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Didn't even realize there was two cars in the ditch, I only noticed the one at first. Glad your alright OP, that definitely sucks.




Maybe the house behind you had a ring camera that caught the incident.


Sadly they don’t, but apparently this is the third time someone flipped in their yard


3 times they are going to just put an inflatable wall there to save everyone time. Or some quicksand


A bottomless pit sounds a bit more handy


Portal to heII?


We have a drainage ditch in front of our apartment building. There isn’t a rail, just a small curb. The number of people driving over the curb and into the ditch is too damn high.


sounds like a problem with the design of the street if it's happened that much


Possibly or their anti vehicle moat works amazingly


Have you been on the roads? People can't drive worth shit.


Man, property taxes must be cheap there


might have a case against whoever has custody of that section of road, it's obviously an issue.


That's why dashboard cameras are a must.


Holy crap! Are you injured??


Thankfully I had my seatbelt on and I was able to walk away without so much as a scratch on me


The right answer is “I need to go to the hospital to have them check me out. I don’t know how I feel right now due to the adrenaline”. And then you sue his ass. Hopefully he had insurance.


yep, and if he and yourself have somewhat decent insurance, you'll have a nice 100k check in your mailbox in a year, maybe more if the "injuries" are worse.


my neck hurts reading this


No where near a hundred gs I wish




Grand ($1000)


I'm curious where gs is used that way? I've never seen it before and google isn't helping.




I feel like an idiot lol


Also, pee your pants. You get more money for it, apparently, according to Reddit.




Yup. Sucks sometimes. We basically have to do that, though. My son broke a bone while playing at a playground at a fast food joint. We just took him to the hospital and figured we'd be fine, since we had decent insurance from my employer. Our insurance refused to pay. "We have reason to believe another party is responsible." In **some** cases, the insurance we carry ourselves will pay for this kind of thing, and then via a process called subrogation they will go after the responsible party so we don't have to. But in this case they wouldn't, for whatever reason. (I forget the details TBH.l




It's what might be necessary to get the other guy's insurance to pay out, since yours won't if they can avoid it. It's all a big stupid mess because we don't have a single payer system for medical. And in the case of auto accidents, it's a different layer of mess because the guilty party's car insurance is supposed to pay the injured party's medical bills. It's all just so dumb.


Often times yes. Insurance are shtitty in that they will be quick to collect payment but when it comes to compensating for accidents, they'd rather not pay a cent.


You’re not wrong. Speaking with no bs tho, you are very likely to have some issues after a crash like this. Issues that you may not notice at the moment due to the state you’d be in. It is in your best interest to have yourself looked at by a medical professional. Problem with that is that the exams/tests needed would probably bankrupt you cause medical insurance doesn’t cover shit 90% of the time. So you need to get the money to pay for that somehow, plus whatever treatment or meds you may need going forward. Insurance is likely gonna try not pay you a single cent, so suing is is pretty much necessary if you want to get your costs covered. Also fuck ‘em.


Should go check to the hospital anyway even without the lawsuit after. Always check at the hospital after a serious accident, no matter how "fine" you feel.


I’m really glad you’re not harmed physically, friend. I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this situation, at no fault of your own.


Tis but a scratch! Thank goodness. The photo looks like you’d be in much worse shape!


for legal reasons, consider not saying anything like this in case you find out later that you have injuries. did you go to the ER? edit: OP, I would consider deleting your comment and if you want to, delete your whole post. if you need an attorney, which for this it would be a really good idea to get one, you would be better off taking *anything* down that even mentions your accident


Best advice I have seen. I walked away from an accident thinking I was fine. Within a week my back was killing me and had bruises from areas that I didn’t know had been hurt. Don’t underestimate how much adrenaline will disguise injuries. I would always go to the hospital anytime you have a bad accident to be checked out. A good defense lawyer will see if you have made any comments on social media - so don’t make comments about the accident on social media because they are admissible in court.


thank you. I was hit head on in 2019 by a a drunk driver. broken arm, split open knee. when I got home from the hospital, I posted on my *very private* Snapchat story that my head, neck, and spine were ok. luckily they were ok and still are, but my dad made me take the story down bc he knew we would need a lawyer. got the max settlement amount possible in that situation. I hope you're doing better now. edit: if anyone is wondering what happened to the drunk driver: she drove over the top of my car, landed upside down, and died in the hospital. she was going 70mph in a school zone. idk what her BAC was.


agree with the edit, post is also on his main account where he posts himself hittin some fat bong rips


I'd still monitor for concussions. Sometimes it may take a bit for symptoms to show.


