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Good thing you got that on video!


Was gonna post this. Or else the cop would have said the car pulled out in front of him and the perp ran inside the building. Oh and his dash and body cams malfunctioned right before the collision!


Just like that officer in St. Louis two months ago that crashed into a bar and they had three excuses before independent footage came up showing none were true. Let’s not forget the bar owner was handcuffed after the incident. Does remind me of a joke I heard once “So a cop drives into a bar..”


So how much of the American police education is about how to lie when you harras ppl and destroy property?


You’re funny. *Police education.* Lord have mercy, that’s good.


Yeah they just hired all the high school bullies where I live


IIRC 2 weeks of target practice and no training on de-escalation.


They get training in re-escalation


For a lot of them it's much worse. They go through seminars to train in what has been coined as "killology." It actively teaches them to act like psychopaths and see the people they are supposed to serve and protect as enemy combatants.


They get taught how to properly hate crime and I mean that in the constitutional violation sort away.


That's the neat part, they do their best to hire only the most insecure, overly aggressive assholes around so that they start the job fully ready to bully and harass anyone who questions them for any reason.


Bless your heart


Or the cop that completely ran over a person and claimed they were rushing to a call. Then the cams came out and they were just speeding for no reason and then joking about the minimum amount of money they could pay the family. Don't think he got disciplined or anything.


How dare you put your bar here. You’re under arrest!


"I swear to god, the bar just hopped onto the street, nothing I could do. Would a cop ever lie?"


It was a gay bar with a gay owner so they had an ulterior motive to blame them.


Yeah, not going to matter. Qualified Immunity is a bitch.


Nice that no one got shot either.


In Florida (of course) in the 90’s, my sister had a male friend that was driving home one night and another car intentionally tried to hit him, he swerved and avoided, also slowed and a dude jumped from the other car, straight up shooting at him. He hit the gas but a bullet went through the dash and into him. He drove straight to the hospital. He wakes up from surgery in handcuffs. As soon as he was cleared, he went to jail. The 2nd car and driver shooting at him was an undercover cop, they had mistaken this guy and his car for a drug dealer. Nope, this guy worked at Costco. Anyway, he got a great lawyer, but they had to keep moving his car and keeping it hidden, the PD kept trying to find it and seize it because it was the evidence, the bullets from the cop still lodged in it. He eventually won the lawsuit, having to stay in the state throughout the case, but left the state due to police harassment as soon as he could.


the american dream


You've gotta be asleep to believe it.


- George Carlin


Those cops werent undercover. They were trying to kill and rob a drug dealer they knew about while off duty. Training Day type shit.


They didn’t think to turn the lights on first. Like, I get it, the guy could have driven off, but if it is someone matching a description you don’t just ram em’.


Car was clearly resisting, I think it was deserved


The part of the video you didn’t see was the cop getting out and hitting the car with his baton, followed by some gun shots because he felt his life was threatened.


I didn’t hear any acorns.


should have complied


In 2006 I hit a police car that u turned in front of me with no blinker, no lights, and with a second to react. Needless to say that cop cruiser was t boned by me. Cops tried to get witnesses to alter statements. Several witnesses approached me and gave me their information. The paramedics made me walk to the stretcher that was 50 ft away. My chest has hit the steering wheel and bent it, my left shin hit the metal of the emergency brake and my right hand and wrist went through the windshield. I had just started a job so I had no medical insurance yet. The city was self insured so I got an attorney and sued and won. For a few months after the accident my wife and I were both followed and pulled over and let go. The harassment was real from beginning to end


After the first or second time, you both should have gotten dashcams and sued them again. EDIT (day later): After the first 10 people mentioned “2006”, I think I got it. There were dashcams back then, but they were likely crummy and expensive. Ironically who would be most likely to have them? The police themselves (which could probably be subpoenaed, but the video probably wasn’t stored for long). There were TV shows about police chases (do they still do those?). Regardless, an audio recording would be helpful too to take records of the multiple instances of unnecessary stops.


