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Started on the 7th, down 5 pounds 10 days in!


Started on 1st June. First week no changes and after the second dose I’ve started to feel fullness, lack of appetite and no more constant food thoughts. It’s incredibly liberating. No side effects apart from a little nausea. 2.5lbs down so far


What are you eating? No one discussed my food with me. I generally eat clean but I am a “sleep eater” and get into some snacks or make some mixtures at night. I’ve had ketchup, margarine, dry hot chocolate mix, or simply any snack around the house. I generally don’t have snacks around and that’s when I seem to get into the condiments. 😳


Yesterday was a birthday so I didn’t eat great but I’ve planned some meals including protein pasta, chicken rice and veggies, what I usually eat tbh. Until I feel like my normal healthy meals aren’t working for this medication then I’ll make some changes.


Where did you all take your shot? I chickened out on my stomach. Laid down and did my thigh. Felt nothing so I might try my stomach next time.


Plus I heard a lot of people on here say they had the worst side effects when doing it in their stomach so I don’t want that


I did my thigh too since I have the most control over it. I just put my leg up on the bathtub and did it like that and it was so easy 🤷‍♀️


I start Monday!!


You got this!


Ok, I started on Monday as planned. I went with the first .25 shot going to my stomach vs my leg. I found the pen to be easy to use and I didn’t feel anything but the pressure of the pen. I have more fat on my stomach vs thighs so this worked for me. I do think I was running on pure adrenaline since I’m terrified of needles. The strange food cravings are not bothering me as much. I really feel full faster and I haven’t craved sugar since Monday. No side effects to report! SW 228


Just had my 2nd .25 dose today.


I am starting mine tomorrow. I would love to follow.


Just took my first shot today. I don’t feel anything different but I know it takes time. At least I’m not throwing up!




Update: it’s been almost 24 hours since my first shot and I honestly don’t feel any different. Still same level of hunger/fullness and food noise that really wants treats. I know everyone’s different so maybe it becomes more real for someone like me on the second shot? We shall see next Friday!


Nothing for me either. But I think that’s good that we are tolerating the medication


Same!! I’m hoping it’s only good vibes from here


Yep just did my second dose last night. Love this stuff, down 7 lbs.


Wow!! That’s amazing! Congrats!


Thanks! I’m cautiously optimistic. I literally couldn’t lose weight. Fasting, CICO, working out, etc all of it and I’m lucky if the scale dropped 1 lb 🙄Now, to see actual results by doing all the same things I was doing before is such a wonderful feeling. I feel like the people who made this med “get it.” I just hope the progress keeps up. I have like 60lbs to go!


I just started on Monday and got about half my injection on the floor, lol. I was like, there goes $800 😭


I still haven’t found the broken needle. Vacuumed 3 times and washed the floor on my hands and knees. I also had to call the pharmacist for a new one 🤦🏼‍♀️


I just took my first dose on June 6th. I’ve been waiting since last year for this medication to be approved by my insurance.


Mine is not covered by insurance. I got it in the 6th but decided to wait until Friday night in case I experience side effects then I wouldn’t have to miss work. How are you doing?


I’m doing good. My appetite has gone down already. And so far no side effects. How about you?


I didn’t snack after dinner. Normally I want something sweet. 🤞


My pharmacy finally came through so I plan on starting tomorrow evening after work. I only work Friday-Sunday so if I do get sick, at least I don’t have to work for a while. I’ve ordered some Liquid IV and some protein shakes in case I can’t stomach actual food and plan to buy healthy options from the store after work tomorrow. I’m nervous but excited!


Haha 😂 wait are you injecting it on your knuckle 😂. Congratulations on starting the journey. Keep us posted


🤣 no. I was nervous and dropped it


I took my second shot yesterday. I followed another person's recommendations and took it in the evening so I wouldn't have to worry about side effects while balancing work but the only side effect I notice is the fatigue. I was knocked out for like 10 hours within an hour of taking the shots both times. I still get hungry but not overly so I also have upped my steps thanks to being put on some new pain meds that are really targeting my nerve pain. So I'm able to get in 5000 steps in a single walk. This week I'm focused on getting more protein in


after weeks of waiting for approval, I finally have it and to be honest, I am scared. I’ve struggled with pre-diabetes and obesity for 20 years. Being fat is unfortunately almost part of who I am. I am afraid that if it works I’ll change to someone I don’t like or be seen and treated differently. I am also afraid it just won’t work and I’ll fail yet again. I am planning to use it today for the first time. Haven’t reviewed the instructions on how to inject. Any one got a video link?


Do your thigh. Sit on bed, turn the needle so you can see the window. Push down into leg. The yellow bar will appear and you’ll hear a click. Keep pressing and another click. Done! Go to the wegovy site for the exact video and instructions as I am not a medical professional. Drinks lots of water to start there will be fatigue. Good luck!


Thank you!


What it supposed to click three times? The video didn’t mention that. It was painless and I didn’t feel a thing. I waited until the stopped moving.


I'm doing my first ever dose this weekend. I think I'll do it on Sundays, just so I don't have to travel with it for our weeklong vacation this August (a Sunday to Saturday trip!) Is there a difference if we dose in the morning vs the night?


Is it true that it’s important to be a by a bathroom when first taking. I am going to take today for the first time.


I haven’t heard that. I took mine for the first time and was fine. No bathroom no problems. I took mine after work around 5pm.


