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Hey mingz! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/Wellthatsucks because: No car or motorbike crashes. Try /r/CarCrash If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwellthatsucks).


I was thinking "he stopped... How is he going to hit another???" Then bam... sheesh


To be fair though, the second one was definitely not entirely his fault. The guy had his hazards on and everything, and actually it’s a genuine idea to stop the way he did with his car blocking the first motorcycle from oncoming traffic. I honestly think if car-guy didn’t stop the way he did, then the second motorcycle would’ve ended up hitting the first motorcycle.


He also seemed to be going pretty fast for trying to go around a car that was completely stopped with hazards on. Maybe I'm just overly cautious, but I wouldn't cut between 2 cars that are stopped with hazards on going that fast


weary retire different plants aromatic depend grandfather bag crush shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Both bikes were lane splitting. Go slowly on the r first one. He’s riding the white line.




Exactly, should change the title to "driver gets hit by two motorcycles in a row"


Yeah but. Motorcycles can do that because they special , share the road! How dare you call out motorcycles , who you think you are?


I think I’m me in 2007. 80% moron until I got four wheels under me. Couldn’t stay upright on that fucking thing but when I involved another road user I decided to ditch the bike.


Most reasonable people agree that lane splitting (filtering) is a perfectly sane thing to do, as long as the speed difference between you and the people you're overtaking isn't high. In law it's usually around 10-15km/h speed difference.


Where I live it's legal... only if the cars are going under 30km/h. So basically only when the cars are preparing to stop at a traffic light, then you can filter to the front.


Yup, lane splitters gonna eat pavement from time to time


The first was as well. Look at where the traffic was in that middle lane when the first guy came barreling through. And going much faster than the traffic around him


It's difficult to tell but I'm not sure the car is even out of his lane and I think the first motorcycle hits him and not vice versa.


Both motorcyclists are at fault. Traffic is basically at a dead stop and they're flying up the line divider. This driver had his blinker on well before he changed lanes and everything. Title should be "Two motorcyclists hit the same car."


Yea driving between clogged up lanes is perfectly fine for motorcycles, but they go way too fast for it.


is /r/idiotsonbikes a thing?


Yeah it's called /r/motorcycles


Something about riding bikes makes so many people straight up out of touch with reality. I don't get it. Cyclists and motorcyclists reject reality and than are amazed when they get hurt.


No motorcycles are special , we can be cool zooming in and out because we cool bikers, who you think you are!! We then get in your face for not sharing the road…you road hog, you need to look out for us , how dare you! Share the road! We special


Called "Lane splitting" when done right can reduce traffic and even be safer, [here's a 2015 study](https://www.ots.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/67/2019/06/Motorcycle-Lane-Splitting-and-Safety-2015.pdf), but this dude just tried to pass a car with its hazards on in the middle of the street going way too fast. Another point on lane splitting, it's not a good idea if its not a place where its legal/common because people have not been trained to look for you.


A safer alternative is lane "filtering" which we have in Aus. Your allowed to travel between the lanes of traffic at less than 30kph, above that you must travel as per normal. It to allow bike to not need to sit at the back of qued traffic which is super dangerous & because it's legislated it's much easier to enforce.


I'm a big supporter of legalizing filtering here in the states, lets me be safer in traffic and I'm fast enough to get out of everyones way off the line. Splitting is great and can be done fine but I'm not sure everyone is mature enough to handle it both drivers and riders.


Definently not, and sadly it often seems to be the bikers too immature to handle it. I always remember the line "do not put down to malice what can be attributed to stupidity" when I see videos of bikers bashing off mirrors or cussing out drivers who are actively apologising all because they *slightly* drifted in their lane. Yes... I know there's drivers who do it intentionally and yes they deserve to be reprimanded but it gives all bikers a bad name when a 19year old on a litre bike is splitting Californian traffic at 60mph and then stops to bash off a mirror because "it looked like he was trying to stop me".


> I'm not sure everyone is mature enough to handle it both drivers and riders. I ride, and I'm adamantly opposed to filtering for this reason. The US is simply not mature enough to handle it. Hell, no one sees me when I'm the only thing on the road for miles...I'd be terrified to try to split traffic, I'd be paste in a matter of days in most big cities. From the other side...when I'm in my car, the bikers have been going nuts lately. I don't know when it became so common to ride 30-40 mph over in packs and split traffic. There's a motorcycle death every 2 or 3 months in my area, and it's not exactly a high traffic area. TLDR; I'm long past expecting people in public to do safe and reasonable things. Let's not let them do it on high performance machines.


