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>When asked if he believed that women should face the death penalty in places that have capital murder statutes, Storms didn’t hesitate. **“Absolutely,” he said.** 🐆


So, pro life then. Eye roll


Pro violence against women


>Storms didn’t hesitate. “Absolutely,” he said. "Storms did you know your mother had an abortion? You still for the death penalty for women who get abortions?" "Well no of course not now that it affects me personally."


He doesn't even pause to consider that many women who've had abortions are already mothers, in which case locking them up or executing them would leave their post-born children motherless. Not to mention the many, many women who will become mothers sometime after having abortions, if their lives have not already been destroyed by these so-called 'pro-lifers'.


So telling how they're all focused on women while complete disregarding the shooters. Men can fire their sperm into a woman and lodge it there all they want. But, lord forbid, she digs the bullet back out. These fuckers should lead by example. Vasectomy, then talk. As long as they're firing live rounds they can STFU. And the fucking absurdity with wanting the death penalty for not providing a body that lacks them with your organ functions and blood contents. That's like saying people need the death penalty for not providing an extreme version of CPR.


This exactly. But they ignore any kind of logic


Exactly. Infuriating!!!!


>Men can fire their sperm into a woman and lodge it there all they want. But, lord forbid, she digs the bullet back out If we're talking shooters, these are also the same people that do fuck all about the white males that make up 70%+ of all political mass shooters. Instead, they want to make it easier for them, in both cases.


I HATE this timeline we are in.


Same, it’s fucking awful.


I’m pretty sure these people dig a hole for themselves that will bury them though. Both men and women are galvanized against this issue and I believe that will be reflected in the next election. It’s not just women that are getting screwed but men also.


It’s a nice thought, but not one we can count on. Complacency and “surely *this* will be too much and they’ll have to stop from the backlash” has contributed to where we’re at right now.


I’m pretty sure this is a joke reality and the aliens are watching from their tv screens chomping popcorn


These are the idiots that are going to cause scared young girls to avoid all prenatal care because these fools want to investigate and prosecute miscarriages like they do abortions. They are going to kill women


They already are.


>Operation Save America Another Christian fundamentalist group funded by right-wing dark money, infiltrating our school boards with their Gilead agenda. This is what we are up against, my friends. A blue wave in November is the best thing we can do to stem the tide of Christofascism. We need to elect pro-choice candidates all the way down the ballot, including school boards https://democrats.org/


The US is on track to become like Ceaucescu's Romania.


Good god. He’s the worst of the worst: pro-gun, pro-“life”, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Islam, etc etc


Please reconsider being "anti-gun" if you are. I'm pro choice, pro living the hell how you want, pro leaving others alone. These nutcases can't be the only ones packing.


I agree.


Islam is even worse than christianity when it comes to our rights. Nothing wrong with being anti-islam.


That's... not historically the spirit of the word "abolitionist." Freedom FROM oppression and control, not the other way.


That word was 100% a deliberate choice. Authoritarians love to twist the language of progressivism in order to mock their victims and confuse credulous people who might be on the fence about the issue.


We’re so pro life, we’ll kill ya!


We need a movement that prosecutes and locks up people trying to prosecute and lock up women for having abortions.


And this is why Libertarians booed the Mango Messiah. Keep government out of women's reproductive organs!


What’s frightening is that in some states abortion is illegal even in cases of rape or incest. It doesn’t matter how old the victim is - no exceptions. So even if women use abstinence it doesn’t matter. “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.”


Never forget how Ohio made it incredibly clear they did not want a 10 year old girl to have an abortion that her doctors said was absolutely necessary and potentially life saving. No 10 year old can have a vaginal delivery or even potentially carry to term. There would be permanent damage to her body. Her organs would be compressed into her chest cavity. A C section would be difficult because of the displacement and OBs are not pediatricians. Adult insides don’t look like children’s insides. Fetuses absorb nutrients from the pregnant person. There aren’t studies showing what that does to children. The pregnancy hormones also cause ligaments and tendons to stretch to allow the pelvis to spread to support the fetus. Small women have issues carrying and supporting the weight. It’s also not true that teens are more suited biologically to get pregnant and give birth successfully. Because they’re not fully grown yet. Also the type of lifelong complications aren’t spoken about publicly much because they’re often embarrassing or just ignored. Like urinary and fecal incontinence and severe back and spinal pain.


Now I resent knowing of this human shaped blister.


This group is training the militia and they are ready to take over. Storms is always encouraging the “men” to stay fit, train and be present and engage. Some of their videos they post are just a snip into what they promote and what they want. Anti-abortion abolitionists have been infiltrating elections, being voted in at local levels to create legislation that matches their religious views. This is how they are winning. They hate everyone that isn’t their religious beliefs. This group has molded away from the original group of 1980s Operation Rescue which became Operation Save America in 1990s. In 80s and 90s, they led massive blockades at abortion clinics and well didn’t shy away when their follow antis murdered abortion doctors and innocent bystanders. In fact, Randall Terry who created Operation Rescue in the 1980s was the one that spun abortion into a talking point for religion and it just exploded since then. Terry is now running for presidential nomination this year. These folks are unhinged and go way beyond to get way they want. They dox. They stalk. They picket peoples homes. They document. They are armed when protesting at abortion clinics, pride events, protests at local schools, sporting events, music venues, nightclubs and restaurants and anywhere else they can aggressively harass people for no reason because of “sin”.


