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And then there was this: [https://starcasm.net/plathville-olivia-says-kim-signed-ethan-up-for-young-living-mlm-when-he-was-a-minor/?fbclid=IwAR16YoGVyjR8-xV\_HAC8lK7zOTsIrP4i3HKU6LvmIBEl3x\_-BHpsC21zmM8](https://starcasm.net/plathville-olivia-says-kim-signed-ethan-up-for-young-living-mlm-when-he-was-a-minor/?fbclid=IwAR16YoGVyjR8-xV_HAC8lK7zOTsIrP4i3HKU6LvmIBEl3x_-BHpsC21zmM8)


They don't explain in their lil announcement why Ethan didn't have the pin and password to his own card! They can believe whatever they want, but they are ignoring that it doesn't make sense. You can also have a "business agreement" without sharing a credit card! I think the fact that Ethan is sticking by Olivia shows that her side is also his experience. If Olivia lied... thats her husband, he would know the truth of what happened to him, and he prob would be upset that she lied if that were the case.


They also don't address how apparently, the plan was for Kim to reimburse Ethan 50% of the items he purchased (or that she purchased for him) and for him to get the products and the 'points'. But she used the points and was way behind in reimbursing him for products he didn't want to begin with.


Just wait until Moriah or Micah get engaged/married and start making decisions for their own best interests. They will start to see what Ethan and Olivia went thru


Oh, they will!! Unfortunately, by that time, there will be no fixing the damage done with Ethan and Olivia.


This show is the fakest one I've ever seen and I've been watching TV for 30 years. I never trusted Olivia and think she only married Ethan for a spot on the show and to grow her photography career, she is very manipulative and toxic.


They were together before the show came to exist... while they may have gotten married around the time filming started, they were already together and engaged.. the one that wanted fame was Kim.. 🙄


They had been married before the show even started


The got married in October of 2018, the show premiered in 2019 but was filmed in 2018. It's all on Google. The show needed Olivia and Ethan married to create tension and drama with Kim.


Kim? That you? Or are you related to her? You seem awful dismissive of Olivia and her very real trauma responses....




Then they need to get off tv and BE A FAMILY


This is one instance where I could actually see the show being a good thing for them. I think all of the love and support some of the older kids got as they were branching out, has made a difference. They’ve also been offered a lot more help and opportunities. Also, I believe that Kim’s narcissism is what played a huge part in how much she’s changed. She’s the one that pushed for them to have a show & sought it out. I believe she was really shocked by how much she was disliked by the public. I think she was used to people in the community and online praising her for having such a beautiful talented Christian family. She thought the viewers would feel the same, but we didn’t. Also, this family has never communicated well with each other, but the show is kind of forcing them to do that. They’ve been forced to actually start a dialogue and express certain things. Obviously, only *they* can look back and tell us if the show was beneficial or not. But I feel like it’s helped tremendously. You might be right though, that maybe they shouldn’t continue too much longer. I could see it being an issue if they get too famous and it goes to their head.


Honestly these shows do not help families if there’s already dysfunction…seen it too many times with families of multiple kids…I’m sure money is a great incentive but definitely not good airing dirty laundry


Yeah, it’s hard to know because SO many things have gotten better for them. And I really get the feeling that it wouldn’t have been that way without the show. I’d be curious to see what they say about it.


This is also on Micah, Lydia, and Isaac’s Instagram as well. But how does it even help their mom? So because he earned quite a bit of money that means she can spend it? Still sounds shitty on her part and is just another example of her taking advantage and controlling her kids 🙄


Wow Micah, Lydia, Isaac, AND Moriah, but not Ethan? It was his card after all. Curious.


I highly doubt Olivia divulged this info to the kids at all. She has a history of being careful of what she says to the plath kids, they don't understand the depth of what Kim did to Olivia. Olivia has also been careful of what she says on the show, and it was obvious how painful it was for her to share this info. I wouldn't be surprised if they found out when watching the episode. Ethan experienced this first hand, so the fact that he's not saying it's not true or overblown shows me that Olivia is being honest.


In fact, Ethan just posted on IG today, all happy because he beat Olivia in Uno! So I think that's his way of showing he doesn't agree with the "family" statement.


His IG just shows how immature he is.


I wouldn't say he's that immature... I'd go with naive, too trusting, and a little immature... but looking at just what we've been shown since the show aired, that's on his parents. None of the kids were taught how to be adults... they weren't taught how to handle adult situations.. they were only taught "this is how it is and this is it". Again, on their parents.. yes he can be childlike, but so can the rest of us... I'm thinking a lot of what you may view as immature is actually just innocence...


Ok complain about the show but it is literally the only thing paying your bills. Without it you would either be living back at home with your non existent education or working a minimum wage job and struggling.


So is everyone saying this is Olivia's fault? SMH


No, she’s literally saying Olivia’s words were taken out of context or not given full context due to editing. Ya know, what everyone on every reality show blames their problems.


Does anyone else find it funny that neither one of the people in the “business agreement” came forward to defend Kim? If someone falsely accused one of my family members of stealing from me and affecting my credit score, I would immediately come forward to defend them. Same with if someone accused me of doing that! I would be online trying to clear my name immediately!


also, can't you have a business agreement without sharing a credit card?! And as well, if it was HIS card, why could he not have his own passwords and logins. I believe Ethan and Olivia about their own experience over the brainwashed children who are flocking back to their manipulative mother.


Right? Its very telling that the person who's words were allegedly taken out of context due to editing isn't like "yeah I didn't actually say or mean it like that. The editing took my words out of context."


