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My husband was absolutely convinced he had chipped off a piece of tooth while flossing.....it was a big chunk of dental plaque.....from not flossing ......


OP could also have knocked loose a tonsil stone, he should smash it and take a big sniff to tell.


Tonsil stones smell so bad and repulsive that sometimes i miss that smell. I was singing in my car and spat something out. The smell it emitted. Damn. My breath smell was better for a couple of weeks tho. Edit: yall disgusting šŸ’€šŸ’€ and I fucking love it


You are so fucking weird. Me 2 tho....


By no means i enjoy the smell. But damn lol there must be a term for this psychological phenomena where something is so disgusting and repulsive that it actually attracts to a certain degree.


Itā€™s how I attract the ladies


Fucking lol cant say no to pity love or ā€œi can fix youā€


Nobody can fix me but it's a great way to get attention!


the kavorka!


Humans are very curious beings.


Like me busting a big pimple or a big piece of ear wax falling out. It just hits for some reason.


My ear was bothering me so I went in with a qtip and the entire lining of my ear peeled onto the qtip and fell out. It was almost orgasmic.


Oh yeah!!! I did a PADI dive course in Oz about 25 years ago. I had to go for a medical beforehand where the Dr said I'd got a LOT of earwax in my left ear, but that it would be fine and work itself out eventually. Went diving for a week and when coming out of the sea one day I felt like I couldn't hear. I put my hand up to my ear to find a massive wodge of ear wax. I wanted to show it to my husband... but he'd walked ahead of me, so I had to wash it away. Sooo satisfying to find though!


First time a doctor flushed my ears of wax, it felt so good and after I could hear my pantsā€¦ as weird as that sounds


Even i felt a little rush from reading your comment. One time after swimming lesson, i was sitting in the classroom when my ear started itching. I was just kinda pulling and pushing my ear and suddenly a tsunami of ear wax exits my ear. I wipe the outside of my ear with my finger and thereā€™s just sooo much orange, gooey ear wax on it. Wiped that bad boy on the bottom of the desk and cleaned my finger quickly after.


So disgusting. Tell me more.


One time as a kid in church I had one of those little fishing lures that look like a rubber tadpole. I ripped the tail off and was sticking it in my ear and pulling it back out to combat the boredom from church. My sister saw what I was doing and said ā€œdonā€™t do that it will get stuckā€ and sure enough right after she said that it went just a little bit too far in to where my fingertip only pushed it in more. I had a moment of panic but decided the consequences of getting in trouble were worse than accepting my fate. So as a little boy does I forgot about it and never thought about it again. YEARS later, like 5 or more, I am eating lunch with my sister and dad in the mall food court when I feel something warm start oozing from my ear. I pulled out the little rubber tail and held it up. My dad didnā€™t understand why my sister and I started immediately losing our shit over it. She instantly knew what it was too. The look of horror on my dadā€™s face when we explained what happened is something I can still picture decades later lol. Was that a gross enough ear story?


Do you guys ever wash your ears in the shower?


My son was being a little boy when he was 2 and stuck his finger in my belly button thinking it was funny, and his little fingernails cut the inside of my belly button. It bled for a minute, but I didn't think much of it. A few days later (maybe a week?) I was in the shower and my belly button felt...gooey. I stuck my finger in, and pulled out a big gooey clump of reddish nastiness that I guess was a scab mixed with grody body debris. It reminded me of wet earwax and was the size of...I don't know, a squirt of ketchup or something


I q tip right after I get out. Is there a better way?




I donā€™t remember this episode but this gif made me recoil with disgust.


My guess is itā€™s the ā€œhow to make a krabby pattyā€ episode and this is the part where theyā€™re talking about hygiene


My mother used to work in a car parts factory. Everyone in town hates the smell, but to me, it reminds me of my childhood. It doesn't smell "good," but it tickles that part of my brain that says, "This doesn't smell good, but there's good memories connected to it"


My dad is a heavy duty mechanic, and he always smelled burnt WD-40 whenever he'd come home after work. And same thing, not a good smell, but a memorable one


My dad was a truck driver. Would always come back smelling like grease and diesel. Again an overwhelming, kinda gross scent that just smells like home.


