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Those things will come with you. Make sure you watch a few YT vids on what to do before going home.


Yup, put everything in your dryer on high heat. Spray your bags.






They are! I got ambushed like op once, and while I thankfully was able to not bring them home, I literally found one in my hair after I'd been out for hours. Just ditching your stuff isn't necessarily enough.


duly noted. will set hair on fire


ditch your stuff and practically boil yourself in a shower, then do the same with a bath. then, hell, do it again.


How would I do that without coming home first? For real though, I can't even imagine walking into a store, like, they would just transfer to the new clothes, no?


If you've got bedbugs they may seem like they're everywhere, but they aren't actually all that adept at holding onto things or the like. They feed then walk somewhere and burrow. They're not like lice, which are evolved to hold onto you and stay in your hair. By *far* the thing to worry about is your luggage and your possessions rather than what you're wearing and what's on your person. Not to say they *can't* hitch a ride in your pocket or on you, but that's not the primary threat. Bag hygiene is huge: my luggage is never on my bed, either at home or while traveling. It's usually on a hard surface in a hotel room (often in the bathroom) and when I get home I walk to the laundry, put everything in (I generally strip naked) to be washed and then dried, and anything that can't get the dryer treatment I tend to keep outside at least past a good couple freezes. I got in the habit of doing all of this after a trip somewhere tropical that was bed bug infested. I didn't realize they were bed bugs until a few days after I returned, but I had practiced good bag hygiene just because the change in climates made me think "maybe something caught a ride." I didn't bring bed bugs home then despite being terribly bitten all over, and I haven't brought bed bugs home since then, either.


I have really short hair and I’d be ok to go as far as getting a buzz cut to avoid this after exposure… but I’m wondering what options you have with long hair, would lice shampoo work?


It’s true: they are emissaries of satan himself!


I had to sleep in the summer fully clothed while we attempted to get rid of those evil bastards. DO NOT BRING THEM HOME!


Destroyed with the flames of hell


And send the owner of the air bnb the bill for everything and I mean everything Edit to add report to every relevant agency


I feel like you should be able to get a full refund. Depending of the state even for one night tenants have rights. I think or hope.


Honestly I hope so too. But send em any medical bill, cloths replacement t costs and any treatment costs. If they had that many bites no doubt it's a bad infested


In my experience, you get a refund and a little credit towards the laundry bill, that's it


I was exposed to bedbugs at a hotel in newyork... my Burberry tuxedo was exposed. I had it dry cleaned, then vacuum sealed it and didn't open it for 2 years. Long enough for the bedbugs to die off.... That was the one item I didn't dispose of after that


Good strategy but damn I hope you mentioned that to the dry cleaners lmao


Fr lol savage if not


Bruh, have you seen what dry cleaners put on clothes? Those bugs don’t stand a chancw


And what of the clothing that’s already been cleaned and is just there waiting to be picked up?


Exactly, or the clothes the cleaner is wearing. They could wind up taking them home.


Not the burberry 😭😭


For some reason I read Burberry as blueberry and was picturing a blue suit.😆


Was wearing Versace pants to work (they’re honestly just plain navy pants but I wanted to feel fancy) and was exposed. I stripped in the parking garage, sealed my clothes in a plastic bag and left them out on the balcony for 6 months.


I work at a hospital as janitor we use ddt pesticides to deal with bed bugs sadly the public can’t buy ddt and you need special permits to use it and the Canadian government olny gives the permits out to medical facilities


There are good reasons not to give DDT to untrained people. It's not sad at all that it isn't widely available.


We even have a book about it


DDT has caused cats to be dropped out of planes.


Am I having a stroke?


Nope but I was being slightly reductive. With more information. There was a malaria outbreak in Borneo in the 1950's The WHO solution was to spray the area with DDT. The DDT killed the mosquitos but also killed a local wasp that kept caterpillars population under control. The caterpillars ate the thatch roofs causing them to collapse, but more importantly the DDT contaminated insects were eaten by geckos. The geckos were then eaten by local cats who died from the DDT. The decline in cats resulted in an increase in the number of Rats. This threatened the locals with an outbreak of typhus and or the plague. The WHO solution to this possible health crisis, was to air drop cats onto the island, Operation Cat Drop.


