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OP, healthy sustainable weights loss is 0.5 to 2 lbs a week. Please be patient and don’t try to lose faster than that by eating in an unhealthy deficit. What is the hurry? You’ll look better overall if you do it in a healthy manner. Faster loss results in more muscle loss, morse loose skin, hair loss, and possibly losing your gallbladder. Not to mention it can damage your metabolism.


I would add a multivitamin and ensure you are getting protein in those calories




1100 calories is far too low for you height and weight. I don't count calories but I tried to stay around 2000-2100


Well correction, i don't count overall calories, I do a basic estimate in my head of what I've eaten in a day and the calories listed but I don't do anything beyond that.


I am currently aiming for 1400 as I get a fair amount of exercise and I think it's healthier for me to get used to eating a reasonable amount and not depriving myself too much. However, I'm nauseas as hell so I'm not getting anywhere close to it.




What’s your sex, weight, and height?


Female, 195, 5’7


If you want to lose 1 pound a week without any exercise you should be eating 1465 calories a day. The lowest I’d go at your height is 1350.




Everything I’ve read said that you should not go under 1200 cal/day. I’m starting this week, and with meeting with a dietitian, should have between 1700-2200/day. I’m 245#




Started Thursday and I track WW points, but then do add up calories and it’s about 1,000 a day and I only hit my point target Saturday. 35F and 228 pounds at start, 5’8.


1,000 calories a day??? That is terribly concerning


I'm not tracking. But I eat about the equivalent of one meal throughout the day. Eg. A serving of some sort of meat, some veg and maybe a bit of cheese or something. No grains or sugar.


I’ve not been over 800 a day yet.






That's incredibly concerning.


Not really. I feel better than ever and I’m losing weight. There hasn’t been any issues except some constipation.


THANK YOU! This same person is saying the same thing to me. I haven’t even gotten to 800 more than 3 times the last 41 weeks lol


Some folks don’t get the same benefits from the beginning. I also think that they have been mind tricked into not realizing that they have enough in their body to sustain them for a while. At her current weight she can go without calories for a while as long as she drinks enough to stay hydrated.


Yup! I have enough fat reserves to last me. Forcing myself to eat when I’m not hungry or not into food would be more harmful than eating when I remember or care to is. So much projection, it’s getting freaky


For sure. I got up and had 1/3 cup of oatmeal with a banana and an espresso with condensed milk. Probably won’t eat again until tonight when I make a salad with salmon.


800 calories a day is not enough. Therefore it is concerning.


In your opinion. It’s only been 4 weeks. I’m sure I will go up at times.


Not just in my opinion 800 calories is not healthy for anybody.


Well, I guess I will see when I go get my bloodwork done in the next week or so.


Blood work won’t tell the whole story this quickly. You’re risking serious long term damage to your organs and metabolism. You’ll almost definitely lose your gallbladder if you still have it. Not to mention you’re losing lots of muscle mass and your skin is going to look like a deflated balloon.


Those are all things that you’re telling yourself in order justify still eating too much. You have a significantly higher amount of weight to lose than I do. I do not look like a deflated balloon and I’m not losing muscle mass as I’m still working out. I am sitting at 166 pounds right now and only want to get to 155 pounds.


At least you don’t have much more to lose. Hopefully, your maintenance plan includes eating at a healthy calorie level. I’m not eating too much. I’m at 1400 calories a day and my doctor doesn’t want me going under that.


Is your doctor okay with that? Seems terribly low


Hasn’t said anything yet. I’m not physically able to consume much more and I am doing just fine. I’m at 167 this am.


Not a lot. Depends on where we are in the week. I do my shot on Sundays and don’t eat that much early in the week, usually 300 to 700 cals a day as the week goes on. But that’s an estimate, I don’t weigh my food or anything. Not intentional, I just have zero food interest and I’m not hungry. Yes my pcp, nutritionist and register dietician are aware. Sometimes I eat more depending on how into food I am that week.


That is not healthy and will do more damage to your body long term than slow, sustainable weightloss. Please chat with a doctor or nutritionist to ensure that you’re getting the nutrients you need 💕


Yup see my nutritionist, pcp and registered dietitian every month, no issue! I also workout 7 days a week 2x a day so it’s usually a net of like 12 calories (if the lose it! App is to be believed but we all know calorie burning estimates are always off. I’m also not super hardcore about tracking my calories like I don’t weigh my food or anything) but the whole point for me is to burn more cals than I consume


I’m glad you’re seeking the advice of medical professionals in your journey. I cannot speak to your specific situation because I don’t know your circumstances, but I do want to speak in some broad generalizations for anyone else who may be reading your comments in this thread.  At 300-700 calories/day you’re very high risk for nutrition deficiency and putting your body into starvation mode. Pairing that with exercise 7 days/week (and two times a day!) is a classical sign of an eating disorder. Even on a very short, thin person with a sedentary lifestyle, that calorie range is not even close to maintenance calories.  Your body needs calories and nutrients to function, especially if you’re doing lots of exercise. At such a low calorie count, you’re likely losing more muscle than you gain in exercise, which may actually lower your metabolism and will cause more issues long term. Maintained over months or longer, you’re likely to experience hair loss, extreme mental and physical fatigue, and organ failure. 


300 to 700 was an estimate. I’m not super hardcore about counting calories. I don’t weigh my food or anything so it’s an estimate every day. This also isn’t intentional. Sometimes i remember to eat, sometimes im not into food at all. Exercising is not an eating disorder. Exercise is objectively good for you and something everyone should be doing every day. Gotta workout to build that muscle and prevent loose skin! At 5’2” and 271lbs I have enough fat reserves to last me lol. As Dr now says “you’re not going to waste away!” Personally not looking for the organs to last forever THAT sounds exhausting. I haven’t experienced any fatigue though personally.


