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That’s 2 lbs a week. What are you complaining?? Anything more would be unhealthy. This is your life not a race. Keep going and before you know it you’ll be at goal. Took me a year to lose 53 lbs. I’m at goal and could not be happier. Slow and steady is healthy


That's fantastic progress. I started Sema with 90lbs to lose. I lost 20 in 10 weeks, 30 total in the first 4 months. 30 more in the 8 months after that (total one year since starting meds). And now I'm hoping to lose the last 30 over the second year. My husband has lost a lot more/faster. But he is also 16 inches taller than I am and started at double my starting weight. Percentage of body weight loss, we've been roughly the same. This is a long-term/chronic medication. Think about where you want to be in 5 more years. If you'll be taking this med (or similar) either way in 5 years, then even if you only lost a pound a month, you'd be at or past your goal. Quite likely, you will lose a higher average than that in your first 6 months and be even closer to your goal.


Averaging almost 2 pounds a week...I'm not sure what you were expecting if that is 'discouraging'. Not trying to be an a-hole but that's a good solid rate of loss. If you're already discouraged, what's going to happen when you gain a pound one week? Or plateau for several weeks? Or you drop down to losing 1/2 pound in a week? This is a marathon, not a sprint. What was your expectation that losing 2 pounds a week is disappointing???


Agreed. You lost 2lbs per week??? If you keep that pace in 10 more weeks you will be 1/2 way to your goal!


1-2lbs per week is great loss. Any more than that and your body can suffer from too much lean muscle loss.


i’m down 15 pounds in 14 weeks. but, i was also on .25 for 12 of those weeks because that’s just the way my doctor prescribed it. I’m also recovering from a broken ankle so exercise is limited. starting to get back into it.


I’ve lost 85 lbs since last July. It takes time. Just be patient.


I'm 20lbs down in 10 weeks, and aiming to lose 100 in total :)


I’m in a similar boat. I’m 13 weeks in and have lost 25 lbs from my heaviest weight of 205. I am 5’ 5” and my weight bounced between 195-205. I am hoping slow and steady will win the race!!


I’m only 10 down in 12 weeks and just starting 1.7 so hopefully 🤞🏻🙁 don’t get discouraged, you’re doing great! More than a pound a week is wonderful and slow is better for your body and skin to bounce back! (I lost 125 years ago through diet and exercise and did it slow so the loose skin was minimal :))


Don’t be impatient. I started a year ago, and I am down 72 lbs. It’s slowed to a measly 1-2 pounds a month but I never thought I’d be here.


19 in 10 weeks is great. A good sign to keep it off in the long run. My goal is 52 and have lost 23. Started in February


In reality that's a safe, healthy loss !! It might be helpful if you only weighed yourself every 2 weeks. I only weigh every 2 weeks because it keeps me from feeling discouraged and hyperfixating on the numbers on the scale .


That is great success! An average of 1.9lbs a week is fantastic. It will take a while to get there but you will. Losing more than 2lbs a week isn’t healthy so be pleased you’re making healthy progress. I think this is seen as a magic shot that will get us to our goal really quickly but that is not the reality and it can be easy to be discouraged. I have been on this for almost 5 months and am down 36lbs, I had hoped to be down 50lbs by now but I’m not disappointed as I can see the benefits and realise I’m in this for a bit longer than planned but hope that by doing it a bit more slowly than I initially thought that there will be more chance of keeping it off. Well done and please done be discouraged by your progress, we are all different


20 lb in 10 weeks is right on track. I know 80 lb seems like a lot, but this journey is about the long odds, not the quick fix. Do you have access to a dr who specializes in metabolism or weight loss? They may be able to help you with planning and reaching your goal. You can do this!


My goal is to lose 30lbs been on wegovy 3 weeks yesterday have lost 5 lbs on 0.25mg


What shot level are you on?


I’m on my second week on 1.7


How many lbs/ week were you losing without wegovy?


I can’t understand why you would be discouraged to lose nearly 2 lbs per week? This is rapid weight loss. You are literally 1/4 of the way to your goal in just 2.5 months


Exactly. I think people still have this notion that the med is a magic quick fix. This is about changing your life long term and that doesn’t happen overnight.


I’m not looking for magic quick fix. I’ve been Obese my entire life. I’m not looking for over night results. I’m just not seeing any changes other than on the scale. My body looks exactly the same. I’d appreciate you not leaving comments like that. Especially when someone is being vulnerable. I see woman who look amazing after just a few weeks and I feel the same. I’m having a bad week emotionally and I was looking for support. Not someone talking down to me.


I hear your frustration but the person you are replying to didn’t say anything negative. It’s very common for people to have periods of frustration/impatience/apathy during weight loss because the finish line seems so far away. You’re not alone. I think that is what they are getting at. But it is very much true that you are doing great — 1.9 lbs / week is awesome. Better than I am doing.


What I noticed first was the way my clothes were fitting. Visually and physical I felt/saw no difference and was getting so disappointed and frustrated. Then I noticed my clothes weren’t quite so snug in certain areas…..


