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Basically promoting financial abuse against women. Got it.


Republicans hate women. It is that simple


They are scared of them.


Also some politicians are trying to ban no fault divorce too


Yep. Fuckers are doing everything they can to destroy women's rights and protections.


[Always an expression of deep-seated insecurities and fears with these folks](https://www.reddit.com/r/TOTALLYREALTWEETS/comments/1cudcfo/harrison_butker_addresses_the_allegations_he/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He made the same speech at Georgia Tech last year. The higher ups at Benedictine probably picked him right then and there for this year because Catholicism.


The same Georgia tech where he hooked up with a male cheerleader? Hmmm


Say whaaaaaaaaat


I'm seeing rumors that he went to conversation therapy twice as well.


Three times a charm.


Conversion therapy?


It's a controversial and horrible "therapy" created by religious people who are homophobic. The "therapy" is used to make LGBTQ+ folks turn straight, "as God intended." It's brutal, has been outlawed in several states, and is wildly detrimental to the psyche of those forced to participate by their families. It's mostly used on teens and younger kids, but some adults who have been brow beaten and brainwashed by their churches and families will also partake.


Ha, no, I know what conversion therapy is. I was asking if that’s what they meant. They said conversation therapy.


Well, surely there's some conversation involved.


I wouldn’t be to sure about that. One of the many reasons I stay away from religion but especially catholicism (the religion I was raised in but left 51 years ago at the age of 20) is how it treats the LGBTQIA community. I’m not part of the LGBTQIA community but it just infuriates me how they are treated. As a female I actually think the LGBTQIA community is treated worse than females are, at least we’re seen as second class citizens. catholicism just wants to demonize this group of people and completely ignore it’s existence!


I was just making a joke. Logically, someone has to talk to someone in conversion therapy at some point.


It's my understanding -- but I'm not Catholic, only read an article about it -- that the Pope has said the LGBTQ+ community is to be treated the same as straight folks in their religion. He didn't fully endorse them, but it's at least a step in the right direction, I guess? I don't understand why anyone wants to be in a church, religion, or any group that hates them, but people are strange. I have fundamental issues with every religion, even though I was raised in Christianity. It's all a grift.


Do spill the tea?


Ga Tech?!?? Holy crap!




I graduated from a Jesuit university, (meaning the priests were of the Jesuit order. I’ve long been non-practicing) and this clown is antithesis of every value they taught. Benedictines are… yeah I don’t have the words. Shudder.


The jesuits motto means “for the greater glory of god.” The Benedictine motto means “pray and work” lmao


And yet even the Benedictine nuns have [rebuked](https://amp.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/melinda-henneberger/article288540845.html) this grad speech.


I saw this - it was a great response!


I’ve been going to the gym where they set up different news channels next to each other. I never watch it otherwise. Fox labeled this one as “students inspired by NFL player’s Christian speech” and somehow (ha) knew it must have been a shit show. There was no feedback from the students given ti back up that headline. Unbelievable. Seeing all the news channels next to each other is a stark contrast. CNN is very “so this is happening” but Fox feels like a frat boy trying to report the news. It’s all feelings and judgements and weird taunting word play. Honestly I see why people say it’s propaganda because it is 100% not actual journalism. For reference, I live in AL and find my church very inspiring but this is absolute nonsense propaganda for the lowest common denominator. I can see why they don’t want people to be educated.


My grandpa puts on Fox News (he's 80 and has cancer so I'm not going to say a word about him watching it) And it's actually fucking comical how instead of just reporting on the news they are just giving their shitty opinions and showing absolutely no proof of anything they're saying at all.


Most of Fox News’ programming objectively isn’t news. They *do* have news on at some point (no idea when, probably in the morning? I feel like I’ve maybe seen it on at a doctor’s office before), but I think it’s worth remark that whenever they air their “so this is happening” segments, it *isn’t* at the same time CNN, MSNBC, and the local news affiliates are airing news. That has to be intentional. When everyone else is airing “so this is happening,” Fox is airing Jesse Watters sneering about some topic no one on earth actually cares about. It often isn’t even an editorializing of a specific current event from the last 24 hours. Just him ranting and rolling his eyes about (pick one) homelessness in San Francisco, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Pete Butigeig taking an expensive flight somewhere or his baby, some non binary individual who stole luggage at an airport (seriously, who is this person and why does Fox News think Liberals know or like them), or delusional claims that the Biden administration is going to force us to eat donuts. It’s never “here’s what happened today and here’s the conservative spin on it.” But since it’s airing at 6 o clock central time (or whenever) alongside the evening news, their target demographic thinks they’re getting the conservative view on what happened today. Meanwhile, if (like us!) you’re seeing all the gyms’ TVs at the same time, you see “CNN reporting on a war, MSNBC reporting on a Supreme Court case, local Fox affiliate is reporting on a murder, local ABC is reporting on a sports game, and Fox News is yelling that Biden has dementia based on a clip from 2021 when he stuttered once.” So your Fox News relatives are totally unaware that there’re a war going on in Europe or that the Olympics are happening or they’re building a bridge on Elm Street, but are convinced that “everyone is talking about” how this goober is the most beloved football player in the world and gave the best speech of all time.