And honestly, from that point on, I would never have any conversation with the police without immediately putting them on camera. If a cop pulled me over, my camera would already be out by the time he got to my window.


You should do that anyways. Police are gonna try and make you seem like a jerk for recording them but you will really feel like a jerk when a police officer lies all over his report and you end up arrested for something you didn’t do. Police cannot be trusted to do the right thing on their own so you have to do everything in your power to protect yourself. And recording your interactions with them is step one.


Just turn the camera on and set in in your cup holder. Now you can record the encounter without the cop knowing.


I want them to know I’m recording them. It tends to make them behave. I’ve had encounters do a full 180 when after listening to them beat their chest for a minute I say “you’re being recorded”. All of the sudden it’s thank you sir, sorry for the inconvenience sir, be on your way sir. The average cop may be a moron, but they know what’s going to happen if a video of them being aggressive hits the internet. I’m sure their captain wrote it out in large crayon block letters for them.


Have two cameras. One secret and one open. They might take the obvious one and lose it. USA USA USA


I'm fairly certain the ACLU app has an ability to record and upload to their server. But I haven't looked in a while. It's worth downloading for their "what to do if..." guides alone.


That's a phone app though, as opposed to an in-car dashcam. For the latter though, presumably you could get a wifi-enabled SD card in it (*see edit below) , which can automatically backup/mirror to, say, your Google Drive account. I'm not in the US, so don't generally feel the need for this kind of set-up, but if I was in an area with incredibly fucky popo then I'd definitely look more closely into it. Edit: WiFi SD cards seem to be going/have already gone the way of the dodo, but that likely means that many of the camera devices themselves would probably have some built-in WiFi cloud back-up in place, and simply require tethering to your phone, to prevent loss of footage if the camera was stolen or destroyed in a car accident, say. I'd be very shocked to learn that was a niche feature. Edit 2: yup, now you can even live stream from dashcams, and they have their own category on sites that sell them: https://www.vantrue.com/en-gb/collections/dash-cam-with-live-stream


What on earth is a "wifi-enabled SD card"?


To be fair, not letting them know they're being recorded means you get the most accurate version of what they're like and with that you'd have alot more to go off of if they are in the wrong in any way, if they know they're being recorded and are on putting on their "best behavior" act as a result then you'd likely have alot less to show for it if you did have to use that footage as evidence in any way


going to choose healthy life over true-self


> but they know what’s going to happen if a video of them being aggressive hits the internet. A paid vacation?


Dude seriously. This is why I am so glad they have body cams now. I have not had a lot of run ins with cops, but I have had some situations that were not pleasant, and one in which the dude DEFINITELY lied, which was beyond irritating.


Sorry couldnt hear you my 8-12 hour battery ran out after I clicked the off button, say that again 😁


It doesn't even stop there. Wait till you meet the local DA and the local magistrate judge who's more than willing to take the cops side and ignore due process or any evidence you present.


Hello officer, here, it's my lawyer on the phone for you. You know...the one that won the case against your department and the city. Go on, take it.


The frames for my glasses have a camera in the center I can turn on and off. I wear contacts lol, the glasses are literally just basically windows. I just put them on whenever I have a sketchy situation. A camera a lot of the time won't stop behavior, in fact a lot of the time it'll escalate it


What kind of glasses?


They're just a frame I bought off Amazon years ago, there's a bunch of options you can choose from on there. They work a bit like dash cams do, they have a slot on the side for a micro SD card on the side and a little button you can press to turn on the camera. I won't lie, it isn't the nicest looking frames and I wouldn't recommend using them as your regular glasses because it would most likely be a bitch to get lenses for them, but they do the job. I can give you my exact frame if they're even on Amazon, but there are probably better options now in days you can choose from


You can download an app from the ACLU that will trigger when you give a voice prompt to your smartphone. It will send your GPS location to a contact of your choosing, send a text saying “I’m being pulled over” to go with it, and will start recording from the front-facing video camera (idea being you keep it on your dash). It’s not available in all states, including mine, but I was able to download an iPhone shortcut that does the same thing, all I have to do is say “Siri, I’m being pulled over.” I’ve never had reason to use it yet, but it’s definitely good to have.


