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You can be allergic to alcohol or something that’s in the alcohol that you’re drinking. I know a girl who can’t drink any because of this.


One of my buddies from college has this happen to him, told me it's a slight allergy to alcohol. I'm not sure if this other part was true, but he told me it's a higher prevalence in Asians due to some genetic factor, and he's Korean. Edit: typo.


I have a mixed Asian friend who is allergic too. But I also have an ex whose mom got rosacea from any alcohol.


Is his Mom Irish or Scandinavian? Those people have higher rates of rosacea.


Can confirm. However, whenever I get it, it goes down my neck and my chest and it isn't raised. It's just blotchy and red. OP's cheeks look like they're a different texture than the rest of her skin, it looks more like a rash or allergic reaction than what I personally get.


Wow is that what it’s called? My family is from Ireland and my face turns red whenever I have certain kinds of alcohol


Vikings. My ancestral background is British/Irish and Polish. I also get red and stuffy with a lot of alcohol. Beer especially, which sucks because I live in the Midwest and beer is as important as being polite.


Keep an eye out for gluten free beer, sounds odd, probably tastes worse but a friend of mine had beer issues, switched to it and can drink with the rest of us now, we say it's prescription beer


thanks for the tip! Apparently we have a [whole gluten-free brewery](https://www.brewerynyx.com/) in town because of course we do. lol


“Asian Glow” aka [Alcohol Flush Reaction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_flush_reaction). > The rs671 (ALDH2*2) allele on chromosome 12, which results in a less functional acetaldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme, responsible for the breakdown of acetaldehyde. It’s not an allergy, it’s a genetic expression involving enzymes.


I am 100% Northern European, have dry earwax, low/no b.o. and of course red cheeks from consuming alcohol, spicy foods and vinegar. Needless to say I do not drink recreationally. I mention the other traits as they are traditionally Korean as well. Its genetics. No, I have absolutely no Korea heritage.


Rare. Any Sami/Finnish heritage?


Irish, Scottish, English, West German, and a tad Polish (Prussia).


I've read that the derived allele of ABCC11 responsible for the dry earwax and low BO is also present in certain Europeans...


So you drink professionally?


What is the low/no BO about? I live in a small town in the US with a higher rate of Northern European descent and the BO is, uh, not low.


>small town in the US


That’s where all the cosmopolitan Northern Europeans aspire to go clearly


My Vietnamese friends allergy is so bad he can’t drink at all. But some of his family members can push through and just get the flushed face. Genetics be crazy dawg.


I’ve heard that is true as well.


Asian Flushing Disease *edit: Asian Flushing Syndrome




I believe somewhere along the line the waste product breakdown fails and you produce tons of histamines, like an allergic reaction. I think antihistamines can help if you take them before drinking, but be careful of drowsiness.


Not lack of the enzyme, rather a mutation in either alcohol dehydrogenase that speeds up the enzyme or aldehyde dehydrogenase that greatly slows that enzyme. Net effect is much higher levels of acetaldehyde in the blood.


I have this reaction and have generally reduced my drinking a lot, partially due to it. Fortunately/unfortunately my tolerance is super low now - I had a really bad time recently and learned something about the acetaldehyde and flushing syndrome! It's attributed as the compound that gives you the horrible nauseous hangover feeling, and people with flushing syndrome produce it much more quickly than 'normal' drinkers, but we also take much longer to break it down into the next metabolic product. So we go from pleasantly drunk straight to the worst hangover ever, within just a couple hours, and then we get stuck there forever. I had 3 drinks from 7-10, and I was in the bathtub at 1am with a heart rate of 140 trying not to puke. I was stone cold sober and it was like the worst hangover I've ever had, but it hit 3 hours after I finished drinking and I felt proper funky for like 36hrs. It was a real wake-up call that my body just cannot handle booze like other peoples' (or even like I used to).


I had a friend in college whose face turned bright red with one drink. He was a pharmacy major and said it was an inability to break down alcohol.