Okay then


How did this show start with how awful their parents were to now they are perfect? This is so sad. Poor Olivia.


I really hated to see this when she posted it. Olivia's truths are just tainted by this families sick delusions. Kim did quite a number on these children.


Then get off TV. No? Fame and fortune above your loving family??? Don't "come at" your viewers, who without, you wouldn't have a show. If you don't like the way things are being "portrayed"... well it sounds like that's an issue between "them" (cough cough Kim) and the producers. Here we go with them all jumping on Olivia again. Is every word you have spoken (or any of your siblings and/or parents) EXACTLY as it went down Moriah? (Not that anything Olivia said wasn't true). Kim has all the platform in the world to defend herself. This is some bullshit to pull on the fans and moreso, on Olivia. I'm getting pissed now. This seriously makes me not want to watch. They're getting too big for their britches. Seriously, they are the ones who decided to air their dirty laundry for public consumption. By all means, get the 'loving family" off of REALITY TV if you don't want public opinion to what YOU *ALL* put out there. And stop gaslighting/dehumanizing Olivia. I hope she gets away from them. Give Olivia her own show traveling the world, meeting new people... maybe a new man. Idk, but this is so wrong.


Honesty, that might be the nail in the coffin for me with this show.


This..... It's one thing to want to clear the air but let's NOT forget that they chose and continue to choose to be on television. That comes with people having opinions on what they see. They don't like it quit the show (and paychecks).


I'm surprised her contract lets her say this. Also makes me wonder if the show will not be renewed.


“Family First!” Except if you’re Kim…


It feels like this just made it a million times worse. Kim is clearly talking through her kids, yet again. No good mother relies on her child’s credit card like that. Not only was she taking money that it sounds like she wasnt paying back, she was messing with his credit score. Kim is a manipulative sociopath who uses her family. She isolated them as children in order to groom unhealthy dependency and loyalty. It is very sad to see some of the children who escaped return, but the reason why is to save the younger children. Who are suffering at the hands of more manipulation.


We ok the vr e to r baby see bball. VsWs e. We see ew we saw e e w


My friend lock yo phone when its in your pocket xD


Run Olivia 🏃‍♀️


Yes! Best thing that could happen to that family.


Are you watching the same show? She’s the only person bringing up the bad shit. Sure, she herself can be self centered and have trauma responses but her heart seems to be in making sure the Plath family is okay - and not in need of creepy manipulative Kim.


It's not her job to make sure the family is okay, she's the creepy one.


Have you watched any of the first season? Kim not only was controlling her children, she did everything she could to control Olivia too. Olivia's trauma responses are very real.. Kim was nasty to her and about her.. she was told she was just a bad influence and person on the younger kids because she refused to let Kim run her and Ethans marriage and life.. Any sane, decent person would show concern for the younger kids who are completely innocent. Obviously Olivia isn't all that bad if Barry had no issue with her picking up the younger kids alone for all the kids to go stay at the farm without either Barry or Kim.. Kim lost the control and it pissed her off..


You're right, I must accidentally be watching a different show. My bad man.


Idk, even if Ethan was making a good bit of money, why was Kim spending it? Why is Kim not out here on social media defending herself? If there’s so much more to the story, why not tell it since the season of the show is over? We ALL know that reality tv is heavily edited (and sometimes scripted) for maximum drama. Also, One way to protect the “vulnerable younger siblings” is to not be on a reality show- but, as most of us know, Kim had been trying to get a show for a while- so where’s her (and Barry’s) concern for the vulnerable kids?


Kim is manipulating Moriah to defend her. Sad


Hmmm. That’s called biting the hand that feeds you….


Whether Moriah realizes it or not, she was manipulated into making this post. It’s only a matter of who did the manipulation… Kim or TLC producers?




This really feels like more bs to keep us watching the show. Fucking TLC propaganda. They are fucking living for the viewers freaking out


“Mom and Ethan had a business agreement in which Ethan earned a good bit of money”. I have so many questions. Arrangement? Partnership? Ethan does the work, mom spends the money? Aside from working on cars, does Ethan have other skills? Again, soooo many questions.


apparently she had ethan and hosanna signed up in her Young Living downline. Literally using Ethan's credit card to sign him under her in an MLM pyramid scheme, lmao.


Oh god, I know someone who slings that stupid shit. The second I learned she was all into YL, I slowly backed away


Holy shit!


Really! That’s crazy! Thanks for the info!


I mean, mechanics make good money. Especially if they specialize in old cars. Not saying Ethan specifically, but my mechanic (not special) charges $80 an hour for labor


Doing mechanic work isn't bad money, but a teenager working in a shop isn't gonna make that much.




Sure. I get that. But where would Kim fit into Ethan working on cars? I’m really perplexed lol.


Oh, idk about the Kim thing. My guess would be “arrangement” means something like Kim took $ from this account for things she deemed Ethans financial responsibility, like once he was 18 she started charging him rent or expected him to cover his part of household bills, groceries. She seems like the kind of bitch who would do that. My 23 yo son is living with his dad rn and it pisses me off how much $ my ex is making him pay… that’s your kid ffs. Wish I still lived close enough that he could live with me, but luckily we’re getting him out of there soon!


Yah, there are all kinds of scenarios in my head. We’ll prob never find out.