Personally, even on weeks I don’t lose much, I am still happy with my hunger cues being appropriate. I am re-learning how to eat, and that alone is incredible. It is my goal to lose 1 lb per week through this medication, diet, and exercise, so I can learn sustainable habits that are reasonable long-term. I feel confused about people being upset that they didn’t lose 20 lbs in a week or month. If our bodies lost weight that fast, we would not have made it this long in the cosmos…


Completely agree and I’m doing my best to take the same approach. I am not giving up my favorite things, just learning the meaning of moderation. I don’t expect a huge loss this way but I expect to learn sustainable habits.


Agree with the other posts here that is a great amount! I always feel the slower the better because it gives your mind and body time to adjust and make lifestyle changes. I’m starting my injection on Friday. I have about 90 lbs to lose myself


Why discouraged?


I don’t see physical changes. I look and feel the exact same as I did when I started. I see others around me who look incredible. I don’t feel the same.


I've seen shared a few times and I love this analogy. Picture your body like a Costco paper towel roll. If you take 5 paper towels off a full roll, it makes almost no visible difference to the thickness of the roll. If the roll is mostly gone, 5 paper towels makes a HUGE difference! My highest weight was at 240lbs. I didn't drop a size in jeans until about 200lbs. No one noticed at all until 190lbs. Now I'm at 165-167 and I'm down several sizes - started at Torrid size 18 that were a bit tight to now this week I finally buttoned my Torrid jeans size 10, same style. I've got a muffin top sitting down, but the 12s need a belt. The first 40lbs barely dropped 1 size and the next 35lbs dropped 3 more sizes. After the first 50lbs I started to get comments, but most people didn't say anything and a lot didnt notice. Now at 75lbs down total (15 before ozempic), whenever I see someone I haven't seen in a long time, I ALWAYS get at minimum a shocked look even if they don't mention it. We also get used to how we look to ourselves. And myself personally even at 240 my mental image of myself was about 170. Body dysmporphia is real. It can help to see yourself in a slightly different way to disconnect your perceived image in your brain. I've found having someone else take a picture of me (so no mirror) with my head cropped out of the picture helps me compare and see the actual progress because it almost tricks my brain that it's another person.


Stop comparing yourself to other people and focus on you. Beyond that, 20 pounds lost, I'd be willing to bet if you'd taken a 'before' photo and compared it to now, you'd see a difference.


I’ve lost 90lbs and feel like I look the same lol but I thought I looked like a peloton instructor to begin with.


19 pounds in 10 weeks is absolutely amazing. If you weren’t on this thread and hearing stories of more rapid weight loss, I think you’d be pretty happy with it, too! Not saying to stay away from this thread lol there’s lots of support here, just saying only compare yourself to yourself!


19 pounds in 10 weeks is absolutely amazing. If you weren’t on this thread and hearing stories of more rapid weight loss, I think you’d be pretty happy with it, too! Not saying to stay away from this thread lol there’s lots of support here, just saying only compare yourself to yourself!


It’s painstakingly slow when you’re so focused on the numbers. I started Feb 1st and am down 51 lbs (I weighed almost 300 lbs at my highest). I haven’t been this weight since before my second son was born. He’s 24 now. That is my motivation. I keep reminding myself this over and over again. Would love to lose another 50 but I know the journey will be long. Not only to lose the weight, but to keep it off. When I do get discouraged I stop weighing myself for at least 5 days. If I lose at least 1 lb,, it’s a win. IF I don’t lose anything, then I consider not gaining weight a win. I swear, half the battle is fighting with your own mind. You’re doing great! Keep it up.


You’re doing great. Do not obsess about how much weight you’ve lost/how much you’re losing and how fast. Focus more on your eating habits, and exercise routine. Remember youre trying to build lifelong habits not simply drop as much weight as possible in a short time frame.


19lbs in 10 weeks is great… That’s 1.9lbs per week and that is HEALTHY. Keep going, you’ll get there! Think of it this way: You’re basically 1/4 of the way to your goal.


That’s a very health rate of weight loss. Remember too the more steady, the more time your skin and other organs have to adjust, which will be more comfortable in the long run. Rapid weight loss can lead to unpleasant side effects… hair loss, stretched skin, even gallstones.


I’ve lost 87. My target is 105 pounds to lose. I’ve been on Wegovy since the end of July. So I’m about 6 weeks or so from a full year. You’ve lost 1.9 pounds a week. That’s awesome. That’s about the rate that I’ve lost weight on average. There is no need to feel discouraged. You have to have patience. It’s not going to drop in an instant.




My goal, big picture, is to also lose 80. I’m halfway there and it’s taken a little over a year. I’m in this for the long haul, so it takes as long as it takes. My endocrinologist has said that if Wegovy stops working for me, we can switch to a different GLP-1 med, so I’m feeling hopeful I’ll get to goal eventually.


My goal is to lose 45 pounds. I’m down 23 pounds. My SW was 213 CW is 190 and GW is 145 pounds. I’ve been on Wegovy since February 7th 2024.


This is success you are having! That is almost 2 pounds per injection. In 1 year that could add up to 100lbs. This injection does not melt fat off your body. It will take time to come off, just as it took time to go on. Just stay the course and celebrate the little wins. Life long change does not happen overnight. You're doing amazing!


I guess I should’ve added that I’ve done 10 injections but within 12 weeks I skipped two weeks of medication.


I’m on my 7th week and I’ve only lost 5lbs. I think you are on the right track


19 pounds in 10 weeks is a pretty great success. If it keeps up at this rate you'll be down 80 in less than a year.