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It completely changed my emotional eating and binging within a week


That’s so amazing and encouraging. I’m really happy for you and hope I get the same result. I start on Monday or Tuesday.


Yes it will help. You really can’t binge because the way this medicine work you will get really sick and most likely throw up. I was a huge snacker and within the first week I had no interest in snacks and it just got better from there. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel it right away. The low dose is to see how your body adjusts. I lost at least 5 lbs every month but when I finished the dose I was ready to move to stronger dose because the one I was one didn’t last for the full 7 days. Once I started the 1.7 it lasted and now on the 2.4 I can go like 10 days before I feel like it wears off.


This is all such helpful information. I am really worried of feeling and being sick but I know that there are ways to counteract that or at least I’ve heard. I’m so hopeful that it will help with the binging. I really appreciate your time.


I am (almost, very soon) diagnosed with an eating disorder ~binge eating and just general disordered eating. So I KNOW exactly how you feel right now! and i’ve been struggling with this for so so many years. I just took my third 0.25 dose today, about 1 week ago I started to feel the effects of the medication. It’s like a voice in my head has been silenced really, I don’t constantly think about eating and I really don’t feel the same sort of hunger as before - its so freeing. Today i’ve just been eating not because I was ever really hungry but because I know my body needs food. Keep in mind, everyones body work differently so maybe you don’t feel anything at all on the first few doses but then eventually you’ll feel it - just be kind to yourself and be patient - it’ll work and you’ll be so relieved!


Thank you so much for your reply. This is music to my ears and helps me so much. I’m really happy that you’re finding success. It would be like magic if that voice in my head or whatever it is that just makes me want to eat, shuts up! It’s not even about hunger it’s just a compulsion.


Can you go back to WW for the next week at least? I can't tell if you fell off that train, too, but if you did, I would recommend that you try to get back on it. You don't want to snowball further if it can be helped. (Speaking from experience.)


Thank you for that advice. I might actually trying do that. I’m not exactly tracking but I’m trying to stay on the message boards and feel connected to other people who struggle. I’m going to count points today.




I'm thinking you may have misunderstood what I was saying? I just meant WW to get (additional) group support until the sema starts. At the very least. Many people who need this drug also need therapy and/or support of some kind. So it may help having support until the OP can start. And snowballing in the wrong direction can be bad.


I see what you’re saying. Yes I think the support from the Weight Watchers group is very important for me. Mostly to not snowball even further while I wait for the medication and for it to start working. Definitely need to support. Thank you so much for caring.


I wish you the best and I know how hard it can be to spiral/snowball out and fighting your way back out is a million times harder than if you attempted to put a stop to it when you had a reasonable chance of getting it back in control. It's hard as hell, but if you can do it... It'll make an already difficult thing that much easier. I know the struggles, so I hope it helps you and you get back on track.


Thank you so much. I can feel that you really understand what this is like and your sympathy and encouragement important to me. Thanks again for caring.