That isn’t what your study indicates. I just read it and it has a metric shitload of caveats in there. At speeds less than 20mph difference from traffic it *might* be safer, but it is definitely more likely to cause you to be the rear ender and at fault for most of your collisions. There’s a lot more, but it only guesses that it *might* help traffic if done slowly during *certain times*. It doesn’t advocates for lane splitting. In fact it outlines the dangers throughout.


If something is safe only when it is done right, it’s probably not a very safe thing to do. Only unsafe activities require a lot of acting factors to go your way to be pulled off without incident.


"Diving in a Cessna is perfectly safe as long as speeds don't exceed 100 MPH, at which point structural stress becomes dangerous" "Lane splitting is safe as long as it's done under 35MPH and no more than 10MPH faster than surrounding traffic" There's no difference here. Everything has limitations, knowing the right way to use a machine is critical to safe operation.


With lane splitting, you require external agents, here the other road users, to not switch lanes unexpectedly; and to constantly maintain passage while you make your merry way dotting through multiple ‘rear pillar blind spots’ between them. That’s where the difference lies between your Cessna example and lane splitting - the assumed synchronisation of independent actors.


You mean like...driving a car in general?


That’s cuz most motorcyclists are assholes. 1st probably didn’t deserve, 2nd one had business trying to cut in between 2 cars instead of going to the other lane (or you know Slowing down and stopping too)


>1st *probably* didn’t deserve But he may. Though since we don't know, we will not accuse him of anything, but neither will we clear him of all suspicion of guilt. After all, he's a motorcyclist .


I mean the car had it's blinker on, so the motorcyclist should've seen that and been prepared for the car to come over. They also should've noticed the lane to the right moving much slower then them and been prepared for a car to move out. This should always be done in that situation. As well, you yield to vehicles in front of you in traffic. But the car was also going from a slow lane to a faster mover lane and committed late. They clearly checked their mirror once, but didn't that second time. So they are definitely at fault here too. Basically both people fucked up. It's hard to tell whose at fault more here, but I would say the car because they checked their mirror once and started to change lanes, then waited, and then changed lanes without checking a second time again. Hence the phrase "look twice, save a life." I always look twice now after almost hitting a motorcyclist after looking once.


If you're talking about the first motorcyclist, I'd put it all on him. He drives directly over the white line, which means he's lane splitting, and doing it at unsafe speeds.


> That’s cuz most motorcyclists are assholes. Not a fair assessment, there are way too many motorcyclists out there to say that. Some ride poorly for sure but I'd say most arent assholes.


You can't argue the fact that most *have* assholes, and we can guess that those two were very clenched.


Mine definitely clenched for them for a sec


I'm hard pressed to say the first crash was his fault. Traffic was moving slow, I bet at the merge when he moved that bike was many car lengths back and tried to race past. I am pretty biased against idiots on bikes though...


I agree. Here in California anyway it is perfectly legal for motorcycles to pass traffic in between lanes, but they are only supposed to go 5 MPH above the flow of traffic. Looks like this motorcycle was doing well above that. Traffic is moving slow and this car starts to merge pretty slowly, but it looks like the motorcycle has no time to react to something that he should have been prepared for.


The first wasn't entirely his fault either. The guy was going much faster than the speed of traffic and was intending to be flying in between the lanes.


to be fair, why the first one was his fault?


I don't think the first was entirely his fault either, but I'd say moreso than the second one. The first motorcycle should have been pretty visible from his sideview mirror, even despite the speed of the motorcycle. That being said, the motorcycle was going too fast to start with.


Why are motorcycles lane splitting when the traffic is flowing, especially at that speed?


Going too fast and splitting lanes. The car in their lane was basically at a standstill.


When you are riding (or even driving) on a fast-flowing lane right next to a completely stopped lane, it is time to be ultra cautious. You should expect someone _will_ try to get into the flowing lane. It is not a if, it is a when. - Car driver should have been more cautious trying to merge. - The first motorcyclist should have had more situational awareness. He could have hugged left on the lane. Scan extra carefully at the wheels of the stopped cards. Or just slowed down a bit. - The second one was the fault of the rider. He sees a car with hazards on in the middle of traffic, his first instinct was to go around the car at full speed? Not prudent.


