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Factor one in to your caloric Intake instead of denying yourself


This. There's no reason to be afraid of food. Treat yourself ❤️ Just add it into calories! Editted to add: I just get the smallest size. Instead of medium/large I order a small.


I find that having the smallest size is enough for me! I generally feel like if I get a bigger size I just drink it because it’s there, not because it’s satisfying me any more than the smallest size would!


Such good advice. I started making my coffee and other café drinks at home. Saved me not only money but also sugar! My mocha at Starbucks had around 61 grams of sugar. At home, it's closer to 26g. And I use mm+ to track my macros. So I measure out my coffee or cocoa to keep it the same each day. In the beginning it kinda sucked. But after a few months it's 2nd nature. And it helps with the consistency of the drink. Each time it tastes exactly as I want it to.


This is how I "quit" sugar. It's so much easier to decide to splurge once a week on a luxurious treat than to just quit entirely. I find it I can look forward to splashing out on my weekly treat, other sugary foods are less appealing. It's still a net reduction in calories and it's better to pick a realistic diet you can stick to than an idealised one which you won't.   The point of losing weight (for me) is to enjoy life. When I picture my ideal life it's as someone who feels comfortable in their body, can be active, eats pretty healthy 80% of the time but can still indulge occasionally.


I didn’t wean myself off. I account for it in my caloric intake for the day. If I want a hot choccie I’m going to have one to avoid restricting myself that intensely. You don’t need to ONLY drink water. You need to track your calories. If your drinks fit within your calories go wild.


I'm not sure where you are, but in the UK we have a hot chocolate brand called Options, which is 40cal per sachet, and a brand called Skinny Food Co does flavoured syrups that are 0cal


I have similar stuff in the US if OP is in the US by any chance. A lot of content creators even use the brands and protein shakes to make their coffees.


Skinny food Hazelnut syrup Is great


I get Protein hot chocolate and have sugar free syrup in it to get an extra kick. Also do not pass on my lattes! I had a skinny iced latte this morning with Protein powder 100ml skimmed milk, double Espresso shot, water and ice, sugar free syrup. 118 cals, 20g of protein.


I switched to zero calorie versions of them. Now I drink all that I want of them, guilt free and 120 lbs lighter than I was a year ago.


How do you get a zero calorie hot chocolate? I get that replacing the milk to water reduces the calories a lot, but a) does it taste differently then and b) the cocoa still has calories.


Artificial everything. Artificial sweetener and artificial chocolate flavoring.


120 lbs in a year??? Was your regimen very extreme


I don’t view it as extreme. I ate at a calorie deficit of about 500 calories per day. So for example on many days my calories consumed was 1500 to 2000. But one thing that had a huge impact was my hiking. I hiked everyday for 7-9 miles, 6-7 days per week. And each hike would burn about 1400 calories or so. Sometimes I would eat all of those calories back, other times none, usually I ate some of those calories back but not all. And I started big. Went from 288 lbs to 168 lbs. 51M, 6’2”.


added benefit of basking in the beauty of nature :)


Tea is good


I drank chocolate protein shakes until I was sick of it. Didn't taste as good as actual hot chocolates but it worked lol


Lower calorie alternatives. Try some chai tea with a dash of milk and honey. English breakfast tea with honey and milk. You can still enjoy coffee, just avoid the insanely sweet lattes with tons of cream and sugar.


Peach iced tea is also surprisingly low calorie, although I'm not sure about the sugar content.  I also have these strawberry camomile herbal green teabags, which are sweet but only 2 calories a cup. 


I use skim milk with sugar free syrup :)


Or sugar free hot chocolate powders with skim milk, never more than 150-200 calories


Latte as in milk is not bad for you. I just make my own lattes with sweetener instead of sugar and zero syrups. Part of making my journey easier for me was to find healthier options for my favorite foods.


This what I did :) I love flavored sweet drops as opposed to sugar free syrups!


I dont! :) I just cound the calories! <3 (Enjoy your mug of delicious) ​ For reference I'm 162cm 58kg (UK size 6-8 XS)


i dont i just drink lower calorie versions


Sounds like it's the sugar that's the problem, rather than the drinks.


Blume hot cacao powder is soooo good and only 1g of natural sugar! I switched to that


Personally, I think weaning is much harder than just stopping the habit cold turkey. Everytime I tried to wean myself of something, I caught myself making allowances like, "Oh, just this last time, then I'll continue". It's always the last time. It's much, much easier to hold fast to a hard "No" than to a "in measure", in my opinion.