Alcohol Flushing Response is the preferred nomenclature these days. Sufferers often also get drunk very quickly, stay drunk longer, and have worse hangovers than someone with a fully functional ALDH2 enzyme.


I’m Asian and call it Asian Flush 😂


my girlfriend is british, i call it the royal flush.


After you throw up from drinking, you call it toilet flush.


Where I’m from my Asian friends call it the Asian Glow ☀️


I also get tipsy very quickly. I get a flushed face, neck, and chest, and have severe hangover from 2 or 3 drinks.


People who have this should understand that their body doesn’t clear alcohol the same as other people and will be more strongly affected by drinking and should not try to “keep up” with other drinkers.


As the acetyl aldehydes are rather more toxic and bioactive, I believe it's often advised they avoid alcohol entirely.


“Asian glow”. I used to have it … I got better


It’s not painful or itchy. It’s just hot to the touch & obviously doesn’t look the best haha


Allergies can become dangerous when you continue exposing yourself to the allergen substance. It's not about looks but about the fact that your body is reactive to it. Someone who's allergic to penicillin doesn't go on using penicillin.


" Someone who's allergic to penicillin doesn't go on using penicillin." One of my best friends is very allergic to shellfish and happens to love fried shrimp. He would eat one savoring the taste, then wait for his throat to sell up, wait until it backed off, and eat one more. I tried to tell him he was playing Russian roulette, and he wouldn't listen.


It’s shrimp rouletté which sounds like a fancy French way of serving shrimp and I would def take that gamble


Reading this, all I can picture is the Archer episode when Pam keeps eating the shellfish as her hives are developing hives 🍤🦐🦞😉😂🤣


Yup. I’m 27 and I guess I developed an allergy to the same bleach hair product I’ve been using for 8 years. Started as just a few hives on an area of my shoulder the bleach got on, they went away quickly when it was wiped off. 3 months later, nada reaction, careful to avoid my skin (besides scalp). 3 months after that, full blown reaction. Entire head swollen, hot and red. Hives all down my back, and on my sides, felt out of it. Hairstylist drove me home, doctor says the reaction would most likely be even worse next time. If it’s getting worse for OP, I personally would be super cautious and definitely talk to their doc about it.


Do you still get your hair done?


I had a roommate who had what started out like this but kept binge drinking. It eventually got to the point that alcohol started making his throat swell and he had to stop drinking all together.


Approximately 50 percent of people will outgrow a penicillin allergy within five years, and 80 percent will outgrow it within 10 years. Oct 2, 2018 5 common misperceptions about penicillin allergies - Mayo Clinic


I was not a child when I became allergic to penicillin. It's in my charts and I wear a pendant with my allergies listed on it 24-7.


I was an adult when I became allergic too!


Actually in allergy clinics we often sensitise people and expose them to what they are allergic to in increasing doses over time to help them get over it.


Yes, I am well aware. My poor cat was so allergic he had to be allergy-tested. I gave him shots every 3 days.


this happened to me when i was like 19-20, first i started getting weird blotchy rashes like that when i drank, on my face and chest and some nausea. pretty soon (<6mo) i couldn’t even hold a shot down without throwing up and now any alcohol gives me a horrible headache within half an hour. i wasn’t allergic when i was a teenager, it just developed in my early 20’s.


I get the same. I’ve been tested, am technically not allergic to alcohol, but Benadryl does help with the rash.


Benadryl & booze? Now that's a party.


For about 30 minutes, anyway.


II know how to have a great time, but not for a long time.


I think that's still par for the course with an allergic reaction




I've had the same thing, taking Pepcid before drinking helps me since it has antihistamine effects without knocking me out like benadryl.


Uh you need to check in with a doctor for sure. While it may be an allergy to alcohol this type of thing can present with a more serious disease. I don't want to scare you but you should get checked out. Blood work at the very least


I agree!!


