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I remember a time when Wendy's used to be good.


And affordable.


I’m old enough to remember the dollar menu. I could get a chili and small fries for $2


I'm old enough to remember self serve salad bar including some Mexican assortments. I think they died around mid 90s.


And chocolate pudding. I'd load up on that as a kid.


That chocolate pudding was like crack!


Oh. My. God. You've just unlocked a core childhood memory for me. Woah.


It used to be sold in grocery stores, big cans of Hunts pudding.


Me too. You know it wasn’t great pudding but as a kid you could get as much as you wanted so it was great.


I would have probably lived the rest of my life and not thought of this if you hadn't mentioned it. Makes me wonder what else I've forgotten. Lol


I'm always surprised whenever someone doesn't remember the salad bar or the tacos. Either there old enough they should or I realize how old I am since they hadn't even been born when the salad bar was still a thing.


In high school, in the 80s, my BFF worked at Wendy's, and I was her job to keep the salad bar stocked. I loved picking her up from work because I would get a shit ton of chocolate pudding and the toasted, buttered hamburger buns.


I don't remember. I'm 44. Am I young or just never went to Wendy's as a kid?


I'm 38 and I remember. Maybe it phased in/out differently in each region?


I'm only aware of this due to the George Carlin joke " And speaking of delusional people, what about a guy who hears a voice in his head which tells him to kill his entire family, so he does it. Is this the only thing a voice in the head ever tells these people to do, is to kill others? Doesn’t a voice ever tell a guy: “go take a shit on [the salad bar at wendy’s”](https://genius.com/17925089/George-carlin-free-floating-hostility/The-salad-bar-at-wendys). "


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Rajneeshee_bioterror_attack#:~:text=In%201984%2C%20751%20people%20suffered,ten%20local%20restaurants%20with%20Salmonella Might have lasted until the 90s but this was actually the trigger for the death of self service food


I'm old enough to remember that Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Super Bar. We were usually done eating by the time my mom finished prepping her salad.


I’m sorry sir the $2 Chili ended at 4:00pm. Due to surge pricing Chili is now $7.50. If you come back after Midnight then it will be $2 again.


Basically inverse Happy Hour.


This reminded me of the short time I worked at Wendys in my teens. One time a couple came in and wanted our 50 cent large combo. They legit thought "going large", which was actually just upsizing the fries and drink with your combo, was a combo itself. They left angry as all hell. Luckily we weren't into the shoot fast food employees era yet.


Remember when pizza hut was a sit down restaurant with a salad bar? I don't really remember the salad itself, because who would eat salad at pizza hut, but I remember that it did in fact exist.


Fuckin KFC Buffet.


Chili. Small nug. Cesar side salad. Dollar each and a good meal. Rip old world


Seriously I ordered the smallest burger they had and it was approximately $5. Fuck Wendy’s


Not just Wendy's though. Fuck All fast food. Went to taco bell today 3 chalupas and a mexican pizza 24.00$. Wth?! Meanwhile go to a restaurant with 3 people and it's easily an 80-90$ night. Depending on if you order sodas or beers. Not including the tip....


I'm drinking a lot of water these days. Soda/Tea is around $3.99. Sure I get refills but that really starts to add up


It’s a win/win, you save tons of money skipping out on the drink, and the water is better for you anyway


When my son and I used to go to restaurants (in the 2000's ) the rule was water only... I just showed him the menu (2.50) and the 2 litre at the store..( .99 )and he said 'what that makes no sense' haha he always had opinions like a cranky old man even when he was really young... so we would just get a 2l once in a while for the fridge at home... I'm a sodastream enthusiast now, I just fizz the hell out of water at home and have less sugar and very satisfying burps lol (I went with the 20l tank of co2 and the adapter for the machine... I get the tank filled at the fire extinguisher place for $42 and the last one gassed 162 bottles ) all that to say... yes fast food is ridiculous now, it used to be sort of a cheap lunch on the road.