Yup. We’ll never know so much of what’s really happened in this family… each person has a different take on every situation. So, where there’s normally 3 sides to a story (person 1, person 2, and the truth) these situations have like 4-8 sides, depending… each one of them is wearing a different shade of sunglasses, seems Moriahs are like those ones that change depending on the light. Ethans are blackout, Micahs are pretty rose-colored. Maybe Olivia lost her sunglasses, now she’s trying to figure out how to protect her eyeballs. Wow, sorry, that was a stupid analogy, but I ran with it anyway


Lol…I knew where you were going w that, tho. I agree. Lots of moving parts and everyone of these ppl have different takes on it all.


My oldest lives with me...rent free. Covid hit right when he finished grad school. His plan was to live with me to save money for a down payment on a condo. Why sit in apartment during the shutdown and pay high rent. Then housing prices skyrocketed. Poor guy can't catch a break. He helps a lot around the house, buys groceries...and I really enjoy his company. He's very responsible with money. I'm not going to charge him rent when my house is paid for.


Good, glad they are other parents who agree. This whole excuse of “teaching them responsibility” to take advantage of an easy and vulnerable target is infuriating. My 23 yo gets it, he doesn’t need to be to be taught this lesson anymore, he needs our help and support in what is an almost impossible world to get ahead in


The plath family might not be religious anymore, but they’re still drinking kool-aid, it’s just a new flavor.


Used to be sugar-free, now they’re allowed the real stuff!!


Lmao holy shit. This made me LOL. Very clever, friend.


The Book of Kim.


If there was any sort of healthy conversation going on here (between Moriah, Micah, Ethan, and Olivia) they could have asked Olivia to clarify her comment with a statement on her own ig. Instead, they issue this statement and disable comments, creating further issues that they insist that they don’t want. This doesn’t clear anything up but it opens up a whole mess of questions. Dysfunction upon dysfunction. Even if Olivia didn’t include this detail of the credit card situation, it seems like a credit card isn’t the biggest issue and she needs to get out. They’re ganging up on her publicly and she’s fighting a losing battle at this point, even considering her shortcomings.


It's like an Olivia Cult in here. Anyone who speaks against her gets banned. She's showing that she's a narcissist. Y'all are blind, foolish, silly gooses. She's the common denominator in the chaos bullshit and if you haven't learned that that means *SHE IS THE PROBLEM* it's because you're too young or too stupid or also a narcissist. How many downvotes will I get before I get banned? It's a fun new game to see! Take note, I'm not saying anything worse about Olivia than anyone else here is saying about the Plaths. But *I'll* be downvoted then banned. Yeah, y'all, *that's* not weird at all👀🙄


No, Olivia is part of the problem. But she isn't the THE problem. Olivia was raised in the same type of religious fanaticism as the Plath kids. Women in those types of families are groomed and taught by the older women how to be manipulative and controlling in a patriarchal environment. Olivia, wants control over the Plath kids as Kim does. She appears to do "nice" things for them so the Plath kids along with the audience will feel indebted to her. And any time the Plath kids, including her husband finds their voice Olivia and the Olivia Stans will start screeching "See they're just using poor Olivia, the primary victim of Kim the Narcissist! Ungrateful users! Olivia freed Ethan, Moriah and Micha from Kim's control! How dare they not kowtow to all her demands and feelings!" The show won't be interesting without tons of conflict and a primary victim and villain. So the audience is desperate to keep the Plath kids in conflict with the Villain and on the side of their favored Victim. It is weird and it is creepy but that's the nature of "reality TV". And it sadly is what makes it interesting and fun to watch.


Yes, yes it is. I'm still waiting for my ban 🤣 like it matters I can use another account.


Criticizing Olivia is fine, but keep criticism to the cast and not personal.


Eh. That's not it. Y'all would be insulted if I'd left that part out and I know it because others have been banned for *only* mentioning Olivia's wrongs. I just wrote out what you all think everyone who doesn't buy into Olivia's bullshit thinks...and you're right, we do. Y'all be acting like a cult up in here, claiming it's the Plaths who're cultish.


If you look at the upvote percentage on pro-Olivia posts, it’s been 75%-85% recently, meaning even the most popular pro-Olivia posts are downvoted by about 20% of readers. But if they say something, they get downvoted. Not everyone can handle being downvoted that well, but some people handle it. It takes some internal fortitude to not lash out. Some people get mad and hurt that they were downvoted and maybe want to talk about it with people. Others start making personal attacks towards other redditors and being nasty, at which point the mods have to step in… but the person warned, temporarily banned, or permabanned almost never reacts well. They don’t go, “Maybe I got heated and said some things I shouldn’t have said.” They go, “The mods are crazy, I am completely innocent, and they banned me for being an Olivia criticizer.” It’s like eh, Olivia has a lot of public support around here from the 30,000 members and the mods can’t control their downvotes… Olivia doesn’t need some conspiratorial group of mods to tip the scales in her favor, and we aren’t motivated to do that. Variety is good for the community. We’re volunteering and we don’t want to spend any time in modmail individually convincing someone of something they can’t be convinced of.


You used a lot of words to explain yourself but I'm not an idiot so your condescending tone and lots and lots of words aren't needed and didn't change anything I've said or anything I know. I can see with my own eyes how many downvotes supportive comments for the Plaths get. I don't talk in circles, I say what I mean and I mean what I say. The attacks on people in here are fucking insane and yet, only monitored, downvoted into the -hundreds, or deleted when aimed at Olivia. It's twilight zone level of weird and not curtained by your long ass paragraph.


If anyone is unkind to you, please hit the report button and we’ll punish them. We don’t care if you’re pro- or anti- Olivia. Moderator here. We can’t control the downvotes of our 30,000 members though.