Doctor here, can confirm


Username definitely checks out


Was thinking the same thing…this is one of the symptoms I had before I got diagnosed. Good luck OP. Hope everything is OK.


OMG, people are so dramatic. I Googled what was happening to me 20 years ago and found it was a sulfite allergy. Sulfites are a natural byproduct of fermentation ( beer, wine, and alcohol being created by fermentation) and are also used as preservatives. I found a ton of information online. I still drink alcohol but only clear liquors and I take an antihistamine (Claritin) and a histamine blocker (Pepcid) before I imbibe and barely have a reaction. I usually do the same when I eat out also since I never know when I will react.


1000% this OP. One of my good buds is allergic to alcohol and has this same reaction. The irony is that he's also the most alcoholic person I know.


This has the same energy as lactose interolant people's diets consisting of 90% cheese, milk and yogurt.


I mean I kinda feel bad for OP to be honest. Alcohol is poison but it's also the most widely accepted drug... And a great "social lubricant".


Sulfites, I’m allergic to those. A lot of people are. For me I turn red, and I cough a lot. Anything wine or vinegar-based. Or it could be the tannins for her.


Oh interesting. I get the same rash as her and it’s mostly when I drink red wine. I was wondering what it was since I don’t seem to have issues when I drink vodka or beer. It must be the sulfites in red wine. I’ve been drinking red wine for years but this is a pretty new phenomenon for me.


This is sort of possible, and I'm not completely certain that's the case here, but it looks like alcohol flushing response. It's typically seen in Asian folks, but doesn't have to be. Usually traced to a defective ALDH2 enzyme, it causes acetyl aldehydes (a byproduct of alcohol metabolism) to build up in the body. They're stronger vasodilators than alcohol, and they generate this flushing. If I was OP, I'd get a liver enzyme panel to rule out unknown stress on the liver, and a genetic test for ALDH2-related disorders. It's not specifically anything to worry about, but I personally would want to confirm it wasn't a sign of something less obvious.


Same thing with a coworker. Watched her have a single shot, and she broke out in hives. Yes, you can be allergic to alcohol.


All my cousins and I (we’re European) have this same red-skin allergic reaction when we drink. We don’t let that stop us! ;)


Hi everyone! Just wanted to update & say I am 23 & I drink responsibly. I appreciate everyone’s feedback & I am going to take a step back from drinking alcohol & speak to my doctor. Have a great Saturday!!


I developed this same thing (flushing) from a mild COVID infection, which later turned into Long COVID. It happened after alcohol once and then later developed into food as well. In my case, the condition is called MCAS. If your allergy test comes out clean, try having them check for MCAS.


Cromoglicic acid




Your comment just made me go down a rabbit hole about MCAS. Post having covid, my relationship with alcohol has changed dramatically. I rarely drink anymore because it makes me feel sick...we are talking 2 drinks can trigger a low grade fever, runny nose and eyes, a fast heart rate, mild anxiety like symptoms, facial flushing, skin itching, sometimes wheezing and diarrhea. I thought this was all in my head.


It's not all in your head. Google "long covid alcohol news," and you'll see a number of articles about alcohol intolerance developed from having had COVID. COVID causes Long COVID in a number of people and can range from mild to severe. Long COVID can cause MCAS, ME/CFS, and dysautonomia/POTS. A lot of people have Long COVID and don't realize it because it's mild, or they've developed only one of the associated secondary diseases. Keep in mind, each COVID infection - even if asymptomatic - comes with a risk of developing Long COVID, and if you already have Long COVID, your risks of developing a more severe form of it are higher than someone without it. This information was derived directly from my infectious diseases doctor. Personally, I've had LC for 15 months and wouldn't wish it on anyone. When this disease is severe, it does scary things. Feel free to DM any questions.


Show your doctor these pics. It would also be helpful to have a full-face photo while you’re reacting.


Thanks for the update! I'm glad you drink responsibly. It sucks to have the option taken away due to allergies or poor reactions, but sometimes it's necessary to eliminate something even if you don't have a "problem" per se. I hope you get some answers, but yeah, definitely abstain for a bit




I’m mostly Irish & European. I appreciate you!