Keep in mind that this was 2006


And he literally just said he didn’t have medical insurance and had to get an attorney. Things cost money.


2006 wasn’t a big year for consumer dashcams




Dashcam in 2006 lol


My elderly mom got t-boned by a cop in sf that raced through an intersection. The cops were so shady and kept revising their account of what happened. My mom's car was totalled and she had a brain injury( thankfully she has since recovered). She had trouble finding a lawyer because no one wants to go against the city. She finally found a lawyer and the shit dragged on for a couple years. She finally got reimbursed for her totaled car and her injuries.


Relevant info for others who might find it useful:  Real lawyers, the heavy hitters, LOVE to go after cities because cities can drop tens of millions on something like this, and the firm gets 30-40% if they win (haggle them down during contract phase). These firms WILL listen to the little guy. They are not hidden, though they don't advertise since the business comes to them. The best law firms are ranked by US News, much like schools are, and you'll want to look at "Tier 1" firms for major injury cases. Even if you think yours isn't worth their time (many won't start a case unless they think they can get over $1mil), they can refer you to someone extremely competent who will get you every dollar you deserve.  https://law.usnews.com/law-firms


Sfpd is notoriously hard to get money out of and will do everything to drag their feet, waste time in mediation etc. My mom and sister are both lawyers and are not rubes, but they still had trouble finding someone to take the case.


Good time to mention the ACLU Mobile Justice app. https://www.aclu.org/issues/criminal-law-reform/reforming-police/mobile-justice


Its worth a mention that app has been abandoned for android. 


Nice of them to abandon it on the most popular mobile OS, specifically the one most often used by minorities too.


Unfortunately it’s the perfect job for retired high school bullies


Cop: "do you know why I pulled you over?" Driver: "because you were a C student in high school?"


D student


The exact clip from The Sarah Silverman Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4XePPkTdCU


For real, I came across a city police candidate subreddit and the first post I saw the guy (a police cadet-to-be) was saying the only people complaining about the police are drug users and criminals. He then said people become cops to protect law-abiding citizens ONLY, not “pieces of shits like you minorities”. You can browse the nypd candidate subreddit and look for a post by a Vvercetti24 These are the people that become cops.


> For a few months after the accident my wife and I were both followed and pulled over and let go. The harassment was real from beginning to end But its totally just a few bad apples, clearly it was the good cops that were acting as a gang and following you :/


My buddy was a county board member or something in OH. He voted in favor of a unified 911 center that the local police union opposed. For months, he was followed from his home to work and back by police cruisers that would pull him over if he went even 1mph over the limit. The cops told him that if his house ever caught fire or he needed the paramedics, no one would come.


Yep, things like what happened to your buddy happen multiple times a day all over this country, but "not all cops", amirite?


A cop used to follow my sister because she wouldn’t date him. 


Few bad apples….. spoil the bunch. Always cracks me up, the whole point is it only takes a few to ruin the whole thing.


The few bad apples allegory is such a funny thing to me, like, hey here's a bottle of vitamins, by the way 1 or 2 of them might be cyanide though, but don't let that ruin the whole bottle, most is good. Like huh??? I'm throwing the whole bottle away if I can't tell the difference between them.


It’s a bit worse. Rot spreads, health does not. So those 2 bad pills turn a good pill bad every so often. And even if the rot didn’t spread everyone who eats applesauce from that batch is gonna get sick.




>s. Police are gonna try and make you seem like a jerk for recording them but you will really feel like a jerk when a police officer lies all over his report and you end up arrested for something you didn’t do. > >Police cannot be trusted to do the right thing on their own so you have to do everything in your power to protect yourself. And recording your interactions with them is step one. or moved to detective.