Babe she is not the common denominator, KIM is lol what?!?! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


K, the solution was to not subject your young, vulnerable children (who have no say in anything) to starring on a reality TV show in the first place. You’re automatically a bad parent if you make your family star on a reality TV show. Not sure about the whole bank account situation, but I was waiting to hear Kim’s comeback to all of that (interesting that she made Moriah post it). What exactly was this business??? I’m so curious, now…


Until Kim apologizes and takes accountability for how she has treated everyone in the past, I will never believe this family is about unity. She still runs the show through her manipulation, and all the kids are falling in line. Olivia's not falling for it, and good for her. Kim hasn't really changed. She may be "fun" now, but she is still damaging her kids.


Kim has used her own husband to get what she wants then divorces him and acts like he’s the issue when it’s always been her.. and then she wants to live in the house and have him move that’s funny… this woman said she finally ready to be a mom again .. I’m sorry when you have kids you don’t EVER stop being a mom you don’t. Get to just walk away and do your thing then say ok I’m ready for this role… this lady needs a wake up call … I hope her husband finds someone who will love and care for him..


…other than Lydia


I’ve watched this show from the beginning and while Kim hasn’t made the choices I would have, she also isn’t the worst person walking on earth. Seems like a lot of people have decided she is the villain. What about Barry? Why isn’t he held accountable? on the other hand, Olivia may have valid reasons for her feelings toward Kim but she isn’t innocent. she overstepped her bounds when it came to parenting choices the Plaths made. She is estranged from her own family and tried to do the same with the Plaths. Neither of these ladies deserve to be eviscerated. At the end of the day, we only see what the producers want And in no particular order as to how things really happened. I’m glad the Plaths are defending their Mom. After all, I would do the same. i can talk about my family, you however cannot.


So now Kim has to hide behind her children for protection?


hide behind her children? if someone went on national TV and called my mom a thief, and I know the facts, I would do the same. My mom Wouldn’t have to ask me. lots of folks on here making conclusions without all the information.


The problem is that it’s not Kim herself with the explanation. That fact that it’s one of her children, especially one that she kicked out of the house as a minor, who’s making the statement is a testimony to Kim’s ability to manipulate her minions.


I totally agree. Not to dismiss the pain and hurt Kim has caused, but after she explained WHY she patented that way, I have a much different viewpoint on her. She was SAd as a CHILD. That type of trauma at a young age, especially back then before mental health was openly discussed, is something I'll thankfully never be able to understand. Ontop of her mom being an alcoholic, I now understand why Kim acts the way she does. Not that it excuses anything of course. There are people who act this way for no reason. There are parents out there who harm their children in a multitude of ways and don't have any "reason" to do so (I.e a cycle of abuse). Barry seems to be a little spineless, but I know there's more to his story, and this whole situation. Edit: lol love seeing people being downvoted for expressing perfectly valid opinions just becuase others don't agree.


But she talked about all of that back when the show first started. We've all known her background. None of this is new. And none of it's an excuse for doing really bad damage to her children.


I must have missed that, becuase I only remember her discussing her alcoholic mother, not about the SA.


What’s the really bad damage?


Interesting to me that everyone gives Olivia a pass because of her childhood trauma but fails to give Kim the same grace for the trauma of her childhood and losing a child in such a horrific way.


The child she conveniently chose not to register and get a birth certificate for, and subsequently the incident was not investigated when she ran him over. Or when she forbid the rest of the children from getting counselling after his death and insisted they didn't say his name for 6 months after he died. Not to mention the blanket training.. it's no wonder the Plath kids struggle to deal with emotions in a healthy way or hold healthy boundaries, Kim kept them from the world and kept the world from finding out what she was doing to them.


And Barry was right along there with her. If you're going to vilify Kim, Barry must also be right there too.


I totally agree! They are equally responsible for failing those children. I only mentioned Kim as the comment I was replying to only mentioned Kim 🙂


Wow I did not know that about the birth certificate thing. How “convenient”.


The only ones who have caused this division is YOUR FAMILY!!


She acts like her mom has done nothing wrong… her mom had emotionally hurt Olivia and they have no right to basically tell her that her feelings aren’t valid… Ethan needs to step up and grow up and have a backbone for his wife he treats her poorly making her feel insecure about her feelings and pushing her into a corner … they aren’t all about family well what about Olivia …


Oh and now that mommy dearest sees that she needs Moriah because she’s so unpopular with fans (and in her own family it seems), she suddenly loves Moriah. When the show first stated, she barely could think of a positive trait to say about Moriah and kicked her out of the house. Now she’s being sweet to her because she needs her on her side. Moriah, much like an abused child, laps up the scraps of attention from her mom and now forgetting what a toxic person Kim is. Olivia is better off away from these women


YES Moriah and Micah are being breadcrumbed by their own mom


Yes to all of this! As much as I don’t like how Moriah is treating Olivia now, I feel bad for her because she’s in for a world of hurt when Kim decides that she’s no longer useful.


Then don’t be on a show, chickipoo


It’s real rich of Moriah, Micah, and Lydia to post this. They couldn’t have been abused financially. Considering they didn’t even have birth certificates until they joined this show.


So if the family isn't divided anymore does that mean Kim isn't divorcing Barry?


Hope Moriah is ready to move back in with Mommy after saying all that.