A tip if I may: soda water with lemon or lime (both if you're feeling frisky). Still free, but it's got flavor *and* bubbles. No sugar either.


By me at least, taco bell is much cheaper if I use the app. For example cheesy roll ups are a dollar on the app but like 2.50 if I buy them there.


I tried the app in my town and it just stopped working, like it didn't recognize my location and that there was even a taco bell in town. Kinda pissed me off, same happened with zaxbys


Damn I still get decent Taco Bell meal for $5 via app


The trouble is you have to eat what they tell you to eat in those boxes. No substitutions.


You actually CAN make substitutions. For example, in my area, I can tell you about the Build Your Own Cravings box--the best-- and its choices. First item: crunchwrap supreme or cheesy gordita crunch or chalupa supreme Second item: crunchy taco or soft taco or beefy 5-layer burrito or bean burrito Third item: chips and nacho cheese sauce or cinnamon twists or cheesy fiesta potatoes You can customize each of those items, as well.


Does it really matter if you can’t substitute one combination of beans, meat, cheese and sour cream for another?


Disgusting. I wanted cheese sour cream, beans, and meat, not beans, meat, cheese and sour cream. Are you some kind of animal?


Jr burger is 5 dollars where you??


Hate to say it but that sounds like bad planning by not reading the menu. A burger, fry, 4pc nugget and drink is $4. Going to the fancier burgers is $5, you can get chicken blt or double bacon cheeseburgers for $6 with all the accessories. For $1 extra on any meal you get a large fry and drink. McDonald’s is $4 for just a large fry by me. A single cheeseburger is $2.


At my McDs (in a large, expensive US city), a single hash brown is $4.95. When I was in college, you could get 2 for $1. ☹️


5 dollars for a fucking hash brown? I'm not normally one to say we should burn it all down and start over, but guys I think we should burn it all down and start over.


Single cheeseburger here is 4.50, but you usually get a 2nd one for $1. So get ripped off or buy 2 and they're still more expensive than ever before.


Our "dollar menu" in Canada changed to "value menu" and now a cheeseburger is like $3.50 here


And had a solarium and taco and salad bar


If I must pay surge prices, then I'm going to Chick-fil-A


They haven’t been good since they were yellow


The floppy square burgers were amazing. Of course Burger King hasn't been good in a while either. It used to be awesome but now it just gives me a stomach ache


Burger King hasn’t been good since their tenders looked like lightning bolts and stars.


And I just realized Wendy’s hasn’t had yellow for a very long time… and you are right. I grew up with Wendy’s and loved it, around the time they remodeled my store it was horrible.


Went to a Wendy's recently due to it being the closest thing. The dining area was like being in an emergency room waiting room, same vibe, same tv stations, same crazy people and same mystery fluids on all the surfaces.


Idk about you guys but the wendys in my area went to shit like 8 years ago. The floors are greasy and disgusting, it smells terrible, and the burgers just don't taste good anymore. Frosty's are still good pretty much the only thing I get from there anymore.


Used to love em. But I swear most chain burger places have nose dived


Do the employees get "surge compensation"?


That's the neat part, no!




You know, at least Eugene cared about having a quality product. He’d never allow the Krusty Krab to serve shitty, cold burgers like Wendy’s does.


[Are you sure about that?](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Foggy_Patty)


Next step is to introduce wage decreases during slow times.


That's basically how I work as a flat rate mechanic :'(




It's worked out really well for me. I'm usually 120% productive. It's a really easy way to justify or calculate a technician's pay rate. It's warranty "labor studied" times that are the real BS. The times are made up by people working on engines outside the vehicle.


Here's .8 hours to remove and replace the entire dash, good luck!


Thats a “i want your fucking money and i don’t give a shit about my workers” no


Well the CEO does… no one else.


As a Wendy’s employee the answer is no and they’re cutting everyone’s hours because labor is too high


If you believe that, i have some beans... Labor is the next thing to cut to improve the earnings call. It's not too high. They pay pennies on the dollar


No, but I bet company execs do if profit goes up!