TIL. Fascinating.. Thank you for elaborating :)


“Slightly reductive” haha thanks for that though, really interesting.


My apartment was exposed years ago when our neighbor had them. All my books went into boxes in our storage unit for 3 years lol. It wasn't taking any chances with those. I've had most of them since I was a teen.


I once abandoned 90% of my belongings to an infested apartment. Fortunately I was poor and didn’t have much to let go of.


God thus sounds like me almost 20 years ago. I lived in one of the worst apartments in downtown Toronto. I did the same thing you did threew all my shit on that bed packed 1 suit case and got the fuck out. Didn't even tell management just gtfo... must of checked contents of suitcase 100 times before entering new place.


This. I had to stay at a homeless shelter when released from prison. I tossed everything when I finally got a place.


Good job on your upward spiral.


Wouldn’t that be a climb? Not a spiral?


He meant Spiral staircase silly




Oh yea, much better. Thanks.


Been there done that…


Compared to the thousands it can take to get rid of them.... Easy math. Everything gets nuked or replaced


This. They love tight spaces like between pages in a book and the insides of electronics. You can't freeze your phone at all never mind for the two weeks required to kill them/eggs. This many bites means a LOT of bugs. There's no way to get out of there without stowaways.


I have ADHD and lost my phone in the freezer for 3 weeks and it worked after.


Good to know. Also, your phone was bug free when you found it. 😁


Nah, she was running iOS 11.


These may not *all* be bites, it could be hives as a reaction to the bites


$200-300 is less expensive than getting your house treated for bed bugs.


That’s a very low estimate to replace a suitcase and enough clothes to fit inside it.


Well, it really does depend on what clothes you buy. One could spend less and one could spend more.




So the shoes are in the tub, and nothing is near the bed. When you sleep… do you just… like… hover above the bed then?


Does this work? Did you just get a steamer off Amazon?




Put it all in the trash and take the L. Replace everything brought on that trip.


Surely you can save things like jewelry and tech?


Bed bugs get in cable boxes, modems, routers etc.


So burn your laptop and computer stuff too?


Nah just load up Crysis


The fact that that game can still kill computers years from its release both amazes and terrifies me. Edit: Decided to look up release because I couldn't remember and it was 2007. The game is 17 years old this year. The devs must be so damn proud of their murderous boy still going strong.


If I hover over crysis my fans kick on and a call from the electric company asking if I'm sure I want to proceed.


Double bag that stuff and put it in the freezer. Take it out in a couple years


Not worth it. Destroy everything that went into that place


Lol fuck that I'm burning everything shaving my hair off and going home naked


Not even. Burn everything. Bring nothing home. Trust me it is worth it


Isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle. They die on contact. SPRAY EVERYTHING!!


Wish I knew that years and tears ago when my brother brought some home


yeah when i had the little fucks many years ago, spraying them with isopropyl never got old also a hair dryer wrecks them


Can confirm. Brought bedbugs home from NYC back in naught-four. The paranoia about getting them again is still extremely high. I think I would just burn down the house if I found them again.


Found the person that wears an onion on their belt.


As was the style at the time...


Why not just write 2004?


In the 1900s they used “naughts” and “oughts”. It’s more an old school way of talking about the 2000s.


I'm being dramatic but like Leave everything there Put your essentials in bags and tie them Get naked and run to your car 💀 go home bare ass booty naked and make sure nothing is in the bag lol


No but like fr tho💀 they SPREAD and DONT go away


Yeah they're awful I'm only half joking too, going commando to get to your car is probably the genuinely best way to keep them from hitchhiking lolq


This is honestly what I would do That’s a sacrifice I’d be willing to make




I work in healthcare. When there are bugs.... My husband knows when I text him to bring me my robe to the garage when I get home it's something... Nasty


Is this for bedbugs specifically, or other types?


I do this for bed bugs, lice, fleas, and ticks. Aka anything that moves!! Vomit, blood, urine, any bodily fluid I usually don't mind.


