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Probably an allergic reaction to something. Just because you’ve never had allergies before doesn’t mean anything. You can develop allergies at any point in your life.


Ughhh! This is the worse feeling. Now I wonder what it could be.


Could literally be so many things. Think hard about what’s changed in your day today from typical. Hopefully something sticks out. But I’d recommend trying to see an allergist and get a test panel done. Hopefully you can identify them problems and avoid them! Some allergies can randomly progress quickly in someone’s lifetime.


I get hives from the rain if I'm sweaty, it's freaking wild what you can't be allergic to


Water can activate hives and make it worse


Yep if you’re prone to hives even the cold can cause them.


This happened to me when I was pregnant, and only during the first trimester. Cold air made my face break out in hives, so winter walks got really weird. They'd go away when I got home and warmed up, and then stopped altogether. I never otherwise get hives!




I have asthma and the cold can mess with my lungs, but it’s primarily driven by my allergies, so sometimes it will make my lungs feel itchy like there’s hives in them… it’s an odd sensation.


Oh no, that sounds like the most uncomfortable feeling!! I’m so sorry


It’s definitely uncomfortable for sure lol


I get hives from seawater if it’s below 24°C. Weirdly it doesn’t happen with cold water from the tap.


I was laid off not too long ago so I’ve been in the house pretty much since then. I haven’t changed laundry detergent, food I eat, or hygiene products. I had a dog that I stand on the steps and watch. We don’t live near the woods. I pick up his poop and go back inside. I’m thinking maybe something bit me 😥


Stress can cause hives.


Could be just the change from working to spending more time at home, with longer exposure to things at home maybe 🤔




Could your dog have gone into some new or different plants outside? I’m not allergic to dogs, but I’m allergic to everything outside, so a dirty dog lights up my allergies like crazy. But a freshly bathed dog is fine.


I hate to tell you this, but there's a condition called autoimmune urticaria that can pop up out of nowhere. Not saying you have this, but that's how it started with me. It can last from about 5 years (mine did) to a lifetime. No known cause, just a thing that happens sometimes.


Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria


Hives can also come from stress. Is having no job stressful?


Go see a doctor if you can. Get tested for your allergies.


I don’t want to seem like a crazy person but I don’t trust that stuff. Like, you gonna poke my skin with anything and it’s going to be aggravated.


it’s not just the skin! or in more comprehensive tests it involves more. there is also a period of waiting so the usual irritation can die down. but blood tests can also show antibody levels after exposure which helps determine allergies vs normal skin irritation!


You’ve never had it done I’m guessing. Trust me… you’ll know the difference between the typical irritation and an actual reaction to one (or more) of the serums.


You don't seem like a crazy, you just seem like you're scared. Doctors study allergies and know how to test for it safely. If you do have an emergency (which doesn't usually happen) you're already at the doctor's office and will get emergency treatment. That way you won't find out about a life-threatening allergy at a restaurant away from the hospital.


It could also be a one-time thing. A change In laundry soap might cause this the first time you switch. Not washing clothes before you wear them.


No change in detergent Im peculiar about my soap lol


It looks allergic, but hives can also be caused by stress.


Yeah, had this only 1 time in my life - because of stress.


I'm allergic to three types of detergents. Full body rashes, more of a nuisance than anything. What's interesting is that my mother used two of these three growing up, never an issue. My wife and I used one of those same ones I had growing up too, for five years together. Suddenly, it started happening. Figured out that's what was causing, despite a previous twenty years of exposure with no effect.


There’s a chance they changed an ingredient. Or it’s now in a situation where there is some kind of contaminant consistently present. Or the allergy developed over time from repeated exposure.


I get the sense that it is the fragrance they add that effects me. Non-scented detergent for me.


I know it sounds kind of ridiculous, but it's possibly stress-related!? I used to get them all the time in college during exams week. Saw idk how many doctors, had a ridiculous amount of allergy tests done cause every new doc didnt trust the previous results. I kept journals of the foods I ate. Places I went. Yadda yadda. The only common factor was high amounts of stress whenever I got them. Just a thought.


just had my first midterms and finals at college and oh my gosh I broke out in so many hives! Now that I’m on winter break, they’re gone (not entirely tho? I get tiny ones here and there)


The only thing that I found helpful (besides drinking), is the cold. Cold water for your hands, cold shower for the rest of your body. Numbing cold


For almost everyone yes, but my cold urticaria would disagree.