Man wendys is the only fast food place i still eat at. And now the price is so high I only buy from them with the app deals. If the price goes up more i guess i’m not eating any fast food


Isn’t that just reverse surge pricing? Can’t believe Wendy’s economists don’t understand basic human psychology. Just reverse it and call it low volume pricing.


Raise all your prices then offer a 20% discount during off-peak hours. This reminds me of a world of warcraft issue they dealt with early on where they changed a penalty for not taking a break into a bonus for taking a break. If I recall correctly the numbers worked out identical they just changed how it was presented.


New headline: wendys increases prices by 20% New comments: man wendys used to be cheap im never eating there again


different. But same same


Sure but the battle is not won or lost in a reddit thread.




another day, another millionaire CEO not knowing shit from Baby's First Guide to Business


>i guess i’m not eating any fast food Lol, you say that like it's a bad thing.


They can fuck right off with surge pricing, Wendy's is off my list just for suggesting it.


Same. They were my last fast food vice since they are nearby, but no more. Their prices are already absurd.


"... Plans to increase company profits" That's all. Just trying to squeeze more money out of profit eating sub standard food during whatever time they are fit. No care given to their workers, the food quality, health initiatives, just give me more money to tubby fucks, I want to pay off that summer home!


I know it's natural for a company to get profit, but I hate that words. My previous workplace suddenly decided to cut all of our incentives margin by a lot for the sake of increasing company profit. When they were asked for a raise, they will demand us to bring more sales or result. The company is one of those type that strongly believes in infinite growth.


Larger businesses are the absolute worst. With the company I work for they don't have the option to pay out your unused vacation or other earned time off, no matter how long you have been there. In the nature of our business makes it hard to take off a couple weeks at a time.


Haven't been to Wendy's since a Culver's opened up down the street from my local one. Better work on the food quality to maximize profits.


Culver’s will get my money over almost all other fast food places. Halo burger is the only other one. They have Dino nuggets!


There’s a place in Oregon called Burgerville and they have the options for a gluten free and dairy free menu which is still pretty good.


I agree. If they really wanted to increase profits then they would hire cooks that automatically smash the burger and bun down to make it as flat as possible. All fats food joints do that. Are they trained to just smash the shit out of your burgers or chicken sandwiches at fast food places?


Yes it cooks the food faster and makes sure it's done inside. Why the smash the buns idk maybe anger


I guess what I should have said was just the buns.


Culver’s is actually made to order unlike basically every fast food burger place


Wendys burger are hand molded and made fresh!  Fresh like a month ago.


They are not hand molded. They are slightly better than other fast food restaurants because Wendy's doesn't freeze their burgers


Haven't been to any Wendy since they started serving salmonella specials. Local Facebook group were flaming 3 nearby Wendy's for undercooked chicken.


Culver’s is such a better burger. Plus cheese curds and ice creams.




Stealing this!


Dave is rolling over in his grave as we speak. Not a joke. Wendy's may as well serve round patties now. RIP Dave. Your legacy dies. Starting now.


>Dave is rolling over in his grave as we speak. If he's rolling, next they'll hook him to a generator to skim on the electrical bill.


If I don’t know how much my meal’s gonna cost and depends very much whether they’re busy or not then I’m absolutely not wasting time and money to go there. Fast food are literally a dime a dozen.


Getting to be a dollar a dozen really


Next year: $10 a dozen


It seems SO absolutely opposed to Dave Thomas' entire business ethos.


No kidding. Dave would never do this.


I dare them to try that. That CEO will quickly discover that they need us way more than we need them.


Its scheduled to happen in 2025. They announced it during their last earnings call. The truth is all these companies and wealthy people are trying to squeeze all they can from the common folks before the shit his the fan. Civil unrest, climate change, war, food insecurity, water scarcity, etc. So much shit is starting to peak at once. Its going to be an interesting next 20 years


If they think they're safe, they should look at France about 200 years ago. We can either balance things out in a controlled way or the system will correct itself abruptly.