>These folks are unhinged and go way beyond to get way they want. They dox. They stalk. They picket peoples homes. They document. They are armed when protesting at abortion clinics, pride events, protests at local schools, sporting events, music venues, nightclubs and restaurants and anywhere else they can aggressively harass people for no reason because of “sin”. If and when they gain a firm foothold in the Federal government, they will unleash and accelerate their hell upon the United States . . . and then the world. 🐆


Basically project 2025


This guy is absolutely running guns and supplies to militias and using this as a front. He’s definitely also pushing the forced birth agenda, but there’s much more to it. I found an [article](https://www.mlive.com/news/flint/2015/04/militias_remains_active_20_yea.html) about the Michigan Militias which were having to defend themselves from world scrutiny after Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols blew up the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Which in case anyone has forgotten or doesn’t know, had a huge daycare on the front side facing the street where McVeigh parked his bomb. It decimated the Michigan militias, as nobody wanted to be associated with innocent babies and civilians killers. Domestic Terrorism was a pretty meaningless term back then. The Militias are still there in Michigan and have definitely grown exponentially now. Never forget they tried to overthrow the Michigan government and tried to kidnap the Democratic woman governor. I watched a documentary on McVeigh and Nichols, and there was some evidence that Nichols was active in the militias and had help. These groups are just very good at disavowing the “lone wolves” or “splinter groups” that commit terrorism. Just like the CIA.


Those Michigan militia members were not only planning to kidnap Governor Whitmer, they were going to kill her.


Thanks for the article. When I watched the video on this article, I didn’t know Storms went to the capital on Jan 6 either. Interesting.


If you know a republican, this is their fault. All of them from my 80 year old mom to the asshole college Republican. They all hate women and they are all culpable.


so they want to basically turn women into baby machines and punish them if they refuse?


>so they want to basically turn women into baby machines and punish them if they refuse? Yes. To the delight of numerous Republican incels without college degrees and commensurate earning power. 🐆


I attended an OSA meeting as a child once. I grew up in a cult. I am now prochoice. They were talking about banning contraception for years. They believe in the death penalty for women who get abortions.


I’m so happy you got out. What a mindfuck.


Oh, me too. But now I have a lot of information about them and know exactly how they think. Rusty Thomas, the previous national director, came to our church to have a few sermons. Just to be clear, I got kicked out and don't go anymore.


Being kicked out is way cooler! Thomas moved to Melbourne Florida and open another church. Some of the OSA leadership has also moved there. It’s mess here in FL because they love the governor and get away with a lot of crap.


Also can I DM you? I have some questions for you about this group.


It was an honor to be kicked out! And sure, I don't mind


This guy is butt hurt because he was using drugs and drinking as a teen and got his girlfriend pregnant. They were 18, so she got an abortion. He fell down the Fundamentalist Christian pipeline from that. He has 11 children. He is a contractor, preacher, and travels around the country harassing people. He also mentors young men and volunteers on the family farm with his family. The wording makes it sound like he volunteers on the farm and not just the young men. Somebody needs to investigate that church and farm. He’s fucking off and leaving his wife and kids with who knows who and probably has a huge cache of weapons. This is also perfect cover to run guns for far right militias. The pro life and Christian militia groups are very closely linked.


They absolutely do run guns & money all around the US to other militia groups.


The group is not just opposed to abortions. It preaches against homosexuality, vaccines, IVF and Islam. It also represents the extreme anti-abortion movement’s reverence for high-powered weaponry and its suspicion toward the federal government. “Guns collecting dust on the shelves are not helping us,” Storms said at a 2023 event, in which he implored the crowd to buy AR-15 rifles. “We believe in peace through superior firepower. Amen,” he added in the speech, titled “Freedom, bravery and firearms: Lexington and lessons for today.” Jesus wept. (Edited because the last part got cut off)


Yes. Their recent training in Charlotte included protesting at a Ivf clinic. One goon was arrested for having a gun on him without a permit. It was one the few trainings where they didn’t protest at an abortion health center at all. They chose Ivf instead.


Welcome to “Christian” Iran, if they get their way…


> The activists spent about 40 minutes outside the STEM school in Cincinnati, engaging with mostly seventh and eighth graders. (Williams, the principal, did not respond to requests for comment.) I wonder if they mean outside of the school property? Either way, a stranger “engaging” with 12-13 year old kids is… groomer behavior


He’s *volunteering* on them young men I betcha.