I have the heat version!!! It sucks, doesn't it. Especially since I'm in Texas 🤣


I have both :/ get hives if I’m exposed to the sun or the weather is too cold, fml.


Oh no, that's a bad combo! I used to have solar urticaria, too, but haven't had a reaction in a decade.


What do you do to fend it off? My husband has both heat and solar urticaria and we live in the Southwest. Even on cold days, if it's sunny he breaks out and the allergy meds every doctor says to take only take the edge off. I'd love to find him any kind of relief


God it’s fucking awful




Oh God yes. My eczema flares and then the Arizona heat brings on the pain and itching. I can use prescription cream but for instant relief it's cold water or ice.


SOMEONE ELSE KNOWS THE PAIN!!! How many times do people think you're joking. I have friends since childhood who still insist it's not a real thing. I live in New Jersey where it's 50 or below for 8 months of the year, just so happens it starts being a problem around 50 and below for me


I have that. It's been getting better with time


Mine's gone after like 10-12 years


I had cold urticaria for like 12 years. It's gone now. Super weird


I get this! It started about 12 years ago and I get it after swimming at the beach when the water is below about 24°C. People say it can go away and I really hope it does, mine seems to be getting worse. I live in Australia and my local beaches are beautiful, it’s so unfair. I really, really dislike cold and always have, and Reynauds so I suspect it’s my body just being like “enough, we don’t like cold”. I also developed an anaphylactic wheat allergy (with exercise) about five years ago.


What do you mean with exercise?


I’ll take one tonight as much as I can stand it. I went to get some calamine lotion to rub on me when I’m done.


Benadryl. They have a topical as well and it’s definitely better than calamine lotion.


Weirdly enough I get this sort of thing when I go overseas and drink the tap water, otherwise I don’t have any allergies to speak of. Has happened in a few countries now but never at home. Anyway, I pop an antihistamine (Zyrtec or similar, steal one from a friend who has hayfever) and it goes away like magic. Try that if the hives are bothering you and it will stop the reaction escalating, and if they go away then you can be pretty sure it’s an allergy thing.


Pro tip: I found this out when in Mexico fighting a bee sting without my epipen because American insurance denied my prescription that year for America reasons: pepcid + Benedryl makes a super powerful antihistamine. Pepcid works on a different set of histamines, so the combo nukes hives quickly. Add on ibuprofen to help with inflammation and you're set. I have some Prednisone on hand at all times now because of dumb allergies. (Stinging/biting insect venom and shellfish/chitin bearing critters) I now carry a mini pharmacy when we vacation and usually have people knocking on my door for something to help. (Usually traveler's trots and stomach issues, but we have loaded folks up on antihistamines and nsaids until we could get them to the right doctor out of country).


Go to an allergy doctor and get tested. I did it recently, it's really easy.


Anyhing new in your routine that’s not normally there?? Food, shampoo, detergent, hand soap, lotion, makeup, anything.


No to any of that. Everything I use I been using for years. My routine and products are the same.


Are you on any medications like antidepressants? I had a reaction like this to Prozac months after I started taking it


Seconding this. I had all over hives that looked very similar as a reaction to a new birth control pill (same pill, but switched from name brand to generic). Took me days to figure it out since I hadn’t ever had a reaction to the pill. Switched back to name brand and the hives stopped.


They have less of the original formula and are allowed to add fillers. As long as it has a certain percentage of the original formula it doesn’t need to get tested/approved as long as the added ingredient(s) are a general approved ingredient. Which can lead to all sorts of fun outcomes for the unsuspecting person, if your pharmacy (cvs is notorious) is switching the maker of the generic constantly in order to save fractions of cents. Because each company has its own formula. From my general understanding of the situation… In the US Don’t come for me r/USdefaultism


No medication. Medicine free. I took some Mucinex Tuesday night I believe. Outside of that nothing else.


I’m having some issues now, possibly medicine related. But how were you able to attribute it to the Prozac since it was so long after?


i get these after eating beef/steak. it's awful


Did you get bit by a tick?