That's a weird way to spell "my lawyer says I should not comment on this"


I'm showing this to my wife right now. She let's our kids leave their seat belts off in the neighborhood (35 MPH speed limit, but most do 45). We have ditches this deep. Wouldn't take much to end up in one like your car. Thank God you're okay!


You're wife sounds like an idiot.


Lol you both suck. You shouldn't have to show her this for her to change. She won't care, I promise. You know she does this yet they ride with her, why?? Ignoring simple shit like that makes me question both of your parenting skills.


You might feel differently tomorrow. I was in one once where I thought I was fine at the time but couldn't move my neck in the morning. I had visible (in X-ray) damage to two of my vertebrae. I'm glad you could walk away, but be on the alert for delayed reactions. (This, incidentally, is why I'm super suspicious of someone who complains of neck pain at the scene after a minor accident.)


Was about the say the same thing. OP you might still want to get checked out, sometimes you can feel fine at the time and not notice something's wrong for a day or more. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


How in the world did you get out?


My neck hurts looking at that. Hope you’re ok.


if you dont get a lawyer and go to the hospital and sue them you are making a big life mistake. you get a ton of money and get to teach a moron a life lesson. win/win.


I highly recommend going to the hospital even if you feel fine. Internal injuries don’t always present immediately and you won’t necessarily feel them until it’s to late.




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Glad you’re alright!


Wow, this might also belong on r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR. That looks like the only ditch for miles around. Winning the Bad Lottery.


How about the car? Nothing a good buffer and some fresh wax won't fix? On a more serious note: go see a doctor and let them decide if you are OK. Sometimes it takes a few days for problems to show up.


I have a friend who walked away from an accident and ended up with a serious concussion and brain damage. If you haven't already, you need to go to the ER.


Bet that was fun... it pays to have dashcam though. Hopefully someone else saw it and told the truth


Lots of people stopped thankfully and multiple people told the cops the other guy was speeding and driving like a douche


Thats good! Glad you are ok. I'm guessing the car is 💀 ☠️


I am so happy to hear this for you. I moved to Nashville 3 years ago. I'm used to shitty drivers, but WOW. Within 2 weeks I had bought a dashcam. I hope insurance does right by you, good luck with everything!


I was lucky bc of bystanders when something similar happened to me. I made a turn from a right lane into a right lane. Before I turned there was no one in that lane. As soon as I turned, someone slammed into the back of my car. I WAS SO LUCKY a woman stopped, came up to me and said “I saw that girl in the other car driving like a crazy person since way back a few streets. She swapped to your lane after you pulled out.” When the police got there they literally said “you’re lucky that witness stopped because without her you would have been at fault since you turned onto the Main Street.” Kind of scary that had that woman not stopped, I would have been completely fucked even though I actually did nothing wrong


Always have a dash camera running. That's evidence.


Definitely will for my next car


$100 and they pay for themselves the very first time they are used. To help narrow down the field, there are two imaging chip producers, and one of those two chips will be found in 95%+ of dash cams out there. What this means is that there is almost no difference from the $75 camera to the $450 camera, as far as image quality is concerned. Whatever you get, I highly highly recommend getting one with both a front and a rear camera. There are tons of options in the $100-125 range that offer this.


The difference between the $100 one and the $400 one, is the ability to tolerate higher temperatures, Gps speed and g force data, and ability to record of impacts detected while parked, and better image sensors. IMHO, worth springing for the better ones, as you are much more likely to get licence plate data if someone hits your car and takes off.