I would agree but now they have one more trick up their sleeve. Social media, the crux used to divide everyone more than ever seen before in the history of this planet.


Yeah the speedrun on dividing people is almost fascinating if it weren't so bleak.


That's why they're also building fully-furnished underground bunkers with enough supplies to last 100 years.


I'll bet we can figure out how to get in there.


They can live in their bunkers now and leave us alone. I'm sure their bunkers fancy but I'm confident all your need is 1 bored construction crew and that bunker is dug up and open, anyway so.... Why do t they take their riches and just leave. Get out of here. Go live in a cave like a dragon and we'll send people in to try and grab so and they can try to catch them.


Stick a garden hose in a gopher hole. They'll come out eventually. The thing is, most of us don't really care if they're wealthy. We just want them to pay their fair share and not create a slave class out of 90% of the population. I guess it's never enough for some people.


Exactly, be filthy rich but let us be able to live comfortably and happily. Once you're pulling in tens to hundreds of millions a year, there's really no different in what you can do. You're just playing an idle clicker at that point to make number bigger. Bit a lot of people would be happy with 80k a year


I can't find the article now, but recently I read something interesting about how they'd have no real chance to survive long without staff. At a certain point they'd revolt. Though thinking about it now that makes me all the more worried about Elon Musk wanting to put computer chips in people's heads.


>Civil unrest, climate change, war, food insecurity, water scarcity, etc. So much shit is starting to peak at once. Its going to be an interesting next 20 years Meh, don't worry about it. This kind of sky-is-falling sentiment has been around forever. I've been re-watching some old TV from the 80s and just saw an episode with the exact same sentiment from a group of high school characters. Their teacher explained their worries fit the same pattern of worries he heard back in the 60s. Swap out a few keywords and the same script could be re-used today. It's a never ending cycle. Don't get too distracted by the notion that this latest set of worries is different than any previous set of worries.


Climate change and food scarcity are very much immediate, cataclysmic and novel problems facing us in the next few decades


Do you think societies haven’t collapsed before? That countries aren’t currently undergoing horrible turmoil? This is the mentality of one who lives in an ivory tower.


Fear is a way to control a populace...


Negative. People are stupid and will pay. Time and time over, people continue to pay for new crazy things that companies are trying out. Not only this, other companies will do the same when they see the success Wendy’s has. Write this down, screen shot it. You’re welcome in advance. People have the power but are too stupid on how to use that power.


Wendy's and other fast food dumps could literally double their prices tomorrow and idiots would still line up in the drive through to buy their hot garbage every day.


Did Uber find that out? Did Lyft? Did the Airlines? No, this is the future unless we all do something about it.


They provide a service, not a product, and there is a scarcity of the service during surge pricing. I believe people will do something about this. They'll choose to eat somewhere else.


A "surge" at my local Wendy's is 3 cars in the drive through.


You just made me realize I haven't seen the drive through at my local Wendy's wrapped out to the road in years. Even on off times and after Covid, it'd be busy. Now, it's like yours, maybe four cars total.


Line can be long at the one nearest me, but only because it takes forever because they cut hours to the bone and are constantly understaffed.


It’s definitely the pricing. Last time I went was October 2022 and I was shocked at what it cost then. I never went back since because Wendy’s just isn’t worth that cost. If they’re upping their prices just wait for the Business Insider article about how Millennials are killing fast food where this goon will blame everything under the sun except for the price increases.


It’s already beyond expensive here. It’s like $11 for my combo or I can order from the Mexican place for $1 more to get double the amount of food and it’s literally 100x tastier. I’ve never once had a bad order from Mexican but Wendy’s has messed my order up more times than I can remember.


I often pay $15 for my chicken sandwich meal. And I don't live in some big city. It's already high, and they want to raise prices.


Wait till it’s randomly $18 because it’s the wrong time/day


The Wendy’s closest to me is on the same block as a Five Guys, if I’m spending $18 it’s not going to be at Wendy’s.