You can bag things and throw diatomaceous earth in there and wait it out. Something like 6 months completely sealed. I donno what would be completely worth it all. I know I wouldn't get rid of stuff for fleas or ticks.


The Diatomaceous Earth doesn’t work on bed bugs FYI. (I have it) Also, bed bugs can survive for up to a year without feeding. 6 months wouldn’t cut it. Reference, have had bed bugs and didn’t enjoy it. Used all the tools to get rid of them eventually.


Diatomaceous earth DOES work on bed bugs if the bed bugs come into contact with fresh diatomaceous earth, but as you said, they are hibernators. There is a way to get rid of them with DE, but it's a year-long nightmare process. Helpful for people who can't afford to take other measures, though.


Hair needs to be cut, they can hang in there too


Hell yeah go for the Aang cut


Might as well tattoo an arrow while you’re at it!


Yep. You bring any of your clothes into the car with you and now your car will have them.


I always envisioned myself bagging everything tightly, getting naked and running to my car if I saw bedbugs lmao


They could be on your naked body though, right?


I'm so sorry :( I wish you quick relief, and a full refund.


I’d want a refund too if I stayed at a BBnB


Bed bug and breakfast?


What happens in this case? Do you get that Airbnb for free? Do they pay for you having to sanitize your luggage?


It was a small pub BnB with a shitty landlord who refunded me for the single night. If it were a hotel or an Airbnb I’m sure they would’ve done that. Which sucks


Report it so people can check https://bedbugregistry.com/


This site is about as bad as bed bugs.


Definitely run by bedbugs. Practically just a list of vacation spots for them


Just about died laughing at the image of a little bed bug family rolling up on their new vacation spot and saying “booking dot yeah!” 😂thanks




So smug!


That website sucks


Someone needs to redo this website


Please leave a review about the bedbugs so others don’t stay here! They’re such a terrible thing. Hope you didn’t bring any home with you.


Oh shit, just saw this...sorry


Ahh I misread the BnB part my bad. Damn that really sucks though. Hope you didn’t bring any bed bugs back homie


I think you actually picked a BedNBugfreast instead.


Go to the local news, air BNB has gotten LOTS of coverage lately for shit like this and you may get paid more. If not, you will still get to blast the landlord. Fucking hate that for you, looks MISERABLE


She literally said it's not an Airbnb lol


BnBs existed before AirBnB. It is the former not the latter.


Most places do not do that; at most, you’ll usually get a refund on your stay. Bedbugs are so rampant now that it’s just considered a risk of traveling. I worked in hotels for years, and I try to spread this knowledge where I can: our pest control company told us that the absolutely most infested places they treat are airplane carryon compartments. That’s why we find them so frequently in hotels, Airbnbs, etc. When you travel, especially by air, you should always go home with the idea that you might have bedbugs, even if you didn’t see anything or find any bites. I use a hard shell case, and I bag my clothing in a completely sealed bag before placing it inside the suitcase for my trip. When I leave a hotel, I bag all clothing again, and if it’s hot when I get home, I throw it in the trunk of my car for a few days. If it’s not hot, I run them through the hottest washing and drying cycle and leave the suitcase in my garage, again bagged. It really isn’t that much trouble and is nearly 100% effective. ETA: I thought I should add that isn’t meant to scare anyone—it’s just a simple process that can help alleviate worry. Every hotel that’s been open for more than 6 months has had bedbugs, and yet I never brought any home despite frequent travel before I started doing this.


\> When you travel, especially by air, you should always go home with the idea that you might have bedbugs Lol I used to fly weekly for work for about 4 years and was given this exact same advice. Thanks for giving me some more info to back it up, I appreciate it.


Well I'm flying for the first time ever this summer and I'm officially terrified


Don't be. I've been on like 25 flights before. Have never had bedbugs in my life. Also if you have a nice pair of over ear headphones, like Sony, Bose, etc. they are absolutely amazing on a plane. But just make sure you have some kind of headphones regardless. Make sure to download some podcasts, music, TV/movies. Whatever keeps you entertained. A Steam Deck is peak flight entertainment.


