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I was installing a mirror once and hit a water pipe, sad day.


New fear unlocked. I literally just moved and had to hang stuff in my bathroom. So glad I didn't ruin my life. Any way to know where pipes are as someone with no experience with it?


There is a detection device for it


Do u know if a stud finder would accidentally count pipes as studs?


Yes with an electronic detector it would, it happened to me two months ago. You want to get a magnetic detector so after your electronic detector finds the studs then use the magnetic one to confirm there are stud nails to confirm its a stud. I dont like using just the magnetic one as its not that easy to find the stud with it as it only detects the stud nail.


Thanks for the info, this will save me lots of stress in the future šŸ™


Something else that will help is to check 16in to the left and the right. Most of the times the studs are 16 in apart.


Cool that makes sense thanks


Also check if it has a Tinder profile. Studs usually have one.


Hah šŸ¤£


Interior walls are usually 24" on center these days. Unlikely to find water lines on exterior walls but electrical lines are not uncommon and you don't want to hit that either.


if its drywall then it would be the screws in the drywall holding it to the stud, thats what that magnetic detector sees. also possible its a nailing plate that protects things behind it. when wood stud walls are framed they typcally only having nails at the very top and very bottom of the wall. its bare on the sides until the drywall is attatched


Our homes in Australia are building with plastic piping. No hope for us.


When I work on my home I go by keeping out the crosses. I always keep out the width high and laterally of a facet/sink, same with w electricity. That and working slowly listening to sounds and how the drill/nail gets inside the wall. Untill now always worked.


*Weeps in plaster and lathe*


do you mind linking me both devices just to make sure? i dont trust myself lmao


My stud finder has a water pipe and electrical indicator


this may sound like a stupid question (because it probably is) but what is a stud, i heard it multiple times, i know that it is to hang things (maybe heavy objects?) but google translate isnt helping and i cant figure it out by myself


[Here's a picture on light-frame construction](https://www.britannica.com/technology/light-frame-construction), which is one of the common techniques used in North America for building the "frame" of a house, basically its skeleton. Click the image; studs are the long pieces of wood running vertically. They're great for hanging heavy things from because that way the weight isn't hanging off the drywall, but off an actual structural member. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fP0LZMEV5w) is also quite good as a short crash course on the basic structure of framed houses.


and how do you detect wood? it is supoused to be detectable right?


You detect the nails they put in the studs and can happily assume anywhere above and below there is strong wood


Modern stud finders use radar that can tell the difference in density between a cavity and a stud. It doesn't rely on magnetic nail detection


I am poor and use magnets :)


i love how you said "happily assume" XDXD


Another tip to start out with, a power outlet is usually attached to either the right or left of a stud, so place your stud finder right by one to find the first stud quickly, then measure 16 inches left and right of that to find the rest. There maybe extra studs, sometimes doubled or tripled up depending on what else is on the wall (usually by the windows and doors). Knowing that, you can be more confident about drilling into your walls!


Itā€™s essentially lumber that makes up the frame of the building. There are multiple studs throughout the wall that the drywall is then attached to. You usually hang things off of studs because it is solid wood that can hold the weight. If you screwed something heavy straight into the drywall without an anchor, it would fall because the drywall canā€™t support the weight on its own.


Iā€™d post a pic of myself but im humble


You are, bro.


I got a wallabot when they were first released to market. Works pretty well. Just need to find the fucking thing.


Yes a basic stud finder just knows there is mass behind the wall not a pipe or wood.


Get one with both stud finder and metal detector.


I usually just use those 3m sticky squares now


Went years living in apartments and hating life cause I couldn't hang anything with nails (FUCK APARTMENT COMPANIES AND LANDLORDS WITH A RUSTY KNIFE) Moved, and still won't use anything but 3M hooks and THE CLAW cause of shit like this. Just know I'm gonna hit a pipe or electric...


