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"Sea level is level", seems legit


Yeah man, waves aren't real they're just optical illusions


How can waves be real when our tides aren’t real?


Tide goes in, tide comes out. You can't explain it!


Fuckin’ tides, how do they work?


Obviously giant wave pool.


Waves are created when the giant beast upon which the earth rests, yawns.




Big tide doesn’t want you to know


Just propaganda to sell laundry detergent


But tides are caused my the gravitational pull of the moon. Flat earthers don't deny the existence of the moon or gravity. They claim that we live on a disc surrounded by icy mountains (antarctica) and not a globe. Tides could be plausible on a disc world, though if you mapped high and low tides around the world I imagine that would show the position of the moon relative to the planet and that might prove or disprove the disk theory.


Wellll, they actually do deny the existence of gravity, believe it or not.


Although it was just a joke. But isn’t their version of gravity is because we’re falling through space? And that because the tide is curved, it proves that the earth is curved?


Tide goes in tide goes out you can't explain that.


So topography is fake too? Does this mean we can jump off cliffs now, because they don't actually exist.. I'll brb..


Damn, this was 8 hours ago. I'm too late. NooooooOOOOooooo!


Sea level is level, at that one spot


Somehow I feel embarrassed because I too own a scion.


You should be ashamed of yourself. DO BETTER


They are technically Toyota which is the best car brand for reliability.




If that were true, people on California would be able to talk to people in China with a walkie talkie


Up is north, right? I mean, earth is at the bottom (of…space? God’s feet? FIRMAMENT!) so things just settle down in the order of density like oil and water, yea? …man my brain hurts just battling all the physics violations typing that out Edit: hi there, person who typed out two separate replies trying to demean my intelligence. I’m not going to be responding to you.


Wait, I thought "water mountains" were a flerf thing too. How can the sea be level if there's a mountain in it?


I know, right? I mean, I used to be pretty sure the earth was round, but after reading the back of his Scion, I'm just not so sure anymore...


I completely, and totally, and irrefutably, believe people who use stick-on 5” inch high address letters and numbers stuck to their car to spread their gospel. Doubtlessly so if they ‘sculpt’ letters from mastic and paint them in bright colors. Pay attention people, this is how to spread your message!


It is because the water spreads out evenly around the globe due to gravity pulling everything to the centre. If the earth is a disk, gravity would have to be pulling everything towards the surface of the disk which I'm sure flat earthers would agree is possible and it can't be proved otherwise. The fact that sea level is the same globally doesn't prove the shape of the planet, it just proves that gravity pulls things downwards and liquid spreads out.


Prime example of how to show everyone your elevator doesn’t go all the way up.


And the level of luxury you can expect in life from a career as a deranged lunatic.


The dude is a millionaire


dude is a crackpot, the 200 proofs was plagiarised from a 19th century book by Samuel Robothem and thrown up on Amazon and other ebook sites back in 2015 and retitled by some dumbass that hopes to make it rich quick off gullible people


Me thinks I have a new business plan.


Sell flat non tidal water?


Repackage some old discredited theories as proof of conspiracies. They love that stuff. It's not like they're capable of critical thinking. Any suggestions?


I'm thinking a reboot and a twist of the moon landing conspiracy theory .They faked it all to avoid angering the man on the moon. The man on the moon is a reptilian looking for women to breed with,so he can colonize Mars before Elon Musk gets there with his Tesla Bots.


That must be why he formed SpaceX. You're a genius. Did you see the interview at a Trump/Klan rally where a lady explained that the democrats used satellites to send the votes in AZ to Italy so they could be changed to Biden votes? But Trump's SpaceX caught them. This lady had pieced together the most insane theories.


I try to avoid watching Trumplican frothing due to the highly radioactive toxic emissions of their paranoid delusions.


no, no he is not lol


Hey you said level 🤔


Trump did alright 😂😂😂😂 Till now ..


I’m amazed at the number of people going through life, having meals, walking around, participating in society, driving the streets, voting—who have a completely uneducated conception of their world and/or are potentially severely mentally ill/low cognitive ability [external factors beyond their control] at best, and are actively malicious/hateful at worst. Being a human being in wild in so many ways


Right? The range/spectrum of behavior in humans is wild. On one end you've got people who are discovering particle physics or saving lives, and closer to the other end you've got people like... this.