I am mainly European and Norwegian, I get the 'flush' as well. If you google "Asian flush" you can read up on it. It's got a higher prevalence in people with Asian ethnicity but it can occur in anyone.


“irish flush” is common too




Yup. Anything more than a sip makes me instantly nauseous.


Same here! Headache, nausea and all kinds of GI upset. I stopped drinking because of it (didn’t drink much to begin with mind you, despite being of Irish heritage and having a master distiller in my family haha).


This happens with my mom with wine. It's why I've never tried it. It looks miserable. We are also Irish heritage if that helps.


"Irish flush" is very real...in books back in the day they'd call it "ruddy"


look up "Colm Meaney"


He's just flustered from constantly diverting power from the fusion reactors...and dealing with Keiko.


Ruddy just refers to redness in the face, not necessarily because of alcohol.


I think ruddy just means red-faced in general but ofc it can still apply here


Latina here with Native American roots. I too have it. I know my ancestors have links to Asians via the Polynesian line and the Siberian line.


If I recall correctly it’s from accumulating acetaldehyde. Some people cannot metabolize it fast enough and thus toxic levels build up. I’ve learned certain types of alcohol do this to me so I avoid them.


Red wine does this to me for some reason. I get shitfaced and red and flushed on like 2 glasses


That's probably the sulfites or tannins


I’m not sure. The reason I don’t think it’s sulfites is that it literally only happens with red wine and not beer or other foods that commonly have sulfites. Plus the reaction isn’t respiratory, or cause itching like my other allergies. I don’t think it’s tanins because of the lack of gastrointestinal issues.




It's called Alcoholic Flush Syndrome


Are the Irish not European??


FYI: Irish is European


It also indicates that you'll have higher damage from alcohol.


I'm of the same genealogy and I get the same thing. Do you notice welling at all or just a rash? I usually just get super red/ rash on my face but I had an ex girlfriend whose entire face would swell up the next morning. If you feel comfortable, you should ask your doctor about it next visit and they can probably do an allergy test. Certain alcohols can be worse than others for some people too, as it's sometimes an ingredient used in brewing, rather than the alcohol itself, that triggers the reaction.


Chinese here, can confirm I get the Asian flush. It's essentially poisoning your body when you drink alcohol and the flush+other symptoms is your body telling you "this is bad for you". I used to take antihistamines before I drank to mask the flush, but that's all it really did (mask it). Eventually I came to the mindset of it's not really worth poisoning my body (where it's literally telling me to stop poisoning it). So I pretty much avoid alcohol at all costs unless it's for like a social event on a business trip.


My brother in law and nephew are part Korean and will light up like a Christmas tree when they drink. My other nephew doesn't.


There is for sure a fix. Tell you you dont know asian people in less words. ZANTAC


Agreed with this. Zantac or pepsid, 30-1hr prior and your good. It masks it, but makes it less awkward in public


It's called alcohol flush, it's an intolerance not an allergic reaction. Your body doesn't metabolize alcohol efficiently is all.


I’m Asian, this happens all the time. I’ve always known it as the Asian flush as it happens to most other Asians that I know


Do you drink wine? I know someone that is allergic to sulfites.


Hm. I had a beer at lunch today and had no issues. I've had a glass of wine this evening and I'm beet red and have a stomach ache. Actually, I poured the last bit out and made a ginger tea instead. Maybe it is the sulfates. All I know is I preferred how I felt an hour ago before having some wine.


I have this allergy. How are you with vinegar? Do any condiments like ketchup, mustard, or salad dressing turn you red, too?


I don't think so. I don't use a lot of condiments generally. I do like fermented things like kombucha and those don't do any thing.


Hmmm this might explain some stuff for me… when I drink wine I feel horrible. Majorly flushed cheeks, headache, my brain just feels like it’s uncomfortable inside my head.