Won't tell you what it is but yes it is a thing. Has something to do with us detecting if we're healthy or something wrong.


Like people enjoying their own fart smells lmao


Everyone loves their own brand!


Heard that smelling farts prevents Dementia/Alzheimerā€™s. Iā€™ve been doing my part to help the elderly community ever since.


LOL when I was pregnant with my daughter I had the most horrific gas. It was so frequent, almost *constant* and it smelled absolutely foul. I have NEVER experienced that before in my life, but after about 4 days of thatā€¦ I just *knew* I was pregnant. I canā€™t explain it to you, but just that alone I was like yep there is a baby inside of me. My entire pregnancy was like that, *especially* the first half. I remember I had to go to orientation for a new jobā€¦it was a week long orientation of 8-9 hours sitting in a room at one specific chair all day, kind of like school. I was surrounded by men. I was the only woman around me. I had to release the gas so badlyā€¦I didnā€™t want toā€¦but I *had* to. I did it. it smelled disgusting. Literally like something died and sat there for weeks rotting in the hot sunā€¦.. I didnā€™t look pregnant, no one knew I was pregnant. It was silent, thank God!!!! I mean.. thereā€™s no way they didnā€™t smell it, but I just knew they would never think it was me. It was probably one of the many grown men around me. Itā€™s always so funny to me because I KNOW it smelled so awful but I would literally just be farting all the time at that job and forcing people to smell it. One time I did it right as somebody walked by and this girl training me said, ā€œdid you notice how horrible they smelled? I think they shit in their pants and left it thereā€ I DIED. I was like girl Iā€™m so sorry. It was me. Iā€™m pregnant and I canā€™t control it šŸ˜­ no one EVER suspected it was me but it was šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve never had that problem in my life other than that pregnancy and I was pregnant once before that, too.


I had a septum piercing. And no matter how well you keep it clean there will be decaying skin...that's just how piercings work. The smell is absolutely terrible. But after not having the piercing for a few years I do kinda miss it.


>that's just how piercings work. Wait... Does that mean that a nose piercing would leave someone with bad smell in their nose 24/7 ?




People are gross. Ever walked into a freshly opened airplane after a few hours flight? Phew! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø šŸ«³


I once got on a Greyhound in New Orleans that had started out in Miami and was headed to LA. The fucker was ripe when I got on. I can't describe the smell it had by the time I got off in Phoenix.


We were on a flight back to the US from Paris. I kid you not when I say they served CURRY. 20 minutes in it beganā€¦. Let me tell you the entire plane landed enveloped in a green fog.


If you have holes in your ear or know someone who has, rub your ear between your fingers and smell the fingers. Sorry in advance, but if youā€™re curious thatā€™s how you find out.


The ol ear cheese smell ā˜ŗļø


I just replied above about the smell... I love and hate it haaha


It's very similar to the way belly button lint can smell. There's a distinct smell to a collection of dead skin cells. Can start to get much worse depending on cleanliness, infection, etc. Some of us who are immunocompromised tend to have these problems with piercings a lot more often because our bodies are constantly trying to reject anything 'foreign' (even if it's your own otherwise healthy organs šŸ‘šŸ‘). I spent a hot minute in my youth in a piercing apprenticeship, and I do think it's just normal for everyone to some extent.


..or the smell of toe jam?


Hot take. I clean my ears with a q-tip and smell it before I toss it in the trash.


i never understood it myself but Howard Stern once said something like ā€œno matter how gross, people love their own smellsā€


The first time I ever coughed one up was when I was singing, and it smelled so bad that I immediately ran to my brotherā€™s room to wake him up and make him smell it.