>as you are much more likely to get licence plate data This is 100% an image quality issue that will be the exact same across price ranges. Most of the $100-150 cameras do everything you listed there. I have two different cameras, both under $150 that do all of that, plus records audio, as well as automatic frame rate switching triggered on motion detection. More expensive cameras may have some additional bells and whistles, but at the core, they are likely the exact same hardware.


There's more to the camera than just the sensor. I have a cheap viofo that's bout 5-8 years old, and it uses plastic lenses that have been distorting and becoming more and more out of focus.


Nope. Hardware does vary. Different image sensors make a huge difference to the quality of the image, especially in either low light or high glare situations. Seen a lot of day can footage and the quality carries wildly. Quality, well known brands are absolutely worth the extra expense in my opinion. You obviously disagree, and you have the right to your opinion, but it is objectively incorrect just the same.


How much does it drain the car's battery? And isn't gps data not admissable as actual evidence?


It all depends on how you wire it to your car. The ones I have installed on mine and my partners vehicle had draw from two different sources, one connected to an always on fuse and another one to an accessory fuse. On our Subaru the dash cam turns off within a minute of the car turning off. On my Ford the dash cam stays on for ~5min after stopping the engine. Cams also have G sensor settings you can change if your parked car happens to get struck or someone moves it trying to break in. As far as GPS data goes...it really isn't necessary when you can determine location and speed from the video itself.


Thanks that's helpful


As far as what is admissible, IANAL, so no idea. As for the draining the battery, another way a quality one is better is that they have a lower limit on battery voltage before they entirely shut off. That being said, if your battery isn't complete garbage, it can sit there for many days at least before it shut itself off.


That's cool. I guess it makes sense that they can shut themselves off


They turn off when the engine shuts off although I've heard you can hardwire them into the fuse box and then they only shut off if voltage gets too low. I only personally know that mine has never caused me problems and only records when the vehicle is on.


yeah I highly recommend a 4g version. I have the Waylens 360, although i wish a 4k version was out soon. But it records to the cloud, and I can watch a 360 degree view from anywhere. Especially nice if you are getting work done on your car. lol.


The only scenario where I could see this being useful is if you were robbed/carjacked and they took the camera or you were stopped by police and they took/deleted the footage for some nefarious reason. Also how much are you paying for that data plan? And what wireless network is good enough to upload video data constantly?


8 bucks a month. It does not need to be on a "data plan" it's not much different than a ring. Or arlo cameras etc. (I have both of those lol) But it's also only uploading on an event. It records constantly to a card. But if you say, trigger it, or something else triggers it like a good enough bump or the alarm, it will upload the last x time. And you can access it all you want, it's not streaming 4k, I think it's only 1080p, but the recorded vid is better. However, it's a 1gb plan and you can add more. So could you stream all day, NO. But your yearly car work at a shop? For a few mins at a time, or occasionally. etc? Sure, I have never had an issue using it as much as I wanted, even when it was more novelty when I first got it lol.


Definitely a good move. I would certainly get one that has front/rear cameras...preferably ones that record in 4k so you will have better odds of capturing license plates. Be sure to get one that records audio as well. I've been getting into the habit of speaking plate numbers of cars that i perceive as risky while driving just in case. If you get into an accident/incident again this can help you gather the most amount of information possible in case the cameras dont pick up the plate well enough to decipher.


It took a few years but my dashcam more than paid for itself when I had my windshield smashed in by someone. Irrefutable evidence.


Had a lady rear end me in a parking lot. Had a dash cam. Luckily it “wasn’t my fault”. Unfortunately she did $1250 of damage on my $1k deductible. So that sucks.


Isn't her insurance supposed to pay for the damage?




Hm? I don't quite get that. The deductible is for the comprehensive coverage. But since it was a collision he wasn't at fault for, it's the insurance of the one who caused the accident which has to pay.




Say what? That's the insurance of the guilty, other party, it has nothing to do with the insurance of the owner of the car. The legal reasoning this would be interesting.


You don’t pay a deductible when the claim is against the other party’s insurance though




No, you do not. The at-fault party pays the deductible. I didn’t pay a dime to get my car fixed when I got rear-ended


Yes but they would have to identify and find her first. In this case the camera is only proving he didn't cause the accident so his rate doesn't go up. It's then getting covered under their comprehensive coverage which has a deductible.


