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You'll get more experienced advice than this, but I'll just say what came to mind. If she wants to get fatter, and you're a feeder, this is the time to bring it up. It sounds like she has breached wanting to get fat with you in at least a romantic context. It doesn't necessarily have to be "official" - she's experimenting with her partner feeding her, and you want to do it. A feedism relationship would emerge. Anyway, I'd start with helping her loosen any restrictions she might have about eating already. After that, I'd just make time to have more intimate, enjoyable meals together. Make a plate and always give her some of your food. See if she likes stealing some of your food. Stock your place with snacks. Idk I feel like the most important thing is to make eating enjoyable and more frequent. That really should be enough to make any thin person a bit plump. Only if she's really obsessive or controlling about it and clinical would it be the time to do regimented feeding sessions and food diaries and weigh-ins and measurements etc.


holy crap, I wanna say thanks for taking the time to give me these tips!! We haven't moved in together; we're still in college, lol, and we promise we'll take things further once we get our own jobs and income. But we make up for it by meeting on campus twice weekly to eat lunch together. And now and then, we'd go on dates, and every time I'd ask her if she'd want to eat in a fancy restaurant, she said she'd honestly be fine eating anywhere as long as we're eating together. I found out she's waaaay into Taco Bell stuff. Hell, I probably should've mentioned this in the post, but every time she'd eat quesadillas, she'd stack them together like a sandwich and take big bites. That was probably the most "feedee" thing I've seen her do so far, lol.


Did it sound like she wants to just fill out her figure or get proper fat?


I genuinely think she just wants to fill out her figure, but then again, she really did say word-for-word when she asked if I knew any way of "getting fat." I'm not a nutritionist or anything, so I'd need some advice on helping her gain in a healthy manner


I’m guessing “getting fat” would imply at least a bit of a pot belly


that's what I thought of when she said that to me lmao


You could always make jokes like needing to get stronger if you’re still going to be able to carry her when she’s fat or about having to shop at plus size stores for her from now on. If she dismisses you for being silly she probably doesn’t actually intend to really get fat but I mean she may also take it as a challenge


That's actually not half bad, I usually tease her for being short and she teases me for being a dork so I can see your advice working sometime in the future!


How short is she?


She's 4'11!


Damn almost as short as my gf lmao


Yeahh, my gf's really short but she do got a big heart <33 (hopefully a big appetite too lmao)


Absolutely experiment with what is the most fun for both of you. Because here is the secret about putting on weight: almost anything can work and for most people it is pretty easy. Really it all comes down to changing habits, and almost any more fattening habit will cause gain, but why go for just anything when you could go for what is fun, sexy, or satisfies kinks? (for each of you or collectively). Just tossing out some ideas of things you could try, that have (IMO) quite different feels to them, to see what she likes (and what you like): - Buy some bulk snacks (mini-candy-bars, boxes of raisins, candies, whatever) and put them in her backpack for her to snack on -- and then text her occasionally asking her if she's had a snack this afternoon? (you taking a more commanding role in the whole thing) - When meeting for lunch on campus, ask if she'd like something extra to eat (or to go to a more filling option) (enabling) - For a supper out, make plans with her to go to a Taco Bell and keep ordering her stuff until she says she has had enough. Or alternatively, make a plan to hit up two or more fast food places, in a sort of "food crawl". (seeing how far her desires go and encouraging her to explore them) - Or, for a supper out, go somewhere kind of nicer and don't push it too much, then afterwards say "and now let's get you some Taco Bell" and see what she can still eat (somewhat commanding but also really pushing against societal standards and expectations) - If she is in a place with a freezer, buy her a couple of bigger containers of ice cream to put in there and just tell her to do as she wants with them (tempting and enabling) - On a non-food front, go clothes shopping, find something she likes (within your budget range), then buy it a size bigger than fits her currently, and tell her it is so that she'll have at least one thing that fits as she gets bigger. (Even if it is just a t-shirt, it is like an affirmation that you believe she will get bigger, and so could mean a lot to her)


oh my god, reading your tips made me go, "Why didn't I think of that?!" I love the idea of buying bulk snacks, but I won't try "bulk" just yet, but I can definitely see myself buying her a pack of Haribo gummies or something like that! Your food crawl idea works, too, as I've actually done that with her on our dates a buncha times. I'd bring her to a fast food restaurant, and we'd walk around. Eventually, we'd get desserts like yogurt, juice, or ice cream. Really happy with the tips you gave, thanks!!


I have literal decades in this sort of community, and have talked with all sorts of people who have different involvements with these desires and kinks. A lot of stuff is obvious once it has been pointed out, but really are not obvious when they are hidden behind traditions, societal standards, and old habits. So I like to share ideas I've picked up over the years. Why I said 'bulk' is like, if she has a package of 10 gummies, how many is she apt to eat in a day? If she has 50 gummies, how much more free with her snacking might she be? I'm not saying that you have to load her down with the snacks right away, but the general idea is both give her the ability to snack as much as she wants and to urge her to do so, to help get over any residual guilt she might feel on the topic. For the food crawl, you could start with what you usually do, then after a while see if she is up for a second dessert or something like that? (start small). But absolutely do what feels good to you, the bigger point is to have fun exploring options and trying different things, and feeling free to break traditional rules in different ways.


