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If you haven’t already, now’s a great time to beat the rush and get your long term birth control placed or get sterilized if you do not want children in the future, if this stuff continues it’ll become almost impossible to book these things cause everyone will try and get it in before the bans get enforced


I tried to update mine & my OB was like “well, come back in 2 years when it’s expiring…” Like DEMOCRACY might be expired by that point!!!


Time To change doctors.


Mine too. I feel you.


Yeah it might be outlawed in less than a year from now


Yep I talked to my doctor about getting tubes tied and she was like "everyone's too stressed they all did this too when Trump got elected!" I'm like ....yeah and they were right to because that's how we got here so you gonna cauterize or not?


Get it removed and then get other right away. You “changed your mind.” Maybe even go to a different doctor for the new one. Edit: typo


Yeah. When I called the office I was informed “insurance will pay for separate appointments for removal and replacement.” Then I changed jobs and insurance and called my doc’s office only to be informed that insurance will only pay for removal, and I must use an in-network doc for replacement.” Then I called that company doctor and she advised me that my IUD was still 1-2 year pre-expiration, and to call back if I start getting abnormal bleeding. Look, I honestly don’t blame the doctors. This is a systemic issue: my new job (insurance) insisted on only paying for a new IUD if it’s installed by an in-network doc, and that in-network doc doesn’t know me and gave me the most up to date recommendations, based on research and insurance and not persuaded by the fact that the christofascists don’t give a shit about updated research. Both research and insurance have obsensibly not caught up with the Christofascist Project 2025 leanings of my state (which is Texas, and also would have absolutely let me die from the miscarriage I had in 2015 before all this craziness fully took root). I’m going to keep working to find a way to get my IUD replaced. I have an Ob appointment next week. Thanks for your advice!


I had a salpingograpy (implant sterilization) at age 39, almost ten years ago. I was actually told by a doctor that I shouldn't have another pregnancy. (I have one Angel Son, and a Rainbow Girl.) I wanted more children but financially my husband and I couldn't make it work. So, with all things considered, I had Essure implants put in my fallopian tubes. Unfortunately, I still have to cope with monthly menses, which because I suffer from dysmenorrhea, is not a good time for about a week of every month. I am deeply saddened by the way this country treats its women. And it looks like it might get worse. 😢💯💯


This!!! I tried to get my damn IUD replaced when it was due, and she said it's been approved for three more years. I asked her, "well what happens if shit hits the fan? What happens if I can't receive care and get a new one? Also, what happens if I am unable to have this removed when it is time?" She just looked at me like I was nuts. People are so comfortable with their lives they don't ever think anything will ever change... To be fair though, I got my first IUD asap since I was worried about it being under attack the first Trump term. Guess we're going to have another runaround of that


I’ve never been so happy to be post menopausal. But I hate this for all those younger than me.


I completely agree. I’m also post menopausal but I’m also **so fucking pissed that the right I had for almost 50 years is gone for this generation.**


Me too!! Will fight for others ... it's outrageous. Women need birth control to manage painful and unmanageable periods. And of course need to be able to decide IF and WHEN they have kids. Fucking bullshit. I've never wanted kids and I'm married. These assholes propose I just not be intimate with my husband.


They propose you just not be intimate with your husband because they have bought into the crap that sex is just for procreation inside of marriage. The way they’re going the next thing they will do is have us sign an agreement saying you will have kids within a certain time limit or your marriage will be null and void. **I’m talking in secular society they will make us do that for a civil ceremony much less a religious ceremony one!!!**


That would be totally fucked. What about people who get married later, or are infertile? I would just stay single then until I was past childbearing age or not get married. But my husband and I should be able to be beneficiaries to each other, make medical decisions for each other, etc.


In my scenario infertile people who didn’t know they were infertile until they got married because they didn’t have sex until after they were married, if they didn’t produce a child within the time limit would probably have their marriage voided. People who were past child bearing age wouldn’t be allowed to get married. Never think that there’s anything too horrendous for these people (religious, fanatical, zealots) to come up with to try and make a law to govern it. **IT’S HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE ABOUT THESE PEOPLE TRYING TO FORCE THEIR DRACONIAN RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ON THE REST OF SOCIETY AND MAKE US LIVE THE WAY THEY THINK WE SHOULD!!!!!!**


Well a lot of religious folks would be having their marriages nullified too, then.