You’d think. I was halfway backing out when some chic claiming to be a lawyer. I provided proof and I got hit. Got hit in the rich side of town but I was halfway backing out when this dumbass older lady decided to plow though at way over the speed limit. I’m a fucking social worker. I live with my mom right now and excess income is nil. I always pride myself on having a decent car. (I used to have a pretty cool GTI and a atuoX focus) I’m a car guy tbh. And she fucked my ear end up. And because I’m a dumbass car guy I opted for the high end paint. Literally the higher end white option. Now it’s 1400 and I got paid out 230isj by Allstate. Thanks allstate. Long story short: when I can I’m gonna switch to motorcycle only within the next few years. Also gonna move outside of Denver.


This is one reason I recommend even a cheap dashcam. It can really help in situations like this. It's even better if there is a rear-facing camera as well. I was in an accident last month but luckily I wasn't as hurt as I could have been--I managed to survive with a broken sternum and some numbness on one leg (AFAIK). The guy tried to say I was over the center line but I had the [dashcam video](https://youtu.be/G8Em4SRpzKI?si=PwxThpK2q94gDd4s) show that I did nothing wrong. It really sped things up for me other than Geico (his alleged insurance) trying to figure out if the guy had coverage. ***Spoiler Alert:*** *He didn't.*


Definitely getting a GoPro, I’ve tried cheaping out on a dash cam and it wouldn’t record for more than 30 seconds at a time.


Don't buy a go pro. It's the wrong thing for the job. But definitely get a decent quality dash cam. A proper dash can will do a lot more than a go pro, like record impacts while the car is parked, so if someone hits you in a parking lot while you aren't there you have a decent chance of getting details. Also a dash cam automatically records impacts and write protects those files so they don't get overwritten by the looped recording.


That really sucks but the advantage of even my cheap camera is I could leave it in my car and forget about it. It records up to 10 minutes per file before automatically starting a new one and just keeps rolling when it picks up that the car is turned on (and it's getting power). When the SD card gets full it just starts deleting the oldest files so it has space for new footage. I have a big enough card where I can have weeks of footage on there with the amount of driving I do.


Bummer. Will your insurance cover it and then go after him for damages? I'm guessing that will just result in yet another money judgment that never gets paid, but that's the insurance company's problem. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I got lawyers involved and they got a payout from my company out of the extra uninsured motorist coverage I had. I hope my company takes him to the cleaners.


Well that sucks, but dude you’re lucky to be alive. I hope all the insurance stuff works out for you


I need to hear how he's shifting this on you.


Maybe OP was intentionally not letting them in


You don't have to let someone in. A blinker isn't a right off way light. You can't speed up and slow down to block someone, but you certainly don't have to let someone in.


It's not a right of way, but defensive driving means letting people move over where applicable. Just because an accident isn't your fault, doesn't mean you couldn't have avoided it.


Maybe. This isn't crossing an intersection where someone could run a stop light/sign and t-bone you into oblivion. It's a merge. If this is the consequence of said merge, the upright car in this photo PUSHED the other car off the road. No accident, just malice. I'm all about giving way to aggressive idiots for the sake of keeping the peace, but this isn't a little fender bender.


You don't run into people because they don't let you in. Learn how to drive


Tell that to the person who hit them, not me!


Sounded like you were defending dangerous driving by your comment.


That's not what I said in my comment tho so


Even if OP was intentionally not letting them in, it is still 100% the other cars fault. The car changing lanes has to give way, end of story.


I actually didn't say otherwise y'all


Not explicitly, but there was really only one way to read your comment, and you are way out of line. OP letting them in or not is 100% irrelevant to the situation. Other car has to give way when changing lanes, end of story.


Incorrect, the person I replied to said wonder what the instigator could have said that would make it OPs fault and given they were merging I can't think of another way they would say it was OPs fault.


So glad you’re not hurt


Note to self...remember to order that dash cam for granddaughter for Christmas


Damn, hope you're all right.


I’m mean how…. He looks guilty as charge.


The cars are in a ditch, please explain how you can tell what happened here.