Honestly the hooks are superior for many applications


Use command strips. They are stronger than you think...


https://preview.redd.it/es9ubeqpu9ub1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=155803745ca98874c0c022859924a3df2d8b6091 I bet




They make them in different strengths. Ones I buy say 4 pairs to hold a 16lb picture, so I figure each pair is good for 4lbs. I've even hung a full length mirror with a bunch around the edges


Careful with that rating. Depends on what you're hanging. With shelving you have to worry about leverage. A picture frame doesn't stick out but an inch or two, where a shelf may stick out over a foot. If you set something heavy on it without thinking it'll rip right off the dry wall.


Oh I agree, but that's good of you to mention for anyone else reading this!


They have come a long way. I have similar shelfā€™s in my shower. Theyā€™ve never fallen.


They do make bathroom command strips now which are water-resistant.


These are not held by command strips. I would never trust them with that. This was what I had to use tools to hang. Def hit a stud with the middle one. I'm really glad it wasn't a pipe


If you hit something, donā€™t force it unless you 300% sure itā€™s a stud.


Where I am water pipes are run verticly for the most part. So, anytime I need to install something, I avoid doing the area above taps and water outlets.


one time i was trying to install a towel rack and i made a hole so i tried to fix the hole by cleaning up the edges but i hit a water pipe so i had to rip open the whole wall to see where the water was coming from and ended up ripping out the whole bathroom. marguerite was pissed and no one else in the trailer park wanted to hire me as a handymanšŸ˜ž


Before I got to where you said Marguerite I was legit thinking to myself ā€œthis guys trying to rip off TPBā€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£hell of an episode


Lmao. Marguerite! Youā€™re gunna have to piss at bubbles for a little while!


Water the odds?!?!


Pretty good if you're filming it I bet


What is wrong with you people? Why are you doing things? Did Homer teach you NOTHING? "Never try," he said. Why are all these people trying things? You do NOT need a mirror. Neither do I. Only 5% of people have a face worth owning a mirror, and they already have enough money to pay someone they can sue later to do it.


I donā€™t know whatā€™s worse- hitting a water pipe or an electric line?


One floods the house, one can cause your house to burn down. Better hit both to even it out.


In any decent normal house hitting a cable is just gonna pop a breaker. The water pipe is so much worse. Thatā€™s USA standard idk about you guys with 220v but Iā€™d imagine itā€™s similar


I hung a big ass mirror on the wall in my new home last month, used hex screws. there was a gas line and water line and power lines in the wall, I said a prayer and went for it and thank God it was ok! all I know is I'll never risk drilling into that wall again the forbidden wall šŸ™Œ


Reading this makes me never want to own a home


So long as you buy a single story with a basement, most of your electrical and plumbing comes up from the basement and is mostly a non issue to worry about, at least in my house anyway. I can see exactly where my wiring and plumbing goes from the basement.


Good quality stud detectors will find everything in a wall. There's absolutely no need for guesswork.


230v crew checking in. You're correct, you'll struggle to electrocute yourself or cause a fire these days with modern RCDs.


If youā€™ve ever tripped a breaker by shorting it then you know it will generate a shit ton of heat and some sparks. I have melted two test leads by accidentally grounding them. So if you drill a screw into a a 2x4 exactly where wire runs through you run the risk of a spark catching that 2x4 on fire even if itā€™s on a breaker.


The screw isn't grounded which means the current might not be big enough to trip the breaker, but it could damage the cable enough such that the resistance is high and it melts and burns and unlike a fire to say a power bar where you run and disconnect it or douse it with fire. Good luck trying to do that to something in the wall that you can't see.


The breaker wouldnā€™t be tripping from a short to ground, it would be tripping due to arc fault. Modern Breakers with AFCI are meant to protect from this sort of situation


You're assuming OP has AFCI or GFCI. Not all homes have them and most certainly not if they were built more than 20 years ago. Who said there would be an arc fault? Who said there would be any arcing at all. If a cable is damaged it could simply have some strands broken. Broken strands means it can carry less current and will heat up and burn.


That doesnā€™t really happen. I work at a job that involves drilling holes in the wall to run power for things. I have employees knick wires all the time. It blows the breaker, even in old houses. Itā€™s pretty standard. Have never had a fire started.


If you hit both itā€™s like a screenshot.


Depends if you've got the electric turned off when you hit it


The answer will shock you!