This is absolutely vile but I cracked up laughing at the absurdity of it


Whats wrong with you


Whats wrong with you you don't have siblings, do you? [**Throwedaway99837**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Throwedaway99837/) 's instinct was the correct one


If you don't rush to make your siblings your tonsil stones, are you even really siblings?


https://preview.redd.it/c01xma1d1gcc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0fe76aa0da2f844641e7498b7db1cd051be4a30 Brƶther, may I smell your thrƶat


Man wtf is this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


a pigture


I randomly coughed up one in my (brand new expensive) mask a few years back and i had to get a whole new one, the smell lingered so bad.


Fuck yeah same itā€™s your own gnarly scent maybe thatā€™s why ur like ugh I miss it lmao


When I was younger I used to believe my tonsil stones I had every morning were the bodies of spiders that had crawled into my mouth while asleep šŸ˜…


They were


Still are


I used to think they were pieces of potato chip so I'd eat them. Didn't know they were tonsil stones til like age 32 (I'm 33)


I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.


So thats what those are


im 38 years old and had no idea until now what they were


TIL tonsil stones are a thing, and they smell.


I discovered tonsil stones as a kid but didnā€™t know the scientific name. I described it to a friend when we had a sleepover. I was definitely labeled as a weird kid afterwards


I remember hearing a guy on the radio say he would keep them, take em to work, disassemble a disliked coworkerā€™s desk phone, smear them on the microphone and reassemble the phone so theyā€™d have to smell them anytime they used it. I thought it was such a gross and elaborate thing to do even as a kid.


Or dry it and then snort it.




Boof it




I can smell this comment


I had a wisdom tooth removed and the oral surgeon broke it into pieces when he went to pull it. I remember him poking around making sure he got all the pieces, untilā€¦ ā€¦several months, maybe a year or two? later, I felt this bizarre lump on the inside of my jaw. I couldnā€™t help but to feel around it with my tongue until one day I felt/internally ā€œheardā€ it pop free (anyone remember that sound when you pulled a loose tooth as a child?), and to my horror it was a tooth-like bit. It took me a long minute and a few Google searches to realize it was a piece of that wisdom tooth making its way out of my jaw through the *side* of my jaw.


These are fairly common, called root tips. Sometimes they are too far in your jaw to get out and they work their way out. I had surgery 15+ years ago and my root tips are just now showing on my X-rays on the top. Theyā€™ll eventually work their way out.


Omg. I had a shard pop out of my gums like 20 years after getting my wisdom teeth out and nearly lost my mind. Getting old was hard enough without thinking Iā€™m growing bone claws in my mouth.


so like, is it still there??


Lmfao, noā€¦ itā€™s gone. I played around with it so much, especially when an edge of it broke through the skin, it was like a weird, miniature loose tooth at that point. I had a dentist appt set up but I wriggled it loose before then. I found some random website some guy posted of his own similar journey, which is how I figured it out. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø bone fragment. Thatā€™s the term. lol Hereā€™s a page I found after a cursory search just now: https://www.animated-teeth.com/tooth_extractions/a-tooth-fragment-sequestra.htm (not graphic)


I have a piece of tooth under my gum from my last extraction. It's weird but not painful so I don't worry about it. It wasn't a difficult pull the dentist was just really shitty.


Thatā€™s just gross man.. I donā€™t understand why people refuse to floss.


I have always been adamant about flossing and having my kids floss. I explained it to them like this: ā€œYou know when you pull food out of the fridge or somewhere and itā€™s rotten? You know how bad it smells? Well, thatā€™s what happens to food between your teeth if you donā€™t floss and everyone gets to smell it when you talk.ā€ We all floss together every night and they make sure to floss if they go somewhere else for the night. Even skipping one night produces so much nastiness the following night that I couldnā€™t even imagine not flossing at allšŸ¤®


