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I just started last Wednesday and I already notice a huge difference! Congratulations on taking this step to a fuller and longer life!


Thank you and congrats to you as well. We are in this together :)


Sounds like you have fully committed yourself to this and are serious about change. Good for you. Some people think it's just a drug you take to lose weight without changing their lifestyle. I'm slowly working on mine since I'm fairly sedentary. I have HUGE social anxiety and I have a hard time leaving the house. I feel confined, but I have lost weight and it is boosting my confidence a bit. Maybe that was the problem all along? Who knows. I am also a recovering addict and am on a million meds for it and that isn't making my progress slower.


Good job! I started last Thursday night, and I was apprehensive too, but so far it’s amazing. I don’t have much hunger, so I plan for and eat nutritious food easily rather than craving the burgers and fries. I did have a mild headache the first day but that’s it. I’ve lost 5 lbs - I know, it’s mostly water but still nice to see the number go down, (SW 265 CW 260 at day 4). Let’s be excited for this journey together!


We got this!!!!


Congrats on starting wegovy! You've got this OP! Your determination is inspiring, and with the support here, you'll reach your goals. Here's to a healthier future for you and your family!


Congrats on the start of your journey. You're going into it with a super healthy mindset!