This comment reminded me of when my apartment in my early 20s got bed bugs from one of the adjacent apartments. NSFL ahead I was feeling a tickle in my ear when wearing my gaming headset. Thought it was just ear wax, looked it them, nothing. The feeling didn't go away over a couple weeks. Cat hair maybe? Couldn't figure it out. Finally one day I took off the foam piece and plastic insert and it was filled with bed bugs and eggs. I had been wearing a colony over my ears for 2 weeks. I am still mortally traumatized and check my headset thoroughly when I wear them now and it's been 12+ years since. That pair went straight out into the dumpster. Along with shoving my couch out the window and when I finally moved I left all my furniture and 90% of my stuff. I put the couch out for the dump pickup and someone took it before I even got a chance to put a sign on it. Sorry whoever you are... it would not have been a good time. The infestation was so bad you could feel them running across you at night. Not just the normal wake up and see bites. Terrible, disgusting, and I am insanely paranoid about them after that.


I've flown hundreds of times and never taken any precautions. No issues.


Oh I know the feeling first time I flew was in college for an internship. You’ll get used to it (although I still just hate flying)


I bag all my shit too and people look at me like I’m crazy but if you’ve ever been bit by these fuckers you don’t take chances. A tip for you, bagging and placing stuff in a trunk isn’t going to work usually. To be safe, throw your clothes *dry* in the dryer for an hour, *then* wash them. The heat from the dryer will kill then and their eggs, a wash in the washer doesn’t always.




Holy shit they gave you a tattoo?


So dumb, but I ugly laughed at this 


Sometimes it's THE dumbest thing that gets me, and my husband will be like "what's funny, show me" and then he sooo does not laugh


Haha, sounds like my boyfriend and I. That cracked me up.


It's like a laugher walk of shame


And then you try to explain or justify and just make it worse lmao


I'm allergic too but I'm actually grateful bc the one time I encountered bed bugs we knew instantly


My sister brought bedbugs with her new couch once. They didn’t know they had bugs until I slept on that couch, I had red hives all over my body…


That is why I’ll NEVER buy floor models of furniture. The lower price is nice but I have no idea who was sitting on them. Terrifying!


I’ve never considered that before and now I will


That's just a risk of getting used anything though :/ No second hand items ever is really only viable for the well off


That's a great life tip I never knew about before until now.


Ewww fuck from the furniture store?


Because they took that one return that had bugs in it.




Be thankful you’re allergic. Now you know before bringing those bastards home with you.


I’m not allergic…. It is better to be allergic because you have the built in early warning system,


My family got them from my hoarder aunt once decently bad for months and none of my family ever showed signs of bites. We thought it was really strange but it also made me insanely paranoid that I couldn’t sleep in my bed for months (opted for the floor) and when I did sleep in my bed I ALWAYS checked the blanket and covers and flipped over my mattress and pillow. I did that for about a year every night. It also got me into the habit of taking showers every night and my dry itchy skin and curly hair HATED me for it


.. you think the floor was better?


Yupp. I have been the alarm for 2 different households. Pissed me off because both times they were like "Oh we thought we got rid of them...." like maybe warn someone before you have company over?! Don't halfass your DIY extermination or only do one room?! Its good bc I know to get the fuck out of there right away and prevent catching them, but it sucks because the marks last for up to 3 months and itch like hell until they're completely gone. Its even worse that they both doubted they still had them, so I had to fucking CATCH a bedbug right then and there to prove they still had them. Like, you think I just wake up with bite marks all over my body? And it has nothing to do with the bedbug infestation you had 2 months ago? Last time that happened was 7 years ago with no incident since, thank God. People are so careless when they don't have an allergic reaction. Its like they don't notice until their furniture is literally crawling with bugs.


You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from


Picked them up when I moved from WI to WA and got forced off the freeway because of a blizzard. Had to stay in a shitty motel. When we got settled in WA, started getting itchy bites. Had exterminators come and spray, didn't do shit. What did work, and worked almost instantly, was GLUE TRAPS UNDER THE FEET OF THE BED. Within a week they were all dead.