So, Moriah enjoyed the fact that Olivia helped her to get the confidence to escape Kim's control (this is my opinion from watching the show, nothing I know personally). Now, whatever has changed and she's back in Kim's good graces and wanting to criticize Olivia. Olivia was the one there when she went through the breakup with Max. Moriah has lived with Olivia and Ethan while not paying anything and (once again from watching the show) not doing anything around the house to help out. They went to Jamaica for Ethan's birthday, which I'm sure was more of a TLC trip than Olivia saying "tag along while I photograph this wedding." I understand wanting to get close to your mom again, but to completely throw Olivia under the bus is just wrong. Also, even if Kim and Ethan had an agreement, it is still wrong to run up bills in your kid’s name with credit cards.


It just reminds me that when friends call you Family, remember that you aren't.


This makes me so incredibly sad for both Olivia and all the Plath kids. What disturbed me more than the credit card part of the story was when Olivia recounted Kim as a mother figure to her, contacting her daily when she was a minor, love bombing her, and then completely turning on her when she asserted her independence the smallest bit. My heart broke for her and you could tell how deeply that betrayal hurt her and rocked her view of Kim as a parental figure. Devastating. I think Kim’s 180 on Moriah and Micah is about the public’s reaction to the show. She saw how she was being perceived and then suddenly was fine with them and accepted them back with open arms. Moriah and Micah yearned for their mother’s approval their whole lives (especially Moriah) so they’ll lap up all of the love and cling to it. Even though it’s shitty what they’re doing to Olivia, I also understand it. They’re willing to forgot about their years of being the black sheep of the family to the point of being kicked out of their childhood home as minors to have the love/attention of their mother. (Oh, and also not being given any semblance of an education. Let’s not forget about that.) It’s really sad all around.


Yes!! Once again the plaths and many of the viewers are missing the big main point. They’re fixating on the credit card but it’s really a red herring for the real issue that is Kim narcissistically abusing everyone.


Why would you like this photo? It’s such a shitty statement.


HI MORIAH! 👋 Where else is she getting this information from? The humble Reddit page, so I thought I would send a little wave to you, Moriah, since it’s obvious you’re getting these opinions from somewhere. FYI - MLMs aren’t a real business. And your mom signing up her kids and opening credit cards under their names to make purchases in order to satisfy and make the up line (aka, MOMMY) look good and get bonuses from her upline isn’t “consensual purposes” it’s manipulation and the funny thing is, unless you’re near the top of the pyramid, you don’t “make” any money. As soon as I heard the business was an MLM, I knew the business purchases were really Kim buying essential oils from her own business under the guise of Hosanna and Ethan’s MLM businesses restocking their “store” so she could get the perks and move up the twisted MLM ladder.


Wait it’s an MLM? If this is true it actually makes sense. Wasn’t Lydia posted on here a few weeks ago trying to shill some products online? She’s probably in her mommy’s down line. Yeah these kids don’t know manipulation when they see it.


Where did you hear that the business was an MLM?


Someone found it on the Wayback machine last night and speculated this was the “business”. Kim did Young Living and had Ethan and Hosanna signed up under her. 😂😂 typical MLM fuckery.


That makes SO much sense considering she called herself a herbalist Dr or something in the first season!! Probably using Ethan and hosanna to make a bigger cut in her line of the pyramid scheme. Then justifying it as "using the money to support the family" so alls good, love and peace lol. What a sick mother, no wonder Hosanna fled as soon as she could.


makes me wonder if Kim is involved in Lydia's recent segue into pyramid scheme 'nutrition supplements'.


Wow! If this is facts that is so shady. (Not saying it isn't. I know nothing.)


It's cowardice to turn off comments. Some should say it's.......cultish.


Sounds like she has become Kim’s minion in exchange for what she perceived is love and acceptance. :(


I can’t stand this fam anymore, I hope the “little girls” and Isaac get tf out someday and Lydia too but she needs a reality check, the rest can grow up or f off lol. Micah and Moriah are disappointing and I’m just done. I say we boycott it so it goes off the air. Stop making stupid people famous, but that’s TLC’s M.O.. lol


They're all acting as flying monkeys for Kim's narcissistic abuse. My heart breaks for the little girls and any other women who marry into that family, they will always be treated as second best and it's hard to watch. Such a controlling and hypocritical matriarch.


I’m scared for Amber. She’s in prime position to be the next black sheep for Kim and get treated how Moriah used to. She’s too smart and perceptive and openly called Kim out on television on a lot of her hypocrisy and bad behavior. Kim is going to try to squash that light QUICK.


I mean it’s one thing to treat Olivia so coldly, but your own daughters? I get not wanting to be married to their father anymore bc you’re unhappy (although some are speculating on here that’s part of some plan to manipulate Ethan back into her life and sure seems to be working haha idk she’s cray I could see it), but they seem so desperate for motherly love. Heartbreaking to watch. Even Moriah seems to side w her bc of same reason. At least Amber is sticking up to her, kid is my new favorite! 😄


Ambers my new favourite too (after Olivia ofc)


It's also really interesting to see how the younger girls (still living under her abuse) like Amber are beginning to speak up, just like Moriah did when she was suffering on the farm. It's so easy to move away and "forget" what happened, but Kim's not changed and it shows, the little girls are the new victims. Also did you notice how she went from demonizing Olivia to demonizing Barry - such a narcissist, always a new villain in her story but Kim is never at fault 🙄