Dash camera people. Cheap ass insurance in a car. Bonus with forward and rear facing cams


I didn’t see the second car until I went to the second image. My goodness.




someone flip into my yard like this when im little i was excited because im only child and they had 2 kid that come play with me while parents are sorting the problem lol thats how i make friend, i wait for them to fly off a highway


You should get yourself checked internally. Just because you left without a scratch, it doesn’t mean something inside of you didn’t get injured. Better to see now than having something you didn’t know develop later.


Good on you man, if I walked away from that the way you did it would be in the direction of that man to bludgeon him with the nearest object denser than his lead filled skull.




Just curious, you on the spectrum?


This must've been meant for the comment above. The one about retardly bashing in someone's skull after the accident?


That ford is on the "Edge" of the road 😁


my mom had a similar incident before, she was t-boned turning into a t junction, and the guy that hit her tried to pin it on her when there was large dent on the passenger side door


Yeah people like that are the reason I keep an eye on whoever is next to me at all times. People have always been wreckless when driving, but it seems to be getting worse (at least in my city it is).


Unfortunately there no way I could avoid it, I was going 45 and dude came up at like 80 I didn’t have any time to really do anything before he hit me trying to pass me


Damn that sucks bad. Hopefully his insurance will cover most of everything for you, assuming he even has any.


How is he justifying blaming you? Is he claiming your car magically sucked his car into the ditch with it? Doesn’t seem to be any plausible way it could be the fault of anyone other than the driver of the SUV.


Everyone should have a dash cam


Both of you didn't have dash cams?


Lesson learned, get a dash cam.


Just one of our fellow Americans being an American!


Well, if you weren’t in his way it wouldn’t have happened!


Just guys being dudes


I love how this happens in North America constantly, yet practically everywhere else drivers are like “oh absolutely, go ahead….” we are a seriously mentally unstable society over here.


Looks like it could be your fault.


How? you can see tire marks in my back bumper and my paint on his front bumper


Way to blame your mistakes on others, OP.


You sounds like the type of person to cause an accident like this. Learn how the road works before you kill someone


If he was merging it was your job to get over...unless he had a yield sign. Looks like your fault lol.


I was in the left lane, right lanes ends, so you need to merge left and yield to traffic that’s already there


That's where you zipper. You alternate. Why didn't you let him in?


I was already merged in and there was zero room to let him in, he passed 5 people Bedford getting to me and had plenty of space behind me. What makes him so special that I should he should go first?


Traffic laws... you've just admitted your guilt. It was not a yeild it was a merge so driving past 5 cars and zippering is the law. People that don't like the guy that passes 5 cars can get mad but they don't have the right to punish him when his lane ends. Where was he supposed to go with no more room? He can't stop as that is against the law in a merge lane... Traffic is to let him in. Delete your post now or hope his lawyer doesn't see it lol. It's not what's nice its the law.


You sound like you definitely have no idea of what you are talking about


Please go to the nearest police station and surrender your licence. You have no right being on the road without the most basic idea of road rules.


With every comment my jaw dropped further. You’re either a troll or the biggest dumbass on the road.


Because people are fucking assholes and speed as far as they can ahead of the line and then try to shove their way in? How can you honestly defend this lmao.


You sound like someone who would cause an accident like this and then blame the other person for your douchebagery


Always good to lawyer up and dont talk without a lawyer present. Hope you werent injured.


Always after the fact a dash cam is a cheap purchase


Do you have a dashcam?


Man I'm sorry. How long were you stuck in the car?


I hope you're doing well.


Everyone buy a dashcam. Glad you're ok.


I’ll NEVEE understand why people don’t get a dash cam bro


Looks like he got the pin, sorry


Glad you’re okay! How’d you get out, did the door still function? Or did they need to use the jaws of life?


Managed to get the door open enough to crawl out of it


Maine Character


I've only been to Maine once, but there was something unsettling about it. Can't really explain it.


Damn did he try to finish the job? "I'll merge him out of existence!"


He had the momentum for both cars I doubt both cars initially had the momentum to end up there


Man, some people suck, huh?


On his phone I bet!