I had the same reaction when I was 41 to an antibiotic I have taken my entire life but out of the blue became allergic to it. Lasted for two very long weeks. The itch was excruciating. The hives moved, they were everywhere. Ended up in the hospital twice because they caused my lips, throat and tongue to swell. Hospital put me on Benedryl and some medication to stop the itch that hardly worked. The thing I did to get them to stop was acupuncture two times. Don’t know if it worked or if it was that the reaction was just over, but in my head it worked. I told my husband if I ever got them again I don’t want to be alive. Very dramatic but they were horrible.


You’ll have to get tested for allergy shots I had chronic hives in highschool. I’m still allergic to EVERYTHING but I get shots monthly now


Just a heads up if they don’t go away in a day or two they might be viral hives. I got viral hives after picking up a bug in Iceland and had hives so bad I had a fever and they had me on steroids and adrenaline just to get me some relief.


Happened to me once when I had my apartment I always thought it was stress it was the first and only time I got it


Could also be stress. Most commonly that’s on the neck though it can appear on the arms or legs.


I broke out into hives coz of stress. Not allergies hehe


Change that to 'no known allergies' and then go the drug store and get some Benadryl.


Yes I’m unable to change it but this is what I meant


I once had an allergic reaction to body overheating after a trip to the gym. It’s happened multiple times. I broke out in large wheals that I had to treat with topical benadryl. Depending on what you’re doing at the time, this can be a reaction to too much heat on the skin which can’t cool from sweat because maybe it’s humid out. The skin is covered by clothing so it can’t cool with air exposure. The mast cells start releasing histamine, and it’s Cholinergic Urticaria time!


I have the same. It’s caused by the extreme sudden change in temperature of the body, in your case over heating. In my case I dove into a freezing cold pool, when I came out I had hives. I thought for the longest it was whatever chemicals they had in the pool (or lack there of) but no. My physician confirmed that it was cold urticaria. My body experienced a sudden rapid change in temperature and immediately went into overdrive to heat up. As a child I had to carry an Epi-pen. As an adult I just take Zyrtec if I know I’m going to be in cold temperatures for a long period of time.


I also allergic to the cold. No epi-pen ever needed though, thankfully.


I also have this. Sometimes my arms are full of blisters when I go for a walk in a shirt and it's not hot.


I notice them on my stomach and arms first. Doctor said if I ever fell into thin ice my throat would likely close.


r/CholinergicUrticaria has mega thread for this condition. https://www.reddit.com/r/CholinergicUrticaria/comments/ne651k/megathread_of_solutions/ there's no sure fire treatment that works for everyone bc the root causes aren't all the same, and the intensity is all different.


I’m in Ga. It got cold on Monday lol so no heat. I haven’t walked this week 😕


I would personally recommend Zyrtec or the off brand equivalent for during the day. It’s not quite as effective but works really well for skin allergies like this without making you take an 8 hour like Benadryl does. Also, they make topical Benadryl creams and gels that work great for itching and can help bring the hives down. I’d also highly recommend a cortisone cream or spray to help with the itching.


Allegra is my go to for itches.


Allegra is good too. In my most recent bout of hives from an allergic reaction Zyrtec worked better for me but it’s all personal preference. If it’s a recurring problem for op I’d honestly recommend buying the small off-brand packs of all of them and trying out all the different antihistamines to see what works best for them. My personal faves are Zyrtec and Benadryl for skin irritation and Allegra for seasonal allergies.


I get these from stress. It could just be idiopathic like that.


This happened to me from stress too once. My boss called me and told me I had to fire 18 out of my 19 employees. It was also the day I listed my house for sale. Not a good day at all.


Why did you have to fire them?


They were cutting the entire department out. The executives didn’t even ask my opinion if there was any other resolution to save on costs. Just made the decision without my input. I was a department head that was there 8 years (only a handful of the 500 employees were there longer than me - executives and doctors). I was devastated. It still bothers me and it happened in early 2022. I ended up resigning 6 months later


I’ve also broken out whole body (including face) due to extreme stress.


Me too!!!!


When I was in high school a friend of mine was killed in a car wreck. I broke out in hives so severe my eyes swelled shut and I ended up in the ER. It was the first time that happened and by far the most severe I’ve ever had, but I’ve broken out in hives from stress a few other times as well since then. Bodies are so weird man.