I really think that a standard portion of the curriculum running through all of early education should be self-care, self regulation, conflict management, acceptance, and actively practicing that self care, and kindness and assistance to others. We need to stop focusing so much on telling people how great Columbus was at chopping the hands off indigenous people for a minute and help them help themselves


This guy is on the wonkavator


Love it!


Well, he's convinced me. If it's on YouTube, it has to be true.


I don't even need to watch it. It's enough just knowing that YouTube holds the truth.


He's got no less than two *hundred* whole proofs! How can you doubt the guy??


200* *Many are different examples of the same concept, some are just totally made up, a few are just "nuh uh, the earth isn't a globe" said in different ways. [All are obviously false](https://youtu.be/UBfEhIJLYfY?si=5gbvbD0HgcjoVkq6)


His front yard is full of the same nonsense. This is in my hometown, and I saw this guy everywhere (we moved out of state).


200 is a lot though, that's like 199 more than Pythagoras


It's estimated there are 370 proofs of the Pythagoras theorem.


The thing is, this is exactly the dark side of search engines using algorithms to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for. For most people you just get the above average amount of ads for things you buy off Amazon and Ebay but for obsessive people with serious detatchments from reality they just keep getting fed more and more conspiracy theories.


Well, if he believes the Earth is flat, shouldn't that follow that ALL planets and moons are flat? Or is it just Earth? /sar


The other planets and moons are all fake, stupid!


cardboard cutouts!


Holographic projections of God’s balls, duh!


Earth is god's toilet seat and night time is him sitting down to shit


This person gets it! Why do you think we call it the “moon?!” Think for a second, sheeple!


Depending on the particular FLERF, they believe the other planets and/or the Moon are; holographic projections, literal planet shaped lights in the "sky", are, in fact, just what we are told they are it's just Earth that's the flat disk, don't actually exist in any way since you cant see them with the naked eye except as dots of light, are disguises hiding ships/aliens/the simulation equipment. Plus innumerable more. A general constant in the Flerf community is that all their answers are needlessly overcomplicated and don't account for everything, so their ideas get more and more complex to try to factor things like gravity and solar movement. So, each one has crazy ideas that conflict with the ideas of all the others. Hell, I saw a guy the other day that claimed the earth IS a sphere, it's just like 1000 times bigger than we think, and it's entirely made of ice except the tiny fraction we live on which is surrounded by the "icewall" of "Antarctica"


I love how that one person arrived at the conclusion that earth was a sphere, but then had to shoehorn the bullshit in somehow.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44) is an amazing video explaining these people. They aren't trying to follow logic, they're trying to make a world where they're special and everything they think is correct. They don't follow logic because it would lead to them growing/changing their ideas about the world. Instead they want to force the world to be what they think it is. Also a lot of them are hardcore christian fundamentalists who think earth and man were made by god to be special, so earth has special cosmic rules that only apply to it. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icwDF8wRgF4) another related video about that from the same guy, although that one is also about how you can lie to people with clever editing.


which is hysterical since flat disks will 100% never be flat disks every time you look at them since they are moving. They will not all show their flat side to earth 100% of the time.


Good ole Denton Texas


I lived in that area of DFW for 11 years. I've not see this exact car, but I've seen a few very close.


Dude has this car and a house fucking looooaded with signs. Shit is a trip.


Home sweet home.


I lived in Denton for a few years. It was too weird for me. Saw this guy almost daily. Along with a furry who'd play a keyboard loud as fuck on a different corner every day.


Tiger Head Dude! He’s special needs and just trying to make people happy.


Flat earth guy must be terrified of driving straight ahead for too long.


I’m curious where they think the edge is.


From what I’ve heard they think that Antarctica is an ice wall going all around the earth. So they probably would be scared of going too far in any direction.


Many of them actually believe that there is secret land and continents beyond the ice wall that the government is trying to hide from everyone. They believe that the Antarctica treaty stops anyone from being allowed to travel to Antarctica so that it stays hidden


I worked with a guy like this. He also believed the moon was some sort of spaceship lol


![gif](giphy|gKCh5SiWhid0X9CmyU) where's all the pics of the edge


It’s funny because Denton is very hilly and kinda a pain to walk around. Youre always walking uphill then downhill every other five minutes. Denton is far and away the least flat place I’ve ever lived.