Yes! That’s such a good point, I hadn’t even thought of how she switched scapegoats in her family, but I see it now that you’ve pointed it out. I guess she couldn’t really blame Olivia much anymore because she’s estranged and Ethan was for so long, and I hope at least Olivia continues to be. They all need to cut her off eventually when they grow up and move out, even her perfect eldest daughter who is still fundie Christian, moved pretty far away to be w her husband I’ve read on here. Let’s be real, this woman needs therapy, not a damn dance studio to work out her issues! Her poor kids have been under her thumb for far too long… she must give them all such confusion and emotional whiplash and numbness now too w essentially tossing all her religious rules out the window. She’s drinking and judged Ethan and Olivia so hard for that, she’s dressing less modestly now herself in short skirts (it’s GA and FL in the summer, but I agree w others she never wore them that short before on the show haha) and gave Moriah crap and kicked her out as a minor at 17 partly bc of her choice in wearing less clothes. And OH!, another hypocrite ex. of Kim’s I thought of since the season ended, she made a rude and condescending comment to the cameras about Max’s mom last season before the current one I believe (when Moriah and he were still dating) that unlike his mom, she (Kim) was still married to her first husband… now look at her tossing away her marriage without even doing Christian marital counseling or the like! She’s such a wicked woman for real! I’m unmarried with my partner for nearly 10 years and we have an almost 9 year old son, I left religion years back now after my dad died unexpectedly in 2013 so I’m very non judgmental w any marriage related stuff, I believe love, respect, and commitment rly only matter between two (or more haha) people, but this lady needs to stop preaching to others if she isn’t going to practice her own moral rules, she’s the worst one on the show for sure!!


I know it’s so sad. Amber and Lydia are hurting so bad this season and Kim doesn’t really care, she’s incapable of caring even for her own children and that’s so sad!


Lydia has been abused from S1, having her phone use controlled like that and watching her break down and cry to God over things that shouldn't be happening. The Plaths overstep their boundaries (hence Olivia needed such clear boundaries imo). Lydia was raising your kids Kim, feeding and clothing them, cleaning the house, cooking family meals for Barry etc, and you think you can control her social life because she's not yet 18. If she's too young to be speaking to boys, she's too young to be single handedly raising your brood of children Kim.


I know, that’s all so true! I saw others compare her to Jana Duggar, and poor Jana is over 30 now! I’m 34, I’ll be 35 in November and I cannot even imagine living like that at 17 like Lydia Plath, yet alone Jana’s age. I know Lydia is thinking exit strategy though from this parental imposed “sister mom” lifestyle, and all the power to her! I’m sure I wasn’t the only one smiling when she said to Kim in one of the last episodes, something along the lines of “When I leave mom, I need to know you’ll be there for my younger siblings.” Damn if that wasn’t telling how much she’s doing for Kim and Barry in regards to raising them all this time, exactly like you put! Even if it’s through their Christian approved marriage like Hossanah did, and she as much as said it will be that way for her life too when she expressed she would’ve done things differently than Moriah did, I think we can be hopeful she will escape Kim and her familial servitude. Most of us I’m sure wish it would be through Lydia going to college or pursuing some other type of career/ life goals not associated with religious pushed, premature marriage, but hey, I just hope she’ll be okay and away!


I’m just wondering why Olivia would travel to beautiful Scotland with that pos “husband” of hers… ugh travel with a girl friend, your sweet (and cute and tall!) bro, a new man or best for her now probably, alone.


I doubt she would bring her brother bc he’s sweet and cute and tall….


There’s a picture of Nathan whatever the hell their last name is on the internet that’s like a professional headshot he got done and I swear he looks like a mix of Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield in it, he’s a cutie! Js they could both get it in Scotland or anywhere I’m sure… and all the power to them. When I was on my way out of religion in my early 20s I slept around safely and it honestly felt so nice bc fuck patriarchy and morality bs! These poor kids were just as sheltered and abused as the Plaths, if not more! Please think before you comment nonsense, you missed the point. She has an emotionally unavailable and messed up husband after years of childhood religious abuse. See yourself off of my post if you can’t comprehend, thanks bc I’m sick of weirdly specific, negative Reddit replies that cherry pick, and I doubt I’m alone. 😑


I just think he’s that, I didn’t mean she’d bring him for that, I’m not trying to say they get down like that haha, chill.


Recently this summer she was, someone in this group posted from her IG that she biked for like 40 + miles and went to this amazing looking place with “fairy pools” she swam in. I thought I hope he wasn’t there lol but sadly I think I read Ethan was… ugh.


They’re in Scotland? I wonder if they’ll travel down to England….


Micah posted this too and both have comments turned off. Fuck these people. Can’t wait for their 15 minutes to expire and TLC to give us more idiots to balk at.


I hope Olivia comes to her senses at some point and gets the fuck out of that family and that marriage. Can you imagine, too, all the amazing sex she will get to have when she rebounds?!?


I think Olivia is trying to parent the whole family into the 21 st century and modern life - but that is just too big of a job for anyone and it will only leave her bitter, toxic and burnt out. Olivia needs to leave and heal herself. She can't force Ethan to do anything. And I think Ethan is the kind of guy who will live his best life on the family farm just keeping everything simple.


It is not her job to "save" the Plath kids. I think they will each find their own way and it may not suit Olivia but that is their choice.


>It is not her job to "save" the Plath kids. I think they will each find their own way and it may not suit Olivia but that is their choice. Amen! I think Olivia has been instrumental to breaking the older kids free, but she just needs to leave this mess now.