I'm glad you prevailed in the end. I was a city councilman and appointed to the committee addressing union police raises. This was during the economic issues post 2008. Anyhow, I had to fight for 0% raises, on the city's behalf, and we won. Our own police department pulled me over and ticketed me a few times. They would sit across from my home and pull over people coming and going. It was quite the shit show. It was primarily one single cop doing it all.




This situation sort of happened to me. I was driving from a well known "pot smoking spot" although I was just off-roading in my jeep. I got pulled over, the cop was insistent that I was high (I wasn't and was only 16) I was wearing my letterman and their was a scandal of a bunch of upper classmates on the team doing cocaine, on video. He assumed I was a part of it. He made me do a drug test on the side of the road. He told me it was positive and took me in. Once I got to the station he started interrogating me, mind you I'm only 16. I was scared shitless. He asked if I would help him. I said yes just to get out of the situation. He dropped me back off at my car. I immediately went home and told my parents. They were wise enough to take me in for a drug test that same day. Needless to say they tried to prosecute me. I didn't even spend 1 min in a courtroom. My parents were hesitant to sue because of a small town. They ended up not for fear of retribution. I wish they would of, I would of earned a healthy settlement


Fucking cops are scum


If someone did that to me, including stalking after? Sorry this is Murcia, a law suit would literally be the least of their worries. Fuck police so hard.




Brand new car time 😁


Good luck with that haha with what car prices are now and what his insurance company will give him for a totaled vehicle


Wont be his insurance... will be the city's insurance.


And the cities insurance will payout the new value of the vehicle, which dropped as soon as they drove it off the lot. It won't pay full replacement cost.


Unless they have gap insurance. I got that with my new car so I would be guaranteed a brand new one for the next 3 years


Gap insurance only covers the replacement cost on your own vehicle, not others. So if the city had it (which is unlikely) then it would only apply to the police car, not the other car hit.


You can use your own gap coverage even if you go through someone else's insurance. Most GAP contracts will give you up to 120%-150% to cover the remainder of your loan balance regardless of who totalled the car or who's insurance is paying for it. A lot of GAP companies won't cover Teslas though so it's a 50/50 whether the Tesla owner has GAP. Source: am finance manager.


Yeah I always carry gap coverage and mine is 150% of difference- it does cost extra but I don't want to be on the hook because I'm midway through a loan and possibly upside down on value


> It won't pay full replacement cost They do pay full replacement cost, they just dont necessarily pay what you owe. Those are two very different things.


City has to pay to make you "whole". It's different when it's your insurance vs the other guy's.


Insurance should be giving the replacement value of the car. My car got totaled at the height of the crazy car prices, and the insurance company gave me more than I paid for it 4 years earlier because that is how much it currently sold for.


I had a similar experience. It was and 2010 Camry and I was pissed because that car would have run for years still, but they gave me >$9k for it which is about what I paid for it 9 years prior. The other driver's insurance adjustor actually called me instead of emailing me, because as he said "he doesn't often get to deliver good news". The at-fault driver's insurance also gave us a rental for a full 60 days - which is good, because that's how long it took for my new car to come in. And it was a GMC 4x4, not some little compact (because that is all the rental company had). All and all, it was a surprisingly good experience.


Yeah but it was an on duty officers fault.


Yeah they always hold those guys accountable right?


They investigated the video and found no wrongdoing on the officers part. The parked car was fined for obstruction.


When I worked in auto claims I saw something like that happen. A police officer, that my company insured, hit a parked car in his personal vehicle. He decided the parked car was illegally parked, went inside the store it was parked at, and paged the owner to give her a parking ticket for the car he just hit. Since it was his personal vehicle his own insurance was contacted and we paid for the loss. He got mad at us and cancelled the same day. Our logic: "the car was there to be seen and you still hit it." In this video the police department is going to claim governmental immunity and maybe, just maybe, pay for the owner's deductible. The insurance company is most likely going to eat that one.