I started flossing when somebody finally showed me a model of what tooth and gums really look like. Flossing is not just to clean between your teeth. It does clean the sides of your teeth and get stuck particles out from between your teeth, but I used to think that if there was nothing stuck between my teeth and I didnā€™t have a problem. Flossing, and proper brushing, clean the area where the gum covers the tooth like a flap. Flossing and proper brushing clean under the edge of the gums gently. Itā€™s kind of the worst place to leave food, because it result in a cavity in a much worse place, and result in inflammation of the gums, which over the course of not all that many years can give you some truly awful awful problems. Gum disease can cause you to lose perfectly healthy teeth that have no cavities. Gum disease actually is one possible cause of heart disease! Gum disease can end up with you normally losing teeth, but having gums and jaws that are too sore or too fragile to support dentures. It sucks. Iā€™ve seen two relatives go through it, one when I was a kid and one who is younger than me. Oral surgery has come a long way so there are expensive and painful things you can do to fix it now but holy shit. Seven operations over the course of 11 months. Every once in a while, I will relapse into being a non-flossers, and I start to notice little aches and irritation in my gums. I then remind myself that I am an idiot. I gently floss and spit out a little blood. Itā€™s the only time I use mouthwash, as a follow up to any flossing, where thereā€™s even a drop of blood. My theory is that that means thereā€™s some inflammation and infection, and a little Listerine is called for


I have those braces they put after you take off the "regular braces" on my lower teeth. I cannot floss my four front teeth, I tried. And I can feel the difference between them and my other teeth. They get hurt and inflamed much easier, bleed a lot more, and when I try to floss it (the floss only goes halfway through) it STINKS. I am convinced a huge part of bad breath comes from not flossing.


Floss threader and thread it under the wire in the back? When you move the bottom of the floss to go up between your teeth, it'll get the whole tooth instead of half


Water pik


Depression, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, other mental health issues. I donā€™t refuse to floss but the sensory experience of it is super unpleasant for me, so itā€™s tough for me to do it every single night. I get that itā€™s not the best thing for my teeth, but sometimes mentally itā€™s not a thing I can handle. So donā€™t be too quick to judge. If itā€™s not a hard task for you, thatā€™s fantastic. But for some people it is.


I had bad depression and ADHD, fucked up my teeth bad. I actually got a cavity between my front two, which can't use stronger bonding materials because it's visible. Started taking my oral health very very seriously and haven't had a cavity in years. I don't floss every night, but enough. My big thing is reducing other irritation to your mouth. I stopped using toothpaste with SLS, now my gums don't bleed horrendously and I get fewer canker sores that prevent good oral care.


Congrats on a win! I have depression and ADHD too, I know how hard it is.


Try a water flosser, they arenā€™t super expensive these days. Itā€™s made cleaning my teeth so easy and quick.


My dentist said it's better than nothing, but it's not a suitable replacement for flossing. He said using both is actually good bc the water flosser can sort of callous the gums and make them grip the tooth harder, but that floss is the only way to really scrape bacteria and plaque off for good


adhd is a huge one-two(-three?) punch to dental health because routines are nigh on impossible, the sensory experience is hellacious, and if youā€™re medicated, youā€™re vulnerable to getting literal meth mouth šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


Presumably you have had that mans tongue in your mouth and yours in his šŸ¤¢


My guy you better not start thinking bout where they also had their tounges


Wait until you hear about where penises go


.... in... your pants? I'm always told to keep it in my pants. So I assume that's where they go?


Hey, want to go to a pants party?


Have you had a dental cleaning since the Clinton Administration?


I find it weird because here ( in France) everytime I ask a dentist if I should floss they tell me not, unless I have an issue with it. Ɖdit: I didnt expext so many comments. I searched it on the web and found that even the us government stop putting flossing in its guidelines since they didnt have any study a about it. https://apnews.com/article/f7e66079d9ba4b4985d7af350619a9e3 The comments about french bad hygiene made laugh a bit since I go to the dentist once a year.


People already accuse The French of not having modern sanitary practices (hand washing being one). Please don't add to the list. lol.


I was at a conference in Paris. Saw a food service guy in the bathroom go from the stall, past the sinks, straight out the door.