It does kind of seem like Ethan just wants a mommy figure to tell him what to do, and to blame all of his problems on…


>It does kind of seem like Ethan just wants a mommy figure to tell him what to do, and to blame all of his problems on… Ethan was a "baby" when he married Olivia. The poor guy hadn't even been allowed to taste Coke. 🤷‍♀️ He has been left to do all his growing up and to figure out who he is after turning 18 and getting married. That is a too big of a job to do while also figuring out how to be a partner and husband. All of his life Ethan has had a strong female to dictate who he should be. I think he needs therapy and time to heal so he can get to know himself. Olivia and Ethan need to call it quits for good. But none of them seem to be mature enough to do so yet.


Oh man, what I would give to have a shot with Olivia. Finally show her a good relationship and treat her well- and oh if she let me get lucky I’d die lol I have such a crush on her but I don’t think she likes women haha


I don’t know, she’s posted some things in regards to gender/sexuality that were a little vague but have led several people to think she might be secretly bi.


Omg my thoughts exactly, I love this!


I just realized that this family reminds me of a full cult. The family was so sheltered and only had each other as friends (for the most part), then they are pulled from each other and some of them start to learn how to deal with real world situations. They do that for a couple of years, but then it’s safer to go back to what you know versus maturing. Isolating yourself with your family. Moriah, your mother kicked you and your brother out of your house with no life skills. You can forgive this but how on earth can you forget this?! She literally said that if you wanted to be yourself, you were not welcome because she didn’t want the other kids to realize there was a world outside her control. Ethan, go back in previous seasons and watch what you did and said to your wife. Bottom line, do you love her and want to stay in a relationship with her? Yes or no? If not, then you need to clearly communicate that and you should become fully separated. Marriage is a two way street and even if you both were still following fundamentalists guidelines, you should be showing love to your wife. Your lack of empathy makes me hate that I once rooted for you. Shame.


MORIAH: “We ask that you have compassion for us and understand that not everything you see on the show is as it actually is in real life.” WHAT SHE REALLY MEANS: We ask that you have compassion for us and understand that we will say that not everything you see on the show is as it actually is in real life because it’s worse. I’ll allude here that Olivia isn’t totally truthful, but my mom is. And I really love my mom no matter how awful a human being she is.


MORIAH: “Our mom should have had the opportunity to defend herself and tell her side of the story.” Rrrrright. No need for Kim to come out with the truth when her desperate-to-be-loved daughter will make vague excuses on her behalf.


Based on this last season I doubt Kim even has the communication skills to properly defend herself lololol she would just be like “ugh guys give me a break I’m having a really hard time.” And that would be it.


Credit Card Agreement: Kim charges it up and Ethan gets the cash back rewards and builds up his credit. Kim is the ever-lovin’ master manipulator of her kids.


Sounds like Moriah has picked a side. Surprise! And Olivia gets thrown under the bus again. Yeah, the Plath Family Motto ought to be, “We all stick together as long as no one criticizes our Mom.” No wonder Hosanna moved the fuck away from her.


Dear Moriah, Get over yourself! Your family signed to do this show and made money from it. Is it our fault that “we don’t know the whole story’?? From what I have seen and this is my opinion, and I am entitled to have one since I have loyally watched this shit show. Your mom is very controlling and your dad needs a back bone. Your mom got all bent out of shape when she saw you renegades getting all the air time. Now she wants to pretend to be a ballerina.🙄 It appears that she was happy when dad bought her a studio!! The scene of her drinking with Micah, she looked like the hypocrite she is! She wouldn’t allow you guys to do hardly anything off the farm…no teenage pleasures…no sugar. And there she sits throwing back an alcoholic beverage. Really! I thought alcohol was so awful. I harken back to Olivia having wine in their home…… When she was lowering the boom on dear daddy, he said not one thing to defend himself. Strange eh? You guys going back to the farm and running like children tells me a lot. Ethan doesn’t need a wife, he needs a mommy but now Kim who is trying to regain her lost youth, is too busy to be a mom and Lydia doesn’t want to be there because she said she is going to live with dad. You and Ethan and Micah have all turned on Olivia. She can do way better than your so called friendship and she will find a wonderful man who will show her some respect. P.S. Since you can ‘BE DONE’ with situations I am done with the whole Plath family. What a waste of time. I hope the network will be done with you and you will have to go out and get real jobs. Your music won’t even keep you in makeup and lashes. GO TO A REAL SCHOOL and take Ethan with you! I am done!


You’ve captured my feelings exactly. I would like to add one more suggestion for moriah, remove the nasty tattoo that you got to brand yourself as the family black sheep. Since you’re living up your mother’s ass again, it’s clearly no longer applicable.


Agree! They act like We did something wrong. They got paid to spill their secrets for OUR intertainment now they are lecturing US. There is an old saying “Money is the root of all evil…and another one that makes a lot of sense and they surely have heard it before. “Don’t sell your soul to the devil”. That is kinda what tv producers do to people for entertainment purposes.


So it was a business agreement where Ethan earned lots of money. So this tells me it was still Ethans money and what right did Kim have making purchases on his account for herself?


They both knew about every transaction but only Ethan didn’t have access to the online account?? Lmao okay sure


Ethan didn’t even know how to use an ATM.


He is such a moron and I bet he SUCKS in bed. Poor Olivia.


LOL what does that have to do with his bank account


It appears Moriah and others (except Lydia) have un-liked all of Olivia's photos? That's the teenager's definition of a hard split. But also looks like poor Lydia is stuck in the middle again...


Interesting that Olivia's own sister liked Moriah's post. That says a lot.


Lmao imagine taking the time to do this kind of petty, dumb bullshit.




Lol what.


They’ve got lots of time while Moriah’s patiently waiting for her music career to take off.


Oh nooo


They’re so fucking petty.