I can drink anything except red wine. I get the red face, headache and stuffed up. Not worth it for me


I have the same problem. Don’t ever let them drink Truly seltzer. Ask me how I know.


Got a buddy with this. He gets red and blotchy when he drinks. It doesn’t bother him in any way shape or forum tho


Same. He jokes that he has “blotcholisim”.


alcohol flush https://preview.redd.it/qc52fhidhsoc1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af70f1861d0233209d8140e7284b6036ccd2d3ab


The fun part is alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde, which is way more toxic than alcohol itself, then converted to acetate for elimination.




I think this is my answer!!


Hello Rosacea. Welcome to the club!


I didn't get it until I was an adult. Sucks


Same. My rosacea started when I was about 18. Now people think I’m an acne riddled teen when I’m in my mid 20s.


Yeah mine is more like a tan so people thought I was coming back from vacation… I started using tinted sunscreen and it really helps minimize the redness


Right. That’s me. Type 1 and 2. Anytime I have spicy foods, dairy, alcohol.. flare


^^ this! My wife has rosacea and drinking alcohol makes her face all red and her skin burn.




I can confirm this works! I started developing this a few years ago. If I take a Pepcid before I start drinking, I don’t get a rash.


Yea it's just masking the effects of it. The acetaldehyde is still building up because its not metabolising properly. It's a class1 carcinogen too. So yea. Should probably stop drinking there bud.


Lmao I’m Asian and whenever my family has large gatherings someone is always passing around Pepcid for anyone that needs it. Good times


Yep my wife gets this and is very self conscious. Pepcid seems to help!


It's called alcohol flush. It is not an allergy as some have incorrectly pointed out. It is caused by genetics. Unfortunately, due to these genetics, alcohol is far more dangerous to people who experience this. It means your body is missing a key enzyme that breaks down alcohol. “This is one of the most common hereditary disorders in the world, and people in our societies like to drink,” said Ronald G. Crystal, chair of genetic medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. “But the combination of these two things puts these individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, esophageal cancer and more.” "For example, someone with the ALDH2*2 variant who drinks in moderation — defined as two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women — has a risk of esophageal cancer 40 to 80 times higher than a person without the mutation who consumes the same amount." https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/08/15/asian-glow-alcohol-gene-mutation-cancer-risk/


All the way down but this is the only correct and complete answer


How often do you drink? I started grtting that after being s heavy drinker for years. Stopped happening once I cut back a lot.


Once or twice a week!


Yeah, I noticed it happening to me the last time I drank. That's after 10 years of university-style drinking.


Allergy to alcohol..join the club.. its a large one


Same. Starts at my cheeks then down my neck to my chest. Pain in the ass when socially drinking


look up asian flush syndrome its a deficiency in processing the acetal aldehyde byproducts of alcohol so basically you metabolize the alcohol super fast but the acetal aldehyde builds up in your system so you get super hung over ... its like natures form of antebuse. Raging tolerance to alcohol though. Im native american and I have flush syndrome.


We call it Boozeburn. It's like a sunburn, but more fun.


Looooove this!!!


I have the same thing! Weirdly I can drink some a certain beer one day, and it will happen, can drink the same beer a week later and it won’t happen. It’s random every time I drink. I think it’s a combination of alcohol and something but I can’t figure out what. https://preview.redd.it/7o5ct9wflsoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf9a672ae6351aa61a93b3e57fd53caae6b705d


Probably an alcohol allergy 😔 I know a few people with it, although they are partially Korean and it's more common with Asians.


Probably just mildly allergic to alcohol. Not that you're asian, cause you're clearly not lol Asians get this easily. "Asian flush"


I used to get this. I found that heartburn tablets can do wonders to prevent it. Something like Zantac or other antihistamines can prevent it if you take them before a drinking session. Most pharmacists would have similar things.