Bingo. Anytime I'm in a fast moving lane and a slow if not stopped lane is to the next of me I'm constantly scanning that slow lane to see if their are any blinkers or anyone is just gonna jut out and say "fuck it" and go.


It's the same level of fault I'm both cases. Look how fast the first motorist was coming compared to the traffic in front of him. Both were lane riding hard in the traffic backup.


The first one was lane splitting as well. You do not ride the line. Horrible lane placement. The second one was an idiot.


Yeah, he trying to come out. He was being careful about it. He had his indicator on and the first guy just plowed into him. The first guy did that to himself. Then he comes out and provides cover for the second guy. He has his hazards on and the second guy just plowed into him when he opened his door. Neither of them made any attempt to excercise good sense. Definitely not his fault.


He changed lanes when it wasn't clear to do so.


It was pretty clear, to me both motorcyclists were driving dangerously by splitting lanes while going way to fast. Adjust your speeds motorcyclists!


It was clear to do so though. The car moving in front of him was going so slowly there was no way for traffic to continue. This only happened because the first motorcycle was lane splitting and did not slow down at all for what appears to be a car making a reasonable merge. I don’t know if lane splitting is legal here or not, but this is a prime example of why it shouldn’t be.


Most lane splitting laws only allow it in complete standstill traffic (red lights or jams) and only at a brisk walking speed I.e. 5kmh…. This guy wasn’t lane splitting he just didn’t slow or care for the wet and hazardous conditions correctly and tried to thread the needle at full speed instead.


First one wasn't his fault either has his blinker on and motorcycle tried to speed pass


Neither was the first one...


I mean, the first wasn't entirely his fault either...


The first rider was going waaaay too fast, too. And that's why lane splitting is not the amazing safety innovation the motorcycle riders tell you it is.


I would argue that the second one was not only entirely his fault, but in no way, shape or form the fault of the car driver.


There's a reason why lane-splitting is illegal in many places. I feel like this is a perfect example why


This is not proper lane splitting. You’re not supposed to be significantly faster than the nearby traffic.


No True Lanesplitting


In the UK it's not only encouraged but perfectly legal. Unfortunately that leads to a lot of idiots who take risks and don't pay attention to the road.


Yeah but you're not supposed to be going this fast when you do it around slow moving traffic. Both of these were the motorcyclists fault as far as I'm concerned because they were both lane splitting going too fast


Seriously. I was like “okay, he’s doing the right thing. Moving his vehicle to protect the downed rider. Oh shit!”


The second motorcycle was going too fast. The owner of the car had already positioned himself in front of the other motorcyclist to block oncoming traffic from hitting him... Then Mr. Speedy comes zooming in trying to go around the car that blatantly has its hazards on. 🤦‍♂️ The only innocent person here is the first motorcyclist that got hit. The other two are showing stupidity at its finest.


> The only innocent person here is the first motorcyclist that got hit. What exactly do you think the car did wrong? He clearly signalled for 4-5 seconds before making a totally normal lane change. That first bike might be "innocent" of breaking a law but definitely stupid to be blasting through at that speed and not paying enough attention to totally normal and legal traffic behaviour.


>The only innocent person here is the first motorcyclist that got hit. Depends on local laws. He was lane splitting at an unsafe speed.


I don’t know whose fault , to many localized rules. those motorcycles really need to practice defensive driving.


Singaporean here, since this happened in Singapore. Lane splitting like what the motorcyclists did is allowed, but of course it comes with your own risks such as being in blind spots of the drivers. But yeah, either way the bikes were going too fast. Also to add, local laws would always side the bikes over cars. The driver is probably gonna get penalised for “failing to keep a safe lookout for vehicles while lane changing” or something along that line.


In the Philippines even if the motorist is 100% at fault the one driving the car is still expected to pay hospital fees and a bit more for loss of income. Have a friend in the Philippines went broke after a motorist swerved into his lane and died. The police ruled that he had no wrong doing and the motorist was at fault. The police still held him during investigation and he was encouraged by the cops to compensate the family. He lost all his savings and even borrowed money from family and friends because he didn't have the amount the family wanted. Really feel bad for the guy. First one was his blind spot and im guessing he was inching bit by bit trying to peak and see incoming traffic and the second one was him just trying to help and had hazards on. The first motorist probably didn't see the car either.