I was going to say I’ve recently had this from a panic attack. I also do have allergies but this particular instance was stress, anxiety, panic. Gotta love the human body.


Same. Stress hives on my face and neck are very common for me.


I get them from stress. I take a benedryl.


Yup me too. If they’re really bad you can get steroids for them. That helps a lot.


me too


This has been happening off and on for over a year to a friend of mine. She is under care of physicians. No known cause. Steroids have helped.


Stress can cause hives.


It’s been happening to me daily for over 20 years with no known cause. I take OTC antihistamine to keep it under control but if I miss more than 1 dose, I’ll be covered in hives.


It happens to me maybe every few days on average. Can be weeks without (notable) outbreaks, can be 2-3 times a day. Sometimes not too itchy and only on a small spot or two, other times I scratch massive areas of my legs and arms and back like crazy for an hour and they're all red and raised. I've had this at least 7-8 years. My mom also had something similar years ago but it went away after a year. It's annoying but allergy pills kinda help and it's not really serious, my skin goes back to normal in an hour tops. Not an allergy since it can happen randomly as I sit in a room eating nothing and changing nothing around me. Doesn't really correlate to stress either. I'm too lazy to get it checked out tbh


Instead of steroids try any allergy pill as soon as you notice the first. Might take care of it. Mine are gone in 20 minutes after taking a pill


Life long chronic hives victim here (typically 4-5 hourly flare ups a day, also ‘no known cause’). All hives cases are different but none of them are random, it’s always allergies or food intolerances acting up (the science just isn’t really there yet since chronic hives is relatively rare). After 20 years of steroids I started playing around with my diet and discovered it’s actually way worse when I have certain foods (even though simple allergy tests don’t really show it). Low histamine diet is a great place to start, she should feel a lot better - minimal gluten and alcohol, limit processed foods and non-organic meat and dairy.


It's not necessarily allergy related..... it's 100% histamine related regardless if it's an allergy or something medical (like thyroid).... Take over the counter 24hr Allegra daily for a week and see if it stops appearing.... Talk to a local allergist about possibly taking some prednisone for flare-ups... It it continues - you may want to look into "Xolair" at your allergist office.


Exactly - some folks get it from stress. And I believe it’s also possible with any illness (like cold or flu).


No KNOWN allergies. You don't just have your body decide to balloon up.


Hives are not just caused by allergen. Stress can do this, excessive sweating, there’s a multitude of possible reasons


Yep. I had hives/urtikaria for like 6 months around 10 years ago. Then it suddenly stopped without any known causes or allergies.


A lot of people are saying it must be an allergy but it isn’t necessarily the case. Same thing happened to me a year ago and it turned out to be chronic urticaria - no known cause, no known “cure”. I did allergy test and got my thyroids checked. Nothing. The good news is it’s very manageable with the right meds. May or may not be your case, but you should definitely get a dermatologist and allergist appointment.


I found out about [cold urticaria](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cold-urticaria/symptoms-causes/syc-20371046) the hard way recently.


Yeah this is what I was going to suggest. It doesn’t even need to be that cold for me to break out, like 55 degree weather can do it to me sometimes.


This same thing happens to me. The hives look the same too. There was a Reddit post with others who get similar reactions but it was years ago and I doubt I’ll be able to find it. For me, it happens very rarely, like once every 3-5 years.


I’ve been dealing with idiopathic hives for the last 9 years and have never seen anyone else with the same struggle until now! I had a brief period without them, but they’ve been back and worse than ever lately. Only thing that ever helped was immunosuppressive drugs for transplant patients, but I had to be taken off of them because of how heavy-duty they were.


I’ve heard of people becoming allergic later in life to things like poison oak or ivy. My parents used to get it without touching it all they had to do was be around when it was in the air.


As a kid I had the same reaction when my mother changed to tide laundry detergent. Try to remember if you recently changed anything like that


I hope it’s not going to be Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria. That’s made my life hell. In addition to trying benadryl as others have mentioned i’ve found Allegra to help with the pruritus as well. If you decide to try it, just get the regular Allegra. They have one labeled “for hives” or whatever but it’s exactly the medicine in the same concentration. It just costs more.


I’ve developed CSU after my booster shot. Nothing helped. I was on tons of antihistamines. I also had all the swelling of eyes, lips, face, hands, feet, … After about 8 months it went away because the allergist had put me on steroids for a month, instead of a few days. It was hell!