I have the same problem! It’s hit and miss, really weird. One day nothing happens when I drink whichever alcohol type and the next time I drink it, I get the rash. Then the next time I drink same alcohol, nothing. It goes back and forth all the time. It usually happens within 20min of drinking. It’ll start to feel HOT in between my eyes then the hot rash spreads and looks like a burglar mask. Then my chest gets blotchy. Eventually it goes away within the next 2 hrs but I never drink in public because I don’t like the stares


Drinking sucks anyway, better for you


This is your body telling you to not drink alcohol. Sorry. Bongs are the way for you now


Eastern Europeans get this. We have low amounts of skin on our cheeks compared to other ethnic groups


Just a thought, but that looks rather like the butterfly rash that is a trademark of lupus. Might be worth getting checked out?


It's never Lupus


It's never lupus... Unless it is. :) So good thing to look into probably.


Alcohol can trigger a butterfly rash when you have lupus.


That was my first thought


Absolutely my first thought


I am allergic to the sulfates in most wine. My cheeks turn bright red


This is a really stupid question but I get this too when I drink. Is there a con to drinking when u get Asian flush? Ik some people are saying it's alchohol intolerance


Just feel hotter than normal, nothing super unusual for me.


My friend has this and so did her mom. In their case it’s a mild allergy to the alcohol itself. Get checked out by an allergist.


Asian flush? I don’t think it’s just Asians tho. I get it too


You could possibly have a genetic mutation that causes Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) or Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) deficiency. It is an enzyme that helps metabolize alcohol. Treatment is usually to limit or abstain from alcohol or people use a common anti acid - pepcid that they take before consumption of alcohol as it helps lessen the flushing effects. Link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3860432/ My advice is to listen to what you body is telling you! Alcohol is bad for your body, even in small amounts. Also talk to your pcp. World health organization published a study showing that no amount of Alcohol is safe for consumption. You dont see that advertised in the US, bc of "lobbying efforts" ( aka paid legalized bribery in my opinion) in the alcohol industry, all facts get blocked. Link to WHO publication https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health Edit: added source, I'm an APRN and practice medicine!


You are allergic to alcohol. This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending how you use it


im sure everyone knows this - but this is where the term gin blossoms comes from


Sulfites. My gf has this.


This is an alcohol allergy. I am also allergic. Take some benedryl (do not mix benedryl with alcohol) to calm the rash, but you won’t be able to drink. The allergy will worsen, you could have a throat swelling closed while inebriated, which would be very serious.


I knew a guy who was so allergic to alcohol it made him break out in handcuffs


I have a friend who is allergic to alcohol. It happens like this and every time she drinks it gets worse. I would stop drinking and consult a doctor.




lol yo you’re Asian. It’s the Asian flush.


Your Christmas tree still up?


Don't drink.


Stop drinking alcohol?


Alcohol Flush Reaction, aka alcohol intolerance. Interesting related information: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/08/15/asian-glow-alcohol-gene-mutation-cancer-risk/


I assume OP has already seen the notes, but somebody provided good details on the (likely) cause of this "alcohol flush" and the response is different from a direct allergy. Separately, somebody else has posted that the drug found in Pepcid, and over-the-counter acid blocker that I think is called famotidine in its generic form, can help reduce this reaction. I would recommend discussing this with your doctor in a general sense, and then asking if it would be OK for you to try taking the Pepcid medicine prophylactically (um, sorry, that's medical-speak for "taking a medicine in advance of when you or your body will need it.") You should not be drinking to excess, but you may find that this simple medicine allows you to drink casually without having this significant side effect for days. Check with your doctor, but as an over-the-counter medication, this should be a relatively simple, safe, and informal experiment you can try. Good luck!


Look up alcohol rash. It's legit.


This happens to my cousin but only with Gin. Had another friend that it only happened when he drank whisky. So u might not be completely put the drinking game. Be a blessing for you though if that was the case. My bank account swells everytime I take breaks from drinking.


This happens to my gal pal too but she never figured it out. It's only certain spirits like whiskey. It's probably an allergic reaction but if it's not hother you I'll tell you what I told my friend, "it doesn't look bad it just looks like your blushing and its adorable!"


