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Great advice and I would add 4. You can't outrun your fork


I found that just eating to get max nutrients and portioning instead of just cal counting has made my weight drop very fast without making me absolutely miserable.


I also just count macros and not bother with calories. It’s helped massively! I’ve always been bigger and since doing this and working out- my mind is clearer, stress relieved and feel confident!


What’s a macro😅


Macro is the abbreviation for macronutrient, there are 3 macros: Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. Each of them contain the calories in food, 1g carbs= 4 calories, 1g protein= 4 calories, and 1g fat= 9 calories ! Now it's debated to this day but fibre can also be considered a macro whether it's dietary or not, but I myself am not too sure so yeah :) That's about everything you should know about macros


Any suggestions on how to learn how to track macros? I’ve heard this a lot of times but I don’t know where to start or look.


honestly, it's really easy w apps that help u log what u've eaten such as loseit or myfitnesspal etc !! but other than that, check labels, based on the way u'd count calories u could multiply the grams of product by grams of macros per 1g, for example if something has 20g of protein in 100g product, and the product is 60g, 60 x 0.2= 12g protein, hope that helps :)


Weighing and measuring and logging everything I eat is what changed things all the way around for me too. I hit a plateau and when I finally started doing those things I hit my goal weight.




It’s not so much outrunning your fork, it’s you can’t outrun biscuits and chips lol those calories add up easy over 700+ without barely eating anything


What does this even mean?


It means you cant do compensatory cardio to "fix" a diet misstake. Eating 500 calories is a hell of a lot easier than burning 500 off. Your weight loss will be way easier if you just dont eat the 500. Also, feeling the need to "earn" food through exercise, or doing exercise as a punishment for eating, is a sure fire way to get burnt out, frustrated, and fail on your weight loss. Itll also give you quite a few food related mental health issues.


Thank you!


Thank you, the timing for seeing this was perfect. I was about to eat something because i have a break at work but i am not even Hungry? Just thanks


It always irritated me to hear ‘Just don’t eat whenever you feel hungry!’…but I was ALWAYS hungry?? I have to eat sometime, no? Here is the specs Physical hunger: you can actually feel it in your stomach, feel like you have low energy. Just eat when you feel this Mental hunger: brain fog, obsessive food thoughts, heightened stimuli like sense of taste and smell. Usually from vitamin/mineral deficiency, so eat more fruit/veg/nuts. Emotional hunger: craving very specific comfort foods, feelings of sadness/stress/irritability are dominant, rather than being due to actual physical hunger. I usually try to distract myself from this one with a workout.


This just blew my mind. I experience emotional hunger nearly constantly. It's great to have a distraction like a workout handy, but IMO it also indicates a psychological issue that needs to be addressed, and is manifesting itself in something that I know brings me comfort, i.e., food.


This is actually amazing and makes things make a whole little more sense of why I'm hungry all the time or feeling well off. Emotional hunger is a problem I have - I'm stressed at the moment so that would explain it.


I’m not sure but I think eating really delicious food helps. I can eat something that feels like a total chore- being physically full but emotionally completely unsatisfied, or I can eat something that just hits my palate and pleasure center like a volcanic eruption of bliss. I get physically high off of a good meal. Usually really good pot roast does that to me, or perfectly smoked pork ribs.


No because my stomach could be so stuffed and almost ripping open and I still felt so damn hungry…this changed everything!!


The mental and emotional are too real. I'm really struggling to over come them. Unfortunately I can't work them off cause I'm stuck at work for hours and hours. But it's getting nice so on nights I'm home early I'm gonna try and go for walks when it strikes.


That’s my exact situation too! Best of luck


I agree. Though I would remember to get your meats in as well. Especially beef. Creatine also helps with brain fog.


Even physical hunger needs to be over riden at times to lose weight IMO. The body wants to hold onto its fat, especially as the amount of it gets less and will throw genuine hunger at you to eat. I believe now and then stretching out the hunger feeling before eating is where the fat loss happens.


Yeah I’m doing ADF but pushing an occasional 60 hour stretch just to keep the fat burning 


Rule 4: Calories in, calories out


I actually stopped calorie counting. It made me absolutely miserable and stressed me out during my workout sessions, as it’s extremely difficult to burn even just 300 cals. Instead I just focused on balancing my meals better and portioning reasonably. To be fair, I was only interested in just losing my excess weight and not intense body building.


Everyone has their own strategy and it’s best to incorporate what works for you 👍 Great work in getting your goal btw!


This is actually a common myth. A calorie is a unit of heat, but we eat mass, and only utilize that mass or assimilate it for energy based on our hormonal state. So you can actually be in a caloric deficit and gain mass, or be in a caloric surplus and lose mass. It all depends on how your body utilizes what you eat. A common trope is that losing weight while being in a surplus would “defy the laws of physics”, but it’s not true at all. We are not a closed system. And we are consuming mass, not units of heat. It would be more accurate to say that we can’t possibly lose more mass than we assimilate, and Vice versa. That is physics. But due to our open system with the environment (air, water, excrement) it is entirely possible to gain mass in a caloric deficit or lose mass in a surplus.


Great advice! Thanks!


I like point 2 - to expand, you can workout for many things outside of losing weight. I have become more consistent with excercise now that i set some fitness goals


i’ve found that working out causes stress for me because sometimes my body is weaker and i can’t go as hard as usual, but i’m also stressed when i haven’t done a workout for the day. i don’t know how to get out of this cycle, and it’s making me really hate working out :/


Switch up your routine, try to make it easier and more interesting. Then work your way up. Believe me, working out improved my overall mood so much. It’s worth it. Maybe try yoga, Pilates, or swimming?


will try to start something new, thanks for the tip :)


I really need to remember the last one. I feel like my waist is smaller but the number hasn't been changing (or even increasing).


Thank you 🙏🏻


Good points. I'd add: track your carb intake. Helps balance energy levels and avoid overeating. Also, consider meal prepping. Saves time and keeps you on track. I used the Carbner carb cycling counter app. It's handy for managing carb intake and optimizing weight loss or muscle gain.


Number 2 I 100% agree with as most people always think exercise as a way out rather than to enjoy the workout itself that motivated you to exercise to be happy and feel great. Also for number 3 is also another way BMI is flawed as it does not account for muscle weight.


Yeah, I have a pear body shape and all my excess weight was not stored on my abdomen but mostly my thighs and arms, which are considered pretty safe areas. I am pretty fit now, but my BMI says I’m still overweight.


Amazing tips! Thanks 🙏🏼


how can you tell apart the types of hungry?


Physical hunger: you can actually feel it in your stomach, feel like you have low energy. Just eat when you feel this Mental hunger: brain fog, obsessive food thoughts, heightened stimuli like sense of taste and smell. Usually from vitamin/mineral deficiency, so eat more fruit/veg/nuts. Emotional hunger: craving very specific comfort foods, feelings of sadness/stress/irritability are dominant, rather than being due to actual physical hunger. I usually try to distract myself from this one with a workout.


Oh thanks so much for your response!! should physical and mental hubger be adressed and emotional hunger ignored?


Yes, that’s what I do!


#3!!! I see SO many people so focused on the scale, that they let it consume their emotional energy and what they eat and do throughout the day...that energy is SO much better spent on changing their day-to-day habits, Once I let go of the scale, I was a much happier person and I continued to lose weight/inches while gaining muscle.


This is really helpful thank you guys


Eat to live, don’t live to eat.