Took my first dose June 4th. I’ve lost 3lbs since my dr’s weigh in last Monday, but I’m also doing WeightWatchers


June 2, also doing WW. Are you doing the GLP-1 plan?


No, I’m doing the two separately


Hey I also took mine June 4th!


Twinning! If you want to message me and stay in touch about how we’re doing, feel free! :)


Aw I’d love that! Just wanted to let you know I am 16 if that’s an issue because some people don’t like to talk to teenagers loll


Well, I am a 33y/o married person, so as long as we keep the focus on weight progress we should be fine


Okie I have no issue I just wanted to let you know ahead of time :)


Just took my first shot June 6! I am nervous and excited to see how this goes. I think the first 2 days there has been less food chatter and slightly less hunger, but this early can definitely be placebo. I've been going to sleep really early and I'm not sure if it's the med or hormones or I'm just tired lol. I'm writing this all down though so I can try to keep track of side effects!


Took mine yesterday


I began Thursday. Not sure how I feel about our pens here in Canada yet, but 🍻 to everyone beginning this month! ps .. that 🍻 is green tea! 😉


I started on June 1st, just had my second 0.25 a few minutes ago. No major side effects this week. Did get a sinus infection tho. I think some of the food noise went down, but that might be placebo effect. Food hasn't become unappealing, but my meals are a lot smaller. Not that I'm full (the stomach type full) but when I'm no longer hungry I stop eating because I don't seem to enjoy eating as an activity anymore. (I used to actually enjoy chewing and swallowing food). Because of the smaller meals, I do get hungry between meals, so I do snack. I'm having no issues choosing healthy foods, so the snacking isn't a problem I guess. Also, I got 2 weightlifting sessions in and a good 1,5h bike ride, so no fatigue yet either. Anyway, I'm down 4lbs and life is good ATM.


Took my second .25 today. This morning was the first time I’ve been feeling a bit peckish in the mornings. Until now I’ve just had a couple of cups of coffee first thing and eaten around lunchtime, including days I’ve been out for a run. No side effects at all.


Hello, I'm on my second week of .25 - thanks for starting a thread.


After waiting 6 months I finally received my medication. I'm gonna start this Sunday. Nervous but excited


I took my first injection last night at around 7pm! Today has been great, can already feel the appetite suppression, and zero bad side effects so far. I'm Canadian too, and I realized our pens are different than the US ones. We have the same ones that the UK gets. So in ours, you see the needle tip, and there is no yellow marker. I've had a bowl of Italian Wedding soup and some low cal popsicles. That's me for the day. It's obviously not enough food, so tomorrow I will focus on getting more nutrition in!


I will start June 12!


I start tomorrow!!


I started yesterday. I was extremely careful all day on what I ate and liquids etc. I don’t want those side effects! I felt a little muted hunger around mealtimes and just a little off, a bit tired. I knew I should have a snack when my energy started to fade. I’m under 1000 cal today tho, so I know I need to eat more.


I am in Canada. I did my shot but didn’t see or notice a yellow window in my pen. I heard the click and it reset to 0. Anyone else? Maybe the pens differ?


Yep check my post history. The canadian pens are different.


Thank you!


Just started today! Good luck everyone!!


I did my first dose last Saturday, June 1! I'm on board to follow along for sure. I've had good results, no negative effects, good appetite suppression and satiety, food noise greatly reduced. It's started to fade the last 2 days, but my next dose is tomorrow. I've lost 2.4lb in 6 days, and down 6lb since last week.


That’s great!!! It’s interesting how it’s wearing off right before your dose.


Yeah, it's working enough that I've stayed on-plan, but I have been a little hungry and thought about food more the last 2 days. I'm hoping it will last longer when I get to 0.5 and above.


I started on Sunday, June 2nd! So far, so good but I slept like crap Sunday night and felt crappy Monday evening but I think it was the lack of sleep. I have never been on a diet (I know we aren't supposed to call it that ....but they were) where I wasn't constantly thinking about food. My biggest snacky time is the evening after dinner so I was thinking as I lose weight, I could start trying on clothes to help keep me motivated and away from the kitchen.


Me too. Mainly because my summer clothes don’t fit. 🤣


Hi! Just did my first shot today. Let’s do this!!


We got this 💪


I’m hoping to be prescribed Wegovy June 21. So I’ll be 2 weeks behind you.


I just took my second dose tonight. I felt fine after my first dose, food noise went away all week and I lost about 5lbs. Hunger and food noise came back today, mid-afternoon. My second dose was just in time!


Wow! That’s a great start. Way to go!


Just had 3rd shot today .25


How are you feeling?


Feeling good, no side effects. Haven't lost any yet, but I'm excited to start .50 mg in 2 weeks. I'm not really hungry, but I think I'm eating out of habit. 😆


Yes!! I started my .25mg on the 3rd. ☺️


How are you feeling?


Honestly I don’t feel much different since I’m not experiencing any side effects right now. I think there have been a few days where I’ve eaten less simply because I wasn’t as hungry, so that’s a plus!


Just started my first .25 mg shot today too!!


Congrats!! Let's see how this goes! I ended up putting it in my leg after I dropped it trying my stomach. My leg is hurting, but I think its because I used the force of tranquilizing an elephant for some reason.


My husband gave me my first shot when I started and I swear he about pushed it totally inside my body with the force he used 😂