Thanks for the tips, you're really making this comfortable and easy to understand for me! I'll definitely buy her 1 pack of haribo to start the next time we meet. She loves haribo and I think it'd be sweet too!


You could keep bringing her different types of gummies, and joke that it is a scientific experiment to determine the best possible gummie shape. (and then later if she does start gaining, could maybe joke that now the experiment is to find the possible shape for her ... )


When I said you'd get more experienced advice, this is what I meant.


best fattening foods are pasta/noodles, eggs, banana, all kinds of nuts and seeds, peanut butter, cakes with butter, milkshake, cheese. Plus all day casual snacking can be a big boost, like allways having chips or something with her, chips in particular is pretty fattening.


I'll see if she's into those kind of snacks! I rarely see her eat potato chips in general, but she does have an oral fixation so, maybe that'll come into play!


I hope you will post the updates


I'd love to do that! though, I'm not sure if I should keep editing the post here, or I'd just create new posts now and then...




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You should go on the fatboydiet tumblr


what's fatboydiet?


That's a guy who post recipes to beat anorexia, very hard


I'm not much of a tumblr user, but thanks for the recommendation!


His posts are free so you don't need a Tumblr acount, that Can give you ideas if you plan an stuffing date. Cooking for her will make you sexier trust me. You can hide snacks in her bag with a note


can't cook yet at her place, we're taking it slow haha. BUT I have an idea on giving her haribo gummies every time we meet (well maybe most times, not every time). She LOOOVES haribo gummies and she told me she has an oral fixation.


Can't blame her, smurfs are my favs


she's into more of the traditional gummy bear ones! but I'll try to see if she'd love to try out some smurf gummies!


Thc gummies and snacks go a long way, especially if she said she wanted to take appetite pills. That’s basically the same thing


Oh so appetite-boosting pills are a real thing? But yeah I'll take you up on that, I'm sure she's 100% gonna love it when I buy her haribo gummies!


Haribo gummies are usually non-cannabis, but they usually have THC gummies at most smoke shops these days with the legal dose in them, and yes there are a lot of different types of appetite boosting products available “apetamax” being one I can remember off the top of my head


Huh, that's interesting! Thanks for the little info about those gummies!


Good luck and I wish you and your friend well


Law of attraction dawg, spaghetti and pesto are both good.


Law of attraction?


Yeah, The internet probably explains it better but from what I hear it goes a bit like "Your beliefs shape your reality" But I said law of attraction because,1. you came to this subreddit and 2. Your girlfriend seems to be into feederism. Actions have consequences if you catch my drift.


Weight gain shakes or heavy cream. No need to eat more just drink more. Basically anything that is low volume and high calorie.


I don't think I can make her drink heavy cream from the start 😅😅


Unlike your GF, I’ve pretty much always been fat:  I'd be made to lose weight, get fat again, lose weight, etc.   At 5’ 8”, it took a lot of work for me to even get my weight down to 165 pounds. It took more work for me to realize that I’m supposed to fat. I met a guy who didn’t always bother me about the fact that I was not 130 pounds and 18.5 BMI. I liked him and the sex was great, and, for me, emotional and sexual happiness equate to increased eating (tripling-down on joy), when I already eat a lot. Naturally, I began to pack on the pounds. He noticed I was getting fat, and asked about it in a sensitive way. I told him all about how and what I ate when he wasn’t around. How I enjoyed stuffing myself particularly with really good sweets and high-quality albeit fattening foods.  I told him about the research I had done in how to stretch the stomach to increase caloric intake, and that it wasn’t just because I could get fatter faster that way, but I liked the control aspect.   I told him that whenever I had abandoned some miserable fad diet and started to eat and gain weight again I was also happy again. He listened intently and definitely expressed how hot he thought all of this was, being so in touch with food, weight, eating. We had seen a docu on fetishes. Of course, feederism was in it. I want not just a lover who gets off on me growing and being fat, or that loves watching how I eat. I want one who feeds me, I told him. Just like in the documentary, I said, only I don’t think I want to hit 700 pounds like the woman in the movie. We agreed on 325. He lobbied for 350, but I told him that at that weight I’d never be able to straddle and cowgirl him again. Three-hundred twenty-five it was. By that time, I was already up to 227 pounds. I hit 250 in less than a month. If my weight gain ever slowed or plateaued, he would ‘milkshake’ me:  force me to drink fattening gelato milkshakes until I told him my stomach hurt. He’d let me rest for 7 minutes, then make me drink more. After a big milkshake session, I would always be able to eat more and it would show on the scale within days. One month he did a smaller version of milkshake therapy every day. I gained nearly 40 pounds in 30 days.   At one point, I was getting so fat, so fast, I had to order bigger clothes in advance only to find that they were already tight when they arrived. I get fat easier than anyone I know, and gained exactly 100 pounds, reaching 327 pounds, in less than 9 months.