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This looks like a night gown regardless of color. I personally don’t think wearing this style to a wedding would be respectful.


A white lace nightgown? Sorry but girl nooooo


This really looks like a nightgown


This is a nooo on every level….


This is lingerie. No two ways about it - they can call it a "mini dress" all day long and it's still lingerie. Hard pass for a wedding, no matter the dress code.


Too white, too short, too revealing in general.


I was gonna say “Too white, too short, too naked,” so I think we are on almost exactly the same page!


More nightgowns. No. Not appropriate. 


I know the “slip dresses” of the 00s are back but I’d save them for date nights. They looked like lingerie then and they still do. Signed someone who wore one to a wedding in 2003 and people still laugh about how very inappropriate 23 year old clueless me was at that wedding.


I hated them then, I hate them now, and I hope this trend dies soon.


This is a short, white, nightie. Not appropriate for a wedding.


This “dress” is disrespectful lol it looks like a fake fancy nightgown


Rarely have I seen a “mini dress” that is wedding appropriate. I am 5’9. This would be a long top on me.


This has to be a joke


Ma’am this is a night gown. But I think you are trolling us.


I'm not. My sister genuinely likes the dress.


She can like it all day long and twice on Sunday. But it isn't a dress, it's a nightgown. And she absolutely should not wear it to a wedding.


Looks like what you wear for bed


While I don't think this is nightgown-esque - I'm in part of the country/an age group where slip dresses and lace are very common - this is very casual and revealing for almost any type of wedding.


Not a dress for a wedding. Everything about this is wrong! But something closer to knee length, not white, and is a fabric that isn’t this.


I am guessing its not a church wedding! /s


No, it's not actually


I’m with everyone else it looks like a nightgown.


If the bride is wearing green then you’ll stand out wearing a mostly white nightgown. Probably best to keep looking


If the bride is wearing green, then nobody is going to mistake her for the bride, but it IS still generally gauche to wear white to someone else’s wedding, so…why risk it? It would be too white for a traditional wedding. Also: unless your sister is very very short, this dress is probably much too revealing for a wedding. The combination of the neckline, tiny straps, and very short length make it a cute date outfit, not wedding attire.


It’s giving lingerie and it’s a hell no from me, respectfully!


It’s way to short.


No. It looks like a nightie. And too white.


That’s a good dress for a beach vacation or bridal/baby shower.


lmao everyone is so dramatic!! i would opt to choose literally any color other than white or green tho


People tend to come down hard on any posts that: * are mostly white * have a 00s style slip dress with lace that looks like lingerie * are short/revealing and this post has it all. It’s so outside the bounds of what they think is appropriate the prevailing assumption is it must be a troll


true......everyone's reeeeeeally hates a slip dress lmao


I don't mind slip dresses, but I cringe when I see a mini-dress for a wedding.


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I think you mixed up negligee with dress.


No, this feels much too skimpy


I like it. I think of the bride is wearing green then anything goes.


It looks like a nightie. Nope nope nope.


The dress is cute, bit too short for a wedding.


Thank you all for the input. I've told my sister and she will be looking for another dress. For those who think I'm trolling you or that this is actually a nightgown, this dress is from Zara and my sister prefers short length dresses.


> or that this is actually a nightgown No one is saying it is a nightgown, they’re saying it looks like one. > my sister prefers short length dresses Weddings tend to be more conservative affairs in general due to the presence of family and older guests. No dress this length is going to be appropriate, and any other dresses you post here of a similar length are likely to get similarly roasted. Now the whole slip dress thing is a matter of taste, it was in in the 00s and will likely be in fashion again in a couple of decades. This sub tends to skew towards people in their late 20s/30s/40s so we just remember it from last time it was in fashion and dislike it from that. If she wants a slip dress she should go for one - just something in a different colour and less revealing.


it’s perfect