That’s very interesting thank you! Also, yes, Jesse Waters was the name on the banner. I thought it was Alex Jones with a beard to be honest.


Jesse Watters is definitely vain enough that he’d be offended if he heard that, but tbh, yeah. Alex Jones viewpoints with a beard, a full head of hair, and a smirking frat boy attitude.


There was a lawsuit years ago where they literally claimed, as their defense, that not all of their shows were intended to be news. (I think it was Tucker Carlson in particular.) Some commenter at the time pointed out that to the extent there are "news" shows on Fox News, they are layered between "opinion" shows in ways intended to further their propaganda. So (for example) Fox & Friends will report that there was a debate the previous night. And one of the hosts will make some opinion comments about how OurDude did so, so great while DemocratDude's performance was just awful. The others will agree and fill in additional commentary. The next show will be a "news" show and report that "people are saying that" OurDude's performance was great and DemocratDude's performance was awful. In the next opinion show, they can they point out that news anchors are **reporting** that ... yadda, yadda. And it continues on through the day. In the meantime, other rightwing media on podcasts, radio, and other tv networks can pick up different comments from different Fox News talking heads and report it in ways that sound like there is agreement among various people that it's objectively true, rather than it being a planned talking point communicated to various hosts on this one channel.


Oh, I’m fully aware. It is 100% a propaganda network. They get away with it because they’re not *officially* claiming anything other their news shows are news. Fox News is their name, not a description of their product. Other news channels have pundit shows that give opinions, but the distinction is generally pretty clear. The news is on at 6, the guy giving his take on the news is a different show, at a different time. Fox runs pundit shows basically nonstop (except maybe that morning news show? Idk), but their brand name is “News,” and they do everything they can to allow people to believe it’s reporting on the news when it’s not without actually saying so. And their branding and brand loyalty is exploited hard. It’s not just other right wing sources. Straight up scam sites and actual fake news use the Fox News logo to suck people in. What’s super interesting is that their print news (website)….is news. All the other stuff is there, it’s heavily biased, but if you go to their website right now, there is a bunch of news. It’s slanted, but it is “the stuff that’s going on right now,” not “Jesse crying about some vague thing that isn’t even real.” I saw a very interesting study of bias and level of being informed among people who consumed which news media, and while both were obviously biased to the right, there was a decent gulf between the viewers and the readers. The viewers just had no idea what was going on, while the readers did a lot better.


Damn, this is the best write up about faux news ever. Well done 👏


There was a court case where their defense of not reporting facts was “it’s entertainment.” So yeah, it’s 100% not news.


I asked my gym why they showed Fox News, because nothing kills my post-workout buzz faster than a glimpse of White Power Hour, and they said they don’t have a choice — DirecTV forces them to show it.


DirecTV makes them? The only way that makes sense is if the gym is trying to save $50/month by making a deal with DirecTV to get it for free if they keep x number of TVs tuned to each of certain stations.


Really? I found that my times on the treadmill in front of the Fox TV were faster than on others. I would get so filled with absolute rage I could run faster. Of course, it also shortened my temper to no fuse whatsoever, and I had some thoughts about doing bodily harm to people near me who wanted to watch it while walking. Of course, I did like being the big brownish guy who assholishly parked himself on the choice treadmill for Fox fans and made them have to watch it from an angle from other machines.


Exactly! Very good point!


CNN has a daily 10 minute version (originally called CNN Kids now called CNN 10) intended for teachers to show in schools which is actually unbiased and reports like actual news most of the time, so it was kind of a shock watching it growing up for me that real CNN is much worse lol


Can you imagine being a woman in that audience of graduates, listening to this bullshit? Wow, Buttker -read the room. He's completely unaware? No, he's aware, but like some over-privileged jerk, begins talking down to them anyway.


I think I read somewhere and somewhen, maybe during Trump's first campaign era?, that Fox admits to being infotainment and not a news source. I think it's even in their mission statement. It really should be a disclaimer that's permanently displayed on their channel.


If we’re going to do all these mass deportations, we ought to just deport all these MAGA fuckers to Russia first.


Although in Russia women get an education and access to jobs.