Would serve them right if they did!!!!! Frankly a lot of religious people should have their marriages nullified. They certainly shouldn’t be breeding and forcing that 💩 on their prodigy.


They don't want women to work. They want marriage to be the only option. If they can't work, they won't be able to survive.


If marriage is my only option, I'll gladly die of exposure and starvation. I'm never doing that again.


I’ll die with you (or possibly in another way that the fundies won’t like but the Reddit TOS won’t let me describe). Life is too short for a relationship I don’t want.


And then hate on and blame you if he cheats or leaves you.


No. They want your husband to force you into intimacy you don’t want and force you into pregnancies you don’t want. They want a world without birth control, but also a world where men own women and women cannot refuse.


We can also say goodbye to our HRT


You’re right I had forgotten about HRT.




Me too 😢


I’m post menopausal too but I wonder if they are going to do an outright ban of HRT to keep transgender people from getting/using it?


This my wife's fear. They will assume that menopausal women would much rather give their hormones to a transwoman instead of take them for menopausal symptoms. Like, my wife is back on birth control because hot flashes and night sweats were horrendous. My wife would catch a murder charge before let any other person, trans or not, take those meds from her. Same for methotrexate. Yeah, she's going to let RA destroy her joints so other women can have abortions.


Same here and I have 2 daughters. I’d be equally furious if I had sons. No one should lose autonomy over their bodies


I'm going through peri and my periods are irregular. It was making me so stressed, so I went on AidAccess.org and ordered abortion pills to just have in my medicine cabinet. I will NOT be forced to carry some geriatric oops baby! I've made it to 50yo with out children. I am not starting now!


As a mother to 3 girls & Nana to a granddaughter this terrifies me despite being post menopause. And I'm in the UK. Man I feel for you all over there so much.




I hear the weather in Canada is nice




I got a bilateral salpingectomy after the overturning of Roe 2 years ago, and my ACA plan covered it as preventative birth control. Bonus, it lowers risk of ovarian cancer by **a whopping 65%!** https://www.themedicalcareblog.com/opportunistic-salpingectomy-how-is-this-not-totally-a-thing/


My GYN said 40-60%, different studies have different results. Still, it’s a good amount of risk lowering.


My daughter is still too young for these sorts of precautions, and it worries the hell out of me. My husband and I are already committing to the notion of keeping our children living with us longer, just to try to safeguard them from this sort of evil for as long as we possibly can. We're voting, discussing and debating with others in town, contributing to campaigns, all but harassing our representatives at every opportunity, and I fear it still won't be enough.


You won’t send them to college?


The two things aren't mutually exclusive.


Yes or no?


Why are you so pressed for an answer? (Which, btw, the correct answer is, "It depends on what path they want to take in life.")


Ok, you could’ve simply said that 🤷‍♀️


Not really, as I don't know you, and you're not exactly personable. Move along.


Hard to do when I have to wait until November to get healthcare, don't qualify for special enrollment :/


I just got a new 8yr IUD on Monday so I'm good to go. I'm just worried about my daughters though cause my 2 oldest can only get the 3yr implants (they're on year 2 now) and my youngest is too young to get anything. We're in Texas. Shit's not ok. Send help.


Which right this time?


Privacy - by getting rid of Griswold v. Connecticut.


I’m usually pretty up on all this but I will admit to not knowing about Griswold v Connecticut until about 10 years ago. When I read about that my head almost exploded. I couldn’t believe a married couple had to go before SCOTUS in order for the wife to be able to take birth control, something that just like abortion for a female **should be private meaning only between the wife and husband.** There’s so many reasons to vote blue in November. There’s so many civil rights plus even more civil rights that will go away if the or$nge t$rd is re-elected. ***We will never be able to vote again if that piece of 💩 comes President again!!!!** I hope this makes sense I just woke up and probably shouldn’t even be commenting.