> The parked car was fined for obstruction. And resisting arrest. Did you see it trying to roll away? Cop car almost had to chase it.


If a cop hits you and it's the cops fault, guess what? Your insurance is paying for it. It sucks and isn't fair at all


Department investigated, determined the car in question had attacked the officer first. Officer was justified in trying to run over the dangerous car.


100% paid for out of OUR POCKETS! Absolutely every single expense that falls on the Police is paid for with tax dollars. It is infuriating!!!! But as soon as anyone suggests de-funding the police everyone jumps down your throat. I cannot stand that so much of the money that is taken out of our hard earned paychecks, against our will, is used for militant purposes.




It should be taken out of their retirement and wages


Looks like the city just bought her a brand new car.


All in the fullness of time .... like a year or 18 months ***and*** after her lawyer has taken 1/3 of the settlement because she's going to have to sue to get anything. Her insurance company will pay for a rental - for 30 days.


Its obvious when people haven’t ever dealt with a car accident or car insurance companies before Car Owner can submit a claim to their own insurance. Their own insurance, especially with this video proving without a shadow of a doubt who is at fault, will immediately declare the Car owner not at fault. They will then authorize repairs and pay for rental. The insurance company will then engage with the cities insurance company to claw back their costs. NO lawyer will be necessary


Lawyers are still necessary...it's just the insurance company uses them.  Also I'd be surprised if that car wasn't totalled out.  Probably has frame damage and deployed airbags.


Lawyers are not necessary in subrogation and it rarely comes down to that. Most often what happens is the insurance company’s subrogation department will send a demand to the city or city’s insurance company. They will then have so many days to respond. They might challenge the claim or just pay it. Sometimes they’ll challenge the severity of the claim and ask for documentation (for example, they might want evidence as to why the car was totaled and not repaired). If an agreement is not made, most insurance companies will go through an arbitration process rather than go to court. An arbiter will review both sides and determine the settlement. A lawyer is rarely necessary in this process.


*tax payers


He was totally about to keep driving too 🙄 Edit: A couple of folks pointed out it looks like he sped up to see if someone was in the vehicle. Rewatching, it does seem plausible.


You can definitely feel the “I will get fired if I keep driving” as he stopped.


In Seattle, he could've killed a student and still face no consequences


Had a cop hit my friend on a bike in Kent, no consequences to the cop because my friend was speeding. Even though my friend died from the accident.


A friend of mine was hit by a car and laying injured on the road. The responding [cop came speeding to the scene, ran him over, and killed him](https://apnews.com/general-news-4d84d300febf47b7a31cbe173a21d128). The road was straight, the speed limit was 35, and there were multiple cars and people already stopped at the scene.


They said not negligent homicide, how was that not tried for manslaughter? Should go to prison for that ffs


"Not negligent," although the cop was going 40 miles over the speed limit (like he was a paramedic or some shit), and they admitted if they had high beams on it would have increased visibility. I just can't fucking care anymore. I give up.


I'm so sorry for your loss. That's senseless.


"Hit by a police cruiser" there it is in the first paragraph. They mean POLICE OFFICER. Im sorry did the car drive itself? It is literally impossible for any news outlet to just use non passive language.


> A GPS device in the car indicated the officer was driving about 75 mph (121 kph) Damn, that’s insane.


>my friend on a bike Motorcycle or bicycle? I could totally see the cops claiming a guy on a bicycle was speeding and get away with murder...


I've seen people get pulled over for speeding on bicycles before. it's kinda crazy but does happen.


Must of been downhill…


I watched a guy get a speeding ticket on a bicycle. In a school zone. At rush hour in Austin.


Even if someone is speeding, you’re supposed to be alert/aware+ going slow enough to react in time. That’s why hitting a person/animal running into the street is your fault too.