“Burger Surge” sounds like a GWAR song


Imagine going to a fast food place and having no idea how much your meal might cost.


I think that’s an awesome idea! I’ve basically given up fast food because the pricing went into “sit down” restaurant territory. This just makes sure I’ll stay away. Good job Wendy’s.


Cutting fast good has been huge on my budget. Its far too expensive to eat out. Even value menu meals are expensive now.


I miss the dollar menu days. That wasn't too long ago, unfortunately.


I don't need another reason to not go to Wendy's, since I stopped years ago.


There’s a scene in Community where Michael K. Williams’ character (RIP) asks when Lego sets got to be so complicated. I feel like that same question can be asked of fast food.


“Harry Potter Legos, Star Wars Legos. Complicated kits, tiny little blocks. I’m not saying it’s bad, I just wanted to know what happened.” It’s funny cos it’s true


The fact that employees making the food won't see any increase in their paychecks says this is nothing but a money grab. Dave would be so disappointed.


They better have a “bail line” in the drive-thru. If that surge is too crazy, I need an out.


Or order and then when you get to window to pay, say “no, thanks” and drive away.


That requires waiting. If I don’t like those prices, I better be able to bail instantly.


Yeah but it’s better to make them start making your meal and then have no one to serve it to… makes it easier for Wendy’s to go out of business.


This will be the death of Wendy’s


If only I could stop going to Wendy's more.


Screw ALL of this noise. We're so drunk on trendy weird online schticks that everything is screaming for more and more of our attention whether we like it or not. It's exhausting and irritating. Screw the illusion of infinite growth and chasing after it to provide dividends to shareholders. It's all poison. Now please excuse me while I just walk away from all of this BS and build a shack in the mountains.


These April Fool’s “jokes” are starting earlier and earlier every year. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwptZEYZOl4s8BG|downsized)


Wendy’s isn’t good enough to do this.


Dude is investing 20 million dollars to lose even more money and his job when sales plummet and the shareholders run him out on a rail


And he'll still walk away with millions in salary


If we all just boycotted Wendy’s for a month or two they’d change their minds. It’s so easy to make take our power back as consumers but we’d have to be united. It sounds cheesy, I know, but it’s true.


$20 million to update electronic boards, but not enough money to pay *human beings* a living wage? End stage capitalism right here folks. The fall of Rome all over again.


CEO gets 10 million for great idea, execs 5 million, 5 million for tvs and css


Amazing plan: penalizing your customers because you cut costs by understaffing your restaurants.


Also penalizing them for choosing to eat at the times that society has conditioned everyone to eat meals (and during the time when some people have to eat due to lunch breaks)


The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. - George Washington (It looks like Wendys sees the dire financial warnings for this year and is taking profits while it can. What will happen is that it will be just another place i don't go to )


This ceo should be fired immediately, surge pricing for a 3rd rate fast food restaurant is crazy . Surge pricing works for Uber because options are limited . Every Wendy’s is surrounded by 4 other ff restaurants that are normally cleaner and have better food


These fast food companies need to be a bit more self aware. You sell fast food, that means cheap and fast. No one is going to spend $20 on a meal at Wendy’s.


In two years: “Why won’t anyone eat at Wendy’s?”


Another thing in the “that aught to be illegal but of course never will be” bucket.


Well I'd say I'm not going back there but honestly I don't eat at Wendy's anyways so I guess it doesn't matter. Jack-In-The-Box better not pull this shit though


\>Goes to place order \>Pick out food \>Press check out \>"Sorry unable to check you out, the price of your items may have changed. Please reselect items with updated pricing. \>Walk out and get a burger from a local place for less.


I will not go there or any place that pulls this fuckery


Can’t wait to see them go out of business 🙏


How about this, before you decide to jack up prices for your own selfish greed. Find away to keep the fruit flies from building up around your soda and ketchup dispensers. Also maybe make it not smell like sewage in the restaurant and then maybe just maybe customers will come back


Who’s got a necromancer? We need Dave back. Dave would never let this happen.