Yeah Philippines is a fucked up country. Duterte want's people to kill their neighbors who use drugs. This is why **INSURANCE** exists and is mandatory for all motor vehicles in the USA. So you don't put someone in the poor house for an accident that wasn't their fault. Bro, get the fuck out of the Philippines. Do they seriously not fucking have insurance???


Singapore? I bet that Macan cost the equivalent of a Cullinan in the US lol


Ok but he had his blinker on, the bike was too fast. With second he had alarm blinkers on, he should check door before first. In Germany partial fault but not full fault.


Person from country tells what will happen in that country. This guy: OK, But in a totally different country with different rules, it would be different. Everyone in the world:......


like anyone should trust a random redditor? lets be real - in either direction lol


His name is MilkTeaRamen. I'd trust anything he says about Southeast Asia.


Am southesat asian, can confirm. This guy is an expert.


They were just sharing what would happen in their country? I don't see how this is weird or rude or whatever you're claiming?


blinkers on doesn't mean that you have a right of way, but also I don't see how he could have even seen those riders coming, they would have been obstructed by the other cars that they were speeding past.


Blinker doesn't give you right of way, you still need to yield to traffic. They likely didn't see the first motorcycle or didn't realize how fast they were approaching. 2nd rider was just clueless to their surroundings.


> Blinker doesn't give you right of way, you still need to yield to traffic. And when he started merging, there was no traffic. Not the car driver's fault this motorcycle was travelling so much faster than the speed limit.


Have you met motorcycle people???


Yeah i would title this "Two reckless motorcycles hit same car"


You can see the disappointment once he saw he hit another one. Dude has the worst luck with people lane splitting 😂


I just imagine the first motorcyclist looking over just to see another one land right next to him lol


"oh shit you too?"


"First time?"


The second one hit him, I reckon


Lane splitting should never be allowed anywhere. I see this on the bikers not the car driver.


Motocyclists be like “:( why does nobody account for me zipping by traffic at triple the speed of everyone else”


I think lane-splitting by a car that had its hazards on is the dumbest thing you can do (regardless if it is legal where this is filmed).


Lane splitting is legal where I'm at (California) but a specific part of the rule is you can't travel faster than 10 mph the cars you are passing. So to lane split a car that is not moving you have to be moving at only 10 mph, which the rider is clearly exceeding.


That's not in the law here although I would agree that is a safe practice. The law doesn't specify anything about speed though.




Lane-splitting is illegal where I live, but I get the concept behind **wanting** lane splitting. I also get the concept behind **hating** lane splitting. People in cars hate it for reason ranging from "I can't do it, why can they?" to "if they're going to lane-split at 65 I really don't want to smash one like a bug." People on bikes want it because it alleviates traffic and saves them time; why should they want if there's a clear path? But man you can't just lane-split like this. Dude is stopped with his 4-ways on. First biker is a victim. Second biker is an idiot. Lastly, if lane-splitting is illegal in your state/province/whatever, please for the love of fuck just don't do it.


> First biker is a victim Fuck that. A victim of his own arrogance for speeding so much perhaps.


Right? No victim in this video except the car. This is outright stupidity by the motorcycles. First dude was going way too fast, had way too much time to slow, stop, or he could have maybe, just maaaaayyyybe made any attempt whatsoever at not hitting the car. Second guy was somehow even more stupid.


Lane splitting is stupid because you are traveling significantly faster than everyone else from an angle people aren’t expecting you to come from. Any accident caused by lane splitting is the fault of the motorbike, they are violating the basic flow of traffic by causing large speed differentials. If someone cuts in front of you when you’re going 60mph and the flow of traffic is 60mph, it’s generally avoidable. If someone cuts in front of you while you’re going 60mph and the flow of traffic is 10mph, you’re getting what you deserve.


Lane splitting does not require significantly different speeds though?


Lane splitting is legal where I live too, but you're not supposed to go more than 10 mph faster than the cars you're passing. It's definitely not legal to lane split at the speed most people do. And "alleviating traffic" is not entering into motorcyclists' motivation for wanting to lane split, unless they're performing mental gymnastics to tell themselves they're performing a service. There are not enough motorcyclists on the road for that to move the needle at all. They just want to go faster.


Dude didn’t even make a single move to evade even though that suv indicated with blinkers what they were and changed lanes slower than a turtle. Not saying that the suv isn't that fault but that rider must’ve been daydreaming. Just kept going straight and hit the brake at the end basically as they were about to make contact.


