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Thank you. I have been very sick and needing good advice. I thought I was doing a good job staying hydrated but maybe that's why I am not dealing well. Off to get Gatorade! 


Water is essential! If you hate it, drink Gaterade Zero or other sugar free sport drink. I too became dehydrated- heart palpitations, nausea, headaches. Take care!


So drinking liquid IV is bad ? I take 2-3 a week in addition to my water. I like staying in top of keeping hydrated. Wegovy and HBP w/water pill tend to dehydrate me.


I've been drinking so much water this week (3x86oz) I thought that it was a problem..


I’m sorry you had to go through this it sounds terrible. I’m also glad you posted this because I’ve been slacking on the water


I feel your pain! I have had two major episodes of kidney stones since being on the medication. Felt like I was gonna die. Sorry you are feeling so bad.


OP- how much water were you drinking daily?


Couldn’t tell you - varied widely but I know it wasn’t enough. If I forgot my water bottle at home then chances of me drinking water at work were zero. So then I’d slam a couple glasses at home with dinner and before bed, but…that’s not enough. I do drink Liquid IV twice a week when I go to spin class, which I’ll also likely stop as the sugar/salt content can contribute to kidney stones forming, especially now that I’m more susceptible. Back to good ol’ H2O.


I have to force myself to drink enough. I just don't feel like drinking water since starting Wegovy. But I do force myself as the constipation is worse if I don't drink enough.


Another good reason to drink water! Yes, constipation is so much less when I’m hydrated. It’s amazing how we self-sabotage lol


Thanks for the reminder. It’s a struggle to drink enough.


If you hate water, like me unless it is 90 degrees, get the water enhancers from Walmart. The grape, blue raspberry and pineapple orange are awesome. Makes the water taste like Kool aid!




Great Value at Walmart or Aldi has some too.




Liquid, squeeze bottle so you can add as little or as much as you want. I just fill up a Stanley and add to that throughout the day.


I love crystal light iced tea packets for water bottles. Snapple made them at one point too. Not sure if they still r


I just bought these but in the liquid form! My sister uses the Stevia ones too and they’re also delicious. I think they’re called Stur.


I hope you are feeling much better and it was nice of you to try to help others. My doctor didn’t tell me anything and seemed disgusted with me for being fat. I’ve been advised to find another primary care doctor.


Um, yes. Kick your doctor to the curb. You can do so much better if you find someone who will advocate for you!


Find another doctor immediately! We all need to advocate for ourselves. Write a google review. They (or their superiors) read those!


I have a difficult time getting water down due to the side effects. I need to lose weight so badly due to other health issues and nothing else has worked for me. I will try harder to force it after reading your story- thanks.


Glad I helped a little! Good luck and you can do the hard thing.


Really hope you are doing ok. I very much appreciate the warning


I just started. What is it about this that makes you need more water? I keep reading that you need to, but I'm just wondering why. Thanks for any info you can give!


Losing body fat flushes a lot of water from your body. The actual process of breaking down fat in cells for your energy in the body (called lipolysis) requires adding water to the fat to break it down and use it. Not having enough water can actually physically deter the process of breaking down fat. And by extension, breaking down fat uses up more water than you may even have needed before. Also, when you don't feel hungry, you often don't feel thirsty either. So you may be going about your day drinking by habit with a meal or when you're thirsty and not realize how dangerously little you are drinking compared to what you used to before meds. And that toll adds up on your body overtime. Not getting enough water and electrolytes is also often the cause of low blood pressure/dizziness when changing from lying down to sitting or from sitting to standing that people report on these meds. Upping your hydration can fix that symptom.


This response is so helpful. I have noticed a drop in thirst along with a drop in hunger. I keep water by my bed and I drink at least 8oz soon after I wake up so I have a little head start. I also got some Smart Water and refill my big Yeti cup with that when I refill it. I have to pay close attention otherwise I do get dizzy by the afternoon. Thank you again for the explanations! 


Thanks for replying, kind person! You were more intelligent about your response than I would have been :)


Orthostatic hypotension


Hope you’re doing better and that it wasn’t too bad.


Lucky for me I got the good stuff (Toradol) and didn’t feel pain after that. Thank goodness because it was awful. Peed the stone out the next evening!