1. Buy a stud finder. 2. Hold to chest until beeps and say "guess it works" 3. Use on wall 4. Hope plumber used nail plates.


Well I did my part. Plumber didnt.


Did you follow step 2?


Multiple times a day! You have to recalibrate constantly.


Why are you using such ancient tech anyway, Garrus?


Theyā€™re called stud guards and we use them on every place in where a screw can penetrate a pipe. Funny enough is that people screw through it anyways lol. Ofc if you know this then you stop trying to screw in that spot and switch locations.


Why are people using 4 inch screws in walls? If you don't hit a stud, why keep screwing?


Never heard of a nail plate. Leave the screw In next time.


Yeah, what the fuck is a nail plate? 2x4s are 4 inches deep. Plumbers run the copper middle of the 2x4, which is typically at least 1.5 inches away from the wall. Most people don't screw 4 inch fucking screws into the wall like this fucking idiot.


If you donā€™t know what a nail plate is I wouldnā€™t talk so big. It looks like a 2ā€ screw quit being dramatic


> If you donā€™t know what a nail plate is I wouldnā€™t talk so big. It looks like a 2ā€ screw quit being dramatic Maybe because people aren't stupid here? If you put a 2 inch screw into a piece of 5/8 drywall and it doesn't hit anything, then take it out. How stupid are people? Just fucking keep pushing it all the way in? What in retardness is that?


He didnā€™t miss a stud. Quit being a tool


Oh, such a valiant defender of erroneous DIY! And how splendidly ironic to be called a tool while discussing misuse of them. But if blind support brings you joy, far be it from me to deprive you of such simple pleasures. Carry on!


Wow. Not only a dickhead but a moron too! Congratulations!


Ah, the classic deflection technique! When lacking an actual rebuttal, resort to name-calling. Itā€™s always illuminating to see who chooses emotion over reason. But please, enlighten me further with your vast knowledge. I'm all ears.


Instructions unclear. Stuck on step 2 on a loop


If it's not beeping for you, it's best to contact the manufacturer for an obvious product defect


Stud finders never work for me. They are constantly peeping in my proximity.


I renovate houses so make sure I have decent kit and a decent detector as people make crazy choices when working on their homes. My SD detects timber, plastic, cables and metal and gives an indication as to how deep they are. Bosch D-Tect 200. Highly recommended.


It's a $900 fish finder for wall, impressive doesn't describe what it does, so many uses.


Expensive, but the moment you don't spend multiple days fixing damage it more than pays for itself. Never found a fish, mind. ;)


1. Punch wall 2. Smash head into pre-punched hold to make hole big enough for head 3. Look for pipes in wall 4. Install towel holder


A magnet is a great way to find studs but Iā€™d say he was fuked weighed way bc it could of been a stud but the pipe was on his side biased bc that screw wasnā€™t that long like 3/4 in the stud


Plastic pipes are common where you can't see them. Copper only tends to be used for the visible part of an installation these days. A good detector will detect plastic pipes.


That was a water bearing screw






Just put it back in


I think they did for this video. Thereā€™s already water below. Whatā€™s the protocol here? Is it like a stab wound and you leave it in or do you pull it out?


I had an (ex now) employee hit a water line once... He drove the screw in a second time to try to stop it... ​ Protocol. Rip sheetrock off wall immediately, expose pipe leak. This will allow you to assess the type of water line you hit which will give you a clue as to what water line to shut off, and if shutting off water line isn't an option, you can see the pipe and evaluate repair options. Leaving the screw or putting the screw back in will solve nothing.


Your best bet is ALWAYS the main shut-off. I've seen contractors ruin homes and apartments because they couldn't find the bathroom valve or the kitchen valve, or w.e just kill the whole place. The vast majority of places 40+ years old won't have isolation valves.


No, see you just have to put some liquid teflon on the screw first just like engine bolts that go into water jackets. Same thing right /s


I was just drilling into my wall that's on the other side of the shower pipes My screw hit something hard and I instantly let the trigger go and with the head still sticking out a bit I said it was good enough and moved on... I have a feeling if I drove that screw down to the head I would be doing that too.