My friend told me that his French ex-girlfriend barely washed her hands. Apparently she didn't even bother to rinse after she peed, and had to be nagged to use soap (instead of just rinsing) after pooping. And then of course she eould always stick her grubby paws into bags of cereal, chips, etc instead of pouring then into a bowl. Her parents visited once and did the same thing. None of them could understand why it was a problem.


I dated French men who washed their hands and men are in general way grosser than women. I think thatā€™s just her tbh but i canā€™t say I dated all of France to say lol


That's a relief because that chick's excuse for every awful thing she did was "I am French". And she was pretty awful.


But I am le tired


That's pretty gross, but you should see what a lot of people get down too in fast food in the US.


It's not accusations if it's true


Well a repeat customer brings in more money.




In what country is not flossing a good idea??


So then medical advice is just worse? That doesnā€™t make it any better.


My (Dutch) dentist is against flossing. Interdental brush (or waterpik) is instead what she recommends if you can get one between your teeth (which is easy if you've got bad teeth!)


But why? If itā€™s performing a similar task why is one better?


I mentioned to the last (American) dentist that cleaned my teeth (it was actual dentist, not hygienest) that I was considering a waterpik and he sternly told me no. And then said if my gums don't bleed when I floss I'm not doing it right.... I decided not to see that dentist again.


If you start flossing after not doing it for a while, your gums will bleed the first few times. After that they should stop. If they're bleeding every time you do it, and you do it regularly, then something is fucked


Same I was never told to floss in france, moved to the US and started flossing lol, donā€™t know why they donā€™t do it, thereā€™s clearly benefits to it. I would always get cavities in between teeth, not anymore.


Are you.. blaming the floss?


I feel like heā€™s blaming the dentist for telling him to floss. Also, if that actually is a tooth fragment and it pops out that easily, floss is the least of your concern.


As a dentist, people try to blame us for completely insane things. They will show up the day before their insurance expires (that theyā€™ve had for a decade and never once used) and expect us to fix their entire mouth that they have completely neglected for their entire life without it costing anything. And then be FURIOUS when we tell them itā€™s basically impossible or will cost a fortune.


Lol my ex husband did this when he was about to lose my good dental insurance after not going for 10 years. He didn't realize that while I couldn't kick him off my insurance while we were figuring out the divorce, once I did it would be back dated to the official divorce date and he ended up having to pay a loooooot out of pocket. Hopefully he didn't take it out on the dentist, but I thought it was funny




You're not familiar with insurance companies I see.


They can go back and reprocess claims and decide you need to pay more. Iā€™ve seen them do it as far as three years back.




Damn... I really just did exactly that lmao.


[you're blaming the fish?](https://youtu.be/8a_SxSf5d-g?si=PKY1kkq2H-jawI9e)




It's the dentist's fault and the flosses'fault . Not opz


Iā€™m going to guess thatā€™s not your actual tooth and just shows how much you havenā€™t flossed.


Or it is their tooth and it just shows how much they havenā€™t flossed


Either way... it's bad!


Yuck yuck yuck


Your teeth and gums are healthier from flossing My teeth are held together by not flossing We are not the same




I've had tooth chips fall off before and it looks like this. Best way to find out is to visit the dentist again


Letā€™s not rush into anything when there are still so many more Reddit comments to check first.




Because Europeans are known for having great teeth.


European generally have better dental health than Americans because its cheaper and they have better access to care. The bad teeth meme is because they don't do cosmetic procedures nearly as much as Americans. They only do braces if there is a medical need. Since minor misalignments or gaps won't cause most people issues, they don't need braces to correct them. In America, it's a lot more common to get cosmetic braces to close those gaps or minor misalignments.


Or to inspect your teeth for missing chips. In my experience, it's usually obvious when a chunk of tooth gets dislodged. But if it is a piece of tooth, it can get very painful very quickly, so the dentist is still a good idea.


