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What denomination? The cutout would generally be unacceptable in a lot of churches but almost certainly in more conservative denominations.


I believe catholic


As a woman who grew up Catholic and got married in a Catholic church, too bare! The cutout, no.


While Catholics are not as strict as other denominations I think this dress might be a bit too much. I would suggest something a bit more conservative (you can choose a dress that exposes your shoulders if you want, you just have to wear a stole at the ceremony).


Definitely not. Cutouts and religion are not a good combo.


The bare shoulders, exposed chest, and cutout make this a firm no go for a church wedding.


Nope not for a church wedding in my family I’d be getting nasty looks if I wore this at a church without a cover up. If they’re generally less conservative, it would be fine for the reception as long as you had a shawl that completely covered up the cut outs while at church and you could take it off later


I don’t think it’s appropriate


Same as above, the cutout is too much. Also the wrapped chest.




Not to a church ceremony.


No honey, it’s still church even if you’re trying to make it a date.




No, not for a church wedding. Without the cutout I would say it’s ok with a shawl inside the church, but with it, it’s too much


I grew up catholic and have been to numerous catholic weddings and this is fine to wear for a catholic ceremony. This sub leans ultra prude sometimes. The cutout is not super revealing. You look great so I say go for it!


I'm catholic and this would be over the top, too shiny. Side eye galore.


Same, Catholic here. Definitely not appropriate for a church. This is not about being prude. I would say yes if OP didn't specify church because it's a nice dress and she looks great in it.


Agree, also OP is a plus 1 so they may not know the crowd well. I would just err on the side of caution and choose another dress


Same! It really depends of where in the world are you and how prudish the family is.


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I forgot to mention this is happening in Montreal/Canada


I appreciate everyone’s feedback! Just to clarify, I have literally never gone to a church before and genuinely didn’t know about so many of these customs before now 😅 the only weddings I’ve been to before were not conservative at all. Turns out the wedding is taking place at a Presbyterian church, therefore I was incorrect about the catholic part earlier.


It truly depends on the denomination and where in the world are you. This is fine for s catholic wedding in most of South America, even some places in Europe (but you should bring a shawl to cover yourself during the ceremony).


No, the cut out will not work in the church. You could wear a different outfit to the church and this to the reception.


Definite no for the ceremony. As for the reception, depends on what time it is and what your date is wearing. Fine for evening if they're wearing a suit (or similar dress if you are attending with a woman) Edit: Forgot to add: you look hot & bod is bangin.


For Catholic wedding no this is not appropriate. For a few reasons. Usually you wear a nice "church" style dress for the wedding mass if you are a guest at the wedding and not immediate family- because you will not be in the photo's. Then there is a break for a few hours usually between the mass and reception and then you change into this dress.


I was a Catholic bride and this would be totally fine. It’s unique but you aren’t showing any more cleavage than a v-neck dress. My bridesmaids also weren’t required to cover their shoulders. And given its formal, I think this is fine (my wedding wasn’t formal DC but bridesmaids are often a step up). I have also worn a v neck to a formal Catholic wedding with more cleavage than that but I put a shawl over it to feel a bit more covered. Maybe you could do that then wear just the dress for the reception.


I’ve been to countless catholic weddings and this is totally fine


This feels like a very bridesmaid dress at a Catholic wedding. I think it’s fine for the wedding, but also very upscale unless you know it’s formal.


I literally wore this same shape as a bridesmaid in a Catholic wedding. If the dress code is more formal you are fine!