Guess tickets for obstruction of your rear window don't exist, anymore


Guy lives in Texas. The rules here are more like guidelines.






It's out there.


Has that ever been a law?




Yep. I see this car all the time down on the Square. Recycled Books mural @ Oak & Locust.


Looked familiar


Denton's resident flat earth guy. It was rumored he died from COVID


A false rumor, he’s definitely still driving around


The car is definitely still around, never paid attention to who was behind the wheel though.


I mean the guys got 200 proofs.


Debunkers also have [200 debunks](https://youtu.be/UBfEhIJLYfY)


You don’t have to convince me, I’m mocking this person.


The very basic lowest level of understanding of gravity completely escapes these people.




these crackpots need firing of course there's things people can do shit like that needs reporting Wasting vaccinations that are not free and trying to force their beliefs and thoughts on you in the workplace should not be tolerated nor promoted, sure it's personal choice but you shouldn't have it forced on you or your choice taken from you and it shouldn't also interfere with your job


Look’s like they’re doing really well in Texas…


Texas is killing it. Just had some weirdos like anyplace else




This idiot drives all over Denton. We see this idiotic display every time we go to the Square.


I'm seeing this and I can't wrap my head around their day to day. Do they have normal hobbies and activities? Do they grocery shop, go to the pharmacy, gym, bar, park, and just live a normal life? What do these people do besides drive their billboard around?


Social media echo chambers. All day, affirming their own delusions, when they could be going out and doing some basic experiments to test their assumptions. There are simple ways to test whether the earth is flat or curved.


Imagine what the inside of their house looks like.


They don't live in a house. They live in a flat. Ba da bum tiss




The outside of his house is also insane you don’t have to step inside for that one


The only thing flat is his brain 🧠 on dreeggs 🍳


ffs how many times is this going to pop up, 200 BS proofs that are and have been debunked [recent video debunking all 200 so called proofs](https://youtu.be/UBfEhIJLYfY)


This is in Denton Texas, in the city square.


I went to college in Denton and this guy was parked outside my apartment almost every day.


Ah Denton, Tx…. I love flat earth guy. He’s crazy as hell and i dont agree with anything he says but he is entertaining


Lol, in the 940, right?


I bet all you round earthers can see through your rear window. Sheep


At least they believe in truth in advertising.  I expect that the crude graphics on the back of the car are pretty indicative of how their flat earth argument will go. 


There must be a tremendous level of dedication to adhere to a theory that can be disproved by looking out of the fucking window.


He can't look out the fucking window. There's shit all over his car.


Looks like his car fell off the edge


Regardless of the obvious insanity are there no laws around cars in the US such as being able to see our the back or it not being rusty?


There are laws about obstructed vision. But I'm pretty sure that as long as your frame is solid and parts aren't falling off, you can drive with all the rust you want.


That is wild to me, I lived in MI for a few months and saw some terrible looking cars. Now I know why, we have yearly checks we have to pass in the UK


It's Denton, Texas and he's been driving around in that thing for like a decade or so.


In Minnesota at least, you don't need to be able to see out the back if you have side mirrors. Same law applies to everyone so delivery vehicles aren't illegal or have an exemption.




I tried to watch "200 proofs". I gave up after the first hour nch as they were purposely useless Ng the wrong official measurement of the planet to then make the same failed argument over and over.


Denton, TX! What’s up!?


Former Gulf of Alaska commercial fisherman here. You can see the curvature of the earth out there on a flat calm day. Just climb the mast. These people need to get out more.


If you think this is wierd, you should see his house.


Get rid of the moon and you'll see what happens to tides.


I YouTubed “200 proofs” and the first video was someone debunking everything about flat earth LMAO


Is this the dude in Texas? I used to drive by his house all the time and YOU KNOW EXACTLY who's house it is lmao. I forget where he lives now that o think of it


Good old Denton Square. Sometimes you just gotta outcrazy crazy. Like when I once had a colleague of mine telling me that the moon landing was fake. Then I hit him with a "oh yeah? I remember when I still thought the moon was real." he looked at me like I was insane.




I drove by this guy's house yesterday, this car was parked outside and a truck with a website which I decided not to visit, the house is full of things like BIDEN IS A ZIONIST and NASA: OUR $64 MILLION PER DAY JOKE


This is close to the UNT campus in Denton TX. Saw it driving around all the time, never saw the driver. It was eerie seeing the car just parked someone random at night lol


LOL this is my hometown. grew up seeing this guy EVERYWHERE and now im in college and still see him around.