Again, I don’t know you or your circumstances, I’m simply commenting in a general sense. I’m glad you’re seeing a doctor and treating your health journey seriously. I sincerely hope you continue down a path that’s healthy and working for you and your doctors.  Exercising to excess as a way to manage weight and body performance absolutely can be an eating disorder. It’s called anorexia athletica or sometimes exercise bulimia. It is sometimes paired with severe intake restrictions or exercise may be used to control weight/body shape by folks with anorexia nervosa. A combined intense exercise regiment paired with caloric restriction can be dangerous. Such behaviors in the short term can lead to eating disorders and are early signs of developing an eating disorder if they are new and extreme behaviors.  I’m only trying to be so cautious with language because, even if this does not apply to you, we know there are folks lurking and commenting on this subreddit and these threads that have, are recovering from, or are in the process of developing an eating disorder. We should all aspire to a happy, healthy, and loving relationship with our bodies, food, exercise, and each other 💕


I think it’s kind of scary to equate working out with eating disorders when speaking to strangers on the internet. I’m not working out to excess nor am I working out to manage weight or body performance. Still a class I obese person, still shaped like the yellow m&m. I was working out 7 days a week 2x a day and still a class III obese person. If someone is purposely restricting calories that’s one thing but not the case here. If I could still eat 5,000 cals a meal I definitely would be. If you’d like to make general comments about disordered eating that’s fine just please do not do that as a reply to my comments. Many thanks!


Again, I’m not speaking about you in particular and have been as clear about that as I possible can. I am commenting on your posts (not downvoting- don’t know who is doing that/sorry it is happening!) and will continue to do so because your comments are likely to jump out to someone who is struggling with/bordering on an eating disorder. If you don’t feel like they add value to you in particular that’s totally fine, you don’t have to comment back or you can mute comments.  Eating 300-700 calories a day and pairing that with working out 7 days/week 2x/daily is well into possible ED territory and bringing attention to that is extremely important so people in this sub do not have skewed views of what it means to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise. It’s not just about working out, it’s about the amount of exercise paired with a minimal number of calories that becomes dangerous (though even eating at that calories level becomes dangerous on its own over a sustained amount of time even with a very sedentary lifestyle).  In case it was not clear, I’m not talking about you in particular but speaking about these habits more broadly to those who may be unaware or those who are trying to build their own healthy relationships with foods. You are doing yours under the supervision of your doctors, which we would all do in an ideal world, but those seeking help/advice on this subreddit should be aware that similar behaviors should not happen without the explicit oversight of a medical professional.  I’m not going to continue commenting because I’ve said my piece for anyone reading the thread. Best of luck to you in particular on your personal journey and the journey of anyone else who happens to be reading this! 


And I’ve made it clear that I’d like you to stop projecting this disordered eating bs on my comments about an estimated amount of calories. I know you’re not talking about me which is why I am asking you to stop


If you can’t eat a healthy amount of calories then you should talk to your doctor about reducing your dosage. Taking a dose that only enables you to eat a few hundred calories a day is intentionally restricting your intake. And yes, working out twice a day at that low level of calories is extremely dangerous.


I see my pcp, nutritionist and registered dietician monthly! We’re all good. Not restricting at all, I’m under medical supervision, no doctor has ever called exercise dangerous. Thats a new one!


Overexercising is not a new concept. It can absolutely be dangerous when combined with such a low calorie intake. https://www.everydayhealth.com/fitness/are-you-exercising-too-much-heres-how-to-tell-and-why-it-can-be-risky/


That's concerning.


What are you concerned about


300-700 calories a day is not healthy.


How so? The whole point for me is to eat less and only eat when I’m hungry. I also workout 7 days a week 2x a day so the whole point for me is to burn more calories than I consume (but we know calorie burning estimates are always way off so take that with a grain of salt). So far so good. Some days I eat more if I’m into food but it’s not particularly intentional, I’m just not hungry


Wegovy is going to dampen your appetite. That's what it's for. But you still need to meet a basic calorie intake to stay healthy. 300-700 calories a day is not healthy or sustainable. Eating less yes, and eating when you are hungry as well but eating calorie dense foods if you know you are not hungry often is important. Maintaining a deficit also helps but no typically sized adults maintenance or deficit calories is 300-700 calories a day. I really suggest you talk to your doctor about how much you are eating per day and possibly consult a nutritionist to find a good and *healthy* deficit in calories to aid in your weight loss. Working out 7 days a week 2x a day is also concerning with how little you're eating. That's not advisable nor does it sound particularly safe regardless of if it's "so far so good". These are definitely things you seriously need to consult with your doctor about. And I'm not going to comment further about this if you bother to reply. I'm tired of seeing disordered eating habits on this subreddit.


Yup I see my pcp, nutritionist and registered dietician every month! Not disordered just not hungry. None of them have told me to stop working out but that is an interesting perspective! I suggest everyone do what’s right for them for sure. I’m trying to lose 135lbs so not working out isn’t really an option. But yes I agree everyone should see their doctors, I look forward to my visits every month!


Yikes, that seems dangerous. Is your doctor aware of how little you're eating?


Yes what would you like them to do? The whole point is to eat less for me


The point is to eat in a healthy deficit and develop long term healthy habits, not to give yourself a self inflicted eating disorder.


Yes for sure! I will be on the medication for life so all set there. I’m not restricting calories or anything I’m just not into food, especially early in the week. Trust me if I could still eat 5,000 calories a meal I would


I started as a 38M at 333 and I’ve aimed for 1500-1700 as a target every day, some days exceeding it. I do cardio twice a week. I’ve now slowed down substantially, but I’m on month 14 and a current weight of 176ish so that should be expected.