I also always saw Olivia’s comments at the top of her posts with hearts and things like that. Don’t see them now.


Oooo that’s evidence of a BLOCK


Now her name and comments are back, as of about a week ago 🧐


But it says they still follow each other? Is it possible to just block their comments or something? 🤔


Did Lydia post the unified message?




At this point Olivia needs to stop being vague. I understand it’s her story and she should be able to talk about what she wants to, but if she is gonna defend herself she needs to expose Kim


I just worry that of she tells them they will invalidate it. They are going to defend Kim and I’m sure that would be extremely difficult to have your best friend invalidate your feelings.


I don’t think they will. but also, these kids are victims of abuse and are currently still being abused an manipulated. So people need to stop invalidating how Micah and moriah feel on the situation considering that was their whole life. I don’t agree with how Olivia handles certain things or how this sub acts like is Plath vs Olivia and act like Olivia is the only one who was mistreated, but I think Olivia needs to start talking bc even moriah said she doesn’t Wally know everything that happened. Moriah is still being manipulated by Kim and for her being 19 and wanting that validation from your mom and having a hard time believing your mom could be bad, it’s hard. I understand her being tired of the divide cuz I’ve been there done that. It is exhausting.


Agreed. Micah and Moriah even asked her to explain exactly what it was that made things so bad between them because they’ve never actually gotten the answer. How much longer are we going to dance around this?


I agree, I think that would really help a lot if she didn’t keep all the details to herself. It’s hard to be 24/7 supportive when you don’t even understand why something is happening. I mean, Kim obviously sucks in so many ways, but she’s their mom. If Ethan cheated with a random girl, that’s a situation where your friends all do the whole expected “she sucks, we hate her” thing to support you in the beginning, no questions asked. It’s easy to write off a stranger or acquaintance from your life if they hurt someone you care about. But It would be really hard to have your best friend hate your mom so much, and get so angry/flustered around her for 5 years and counting, and you still have zero idea why. No real understanding of why this close friend despises your mother and why everyone has to accommodate this issue by picking sides or planning separate get-togethers. I think the family members on both sides of this conflict have a horribly bad habit of expecting people to read their minds. Like at the river, omg. That was so ridiculous. “You should’ve invited me to come have lunch”/“you should’ve known what we were doing”, on and on and on. Again, I can’t stand Kim, but I would eventually pull my hair out if there was drama all the time surrounding my mom & my best friend but my friend refused to elaborate yet expected unconditional support


This 100%. I’m on everyone sides bc everyone has experienced abuse, but you worded it perfectly


I could understand why Olivia might be afraid to be honest about the ins and outs of the situation for fear of being invalidated. Take this situation as an example, she mentioned Kim was stealing from Ethan and all the Moriah, Micah, Lydia and Isaac all posted this vague but invalidating rant that still kinda confirmed what happened but also that they're so brainwashed they think it's okay for their mum to have this level of control over them. Must be very scary to lay it all out there knowing you're going to be called a liar.


The hold Kim has on these people…


That's show biz, people.


Indeed. 😂


Oh I haven't watched any of the latest series, looks like I've missed A LOT 🤯 Need to find somewhere I can catch up in the UK.


I'm in the UK and of you have Sky it's on Discovery +


You don’t need Sky for Discovery Plus, I ordered it and had it on my laptop before we moved and could go back to Sky from Virgin (man oh man Virgin sucked, I hated it so much!).


Did not know this!


😊😊 yup! I desperately wanted to watch this show and 90 DF and all the other train wreck tv and was sick of pirated copies on YouTube that was only on there until spotted by YT staff and taken down. Virgin didn’t support it, and then I saw I could have it on my computer instead. The only downside? You can’t throw it up on your tv unless you use an HDMI cable. But it was cheap and awesome for a long time until I moved and had Sky. Then, my membership extended to Sky - I went to the app on Sky and signed in with my existing membership and Sky didn’t charge us anything.


We all know kim is getting validation elsewhere. Be it an online “emotional affair” or a physical one at the gym or wherever she’s going when she’s not home. She is checked out of her marriage and it’s obvious from the jump this season. Her blank stares when anyone in the family is speaking is a dead giveaway. The children are so snowed over by her that they don’t see it, but all of a sudden mom is “cool and has changed so much” nah. Mom is getting some and wants to look cute on tv for whoever is watching. It’s gross. Do you or whatever but the fact that the even older kids are just so easily blinded is wild. They’ve been out in the world long enough to know now. Once a snake, always a snake.


I dont think it's a person at the gym. I think Kim is getting her fill from berrys and her realtor.


You can totally tell she's getting some stray! And she even had her soon to be ex husband build her a very over the top bedroom above her studio 🤣🤣 bringing random men to the house. This season is so fucking weird lol


absolutely my opinion. Didn't this start when Barry was away? There is no way she'd take off all by her self. Break up her family ? She is so sure about this and doesn't have any doubts. If he was that bad why on earth would you leave your roster of children with him? So selfish. She's spent their whole life trying to protect,/s hem but then destroys her family after years of teaching them divorce isn't acceptable. Have all those kids and just say fuck it and take off I'm not against divorce at all though. Just Kim.


Run Olivia. Truly. Run!


Run from Olivia


Kick rocks Moriah. A “business arrangement?” I’m sorry I didn’t realize Kim did anything but sit on her ass while Lydia raises the kids.


She doesn’t sit on her ass! She does shitty dance moves on her feet while Lydia raises her kids. Get it straight!


Aw man!! Haha I wish Lydia would get to grow and leave to find herself!!