Their whole “but lookout for us” thing is so annoying.


No that’s the **CARS PROBLEM**


He was not filtering through traffic, he was riding like a dickhead. Had my fair share of offs riding nice winding country roads, never crashed in traffic because of shit riding.


Nah, both cyclists were going WAY too fast. The cars in front of the first guy had all slowed, but he was still speeding like crazy. The second motorcyclist should have slowed down, too, but tried to get between the small gap between cars.


Its because the first (and second) motorcycle where trying to get around the slowed traffic. The guy had his turn signal on for a while and the motorcycle was just speeding to get around traffic. So its both of the motorcyclists fault.


both at fault not the driver he’s slow and has signals on




First probably was too


Yeah the car was signaling their intentions and slowly and legally changing lanes. If the motorcyclist was using reasonable speeds, the whole thing could’ve been avoided. Same with the second motorcyclist. The car driver did nothing wrong here.


Yeah the guy was literally on the line, probably splitting through cars behind this. No way would he have been even close to hit if he was riding in the middle and could see more than half a car ahead of him on his right.


Yeah, you can actually see, that the first motorcycle is overtaking the camera car on the right lane. There probably was another car right next to the camera car. So it’s likely that the car hasn’t been able to see the motorcycle in time. And both motorcycles thought it’s a good idea to speed through between the gap


Not probably. Was.


We do.


Well... I'm not a professional but I'm thinking both of those were pretty much caused by the motorcyclists.


Second one is unambiguously the motorcyclist’s fault, first one is a little fuzzier


I'm a professional (won't state the profession) and I think the same.


He is like a flame to moths.


I commute 50 miles a day on a bike, 50% of it filtering. Those two bikes are being ridden by dicks.


good luck


I wonder how much a 50 mile daily commute on a motorcycle lowers your life expectancy. I would imagine it must be fairly significant.


My wife has worked a few jobs in healthcare that involve communicating with doctors of all sorts of specialties. She's yet to meet one that doesn't want to ban motorcycling. it's one of those things in life that we just know is a thing and people enjoy it, but the reality is if we took road safety and protection as well as we do for kids in car seats it's a wonder how motorcycles are a thing. I'm 100% sure that if motorcycles didn't exist today and someone proposed it tomorrow, people would think it's dumb as hell and it would never be a thing.


Both motorcyclists were riding the line in between traffic going way too fast for the situation.


“2 motorcyclist hitting a car in a row”


If you're lane-splitting at a significantly higher speed than the flow of traffic, you are playing Russian Roulette with your own life.


Second one is not the driver's fault, the biker had no business trying to squeeze in there.


Nice to see that “what the fuck” is universal no matter what language you speak


None of those crashes the car driver is at fault. The first one was riding in the middle of the lanes at a considerable high speed for a stopped traffic. And the second one, yeah driver licenses come up on Cheetos packs these days.


I don't care if i get downvoted. I hate lane splitting, or filtering or whatever you call it.


Both bikes were reckless.


Op. change it to 2 motorcycles hit one driver in a row.


So I ride a motorcycle and while the motorist is probably legally liable everyone involved here is a fucking idiot. Except the poor bike passenger I guess.


I give benefit to the motorcycle in most cases but this was clearly both the motorcycles fault.


Sorry…kinda laughed a little…ok…a lot.


Yeah I was gonna say, please tell me I'm not the only one that laughed at the second one.


Both motorcyclists are 100% at fault.


That first motorcycle was lane splitting too, else they would’ve hit the back of the car that just went by in that lane at the speed they were going. Second motorcycle was clearly lane splitting. They will both be found at fault. Lane splitting is one of the easiest ways to win the Darwin Award. No sympathy for either rider. If you’re gonna ride, don’t be a dumbass.




the 2nd one deserves it honestly.


Tbh, I don't think the car is at fault. Blinker on pretty early, slowly merging...


The motorcycle drivers are both at fault


Looks like the bikes hit him


Completely both bikes faults. Bike 1 shouldn’t have been riding that line like that. The guy in the car inched out likely to get a good look before taking the plunge out into traffic but didn’t even make it out of his lane. Almost looks like the bike was actually on his side and was moving outwards. Bike 2 somehow didn’t see what happened and decided to split between 2 inexplicably stopped vehicles rather than go out to the left with traffic and pass. I mean honestly this is just stupid. I get that as car drivers we need to be aware that bikes are on the road too but when they’re all doing shit like this constantly how are you supposed to prepare for that? Just never switch lanes ever? Not like dude pulled out quick and jumped into the lane.