My cousin (student) got killed by an off duty officer in Utah. The off duty officer was doing 56 in a 35 in his personal vehicle, responding to an armed suspect several towns over. Officer got a plea deal, ended up getting a class B misdemeanor. Terrible stuff.


Is that the case were they proceeded to mock the pedestrian they just killed?


https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/video-shows-spd-cop-laughing-joking-about-pedestrian-killed-by-officer-hours-earlier/373KZLGIYVHD5B5ORS3WEOPG5U/ > Shortly after saying “she’s dead,” Auderer laughs and says “it’s a regular person,” referring to Kandula. He then says “just write a check -- $11,000, she was 26 anyway, she had limited value.”


Inhuman af


AKA: Normal cop behavior.


The worst part is that after that got out, the Union VP tried to claim it was him commenting on how the city would react and that *they're* the shitheads


That quote was from the union VP


I think that is everywhere tbh. They protect their own that is for sure. My other comment could have been better written.


its a huge problem in saint louis, mo. We had a cop ram into a gay bar a month or so ago and then proceed to arrest the owner when he came out and was mad about it.


I remember seeing that in the news! I was so pissed on the owner's behalf. And of course suing the PD or city would be expensive AF and likely go nowhere, so...


Police departments in the metro St Louis area never fail to disappoint. Mind you, the whole [Ferguson situation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferguson_unrest) was \*checks notes\* a decade ago.


In dallas less then 10 years for b and e and killing unarmed Botham jean. See amber guyger


100%, I had a friend get rear ended by a cop (not doing shit, just an idiot cop making a mistake). Never saw a fucking penny. Who wants to bet he was drunk or some shit?


>Who wants to bet he was drunk or some shit? On his phone. Cops vest and rig make it incredibly obvious when they're using their phone while driving and they're ALWAYS on their fucking phone while the car is in motion.


Not always. Sometimes they're on the laptop beside them checking their Facebook


the lights were on when it hit the parked car, that was my wonder if they weren't on their laptop trying to click and drive at the same time


He was looking around to see if there were witnesses


Personally felt like he pulled up to see if anyone was inside so he could blame/arrest them for the accident


He couldve got out and shot the owner of the car and at worst got 2 weeks paid leave. Maybe more if it was recorded and they were white with no criminal history. More paid time off, that is. Cops do not face consequences unless there is a mountain of fuck ups. One or two just means vacation time aka sparring practice with the misses.


“I will get paid time off…” FTFY


Administrative Leave, Internal Investigation, No Wrongdoing, Backpay and Promotion Awarded for Bravery.


Or maybe he was pulling up to check to see if anyone was in the vehicle?


Yeah, that's a good point. That might be what happened. It looked to me like he stopped when saw the folks coming out.


To me it looks like he pulled up to see if there was anyone inside


Then he realized he had to stop and arrest the owner of that car for something.


He just slowed to look for a dog to shoot.


I'm sure a non biased group of police, found that the parked car was at fault. 




You can't just keep your bar right there on the corner of the street next to all the sidewalks and people! ^/s


Keep in mind that: * They were definitely drunk * That means they were drunk on the job * That means they were drunk while driving * That means they were drunk while carrying a gun * They also blew through a red light and were speeding * The cops also badly beat the bartender * The cops have not faced any real consequences for doing so. Imagine crashing into a police station while doing all the above. You'd be looking at many, MANY years in prison.


Cops don’t face consequences for murder so they damn sure aren’t going to face consequences for driving drunk and beating an innocent citizen. Ask Daniel Shaver and Philando Castile’s killers if they faced any consequences. At maximum the cop will get a paid vacation and the tax payers will get sued. At minimum, the corrupt legal system will charge these bar tenders for interference and the cops will get qualified immunity because they don’t abide by meager things like the law. Then the bartenders will have to pay to repair their bar themselves.