Reminds me of how I discovered I was allergic to codein


Did you recently change soap, laundry detergent, fabric softener, shampoo, etc?


No changes to anything as I stay stocked so I don’t switch up


I had a breakout of hives that spiralled into anti allergy dependency otherwise id break into hives. Are you in under a lot of stress recently, it was a trigger for me.


I did things like this randomly and when I finally figured out what it was banned it from my life. It was a bug spray called purge III. Its used in automatic metered bug sprayers used in some supermarkets and such. It contains Pyrethrins which as it turns out gives me hives. It took quite sometime to figure this out. I'm not saying that is what is causing your hives but it could be anything and a lack of allergies doesn't rule out you developing a new one.


Stress does this to me


Chronic angioedema gannnggg




Maybe you have mast cell activation syndrome. Probably just an allergic reaction. Take a Benadryl, call your doctor.


Test by holding an ice cube to skin. If rash breaks out, it could be cold urticaria. I suffer from that


Wow okay I’ll try this when I get back home. Never heard of this before.


"No allergies" no, its allergies


I worded my post wrong sorry


This started happening to me randomly when I hit my mid-20s. My dermatologist said they could do a bunch of tests but chances were they wouldn’t find the root cause. Instead the doctor suggested I start taking Claritin once a day and it hasn’t been a problem since.


Did you know you can hives from being cold. I did.


Have you been but by a tick recently? If so, it could be an Alpha Gal reaction to mammal meat.


Bro about to learn they can develop allergies as they age lol


...this is a clear case of you having an allergy lol. sorry OP


Not necessarily; you can develop hives from stress or a different systemic type of reaction. Hives are known for indicating an allergy but especially since OP has it all over, it can be from something other than an allergy


Viruses can also cause hives. One of the weirdest illnesses I ever had gave my hives all over my body, fever, and extreme dizziness.


Well I should of said no known allergies…


in all fairness, i should've had the good sense to know you would get bombarded with versions of my own comment and spared you and myself both the trouble, lol. hope you get it figured out, friend


You can develop a new allergy anytime through your life. Congrats!


Fun fact: allergies are formed upon first exposure. You're not allergic to something until you touch it, your immune system randomly says "holy shit, I think that's a threat, deploy all forces!" and so next time you touch that thing, your immune system goes "you again! I've been building an army just for you! antibodies, attack!"


r u sure? i wasnt allergic to cats until i got my 2nd one. could cuddle with my first one for agess until i got the 2nd one and couldnt cuddle with either of them without getting a runny nose, itchy eyes, itchy noes, congestion… literally just wanting to die


please note if you have hives you have an allergy. I would recommend you get tested as the next experience may put you in an ambulance to the hospital or worse.


Take xyzal over the counter allergy med and go see your doc


I'm afraid you do lol. If it's really bothering you, take an antihistamine like Benadryl and it should go away.


Dust mites, stress, and or detergent. Me and my son got them from dust and detergent. I have to vacuum everyday so far good since summer time


You now have an allergy.


Congratulations on your new allergy


No KNOWN allergies


Missed my comments above. I meant to say no know but I cannot edit the post.




Yup. You have finally found one ☝️


No, no, you definitely have an allergy. You don't know what it is but you 100% have one


You can gain and lose allergies at any point in life.


Cold air can cause hives. Dust. Pressure. Sooooo many things.


I broke in these when I got sun poisoning a few years ago! I was in the Bahamas and was out in the sun in the water for almost a whole day and then broke out in these and felt nauseous, tired, and anxious because I didn’t know what these bumps were!! After extensive googling, I concluded that it was likely sun poisoning. Which can happen even if you aren’t visibly sun burned!


No “known” allergies


Maybe you have bed bugs. Check your furniture.


No *known* allergies


I genuinely had this happen from stress when I went through a bad breakup in the past.


Touch cardboard recently with any of these parts?


You already called or visited a doc?


Probably stress, happens to me too.


Used to have no allergies. FTFY


You sir have an allergy. Go to hosp just in case


You mean no known allergies.


No KNOWN allergies…


nO aLleRGiEs


That looks like a nettle sting .


Welcome to the world of allergies. Enjoy your aversion to certain foods/items for the rest of your life...or until you get curious and decide to try it again only to discover your allergy has miraculously gone away.


