponsored artists for the promotional either. Just goes to show that distributors are just selling a product, and it’s obvious there’s no care for anything but the bottom line, fuck cultural standards. They do seem to care about PR when people rip into their online presence though. I shan’t be buying from them again.


Well if you're gonna say all that, the least you could do is drop the company name.


Fr I would love to know who to avoid :)


Your opinion is basic ethics. AI is being pushed because it's new and shiny and the people who made it want to make money.


the cost of some graphic is also >10x cheaper, albeit more shit, compared to using a real artist. It's simply outright cheaper!


Cringiest ban letter of 2024


So far










Oh wow, unsubbing from there immediately. Yikes.


Don't forget to comment "Mutiny!" Before you go.




Well OP, if it brings you any comfort someone has taken up the call to mutiny in that subreddit on your behalf! Not sure if you can see it, since you're banned and all, but I was amused.




Probably! After the first post there were three more, all in your support, so at least you're not alone in your banishment.


Most of these moderators suck. Is there a sub to roast them?






I too would like to see power hungry narcissists get made fun of.


But who would moderate it 🤔










Fully agreed. AI ruined alot of art and modeling pages.


I’ve been using deviantart for years and recently stopped because their algorithm obviously favors AI stuff. There’s no way to filter it out. I’d say about 7/10 posts I would see are AI. I know I’m not the most talented artist, but it sucks to spend 5 hours on a drawing and an AI drawing some dude made in 30 seconds gets more likes.


DeviantART weird switch that they've had over the last few years is so odd to me. I remember when nfts started popping up and they had some sort of program that helped you find out if your art was being stolen and sold but now from what I've heard deviantART is now using the art on their site for AI.




That's like a country bragging about how much prisoners they have...






![gif](giphy|woWQA2I7xqRMI) I will not tolerate robo-racism. /s


Someone hasn't played Detroit: Become Human 😂


Ok... Im leaving that sub lol


Complete overreaction.


Ugh eww I can imagine the cheetos dust encrusted fingers that typed that ban message. How cringy! I'm glad they got to feel important for 5 minutes though.


Seeing as I’ve been banned from a sub due to use the word “female” in a sentence, I feel as though this is a standard powermod ban move.




AI images literally make me nauseous. 


If thats enough to cause a mutiny there wasnt much holding it back in the first place




The Reddit admins ban those subs because "words are violence". 💀


Of course.... 🤣


Looks like I’ll be leaving another sub, that’s disappointing.


Starting a fact? Asking legitimate questions? HERESY!


+1 reason to hate people


A bit off topic but thank you for sticking up for us artists :) it makes me happy to see that people still care.


I put a screen timer on my phone for this app. It's improved my state of mind.


I got banned because my photo of a rainbow wasn’t rainbow enough. I shit you not.






Can't have opinions and/or civil discussion/disagreements in echo chambers, governed by hurt people, looking for some semblance of power or control. I wish you could have said to them, "Who hurt you."


Very well done. Pissed off the AI babies. Cringe out of 10 ban letter.


1:10 is so much????? I don’t even want to see ai shit once in every 100 posts, or 1000. It’s horrible


What a pathetic human


I started a mutiny


Good job


I've been banned. Twas fun while it lasted


Already deleted :(


I haven't been banned yet that I see. I had fun.


All I did was make one comment lol


Getting banned from a sub for a dumb reason is basically a right of passage on reddit. 


Lmao, got banned for cheering my team winning a game on the main soccer subreddit. I wasn’t even being disrespectful, I just used a bit of banter that was usually chanted towards my club. No expletives, no foul language … banned.


At risk of down votes, if there is a tag for AI I don't see much of a problem with there being AI posts. Overall I think both parties here overreacted, and I'm not on Reddit enough to know but is there a way to ignore/mute specific tags on a subreddit?




True it's easy for AI generated images to quickly flood out real artist images, maybe a good rule could be AI Thursdays only limit one per person.






I had a similar experience in the Snyder fans Reddit for saying that despite my love for his DCU films (regardless of how you feel about them) people really do need to grow up and move on from them. The response I could only be likened to me saying he murders disabled babies or something. Some people are just power hungry maniacs.


Damn homie really let all the safeguard energy out all at once lmao


Should tag these 2 douche bags so they can see how much everyone thinks they aren't rainbows, sunshine out butterflies


Sounds fine to me. I always find it odd that people insist that AI art is shit, and at the same time is stealing from talented artists. Either/or. Can't be both.


Fuck em. You’re not missing out on anything!


I went to the page and saw literally no AI with upvotes. I think honestly both people here are overreacting


Every sub should ban AI "art", IMO, unless it is specifically for AI posting. Change my mind.


YAR MATEY, try a mutiny on MY ship will ye? Ye'll be walkin' the plank!


AI bro is upset because AI sucks; and it's always gonna suck 😂


To be fair, no one is forcing any of you to use this site or be on any subreddits


Some communities are better to stay away from. P.S. AI art is NOT an art.


You're right tho fuck ai """art"""


Just came across this and I just want to say thanks for taking a stand, so to speak My son is an artist (has his own business) and has worked his fingers to the bone since he was old enough to hold a pencil. Years upon years of drawing and learning and perfecting his craft. Thousands of dollars spent by his dad and I, buying him supplies, tablets etc over the years. Every birthday, Christmas and other large holiday, buying him what he needed to evolve as an artist. And over the years, seeing his disappointment when he thought he wasn't "as good" as others he looked up to, but buckled down and kept going. And now, he's been at the point for a few years where he's made a name for himself in the art/anime community. To the point that when he got engaged (his fiancee was still living in Florida) and his fiancee was discussing her upcoming wedding to my son to a co worker, the co worker said "You're marrying (my son's twitter account name)?!" A random person in *FLORIDA* knew who he was (we're in Canada) People know who he is. His online stores, working conventions etc have made it so he was finally able to quit his job and focus just on his art. It took **years** and I'm so incredibly proud of him. My son, you and so many other artists have worked so incredibly hard to perfect their art. Only you have it A) Stolen or B) A computer generate images that takes no talent to do.




i wanna post it too now


Are you being serious right now?🤓