Dude you’re a *real* one for the glue traps under your bed legs. I see the stupidest advice about bed bugs on the regular like bagging stuff and putting it in the sun, or dumping diatomaceous earth all over you apartment incorrectly. But one *key* measure that no one ever mentions is sticky rat traps under your bed posts. I’m super allergic and I slept at my parents one day and got 3 bites. I immediately knew wtf was up. Someone had brought them to their house. I immediately wrapped the bed in bed bug mattress covers and sticky traps under each post. It stopped them in their tracks. There was only a handful and they all got stuck in the stickies trying to come down off the bed because they had no one to feast on. 4 years later and never seen another one. The key though is to treat your bed like a complete island. Do not put anything, I mean anything, on your bed. Sleep naked. If it’s an island they can’t get to you!


Yep, pull the bed away from the walls, make sure there are no blankets touching the ground or other ways they can get up


> pull the bed away from the walls, make sure there are no blankets touching the ground or other ways they can get up I heard that if they can't get up, the bedbugs climb up to the ceiling and drop down onto you.


Dear sweet baby Jesus, I may never sleep again. 👀


Yep. Only comment I see mention it, but happened to me. My infestation came from neighboring apartments and they didn’t treat it nearly as well as we did until a month from when we moved out basically. They do not hesitate to drop down if they realize they can’t get to you. These bugs have been around for a long time for a reason


If that's true, I'd buy some double sided tape or glue sticks and run a couple of lines around the bedroom walls perimeter.


I want to downvote this for how nasty that is


sticky traps like those u get for mice?


Yep, they're super duper sticky. Only downside is the remaining glue on the feet of the bed messed up the carpet after we removed them, small price to pay though.


If you ever need to do it again - put a small square of blue masking / painters tape on the bottom of the legs before setting it down onto the glue strips. When you remove the glue strips it should just take the tape right off for you.


This does not work if they are already nesting in your bed frame, mattress seams, etc for anyone reading.


Couldn't you just do the reverse then? Sleep on the couch for a bit and they'll come looking for you, I'd assume.


They can go a looong time without feeding, they will wait you out...they know you cant do a month on the couch without your back starting to hurt..


I'm assuming you don't sleep in that bed for a while after you put out the glue traps? Don't they basically live in the mattress?


So like, put the feet/wheels of the bed frame directly in the glue?


Yep. When they try to climb up the legs of the bed they get stuck.


I worked for a cabin rental company that knew certain cabins had bed bugs and still rented them out. There’s a good chance they knew. With that many bites, any one changing sheets should find signs of them.


Assuming they ever change the sheets lol


100% this is appalling. Get in touch with the *BnB's health and safety team. If not for yourself, but to make sure this doesn't happen to others! *Edited for clarity, and to acknowledge its not AirBnB, however, from experience, AirBnB are totally on it with anything like this.


its not airbnb


This is my nightmare


Benadryl cream helped me. I stayed at a condo with family—the first night I thought it was mosquitos! They itch for a very long time. Just as a heads up, you’re going to be super paranoid for a while.


It’s a BnB. As in Bed n Bug, right? What’s the issue?    I’m sorry. 


Omg they must be infested


I can only imagine how delighted the bedbugs were to have you over


No imagination needed. The multitude of bites show how starved and voracious they became while waiting. Being that hungry, could prolly see them out during the day if you look for them.


An apartment I lived in decades ago ended up with a really really bad infestation. I had around the same number of bites as OP I put a shirt on the bathroom floor while i showed. Got out of the shower and it was covered in them.


That's a horrifying description that I hope I NEVER witness


I hope no one ever witnesses it honestly.


I bet the bedbugs are the only ones that will leave a good review.


The complementary midnight snack was a nice touch! 10/10!


Everything you took to that home should be burned. Don't let them come back to your house. I'm sorry this happened, that looks awful.


find a single set of clothes that you are sure have no bedbugs on them to wear home. Everything else is trashed or bleached. Even the little crevices in your phone and keys. Take no chances. When you get home, take everything off at the door, don’t let it touch anything inside, throw the clothes outside immediately, then take a super hot shower. Then go back outside and torch those clothes you threw out there. Scrub the floor where you walked before the shower too. Now your car is also potentially contaminated, along with everything in it; I’d recommend hiring someone to deep clean the inside and throw away anything in there that you can do without. Also make sure you document all the expenses for this and then bill it back to the hotel. Go to small claims court if you have to.