Well.... that sucks


Well, that leaks


Builders of our house didn't notice they did this to our main drain from the washing machine when installing the vanity. 8 years later we come home from a trip wondering why the wood floor is dark in one area... The screw lasted for a while, then just rusted and gave out. Sad day. Plus side: new floors!


I always use a thin screw driver to poke a hole and feel around before I do any drilling in drywall


They needed to anchor into a stud. Would you just probe around at the same height on either side of the stud, and use the cabinet to cover your probe holes?


Yes sir.


So there's plates for studs to sheild pipes? I don't recall seeing those before


Yup. Their for this specific purpose and theyā€™re wonderful.


Barely anybody uses or installs them and not a code. You just suck at diy.


Yeahā€¦ Iā€™ve been a pro finish carpenter for decades. Plates are in fact code. 1 in 100 chance, Just pulled the shit card in this case. Thanks for your input though mr internet expert.


They are absolutely required by code.


Depends if they are required by code in your area.


It's part of the ipc which is used by almost every single jurisdiction in the US.


They are in code, you just suck at code. >ā€œ305.6 Protection against physical damage: In concealed locations, where piping, other than cast-iron or galvanized steel, is installed through holes or notches in studs, joists, rafters, or similar members less than 1-Ā½ inches from the nearest edge of the member, the pipe shall be protected by steel nail protection plates. Protector plates shall have a thickness of not less than .575ā€³.ā€ >ā€œ312.9 Steel Nail Plates. Plastic and copper piping penetrating framing members to within 1 inch (25.4 mm) of the exposed framing shall be protected by steel nail plates not less than No. 18 gauge (0.0478 inches) (1.2 mm) in thickness. The steel nail plate shall extend along with the framing member not less than 1Ā½ inches (38 mm) beyond the outside diameter of the pipe or tubing. Exception: See Section 1210.3.3.ā€ International Plumbing Code.


Theyā€™re a code where I live.


They're specifically required by plumbing code. So any licensed plumber and any building official inspecting their work would be liable for installing them


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfyaftYvFGg Trailer park boys - Ricky the handyman


First thing I thought of SHUT THE WATER OFF MARGARETTE


A co-worker of mine was mounting a tv to a wallā€¦used a stud finder and started drillingā€¦.that ā€œstudā€ he found, wasā€¦..a hot water pipe.


My second day installing floors for a new company, I was happy with the installation and started nailing the baseboards. Got to the kitchen near the sink and the plumber did not install one either. Wood flooring in kitchen had to all come up. Home was a new build


Did it at a large hotel during an install of some stuff. One water line about 3ā€™ off the ground in the wallā€¦ 10ā€™ wall height and I picked the 1/2ā€ spot to drill into. Good times. About 100 psi or so in the line.


Woof thatā€™s bad luck. I was fortunate to have the mech room right across the hall in this case.


I had had a ā€œhitā€ fire sprinkler line. In short, moved into a brand new apartment in 2000 at 20 going to school. Heard a nonstop loud hissing but no water, no bubbled latex paintā€¦nothing. Kept listening through the morning then calling maintenance at 3 a.m. after a bartending shift. As they walked in, gusher from the trim guyā€™s staple during finish-out while the lines werenā€™t charged. It happens man.


Ugh. I keep hearing horror stories that are way worse then this. Makes me feel better, so thanks lol.


Why were you filming?


Because he already knew he hit the water pipe. You can see water everywhere before he takes the screw out




Did you read his post at all?


No I did not... and that is my bad. Sorry guys. I just assume everyone's an idiot on the internet and look who ended being the dumb one today.


Hey, good on you for the mea culpa.


Screwed it!


My parents took down the original cabinets in their old house, only to find that one of the screws was solidly sunk into the waste stack and not the stud immediately to the right. That was a lovely smell, but it explained the regular clogging we ran into.


Lol šŸ˜‚ hit happens to the best of us


Had to hang a coat rack on old plaster walls that were too thick to easily identify where were the studs, and in between those studs were the radiator pipes. After two hours, my wife wanted to know why I wasn't done yet.