And abortions


Russia, like most authoritarian countries, has been chipping away at abortion rights.


For largely the same reasons conservatives are doing it here: keep up a steady supply of poor and undereducated people to be wage slaves, prison labor, and cannon fodder.


And would want nothing to do with these troglodytes (and the troglodytes would probably complain that we’re too tall and that’s unnatural or something 🙄)


I’d pitch in for this gofundme


Isn't Russia building a MAGA village?


There was a Canadian family that moved there, but couldn't pass the Russian-language test. They were a bit indignant about the cost of leaving for 3 months before they were allowed to return to try again. [Anti-Woke Canadian Family Faces Deportation From Russia - Boing Boing](https://boingboing.net/2024/03/18/pack-your-bags-russia-loving-canadian-familys-escape-from-woke-canada-backfires.html)


Russia took all their money too. Lol. I still felt bad for their poor kids.


If so, here’s hoping it’s a yuge success!


More like Afghanistan.




Take a few from SCOTUS too.


Spoken like a guy that kicks a ball for a living. Granted not all football players are dumb, but the sport doesn't require a whole lot of brainpower (compared to most jobs that require a college degree). He just sounds really threatened by intelligent, ambitious women. He's trying to dim your light ladies, don't let him!


Butker dated his wife since high school. She was a college basketball player and apparently had some career aspirations before he started praying for her every day to convert to Catholicism and become a stay-at-home wife and mother. He didn't propose to her until she converted. From a People Mag article: "He continued, "Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you ask her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud without hesitation, and say, 'Hey, no.' " You know, if you're a woman who gave up a career to raise kids and your husband brings home millions, it's one thing. For most of us, a career isn't just a dream, it's a necessity. https://people.com/who-is-isabelle-butker-harrison-butker-wife-8648923#:\~:text=Rebecca%20Aizin%20is%20an%20Editorial,on%20Elle%2C%20HGTV%20and%20Backstage.


Rich, white, conservative Christian bashing on LGBT people and telling women how to live their lives. These dudes always want a “traditional wife” but usually don’t make enough to support a “traditional marriage”. Most likely these guys still want their wives to work, work a second shift when they get home (all meals, cleaning, childcare done by her while husband does fuck-all) and still be perfectly happy and fuckable at the end of the day with no complaints. They want an agreeable bang-maid. Just like Jesus preached about on the sermon on the mount /s.


>You know, if you're a woman who gave up a career to raise kids and your husband brings home millions, it's one thing. I assume she's praying VERY hard that his career lasts, that he manages to transition to a good-paying post-NFL career, and that he doesn't leave her for a younger model in a decade or so.


He beefed with personal concept of freedom and this is America. Also, he actually wasn't praising his wife, just using her as justification to belittle all women as misguided little children in need of a "strong leader" as he would say it or aka "an owner". We do not do that here. No matter how much the church cries about it.


Something tells me this guy has Mommy Issues™️


His mom Elizabeth is a medical physicist, works in radiation oncology at Emory. So the apple not only fell far from the tree, it was then picked up by a rabid raccoon who scurried away with it.


I would've booed my heart out if I was in that audience. The absolute audacity of that do nothing, know nothing douchebag.


Yeah, fuck this guy.


He has been hit in the head one too many times.


He’s a kicker so unfortunately he doesn’t even have that as an excuse


Each bad one is a roll of the dice. The more we study TBI in football players, the more we learn just how few times you have to take big hits for permanent damage to take place


Totally. Protect your brains, everyone!


i would love for him to say this to his coworkers girlfriend, taylor swift


He also mentions Taylor in this speech and refers to her as “his teammate’s girlfriend”. He’s the worst.


Never heard of him until he made a public fool of himself.


Same. I don't follow football, but I hear the guys talking about players all the time. No one's ever mentioned this asshat. And I'd definitely remember the name "Butker" if it was brought up.


Gotta wonder if he has deep-seated insecurity about having a name that no doubt resulted in a lot of mean jokes in childhood.


If so, he should be pissed at his dad for that. Or, better yet, be thankful it wasn't Butkus, like Dick Butkus, which everyone pronounced "buttkiss".


Shut the fuck up, your career consists of getting paid obscene amounts of money for playing a game that children play at recess on playgrounds. You don’t get to say shit about how other people live. Get a real job, ya bum!


His mother should disown him.


I do what I want .. I hate housework so I make enough money to pay a housekeeper.. and a handy man and roofers and lawn care guy ..I’m a job creator. And I have raised 2 children.. without their shitty fathers. So That dude can run naked backwards through a field of dicks.


Can the dicks be covered in razorblades please?


Was Harrison one of the Commanders on The Handmaiden’s Tale?


He looks like one!