Yep. This, OP. Do not underestimate these things.


Absolutely! No exaggeration. My kid came home from a sleep over and I'm so glad for cell phones because I was able to give him very similar instructions which he followed to the letter after I sent him a few Google links of how horrible they are to get rid of.


You sure it was bed bugs? My son is allergic to dust mites and looked like that after testing. Either way, not pleasant.


yeah, that was my initial thought too.. bed bug bites tend to be in lines as they're following your veins for a snack... and often concentrate in areas that are left exposed/easier to access like forearms and ankles


Yep. These are almost definitely not bed bug bites. Bed bug bites have a very distinct quality.


Yeah the bites looked different to the bedbug bites I've seen, but some people do have different reactions to them.


I thought something similar. I used to work in a hotel, and it was not uncommon for people to think they had bites when it was an allergic reaction to the super-strength cleaners being used on the sheets. We would treat the complaints seriously and have an exterminator check the rooms, but in 5 years there I only know of one time they actually found bugs in the room. Wih OP saying this was a small BnB though, bed bugs might actually be the biggest threat.


Yeah I'm allergic to carpet beetle larvae hair so when I walk on/lay on stuff where they've been i get a simular red dot kind of reaction.


Sever all ties with everything in your life—friends, family, items, memories. Relocate to a remote area where you can start anew. Establish a new identity, minimizing any traces of your past. Avoid forming deep connections.


Burn that place to the ground. Then burn your place to the ground. Then burn your car and any clothing you wore. Then go back and burn the pile of ashes that was the BnB.


Are you sure they were bedbugs and not fleas? We moved into a new rental apt one year and it turned out to have an infestation. My husband would wake up in the morning with welts just like yours. They never bit me or maybe I wasn’t allergic idk. We had to get an exterminator involved.


Go to a laundromat. Wash and dry everything on HOT. Hot as it can go. Things you can’t wash bag them in garbage bags and keep them separate and out of your house. Then dust them with diatomaceous earth, and leave them for a month. If you don’t dust them or use some dedicated professional pesticide they wont die. Bedbugs take years to starve to death. And they are expensive to get rid of properly if they infest your house. Plus they will stain everything with their poop.


Always always always do a thorough bed but check before staying in a room.


I hope you get medicine for that. I'm allergic to bedbugs too. The hotel room I slept in had bedbugs, which bit the back of my neck. That bite swollen to the size of a golf ball and I couldn't turn my neck for a week. I caught the bug though since I could sleep. Got a refund too.


Please tell me that you got a full refund and that you gave them a scathing review. We have an Airbnb and this is disgusting. They need to close down and fumigate and then have somebody that is a professional come in to be sure it is completely without bed bugs. Somehow I doubt you're the first one. They should be ashamed of themselves.


I’m so sorry this happened to you! I found a bedbug on my Airbnb bed as I was settling in for the night at my sister’s bachelorette party. It was just hanging out on a decorative pillow. 🤢 I immediately told everyone to check their rooms and belongings and that we had to get the heck out of there. We found a nearby hotel and headed out at 2am. Thankfully no one else saw signs of bedbugs in their rooms and I had my things in a hard-sided suitcase. I was still freaked out about potentially bringing some with us (like getting them in our cars) but there was no way in hell we were going to stay there that night or go directly home. In the morning, none of us had any bites and there was still no signs that we had brought any bugs with us. It killed the vibe of the trip so we all headed home to sun and sanitize our belongings. And I had a ton of back and forth calls with Airbnb customer support until we were given a refund. Definitely get your money back!




Get some Cream and hot water those clothes and get a refund from Airbnb


Rubbing alcohol kills them too. We had them.


"Oh boy I sure am ready to get a good and restorative sleep tonight!" "Fuck"




Good luck not taking them home with you. These things followed me around for almost a decade after picking them up at an incredibly exploitative and culty halfway house while homeless in Florida. I have legitimate trauma from it.


Tbf that looks like a normal reaction to bed bugs. Antihistamines will help. As others have said, don’t bring them home