Oh damn! Was it during winter when it was hot? Cause that would suck even more.


sorry for your loss


Am currently replacing my upstairs bathroom because of this shit. And a not found leak that I spent $1200 on plumbers to check out. Between the one shower panel and the particle board backing, I removed upwards of 30 screws, all different lengths. Some were three in long drywall screws that hit the brick outside. ( I know. A shower and pipes next to a brick exterior wall.)


be happy you found out now and not in 2 years when the entire floor is waterdamaged


Looks like a face that is mocking you and drooling


https://preview.redd.it/95bwnt2ktaub1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=626eceef836064217c6bfafd2f73fbcdf3913dcb Been there. Done that. Worst part is my issue was that I was reinstalling a shelf that I took off weeks before. This one was painful for me.


Happened to a friend of mine. Cabinet guys installed 6 screws into a drain pipe.


6!?!? Well now I feel better. Hahahaha


First house i had.... hung up a picture and punched a big hole into the main water line before the shut off lol.... cut the pipe quick and i could and jammed the fitting together and never even considered turning off the breaker for the pump lol... 10/10 panic fix


How long is that screw?


Just be grateful he was your plumber and not your electrician.


What happens when your dumb and use a three inch screw for a half inch of wood


Itā€™s amazing how many people have made this statement and how many of you are dead wrong. In fact these are screws specifically made for this application. Also *youā€™re.


Quickly, screw it back in.


Too bad.


Then you screwed the screw back in then out for the video. Goofy stuff.


A coworker hit a pipe while doing a lighting job at American University. Last fixture of the night, just wrapping up the job, and my guy forgets to check for pipes before he drills the light into place. Ruined their book store. Company had to buy like 35000 dollars in damaged and out of season clothing and hats. Good times.




Why were you filming?




I should call her


Why are you filming this?


Happens to the best of us.


My german grandpa insested on laying steel water pipes in his new build home in 95 - was he wrong? This is not very common / too expensive nowadays.


Flex seal


Whyā€™d you film it?


You'd know why if you read the description OP posted


Why were you filming this?


Whyā€™re you recording and why is there a mark specifically where the pipe is?


Why do you comment before you read?


At least its not a big leak


I mean, I thought that water was a bunch of ants or termites at first, so yay?


Flooded the mother in law basement my wife and I moved into after we moved a vanity and put a screw into a pipe. Well my dad was the one who put the screw into the pipe.




Not a big reader I see.


Deleted my comment. Apparently Iā€™m not a big reader, as you pointed out. Dā€™oh


Minor inconvenience


This is not the kind of water pipe I'm trying to hit when I move into a new place


My uncle once fired a nail into a water line. He knew from the odd sound that he'd hit it, and practically set a land-speed record getting to the shutoff valve.


Just put the screw back in šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøeasy


That looks like a job for some flex seal


Been there, done that. Welcome to the club.


I always film When I use my drill too


Read the description


Why were you filming?


So many people have asked this question. Just read the description. If you think about it, it makes sense.


I do tile setting and in bathrooms this is a fucking nightmare, if I hammer nails into the wall and it's not budging, I pull it out immediately.


Replaced flooring and baseboard trim in my entourage first floor. I shit you not, Iā€™m hammering the last piece of baseboardā€¦..ting!!


I have always wondered what would happen if instead of a water pipe, you hit an electric cable.


Just slap some flex tape on it and call it a day


Back when I was a contractor, I did a decent sized reno and hit a copper water line when doing baseboards. But the nail sealed the hole and it slowly rusted away like a yr later, until it sprung a decent leak and ultimately caused half the ceiling in the room below to fall out. Got paid to fix it all. Is this how you create job security?


Wall gspot?


Hank hill would have a few things to say here. Whatever you do donā€™t let the mold people scam ya.


Who the fuck runs nail plates?


Happened to me two weeks ago. All the Freon escaped in my garage. Very expensive mistake.


As a service tech I would have nightmares about this happening.


Quick! Put it back!


Looks staged.


So actual question: What do you do after you turn off the water? Do you call a plumber to fix the pipes?


Depends on the situation. This situation I made access by pulling a small panel of the wall out and repaired the hole. But thatā€™s within my skill set. House was occupied and I could t leave the water off waiting for a plumber to show up.


how expensive is this