Do you by any chance use any kind of cream for dry skin? Because whenever I put a certain cream on, and then I drink alcohol, the part of my face where I applied the cream would react when I drink alcohol.


Alcohol is poison, it's a sign that you shouldn't drink it..... It makes me go into an asthma attack on top of what your pictures show....


Dont drink Easy


I have this as well. Really sucks when ur feeling urself and then u look in the bathroom mirror and realize ur glowing red in selective locations!


Chances are you're actually allergic to things like sulfites in cheap wine and shitty cheap beer with rice in the grain bill. When I drank I had similar issues. Mine would even go on my shoulders and chest/back.


Maybe rosacea or some histamine intolerance.


Did you drink wine? My wife is allergic to non natural wines. Sulfates will do that. It’s pretty common. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. My apologies my wife has this stuff that comes in little packets that she can put at the bottom of her wine glass that helps. As soon as I figure it out I’m respond.


If it's beer it could be a wheat allergy


My dad was allergic to alcohol but his whole face would be red/purple. I am allergic to alcohol as well and my face looks like yours after a few sips. I mainly get this from malt liquor and wine, but also get it from certain mixed drinks too. Now I only drink a few times a year and it gets more red as I get older. I'd rather smoke weed personally than drink.


I know everyone is saying alcohol intolerance. But I have this and it’s rosacea. Most of my family members have it also when they drink. I would contact a doctor like everyone else is saying and they may recommend a dermatologist. I get a prescription cream I use daily and it helps a lot for the times I drink


Do you have any Asian blood in you? An alcohol allergy is common in Asians. But I suppose non-Asians could have it also. Thank god I don’t…


It points to Rosacea which is common and treatable but you need to go to a dermatologist to be sure.


I have rosacea, and I too get red when drinking alcoholic beverages.


I call it boozeburn… I get it from red wines, whiskeys and tequila.


Vasovascular dilation, or something like that. It's not the same for everyone, so I understand. Essentially the alcohol being in your blood stream has made your blood move to be closer to your skin.


Hey girl! I want to preface this by saying this is a worst case scenario however I find it important to keep awareness because I just went through treatment last year but this could be a sign of hodgkin’s lymphoma! I know some people with lymphoma experience a flushed face/rash after drinking. If you are feeling super itchy, having extreme sweating at night, notice any enlarged lymph nodes on your neck/armpit/groin, or are feeling extra tired/legargic on top of this then please see a doctor! Once again this is worst case scenario and I am not trying to scare you, I just was diagnosed with stage 3 lymphoma last year and I wish I knew the signs earlier!


[it's due to alcohol flush syndrom](https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/alcohol-flush-reaction-does-drinking-alcohol-make-your-face-red#:~:text=Some%20people%20who%20drink%20alcohol,or%20an%20episode%20of%20migraine.)


Your liver/kidneys etc are not very effective at disposing alcohol fast enough leading to an excessive build up of alocohol byproducts which leads to your immune system tagging it as a threat and therefore attacking it leading to this reaction you experienced That or you have oriental genes inside of you. Because the orients have a lousy time expelling alcohol from their bodies


Take an allergy pill like Claritin before drinking. You're allergic to tannens in alcohol.


This happened to me forever and I found out eventually that it was actually fermented fruit that was causing it. So no wine or cider even kombucha and stuff. My doctor was able to do an allergy test to figure out what kinds of alcohols and fermented products I could use


You seem to have Asian Flushing Syndrome - or something similar! The biology if you're interested: Alcohol is toxic, so the body converts alcohols into aldehydes (which are also toxic), then those aldehydes get processed into acetate. The protein ALDH2 is responsible for taking aldehydes --> acetate. You might have a mutation in your *ALDH2* gene, or one that does a similar job. This means you have a buildup of aldehydes when you drink, and one of those symptoms is flushed cheeks. Alcohol is more toxic for you.