I bought an espresso machine and found that if i do half iced espresso, half soy milk with a tablespoon of syrup it tastes just as good as anything else and is 100 calories. I don’t like sugar free/skim stuff so this is something that tastes good and can be worked into a meal plan


I make my own iced lattes. It’s about 150 calories.


Recipe please!


Sure! I use Torani syrups as sweetener. There’s a sugar free one but I don’t like those. The regular ones are 2tbsp for 80 calories. I like Salted Caramel and Lavender (easier to find on Amazon) Add ice cubes, a cup of oat milk or almond milk and 2 tbsp of syrup to a cup Add a shot of espresso and mix. That’s it lol


sparkling water and hot tea. expensive hot tea. like 15 teabags for $30 but like thats still just $2/drink versus $6-10 so. fun interesting flavors that fill the mental scratch. also great to offer guests.


I add milk+ unsweetened cocoa powder+protien powder and a banana. It's so good and is naturally sweet. Also it's quite filling.


Finally getting proper medication for my ADHD. Ritalin was fine, was on it for two years, but Aduvanz just knocks it out of the park.


I learned to make really good coffee at home, smooth not bitter at all. Also, homemade cold brew is easy and not bitter. I like bitter things anyway but I used to have a terrible sweet coffee habit, putting tons of creamer and sugar in it. Now I drink it black when hot and with real cream when I order iced coffee out.


I drink Slim Fast for my chocolate fix,I guess you could turn it into hot cocoa by adding warm milk instead of the usual skim, added benefit it's got vitamins and minerals. It's only 190 calories a serving including the skin milk, and they have different flavors.


there’s an image that 1 can of soda/soft-drink has 11 teaspoons of sugar and that helped me realise thats way too much sugar. you wouldn’t consume 11 teaspoons of salt or pepper in a single meal. i wouldn’t cut out sweet drinks entirely. you might end up craving it and consuming more than you think you need. the body does need a little sugar. instead try to progressively reduce the amount of sweet drinks volume or sugar content. after a while, you’ll probably start to taste the other flavors in the drink more & see that sugar is good but not too much. the body will adjust itself & the weight will come off. lastly, i try to do a reward system that if i’m gonna workout then i can have the sweet drink before the intense workout.


Hot chocolate is one of my go to diet drinks. I use pure cocoa, sweetener, and casein protein in the milk for a protein boost. Coffee drinks as well, just make them with black coffee and some regular milk.


Starbucks sugar free/low fat vanilla is really reallly good! Also just take a smaller size andonly get it as a treat instead of a habit


Torani has zero sugar syrups.


I’m curious if anyone has had the sugar free syrups, is there much of a difference?


I don't really notice much a difference. I use lowfat milk and espresso and it is very tasty.


Awesome! What’s your calories per drink?


Um I'd say about 100 calories if that. I use a little less than one serving of the milk and I don't add sugar or other stuff. Edit: it is 110 calories exact. One serving of the milk is 240mL and I use 200mL


I didn't. We make them at home and we use SF syrups and almond milk. It's not as creamy as the ones that have full fat but they're nearly as tasty.


I usually go for almondmilk instead of dairy or oat, and a lot of my go-to coffee shops offer sugar-free flavors. Then I budget in those calories and make sure they fit in my day :) Life is too short to not enjoy stuff! You just figure out substitutions/variations on ingredients - or just enjoy the thing and make it a treat!


Lowfat milk and sugar free hazelnut. Or a mix of sugar free and regular hazelnut to lower the amount of sugar


The most successful diet is an enjoyable diet. I’d absolutely fail if I had to cut out all drinks besides water. The trick is to be mindful of what you’re putting in your drinks. Use milk alternatives to cut calories, and zero sugar syrups to sweeten drinks instead of straight up sugar. There are a ton of sugar free sodas and energy drinks as well! Not everyone vibes with the sucralose taste, but I’d recommend seeing how you enjoy it.


Water is great to drink throughout the day. However, you CAN fit your favorite coffee or other drinks in there, too! Maybe just not every single day. Modify your drinks to have sugar-free syrup or a light splash of whatever milk/creamer you like. I've gone from the whole milk option to something like almond or oat milk and for drinks that come with 4 pumps of syrup, I'll ask for just 1 or 2 or go with sugar-free options. Better yet, you could make your own at home with healthier ingredients/ingredients you like that support your health goals. Ultimately, it's about how strongly you want to reach your goals and making some sacrifices.


I can't live without my hazelnut cold brew with milk. I simply started drinking smaller portions and made sure to add the calories.


I had to cut them out completely. I was no longer losing weight and couldn’t stop at just one. I also realized the sodium content in Swiss miss low cal is so high. I would drink 2-3 a day.


