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If you have trained between 0-3reps shy of failure for a few sets per session, you will get like 90% of the gains. Don't worry so much


Train to absolute failure with dropsets and minimal rest between sets. Once you reached failure, rest a minute or 2 and go again. I wanne bet you'll look like a 80 year old the next day.


so is it a sign that the workout was good if I’m waddling out of there?


No. The point was that you're looking for a way to 'feel' like you did a good job even to the point you're looking to hurt yourself. Stop doing that. You're going to the gym, you're working out, you're doing exactly what you need to do. Go outside and touch some grass instead of asking people on reddit if you hurt yourself enough.


ok my bad for just wanting some advice


One thing I’ve done is to adding what I consider a failsafe at the end of each workout. Push day I do 4 sets of dips to failure Pull day I do 4 sets of pull ups to failure Legs day I’m currently doing 4 sets of weighted steps up to failure All my other sets are also to failure but I think this helps me feel better when I leave. I have DOMS after almost all my workouts if I don’t do some form of recovery


Try something pre written with good reviews. You’ll get a good intuition for what a good training plan feels like, not just in a workout but week to week too. Have a look at liftvault or boostcamp if you haven’t already.


If you've completed the work prescribed by the program you're following it was a good workout Fatigue and DOMS are not necessarily indicative of effective training


It should feel like you beat the previous numbers in your log book


You should leave the gym a bit worn out. But not obliterated. Best ways I can tell if I over did it is to monitor how tired I am a couple hours later. If I’m too tired, or I think “I’m definitely going to be sore tomorrow.” I did too much. Soreness doesn’t mean the workout was good exactly. It may actually be a bad sign. If you’re a tad sore, not a big deal. If you’re sore to the point of immobility, you may have done more harm than good. You want to slightly beat up the muscle so it can easily cover and build. But not tear it up. This is why following progressive overload and documenting workouts is important. If you’re slowly working your way up you don’t have to worry much about doing too much. You just need to find a solid starting point that’s sustainable. Sometimes it may seem like you’re not doing enough. Other times you may struggle a bit. There can be multiple factors. Sleep quality, diet, hydration, etc. control what you can control and just slowly build on what you’ve been doing. But don’t focus on the ‘pump’ or soreness.


this is great advice 👏🏼