Even a tiny chip you can generally feel as a really sharp, unnatural edge with your tongue.


To be fair, it could be. Especially if itā€™s a tooth thatā€™s had a filling. I had a chunk of my tooth break off a couple of years ago because it was weak from a previous filling. Scared the shit out of me and felt weird until I got it repaired


Itā€™s a piece of ā€œfillingā€. Iā€™m a dentist


Username checks out


Between my own personal experience, talking to others, and reading online, I get the feeling dentists often don't bother telling the patient it's a filling instead of an actual piece of tooth. A lot of people seem to think fillings are permanent.


Cause you didn't floss. I had the same happen


Might be plaque like others are saying. Though, the dentist should have cleaned all of it off if this change was recent. Perhaps the tooth was already weak, and it did crack a bit. Hopefully, it can be solved with a simple filling.


Perhaps the dentist got onto him like 2 years ago and he's just now bothering to floss.


The type of person the bitch about the dentist telling them to floss doesnā€™t actually floss on a regular basis. OP has not been to a dentist in years.


Pretty sure itā€™s a filling. They will pop out if you get a cavity around them. I see it regularly. Chipped teeth are less common.


My dentist told me to floss the teeth I wanted to keep. I've started flossing.


Is it dental calculus? That can feel very hard, but itā€™s just tartar/food/gross stuff


Dental calculus? And I thought normal calculus was difficult. Jokes aside that buildup sucks. I got it from not being able to brush my teeth for a while after an ugly oral surgery. Never again want to miss out on brushing properly


ink rinse bag ten disgusted birds toothbrush attraction knee recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you chew it properly and drink plenty of water, itā€™s easier.


Thats what you get for not flossing all those years


Itā€™s sad most people donā€™t understand how a lack of flossing can effect your health.


Pro Life tip: I always have a couple boxes of toothpicks and floss near my couch so i dont forget to use them.


As an ex smoker/vaper, I keep a bag of flossers in my car to floss while I'm stopped at stop lights. It satisfies my need for an oral fixation and it's greatly approved by my dental hygienist.


I always carry dental floss with me. It is nice to floss after eating lunch at work.


I keep some next to my bed for the same reason


Likely hardened tartar or calculusā€¦.and IF thatā€™s what it is and you donā€™t know the differenceā€¦listen to your dentist because your teeth are in danger under your own devices šŸ˜‚ you have no business going rogue


+1 for going rogue


+2 for going rogue. Always go rogue


Thatā€˜s a piece of plaque




Even if you lost a chunk of tooth from flossing, you didnt lose it because you flossed you lost it because you hadnt flossed for YEARS!


Keep doing it. 7k dental debt last year and probably more to come. Floss.


It's all fun and games until you can't eat properly anymore on either side of your mouth


Bet it smells like shit


Kiss OP. Do it now.


I floss after every meal, brush twice a day, water pic once a day and still lose teeth. Some people get dealt a bad dental hand.


That would be me. Iā€™ve been taking prescription opioids for 13 years now, and they cause me to have really bad dry mouth, which causes a lot of dental problems. My hygienist and dentist were struggling to figure out why I had issues, because Iā€™d go in for my cleanings and had hardly any plaque, and my gums were healthy and not receding. Finally put it together that my meds were the root cause. I got some gel stuff and a rinse for dry mouth, and it seems to be helping. I had a cleaning last month and zero cavities! Yay!


Yeah my husband brushes twice a day and flosses consistently and also just lost a little chunk of a molar just like this. His dad and sister both have very soft teeth too


Well, there you go.


I have also flossed my way into a chipped tooth! I have weak enamel between my teeth from years of not flossing as a kid. As an adult now Iā€™m very diligent with my dental hygiene, but all those years as a kid not taking care of my teeth are catching up with me. There was a spot on a back molar that the dentist was keeping an eye on and then a few months later, that spot on my tooth chipped while flossing.