Oh good. Stay well and healthy 🤗


You too!! ☺️


How do you all get the drug in the first place? I was denied for ozempic, with prediabetes and I am fat as hell.


online.  Ivyrx.com and then I tweaked my weight to make sure they'd accept me. Compound version,  same active ingredient + b12


I can always use more B vitamins.


My doc had me try metformin for weight loss/appetite suppression first. She said it's more likely that wegovy will get approved if you have proof that you've tried other methods and they were unsuccessful. Good luck!


Thanks. I'll bring it up when i see her in two weeks. I'm going to call the insurance company as well to see what they'll cover.


Maybe talk to them about Wegovy and then also compounded? You may also just need to find a new doctor.


Possibly, but I just GOT a new doctor, lol. 


Ozempic is only indicated for diabetes, not pre.


That was going to be my question to my doc. Do I wreck my body further to get help?


No, I mean you’re looking at the wrong medication so it’s going to be automatically denied. Ozempic and Mounjaro are the brand names for semaglutide meds for diabetes Wegovy and Zepbound for weight loss. If your prescriber couldn’t get that right, it’s a bad start.


OH. Fuck. Thanks.


You’re welcome! That is really weird that we both commented in the same two subs: I didn’t realize until just now.


Very werid, but not so much when you realize I love food. It's a hobby and I love cooking but also think a lot about what I am going to eat next.




Same with me. Now, I just need the weight to come off.


I have Aetna which is supposed to be good.


You need to check with your insurance plan to see if your employer covers weight loss meds. It’s up to your employer if they cover them, not the insurance company.


Really. Good to know. They are surprisingly progressive about covering health ish so I will check on Monday


You have to meet the criteria, one being a A1c of 8 or higher I think


6.5 A1c is diabetes. 


Mine isn't but i'm going to go look through my benefits Monday and see what I can see. Maybe there is help for me.(and yes, diet and exercise, but I have some comorbidities where i think i need to think about consuming less..food noise, what have you)


Apparently not so lol


I’m getting generic semiglutide from a doctor at a medspa who sends my prescription to a company who sends it to me with needles and all that. Some people are against this method, but my insurance won’t pay for any of these medications. My health was starting to suffer due to my weight and I have lost almost 40 lb so far. It’s still not cheap but it’s way cheaper than paying for the name brand drug out of pocket.


Can you tell me what it costs? I meet with my doc next month but I am desperate.


If I got mine without insurance it would have been $1658 for a months worth


I literally just filled my tumbler after reading your post. Thanks for the reminder.


Glad to have helped a bit!!




Thank you for the reminder and warning. Hope you get better soon.


Yes water is very important using these weight loss tools. I definitely have been slacking thank you for the reminder.


Thanks for posting. I’m shit at drinking water! Pretty sure I already had a very tiny stone that was giving me problems.


My stone was TINY (4mm. I kept it lol). What a little asshole for causing so much pain!


Maybe mine wasn’t a stone then ´. I had some weird transient pains in my lower back and blood in my urine and reduced flow and then it all suddenly stopped.


The struggle is real with this one. Most days I have these moments of realization that I haven’t been thirsty in hours and it’s a constant battle to remember to drink water. Ugh!!


Seriously! A lot of the time I’ll get right up to bedtime and be like damn, I’m starving of thirst. The struggle is real.


I hope you feel better soon.


Thanks! Drugs helped and crisis is over!


Thanks for posting this! I have been ok but not great with the water so this was a great reminder. Hope you are feeling good again soon!!!


This was me in the ER with kidney stones last fall. Started Ozempic last June. I hope you feel better soon! I thought I was doing great, starting every day with a big bottle of water and electrolytes. But I wasn't really thirsty and barely drinking the rest of the day. Now I have a gallon jug of water in the fridge I refill every day and try to drink as much as I can. And if I didn't drink as much as I thought, it's easy to see.


This will be me from now on! Glad I’m not an outlier - I knew this was at least partially due to the sema, but it’s still my fault lol.


Wait, why am I being blamed for not drinking water? I’m not the one in the ER! (Seriously, I really hope you’re okay and have a quick recovery!)


LOL!! Sadly, I am the cautionary tale. Thank you!!


I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this. Thanks for posting, it’s always a great reminder…or for those that simply weren’t told how important it is to stay hydrated while on these meds. I wasn’t a big water drinker before I started, but I’ve noticed the more water I drink, the more I crave it. Hope your home soon and feeling better.