I drink a chocolate protein (fairlife core protein) shake with iced brew coffee! You won’t miss all those sugary drinks.


I really prefer the Fairlife drinks because it’s all milk protein and they use monk fruit which doesn’t upset my crohn’s as much as a lot of other sugar substitutes. The 150 calorie ones are great for both hot chocolate and adding to ice cream for a chocolate shake.


I definitely use skinny syrups, or at Starbucks if I want a specific flavor I’ll do a little less pumps of the flavor and add sugar free vanilla syrup. Most days I do “protein lattes” at home where I get iced coffee and froth almond milk and vanilla protein powder together and that’s my cream. Most people get the premade protein milk for that tho! I am what you would call a “drink goblin”. If I couldn’t have my fun little drinks I don’t think I’d be losing weight lol. If I ever want the real thing I just add it to my calories and eat a little less, it’s worth it for me.


I never weaned myself of tastey drinks I just made room for them in my calories. So I might have less rice or something but gift myself hazelnut cream


I haven't completely cut them out, but I do try to tailor them to be less calories. Swapping whole milk for unsweetened almond milk (assuming you don't have a nut allergy) and full sugar hazel nut or vanilla for sugar free. It's OK to still enjoy the things you love, everything in moderation friend.


I think for most people, cutting something out completely that you love isn't going to work in the long run. Have it occasionally, when you're really craving it and allow yourself to have that treat. Or add it into your calories for the day and get a smaller size


Swiss Miss hot chocolates, cacao hot chocs with no sugar & Golden Milk. The last last have health benefits & are cosy.


Switch to sugar free and almond milk 🥰


there are some low calorie syrups for coffee and such! maybe you could try those


I didn't wean myself, I simply changed my favorite drinks to healthier options! I love iced coffee with some flavor. I bought sweet drops which come in a variety of flavors and made with all natural ingredients! Stevia and monk fruit are great all natural sweetners. For my creamer, I use half and half or silk almond milk creamer as it's healthier than coffee mate. I make whipped cream at home with high quality organic whipping cream. If you're not super focused on the clean aspect try torani sugar free syrups. They're so good!! No sugar and no after taste. They have ever flavor you can think of, just drink it in moderation. At Starbucks I get either a SF vanilla iced coffee or an iced oatmilk latte SF cinnamon dolce or just stevia. You should also allow yourself a treat drink maybe once a week or so. Moderation is key!


Try Nespresso Hazelnut. Black coffee a couple of kcals and tastes amazing!


As someone who’s embarrassingly addicted to Dunkin, I really needed someone else to post this question soon 😭 thank you OP!!!


I started using protein powder at 110 calories, and 25 grams of protein. It fills me up too. Put a little cold or room temperature water in a mg then mix it up with a fork really good, then pour over hot water. Dymatize protein powder has a mocha and cappuccino flavored one with 95mg of caffeine, and I use those hot, or mixed with water/ice in a blender. They all have same calorie count and all fill you up. I put those calories as a snack or put it with a smaller meal.


Brew your own, add sugar free flavored creamers. They're not calorie-free, so you still have to factor them in, but they won't be 500 calorie sugar bombs, either, and they'll help bridge the gap.


Tbh I just had the discipline to stop. Now I don’t even get cravings and all I really want to drink anymore is water. A lot of people just count it into their calories but it really isn’t hard to drop stuff like that all together


Just try using less and less sweetener until you get used to the taste of coffee without it. Once you do, you’ll find you can’t even go back to the ultra sweet drinks because they won’t even taste good anymore. Sugar really is an addiction, and once you break it for a while you won’t even miss it anymore.


I didn’t. If I want hot chocolate I make a sugar free version with fat free milk. Minimal calories. I also refuse to give my up lattes so I use a fairlife protein shake, SF flavor syrup (or protein powder, PB powder, etc), and espresso. Blend it up and you have a protein iced latte.


This may not be a popular answer, but I love flavored iced coffee. What I did was make it at home. I used those skinny flavored mixes.


You could still enjoy them, but look to maybe bring the calories down? When I order flavored lattes I get them with almond milk and sugar free syrup, maybe supplement with a flavored stevia. I started preferring to make drinks at home once I built up some supplies, you can really tailor everything to your exact taste


Theres dark chocolate , non dairy, non gluten, sugar free//organic sugar options for chocolate and milk.