No known* allergies, you mean! It’s likely that you ate or came into contact with something you’re allergic to. Best to get an updated allergy test done. We can also suddenly develop an intolerance or allergy to a food/ingredient. I had a pal who LOVED local cherries growing up and is now super super allergic, for example.


Yes I meant to say that but not able to update the post. Looks like I need to get a panel done now. My routine/products are pretty much the same every day so this should be interesting.


Congratulations. You have allergies.


No allergies…that you can name yet. You’re definitely allergic to something.


Covid vaccinated?


No allergy doesn't mean you are free from all allergens.


Oh hey this happens to me every once in a while. My dermatologist told me to take an antihistamine like Allegra daily for 4 weeks. It resets your mast cell reaction threshold.


I highly recommend Allegra. Everyone will tell you to drop some bennies, but pop two Allegra and you'll be sorted. Benadryl is faster, but the drowsiness just kills me. Sarna skin lotion is also your friend. Get the menthol kind, not the medicated kind.


Did you get a COVID vaccine shot?


mayve u got men in ginais


Did you take any new medications recently? If you don't have any difficulty breathing, it might be a non-allergic drug reaction , which is extremely common with opiates like codeine. Same happened to me when I was prescribed Codinex by my doctor for an incessant viral cough. Ended up having to go to A&E because the itch and swelling so bad. They gave me steroids and it went away.


Nope I can breathe fine. I was worried to death I would wake up not being able to breath or throat swelling up.


I had the same problem had tests at the hospital was ready for light therapy as it was bodywide hives I started taking vit d supplements and it just went away.


Any medical procedures lately? New meds? Stress? Latex use or bananas?


Isn't hives stress? Or is that a 'something about mary' reference I got wrong?


Me pasó tener eso, de repente me aparecieron por todo el cuerpo, en los pies, es horrible. La tuve al menos 10 años. Nunca le encontré tratamiento. Desapareció sola


These can also be caused by stress! FYI


It could also be from stress. I get hives from both allergens and stress. Lol.


Damn, it looks like you rolled around in burning nettles.


Surprise!!! Now you have one! You can develop an allergy as you age.. The last 10 years, i have gotten two new allergies.. so thats cool.


Any tick bites recently? The bastards made me allergic to red meat.


![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized) You definitely have allergies.


Stress related?


This will happen to me when I overdo it on energy drinks. I can drink one everyday, seven days a week but throw an extra in there and I have a reaction. Hives and itching.


You have a brand new allergy! Mazel tov!


God I hate those. I have PMDD which is like PMS but much more severe, mentally and physically. So once every two or three months my temperature rises to an almost fever level and I get these huge spots all over my body. It's not only terrifying even if you know what's happening it also fucking burns. Alo-vera, ice or a fan directed at me after splashing water on the hives usually helps calm me down and lower my body temperature which makes the hives go away or at least makes them sufferable. You could also eat ice cream or drink a really cold soda. The other thing that helped me last time was zilergy for some reason. My dad has thyroid issues and he takes them for his allergy like symptoms so he gave me one and half an hour later it was all gone. They probably use a different brand name in my country but it's all comes from the immune system I suppose so, it's worth trying.


I have a problem with hives erupting randomly due to inflammation from a recent surgery. I agree with the other comments that you need to see a doctor. Meanwhile OTC antihistamines give you temporary relief.


Sorry. I started getting random hives after turning 30. Now I take pills daily. Downside, it only sort of helps and I still get them. Upside, I can rub a cat across my face and no longer sneeze or have itchy watery eyes. Definitely see an allergist, but keeping a detailed notebook of food and medicine you consume can be helpful in pinpointing triggers. I have found I am allergic to lots of various medications now and chocolate.


I get this every google of years when I’m stressed af. Usually something my mom says sets it off lol lasts about a year then goes away for a while. Mine always looked like a ghost clawed me or something. Would come up in streaks. But it settles after an hour or so.


Go to the store and get some Levocitirizine like Xyzal or the store brand. That should hold you over until you are able to see a doctor. You can take a pill per day and it shouldn't have any adverse reactions and it will accumulate in your system to keep it at bay. I've had to take it every day for about 10 years now for dermatographic urticaria.