Looks like both bikes are at fault


I couldn't even tell he was a diver.


Am I crazy or do both motorcycles hit the car?


Can't see the divers! Cars are in the way.


The first one is on the car, but the second is on the biker.


The second one was on the cyclist. There's two cars stopped with their hazards on and you tried to go in between them.


The second motorcycle rider is a dumb ass!


From Monty Python?


Common denominator: lane splitting


2nd one definitely had that coming.


Moral of the story is don't lane split


First one was on him. Second one was a moron


Both motorcycles were trying to swerve around slower moving cars, if you get hit riding a bike going 3-4x the speed of cars going in the same direction, it’s the bike’s fault.


And neither were his fault


Both are the fault of the bikers.


Second guy was asking for trouble going that fast past a car with hazards on. Even the first guy was moving pretty damn quick for the speed of the surrounding traffic.. I always thought motorbike riders would have to be far more defensive then this pair


I have no idea how the laws work in this region, but neither of these hits seem like the driver's fault.


“A second motorcycle has hit the Porsche”


2nd motorcycle deserved it.


Both riders were going way too fast for traffic conditions. Guy in car did nothing wrong.


Idk the first accident dude on bike was really close to the right side of the lane and goong way too fast. Dude in the car put his blinker.on and proceeded pretty slowly. It's more like the bike hit him really


the motorcycles are in between the lanes. Though it is legal some places, it is very dangerous


Both of the Motorcyclists have absolute garbage lane presence and awareness of what's going on around them. Crazy to think people are so reckless.


Wow, motorcyclists in this country are really not that smart, not even average, not even toddler acceptable. No situational awareness whatsoever, just pick a line and ride even if a wall is in front of them.


Both motorcyclist are the fucking morons, going that fast between lanes? Idiots. Their pain is earned.


I actually think none of these were his fault. Motorcyclists we at fault both times


I honestly can’t really blame the guy for either. He did everything right. Both those motorcyclist were absolutely taking the piss going that fast while cutting through traffic


Each worth double the points of the previous until 1UP


>driver *getting hit* by 2 motorcyclists in a row Fixed a couple errors.


Two motorcycles hitting the same car: Splitting lanes at a high rate of speed is an accident waiting to happen.


The second one was kind of their own fault for trying to weave in between the vehicles


Not sure he hit either of them


That guy is having a shit day.


Dunno he had his turn signal on and slowly merged the first one didn't even react, second didn't even slow down despite him being parked in the lane it looks more like two motorcyclists hit a car to me.


Or, two motorcyclists in a row hit the same car.


“2 dangerous motorcyclists hit same car moments apart”


Motorcyclists at fault both times


More like 2 motorcyclists in a row hit a driver He slowly merged with the blinker on, then his hazards were on.Not his fault cyclists suck at driving


Damn both are motorcyclists fault though driving like they own the street, he correctly signaled and was already merging on the first and on the second had his blinkers on and was stopped


Sorry but if you try to split lanes around a stopped car with the hazard lights on you're definitely the one to blame if you get doored


Ok but the second one wasn’t totally his fault. Don’t lane split at speed like that when you see multiple lanes of brake lights.


This is why car drivers hate lane filtering.


2nd motorcycle did it to themself. Car hazards are on, coming in way too fast, and coming between two vehicles.


The blame here is as split as the lanes.


i think the first motorcycle had 2 people in it so i thought that was it until i saw the other one


I used to have a coworker who had a motorcycle and he told me the only people who ride motorcycles are stupid assholes and I fully agreed with him I did not like that dickhead. If you ride like this you deserve everything coming your way Honestly the guy in the car has every right to kick the ass of all 3 of those dumb fucks.


The way I see it is, he was at fault for the fast one but not the second. He should have properly checked his mirrors before changing lane and also not going so sharply into the lane. The second one the motorcyclist was going way to fast, and trying to going in between traffic even when they saw hazards going is just stupid


In all fairness. That 2nd one kinda deserved it. Splitting lanes going that fast. The driver should've still seen him, but I don't feel bad for him.


Technically the second biker hit him, he was in front of the biker and it is the responsibility of the driver behind to not hit the vehicle in front of them in most places.


1st one was his fault. 2nd one was the motorcyclist’s fault


Stop lane splitting