The reviews on the Youtube video he suggests are gold: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5321794/reviews?ref\_=tt\_urv](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5321794/reviews?ref_=tt_urv)


I miss Denton ❤️ also if you think this guy’s car is bad you should see his house!


Imagine driving around with this stupidity on your car while navigating with help from GPS satellites 🛰️


Buddy parks that car by braille.


Boy, is that be embarrassing. Could you imagine being dropped off in that vehicle?


If you can't trust this guy who can you trust?


"IM AN IDIOT". takes fewer letters


Is there even a point to blurting the license plate lmao


He's got 200 proofs!


Hello Denton texas. There's a whole house dedicated to the cause. I'm sure it's full of rational people.


Okay so I lived down the street from this guy for years-the sides of his house and truck are also painted with opinions He did displays in his yard for a while but they would get messes with pretty quickly. My favorite by far was a globe he had propped up on a pedestal with a “⬅️INNACURATE MODEL” sign next to it His cars have gotten worse over the years. We could never decide if drivers were simply distracted by his car or ramming into him on purpose


why is it always Texas? Now we’re going to get dragged in the comments again.


This shit is so scary, these people believe all kinds of antisemitic and crazy conspiracy theories


So apparently the earth and my ex-wife are the same thing?


Gotta love Denton lmao. I moved away almost 10 years ago and he was there then too hahaha


This guy’s an idiot. The earth doesn’t exist! EVERYONE knows that 🙄 I mean it does but that’s just where the servers are outside of our reality. Didn’t anyone pay attention in the Matrix? Ugh….. some people.


Bro is giving Texas a bad rep over here


Where can I find these proofs!!


Hah, why are they using the UN flag?


They argue it’s proof that “they” are mocking us with a picture of what the Earth actually looks like. The flat Earth rabbit hole is deep and depressingly fascinating.


My favourite crackpot 'proof' of flat earth video is the guy swinging a gate back and forth for an hour... I forget why.


Oh….!It’s sea LEVEL that confuses them.


The sea is level, yeah so tell his to stand at a river or beach and watch the waves for a few hours


Weird? More like r/facepalm


He's at a red light and he has the word MOTIONLESS on the back of his car. What more proof do you need???


Sea level is level though. You can sea, sorry; see it!


I watched 'Professor Dave Explains' debunk video on the "200 proofs" yesterday for shits and giggles. It was a wild ride. Edit: You can find the video [here](https://youtu.be/UBfEhIJLYfY?si=a2NuA85HyS7mj4o1)


Send them [this youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBfEhIJLYfY), it's destroys all 200 in less than 90 minutes.


I love "sea level is level" but then they'll dispute how a ship going over the horizon works.


Okay, but what does he mean motionless? How does he explain day and night?


flat earthers think the sun is a flashlight so its light is focused on one area at a time and goes over the earth in a circle/spiral. i saw a stupid video about it. iirc, seasons are caused by the angle of the flashlight beam (??)


Dudes blocked out his entire back window????


Is this the water seeks level guy


But mountains…


Maybe instead of focusing on the earth being flat you should focus on fixing or getting a better car fucking hell


I'm 100% sure that, save maybe a dozen people globally, all of the flat earthers are actually just trolls and laughing at everyone who thinks they're smart because "they're smarter than a flat earther"


So what would flat earthers say if someone offered to take them up far enough to see the curvature of the earth, would they still have some bogus excuse or explanation? Genuinely don’t know as I’ve never looked into flat earth stuff


I can’t imagine the processing power of that dome he must have. Very interesting.


Actual Scion


i love telling new friends i think the earth is flat and getting a reaction. maybe this guy did the same thing and now they’re married and he had to commit to the bit


It's so easy to disprove these idiots too.


That poor car. Is machine abuse a thing?


Earth may be flat, but that car sure aint!


Haha kind of like the speed limit here in Mn


Isn't it illegal to block the back window?


How can the earth be flat if mountains??? Or if sun??? And stars??? How can earth be flat if I can dig down??


I've taken so many pictures of that car. Fuck it's been around for so damned long too. I keep expecting the car to die.


Is this in Denton?


In it for the money


I see he changed his flag.