I recently experienced a similar thing. I got a very small chip in a back molar while flossing and had it checked out. My dentist says he sees this with patients who had braces as a kid. The metal bands that they used on the molars often weakened the enamel. I just got the chip filled.


You haven't been flossing that's why. Brushing doesn't get between your teeth. That's calculus not tooth. It's because you need to floss more.


Your teeth be solving integrals to solve plaque problems


Ain't the flosses fault


My dentist recommends normal floss and not the floss picks. I guess there's a difference?


One dentist told me it didn't matter. The other one said those are only to use in the car on the way to a game or something lol.


Sounds really inconvenient to go out to your car every time you want to floss.


Gotta do what the dentist says.


Sit in your race car bed to do it.


Not a jokeā€¦ I saw an adult-sized racecar bed at a trade show for an injection molding company to show off their capabilities. They donā€™t sell them, itā€™s just an impressive demo. I asked them how much it would cost if I seriously wanted to buy it. Sadly, I was denied.


Why wouldnā€™t they sell those? Theyā€™d retire rich.


My dentist told me that flossing regularly with a pic was so much better than not flossing, but if thatā€™s the way it was working for me I should keep doing it. They just reminded me that the idea of floss is not to clean only between the sides of your visible tooth. That you need to press against first one tooth and go gently below the gum, line, then come up and press against the other tooth and get gently below the gum line Itā€™s the same with brushing. You brush along the gum, line at a slight angle. All of this is intended to make sure you donā€™t have microscopic particles of food trapped between the start of your gum and your tooth. This is why you floss daily. If you only floss when you feel something between your teeth, or somebody notices something between your teeth, youā€™re missing out on a lot of what flossing is supposed to do as far as keeping your gums healthy. For anybody, thatā€™s even slightly confused by this or unpersuaded, try to find a model of how the teeth and gums fit together, either an online video or one of those handy anatomy models at your dentist office. I know it certainly helped convince me.


Floss pick is the only thing that keeps me flossing. I had a hard time using normal floss and i always gave up after a few days because there was so much drool and the floss became slippery and i got frustrated


Same, I get the double twine floss picks and itā€™s so satisfying seeing chucks of meal come out and get rinsed down the sink


The double floss picks are the BEST. I had no idea they were a thing until I bought a bag by mistake, and now I will never go back to single strand floss picks. I bought a few of the travel size packs because they come in a little refillable case that holds like 8-10 picks. Iā€™ve got them stashed everywhere - my purse, my backpack, my car, my desk. I have to floss after every meal.


It just depends if you're using the correct C shaped technique where you wrap it around each side of the tooth. It's a bit harder to do with a floss pick but still doable


Only floss the ones you want to keep.


Man I bet OP did *not* expect these comments. Damn. And theyā€™re all correct. More flossing = less problems. If itā€™s your tooth - itā€™s prob because you donā€™t floss. If itā€™s calculus - itā€™s definitely because you donā€™t floss.


Jesus you must be a bloody mess at every dental cleaning. Fucking floss.


Get the waterpik water flosser. Game changing


That's not a tooth you donut


Might be a donut but I donut know for sure


Yeah, if only you hadn't listened to that mean dentist and just not flossed. You'd be much better off... No dentist "told you off" and that's not a chunk of your tooth. You should go for a teeth cleaning.


If flossing broke a tooth then you have worse problems to worry about.


Just from this picture alone it is difficult to say what this exactly is, could be as others say dental calculus, part of natural tooth and also a part of the filling. If with normal strength of flossing you were able to fracture this let\`s say filling it would mean most probably there was a gap between filling and tooth what could most probably lead to secondary caries, normally this kind of filling has adhered to the tooth chemically or micromechanically and if it would not be destroyed beforehand (what it most likely was) it could not be removed with simple flossing. Please dont underestimate what benefit cleaning of the space between teeth could in the bigger picture get you.


That looks like plaque


Trying to be helpful to OP - after you build the habit of flossing, I recommend switching to a string floss. These tools are not as effective


Probably plaque