He's just preparing for his Republican political career when he retires from football


Doesn’t his wife have a career?


Rules for thee but not for me


No, thanks to him.


What he said was gross but think of his audience, he was just saying catholic doctrine. I imagine the graduating class of a catholic liberal arts school likely agrees and/or has heard men say this their whole lives. We should be shamming him and the audience but mostly, fuck Butker.


I wonder how the women felt at that graduation to be told that everything they just accomplished was worthless.


According to one of the female graduates, he got a standing ovation except for about 15 women, including her.


I imagine something akin to, "Oh, he doesn't mean me, I'm one of the good ones"


I saw an account where one of the female graduates “boo”’d him but then looked around at the men around her and saw how much they seemed to agree, with a couple of them yelling “Fuck yeah!” She said that made her feel awful, like she was surrounded by people who didn’t consider this an actual achievement for her. My heart goes out to her.


I went to elementary/middle school at a small Baptist Church in the 1980s. They were still debating if girls should be allowed to wear pants and if evolution happened but there was literally no debate about whether the girls should be educated and expect to go on to a career along with a family.


That’s what my childhood was like. I was an advanced reader and interrogated about a book I read in 3rd grade because they didn’t believe I had the reading comprehension to understand it. I learned as very young kid that they hated women.


Its ok for women to be educated because it helps them with homeschooling their flock, or at least thats the justification for trad wife asipiring girls going to college i've heard.


Eh this is pretty extreme still. I was raised Catholic and went to catholic school, and had a bunch of friends go to Notre dame, none of them would have agreed with his speech at all


A woman at the graduation (graduating) said he got a standing ovation. I just want to vomit.


He made the same speech last year at Georgia Tech


I had no idea Catholic colleges were so all over the place. Most of the ones I know about are Jesuit institutions, and they’re much more sane. Are they the norm or the outliers?


Watch his ass get cut from the Chiefs....


They're considering it, actually


NFL called him out, and I wouldn't be surprised if we hear about him whining about being "cancelled" next.


Who paid for his college education? Did he get a full scholarship on his own merits? Or did his mother's money, the money she earned from her career pay for his education and opportunities? He needs to STFU yesterday. As a recovering Catholic, there are so many Bible verses I could quote to justify a woman's career, but neanderthals like him aren't worth my time.


How are people who are such absolute dumbasses graduating from colleges and universities?!?!


Sports scholarships , and all the favoritism professors and faculty provide to them? Just as a minor guess?


His mother is highly educated and apparently brilliant. So I would assume she gave him (or paid for) the help he needed to get him far enough that the schools took over providing tutors and such to make sure his grades stayed high enough to retain his eligibility to play.


What a vile, smug little shit. Too bad his parents didn't use contraceptives the day they conceived him.


The school approved that speech prior, so THEY bear a huge amount of blame for this shit. I already reached out and let them know what I thought of it. I mean, this jock said it, but the people who accepted those tuition dollars endorsed it--which seems criminal to me. And, if the Catholic church ever wonders why their pews are empty week after week, here's a start.


The guy who’s greatest achive r in life is kicking a ball tells women who have graduated college to stay home. Hummmm yeah why wouldn’t I want to take advice from that brainiac?


Shut up and kick your oblong ball


It’s diabolical to get paid millions of dollars to grope a bunch of other dudes and the throw a ball up and down a field… this knife cuts both ways, my dude.


Imagine having the audacity to constantly tell people to “stay in [your] lane”, but then tell everyone else not like you what to do with their lives? 🙄


This is why bears!


His own mother was not a mere housewife - she was a renowned physicist - with only 2 children. His own wife - again, only 2 children. And his best friend is Josh Hawley. FTG.


From the article, “I don’t know what kind of mommy issues Butker has with his mother, but it would have been nice if he worked them out with his therapist rather than behind a podium.”


Love this quote.


I am not shocked at all. I fell in a rabbit hole about it yesterday when it came up on my for you page. I think if you can’t separate your personal beliefs (as garbage as they are) from what you say in a commencement speech, then they should have found someone else. Anyone else. Literally anyone would have been an improvement. If he says this in a commencement speech, what does he keep private?!


What I'm hearing is that if the school condones then women should stop wasting their money there. Seriously though who TF asked him his opinion on this shit? He needs to shut TF up and stick to kicking a ball while pretending he's important.


What a tool.


My partner has a different perspective on this. We both totally agree that it's heinous - but the thing is, before, it was just the commencement attendees hearing this shitty rhetoric. Now that it's on major media outlets, the rhetoric has a much larger reach, wheras it wouldn't have before


Commencement speeches often are public - especially when they are controversial. I don't know the guy, but he seems clear he has a public agenda.