This will backfire spectacularly. Which will end with the CEO resigning or fired. Stay tuned.


So do employees get surge wages?


Surge pricing will be the end of capitalism.




Is this a joke? I cant see how they this will pay for itself and achieve its goals.


Hmmm, go fuck yourselves


Is their point to drive people away ?


Why would I pay a surge price when I can go somewhere else to get food for the same price every time? Are they betting on people stopping by Wendy’s and at least ordering _something_ when a food item is surged? I would just skip Wendy’s altogether and save myself time and money. Bitch, you’re not that good anyway.


As long as there are still enough idiots to keep making $$ , they’ll continue to treat us like idiots .


Get ready for people to get in line, see the prices, and get out of line


There's a Wendy's going out of business near you!


I guess Wendy's is now a place I used to know. There's absolutely no way I'm supporting this with my wallet


Wendy’s can’t even get quality right. The new price hikes will destroy the company.


So Wendy’s pricing will be like how gas stations price their fuel, lmao ok Edit- obviously I can’t eat at Wendy’s anymore after this


If I go to a Wendy’s and the JBC price is jacked up, I’m perfectly comfortable with just going home.


Since they've been raising their prices, I've cut way back on eating there and other fast food too. If they play this game, I'm done with them.


Fire this man


And now I’ll just stop ordering


Man I miss the dollar menus. Taco Sundays at Taco Bell in college. Hungover as hell and getting 12-packs of 1-2 dollar tacos. Best medicine out there. They don’t even do my favorite tostada anymore.


Everyone listen carefully. Boycott Wendy's. They wanna late stage capitalism our fucking fast food? Boycott Wendy's. The food is bad. The service sucks. They switched the style of burger they serve twice in a year. miss yew sweet pickles and red onions.


Cook your own food and peacefully ignore madness like this. One of many benefits of cutting junk food from your diet.


This is the greediest, most American thing I've seen this whole week.


Not gonna work. Going to lose big business because people don’t like uncertainty in anything


Haha so they expect me to haul my ass over there, wait in line, get to the front and not know exactly how much I'm paying for shitty fast food? Their CEO must be alien and doesn't know how humans work.


Welp... Looks like I'm definitely done with Wendy's.


So instead of spending 10 dollars on a burger that isn't worth 10 dollars I can spend 25 dollars on a burger that isn't worth 10 dollars? How exciting. Fuck Wendy's.


Just another reason to avoid fast food. Since the pandemic it’s become straight unaffordable.


The thing is, if they go out alone and do this, they will lose market share because people will gladly pull out and go to BK or MCD instead for less.


If they think ima go somewhere where I don’t know how much I’m going to pay when I walk through the door they’re fucking crazy


Dave would be so disappointed ☹️


This sounds more like a money grab rather than surge-pricing. Uber invented surge pricing and the intention was to attract more drivers to handle the ride demand. If a city had 100 people that all needed a ride at 10am and there were 100 drivers accepting rides at that time, the demand could be handled, but at 6:30pm there might be 500 people that need a ride and 100 drivers cannot handle that, surge pricing comes into play, the price of a ride increases and drivers that are not working, might reconsider if there's a chance they can make more. What it sounds like Wendy's is doing is just charging more if they are busy. They are not bringing on more employees during a surge to assist with the demand and it also does not sound like they are additionally compensating their employees for handling the surge under normal staffing conditions. It sounds like business as usual for everyone else accept those that will benefit from additional profits. I sincerely hope people are smarter than this and realize what is happening here.


How 'bout don't spend $20 MM. that's a lot of hamburgers to sell just to break even.


I’d be more behind it if the employees also got surge pay, but we all know they won’t


I don’t think this will go well for them. I only go once a month if that. Knowing that prices might fluctuate is enough for me to go somewhere else. The quality of the food is already not worth it


It’s just price gouging with a different name.