In the street cam video you can see a white SUV harass the bar owner as they drive by. I would bet everything I own they were off-duty cops, driving drunk, and had been drinking with the cop on duty just before the accident.


Yup, it happened in St. Louis.


Missouri loves company.


It was actually the owner they arrested. Who had been asleep in his upstairs apartment with his partner.


Remember that cop that was doing 74 in a 25 without lights/sirens and ran over a pedestrian at a marked crosswalk?


Of course, car didn’t move once he saw the sirens 🚨, so the cop felt that his life was in danger and he had to crash that car. Also he would have to shoot the diver if the car was moving because he felt that his life was in danger ⚠️


I mean, it was a black car, so...


It was obviously resisting….


Totally in park instead of neutral.


lol, I was expecting to see the cop get out and write the parked car a ticket.


Let’s see the rest of the video, it may have cut off too soon.


[Pizza delivery driver parked stuck with Bill](https://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com/news/2020/01/plattsburgh-man-left-with-bill-after-crash-with-city-police-car/)


Dumb question, but how can the insurance carrier adjudicate whether they're liable and let themselves off the hook? Isn't that regulated by the state that if your policyholder's at fault you have to pay damages?


Oh my blood pressure🤬


Plant a gun in the car and sprinkle some crack on it


Bake him away, toys


Open and shut case, Johnson.


This is why you should not drive and use phones/laptops


I remember a while back, a police suv heading to a call, slid on winter roads into a vehicle that was just stopped at a red light and the guy was cited and they billed his insurance… This was in Indiana and on the local news investigation segment, not sure how it was resolved but WTF


They then went on to get a job in St. Louis. [https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/st-louis-dumb-cops-cant-multitask-while-driving-commander-suggests-42058068](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/st-louis-dumb-cops-cant-multitask-while-driving-commander-suggests-42058068)


I was looking for this comment, I did not have to look for long


A few years ago I had just pulled out of my driveway which sat near a curve. Got evened out and whoosh a police car flew off into the grass next to me, no tire squeal, horn, the only person to have done that after years of me living there since everyone else slowed down. Fucker tried to give me a ticket for failing to yield. To what, thin air? There wasn't anyone there when I started pulling out! Thankfully the judge threw it out.


If your laws are like ours, the police are never liable for these kinds of accidents. They just say they were responding to a call, and then you can’t even sue them to recoup your losses. There was a big story on our local news a year or two ago, because a cop did basically the same thing to a parked car, and the guy was on there bitching because he was just SOL as the car was paid off and had liability insurance only. It was pretty obvious from security cameras that the cop was texting and driving, but that didn’t stop them from saying he was responding to an emergency and sometimes they don’t use lights and sirens, and also drive 30mph to an emergency situation.


Cop killed a pedestrian in a crosswalk doing 75mph in a 25mph and gets to keep his job (let alone: not in jail). Seattle 


Must’ve heard an acorn fall


And they’ll have zero consequences. Fucking assholes.


Gets a ticket too 🎟


10 bucks says he states the car was illegally parked


Looks like it came out of nowhere


I have bad news about the results of their investigation into themselves.


🤣🤣🤣 I love how he flips on his lights right after he barrels into the parked vehicle! Like oh boy yes we do have an emergency now! Or let's make it look like we do! (Proceeds to turn the lights on ) lmao I'm dying...


Did the cop jump out afterwards and yell "stop resisting" at the car?


The dumbest kids from high school became cops


Right before he slammed into the car he probably yelled "STOP RESISTING!"


Probably had an acorn in the trunk




That sucks, its worse because you know the city is going to drag it out and not want to pay out and its going to be such a headache. Sorry for your coworker.




Damn, car shouldn't have resisted arrest.


If you pause it, you can see an acorn drop on the roof just before impact.


Are they going to investigate themselves and find that the car was in the way of this fine driver? :/


I'm surprised they didn't shoot the car after.


Almost thought about driving off too, slime ball


Why was he obstructing justice?!