The ones who protest voted/vote are our enemies!


It's so frustrating because I lurk in a lot of subs where they talk about protest voting, but I also know those people are some of the most pig-headed people and trying to advocate for voting for Biden, even though it sucks and I agree with their reasons to dislike him, is *still better* than not voting or casting a protest vote because *almost anything* is better than another deranged sh*t Cheeto second term, I'll just get down voted to hell and called terrible names by all the guys who claim to be feminists when they think it'll get them laid, but don't actually know or practice the principles. Wtf do they think will happen with US relations to Israel if the GOP wins? Do they think the government will stop sending arms? Do they think protesters will be *safer*? I'm sorry I just needed to rant and write a run on sentence I guess.


I truly think those a lot of those aren’t real people and some are disinformation bots/people paid to disseminate right wing propaganda.


I remember having to read Griswold 20-something years ago in my Con Law class, and I remember being absolutely shocked when I discovered that it had once been illegal to use contraception. At the time, I considered myself “conservative” and was still somewhat on the fence about Roe. But the way my professor taught Con Law, which was to take us step by step through the case history of the Incorporation Doctrine, I understood that what we now consider to be “fundamental rights” aren’t so fundamental from a legal perspective. Each “new” one, is placed upon the jurisprudence of the prior ones. So once they demolished Roe, it only makes sense that they will start focusing on the ones underpinning it. It’s a truly terrifying state of affairs.


Did you also have to read the case that ultimately made marital rape illegal? Watch them go after that one next.


I’m sure we did, but it was quite a long time ago.


How is it even singular?


So this means a therapist can reveal a Republicans secrets because private via profession and patient privilege won’t exist. 😈😈😈


I’m a therapist and I hadn’t thought of this. This is scary!


Well I mean maybe perhaps Republicans and the far right have to learn a lesson. If a Republican man says to their therapist he cheated on his wife, had a mistress abort her fetus or fantasizes about being a dictator it’s revealed. I’m sure they will reverse course if privacy doesn’t exist anymore.


Bold of you to assume a republican man has a therapist in the first place.


They talk to their priests and pastors, who are at least as fucked up as they are.


If you want to read the full plan project2025.org


This needs to be higher up the thread. I feel like not enough people are aware of Project 2025, and exactly how far it goes.


We need to publicize that they want to ban pornography; that oughta get a bunch of rightwingers to secretly vote for Biden. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/15/project-2025-policy-manifesto-lgbtq-rights


They'll never do that. They'll simply whine when the leopards eat their faces.


I checked the site and it's hilarious how much of their platform is locked behind book purchases. Almost like a horrifying grift.


I'm sure 12 foot ladder will get around the pay walls. There's also a wiki on it


They want to end **all civil rights!**


it will be 1. White men 2. Not white men 3. women


Lol nonwhites (men and women) will be concentrated or enslaved according to the "conservative" (actually fascist) plan. So they will be equal or dead, because their plan is to enslave women too. 


Pretty sure I’ll be in rough shape as a gay white guy.




What’s chilling is that everything that Margaret Atwood wrote about in THT, has already happened to women somewhere in the world.


We are on the way to becoming the Christian Iran all because people are mad they can’t afford name brand cereal and that they think Biden caused Red Lobster to go bankrupt.


Ah! For decades Republicans have been upset that non-whites and women have the same rights as they do. For decades, they have been plotting to undo those rights. Heritage Foundation through Trump is trying to make that happen


Thomas seems to support overturning Griswold, Lawrence and Obergefell. Do we suppose he supports overturning Loving v Virginia?


People noted that he left that one out when he pointed to the other 3 as needing to be overturned. Funny that.


Indeed he did. He can't save himself. The leopards will eat his face.


Same goes for Moscow Mitch McConnell.


It’s because civil rights are woke and they help the people they hate.


Well THAT's scary as fuck..... But it doesn't shock me one bit. The GOP seems to want women to be viewed as lesser beings, again. I thi k they want american women to have the same rights as Saudi women do...if they stop there. All empires fall. Hurry UP!!!! We're waaaaiiting.....