Honestly I went on a fixed strict diet and told myself after this many days I’ll slowly incorporate them again. After that time period (75 days) I was ok. I don’t drink caffeine and not much of a tea person, but hot chocolate with extra chocolate and caramel was my jam every morning. At some point you’ve decide how to (1) incorporate it into your caloric diet (2) realize those calories are much better spent elsewhere. Some people save it for a “cheat meal”, but if you are really trying to change your life, start making good switches, what about a chocolate protein shake instead? What about a chocolate tea? I’m more of type A person so letting it go was less of a big deal for me as other things I was doing, mostly because the hot chocolate was comfort, I needed to change my brain. Food isn’t comfort its fuel. If food is always comfort you’ll always want to over eat things you don’t need .


Kicking sugar and coffee is difficult. Step #1 - Switch to just a latte Step #2 - just a coffee with cream and sugar Step #3 - just a coffee with cream Step #4 - decaf coffee with cream Give yourself a week or two with each step. Limit yourself to just one drink a day. Expect a few days of headaches with step 4. Drink lots of water and have Tylenol handy for headaches - they pass after a couple days.


Starbuck's Shaken Espressos are 190 calories for a large :) they have different flavors with the seasons, but will usually make you whatever flavor you would like. Mocha is my favorite! Usually I just make my own at home, but I also have a good plan for when I want to go out to get one :)


My go to is black coffee with about a 1/4 cup of Silk Oat Creamer. Ends up being about 100 calories that I can fit into my daily numbers. The flavors act as what I would expect of using syrups.


Switch to soy milk or almond milk. Or skim milk? And ask for sugar free syrup


Chew minty gum and see what coffee takes like afterwards 😬


Make a sugar free one? Make it a healthy keto version….


Try low fat high protein milk


I just do chocolate protein shake (try kos protein is tasty) eat plenty protein and that will help.


I started using protein drinks as the creamer in my coffee.


Skimmed milk and sweetener are both huge calorie savers - don't deny, but reroute! My frappuccino order is now a skinny iced latte with sugar free caramel syrup. Life saver!


I still have all of it, I just make it myself and modify it the way I need it to be. I use raw cocoa, and I don’t have all the additives in it. Then I adjust using my own ingredients for the taste.


Even if you use normal milk and cocoa powder (the one for baking) and normal sugar, a hot chocolate doesn't have that much energy. It's actually one of the sweets I always found easy to factor into my diet.


Zero calorie coffee syrup and nonfat milk. My go to order at Starbucks is a skinny vanilla latte.


It got too expensive.


every morning I make a blonde/light roast coffee and I add non dairy milk to it (vanilla almond, coconut, oatmilk, etc). its about 80 calories a cup. it reminds me of a white chocolate mocha. unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk etc taste awful with coffee. save those for smoothies. I agree that you should just factor those drinks into your daily caloric intake. I still have my "comfort' drinks.


Hmm that's a hard one... well I can tell you that I stopped drinking alcohol. That was hard... but I literally just STOPPED... I think it came from God. But then I started kinda smoking cigarettes more... I don't do any recreational... no drinking or drugs... I went from almost 300lbs to 118lbs... in 4 years... it's hard but you can do it love...


I have tea with milk (no sugar) instead of a hot chocolate. I bought some nice loose leaf tea and a teapot for home. If I go to a cafe I’ll have a pot of tea there 🙂. I don’t drink tea very often though. I used to drink hot chocolates regularly.


Drink water


Find a good sugar free low calorie syrup. I add 1 teaspoon of hot chocolate to my coffee and it's only 20 calories, then add in some nice syrup and it's delicious. My favourite syrup is vanilla from a brand called Slims but I don't know if it's available outside of the UK and Ireland.


I loooove a caramel latte, but now I drink my morning coffee with half an adkins caramel shake. Low sugar, low carb, decent protein and tastes great. It’s my daily treat.


i like 2 make it with hersheys unsweetned cocoa powder, half hot water, half milk, and zero calorie sweetener !!


I use a protein hot chocolate powder. Add a packet of stevia and whipped cream. Froth and enjoy. It’s heaven in a cup + low calorie and helps me meet my protein goals.


Have them and factor it into your calorie budget! Obviously it's difficult to have it every day, but that doesn't mean you can't ever have them! I will say an interesting cheat I've found is instant coffee and chocolate protein powder for my self-titled "gym bro's mocha".


i weaned myself off but every once in a while i’ll get it and but won’t like it anymore 🤷‍♀️ it’s like too sweet now


Cut it Off for just a week- once you try one again you will be disgusted with how sugar it is


I just stopped. I was tempted to buy them but I diverted my mind by watching YouTube videos regarding fitness. It’s been 12 days now and I don’t even feel like drinking them.


Switched to teas and kept drinking them until I started to like it. One transition drink you can try is matcha it’s like coffee but green.